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S02.E17: Bris-fully Ignorant

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Where is everybody? These are my thoughts from the Sneak Peek

I can't believe Deaven's stupid comments to Jihoon's boss. 

Brittany heard someone passing by saying "absolutely beautiful" so of course she thought they were referring to her. There was a couple walking by, maybe the man was remarking on the weather. Then she said something like "I'm not asking Yazan for a private jet, yacht or shopping spree ALTHOUGH I'M USED TO THEM!" I despise her. 

I'm glad we didn't see the sheep slaughter in honor of Ariel's baby. It was disturbing enough to see the poor creature being led out and thrown on the ground. 

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Just now, Angel pie said:

I can't believe Ari made "Baby" and Baby walk to the house while she rode. Seems like a new father juggling a parasol and a new baby would be just as, if not more, risky. 

And she sent Biniyam to the market to pick up some baby gear. Why didn't she have him get a car seat or at least some kind of carrier then. Oh wait, they don't have a CAR do they! And Mommy is probably bringing a stroller, etc. from the US. From the looks of that traffic, and the fact that Biniyam carrying the baby got to the apartment first, the car must have been going at a snail's pace as well as being safer than walking in traffic. 

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So disappointed that I missed this. I did see Britt though talking about the luxe in her life to which she has been accustomed. 🙂

I did see a bit of Baby's family talking about baptism and then the excitement overtook me and I dozed off!! ( I guess I am thankful I missed the goat?sheep?)

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Watched the 20 minute preview.

Jenny, TMI about you and Sumit's bedroom activities - because he stood up to his parents. 

Poor Bini had to walk home while Ari sat in the car. Yes, she did have surgery.  Poor sheep being killed for the new baby. At least we didn't get to see it. The hospital couldn't loan them a car seat for a few hours?

And then Brittany looking for Yazan to pay her airfare and to have a home set up and offer stability to her. Erm, he works at a fish market. He is not rolling in the tuna. You're used to private jets, yachts, etc.? Find a dude who can offer that to you and also put up with you. Life with Yazan will not be shopping sprees and travel and fun. Get a dose of reality. At least your divorce will be over soon. Someone saying 'absolutely beautiful' may have had nothing to do with you.

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43 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

Erm, he works at a fish market. 

Not anymore since his father fired him! Now he’s driving a taxi and working in a barber shop. 

Edited by magemaud
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As much as I don’t like Ari or agree with her choices my heart broke for her arriving home from the hospital to have to endure the sheep killing, sacrifice, that was horrifying for her.

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2 hours ago, John M said:

Forgive me if I am way behind on this observation, but I feel like I have finally cracked the formula of this show:

Working human marriages understand that it is partnership between two well adjusted, independently functional adults deciding to work together to balance each out with their acknowledged faults/weaknesses/strengths and capitalize on reductions in costs from co-habitation because they fundamentally value each other and they believe they are greater as a sum than as self-sufficient independent adults.

Unless I am missing something the entire premise of this show it is two completely dysfunctional non-independent persons attempting to stay above water by finding another drowning person to climb on top of and pretending that it is a healthy relationship because they have marriage certificate or will soon.

Like why do any of these people want to be together? It's not difficult to be in a terrible relationship or get married, the former involves a phone app and the later involves like an hour tops of paperwork. I spent more time getting my tires replaced than signing over half of my assets to my husband.

You summed it up perfectly- at least for this crew. a LOT of the appeal or attraction here, in my opinion, is the 10 minutes or even up to 32 minutes of fame. Also, there is pay involved, and although we haven't exactly determined the full details, you know lots of the perks are comped. ( hotel stays, restaurants, etc etc).  More than a few of these people are trying to launch or maintain "Careers" with a following. Even if they appear foolish, this show definitely gets them noticed and followed. 

That's my opinion and I am sticking to it.

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11 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Watched the 20 minute preview.

Jenny, TMI about you and Sumit's bedroom activities - because he stood up to his parents. 

Poor Bini had to walk home while Ari sat in the car. Yes, she did have surgery.  Poor sheep being killed for the new baby. At least we didn't get to see it. The hospital couldn't loan them a car seat for a few hours?

And then Brittany looking for Yazan to pay her airfare and to have a home set up and offer stability to her. Erm, he works at a fish market. He is not rolling in the tuna. You're used to private jets, yachts, etc.? Find a dude who can offer that to you and also put up with you. Life with Yazan will not be shopping sprees and travel and fun. Get a dose of reality. At least your divorce will be over soon. Someone saying 'absolutely beautiful' may have had nothing to do with you.

Having Bini Baby and Real Baby walk thru the streets was nuts, that baby (was wrapped up like a mummy in that heat).  All the things that Bini and his sister bought for the baby were fine but neither one of them thought about a car seat? They each have kids, right?  Why wouldn't Bini Baby give Ari a heads up about what would be waiting for her at home?

Yazan says he is working 14 hours a day to earn enough to send money for an airline ticket, future housing, etc...let's say Britanny goes back to Jordan, what is she going to do all day while Yazan is working? My guess is she will bitch at him for being gone all the time while she is alone in a country where she does not speak the language, customs and is broke.

If Britanny had men that allowed her to fly private, get expensive gifts (none of which I believe on any level) then why not go after one of those guys?  Yazan complaining about the way she dresses is just telling her she will not be able to dress that way in Jordan and if she truly wants to be with him then out of respect she should not dress like that in Palm Beach (the other Palm Beach not the one where the rich people live, lol) but she sees it as Yazan trying to control her and not as any show of respect to him and his culture.  Britanny is too immature to understand Yazan's way of life, has no empathy that his family has shunned him.  Yazan was stupid for thinking B would be acceptable for a bride just from the constant fighting, did he think his mother would really think she would be a good match for her son? Yazan does not seem bright.

The burning question is, will Yazan's father give him a discount at the fish store?


10 hours ago, magemaud said:

Absolutely beautiful? 


Once I saw that I knew one of you would capture that and post it! Thank you!

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33 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Once I saw that I knew one of you would capture that and post it! Thank you

You’re welcome. I thought it was especially appropriate for Halloween week. I guess Brittany’s mother never warned her that if she rolled her eyes so far back they’d stay that way. 

As far as Ari and the car seat, it appears that they are not required or even suggested in Ethiopia, but Bini should have gotten something more substantial to carry the baby in than that Moses basket. They don’t have a car, but they’re going to need some kind of sturdy carrier when they take the baby places. I guess they were waiting for Ariel’s parents to bring it when they came from the US. And I was very surprised at how casual the discharge process was from the hospital. The nurse comes in, and says something like, “You’re on your own now, go home, bye!” 

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7 minutes ago, magemaud said:

I guess they were waiting for Ariel’s parents to bring it when they came from the US.

Realistically, Ari will not be running all over town for a few weeks so maybe it is okay that they do not have a baby carrier and can wait till her wallets, I mean parents arrive.

Did Ari know that she will need to find a pediatrician? 

Yes it was a casual discharge process from the hospital, no instructions about coming back to have the staples removed or stiches checked?  Did they even check the baby's hospital bracelet against Ari's bracelet to make sure it was really her baby before they left? No wheelchair to the hospital entrance? Just a "here's your hat, what's your hurry," sort of send off.


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46 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

Was the birth free? No mention of any bills to pay. Ari is not an Ethiopian citizen.

I found this specific to Ethiopia info from the International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics: "Health centers should be providing maternity services free of charge (the healthcare financing proclamation), yet 65% still charge for some aspect of care, including drugs and supplies. The average cost for normal and cesarean delivery was US $7.70 and US $51.80, respectively"

Maybe Ari charged it to Daddy's AMEX card. "Such a deal" 

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On 10/22/2020 at 1:53 PM, magemaud said:

Why didn't she have him get a car seat or at least some kind of carrier then. Oh wait, they don't have a CAR do they!

I think of that every time the car seat is mentioned.  Still, that's probably the most expensive thing they'll need (after the car).

14 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Erm, he works at a fish market. He is not rolling in the tuna.

I try to not watch the previews or those "new" shows with bonus features.  It makes the "first-run" shows look like repeats.

Anyway, I thought Yazan's father fired him.  Does he have his job back?  Someone else hired him?

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Again, we are making suggestions and comments based on Western norms. Why should needing a carseat be important in a world that doesn't normally use them? I thought the scene of him walking was not necessary. He complied out of respect for her concerns. 

I feel sorry, and it's not something I do, for Yazan. Is it the lure of the television show or is he really that deeply in love with Brittany? there are tons of documentaries on Youtube that discuss the killing of offspring for not following religious tradition and laws. Makes me shudder just thinking about it.

Like other members, I really do not need to know anything about Jenny's and Sumpthin's sexual relationship.

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I didn't understand the need for the baby bath for Ari's baby since babies generally can't be immersed in water until after the umbilical cord falls off.  And, even if the baby could get a bath, why not save some money for the time being and use the sink?

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14 hours ago, readheaded said:


I didn't understand the need for the baby bath for Ari's baby since babies generally can't be immersed in water until after the umbilical cord falls off.  And, even if the baby could get a bath, why not save some money for the time being and use the sink?


I think Ari is basically clueless about what a newborn needs and she obviously didn’t bother to do any research. She probably is relying on her mother to provide the necessities. 

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On 10/23/2020 at 7:45 PM, ethalfrida said:

I just couldn't believe Deaven. What is wrong with her?

Because she can't hack raising two babies alone or living with her crazy mother, and I bet she wants a bigtime career in makeup and modeling. She hopes Jihoon is a fixer-upper. She's passive-aggressive in her anger, e.g., comments to the boss about J's past when Jihoon FINALLY gets a steady job above-board. 

I've sort of had enough of Kvetchy and Arhondo. The telenovela drama is OTT for me at this point. Kid is adorable, even though it appears she unfortunately has inherited Arhondo's jaw and underbite. I'm counting down 'til the honeymoon is over for Kvetchy having a 4-year-old kid live there FT, and they don't speak each other's languages.  

Re Brittany: how spoiled, and how bad is someone's narcissism, when two random people walking on a perfect day in a lovely FL park say "absolutely beautiful" and you think it's about you? smdh. If there were any inner beauty, that would at least be something, but no, this is a selfish, stone-cold b***h. BF tells her everything he has given up for hers (now homeless, no family, no job, despised, etc.)...and she can't manage a "thank you, baby" or "I'm sorry you are going through this...we'll work it out...how can I help?" Geez, lady, you have to compromise sometimes. Instead she keeps on drilling him with MORE expectations. I hope he has someone looking out for him there because if this were real I'd be worried he might do something drastic. Oh, and by the way, gurl is still homely as f*** even with the war paint, caterpillar lashes, and horse's tails.

About the Ethiopia duo, couple of ignoramuses. Pack it in and go home to Princeton, Mommy, and Daddy sooner rather than later and try to get the rando you picked up, and boinked with no birth control, into the US. 


Edited by Tuneful
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11 hours ago, Tuneful said:

BF tells her everything he has given up for hers (now homeless, no family, no job, despised in his community, etc.)...and she can't manage a "thank you, baby" or "I'm sorry you are going through this...we'll work it out...how can I help?"

No, instead she launched into a snotty, dismissive speech about "Poor Yazan" being the “saddest little turtle" and the only one who has ever had a hard life. 

Edited by magemaud
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47 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

Is Ari a vegetarian? 

I don't think so, remember she loved her mother's meatballs. 

2 hours ago, Tuneful said:

Re Brittany: how spoiled, and how bad is someone's narcissism, when two random people walking on a perfect day in a lovely FL park say "absolutely beautiful" and you think it's about you?

I would imagine the couple saw the camera crew filming her and stopped briefly to see if she was a celebrity, but I doubt if the man was mesmerized by her beauty. 

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21 hours ago, ethalfrida said:

Again, we are making suggestions and comments based on Western norms. Why should needing a carseat be important in a world that doesn't normally use them? I thought the scene of him walking was not necessary. He complied out of respect for her concerns.

That's what I DETEST about Ari.  

People get upset when foreigners come to the USA and don't want to do things OUR way; but it's fine for Americans to go to other countries and STILL want things OUR way.  Talk about ugly ass Americans.

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Great comments here.  With Ari and Baby, it's like they never discussed anything other than we're going to have a baby and after the baby is here...

Like the bit about the baptism- sorry but these things are usually discussed and ironed out before the delivery.

Just sayin'

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2 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Bini said, it's not a law in Ethiopia to have a car seat.    

Even if it was the law, most Ethiopians don't own cars in the first place.  I am sure the hospital doesn't have car seats to loan out to parents, why should they?  Here in the US, where I practiced OB for more than 30 years, I have worked at hospitals that had car seat loan programs for new parents, they charged a $5-10 deposit to use the seat.  Every time the program was started, the seats were all gone in a matter of weeks; people would keep them and then claim ignorance when asked to return them.  The biggest program, which was a state funded one, BTW, available at multiple hospitals, folded in about a year after the funds available couldn't keep up with the need to replace seats.  And many of the people who kept the car seats were privately insured and working and surely cold have afforded to buy one themselves.

Ari knew she was going home in a car well before she ever went to the hospital to give birth.  If a car seat was so vitally important, she should've told Bini to prioritize it when he went shopping with his sister.  She's been there a couple months now, surely she noticed that things are different in Ethiopia and babies don't usually ride in car seats and few people have them.  Bini shouldn't have been expected to know about car seat safety for infants in the US; he knew Ethiopian babies usually didn't use them; it was up to Ari to tell him why they needed one.

ETA: I've done volunteer medical work in Kenya.  Medical care is pay as you go.  The charity that I worked for charged 2 bucks for a doctor visit and 15 bucks for a surgery, which I was told was less than half the going rate in the area; but, since the average person made less than $200 a month; it was enough that they could afford our prices while not breaking the bank.  The idea was that there is dignity in paying for your medical care; even in poor countries.  Anyway,  I did some of the best 15  buck hysterectomies ever seen while working there.  If Ari had to pay for care in Ethiopia, it would've been a pittance for most Americans.  I noticed she went home on her second day post-op.  Federal law in the US entitles women to a 4 day stay after a cesarean here.

Edited by doodlebug
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Okay, I admit it, I am a baby and ever since my surgeries, cry at the drop of a hat. Combine that with commercials for the ASPCA and I'm a basket case whenever those commercials come one. Can someone please tell me if they kill a sheep, how long into the show it is so I can FF past it and not have to see or hear that? I understand it's Bini's culture and all that but I just can't handle it.

Edited by configdotsys
Punc-tu-a-tion, punc punc punc punctuation...
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4 hours ago, configdotsys said:

Okay, I admit it, I am a baby and ever since my surgeries, cry at the drop of a hat. Combine that with commercials for the ASPCA and I'm a basket case whenever those commercials come one. Can someone please tell me if they kill a sheep, how long into the show it is so I can FF past it and not have to see or hear that? I understand it's Bini's culture and all that but I just can't handle it.

I saw it in the sneak peek, and don't know when it shows up in the actual episode, and I assume the actual episode doesn't show more that what I saw.  As @magemaud said, "I'm glad we didn't see the sheep slaughter in honor of Ariel's baby. It was disturbing enough to see the poor creature being led out and thrown on the ground."  That's what I saw.  It happens when they get home from the hospital, so you can safely watch Bini walk home while juggling a baby and a parasol in stifling heat, but you should FF once you get a load of that.  

The people who are doing it talk about it, and Bini talks about it to Ari once they're in the house (he says they did it to honor her, but she wasn't feeling it), so it might be best just to skip the rest of the scene after Bini walking.

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Areola is so fucking annoying. She reminds me of a dopey blonde Marissa Tomei.  I hope the baby doesn’t inherit her pasty complexion. Bini is not going to enjoy taking orders from her for the rest of his life.  I didn’t care for idea of a goat sacrifice either but Areola needs to adapt. She should be very appreciative of his family. Unless mommy visits every month, they’re going to be her support system in Ethiopia. 

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I kept dozing off (for real) so I did miss a lot. However, I was wakey wakey when they were going to have the circumcision and she didn't feel comfortable because newbie Baby had finally settled down. I will get all preachy now- I know not everyone is ok with circumcision but if you are doing it as a ritual religious ceremony--- it gets done. 

Also, I understand that there is quite likely not a mohel t where she is in Ethiopia hello  to perform it, but it;s not JUST the actual circumcision- there are important prayers and actions that make it a bris.  I don't know if it has been explained, but bris or brit means covenant as in covenant with Abraham and G-d that on the eighth day of lie  this is done. So maybe she needs a bigger star of David because she otherwise seems to not know much about it.


Edited by Polliwollidoodle
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6 hours ago, doodlebug said:

If Ari had to pay for care in Ethiopia, it would've been a pittance for most Americans

I looked this up earlier and posted upthread 

On 10/24/2020 at 12:59 PM, magemaud said:

I found this specific to Ethiopia info from the International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics: "Health centers should be providing maternity services free of charge (the healthcare financing proclamation), yet 65% still charge for some aspect of care, including drugs and supplies. The average cost for normal and cesarean delivery was US $7.70 and US $51.80, respectively"


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Deaven and Jihoon: With friends like Deaven, Jihoon, you are better off with enemies. Deaven, it is not appropriate for you to go to a job interview with him and tell his boss that he was a thief. Shove him under the bus. He doesn't have a lot of skills and is not going to get a good high-paying job any time soon. Fact is, you are also capable of working instead of complaining about him. The wedding location was a disaster. You are in Korea, Deaven, and it's not the good old USA where you can have a party and dancing and drinking. The country is overcrowded as it is. Yeah, the 'runway' sucked, and you only have an hour for the party. You also did not say who will be paying for the wedding - the dress, the ceremony, the food, the drink, etc. Go to the US and have you 'dream' wedding. You want to be Cinderelly, but it's past midnight and the coach has turned in to a pumpkin. Not even a glass slipper to be found.

Brittany and Yazan: The divorce is final! Yay! But you are still in Florida, you think that people are calling you beautiful, and that you expect that Azan will work 14 hours per day to put food on the table and treat you like a Queen. He doesn't make the money to give you a life of yachts, private jets, and shopping sprees. You are not going to give up that kind of life with him. You face converting to the Muslim faith and life and it's really not for you, at least at your stage of maturity. Cut him off, let him have a better life.

Kenny and Armando: Kenny, please learn some Spanish. You have had time to do so and take a couple of introductory conversational Spanish courses, or even learned some online. Armando cannot continue to keep translating for you. It is also not going to be easy to co-parent Hannah. Granted, you haven't earned that yet. You two are strangers. Armando will spoil his little girl. She lost her mother and he has guilt and wants to make her happy at whatever expense. Buy her what she wants, etc. The bows and the ice cream were just a couple of dollars.  Both of you will need to talk about parenting Hannah. Right now, you have zero rights. Parenting will take time.

Ari and Biniyam: Um, Bini, before you took Ari home, you could have warned her about what was awaiting her. First there was no proper car seat. Yes, it is a Western thing. She did not feel safe without it. Granted, the two of you were totally unprepared for your baby's arrival and had pretty much nothing in your home. Ari had surgery, she cannot really walk all that much without pain. Of course, your home is only a couple of blocks from the hospital and you could walk with the baby. Ari is not really cut out to be a mom in Ethiopia, much less anywhere. You could have told her about the sheep, you could have told her about the piles of people gathered at your home. She is tired and sore and maybe wants a couple of days to rest. And then your family springs the baptism on her. Not sit down and talk about her Jewish faith and your Orthodox faith. Just pressure and more pressure. Don't know what the first vaccine was - maybe for Hepatitis?. Given how you talked to her and treated her, you came across as quite the chauvinist since the kid was born. Maybe find some good food for Ari. Both of you are parents. Ari probably was tired, stressed and lashed out at you.

Jenny and Sumit: Jenny, are you sure you aren't the target in some long con scam? You have been with Sumit for a while and he always seems to not be quite honest with you. There is always another setback. Now it's the wife claiming abuse and wanting maintenance money. Do you think she will go gently? Where is the $500 per month going to come from? Does Sumit have a job? Does he expect your savings to pay his wife off? Where is the $20,000 payoff going to come from? I would care less about dominating him in the sack and care more about my sanity and put two and two together and realize he isn't worth the effort. I'd be booking a plane ticket home and blocking his number or any contact info for him until he steps up, pays off all the money, gets his divorce from a woman we have never even seen and may or may not exist.

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Oh my lawd - Ari has got to be one of the most genuinely infuriating cast members that has ever been on any of these stupid shows that I insist on watching. She cannot handle one.single.second. of any sort of stress. What an emotionally stunted crackpot.

Mybaby mybaby mybaby... So the big Baby doesn't get to claim Avi at all as THEIR baby? Great - go be a single mom in Ethiopa and see how long it feels like the cool thing you imagined being a new mom in Ethiopa to be. And the circumcision that you now think shouldn't happen until Avi can make the decision for himself? So he's gonna cut his penis when he turns 18?? Seriously, this girl is a total nutjob and I feel terrible for that little guy. Hopefully her seemingly sane parents will step in and raise him. But then again, they raised her...so...

Edited by brewgirl
'cuz I didn't finish all my thoughts
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