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Jeopardy! Season 37 (2020-2021)

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2 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

Did you just call me whippersnapper?!?!


I’m sorry. Was that you on my lawn?  (Still trying to wrap my head around the fact that there are sentient beings who are younger than I am )

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5 minutes ago, SoMuchTV said:

I’m sorry. Was that you on my lawn?  (Still trying to wrap my head around the fact that there are sentient beings who are younger than I am )

lol...meanwhile, I just turned 45 a couple months ago, hurt my back a few weeks ago, and am now limping with a sore knee (don't even know how I did that one). Falling apart.

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1 hour ago, Katy M said:

I got the entire category of founding fathers right and the entire category of entertainment wrong.

I do need to live in an alternatue universe where Henry VIII and Catherine the Great get married.  That'd be a sight.  Neither one made the best spouse, but maybe they'd do better together.

I was embarrassed to miss Peter Frampton. I thought it was Andy Gibb.

Cody seemed weak overall on history, being the only contestant to miss FJ and missing that DD. I also imagined what if Henry VIII and Catherine the Great got married. (By coincidence, I've just discovered the soundtrack to the musical Six about Henry's wives.) And I thought, well, he seemed drawn to women named Catherine, and Catherine the Great was definitely fertile enough to produce that precious male heir and sturdy enough to survive the process.


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Three of my dearest friends all attended William & Mary together.  (We met when one of them subsequently went to law school where I was in college.)  We have toured the campus more than once.  Two of them became engaged in the Wren Building.  One of our running jokes is that I have such ties that I ought to stop correcting people who mishear me talking about my similarly-named but less-nationally-known university and just roll with it.  But as long as I can't hear "this pair ascended to the English throne after the glorious/bloodless revolution" and have their names immediately, I think I had better keep rolling eyes internally and repeating "no, no, it's in Lexington, on the other side" and so on.  Yipes!  I'll report back if they choose to disown me.

Not a brilliant game for me in other respects either.  Lots of "well, I know half of it!"  For sure I had Lerner & Lowe.  I'm heartened Alex thought the returning champ did although he failed to buzz in.  Just this morning I was ribbing some friends who are always telling me to check out Hamilton, Dear Evan Hansen, etc but have no patience when I want them to hear Show Boat, Cabaret, etc.  I don't think I could've taken a second blow on that front today.  Viva les revivals!

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I know the male deer clue included the word "party" in it, but a male deer is a buck as well as a stag. And stag was a pretty funny answer given the recent talk in Supermarket Sweep's thread about Stagg chili.

Anyone else get a kick out of AT bringing up Moby Dick during contestant interviews? I'll bet John wishes he were on last Wednesday's show.

I also got a laugh that Cody got to ID that picture of Hawkman after telling us about Comic Con.

Actually, I really liked Cody. And his DD bet was gutsy, which I also liked. Wish he would have won.

I said "flywheel" as soon as that image was shown (I used to work on my own car), and love me a good Robert Ludlum book. What am I saying, they are all good.

Then Peter Frampton ... oh, man, I played that album until it was worn out. So yeah, easy TS for me.

FJ was not so easy. I was thrown off by the Ancient World category. An Ancient World to me includes T-Rex and spewing lava volcanoes. I didn't know the dinosaurs had states, sentences or free meals. Because there is no such thing as a free lunch. (As I guess the answer found out.)

Edited by saber5055
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2 hours ago, Katy M said:

I do need to live in an alternatue universe where Henry VIII and Catherine the Great get married.

Someone please write this, and tell us where we can read it!

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I got Peter Frampton.  Frampton Comes Alive was huge when I was 17. Of course all that hair is gone today.  And sadly, he had to retire last year due to a degenerative muscle disease which affected his ability to play guitar.

I also got William and Mary, Lerner and Loewe, and Josephine.  But I also said Brutus for FJ.

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9 hours ago, GreekGeek said:

Catherine the Great was definitely fertile enough to produce that precious male heir and sturdy enough to survive the process.

I don't know that the women were necessarily the problem in Henry getting a viable male heir.

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On 12/7/2020 at 5:09 PM, Mindthinkr said:

       I was surprised that they accepted the answer of ventriloquism instead of Dummy. It wasn’t what they were asking for and you could see him look towards the judges.

I know, even he knew he should have been dinged for it.

23 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

Was Chuck Yeager struck down by the Jeopardy! curse?  Granted, he was 97, and I can't remember exactly when his clue was on, but I'm pretty sure it was within the past few weeks.

Sadly, Yeager is in my category of "oh, was [he/she/they] still alive" death notices. I mean, he was 97, and out lived all (or most, don't quote me on that) the Mercury astronauts.

14 hours ago, Browncoat said:

Of course I got William and Mary.  I'd have to return my degree from there if I'd missed that one.  And thanks to taking Physics there, I got thermodynamics and flywheel.  Other TS I got include Lerner and Loewe, Josephine, and Peter Frampton.  I guess Frampton was before their time.

Frampton was definitely during my time - but the picture threw me. His hair looked like Lief Garret's and I couldn't move away from that.

12 hours ago, saber5055 said:

Anyone else get a kick out of AT bringing up Moby Dick during contestant interviews? I'll bet John wishes he were on last Wednesday's show.

Did anyone else think his "celebration" for finally finishing was lighting it on fire? Just me then...;)

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I liked Cody and also what to know what is with the second contestant (John) in a short time having a Mohawk hairdo? Are they coming back into style? I really should have gotten William and Mary, but I didn’t.  I was able to come up with Josephine, Peter Frampton (saw him at Madison Square Garden and he was awful. His opening band was Dave Mason doing his Split Coconuts album and he was outstanding.), Ludlum. I was with Cody and said Brutus for FJ. 

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1 hour ago, Clanstarling said:

Did anyone else think his "celebration" for finally finishing was lighting it on fire? Just me then...;)

lol...I didn't think fire but I did want Alex to ask him what he did with the book when he was done.

This is not a novel to be tossed aside lightly. It should be thrown with great force. - Dorothy Parker


55 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

I liked Cody and also what to know what is with the second contestant (John) in a short time having a Mohawk hairdo? Are they coming back into style?

Two mohawks and two mismatched eyeglass frames (one of each on the same guy) in the same time frame... (unrelated, but I was thinking about my friend's wedding earlier (not sure why), which was a rather casual affair (her dress was white cotton eyelet and her husband wore khakis and a short-sleeve button-down) at which her then-4-year-old nephew had a partially-grown-out mohawk).

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That was an interesting game.

I got the ts's of Lerner & Loewe and Josephine, plus the dds of William & Mary and thermodynamics.

Instaget FJ because I had heard that story about Socrates fairly recently, although I have no memory of exactly where I heard it

Edited by Trey
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Perhaps they are to be seen with more regularity these days in some circles around Southern California, but I think mohawks and glasses with differently shaped frames are probably not coming into fashion in Mayberry USA.  I mean that in the most neutral and least prissy way possible.

I love the many tidbits added to clues here.  Those two wonderful witticisms about "Moby Dick" will stick in my mind and make me feel assured in my decision not to finish it either.

Edited by 853fisher
The knights who say...in. Accursed typo!
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5 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

thanks to taking Physics there, I got thermodynamics

I got thermodynamics mostly from fictional mentions like on TBBT or Stargate, but perhaps some vocabulary also rubbed off when visiting introductory physics classes to teach the students how to use the college databases for research.

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Instaget FJ for me tonight.  I love that book.  The recent Harrison Ford movie?  I didn't love it quite as much.  

Seemed to be a good game tonight.  I got distracted somewhere in the middle because Santa Claus came through my neighborhood -- twice, because of the way the streets are arranged.  Instead of a big parade where everyone crowds together on the street and watches it go by, the town is bringing Santa and the fire trucks through the neighborhoods.  The rest of the parade is a drive-through event with stationary floats set up in a big parking lot.  

Anyway, the only TS I got were Catch-22 and Hamburg.

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5 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

Seemed to be a good game tonight.  I got distracted somewhere in the middle because Santa Claus came through my neighborhood -- twice, because of the way the streets are arranged.  Instead of a big parade where everyone crowds together on the street and watches it go by, the town is bringing Santa and the fire trucks through the neighborhoods.  The rest of the parade is a drive-through event with stationary floats set up in a big parking lot.  

They always do Santa on the fire truck here, but it should be a little closer to Christmas.

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5 hours ago, 853fisher said:

Those two wonderful witticisms about "Moby Dick" will stick in my mind and make me feel assured in my decision not to finish it either.

I’ve been reading Moby Dick for several years now.  I will finish someday, because then I have Ahab’s Wife to read!

Tonight’s FJ was an instaget, mainly because I read both White Fang and Call of the Wild over the last year.

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Alex was right.  It was a good game!  I'm especially pleased that so many boards have been cleared lately.  An astute poster on JBoard noted that yesterday was the 13th straight day for that, meaning today was the 14th.  Let's keep it going!  I cringed a little when I saw the Ken category, because I think the clues are just too long and he doesn't do the humor well, but it all worked out.  They have been used more sparingly than I expected.  That said, I hope to be able to get behind him all the way when his episodes air.

FJ was not quite an instaget for me too.  A tensecondget, maybe.  I saw the Harrison Ford "Call of the Wild" too and would have been glad to take Browncoat out for a drink after.  I sure needed one.  Is there an uncanny valley for CGI dogs?  I faltered on the author's name but it came to me because London has several things named after him here in the Bay Area.  Speaking of literature, I was not impressed with "The Wizard of Oz" being accepted in the book characters category.  L Frank Baum's novel was "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz."  I'm sure there has been a film novelization or maybe even a reprint without "Wonderful" in it, but that's the hair I'm choosing to split today.

I knew a mackintosh was a raincoat thanks to "Are You Being Served?"  Our family watched two different PBS affiliates' runs of Britcoms after Mass and dinner out every Saturday for years!  Happy memories.  So are hours in computer literacy classes learning how to use the <marquee> tag in HTML and that kind of thing.  Just imagine this post scrolling across your screen.  Fun clues for me tonight.

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Well done to those who got Hamburg!  I could name several German cities but don't know much about their populations.  I focused on the clue that it has an airport, and Frankfurt was the major international hub that came to mind.  Was 1911 supposed to make me think of something that happened in Hamburg, or was that just matter-of-fact?  I'm drawing a blank.

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A TS/DD of Catch 22, one of my fav books. I'll never lose my mental image of Yossarian sitting in a tree. You can't get out of the service for saying you are crazy, because if you know you are crazy, you are not crazy.

Side note that a Doberman named Vendi Vidi Vici was a multiple best-in-show dog and ranked top in the United States for a spell not that long ago, so I easily knew that answer.

It's odd that parts of the answer are now routinely found in the clue, like "Long" was in the clue for "Long Day's Journey Into Night."

I have no idea why I knew the TS of Hamburg.

So a FJ clue concerning a book about a dog. Of course Saber got that one. I read COTW and White Fang when I was still in high school.

Did I see the Harrison Ford movie? No way in hell. One minute looking at a fakety fake CGI dog is an hour too much.

Edited by saber5055
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3 hours ago, 853fisher said:

Well done to those who got Hamburg!  I could name several German cities but don't know much about their populations.  I focused on the clue that it has an airport, and Frankfurt was the major international hub that came to mind.  Was 1911 supposed to make me think of something that happened in Hamburg, or was that just matter-of-fact?  I'm drawing a blank.

I knew nothing about what that clue was actually asking, I just thought “German city, -burg? Hamburg.” Then I thought maybe there were other German -burgs that fit the clue and Hamburg would be the obvious-but-wrong choice, so not sure if I would have rang in if I were on the show.

Very pleased with the winner tonight! I always like when a player goes straight for the theatre clues.

Edited by Cotypubby
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36 minutes ago, Cotypubby said:

I knew nothing about what that clue was actually asking, I just thought “German city, -burg? Hamburg.” Then I thought maybe there were other German -burgs that fit the clue and Hamburg would be the obvious-but-wrong choice, so not sure if I would have rang in if I were on the show.

Oh, that's right!  "Burgtonville."  RTC.  Remember the category!  Thanks, I'm with the program now. 😉 

Edited by 853fisher
added my lost space
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I got inexcusable and Helen Mirren, and guessed on Hamburg. I read CoTW a long time ago, but recalled FJ chiefly from the verse version in Shrinklits, summaries in rhyme of classic books and plays. (That should be a J! category!) Here's the last verse:

Wolfish, howling,


Scary! He will

Drive you wild.

You should read it

As a child.

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My brother & I had the "Classics Illustrated" comic books of both CotW and Moby Dick.  It took me 3 years to get through the real book of Moby. I don't know why I felt I had to read it to the end.  Just downloaded CotW to my Kindle, after I saw the movie. I didn't mind CGI dog, as long as they don't do CGI Harrison Ford.

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13 hours ago, ams1001 said:

Got all the books and computer languages and most of English counties...

FJ was instaget.  Awooo!

dog howl GIF

Me too, I was quite pleased with myself. But to be fair, since I've worked in computers my entire adult life, those were a no brainer for me (except python - had to think about that one, but got it in time)

11 hours ago, zoey1996 said:

I’ve been reading Moby Dick for several years now.  I will finish someday, because then I have Ahab’s Wife to read!

I read Ahab's Wife years ago, I recall liking it quite a bit. I have never read Moby Dick.  The book stood on it's own, because I knew the basic plot - but I'm sure I missed some things because of it.

11 hours ago, 853fisher said:

Is there an uncanny valley for CGI dogs?

As I recall, fur, in particular, is difficult to CGI. I don't know if there's an official uncanny valley - but I think there is.

2 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

My brother & I had the "Classics Illustrated" comic books of both CotW and Moby Dick.  It took me 3 years to get through the real book of Moby. I don't know why I felt I had to read it to the end.  Just downloaded CotW to my Kindle, after I saw the movie. I didn't mind CGI dog, as long as they don't do CGI Harrison Ford.

Loved my "Classics Illustrated." It's a shame they don't have them anymore. Much better than Cliff's Notes 😉 Les Miserable is the one I remember the most. I can still see the cover. None of my friends wanted to trade for the Classics Illustrated, though. 😞 (we all traded our comic books, so we didn't have to buy as many)

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12 hours ago, 853fisher said:

Speaking of literature, I was not impressed with "The Wizard of Oz" being accepted in the book characters category.  L Frank Baum's novel was "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz." 

I thought the clue was looking for the name of the character, not the book?

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1 hour ago, theatremouse said:

I thought the clue was looking for the name of the character, not the book?

IIRC the category was “People of the Book” and other correct responses were “The Outsiders,” “Catch-22,” etc. But maybe I’m mistaken. It would be just like me to be up in arms about the judges when I coulda had a V8 instead, as they say. 😉

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3 minutes ago, 853fisher said:

IIRC the category was “People of the Book” and other correct responses were “The Outsiders,” “Catch-22,” etc. But maybe I’m mistaken. It would be just like me to be up in arms about the judges when I coulda had a V8 instead, as they say. 😉

You're correct. The category was "People of the book".

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14 hours ago, 853fisher said:

 I'm sure there has been a film novelization or maybe even a reprint without "Wonderful" in it, but that's the hair I'm choosing to split today.

I had the same reaction, but you are correct here - the first four results when I searched on bn.com were titled The Wizard of Oz. (Wikipedia's entry for the book also says "It has since seen several reprints, most often under the title The Wizard of Oz.")

1 hour ago, theatremouse said:

I thought the clue was looking for the name of the character, not the book?

The clue was "Dorothy, Aunt Em" and they wanted the book title.

I was half expecting a Bible-related category with the same name in DJ (since they like to do stuff like that).

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17 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

I had the same reaction, but you are correct here - the first four results when I searched on bn.com were titled The Wizard of Oz. (Wikipedia's entry for the book also says "It has since seen several reprints, most often under the title The Wizard of Oz.")

Kids these days!  Too busy on their GameBoys to complete their novel titles anymore.  * shakes fist at whippersnappers on lawn *

Edited by 853fisher
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5 hours ago, Browncoat said:

I said gymnosperm instead of conifer -- I wonder if they would have given it to me?  All conifers are gymnosperms, but not all gymnosperms are conifers.

I think you might have gotten a bms on that.

7 hours ago, ams1001 said:

How have I never heard of this? Just read Beowulf. Love it! 

I love it too!  Will have to read more books there.

eta Amazon does not have it in Kindle store🙁

Another good game.

I got the ts's of Catch 22, Helen Mirren, and Mirror.

Instaget FJ.

Edited by Trey
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Got all the the cute animals and literature. 🙂 

No FJ.

When Alex was trying to give the guy a chance to say "12 Apostles" I was yelling at my TV, the clue says dozen!!! How many are in a dozen??!!

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Geograhy strikes again.  I said Serajevo discarded that and then said  Bucharest, but I was fairly certain both were wrong.

I got the TS of seedless, Pakistan, Mather and Jimi Hendrix.  

I got the entire categories of SS, roads and Leos right.

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I'm glad they came back and gave the guy a correct for Apostles.  I figured out what Alex was going for with his BMS, but it shouldn't have been necessary with dozen in the clue.  

I got that, though, along with seedless and straw hat.  I'm sure Minnie Pearl was before their time.  Howdeeee!

I confidently said Budapest for FJ, then saw the date of 1993 and just could not come up with the right country, much less the right city.  Salzburg was an interesting guess, considering that it is not a national capital.

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11 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

Me too, I was quite pleased with myself. But to be fair, since I've worked in computers my entire adult life, those were a no brainer for me (except python - had to think about that one, but got it in time)

In high school, I worked in a library and I remember shelving all of the coding books (000s in the Dewey decimal system). That's how I was able to run the category! Didn't read the books, and I'm actually very dumb when it comes to coding, but I did remember the titles.

1 hour ago, ams1001 said:

When Alex was trying to give the guy a chance to say "12 Apostles" I was yelling at my TV, the clue says dozen!!! How many are in a dozen??!!

I figured out that he wanted 12, but it made no sense to me since 'dozen' was specified in the clue. I was so confused that '12' was required - it really threw me for a loop, and I can only imagine how much it would have affected me as a contestant. Then again, I would never make it onto Jeopardy, so maybe it's just me.

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I like Kendra and am pleased she repeated, but Becca endeared herself to me immediately by appearing to be chuckling all the way through her intro.  She just looked like she was having the time of her life.

I just barely got "Prince of Darkness" in before Gabriel said it.  My lizard brain autocompleted the prompt "Prince of Tides" and found that much funnier than it should have been in reference to Satan.

I won't be able to finish dinner until I know whether saber got "spaniel" for that gorgeous dog.  In 2020, let something be constant!  I was looking for a work friend's dog and found three other spaniels on Instagram first.  A capital evening!

I said Sarajevo for FJ too.  Apparently it is on the Miljacka, not the Danube.  File that away.  "Zlata's Diary" is the recollections of a young girl during the Bosnian War.  They have stuck with me since school.  She's a documentarian now.  Highly recommend!

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I made a note to complain about the 12 Apostles having "dozen" in its clue, just like yesterday when "Long" was in the clue for Long Day's Journey Into Night. What's up with that happening so often.

I think Minnie Pearl's hat was a TS because no one could think of an official name for a straw hat. That was my problem too. I can clearly picture Minnie in her yellow straw hat with flowers on it and a price tag hanging down on its right side. But what's the NAME of the hat ... bowler, derby, fedora ... go figure that it would just be a plain old STRAW HAT. And what about boater, it looks like a boater hat. Or sailor hat. Conclusion: Not a good clue.

I got Beat Shazam and The Day of the Locust, and no way in h.e.l.l. I would ever have gotten FJ.

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2 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

I think Minnie Pearl's hat was a TS because no one could think of an official name for a straw hat. That was my problem too. I can clearly picture Minnie in her yellow straw hat with flowers on it and a price tag hanging down on its right side. But what's the NAME of the hat ... bowler, derby, fedora ... go figure that it would just be a plain old STRAW HAT. And what about boater, it looks like a boater hat. Or sailor hat. Conclusion: Not a good clue.

I felt the same way.  I could picture her and the hat but thought it might have a particular name.  Not sure I would've risked it.  Halfway through the clue I thought they were going to ask for "price tag."

"Beat Shazam" and BankAmericard were negbait I smelled coming, I forgot to say.

Edited by 853fisher
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Just now, 853fisher said:

I won't be able to finish dinner until I know whether saber got "spaniel" for that gorgeous dog.

LOL! Go ahead and eat. As soon as the pic came up, I said, oh, a King Charles. And of course it's a spaniel. I just wish this show would get better dog pictures because that King Charles had legs that were WAY too long. This is what one is suppose to look like:


Side note: The Cavalier King Charles is a toy dog, not a hunting spaniel, a lap spaniel. Meanwhile, the sporting spaniels (Field, Clumber, Sussex, English and American Cocker Spaniels) are out working for a living.

Baxter appears to be a popular CKC name.

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