peachmangosteen September 6, 2020 Share September 6, 2020 Quote BB Basement Competition and Nominations Link to comment
Suzysite September 7, 2020 Share September 7, 2020 Geez, Christmas, if you make the move you need to own it. Weeping like a baby is weak. Breaking up a strong alliance is not a bad thing 12 Link to comment
Callaphera September 7, 2020 Share September 7, 2020 David? Fucking David won the power? He doesn't even know where he is! I think he got lost looking for the Price is Right set! 2020, man. 12 3 Link to comment
Melina22 September 7, 2020 Share September 7, 2020 Maybe there's something wrong with me but I laughed harder at the basement comp than I have since what's her name got stuck in honey years ago. I had to keep rewinding because I was laughing so hard I couldn't see or hear. I'm not sure which was funnier, the pile-up in the goo, pantsless Nicole, or David's expression when he was throwing popcorn in air in celebration. I seriously need this comp playing on a loop for whenever I feel down. 6 9 Link to comment
Cherry Cola September 7, 2020 Share September 7, 2020 Was Christmas crying just an act? I wish she had nommed Dani. She seems so vile. Nicole losing her pants was the best part of the episode. 7 Link to comment
mojoween September 7, 2020 Share September 7, 2020 Fuck off, Christmas. Weepy brat. Did she not notice when Enzo was naming his litany of people who have to go that they were all women? Oh, it’s Christmas, of course she didn’t. 15 Link to comment
Popular Post leocadia September 7, 2020 Popular Post Share September 7, 2020 (edited) Wow, this episode dragged. I don’t know why I continue to watch, these people suck. Christmas: It takes a real comp beast to stand at a podium and fail to answer a question. Great job on that “win”. I’m glad your power is stupid. Dani: There’s a word for your “truth”, it’s called a LIE. Bay had a perfectly sound answer for why she had a problem with you. Despite what you told Seasons Greetings, you were the one turning it around on her when you asked why she didn’t come to you. Glad your power sucks even more than Christmas's Tyler: Bay specifically said she wasn’t going to blow up your game. Way to overreact. Also, your hair is stupid. Enzo’s T-shirt: I could understand The Brigade or even The Bro-gade, but “Bra-gade” sounds like a women’s alliance. Dani’s T-shirt: If plants are your friends, why do you proselytize about eating them? Wait, nevermind, you probably see nothing wrong with eating your friends. Christmas: Putting up Bay would be bad for my game. Also Christmas: Puts up Bay and cries about it. Edited September 7, 2020 by leocadia extra crap given to Dani 6 21 Link to comment
willco September 7, 2020 Share September 7, 2020 1 hour ago, Melina22 said: Maybe there's something wrong with me but I laughed harder at the basement comp than I have since what's her name got stuck in honey years ago. I had to keep rewinding because I was laughing so hard I couldn't see or hear. I'm not sure which was funnier, the pile-up in the goo, pantsless Nicole, or David's expression when he was throwing popcorn in air in celebration. I seriously need this comp playing on a loop for whenever I feel down. I don't think there's anything wrong with you, because I was laughing too ! ( Or perhaps there's something wrong in both our heads, IDK.) No, it was funny ! I was have felt bad if someone had really gotten hurt but the rest of it was hilarious. Nicole was so worried about losing her pants- why ?? No one could see anything anyway ! I really hope someone screws up the noms big time-- the power group needs a good swift kick in it's ass. 1 6 Link to comment
Samwise979 September 7, 2020 Share September 7, 2020 "Competition Christmas is here!" She literally went last and then just stood there when Day got the wrong answer 🙄 You know how when you watch a show or movie and then a twist ending happens but the twist doesn't make sense because of the character's actions ... Ok, idk how to explain this properly so I'll use an example. Gossip Girl (****spoiler alert***) Dan Humphrey is Gossip Girl but, that doesn't really make any sense since in scenes alone (or with Jenny who supposedly knew) he acts like he has no idea who Gossip Girl could be and as the audience, you'd expect the act to drop when no one is watching because if it was real life, why would they be pretending for nobody and then you say to yourself no one would act that way. Well. Apparently they do! Not only do you deny to the person's face that you're not going after them but then you act hurt that they said it! Even when you're alone in the diary room! (Omg sorry for being so long winded, I didn't know how to get my point across eloquently) I wonder why year after year after year after year the women just can't stick together. We all hate the bro alliances and complain they make it too far and always end up running the house but there's a reason for that.... They're loyal to eachother. 1 9 Link to comment
ilovebeaarthur September 7, 2020 Share September 7, 2020 1 hour ago, Melina22 said: Maybe there's something wrong with me but I laughed harder at the basement comp than I have since what's her name got stuck in honey years ago. I had to keep rewinding because I was laughing so hard I couldn't see or hear. I'm not sure which was funnier, the pile-up in the goo, pantsless Nicole, or David's expression when he was throwing popcorn in air in celebration. I seriously need this comp playing on a loop for whenever I feel down. Nah, I had a good laugh every time a few people were huddled around the base, trying to put their piece in. It just reminded me of mindless zombies. 3 Link to comment
North of Eden September 7, 2020 Share September 7, 2020 (edited) This season is 100% incapable of pulling off a nomination that isn't completly predictable. Every viewer had to see this coming. The giant phantasmagorical allilance headed by Cody was going to pick off the people with the wool pulled over their eyes by being set up in a fake alliance like the Slick Six was. Its a time honored tradition as old as when the Four Horsemen duped the lone black buy (I forget his name now but loved how it galled Cowboy when he got to go on the Young and the Restless and he didn't) into belleving he was in an alliance with the horsemen. And now Bay is going to go who I actually like this season and gravited too once I knew Jaysar was doomed. If I were David I would not use his powers until its him in the crosshairs which could come right after Bay and Day go home in subsequent evictions. Someone NOT in the giant alliance winning a power was the only redeeming thing about this episode and he had the best like of the night "I hate dark competitions" Why is Christmas crying? She was cackling with undisguised scorn for Day not talking game with her the entire episode and then at the end she is in tears. Anyway coming full circle. Ten minutes in the nominees were exactly who Christmas said they were and all the "drama" surrounding Dani did not change a single thing. The heck with this stale season...can't they bring back KID NATION? That was a great show. Edited September 7, 2020 by North of Eden 1 4 Link to comment
LoveLeigh September 7, 2020 Share September 7, 2020 (edited) Such a boring episode. I think part of the problem is that this show just seems stale. And that makes it unexciting. I can't see how they are going to stretch this out for another (two months(?) or even longer. They should (as somebody else suggested) do two evictions a week.: one on Sunday and another on Thursday and just fit in the nominations and POV competitions along the way. This is just unbearable and it seems so much like a rerun of a show you have seen 50 times before. I hated seeing Bay and Day nominated. I hate that the power in the house are people I just do not like: Memphis and Dani. I like David. I seriously hope they turn on each other and he is the last man standing as a floater to the end and the winner. I find him to be the only likable one in there.... Edited September 7, 2020 by DakotaLavender missing words 8 Link to comment
Wandering Snark September 7, 2020 Share September 7, 2020 45 minutes ago, North of Eden said: The heck with this stale season...can't they bring back KID NATION? That was a great show. Hah, ita. However wasn't there a report one of the kids literally drank bleach? Anyhow back to the actual show... umm, yeah, stuff happened I guess? I think Nicole was afraid that the lights would come back on and everyone would see her in her underwear... that's my brilliant addition to this episode's convo. Sorry... I got nuthin. 3 Link to comment
Racj82 September 7, 2020 Share September 7, 2020 1 hour ago, North of Eden said: The heck with this stale season...can't they bring back KID NATION? That was a great show. Damn. Hasn't 2020 already been dark enough? 3 Link to comment
tinkerbell September 7, 2020 Share September 7, 2020 Dani and Christmas doing their little dance to celebrate Xmas winning HOH. Dani said "i was like, LITERALLY was like crapping my pants." Oh dani, you're so stupid. Go take a shower and get some clean clothes. 14 2 Link to comment
Sir RaiderDuck OMS September 7, 2020 Share September 7, 2020 So Christmas' "significant" move was nominating the two black girls? Alrighty then. 11 Link to comment
mertensia September 7, 2020 Share September 7, 2020 Is it wrong to want every competition to involve goo that makes people lose their pants? I'm a little surprised David didn't spill to Tyler that he won a power. Or, frankly, to everyone. 4 3 Link to comment
Suzysite September 7, 2020 Share September 7, 2020 5 hours ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said: So Christmas' "significant" move was nominating the two black girls? Alrighty then. I don't think their being black has much to do with it. It's more the untouchable, ride-or-die pact they have that needs to be broken up. Never admit you have an untouchable agreement with anyone. 1 8 Link to comment
Sir RaiderDuck OMS September 7, 2020 Share September 7, 2020 1 hour ago, Suzysite said: I don't think their being black has much to do with it. It's more the untouchable, ride-or-die pact they have that needs to be broken up. Never admit you have an untouchable agreement with anyone. Yeah, but the optics don't look good. OTOH, this could be an opportunity for them to ally with Janelle and Kays... uh, never mind. 10 minutes ago, icemiser69 said: The hypocrisy of the meathead alliance is amazing to me... It is as if the meathead alliance wants everyone outside the alliance to just sit around and allow themselves to get evicted from the house without fighting back. Exemplified when Enzo imperiously announced in the DR that he wouldn't "allow" Christmas to nominate him. This season will only get interesting when everyone else is gone and the alliance starts to eat itself. 11 Link to comment
peachmangosteen September 7, 2020 Author Share September 7, 2020 11 hours ago, leocadia said: Dani’s T-shirt: If plants are your friends, why do you proselytize about eating them? Wait, nevermind, you probably see nothing wrong with eating your friends. I howled! Bravo. 3 hours ago, Suzysite said: I don't think their being black has much to do with it. It's more the untouchable, ride-or-die pact they have that needs to be broken up. Never admit you have an untouchable agreement with anyone. Nicole and Ian, who also happen to be the only 2 players who have already won, have point blank stated this as well and yet none of the players are up in arms about that. Hmmm, interesting. I watched this episode solely to see what happened while the feeds were off and it was not at all worth it for that lol. The comp was very fun to watch though so it wasn't a total loss. They need to put this show out of it's misery. It's deader than dead at this point. And there is zero chance it will ever be fixed. 1 3 Link to comment
mojoween September 7, 2020 Share September 7, 2020 I can’t wait for Daniele to get out of the house and find out what the public thinks of her mean girls act. She is in for a SURPRISE. I also noticed she had to run and bleat to whoever the garbage she spewed when she voted for Kaysar because she was so damn proud of it. 11 Link to comment
amazingracefan September 7, 2020 Share September 7, 2020 (edited) 11 hours ago, North of Eden said: This season is 100% incapable of pulling off a nomination that isn't completly predictable. Even veto winners (and just the choice of who participates beforehand) are often suggested in advance through the edit. It's like the editors aren't interested in suspense and think the audience like to be able to predict what will happen. The tears of Christmas maybe are for the audience, if she's worried about the reaction to her putting the duo up. She isn't aligned with them, so I don't think she should worry about that. David would obviously be sensible in keeping his advantage, should it be needed, for himself. If he pulls someone off he could still be the replacement? If he mentions it then the information could get passed around and he could get put up just to flush out his power. So definitely not worth mentioning it next week. David winning the competition in the dark was interesting as wasn't that how he went out in his original season? This kind of competition and hide the veto are likely my favourites. I don't know why people pay for the live feed when they can never see the competitions though. Edited September 7, 2020 by amazingracefan 3 Link to comment
Racj82 September 7, 2020 Share September 7, 2020 (edited) I was hoping no one made this a race thing. Da Vonne and Bayleigh have been rubbing people the wrong way for a while now with attitude being thrown, looking like they don't trust people in their alliance etc. They are very outward with these things. They don't do things on the sneak tip. That includes outing each other as their one and only. Yes, other people have said or done the same things she has. But, they weren't all so blatant about it. Them being each other's number 1 also guarantees that if one goes up, the other goes up. Edited September 7, 2020 by Racj82 1 6 Link to comment
Coco88 September 7, 2020 Share September 7, 2020 My favorite part of the episode was David’s reaction after winning the the power. I like David but the kind of game he plays bores me. 2 Link to comment
Cherry Cola September 7, 2020 Share September 7, 2020 11 hours ago, tinkerbell said: Dani and Christmas doing their little dance to celebrate Xmas winning HOH. Dani said "i was like, LITERALLY was like crapping my pants." Oh dani, you're so stupid. Go take a shower and get some clean clothes. Yes! That had me laughing too! She literally doesn't know what literally means. 😄 I hate when people misuse that word. Was the editing weird to anyone else, when they had the prize reveals? It focused on hands and crotches. We were like, WTF?! 1 3 5 Link to comment
Maya September 7, 2020 Share September 7, 2020 (edited) 23 hours ago, Cherry Cola said: Was the editing weird to anyone else, when they had the prize reveals? It focused on hands and crotches. We were like, WTF?! Yes! I noticed them doing it with Dani’s hands and crotch. So weird! This is the first season of Big Brother I have ever watched, but I’ve watched a lot of Survivor, and every time someone told someone else about their advantage I was like “Noooo!! Don’t do that!!” 😂 Edited September 8, 2020 by Maya 4 Link to comment
MRMO September 7, 2020 Share September 7, 2020 It's true that the show gets really boring with the same old conversations year after year. Maybe it should be cut down to two days a week. One night for HOH comps and nominations and the second night for the veto comp and eviction. That would make a better and faster paced show and cut way down on the useless small talk and sameness that drags it all down. Interesting that winner Ian is floating and getting away with it. 1 Link to comment
Racj82 September 7, 2020 Share September 7, 2020 (edited) 20 hours ago, MRMO said: It's true that the show gets really boring with the same old conversations year after year. Maybe it should be cut down to two days a week. One night for HOH comps and nominations and the second night for the veto comp and eviction. That would make a better and faster paced show and cut way down on the useless small talk and sameness that drags it all down. Interesting that winner Ian is floating and getting away with it. Fuck whatever is going on that house. Numero uno on the agenda should be getting past winners up out of there. It's insane to me that people would let past winners get anywhere in the game. Edited September 8, 2020 by Racj82 6 Link to comment
Wandering Snark September 7, 2020 Share September 7, 2020 8 hours ago, icemiser69 said: I just want this season to end so badly on the ratings side of things, that perhaps there just might be significant changes as to how this reality show is cast in the future. Hah, this reminds of routing for the home team to not only lose but lose in the most spectacular fashion possible so that the coach will get fired and maybe things will change. Unfortunately that doesn't usually work either. 4 2 Link to comment
Ananayel September 7, 2020 Share September 7, 2020 I just found out that Ian is originally from the same area where I grew up, and I do think he has progressed as a person, so I'm going to root for him now. Plus, that will piss Memphis off. Also David, since he seems like a decent guy but not a good player, and if he gets far it will certainly confuse everyone, most likely himself. There can be improvements - first boot Grodner, and Rich Meehan while you're at it. Bring in some producers from BB in other countries. Bring back food comps and luxury comps. Let the audience get more involved - let the audience pick a houseguest, or during the casting run-up, let us vote on what powers, if any, will be given. Stop with the stupid twists. Wider variety of hamsters wrt age, geography, occupation, race, religion. I'd like to see a Buddhist, maybe Hindu or a follower of a Native American faith. No racists though. If you must have Have Nots, go back to PB&J, not slop, not the stupid horrible things viewers voted on. Oh, and enforce the rules! 2 7 Link to comment
Maverick September 7, 2020 Share September 7, 2020 The show can be saved, but nothing will change as long as Grodner and Kass are involved. Strike that, nothing will get better. Things can (and probably will) change for the worse. A better cast won't help anything if they keep playing the same tired games and throwing out the same tired "twists" and changing up the game won't help if they keep casting the same "characters". 2 Link to comment
peachmangosteen September 7, 2020 Author Share September 7, 2020 1 hour ago, Maverick said: The show can be saved, but nothing will change as long as Grodner and Kass are involved. Grodner owns the show so there’s no way to get rid of her and, therefore, there is no way the show will ever be saved lol. Link to comment
greyflannel September 8, 2020 Share September 8, 2020 15 hours ago, Suzysite said: I don't think their being black has much to do with it. It's more the untouchable, ride-or-die pact they have that needs to be broken up. Never admit you have an untouchable agreement with anyone. 13 hours ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said: Yeah, but the optics don't look good. OTOH, this could be an opportunity for them to ally with Janelle and Kays... uh, never mind. Exemplified when Enzo imperiously announced in the DR that he wouldn't "allow" Christmas to nominate him. This season will only get interesting when everyone else is gone and the alliance starts to eat itself. I really hope that people play the game based on what's best for them, not what the optics are. But, based on the comment about not thinking Christmas would "be so bold" as to nominate them both, I think Bayleigh was counting on the optics deterrent. 1 3 Link to comment
UniqBlue69 September 8, 2020 Share September 8, 2020 3 hours ago, peachmangosteen said: Grodner owns the show so there’s no way to get rid of her and, therefore, there is no way the show will ever be saved lol. Nah, sis, I think Endemol USA owns this show. Who wants to inundate them with letters to get rid of the Grod? lol Link to comment
grandmabegum September 8, 2020 Share September 8, 2020 Really strange question but one I wanted to ask. I have hearing issues so I watch with CC. When Tyler was talking to Bay at one point the CC kept saying "Day" and not "Bay." Was he actually calling her by the wrong name or is this just an issue with the CC? I assume it was the later cause she didn't correct him, just checking. Thanks. 1 Link to comment
peachmangosteen September 8, 2020 Author Share September 8, 2020 11 hours ago, UniqBlue69 said: Nah, sis, I think Endemol USA owns this show. Who wants to inundate them with letters to get rid of the Grod? lol Apparently, Grodner owns the rights in the US. Link to comment
Wandering Snark September 8, 2020 Share September 8, 2020 (edited) 17 hours ago, peachmangosteen said: Grodner owns the show so there’s no way to get rid of her and, therefore, there is no way the show will ever be saved lol. This is the other sports example. The local team here only bounced back from invisibility when the owner died. Literally. His brother took over and revolutionized the franchise. So I guess we root for Covid then? *goes straight to hell* Edited September 8, 2020 by Wandering Snark 6 1 Link to comment
Maverick September 9, 2020 Share September 9, 2020 According to Wikipedia, CBS owns the show in the US: The series was bought by CBS in early 2000 for an estimated $20 million.[13] The American version of the series officially premiered on July 5, 2000, when the original ten housemates entered the house.[14] Since its inception, the show has been hosted by television personality Julie Chen Moonves.[note 1] It is produced by Allison Grodner and Rich Meehan for Fly on the Wall Entertainment and Endemol Shine North America (formerly Endemol USA).[15] 2 Link to comment
Nashville September 9, 2020 Share September 9, 2020 (edited) On 9/8/2020 at 2:55 AM, grandmabegum said: Really strange question but one I wanted to ask. I have hearing issues so I watch with CC. When Tyler was talking to Bay at one point the CC kept saying "Day" and not "Bay." Was he actually calling her by the wrong name or is this just an issue with the CC? I assume it was the later cause she didn't correct him, just checking. Thanks. Automated closed captioning of live streams is notoriously unreliable; generic speech recognition software still has a long way to go in terms of correctly interpreting such things as regionalized accents. Unless you’re a midwestern weatherman, of course. Edited September 9, 2020 by Nashville Correcting damn autocorrect 1 Link to comment
grandmabegum September 9, 2020 Share September 9, 2020 5 minutes ago, Nashville said: Automated closed captioning of live streams is notoriously unreliable; generic speech recognition software still has a long way to go in terms of correctly interpreting such things as regionalized accents. Unless you’re a midwestern weatherman, of course. This wasn't the live feed, this was the taped Sunday show, but I'm sure the same thing could happen. Thank you for the response. Link to comment
AuntieDiane6 September 9, 2020 Share September 9, 2020 Quote A better cast won't help anything if they keep playing the same tired games and throwing out the same tired "twists" and changing up the game won't help if they keep casting the same "characters". That's what annoys me about The Amazing Race. They have the same couples year after year. one college frat team, cheerleaders, feuding married couple, earnest young engaged couple, suburban mom friends, one old couple, parent/child with issues. The one interesting season for me was when the partners met at the starting line. Link to comment
amazingracefan September 10, 2020 Share September 10, 2020 (edited) 21 hours ago, AuntieDiane6 said: That's what annoys me about The Amazing Race. They have the same couples year after year. one college frat team, cheerleaders, feuding married couple, earnest young engaged couple, suburban mom friends, one old couple, parent/child with issues. The one interesting season for me was when the partners met at the starting line. Once they've got an established audience I think they get lazy and can't be bothered doing anything different or taking risks. BBOTT was an experiment, and of course it couldn't last. Live feed without blackouts, the audience would start questioning the regular BB format if they kept doing that! Edited September 10, 2020 by amazingracefan Link to comment
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