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S03.E02: Far from Home

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1 hour ago, Stardancer Supreme said:

Georgiou is Bae.  She is truly the Baddest Chick in Trek. Love her saving the day.  The Mirror Universe must be hella harsh if phaser hits to the heart only made Georgiou laugh.

Absolutely. She was Emperor Georgiou of the Mirror Universe. In order to survive in that role, you have to have a mastery in badassery and be able to just shrug off assassination attempts. To take from a famous quote from Street Fighter, for her, it was Tuesday. 

Given its conditions, people in the Mirror Universe may be more genetically pre-disposed for higher tolerance and leaders may well be genetically augmented and enhanced. I don't think ethics was a major concern there. 

Edited by DrScottie
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That was another strong episode.

  • Tilly and Saru make a surprisingly good team.
  • Stamets and Jet brought the necessary comic relief.
  • Michelle Yeoh was allowed to show off her skills and have some fun.
  • I love Michael's new hairdo.
  • I'm worried about Detmer.
  • Poor Gene (and poor Kal, had you made it to Starfleet you would have been given a red shirt).
  • Yay for addressing linguistic issues in time travel. But don't push this pidgin stuff too far show, I'm still not over all that Klingon from S1.
  • Parasitic ice was a truly scary concept.
  • Like Tilly I wish we could have learned more about this planet with its sky full planetary debris.
  • I liked how genuinely scaredeverybody on the bridge looked in the last scene - no stoic stiff upper-lips. They were in a world full of unknowns and the reaction felt real.
  • The confrontation between Saru and Georgiou was interesting. While Saru won on the ethics front there's no denying she saved him and Tilly. In a dystopian world she's the blunt instrument you might not want but still need.
  • Tiny nitpick: no Grudge.
Edited by MissLucas
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While I enjoyed last week's episode, I was definitely glad to see the rest of the Discovery gang here!

Happy that there wasn't any major casualties despite the crash, but it is obvious that something bad is going on with Detmer, which I suspect will be more than just PTSD.  Maybe something happen to her implant that the doctor couldn't detect?

Forgot that Jet was still onboard when they went into the wormhole.  Continue to love the banter between her and Stamets.  Tig Notaro and Anthony Rapp seem to always have fun when they are playing off one another.  Add in a hilariously frustrated Culber, and you've got no complaints from me!

I see that Rachel Ancheril has been upgraded to a regular, so I guess Nhan is going to continue to play a big part going forward.

Georgiou (and Michelle Yeoh) continues to excel at being the character who always takes things in unexpected and different directions, compared to most of the crew.  Despite the smirks and snark though, I do think she honestly respects that Saru doesn't back down from her, and isn't afraid over confrontation.  And she clearly has some fondness for Tilly even if she would never say it out loud!

I'm guessing this won't be the last we've seen of this Zareh character.

Figured it was going to end with Michael being on the other ship, but it was still a nice reveal.  I wonder if we're going to ever get flashbacks about what she and Booker (and Grudge!) were doing during what was apparently a year long wait for Discovery to show up.

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5 minutes ago, thuganomics85 said:

I see that Rachel Ancheril has been upgraded to a regular, so I guess Nhan is going to continue to play a big part going forward.

Good.  Apart from Pike, she was my favorite new edition from the last season.  Apart from Odo, she's the most competent security chief Star Trek has ever had.

Kal and Os'ir were Coridanites, which is a VERY deep pull for a couple of reasons.  In "Journey to Babel," they were pushing for Federation membership for Coridan to keep their abundant dilithium out of the hands of the Orions.  It makes perfect sense that they'd be down on their luck in a post-Burn future.

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I liked the episode, minor nitpicking to follow.

If your enemy is ice why is it hard for a starship to defeat? Boil some water or something.

Stamets risked his life to do something any able-bodied crew member could have done. Climb into Jeffries tube. Remove panel. Remove [TECH] piece. Yank old cable out. Plug new cable in. Replace [TECH] piece. Replace panel. Can I be in Starfleet?

Were all of the auxiliary craft disabled? Tilly and Saru shouldn't have had to walk. At the very least we could have had a line about the shuttlebay door being jammed shut.

It makes sense for a Starfleet ship to have some dilithium reserves but Saru is giving it out like candy.

I like the future setting but I hope we aren't continually subject to characters saying "wow, you really don't know your basic shit, do you?" rather than answering questions.

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That ending reminded me of the Game of Thrones episode where Jon Snow leads a group to capture a White Walker on the other side of the Wall and they were about to be slaughtered. It seemed as if the Discovery was being pinned down by a bunch of White Walkers after crashing on the other side of the Wall. Fortunately, Michael Burnham swooped in like Daenerys did to rescue them with a Valyrian tractor beam to save them. 

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So much fun!

I love Georgiou and I also love that Saru has to keep defending Truth Justice and the Federation Way because of her.  (Really hoping she tries to CONQUER THE FUTURE at some point this season.)  I am a little disappointed in how she handled the situation with the badguys; I don't think getting shot should have been part of the plan.  Maybe she's confident she can take a Prime Universe phaser blast, but this is 1000 years in the future, who knows what kind of crazy guns they have?  I was happier when it looked like she was going to talk her way out by being Galactic Empress/Queen Big Dick (tm Halt and Catch Fire) and just overwhelming Mr. Small-time Thug.

But that's just a minor nitpick.  I liked how fucked up the ship was (I do hope it's not totally repaired, it's a good plot point if they're kind of limping along) and everyone wasn't just fine after such a crazy crash.  I liked that they aren't able to be The Most Powerful the way Starfleet generally is in dealing with other civilizations that aren't the big galactic empires (Klingons, Dominion, Borg) -- like how Voyager was like more advanced than anyone in the Delta Quadrant for some reason.  I am concerned about Detmer and Stamets' injuries.  I'm wondering how Georgiou is going to use that one guy's vision to her own purposes.

Tilly does seem to be a subtly different character each season....I felt like she was acting as weird as Detmer.  Way more unsure of herself than usual.  But it didn't seem to be a "LOOK HOW SHE'S ACTING WEIRD" thing, just a different characterization.

Michael's hair looks so good!  It'll be interesting that she will know her way around more than the rest of the Disco crew for awhile.  I am really looking forward to where things go this season!

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9 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

Figured it was going to end with Michael being on the other ship, but it was still a nice reveal.  I wonder if we're going to ever get flashbacks about what she and Booker (and Grudge!) were doing during what was apparently a year long wait for Discovery to show up.

Installing a Galaxy Class tractor beam on that tiny cargo ship...

Edited by paigow
  • LOL 4
5 hours ago, dwmarch said:

Stamets risked his life to do something any able-bodied crew member could have done. Climb into Jeffries tube. Remove panel. Remove [TECH] piece. Yank old cable out. Plug new cable in. Replace [TECH] piece. Replace panel. Can I be in Starfleet?

Were all of the auxiliary craft disabled? Tilly and Saru shouldn't have had to walk. At the very least we could have had a line about the shuttlebay door being jammed shut.

It makes sense for a Starfleet ship to have some dilithium reserves but Saru is giving it out like candy.

Good point about Stamets, especially since Jet mentioned calling a crew member who's not currently slowly bleeding to death from internal injuries to do the job. But then we wouldn't have been treated to the engineering odd couple's bickering.

I guess Saru thought using a shuttle would draw unwanted attention - just in case the big ship hurling down from the sky had not been noticed so far LOL! I cut him some slack about the dilithium since he does not know about the Burn and probably thought the shortage was local.

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7 hours ago, Llywela said:

Saru is my favourite. I love him. I want him to always be Discovery's captain from now on.

They called him acting captain right? My guess, because they did not show us who Pike picked to be captain, is that it is Michael. I wondered why the would not just show that Saru was captain, so acting captain means he is captain until whomever is captain comes back.

Looks like Michael has settled in nicely with Book.

Something is going on with Detmer and I thought we were going to find her dead in a corridor from a massive closed head injury or something. Her counterpart at the next station knows what is up, so I hope we don't lose her.

I also adore Jett, and hate that she is still a guest star I want to see her every episode.


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1 minute ago, Arynm said:

They called him acting captain right? My guess, because they did not show us who Pike picked to be captain, is that it is Michael. I wondered why the would not just show that Saru was captain, so acting captain means he is captain until whomever is captain comes back.

Saru is acting captain because he wasn't officially promoted by Starfleet, what with all the rush and disaster at the end of last season, so his rank remains commander, but he is in command of Discovery, hence acting captain - using that title is playing it strictly by the book, like the good Starfleet officer he is, but Pike handed the ship over to him. He has been established as an excellent leader, having stepped up into the captain's chair on multiple occasions now, and has proved his worth. He still outranks Michael and has more experience than her, he deserves to keep his command. 

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I guess I'm in the minority but I'm not a big fan of Jet (Tig Notaro).  She grates on my nerves in practically every scene she's in. (I don't know whether its the monotone delivery or what but she annoys the crap out of me.) Maybe its because there are all of these crewmen on the bridge and on the ship that have been there since season one but instead of using a character that's been there, they brought in an entirely new character and feature her like she's the deity's gift to starfleet (well, not so much really) but I'm sure they could have used one of those severely neglected bridge officers.   I agree with @dwmarch in that there was no reason for Stamets to be doing that repair work except that they didn't want to pay some miscellaneous actor filling in and providing supposed comic relief and annoyance for me. 

I truly enjoyed the tense action of Discovery crashing on the planet and the recovery from the crash.  There is definitely something going on with Detmer, I wonder how long we'll have to wait before we find out what's going on with her.  The tenseness of Discovery trying to take off from the planet trying to break out of the parasitic ice was great too.  I'm glad Burnham and Book managed to show up so soon and that we didn't have to wait too long for the crew to be reunited.

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9 hours ago, marinw said:

In the Future you can grow hair quickly!

Not really. That is the culmination of a year's worth of hair growth.

I hope they catch what's wrong with Detmer as well.

I wonder how did Stamets rip himself open like that in the Jeffries tube?  I thought he was stitched up proper before Hugh put him out of Sickbay.

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17 minutes ago, Linderhill said:

I guess I'm in the minority but I'm not a big fan of Jet (Tig Notaro).  She grates on my nerves in practically every scene she's in. (I don't know whether its the monotone delivery or what but she annoys the crap out of me.)

To me, what she's doing (and what they WANT her to do) is McCoy.  

He's a character they've never tried to duplicate.  I think this is their attempt.  You don't need a Doctor specifically, but it has to be some kind of (allegedly) sage grump.  A champion of the human condition, but one slightly outside of it because of their personality.

Whether or not it's working can be a separate discussion.  But I do think that's the intent.

Edited by Kromm
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31 minutes ago, Kromm said:

To me, what she's doing (and what they WANT her to do) is McCoy.  

He's a character they've never tried to duplicate.

To be fair, adding Pulaski to TNG Season 2 to spar with Data was pretty much an attempt to recreate the Bones/Spock dynamic.  It didn’t quite work because Data was, frankly, a bit too naive.  Spock at least knew he was in a rivalry, and could clap back at McCoy if he chose to - they never really afforded Data that opportunity.

However, I would agree that this is another- more successful- version.  Instead of emotion versus logic, the Stamets-Reno dichotomy seems to be rooted in the age old scientific conflict between the intellectual purism of theoretical research, and the practical nature of engineering problem solving.

I’m curious to see what’s going on with Detmer- I just hope it’s not another Airiam situation, where we only get to know a crew member long enough to care when they are killed off.  If she goes down, Bryce should start lobbying to have his lines cut.

It’s really nice that they are utilizing the amazing landscape of this new world.  I’m not sure if this is still Iceland like last week- but it’s really pretty regardless.  If I were to nitpick, it’s a little unrealistic that Michael/Book, and now Saru/Tilly are traveling what looks like hundreds of miles, simply on foot.

Overall though, another solid episode- can’t wait to see what we’re in for now that the whole cast is reunited.

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Of course Georgiou just laughs off a death ray, using a death ray on someone is basically second base in the Mirror Universe. I love Georgiou, and as much as her Mirror Universe ways rub Saru and the rest of the crew the wrong way (understandably) she is going to be a great asset in this rougher new future. As long as they can keep her from taking over the universe and recreating the Terran Empire, of course. 

Great to see the crew, and as much as I like Michael, having her not around gave the supporting characters a lot more to do, like Detmer and Nhan, who I couldn't remember if she was on the ship when it jumped or not, so I am happy to see her. I loved the bit where she questioned Saru taking Tilly along on the mission, and then apologized. Tilly and Saru make for a fun team, his more stoic personality balances off her hyperactivity really well. 

Poor young idealistic alien, he might not have had a red shirt, but he wore one spiritually. 

So 88 people stayed onboard? I thought that a pretty small crew stuck around to go to the future, but I guess they cant have a whole show with a star ship being run by less people than can field a volleyball team. 

I always enjoy the Jet and Stamets odd couple shenanigan's. Come on though Stamets, dont micromanage, there are still tons of people who arent bleeding or were recently in comas that can climb around in there.

All of the space western vibes in this episode, complete with the showdown in the bar with the bad guy and his quick draw and his spurs, makes me feel like someone just binged Firefly...

Edited by tennisgurl
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1 hour ago, Chyromaniac said:

To be fair, adding Pulaski to TNG Season 2 to spar with Data was pretty much an attempt to recreate the Bones/Spock dynamic.  It didn’t quite work because Data was, frankly, a bit too naive.  Spock at least knew he was in a rivalry, and could clap back at McCoy if he chose to - they never really afforded Data that opportunity.

However, I would agree that this is another- more successful- version.  Instead of emotion versus logic, the Stamets-Reno dichotomy seems to be rooted in the age old scientific conflict between the intellectual purism of theoretical research, and the practical nature of engineering problem solving.

On further reflection, Voyager's EMH Doctor was also a minor attempt at McCoying.  He was grumpy, at the very least, and they occasionally tried to use him as a counterpoint to Seven of Nine (although it didn't really work).  

Reno works, I think, precisely because they aren't trying and yet failing to duplicate the original scenario too exactly. The different position, the counterpoint being less overtly an opposite of another species the way Spock, Data and Seven were, opens it up a little bit.  

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I love Tig Notaro, she's hilarious. But she seems out of place to me here. Every time she opens her mouth I'm pulled out of the show and onto her stand-up stage. I wonder if I'd feel the same if she were not already familiar to me.

Oh Detmer, will you just tell someone you don't feel well? Why do TV characters do this stuff? In real life, we'd all be like, "Man ever since we crashed I have not been right. Hey doc, could you run a scan or something?" They just need Culber to not find anything and let her go on her merry way and we could still have the same story without the character being stupid.

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15 minutes ago, Starchild said:

Oh Detmer, will you just tell someone you don't feel well? Why do TV characters do this stuff? In real life, we'd all be like, "Man ever since we crashed I have not been right. Hey doc, could you run a scan or something?" They just need Culber to not find anything and let her go on her merry way and we could still have the same story without the character being stupid.

It was quick but Dr. Pollard had actually cleared Detmer for duty saying there were no concussion or neurological damage and that she was clear to go. I didn't believe that either considering she took a nasty hit and was bleeding from the head beforehand. 

I'm not sure what the equivalent to the Distinguished Flying Cross is for StarFleet, but I think she has earned it multiple times. 

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6 hours ago, Stardancer Supreme said:

Not really. That is the culmination of a year's worth of hair growth.

Hair grows at a rate of about 1/2 inch per month, so it should only be about 6 inches longer than in episode 1. Maybe she got nanite hair extensions.

No Grudge this time, dammit! Would’ve been amusing if she was sitting on Michael’s shoulder.

I felt sorry for Zareh and his henchmen when Georgiou showed up, and was not disappointed.

Now if we could just get a snark-off between Georgiou and Reno...

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19 hours ago, Arynm said:

Something is going on with Detmer and I thought we were going to find her dead in a corridor from a massive closed head injury or something. 

Have I lost my mind? I am so sure that I remember when the shit was hitting the fan, that something happened with whatever alien presence we were dealing with in a console that zapped into Detmer's implants.

15 hours ago, Stardancer Supreme said:

Not really. That is the culmination of a year's worth of hair growth.

As another posted mentioned, hair typically grows about 6 inches in a year. Braiding hair makes it shorter.  Those are long braids. That is way more than a year's growth, so when she said "I've been waiting for a year, " my reaction was "Huh?"

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12 hours ago, DrScottie said:

It was quick but Dr. Pollard had actually cleared Detmer for duty saying there were no concussion or neurological damage and that she was clear to go. I didn't believe that either considering she took a nasty hit and was bleeding from the head beforehand. 

That's just it, it was too quick. I think she was focused solely on the surface injury and macro-level brain damage (of which there was clearly none). If I were Detmer I'd go back to sickbay and say "look guys, something's not right, can you please take a look?"


1 hour ago, aemom said:

Have I lost my mind? I am so sure that I remember when the shit was hitting the fan, that something happened with whatever alien presence we were dealing with in a console that zapped into Detmer's implants.

Now that you mention it, that sounds familiar to me too. Although I suppose it could just be the power of suggestion.

ETA: a theory, one which makes a lot of sense to me


Edited by Starchild

Detmer was one of two people on the bridge who were shown lying with their eyes open, and I thought Okay, those guys are dead.  I wouldn't be surprised if something else was going on. 

Tig Notaro may be something of an acquired taste.  I watched her Netflix shows wondering if I was supposed to laugh at what she was saying or not.  But in her show on Amazon Prime, One Mississippi, and here I think she's hysterical, and just the right comic note to everybody being so serious all the time.  I was disappointed that she didn't make the climb to series regular this year. 

Edited by Quilt Fairy
5 hours ago, aemom said:

Have I lost my mind? I am so sure that I remember when the shit was hitting the fan, that something happened with whatever alien presence we were dealing with in a console that zapped into Detmer's implants.

As another posted mentioned, hair typically grows about 6 inches in a year. Braiding hair makes it shorter.  Those are long braids. That is way more than a year's growth, so when she said "I've been waiting for a year, " my reaction was "Huh?"

Hair extensions exist today, never mind in the year 3188.

We did not see anything zapping into Detmer. What we did see was her sustaining an injury around her implant, which she received after a previous near-fatal injury. Her dazed behaviour afterward came across to me as PTSD, which could very easily have been triggered by what happened, after her experience at the battle of the nibary stars. But since the sub-plot wasn't wrapped up in this episode, it is clearly going to be a longer-running storyline, so I guess we'll find out more about what's going on next week.

Edited by Llywela
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6 hours ago, aemom said:

As another posted mentioned, hair typically grows about 6 inches in a year. Braiding hair makes it shorter.  Those are long braids. That is way more than a year's growth, so when she said "I've been waiting for a year, " my reaction was "Huh?"

Burnham: [to replicator] Hair Extensions. Black. Minimum length 15 cm adjustable to 60 cm. Execute.

  • LOL 3
2 hours ago, Llywela said:

We did not see anything zapping into Detmer. What we did see was her sustaining an injury around her implant, which she received after a previous near-fatal injury. Her dazed behaviour afterward came across to me as PTSD, which could very easily have been triggered by what happened, after her experience at the battle of the nibary stars. But since the sub-plot wasn't wrapped up in this episode, it is clearly going to be a longer-running storyline, so I guess we'll find out more about what's going on next week.

To be clear - I don't mean this season - What I'm thinking about is in the season finale.

The planet was intriguing with both the parasitic ice and the sky being littered with parts of another planet. Also wondered what the miners were actually mining

I did nitpick the ice and that the planet did not seem cold enough for the ice to stick around (like a glacier) and that Saru and Tilly did not have warmish clothing on. Maybe Saru's species can survive cold for a while, but Tilly would have been freezing without gloves or a warm coat. Unless the future has coats that adapt to any temp.

I would have liked to see the parasite in the ice - surely someone could have melted some.

One does not mess with Georgiu. Tilly and Saru made a good team in approaching first contact. I did like the idea of the personal transporter.

I also thought that the tractor beam raising Discovery from the ice would have something to do with Burnham. The show probably would not introduce another bad guy and drag out the premiere to a third episode.

Too bad that the helpful alien got red-shirted in a most painful way.

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On 10/23/2020 at 7:32 PM, Linderhill said:

I guess I'm in the minority but I'm not a big fan of Jet (Tig Notaro).  She grates on my nerves in practically every scene she's in. (I don't know whether its the monotone delivery or what but she annoys the crap out of me.) Maybe its because there are all of these crewmen on the bridge and on the ship that have been there since season one but instead of using a character that's been there, they brought in an entirely new character and feature her like she's the deity's gift to starfleet (well, not so much really) but I'm sure they could have used one of those severely neglected bridge officers.   I agree with @dwmarch in that there was no reason for Stamets to be doing that repair work except that they didn't want to pay some miscellaneous actor filling in and providing supposed comic relief and annoyance for me. 

I truly enjoyed the tense action of Discovery crashing on the planet and the recovery from the crash.  There is definitely something going on with Detmer, I wonder how long we'll have to wait before we find out what's going on with her.  The tenseness of Discovery trying to take off from the planet trying to break out of the parasitic ice was great too.  I'm glad Burnham and Book managed to show up so soon and that we didn't have to wait too long for the crew to be reunited.

I'm constantly hoping that I will see Tig raised to series regular. Jet is a character that nicely balances the overly important shenanigans that pour forth from Burnam. Tilly fills that role occasionally but I feel that Jet does it better. Others have pointed out the parallels in the other series for main characters and their foils but this seems more like a palate cleanser than full on frenemy stuff.

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On 10/26/2020 at 4:30 PM, staphdude said:

I'm constantly hoping that I will see Tig raised to series regular. Jet is a character that nicely balances the overly important shenanigans that pour forth from Burnam. Tilly fills that role occasionally but I feel that Jet does it better. Others have pointed out the parallels in the other series for main characters and their foils but this seems more like a palate cleanser than full on frenemy stuff.

nope, not me as I said in my earlier post, I just find her annoying and grating.  I haven't seen her act at all and don't feel the need to based on what I have seen.  There are so many other characters in the cast that we still haven't found anything about.  Heck, it wasn't until the second season we learned the bridge crew's name.  

13 hours ago, Linderhill said:

nope, not me as I said in my earlier post, I just find her annoying and grating.  I haven't seen her act at all and don't feel the need to based on what I have seen.  There are so many other characters in the cast that we still haven't found anything about.  Heck, it wasn't until the second season we learned the bridge crew's name.  

Meh. Tilly, Saru and the occasional exciting appearance by Georgiou are enough of the bridge crew for me. I dread the idea of Detmer and her cybernetic tech becoming relevant to the story. They are in the future - there is enough to explore there.

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On 10/22/2020 at 1:39 PM, Stardancer Supreme said:

I loved this ep!

Georgiou is Bae.  She is truly the Baddest Chick in Trek. Love her saving the day.  The Mirror Universe must be hella harsh if phaser hits to the heart only made Georgiou laugh.


I love her! Michelle Yeoh steals the show whenever she is on. The Emperor still rules! 
Did anyone else think Dr. Culber seem off?

Edited by LittleIggy
1 hour ago, LittleIggy said:

I love her! Michelle Yeoh steals the show whenever she is on. The Emperor still rules! 
Did anyone else think Dr. Culber seem off?

Dr Culber seemed fine to me, busy and professional, and slightly harassed by his boyfriend's stubbornness. Detmer's the one I'm concerned about.

1 hour ago, LittleIggy said:

Hair doesn’t grow that much in a year. 

Hair extensions exist today, never mind in a thousand year's time. Also, everyone's hair grows at a different rate.

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