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GH Elimination: Putting a Hit Out


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Ned or Mac?  Mac or Ned?  Let's consider the pros and cons here:




Ned is one of the last remaining Q's that Guza didn't completely destroy.

He's incredibly easy on the eye and generally has decent taste in women.

Eddie Mayne. (sp?)

Cute, though MIA, daughter with no spawn of Corinthii.



Brother of Robert Fucking!Scorpio.

Solid, long standing patriarch of show; caretaker of wayward and foundling children.  He's damn near Ellis Island.

Utter contempt for all things mobular, Sonny in particular.  (Technically could be said of Ned, too.)

While he may be considered an old geezer in some circles, I still find Mac a very fine silver fox, if a tad too vanilla.



Can't really think of any, though some may consider Eddie Mayne a con.  (I kinda do, but Wally in leather pants is a gift horse that should not be kicked in the mouth, despite the drivel that came out of it in the name of music.  But I digress...)



Decision:  Mac by TKO.  With Robby off in Genoa City, hopefully working undercover to disarm the borg and bring Dillon Q back to town, Ned squeaks by by the skin of his leather.  I mean teeth.  Yeah.  Definitely teeth.


Edited for clarity:  I meant to relay that the bell of death has tolled for Mac.

Edited by SomeJabroni
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(sigh) decisions, decisions...If I choose Mac, then he and Monica cant' go off and adopt some poor orphans to repopulate PC. Then again, if Ron is still writing the show, maybe that's a good thing.


If I choose Anna, there are no cops left. Again, with Ron writing, it doesn't make much difference since they're ineffectual at best. But at least Anna has the potential to be a bad ass.


Okay my vote goes to Mac.

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Yesterday I voted for Mac over Ned because I thought Ned's Quartermaine-ness should count for something after his whole family has been wiped out, mostly by the mobbies (and the mobbies mustn't win) but today I have been swayed by BestestAuntEver's logic so I'm voting for:



Edited by Mrs. Stanwyck
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Noooo - you guys, don't kill Anna! It's these damn writers, I tell ya! Real Anna would never take Patrick's side! Anna has to win so she can kill the writers for ruining her awesome character, and get her brain back, which Ron is holding hostage!

Well, if she must go ... Pretty please, Cattitude, can she die heroically, after finally getting a clue and going off to find and save Robin? :D

My vote today, with a heavy heart, goes to MAC.

Girl power and my love of 80s GH means he doesn't make the cut today ... Sorry Mac!

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I can't in good conscience kill Anna Devane.  I just can't.


I am wrestling here with Mac or Monica, but I have to ultimately go with Monica first.  Sorry LC, but your face scares the hell out of me lately.  I am that shallow.



Just to be clear I vote for:



Edited by mybabyaidan

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