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S22.E06: Power of Veto #2

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That was wretched.

Shocker!  Memphis wins veto with a bug on his nipple and doesn't use it.

Kick Nicole to the curb.  NOW!  The pathetic whining is just too much.  "Lost my ball".  You really never had one.  Just put on some shades and wrap yourself in a few blankets and hide under a bed.  "Ruthless"?  Hahahaha

David has zero game too, but he's less annoying.  He totally does not belong here.  Keep your eye on the ball!

So when is Enzo going to become a human?  I already feel bad for Franzel's future kids.  I just noticed her neck.  Like ET's mother.

This Ian acting thing is lame even for Big Brother.

Danielle is looking more like Evil Dick every day, and it's not a good look.  Ugh!



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5 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

David has zero game too, but he's less annoying.  He totally does not belong here.  Keep your eye on the ball!


 Even Da'Vonne was like "is this guy serious" when he started yelping as a "strategy".  She didn't have much commentary in this episode, but she got a few reaction shots in like that one.   Despite her (totally not scripted) compliments to Ian in the DR, she had a total stank face during his performance during the veto ceremony.   

 That veto box is totally fug.  Puke green velour?  Really..   Did they lift that off some crew members grandma to save on the budget?

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Did Cody and Memphis have some other conversation we were not privy to?  Because what he brought back to Daniele and Tyler was NOT what we saw. Cody sucks.  Also, Memphis, who is still a dick, you know goddamned well why Janelle mentioned Nicole.  Why are you lying?  Dick.  I don’t even get what he is doing.  Also also a denim vest with no shirt underneath is stupid.

Oh Kaysar.  Oh Janelle.  Sigh.

There is an age where you are too old to say “yo” at the end of every sentence.  Enzo has passed that age.

All the veto comp did was make me miss Survivor.


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I usually hate when 20 somethings call people old...Tyler!! But, Memphis did the same thing with Jerry. Guess it's a what goes around comes around thing.  

Enzo and all the yo-ing makes it get stuck in my head. I will try not to say it. 😄

Ian's pubishment looked

b o r i n g !


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This season sucks so far. I am so sick of meathead bro dudes teaming up with the pretty blondes and going against the regular/outsider people. 

Memphis is an idiot and I will laugh if his alliance turns on him.

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39 minutes ago, Cherry Cola said:

I usually hate when 20 somethings call people old.  But, Memphis did the same thing with Jerry.


This is why I've always loathed this asshole...who cares how Jerry turned out in the game, Robert was a jerkoff to him from day one.

David was meant for Survivor...he is an embarrassment in this game, idiot shouldn't have looked away from the POV game.

Nicole A.? Loved you last year, now you can fuck right off!

So, um....for some reason I found Ian very sexy this episode....he's got a tight little body and dug the 5 o'clock shadow.

I need a drink.

Edited by Yogisbooboo64
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51 minutes ago, Maverick said:

That veto box is totally fug.  Puke green velour?  Really..   Did they lift that off some crew members grandma to save on the budget?

Awww...I am one of the few who like the color chartreuse, so it's ok by me.  It definitely stands out tho.

I don't hate him, but I was kind of glad to see Tyler lose something for once, especially to the "old guy".  This season is so confusing.  I like that Tyler is pulling for David, but hate that he is messed up in the Cody/NicF/Dani crowd.  I think Chattanooga is a major asshole, but I like that he isn't willing to let Cody/Dani push him around.  I guess I'm rooting for anyone that will go against Cody.  

I fully believe Enzo brought an entire suitcase of head coverings.  He had three different ones on throughout tonight's show.  Does he sleep in one?

Is it just PTSD from last week, or does Kevin still sound whiny even when he's "happy"?

I don't think it really matters who goes this week, but my personal preference would be NicA.  I didn't like her all that much last year (although she was certainly preferable to most of her cast mates) and she's kinda worse this year.

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Well, what a terrible posistion as a fan that BB put me in tonight....forcing me to root FOR Memphis!

It was a bitter pill to swallow that he was the only thing keeping my two favorites safe...Kaysar and Janelle.

Unfortunatly I feel like a funeral pall is falling around  Jaysar's chances beyond this week. There are two many people in too big of an alliance that are gunning for them. The odds that one of their alliance DOESN'T get HOH seems slim and worse yet I have sinking feeling Cody is going to wind up repeating as HOH and they will be toast for sure.

Further frustrating was the fact that Kaysar and Janelle dissapointed me by bringing this on themselves. The noms were locked in and all they had to do was fly low under the radar but instead all they did was draw attention to themselves putting them in jeaporday by trying to hatch the Nicole F. boot.

Speaking of toast Mephis probably tanked his own game tonight but who cares about that as long as we at least get Kay and Jay another week.

Kevin is such a sad sack in his Diary Rooms which is tiring but sadly he will go deep into the game, overlooked as big guns take shots at each other so we are stuck with him until October.

I was not a Tyler fan during his season but after tonight I'm starting to like him and Dani too.

Edited by North of Eden
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1 hour ago, mojoween said:

There is an age where you are too old to say “yo” at the end of every sentence.  Enzo has passed that age.

Enzo lives in Jersey, as do I, and I think here the age for that is around 97

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Memphis is an asshole, but I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, as I like the end result.  However, his use of "I could care less" set off my grammar alert. Zero stars for his restaurants!!

He's never been my favorite, but I have to say that Tyler is either fairly funny in some of his DRs, or he's a good actor. Just never lose your scrunchie, bro.

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Is there anyone in the house who would want to keep Janelle and Kaysar? If Janelle's figured out part of the large alliance then why havent they seen who this group is hanging with and figure it may be more than just the 4?  It doesn't seem like her normal sharp play to me... Maybe she was more of a comp beast than a mental player, I forget now.

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Meow Meow (sorry what's his real name)?  calling his kids finally "humans" once they reached the age of 7 and 10 made me laugh out loud.

THEN, to top everything off, he asked Kevin (?) if Kevin and his male partner could make a baby together using (JUST) both of their sperm.

So damn funny man.  He's hilarious.

I'm ready to stan Dani and Tyler for talking so much shit about Memphis's attitude.

Both Nicole and Nicole have distinctive accents, but I'm Canadian, so I have no idea what they are.  

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14 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

THEN, to top everything off, he asked Kevin (?) if Kevin and his male partner could make a baby together using (JUST) both of their sperm.

 Not to defend the stupid ("she was six months old the first time, now she's 10 and a human"...OK) but I don't think Enzo was say to make a kid with two sperm and no egg.   He was thinking they wanted two kids, one fathered by each rather than the Russian Roulette scenario Kevin described.

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19 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Meow Meow (sorry what's his real name)?  calling his kids finally "humans" once they reached the age of 7 and 10 made me laugh out loud.

THEN, to top everything off, he asked Kevin (?) if Kevin and his male partner could make a baby together using (JUST) both of their sperm.

So damn funny man.  He's hilarious.

I'm ready to stan Dani and Tyler for talking so much shit about Memphis's attitude.

Both Nicole and Nicole have distinctive accents, but I'm Canadian, so I have no idea what they are.  

I live in the same state as Nicole Franzel and I have no idea what the fuck her accent is, either. She’s an embarrassment to the great state of Michigan.

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9 minutes ago, Michichick said:

I live in the same state as Nicole Franzel and I have no idea what the fuck her accent is, either. She’s an embarrassment to the great state of Michigan.

Holy craaa-yuuup. That's sooo weee-yuuurd. 

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Some of these HGs are totally invisible. Danielle, Enzo, and even Ian are not being shown that much. Memphis is totally obnoxious. And that is a strong indication to me he will win. 

Edited by DakotaLavender
corrected typo
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3 minutes ago, DakotaLavender said:

Some of these HGs are totally invisible. Danielle, Enzo, and even Ian are not being shown that much. Memphis is totally obnoxious. And that is a strong indication to em he will win. 

I love being able to give good news to people. Just like there is a First In The House curse (Christmas for this season) and an OTEV curse (not played yet), the second HoH has never won Big Brother. Also the person nominated in the first week but escapes eviction has never won so sucks to suck, Kevin. While not absolute, I have faith in the Curses continuing this season. 

(Yes, I know Tamar Braxton broke one of the curses - First In, I think? But Celebrity Big Brother and BB:OTT don't count.)

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Just once I would like a hamster to lay low for the first week or two then be brutally honest and not care that they'll be evicted. So they could say things like "even for Big Brother you're an asshole for the way you treat David, Memphis". 

Nicole A really needs some therapy. 


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Memphis could have been nicer to David in nominations but is he really a reason for people to go around crying?  I don't think so.  His stirring things up during the Safety Suite and then Veto has actually helped the show.  But for his own game I really don't know why he spread the information from Janelle and Kaysar to the others, that was just shooting himself in the foot. 

I didn't mind the comedy with Ian that much, definitely better than Brett's grandma/that video call memory competition.

The so-called 'after school' or 'very special episode' segment always sounds forced and scripted.  I suppose some insist there has to be some moral message in the program, but it needs scrapping.  I'd rather those who need that and don't want the hard edged reality and competitive elements watch another show instead.


Edited by amazingracefan
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25 minutes ago, mojoween said:

Memphis tells Cody to keep the info about Kaysar and Janelle to himself.  Cody runs and blabs to everyone anyways.  Memphis...doesn’t seem to care.  What is WITH that guy?

I think he's too stuck on his image of himself being the world's greatest player so he thinks whatever happens his toes will still be tapping. He's wrong... but I think that's the reasoning. I too was surprised he didn't say "Bro, nice job keeping that between us." Instead he laughed it off (literally!). And btw the uncontrollable laughter regarding his little speech to David just re-affirms what an asshole Mephis is.

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6 hours ago, mertensia said:

Just once I would like a hamster to lay low for the first week or two then be brutally honest and not care that they'll be evicted. So they could say things like "even for Big Brother you're an asshole for the way you treat David, Memphis". 

Nicole A really needs some therapy. 


It’s crazy how many players are trying to lay low/float until jury. Last week everyone  voted with the house and this week people didn’t want their names out there as a vote for Nicole.

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10 hours ago, Maverick said:

Not to defend the stupid ("she was six months old the first time, now she's 10 and a human"...OK)

Oh come on, that was funny! I know exactly what he meant! When they were little babies they were just yelling/crying/pooping machines completely dependent on another person but now they are actually talking and thinking “people” with individual personalities.

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10 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Holy craaa-yuuup. That's sooo weee-yuuurd. 

I can never decide if it's her actual voice that bugs me or her strange way of pronouncing words. My particular pet peeve is how she says "but". She says it like "bought". 

Last night when she was in the DR and I wanted to poke my ears out, I tried to imagine if she was exactly the same person except with a pleasant, soft voice. I think we'd all view her very differently. In the end, I guess it's not her fault, but it's never going to stop annoying me, if it hasn't after all these BBs and TAR.

Can someone remind me what Tyler said about 1943? I remember laughing but forget why. (Even though I was NOT born in 1943.) 😁

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So I agree with much of what has been said.....

Memphis is a dick who just ruined his game.

But glad that Jan and Kay are not on the block

Hope it's miss choker necklace who gets voted out. Her tears drive me nuts. And she sucks at BB.

Loved Tyler and Dani's commentary. Hope they go after Memphis. Wish they would maybe fixate on that before cutting Jan and Kay. Though Kay can go....more of a Jan fan but I guess she needs Kay for a number. She kinda needs choker necklace too but that girl is so dumb she would be saved by Jan but let herself get bamboozled by someone like Cody. Ugh.

Lovin  me some Ian too. 

Edited by Lamima
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Am I the only one that thinks Memphis did not back door Janelle or Kaysar simply because he's a chicken?  NOT because no one tells him what to do. NOT because it's good for his game. NOT because he can use them for a few more weeks. He's a chicken and that's that. 

I mean, why wouldn't you put one of them up?? He had the perfect opportunity! And like most of his alliance members said, if one of them (jan/kay) win next week, one/two of his alliance members will go up!

I'm ok with him not doing it since I hope one of them does win next week and manages to break up his alliance but, him trying to play it off as anything but that he's a big scaredy cat is b.s.  

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1 hour ago, Melina22 said:

Can someone remind me what Tyler said about 1943? I remember laughing but forget why. (Even though I was NOT born in 1943.) 😁


It was something like "That might be how they played Big Brother in 1943 on Big Brother 10"  or something like that hahahahhahahahhahah

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If Janelle's figured out part of the large alliance then why havent they seen who this group is hanging with and figure it may be more than just the 4?  It doesn't seem like her normal sharp play to me... Maybe she was more of a comp beast than a mental player, I forget now.

This is what I don't get, either. Every single year, these large voting blocs form within the first week, and there are always a handful of outliers who sit around blithely unaware of it. Then they get picked off one by one. But these people have no excuse. They've all played this game before. You need to make a beeline to the first HoH on Day 1 and try to form some kind of alliance. Now, maybe Nicole A, Ian, Janelle, Kaysar, David and Kevin all think they're working with other people, but they'd have to be idiots not to recognize the alpha males have already formed a four, six or even eight person alliance. How hard is it to spot that when it happens every single year?


Memphis is an idiot and I will laugh if his alliance turns on him.

They won't, though, until they get rid of the chaff.


I live in the same state as Nicole Franzel and I have no idea what the fuck her accent is, either.

It's called "childish whining." 


Last night when she was in the DR and I wanted to poke my ears out, I tried to imagine if she was exactly the same person except with a pleasant, soft voice. I think we'd all view her very differently.

I'm sure when Nicole F. was first cast they were going for another Jordan: sweet but kind of dumb blonde bumpkin. The problem is that Nicole lacks Jordan's charm and, shockingly, maturity.

When she started talking about having kids with Victor all I could think was "run, Victor! Run!"

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11 hours ago, Callaphera said:

I love being able to give good news to people...

And is there a curse that says the most hated usually wins? Here are a few that had me so angry: EvelDick, Maggie, Jun, Michey, Mike M... to name a few. I just have this weird premonition Memphis is going to win. 

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Cody is a dumb bunny without leadership..Derrick!  He really should team up with Janelle.  She probably doesn't want to babysit him!  So he's struggling under Nicole's leadership!  

Ship of fools so far!

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1 hour ago, Samwise979 said:

Am I the only one that thinks Memphis did not back door Janelle or Kaysar simply because he's a chicken?

You are def not alone in this one, I totally think it was because he didn't have the cajones. Everyone who says "Oh, it's too EARLY to make that big of a move!" is just hiding behind it. It could also be "No blood on my hands-itis" which also = doesn't have the guts.

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I don't understand why they all get so shocked and start crying over being nominated. They've played or watched this game before. That's what happens. Chill the fuck out, Nicole.

I also never understand not going with a perfect back door plan. Why would you wait until later when you might not have the power?

Edited by Writing Wrongs
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I never got the "it's too early in the game for big moves" like, if you're hoh first, second or third week, wouldn't it make most sense to get out the big players and continue to keep the people who can't win anything because guess what? If they can't win anything, YOU KEEP WINNING!!!! And also, guess what? If you keep players who can win comps, YOU DON'T KEEP WINNING!!!

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Am I the only one that thinks Memphis did not back door Janelle or Kaysar simply because he's a chicken?

Well, he's playing both sides so he didn't want to show his hand. If he vetoed one of the noms and put up Kaysar or Janelle, he tips off the other which side he's on. Then whoever remains would come after him. He sort of showed his hand by not doing what his alliance wanted him to do but that's an easier cover.

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The big question is why so many of them are letting Cody and Tyler run the game and not seeing them as threats.  Janelle and Kaysar don't have many allies so aren't actually the big threat that most people in the house continually paint them as.  And then there's people like Cody acting like he is still HoH and making the decisions for Memphis.

The floaters like Bayleigh, Da'Vonne are sitting back and if they just get picked off eventually I don't really care.

Edited by amazingracefan
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ASSHOLE!!! (that was me screaming at my teevee tonight) Gahhh... Mephis is making record time in raising my hate to irrational levels.

The only thing worse than someone who is an egositical asshole is one that is a clueless egotistical asshole.

Memphis, you're gameplay is even worse than your fashion sense, I agree with you there mojo.

I think it was too soon for Nicole to come back into the house after last year no matter how much I like her I am wondering why she was willing to put herself through this again as the house NEVER changes... they bros and pretty people all team up and always prey on the weak and you're it Nicole. Sorry for that.

David, you seem like a nice, regular guy but you shouldn't be on this season either, blame casting for not giving you a real chance at the game instead of being lowered into the lion's den.

I am not enjoying this season in the least.

Edited by Wandering Snark
edited version of my initial post...
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18 hours ago, Michichick said:

I live in the same state as Nicole Franzel and I have no idea what the fuck her accent is, either. She’s an embarrassment to the great state of Michigan.

Nasal is her accent. I'm from Michigan too. No one talks like that. 

Edited by Cherry Cola
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5 hours ago, DakotaLavender said:

And is there a curse that says the most hated usually wins?

No, thankfully. Provided they don't fall under any of the previous Curse categories (and to be honest, second HoH and first nom that escapes eviction aren't actual Curses like First In, just happy coincidences that I'm willing to believe in), you can only blame the jury at that point. And partially Production for some of the BB8 through BB13 winners. And BB16 was meddled with a bit. 

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5 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

You are def not alone in this one, I totally think it was because he didn't have the cajones. Everyone who says "Oh, it's too EARLY to make that big of a move!" is just hiding behind it. It could also be "No blood on my hands-itis" which also = doesn't have the guts.

In this case, I think Memphis didn’t nominate Jaysar because he knows they aren’t coming after him. Nominating them would benefit his alliance much more than it would benefit him, for now. Of course I don’t know what real benefit Memphis gets from nominating Nicole or David, either, other than he only pisses off weak players who probably can’t hurt him later.

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