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My predictions for tonght's show:

Iris's mother will be the big attraction, with her huge, friendly, frank personality. Keith will do his best to keep his distance from her (--because there are definitely some things he doesn't want to discuss in her presence)! But Iris's mother will prevail, and Iris's (other) "big secret" will be revealed.

[Cue "Hall of the Mad Mountain King" here:] 

Jamie & Elizabeth will have at least one huge fight, with lots of f-bombs and b-words c-words and maybe s-words. Then (of course) they'll have make-up sex, probably after "expert" intervention.

Greg will be happy around family, and Deonna might even get turned-on enough by that to permit sex again. 

Matt won't be able to come up with any close family members, and will most likely get into a fight with Amber's twin and/or other family members (which will probably be the only reason Amber declares they aren't having sex for a minute or two...)

Edited by Crazy Bird Lady
correct date
18 hours ago, humbleopinion said:


Look at Laura Deniece's hand on Kiki's paw, the matching yellow kicks, Jephte's new do...

If you don't say awww...we can't be friends...

Superficially, they're an adorable family.

Truly, the dog & baby are adorable.

But, Shawniece... from what I've read she gushes all over Jephte (who since he cheated on her while she was pregnant is pretty much dead to me) on SM but this is not reciprocated, unless it's about her being a mom. He's not in love with her & never really has been. He just wanted kids with one woman.

He'll walk as soon as he's done using her as a baby receptacle.

And he looks like shit without his dreads.

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21 hours ago, humbleopinion said:


Look at Laura Deniece's hand on Kiki's paw, the matching yellow kicks, Jephte's new do...

If you don't say awww...we can't be friends...

Awww, how adorable is little Laura Deniece. I would not have recognized Jephte except for the context. He looks so different without his dreads.  Good for them for buying a house. Shawniece fought so hard for her marriage. I hope both of them are in a good place. 

  • Love 8

With too much time on my hands I did a google search and.....


Amber Bowles really does teach Language Arts at Community House Middle School. Shaping the values and grammar of the next generation.

I even had enough time to look at the pay schedules for teachers, and could not really find a Column/Step combination that Ms. Bowles would be eligible for that paid $80,000.  She must be getting a hefty stipend for being on the School Leadership Team.

I had thought she demonstrated too many behaviors that demonstrated she was not currently a teacher, but I was wrong 😣

Edited by Liberty
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19 hours ago, discoprincessthe2 said:
This tweet contains a link to an interview with Iris where she addresses the question of "sexual maturity".

I read the interview, and Iris says absolutely nothing to convince me of her "sexual maturity" in it.  Like the audience, Keith isn't basing that opinion of her on her lack of sexual experience, but her entire attitude.  Even in this interview she says things to confirm that immature attitude.  She expects Keith to "break down her walls" by showering her with words of affirmation or whatever.  She sees herself as the princess in the tower that the valiant knight has to come rescue.  Barf, go back and watch your Disney movies little girl.  This man wants a grown up, not a Pygmalion project.

  • Love 16
1 hour ago, GenY said:

Btw, there have been a few teachers on this show including the cheater Jephte. 

Yup, so true.  The only credit I'll give him is he expressed concern over Shawniece's lap dance because of being a teacher.

4 hours ago, Yeah No said:

I read the interview, and Iris says absolutely nothing to convince me of her "sexual maturity" in it.

She spoke of being uncomfortable expressing herself sexually with Keith, on camera, because of her work with kids, so I'll give her that one.

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, Yeah No said:

I read the interview, and Iris says absolutely nothing to convince me of her "sexual maturity" in it.  Like the audience, Keith isn't basing that opinion of her on her lack of sexual experience, but her entire attitude.  Even in this interview she says things to confirm that immature attitude.  She expects Keith to "break down her walls" by showering her with words of affirmation or whatever.  She sees herself as the princess in the tower that the valiant knight has to come rescue.  Barf, go back and watch your Disney movies little girl.  This man wants a grown up, not a Pygmalion project.

She also said that basically he didn't romance her. We all have our love languages and when they aren't being spoken, the relationship goes nowhere.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, LillysPad said:

I don't think there is a crew by them 24/7.

I'm with you, not 24/7, but certainly in the evening and when they go out for events.  They seem to have a crew on duty when the couples go to bed at night.

Production seems to have an idea about Matt's alone time from his first event, and Poseur Cal certainly addressed his adventures.

Edited by Liberty
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6 minutes ago, Liberty said:

Not 24/7, but certainly in the evening and when they go out for events.  They seem to have a crew on duty when the couples go to bed at night.

Production seems to have an idea about Matt's alone time from his first event, and Poseur Cal certainly address his adventures.

MAFS seems to run this program so different that other shows we watch. Not sure why.

  • Love 3
16 minutes ago, cinsays said:

if they can show Amber pacing the room while he is out wherever late at night, they can show where he is at that time if they want to.

The apartments had cameras that could capture them whenever. The film crew isn't with them 24/7 & probably are human-like & even have to eat & sleep. 

I do think the couples get 'off' time, but it's not much. Matt's making the most of it of his nights sans cameras.

What I do wonder is, where are the cameras when Matt & Jamie don't come home during the day, or hours that they would normally film. Do they not have filming requirements or can the people just disappear for extended periods of time?  What's up with that, I wonder.

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8 hours ago, Yeah No said:

I read the interview, and Iris says absolutely nothing to convince me of her "sexual maturity" in it.  Like the audience, Keith isn't basing that opinion of her on her lack of sexual experience, but her entire attitude.  Even in this interview she says things to confirm that immature attitude.  She expects Keith to "break down her walls" by showering her with words of affirmation or whatever.  She sees herself as the princess in the tower that the valiant knight has to come rescue.  Barf, go back and watch your Disney movies little girl.  This man wants a grown up, not a Pygmalion project.

I didn't get that from this interview at all. I actually thought what she said was pretty thoughtful. She said that her role was to show Keith that she is open to building intimacy and his was to be vulnerable with her so she feels comfortable. She then says that he is not being vulnerable, nor is he sharing his thoughts or feelings which in turn makes her feel that he is not really in this. I think that's valid. Keith is handsome and he is laid back, but he is not putting forth much effort here other than being "patient", and the virgin story line has overshadowed the fact that he just hasn't been very honest with her.......

It also seems like Keith knew she didn't want to do the fishbowl game and dice game because they agreed off camera to keep that stuff private; so for him to then do a TH and call her immature was a betrayal of sorts. I wonder what the producers would have done if she had just straight up refused to play or had looked at the camera and said I think this should be private.  I absolutely think the producers on this show retaliate against participants who don't play along, and I'm not sure that would have benefited her either.

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, Ilovepie said:

I didn't get that from this interview at all. I actually thought what she said was pretty thoughtful. She said that her role was to show Keith that she is open to building intimacy and his was to be vulnerable with her so she feels comfortable. She then says that he is not being vulnerable, nor is he sharing his thoughts or feelings which in turn makes her feel that he is not really in this. I think that's valid. Keith is handsome and he is laid back, but he is not putting forth much effort here other than being "patient", and the virgin story line has overshadowed the fact that he just hasn't been very honest with her.......

It also seems like Keith knew she didn't want to do the fishbowl game and dice game because they agreed off camera to keep that stuff private; so for him to then do a TH and call her immature was a betrayal of sorts. I wonder what the producers would have done if she had just straight up refused to play or had looked at the camera and said I think this should be private.  I absolutely think the producers on this show retaliate against participants who don't play along, and I'm not sure that would have benefited her either.

I think Iris is full of shit.  She wants everyone to think she is so mature and talks all this crap but it doesn't convince me, or Keith obviously.  What she says did not add up to me.  WTF has she done to show that she's open to intimacy?  Nothing - In fact she has done just the opposite.  By harping on being a virgin non-stop she has pretty much sent him in the opposite direction.  She is so overly attached to that image of herself she has made him feel like he could never "break down her walls".  He knows she's not ready for a mature relationship (let alone a sexual relationship) if she acts like that.  Why would he want to "romance" or share his innermost thoughts and feelings with someone he sees as a child?  And IMO she does act like one.  I see the same immaturity he does.  I wouldn't want to enter into a mature relationship with someone I didn't think was up to it either.  So I don't blame him.  He doesn't want to lead her on - To me that shows he has character.  He has sized her up and knows she's not for him.  So why belabor it?

As far as the fishbowl went, I think the way she acted about it was childish.  A mature person that just wanted to keep those things private wouldn't be acting like she did.  Danielle amd Bobby come to mind.  Danielle obviously was very uncomfortable doing the fish bowl exercise and didn't really participate.  But then again she didn't give off the impression that she was Tom Hanks in "Big" either.  Meanwhile I think Iris did.  And THAT is what Keith was reacting to, IMO.

  • Love 9
4 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

I think Iris is full of shit.  She wants everyone to think she is so mature and talks all this crap but it doesn't convince me, or Keith obviously.  What she says did not add up to me.  WTF has she done to show that she's open to intimacy?  Nothing - In fact she has done just the opposite.  By harping on being a virgin non-stop she has pretty much sent him in the opposite direction.  She is so overly attached to that image of herself she has made him feel like he could never "break down her walls".  He knows she's not ready for a mature relationship (let alone a sexual relationship) if she acts like that.  Why would he want to "romance" or share his innermost thoughts and feelings with someone he sees as a child?  And IMO she does act like one.  I see the same immaturity he does.  I wouldn't want to enter into a mature relationship with someone I didn't think was up to it either.  So I don't blame him.  He doesn't want to lead her on - To me that shows he has character.  He has sized her up and knows she's not for him.  So why belabor it?

As far as the fishbowl went, I think the way she acted about it was childish.  A mature person that just wanted to keep those things private wouldn't be acting like she did.  Danielle amd Bobby come to mind.  Danielle obviously was very uncomfortable doing the fish bowl exercise and didn't really participate.  But then again she didn't give off the impression that she was Tom Hanks in "Big" either.  Meanwhile I think Iris did.  And THAT is what Keith was reacting to, IMO.

Iris’s “secret” was what made me really question her ability to be intimate on a mature level. That was the perfect opportunity for her to be intimate but not sexual - and she completely missed it. 

After her conversation with Amber, I’m not sure Iris will ever be confident that someone is with her for who she is after she has sex with someone. She gives sex a lot of power and weight - like it’s the only thing men care about and if they want to have sex with her right away (or you know, ever) they aren’t interested in the “real Iris” - only sex. I think if she ever does marry someone and has sex with him, she is going to be forever plagued by wondering if they are staying with her for her or staying for sex. Which is a pretty antiquated view of both men and romantic relationships.

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2 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

Iris’s “secret” was what made me really question her ability to be intimate on a mature level. That was the perfect opportunity for her to be intimate but not sexual - and she completely missed it. 

Yes, that too!  And you know, I don't think that if it was just that she was uncomfortable talking about personal things on camera that Keith would be acting this way.  She could have confided more personal stuff to him when the cameras were off, but she most likely didn't or Keith wouldn't still be talking about her emotional immaturity.

5 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

After her conversation with Amber, I’m not sure Iris will ever be confident that someone is with her for who she is after she has sex with someone. She gives sex a lot of power and weight - like it’s the only thing men care about and if they want to have sex with her right away (or you know, ever) they aren’t interested in the “real Iris” - only sex. I think if she ever does marry someone and has sex with him, she is going to be forever plagued by wondering if they are staying with her for her or staying for sex. Which is a pretty antiquated view of both men and romantic relationships.

Yes!  And she uses the virginity thing to avoid getting closer to Keith, so why do some people think it's his fault that they're not getting closer?  She won't LET him!  She doesn't just avoid sex that way, she avoids intimacy of any kind including emotional.  She is only going to push men away with that attitude.  SHE ends up being the one to reduce the entire relationship to sex by being obsessed with thinking the guy is only looking for sex.  And by doing that she sabotages the entire relationship.  It's like she keeps swinging this huge chastity belt in his face every time he tries to get closer, fearing that all he wants to do is get in her pants.  Meanwhile, that's HER paranoia.  He just wants to get closer to her as a person.  It's not all about sex for him, I am sure.  He seems like a more sophisticated and principled guy than that (unlike Matt).  So after weeks of having that shoved in his face every time, why is it any surprise that he gave up?

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IMO, Iris is an "emotional relationship virgin" as much as a physical one.  She has obviously never been in a mature romantic relationship, so someone like Keith scares the living daylights out of her.   That's why she is doing her level best to keep him at an arm's length both emotionally and physically by throwing up blocks with her constant harping on her virginity.  I still think she is full of shit about showing Keith she is open to being vulnerable.  SHE is scared to death of being vulnerable to a man she fears is too much for her to handle in just about every way.  I don't think Keith should be expected to be her therapist to help her work through this, so I don't hold it against him that he doesn't want to sign on for that role.  Plus even if he tried what are his odds of success?  She has more issues than even Deonna, who is showing signs of being self-aware enough to know she has to get over some things, and is working toward that.  She at least has enough emotional maturity to be ready to do this work and to recognize that Greg is worth it.  Iris can't even begin to appreciate Keith.  He's way over her head and she's too busy projecting all her dysfunctional beliefs about men onto him.  She also thinks she is a lot of things she is NOT, which makes her pretty much impossible to work with at this point.  She has far more to work through than Deonna, IMO.

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1 hour ago, Koalagirl said:

According to my DVR, Deonna will be on Wednesday’s Unfiltered episode.  I think this is her first appearance.  At least we’re spared Amber’s and Elizabeth’s rompers.  Pastor Cal and Jamie (the husband) are also on.

This should be interesting! 

And just maybe, Deonna will explain why she's never been on Unfliltered before, even though everyone else has.

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On 8/30/2019 at 4:56 AM, Liberty said:

With too much time on my hands I did a google search and.....


Amber Bowles really does teach Language Arts at Community House Middle School. Shaping the values and grammar of the next generation.

I even had enough time to look at the pay schedules for teachers, and could not really find a Column/Step combination that Ms. Bowles would be eligible for that paid $80,000.  She must be getting a hefty stipend for being on the School Leadership Team.

I had thought she demonstrated too many behaviors that demonstrated she was not currently a teacher, but I was wrong 😣

You don't get paid extra for being on a leadership team. I was on my school's before I retired. More work, same pay.

On 8/30/2019 at 3:48 PM, LillysPad said:

I don't think there is a crew by them 24/7.

At one point Amber said Matt only comes home when the camera crew is there.

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But Raven also applied to be on the show & to get #MarriedAtFirstSight too. He wouldn't have done that if he was in love with Amber. UNPOPULAR OPINION: Raven cares as a friend, but acting extra in front of cameras for dating clout going forward #mafs

I don't agree with this person that Raven couldn't still be in love with Amber and apply for the show.  If he's held the torch for her for many years and has "settled' for being her platonic friend he has probably given up on her by now and is actively trying to meet someone.  I was in a situation like that with a guy that was like a "Sheldon Cooper", which is why I wasn't interested in him romantically but if he was anything like Raven I would not have friend-zoned him.  I think it's sad that Amber can't see a nice guy like him in a romantic sense and yet gets pathetic and desperate over an asshole like Matt.  Issues, issues.  She needs therapy as much as Iris does.

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35 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

I'm not sure where the assumption came that Raven is, or ever was, in love with Amber.  We're seeing a lot of reasons why Amber has had trouble in relationships; many qualities guys would find problematic or even a total turn off.  To me when Raven looks at Amber it's with care, but also pity.

We don't really know, and I wasn't assuming that, just saying that we can't assume that he isn't in love with her.  I can't tell by his body language one way or the other.  The pity he shows for Amber doesn't mean that he isn't in love with her either.  In my own personal experience I've never had a straight, single (unattached) platonic guy friend that wasn't at least at one time in love with me, especially when I was that young and attractive.  

P.S.  Beth's guy friend that spoke with Jamie seemed gay to me.

Edited by Yeah No
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4 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

We don't really know, and I wasn't assuming that, just saying that we can't assume that he isn't in love with her.  I can't tell by his body language one way or the other.  The pity he shows for Amber doesn't mean that he isn't in love with her either.  In my own personal experience I've never had a single (unattached) platonic guy friend that wasn't at least at one time in love with me, especially when I was that young and attractive.  

I understand; wasn't speaking to you exclusively as it's been discussed on the boards by many.  Maybe for me it's that I don't understand what a man would find appealing about Amber. I don't know her, so it's just my own judgemental observation from watching her on the show.

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1 hour ago, gonecrackers said:

I understand; wasn't speaking to you exclusively as it's been discussed on the boards by many.  Maybe for me it's that I don't understand what a man would find appealing about Amber. I don't know her, so it's just my own judgemental observation from watching her on the show.

I think Raven is on the show and commenting because he is okay with being on television. 

If I was Amber's friend I would 100% be telling her to get it together and dump her basketball husband. Any other reaction would seem false to me. I don't think he is love with her... I think he is working a "get a girlfriend angle because I seem so sensitive." 

Edited by watchingtvaddict
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About an hour ago, I was driving along and a commercial came on the radio for Optima Tax Relief.  The male voiceover said the client's name was Deonna*, and she gave the usual spiel about how Optima had saved her.  The man made a point of saying that it was an actual client.  Now, I realize that there may be other women with that name, but the woman's voice sounded exactly like Deonna's girly voice.  I am not making this up.  I would bet money that it's MAFS Deonna. 

*The name was pronounced that way, just like hers on MAFS.

Edited by Ohwell
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2 hours ago, ShaNaeNae said:

This whole bit of Iris and Keith being afraid to do the fishbowl exercise because they work with kids is a nice thing to hear but...why did they sign up for the show in the first place?  Anyone who has seen this show knows they ask you to be open about how your sex life is going.  

I wonder whether they could just keep things secret like Luke and Kate did?


*cough*JAMIE*cough* 😏

Edited by discoprincessthe2
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2 hours ago, Ohwell said:

About an hour ago, I was driving along and a commercial came on the radio for Optima Tax Relief.  The male voiceover said the client's name was Deonna*, and she gave the usual spiel about how Optima had saved her.  The man made a point of saying that it was an actual client.  Now, I realize that there may be other women with that name, but the woman's voice sounded exactly like Deonna's girly voice.  I am not making this up.  I would bet money that it's MAFS Deonna. 

*The name was pronounced that way, just like hers on MAFS.

Are you in the Charlotte area? I wonder if Deonna is an actor, even if part-time.

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8 minutes ago, LilaFowler said:

Are you in the Charlotte area? I wonder if Deonna is an actor, even if part-time.

I'm outside DC in northern Virginia.  I tried googling to see if I could find out any information but couldn't find anything.  I'd be curious to know when it was done.

The male voice said it was an "actual client," so if he's telling the truth (granted, that's a big if), then she's not an actor. 

On 8/30/2019 at 9:33 PM, Elizzikra said:

Iris’s “secret” was what made me really question her ability to be intimate on a mature level. That was the perfect opportunity for her to be intimate but not sexual - and she completely missed it. 

After her conversation with Amber, I’m not sure Iris will ever be confident that someone is with her for who she is after she has sex with someone. She gives sex a lot of power and weight - like it’s the only thing men care about and if they want to have sex with her right away (or you know, ever) they aren’t interested in the “real Iris” - only sex. I think if she ever does marry someone and has sex with him, she is going to be forever plagued by wondering if they are staying with her for her or staying for sex. Which is a pretty antiquated view of both men and romantic relationships.

Iris’s secret was edited. The quarter got lodged in her throat and she had to have emergency surgery to get it out. 

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