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S22.E03: Power of Veto #1

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So, Kevin is going to be the Professional Pawn this season.  The player that's safe to nominate because everyone likes him...just not enough to align with him. 

 Oh, so Ian recognizes that given a choice between a winner and non-winner a jury is likely going to pick the non-winner.  So if you get to the final two Ian and lose Ian, the other person will have thrashed you, right?

Edited by Maverick
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Oh also, as much as I don't like Nicole and as much as Enzo was actually correct that she and Ian were working together, how was him spying them in the washroom any sort of proof of this? Ian was standing at the sink, Nicole was standing near the couch, they weren't talking, Nicole looked up when Enzo walked by but there was no jumping back in fear like Enzo said to Cody. I just thought that was so stupid. But I guess this is how rumors get started in the BB house. 

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We know your tricks BB editors. The HOH is always spoon fed and "alternate boot" they are considering before the commerical break before the nomination ceremony and surprise, surprise it never happens.

Praying the next four weeks will not be a series of lunkheads like Cody, Enzo, Memphis  running the HOH. I want someone outside the box like Nicole Anthony or David as HOH to see what they would do.

Keisha and totally deserved the loss at veto...they should have locked in.

Too many "after school special" segments tonight that reeked of filler. How can you no have more material than that to work with?

The black girl alliance is sound in principle but if its poorly executed by not building alliances with other people then its going to be the road to hell paved with good intentions. No Man (or two women) are an island on BB if they want to get anywhere. Add Janelle, Kayzar, David and even Christmas or Nicole A. maybe.

Now that the initial enthusiasm over the start of the season has cooled off I am seriously starting to question some of these "All Star" picks.

Keisha I don't even remember but I knew why that was when they showed and old clip and she was next to Jerry and I was like wow...that had to be a long time ago that she was on when they would still let an old person play instead of LOGAN'S RUN-ing the show and not let anyone over 30 in the house.

Kevin...If they wanted an all star for representation of his community he was a poor choice...how do you NOT get Aubrey back instead? Yeah she didn't go far but she famously flamed out and that makes her far more memorable than anything Kevin did.

Enzo? Why is he an all star? I just don't get it.

Christmas and David had some bad circumstances thrown their way so I get it but they are hardly all stars.

There has been some notable Asian players in 20 years like James and you couldn't get one back? Not even the cute girl in the scout uniform a couple seasons ago that got brainwashed by Paul  destroying her own game?

Edited by North of Eden
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I really need Kevin to be evicted, it ain't cute being such a weepy whiner at 40!  Gotdamn but he makes me want to listen to Nicole F., and her voice makes a bitch stabbity 24/7.

And FFS, he should have clocked out when doing the POV game, he could have won.

Choosing him and Keesha as All Stars was seriously scraping the botton of the pudding cup,  both sucked in their original seasons as well.



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Prior to this season, I had a mild disdain for Cody due to his "bro"-ness and his relation to Paulie.  After just two episodes this season, I am ready for him to go.  Enough with the hubris.  It's week one and you and Enzo do not a brain trust make.

His logic for feeling "threatened" by Ian as a former winner was pretty spotty.  Ian would be smart to remind him that the main reason he's a winner is because he went up against a former winner.  Of course, that would tarnish his win and like @North of Eden said, that segment was really just a trick to make us think there was a possible alternate nominee.

I don't remember Kevin being so whiny on his season (and I did a rewatch last month.) I also remember when Keesha had a personality.  I kind of hope Keesha stays, only because Kevin is more likely to forgive Cody and grovel before him for the rest of the season.

Why is Baileigh so much more likable outside of the DR?  There's just something about her "on" persona that bugs me, but I liked her talk with Day.  I hope they hook up with some others and create havoc in the house.

Dani, Memphis and Christmas might as well not be in the house!

ETA:  Enzo's head watch week 2:  he added a beanie hat and a stylized bandanna to his repertoire!  Will we ever see his naked scalp???

Edited by leocadia
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47 minutes ago, Yogisbooboo64 said:

I really need Kevin to be evicted, it ain't cute being such a weepy whiner at 40!  Gotdamn but he makes me want to listen to Nicole F., and her voice makes a bitch stabbity 24/7.

Oh deer gahd, please let Kevin go home... he wonders why he's all alone but can he really just NOT talk to like anyone without covering himself in sackcloth and ashes first??? That constipated I'm about to cry or shit razor blades look combo'd with starting every convo with "I don't want to put you in a bad spot but would you, maybe, talk to me?" thing? Then he follows up with basically "Because you know, like, not right now of course but may tomorrow or something if nobody else is around we could maybe talk?" He just radiated 'I'm not worthy to breathe the same air as you' with everyone.

I wanted to jump through the screen and tell him how off-puting it is maybe slap him around a bit to snap him out of it. Just be a person. Talk to people. Hang out. Join a convo. Ask someone if they want a cookie. ANYTHING!!!! There are a TON of people in the house right now, and sitting in the corner blubbering to yourself and curling up in the fetal position is NOT going to get you anywhere. Okay, I'm done.

Edited by Wandering Snark
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1 hour ago, North of Eden said:

Too many "after school special" segments tonight that reeked of filler. How can you no have more material than that to work with?

I'm pretty sure it's just a combination of not having an extra week of footage to fall back on at this point like they normally do (because of the live premiere) and the fact that this show's casting has been so bad for so long that once you take out the racists and the homophobes and the Brenchels and so forth, there's not that many options left to work with.

Certainly all the usual BB issues (Chen-Moonvesbot, the complete lack of anything in the key sequence that would make anyone want to watch these people for three months, the show actively editing anything that could humanise the contestants out of the episodes, the fact that this show has been trusted with live broadcasts since before the first Scary Movie was released and STILL hasn't ever gotten through a live show without a technical fuckup) are still here, but those are the two main ones in this specific instance.

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32 minutes ago, mertensia said:

Once again I wonder where in Hell this offended attitude of "other people are strategizing! How dare they!?!?!?!?" comes from.  

Okay, I am slightly face blind and I cannot tell the difference between Dani and Keesha.

Keesha had a fuller face at 30 but her apple cheeks went and that's making her look a lot like Dani, who has sharper features.

Edited by methodwriter85
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2 hours ago, mertensia said:

Once again I wonder where in Hell this offended attitude of "other people are strategizing! How dare they!?!?!?!?" comes from.  

Okay, I am slightly face blind and I cannot tell the difference between Dani and Keesha.

I know some have said they can’t tell the blondes apart, but I find that Nicole F., Keesha, and Janelle have rather large, distinctive noses.  But don’t feel bad, I’ve read that Keesha was originally cast because she looked so much like Dani. 

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For the first time since it began, I turned off this show before it ended. It was so boring and unbearable. It is like watching reruns. I do like David though and think he will go almost to the end. He is already flying well under the radar which will not make him an early target. I would love to see him win.  

Edited by DakotaLavender
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9 hours ago, leocadia said:

Prior to this season, I had a mild disdain for Cody due to his "bro"-ness and his relation to Paulie.  After just two episodes this season, I am ready for him to go.  Enough with the hubris.  It's week one and you and Enzo do not a brain trust make.

They barely have 2 brain cells to rub together.

@icemiser69 "Kevin needs to grow a pair and stop whining.  Anyone that whines that much can't be trusted in an alliance.   That personality type will most likely do the bidding of those with the most power every time.  If the power shifts, he will shift."  YES!

He clung to that evil Natalie until the end of his 1st season.  IIRC, he had the chance to evict her and wimped out.

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Was kinda hoping David would go first... a la 'Francesqua' on Survivor (thanks to crazy Philip). Lol.

Actually, I like David and want to see what he can bring. Hate the Jersey boyz. So annoying. Hate Nicole F and Xmas. 

Sorry but I too hope Kevin goes because his blubbering awkwardness is hard to watch. And he sucks at the game. He should have been either A) socializing and hobknobbing or B) stirring up the pot to maybe make someone else stand out as a possible replacement nom. He could have been in Jersey Boyz ears about how Ian can't stick around for Nicole F to take to end. And then his veto play....ugghhh. But Keesha is more boring so her going would be no loss either.

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1 minute ago, Lamima said:

Oh, and I wish Johnny Mac were on again. Or Steven Moses. Loved watching those guys play.

Steve and Ian together would be gold.  And Johnny Mac would at least bring some energy.  This week has been like watching snails crawl through molasses.

Kevin - trying to talk strategy to a line of people waiting to go potty is not the greatest idea.  Also, ewwww.

I did love the segment between Bay and Day.  They are both impressing me with their low-key play and their great DR's.

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4 hours ago, AryasMum said:

I know some have said they can’t tell the blondes apart, but I find that Nicole F., Keesha, and Janelle have rather large, distinctive noses.  But don’t feel bad, I’ve read that Keesha was originally cast because she looked so much like Dani. 

Dani was only on screen once yesterday but she used the word "literally" correctly and I about fell in love.

Nicole looks like a baby, kind of.  And so does Ian.

Keesha never smiles and always looks pained/worried.

Janelle is very plastic.  Sorry to her fans.  I think she has a very distinctive look.  

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I think the "after-school special" segments would've been there no matter how much drama was going on, as BB desperately wants to prove it has redeemed itself after years of racism and bullying. I expect to see more of these in the weeks to come.

Kevin & Keesha are both worthless cannon fodder who'll never get anywhere near the prize so it would be great to get rid of both of them, right now. Kevin's whining was NOT endearing - Hey, Kev, instead of saying "I've got to get it together" over & over again, you just DO IT? Oh, right, whining is so much easier.

I really don't wanna spend what's left of the summer watching a bunch of bro lunkheads steamroller over everyone else just because the rest of the cast is too scared to do anything. But that's how we're starting out.

So far? Dull, dull, dull. Someone needs to bring  the funny or the interest (preferably both),

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I really don't wanna spend what's left of the summer watching a bunch of bro lunkheads steamroller over everyone else just because the rest of the cast is too scared to do anything. 

Then this clearly isn't the show for you because that's always what happens. Except substitute "too dumb" for "too scared." It isn't that everyone can't see that Cody, Memphis and Enzo are going to run the game. It's that they all think they have deals with them and are part of that alliance.

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6 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Kevin needs to grow a pair and stop whining.  Anyone that whines that much can't be trusted in an alliance.   That personality type will most likely do the bidding of those with the most power every time.  If the power shifts, he will shift.

Eventually that would be the case, but at the very start everyone probably just sees him as a potential number as he doesn't have an alliance and seems potentially malleable.

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16 minutes ago, RoxiP said:

Bayleigh was on Say Yes to the Dress a couple of weeks ago and I found her charming and totally not a Bridezilla.

Ugh! don't remind me. I sat down to enjoy the show, she and her equally annoying boyfriend show up, so i IMMEDIATELY change the channel. Then I get unreasonably mad because she is invading every show (even Family Feud). 

Too bad i love Big Brother too much to not watch. I hope she gets eliminated sooner rather than later. I only wished she hadn't aligned with Dayvonne. Hopefully, that won't last long.

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On 8/12/2020 at 7:59 PM, Wandering Snark said:

Oh deer gahd, please let Kevin go home... he wonders why he's all alone but can he really just NOT talk to like anyone without covering himself in sackcloth and ashes first??? That constipated I'm about to cry or shit razor blades look combo'd with starting every convo with "I don't want to put you in a bad spot but would you, maybe, talk to me?" thing? Then he follows up with basically "Because you know, like, not right now of course but may tomorrow or something if nobody else is around we could maybe talk?" He just radiated 'I'm not worthy to breathe the same air as you' with everyone.

I wanted to jump through the screen and tell him how off-puting it is maybe slap him around a bit to snap him out of it. Just be a person. Talk to people. Hang out. Join a convo. Ask someone if they want a cookie. ANYTHING!!!! There are a TON of people in the house right now, and sitting in the corner blubbering to yourself and curling up in the fetal position is NOT going to get you anywhere. Okay, I'm done.

^^ THIS! I've only watched since Season 15, and so far the American version of this show has yet to feature a likable gay man, or a gay man worth rooting for. I don't immediately root for the gay just because there's a gay, but it would be nice to cast someone I may even want to see win the whole thing (and also not be a gross awful despicable human being like Andy or Frankie).

This year, I was going to root for Kevin just because he seemed funny and likable right away, but goddamnit man, STOP. THE. WHINING!! And that was a perfect description for his weak conversation skills (off-putting indeed), and weaker game-play. I still like him, but man, the blubbering is already old.

15 hours ago, Gummo said:

I think the "after-school special" segments would've been there no matter how much drama was going on, as BB desperately wants to prove it has redeemed itself after years of racism and bullying. I expect to see more of these in the weeks to come.

Kevin & Keesha are both worthless cannon fodder who'll never get anywhere near the prize so it would be great to get rid of both of them, right now. Kevin's whining was NOT endearing - Hey, Kev, instead of saying "I've got to get it together" over & over again, you just DO IT? Oh, right, whining is so much easier.

I really don't wanna spend what's left of the summer watching a bunch of bro lunkheads steamroller over everyone else just because the rest of the cast is too scared to do anything. But that's how we're starting out.

So far? Dull, dull, dull. Someone needs to bring  the funny or the interest (preferably both),

Also this. I don't mind the after-school special segments, since it humanizes houseguests, but only if it's genuine. It was nice to watch that conversation between Kaysar, Da'Vonne and Nicole A, and Kaysar's views about his son's childhood.

I really hope the dudebro lunkheads don't steamroll the game-play, but it would not surprise me if it went that way, sadly. So far, so dull. But I'm still GRATEFUL this show is back; my boyfriend may actually watch with me this year!

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On 8/13/2020 at 11:02 AM, Gummo said:

I think the "after-school special" segments would've been there no matter how much drama was going on, as BB desperately wants to prove it has redeemed itself after years of racism and bullying. I expect to see more of these in the weeks to come.

I fear you are right and if that's so, I'm out.  I DO NOT watch Big Brother for social commentary rather as a welcome escape from what is troubling the world.  Yes, some of those things sneak in but it's usually in the form of a house guest displaying who they are (racist, bully, homophobe, misogynist, etc) vs a discussion about the state of the country or a dialog that turns into a public awareness campaign.

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