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Doubling Down With The Derricos - General Discussion

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15 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

Not to be mean . . . 

Every time I see the picture of the whole family, it appears that there are two adult women and a bunch of kids.  It looks like another iteration of a show with multiple wives.  (Yes, I know that it is not.)

I thought the same thing when I saw a photo on the preview commercial. I think the 13 yr old should have wore something a little different - little more teenagerish/ deeper shade of purple and another accent color, or changed her hair so she would stand out a little.

  • Love 2
15 minutes ago, GrammyPammy said:

There is a lot of shady stuff going on with these parents, especially the father. A lot of alibis and assumed names and a lawsuit or two (welfare fraud and real estate scams). Google it.

It always amazes me how some people go onto to reality shows not thinking their past will be exposed. They think they can simply create a new persona and people won't google them. DEON DERRICK DERRICO, A/K/A DERRICK DEON DERRICO, A/K/A MARLO ABBOTT.

Edited by druzy
  • Useful 1
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On 8/12/2020 at 9:14 PM, sATL said:


Did it have something to do with his running buddy Eric? Sidenote: my eyes are on him - he wouldn't have been my 1st choice to call to babysit in the middle of the night when going to hospital. 

This is more shadiness. I don’t have a problem with him babysitting, the kids seemed excited and happy to see him. But on the show Deon said they met  Eric when he “started out as a tenant” but this article says he is Deon’s nephew...even shows a photo from Eric’s Instagram with GG calling her out as his grandmother. However, Eric claimed (on the show)  to be an orphan who “grew up in the system”...? Not adding up.



Annnnnnd...in this article Karen goes by the name “Evonne”.

Too much weirdness for me...


Edited by GrammyPammy
  • Love 3

It took me a while to figure out what was bugging me while watching, and I think it's that I can't imagine them being as gleeful about baby #12 if it didn't also come with babies #13 and #14. They seem way too invested in being known as the family with lots of multiples. If baby #15 is a singleton, will they be so gleeful in their talking heads? I doubt it. Which as others have noted, makes me wonder just how natural their other multiples really are. 

I don't think I'll keep watching. 

Could someone please outline all the weirdness and shadiness for the rest of us? The name changes seem really odd. 

  • Love 9
12 hours ago, winsomeone said:

I think "Mama" might be a drama queen?

Episode 2:

Probably more of a control freak.  I'm glad the children had their GG! I was wondering how long it would take for Deon to call either his mom or Karen's mom.  He couldn't hold the system for a week.  Surely he could have had someone to watch over his business while Karen was on bed rest? 

18 hours ago, xls said:

What the heck? they all got thrown a waffle on a paper towel & a bowl of grapes to share?

I think that's what they had for breakfast that one day.  Deon made such a big deal about being the chef of the family; I expected him to cook breakfast at least once.  Plus the children pretty much told on him letting them slide with food and treats their mother wouldn't let them have so often. I cackled when Karen fussed at him to give the kids vegetables and they were all eating chips and cheese balls.  Typical Dad stuff. When GG got there, they were eating cereal.

When Karen complained about the hospital food, why didn't Chef Derrico bring her food?

I just found it odd that she was stressing out about children safe at home when she had to fight to keep from giving birth too soon. Were her priorities really in order?

Welcome to the world Dawsyn, De’Aren, and Dyver!  These names... I try not to be judgy on what folk name their children, considering that I have what is considered an unusual first name for a Black girl back when I was born.  But... anyway.

I hope that the Derricos consider counseling for the entire family regarding the loss of Carter.  Dawsyn's current issues are reopening that wound a bit.

I was wondering why the bulk of the help seemed to come from teenager Darian, until I saw that the other singleton Derrick was 8 years old!  I hope that they let Darian be a teenager and not surrogate parent.

Edited by Stardancer Supreme
  • Love 9
14 hours ago, Jenniferbug said:

It took me a while to figure out what was bugging me while watching, and I think it's that I can't imagine them being as gleeful about baby #12 if it didn't also come with babies #13 and #14. They seem way too invested in being known as the family with lots of multiples. If baby #15 is a singleton, will they be so gleeful in their talking heads? I doubt it. Which as others have noted, makes me wonder just how natural their other multiples really are

The whole situation screams “made for reality TV” to me. 

  • Love 8
13 hours ago, Stardancer Supreme said:

Welcome to the world Dawsyn, De’Aren, and Dyver!  These names... I try not to be judgy on what folk name their children, considering that I have what is considered an unusual first name for a Black girl back when I was born.  But... anyway.

Can you imagine if they have to buy plane tickets for the entire family?  How much longer will it take on the phone with a reservations agent because they have to spell out all of those names they invented?

To quote Thoreau, "Our life is frittered away by detail.  Simplify, simplify."

  • Love 6
7 minutes ago, ellenr33 said:

Am I the only one who wonders why they went with the name Carter for the baby that passed? It just seems super weird to me to have all the names start with D and one name start with the letter C. 

This may sound cruel and goolish, but a guess would be to save a letter "D" name for the surviving.. and to start a new letter for those who passed.

Kinda like Josian & Lauren Duggar. the miscarried offspring was "Asa" , and the next baby was "Bella"..they are doing an alphabetical theme

Edited by sATL
  • Love 2

So I watched the show tonight.  Whatever are they doing?  That poor woman looks like she hasn't had a decent meal in ages.  Those poor children having to hear all that stuff about momma and the babies!

Momma in the hospital on bed rest for three months???  Why not bed rest at home with her babies?   Why do they keep choosing more children while leaving the ones they already have motherless?

This screams reality show drama.  I'm thinking with everything going on they needed a large black family and the D's won that lottery!

I don't think the kids won.  I feel sorry for them and especially bad for the oldest daughter.  She's doing more than a teenage girl should be doing!


  • Love 9
17 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

So I watched the show tonight.  Whatever are they doing?  That poor woman looks like she hasn't had a decent meal in ages.  Those poor children having to hear all that stuff about momma and the babies!

Momma in the hospital on bed rest for three months???  Why not bed rest at home with her babies?   Why do they keep choosing more children while leaving the ones they already have motherless?

This screams reality show drama.  I'm thinking with everything going on they needed a large black family and the D's won that lottery!

I don't think the kids won.  I feel sorry for them and especially bad for the oldest daughter.  She's doing more than a teenage girl should be doing!


They know the high risk for multiples. They have already lost one baby...why keep pushing your luck with more premie babies who could suffer brain damage, blindness, cerebral palsy, etc? Now they have one who needs major surgery.   It’s so cruel and uncaring. Poor kids. And when you go to bed rest to continue your multiple pregnancy you put a big load on family who come to help. Grandma could handle a few kids, but a houseful? So selfish.  

  • Love 14
2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

They know the high risk for multiples. They have already lost one baby...why keep pushing your luck with more premie babies who could suffer brain damage, blindness, cerebral palsy, etc? Now they have one who needs major surgery.   It’s so cruel and uncaring. Poor kids. And when you go to bed rest to continue your multiple pregnancy you put a big load on family who come to help. Grandma could handle a few kids, but a houseful? So selfish.  

SO much this.

Why would they choose to knowingly keep putting the entire family through this?  I don't care what some of those practiced and rehearsed lines are coming from some of the kids, it ain't always sunshine and rainbows with so many children in one family.  In addition to the potential loss  of another baby and any other severe complications, you would think the stress and emotional toll on the other kids would be enough for them to say no more.  I mean, she was away from the family on bed rest for what, like a month?  That's a lot of time.  Some of those kids who were old enough to understand looked downright terrified about what might happen to their mother and the babies.  Yeah, kids are resilient and things sometimes happen that you can't help, but I couldn't imagine having to go through that every two years or so.  Wondering if my mother and baby siblings are going to come home and what happens if they don't.  

I wonder if they will decide that fourteen children is enough for them or if they'll keep trying in order to ensure a Season 2 on TLC.  They could always follow the Busby template and Season 2 could be them getting that first TLC paycheck and deciding that they just have to move because they've outgrown their current house.  Season 2 could also introduce that quirky family member that has their favorite kid and of course, the mandatory TLC funded vacation.  


Edited by KBrownie
  • Love 11
1 hour ago, KBrownie said:

I wonder if they will decide that fourteen children is enough for them or if they'll keep trying in order to ensure a Season 2 on TLC.  They could always follow the Busby template . . . 

Or the Duggar template.  Having multiples like that, she'll hit 20 kids within 5 years.

  • Love 1

There may be shadiness, but I know how America does black folk.  Black people are arrested and put in jail for shit white people wouldn't even get a slap on the wrist for. 

Some people just want to have a lot of kids, some don't, that's what makes the world go round.

That said, I don't really like it when parents put their babies and minor children on reality TV shows or on YouTube/Instagram/TikTok.  I think it's because I was raised in an era where certain things were private.  That is not the case today.  Today people live their lives online.  I just wonder how that will affect children in the future.

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 14

I wonder if they will decide that fourteen children is enough for them or if they'll keep trying in order to ensure a Season 2 on TLC. 

I believe that in the first episode he remarked that when he asked her how many children she wanted, her reply was "How ever many the Lord gives me" or something to that effect.  Sounds like they're quiverful people.


What I want to know is where do all those people sleep? 

In an article from after the quints were born, they said they were turning the media room into a nursery.  I get annoyed with people who need 4,000 sq, ft. for their family of four, but yeah, that doesn't look like a big enough house for that many people.

  • Love 1

Those poor kids.  All they hear from their parents is pregnancy, fears of losing the babies, Bed rest and goodbye mom.  Now they live open heart surgery!

I bet they'd rather hear 'we're going out for ice cream' or let's watch a movie!

Way too much BABY talk in that family.

BTW how come Chef Daddy isn't cooking for his brood.  He couldn't get grandma there fast enough!  Cereal and frozen waffles!

Michelle Dugger and her little girl voice and Daddy D in his pretend Chef outfit!  Ugggg.

  • Love 7
On 8/19/2020 at 7:49 PM, Jenniferbug said:

Could someone please outline all the weirdness and shadiness for the rest of us? The name changes seem really odd

Here's one of their cases

Carter v State


Carter v. State


No. 70233




This is an appeal from a district court order denying a petition for judicial review in a public assistance matter. Eighth Judicial District Court, Clark County; Jennifer P. Togliatti, Judge.

In May 2011, appellant Karen Carter applied for public assistance provided by respondent the State of Nevada, Division of Welfare and Support Services (DWSS). In particular, appellant applied for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Family Medical Coverage (FMC). When appellant applied, she and Derrick "Deon" Derrico had two children together and she was pregnant with twins. In appellant's application and subsequent recertification applications, she omitted Derrico from the household and indicated that she did not earn employment income.

Because appellant's initial application and subsequent recertification applications were approved, she received FMC benefits for  May 2011 through August 2011, and she received SNAP benefits for June 2011 through August 2013.

In September 2013, appellant and Derrico gave birth to quintuplets, and a few days later DWSS initiated an investigation. The investigation revealed that appellant and Derrico owned and operated a daycare out of appellant's home. Moreover, DWSS's Child Care Subsidy Program paid the daycare $177,171.62 from 2011 to 2013.

DWSS subsequently requested that appellant provide actual income and expense information, but appellant did not comply with the request. DWSS then notified appellant that because she failed to report the earnings from a daycare allegedly owned and operated by her husband, she owed $13,000.00 in SNAP benefits and $1,826.55 in FMC benefits for overpayments she had received.

Appellant requested a hearing concerning the alleged overpayment in SNAP and FMC benefits. But before the rescheduled hearing, appellant produced documentation regarding the daycare's expenses. The next day, DWSS sent appellant a revised debt agreement, stating that she owned $11,029.00 in SNAP benefits due to her failure to report the correct household composition and self-employment earnings from the daycare. The $1,826.55 in FMC benefits she owed remained unchanged.

At the rescheduled hearing, Derrico testified that the daycare was his investment, as president, whereas appellant was only the treasurer of the daycare. He further stated that appellant was considered a non-salaried employee or unpaid intern, and that appellant's household bills, including groceries, came out of the daycare's income. Derrico did not contest the daycare's six-figure income from the time period in question; rather, he contested that the income never went to appellant specifically,  and thus, she was eligible for the benefits she received from DWSS. He explained that because the daycare was a corporation, not a sole proprietorship, DWSS could not seek repayment from appellant individually.

As to whether Derrico lived with appellant, Derrico testified that his sole primary residence had never been appellant's home, but he identified appellant's residence as "our home," which he solely owned, and "took care of every financial responsibility at that house." Derrico stated that he married appellant in May 2005 and he called appellant his wife on numerous occasions at the hearing, but he stated that they were separated, although not legally, from 2011 to 2013 and they lived in separate homes during this time. Derrico then replied in the affirmative when the hearing officer asked him if he ever stayed over once a month or went over periodically during that period. According to Derrico, documents, such as his tax records, reflected where he resided.

The hearing resulted in two decisions, one concerning appellant's SNAP overpayment and the other concerning appellant's FMC overpayment. Pursuant to the SNAP decision, the hearing officer found, in pertinent part, that Derrico resided at appellant's house at least one day per month. The hearing officer also concluded that (1) DWSS properly included Derrico in calculating appellant's SNAP benefits, (2) DWSS followed policy in calculating appellant's SNAP overpayment claim, and (3) appellant's arguments concerning in-kind income and the corporate status of the daycare were irrelevant because Derrico should have been included in the assistance unit. Pursuant to the FMC decision, the hearing officer concluded that (1) DWSS properly included Derrico in calculating appellant's FMC benefits, and (2) DWSS followed policy in calculating appellant's FMC overpayment claim. Pursuant to both decisions, the  hearing officer concluded that DWSS properly established an overpayment claim.

Appellant petitioned the district court for judicial review of the final agency decision. Ultimately, the district court denied appellant's petition after concluding that there was substantial evidence to support the hearing officer's decisions.

On appeal, appellant contends that (1) the hearing officer's decisions concerning the overpayment of SNAP and FMC benefits were arbitrary, capricious, and erroneous, and thus, warrant reversal; and (2) DWSS was not authorized to determine overpayment of benefits after appellant stopped receiving benefits. In particular, appellant contends that the hearing officer erred in finding that appellant was ineligible for SNAP and FMC benefits due to the daycare's income because this income was corporate assets, not personal income. Appellant further argues that DWSS may only reduce, suspend, or terminate ongoing benefits under NRS Chapter 422A, specifically NRS 422A.275(1) and 422A.700(1), and thus, DWSS was not authorized to determine whether appellant was liable for  the overpayment of benefits after she stopped receiving benefits. We disagree with all of appellant's contentions.


  • Useful 8
14 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

Those poor kids.  All they hear from their parents is pregnancy, fears of losing the babies, Bed rest and goodbye mom.  Now they live open heart surgery!

I bet they'd rather hear 'we're going out for ice cream' or let's watch a movie!

Way too much BABY talk in that family.

BTW how come Chef Daddy isn't cooking for his brood.  He couldn't get grandma there fast enough!  Cereal and frozen waffles!

Michelle Dugger and her little girl voice and Daddy D in his pretend Chef outfit!  Ugggg.

I couldn't believe that they didn't even toast the frozen waffles!

They threw them in the microwave for 10 seconds and tossed it onto a paper towel all white and floppy raw looking...no crispy brown and no butter or syrup... BLECH! 

The kids were all over that small bowl of grapes like a pack of hyenas!

The kids are adorable but it's the same old story, a whole bunch of kids who aren't getting the attention they deserve..... I agree with the poster who wonders if their nutritional needs are being met.


  • Love 11

OK, so they lived separately from 2011 to 2013, but yet they had two sets of twins, then the quads, and he lived at his home, she lived at hers, and he just dropped in to visit?    If a poster on here can find this, then what is TLC's problem with screening people for TV shows.      I suspect the whole daddy gets the kids to school with the waffles was for TV, and not how they eat normally.      

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
  • Love 6
1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

OK, so they lived separately from 2011 to 2013, but yet they had two sets of twins, then the quads, and he lived at his home, she lived at hers, and he just dropped in to visit?    If a poster on here can find this, then what is TLC's problem with screening people for TV shows.      I suspect the whole daddy gets the kids to school with the waffles was for TV, and not how they eat normally.      

They lived separately?

Yes, the sworn testimony in the court case claims they lived separately from 2011 to 2013, he had his own house, and she lived with the two sets of twins.   Then in 2013 she had the quads.    The daycare was owned by the husband, and the wife was a 'volunteer' or unpaid intern to qualify for the SNAP, and other benefits, that she had to repay.        I bet the attorneys cost more than the cost of repaying the benefits.   So I bet there's another reason they fought the charges. 

My guess is (I don't really know, just guessing) that once you're convicted of fraud for SNAP, or other programs, that you don't get benefits again.   Also, if she's still an employee or volunteer at the daycare, then a felony conviction means she won't be associated with it any longer. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
  • Love 1
On 8/22/2020 at 5:46 AM, winsomeone said:

Those sure are some thin kids. I want to feed them every time I see them. Maybe they just take after their thin mother, but I just wonder how much food they are getting each day?

They all looked pretty average sized to me.  The oldest might even on the upper end of normal.   An Eggo waffle and maybe a slice of bacon was a common breakfast when I was a young kid and there was just 2 of us.   

I agree with GG that these are some very well behaved kids.   And I’ll give the parents credit for that.  

I enjoy this show.  Not terribly concerned about the issues in their past.   If I was I’d just stop watching 🤷🏾‍♀️

  • Love 9
11 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

OK, so they lived separately from 2011 to 2013, but yet they had two sets of twins, then the quads, and he lived at his home, she lived at hers, and he just dropped in to visit?    If a poster on here can find this, then what is TLC's problem with screening people for TV shows.      I suspect the whole daddy gets the kids to school with the waffles was for TV, and not how they eat normally.      


  • LOL 4
On 8/12/2020 at 7:24 PM, snarkish said:

 . . . It's time to stop when a normal healthy pregnancy isn't in the cards anymore! It cannot be good for her body to carry that many multiple pregnancies anyhow. 

On 8/15/2020 at 10:57 AM, IvySpice said:

 These multiple pregnancies are risky to mom AND babies; they've already lost one baby, and the previews make clear that she's in for another preterm birth. This is really irresponsible when you're already mom to 11.

On 8/21/2020 at 3:41 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

They know the high risk for multiples. They have already lost one baby...why keep pushing your luck with more premie babies who could suffer brain damage, blindness, cerebral palsy, etc? Now they have one who needs major surgery.   It’s so cruel and uncaring. Poor kids. And when you go to bed rest to continue your multiple pregnancy you put a big load on family who come to help. Grandma could handle a few kids, but a houseful? So selfish.  

I have no judgment for couples who have a set of multiples when having multiples was never their intent nor desire, and when it occurs despite the couple making responsible decisions guided by a responsible health care team.  However, when couples have a desire for multiples that overrides clear and substantial risks to the health of both mother and children and then take steps to make it happen (e.g. Octomom), I have to wonder about their motivation.  And while I too am skeptical that Karen has conceived so many sets of multiples without any medical intervention, even if you take it as true, at this point they should know multiples are likely and if they nonetheless continue to intentionally conceive, it's difficult not to impute intent.

Given that Karen now needs months of bed rest with each pregnancy, has had significant issues with her last two pregnancies (one death, one baby requiring major surgery), and that her most recent c-section took 2 hours due to all the scar tissue etc, I'm interested to see if they will call it... or keep going.

On 8/14/2020 at 10:24 PM, readheaded said:

I don't know if there's been anything shady with the dad or how all the kids were conceived, but I have to say that this family, even with 5 more children, is so much more pleasant to watch than the Busbys.  The children are happy, disciplined (but not cowed in fear or robotic), and smart.  There's no whining or crying or fighting.  They all seem to love and enjoy each other and the parents aren't bitching and complaining.  And, the parents seem very invested and interested in their kids. The kids can sit at the table and eat a meal; they all do chores.  They talk to each other and share ideas.  I know we don't see everything that goes on, but overall, I was pretty impressed with how they manage.  Even if I wouldn't advocate for such a huge family, these people really seem to be able to make it work and more importantly, they aren't dialing it in.  

While I do enjoy watching OutDaughtered, the girls do cry  and scream A LOT.  Granted, the Derricos quints are 6 and very well might have been just as loud as the Busby girls at the same age, but regardless, I am all for less whining and more cuteness - and I too found the Derrico kids to be pretty delightful.  I also don't think it's possible to consistently raise children who are as bright/articulate/engaged and seem as happy/secure as the Derrico kids without a huge time investment from the parents.  Whether the parents have "enough" time is entirely a matter of opinion, but I do think they must devote a large amount of time to their children, and work to really be present with the children so as to make the time they do have as meaningful and productive as possible.

On 8/12/2020 at 10:59 AM, Whyyouneedaname said:

what was it the grandmother said in the previews about the 13 year old...."Deon & Karen don't know what their 13 year old is going thru" or something to that affect. I wonder what GiGi thinks of all the kids? 

I think GiGi gave us a clue with her suggestion for a name for one of the new babies....."DatsEnough."  And hearing the oldest daughter call GiGi one of her best friends reminded me of the special bond I always had with my grandmother.  She developed dementia several years ago and no longer recognizes us, but from the time I was a child, she was my best friend, as well.

  • Love 13

Here's the article without the pictures. Click on the image to enlarge.



The aftermath of the adoption. Read full article here

Here is a portion of the article:


During an interview at the Review-Journal last week, Derron, who lives in Las Vegas and works as an unarmed security guard, produced documents showing his father took out a $21,000 student loan in his name in 2007, when Derron was just 15 and had no interest in college.

The document lists Derron’s date of birth as 1983. He was actually born in 1991.

Derron says someone signed his name to the loan application, but he never did. After seven years of interest, the debt totals $84,000.

“I don’t sign like this at all,” Derron says. “My signature is nowhere near like this.”

Derron says he also discovered his father maxed out several credit cards in his name. He played a voice mail from the Bank of America fraud department that indicates he has been cleared in one of the cases, but other fraud cases are pending, he says.

Derron says he filed two police reports against his father, alleging fraud and harassment, but the cases haven’t gone anywhere yet.

Derrico has been uncooperative in sorting out the mess, Derron says.

“I told him, ‘You’re my father. Take care of it and I’ll leave you and the family alone,’ ” he says.

Derrico calls his son a liar and says he doesn’t want him in his life, or his kids’ life. Derron is hell-bent on destroying the family’s name out of sheer jealousy, Derrico says.

His youngest children deserve the “Divine Nine” name. But his eldest?

“Everything I stand for, he’s the opposite of,” Derrico says. “I feel like I helped raise the devil.”

Evonne says the family is wasting too much time on Derron. She wants him to leave them alone.

“I just want him to know that the best revenge against someone is, just be successful. Go do your thing, be successful, and leave us out of it,” Evonne says.

The fallout between father and son is dirtier than most family disputes. But their relationship was rocky from the start.

Derrico adopted Derron about a decade ago in Detroit after a chance meeting while Derrico was driving a school bus.

Derron was stuck in the foster system and needed a father. Derrico, who says he then believed he couldn’t have kids naturally, decided to take a chance.

There were some early struggles, which Derron readily admits. He was a troubled kid who often threatened to run away from home and join a gang.

After the family moved West so Derrico could pursue an acting career and start his real estate business, Derron was caught taking money from neighbors’ cars.

Derron admits he spent some time at Southern Peaks Regional Treatment Center in Colorado for awhile and has a juvenile criminal record, but says he’s been clean since turning 18.

“I made some mistakes,” Derron says. “I’ve gotten my life together since then.”

The Detroit Free Press covered Derron’s adoption and legal troubles in 2008 as part of a series on abused and neglected children.

Derrico, portrayed in the article as his son’s hero and protector, told the Free Press he was optimistic about the family’s future, despite Derron’s problems.

“I’m in this for the long run, and I hope that it’s beautiful,” Derrico told the reporter. “But in case it’s not, I’m still there.”


Derron says he is alone now and that’s hard. But he says he will continue to fight to clear his name, even if that means going to court and testifying against his dad.

“I’m getting my life together. I have a good job. I have a kid on the way. I want to go to school. But I need to fix my credit. I want him to own up to everything. As it stands, I have proof of everything.”

He hopes to reconcile with his family one day, he says, but barely recognizes them anymore. He has never met his youngest brothers and sisters, and he learned about their births through an article a friend sent him on Facebook.

Derron says he wonders if he even fits into his family’s new image, which he believes was carefully orchestrated for TV. How much is true, he asks, and how much is for appearances?

Derrico and Evonne say they are married; Derron isn’t sure. The couple supposedly married in California in 2005, according to Derrico, but the 2008 Detroit article on the family referred to Evonne as Derrico’s girlfriend.

If they married, Derron wasn’t invited.

“I had no idea of it,” he says. “My father turned down (her) proposal on multiple occasions because he said if they ever broke up, he didn’t want her to get anything he acquired.”

California marriage records weren’t immediately available, and Derrico declined to provide a copy of their marriage certificate. He says he forgot to tell the Free Press reporters, who followed his story for several years, that he and Evonne had married.

“Just didn’t think of it at the time,” he says.

What’s next for the Derrico family remains uncertain.

A reality TV show is in the works, but only if the price is right, Derrico says.

The family’s blog hasn’t been updated for months, though Paypal donations are still accepted through the site. And they have been busy keeping the kids in the spotlight. Their most recent gig was a 3,400-word cover profile in The Sunday, a free-distribution Las Vegas weekly.

Derron says he was surprised The Sunday article didn’t acknowledge him. He says he emailed reporters there months earlier, hoping to expose his dad.

Donations for the “Divine Nine” keep coming. On Saturday, the family was to appear and receive a substantial donation from the Legacy Ladies’ Torch Awards in Beverly Hills, Calif.


Edited by druzy
  • Useful 7
4 hours ago, SDVegas said:

Derrico has a video on his Facebook account, posted on August 16, 2020, that shows the family getting ready to go swimming in a hotel pool. Derrico introduces his whole family INCLUDING his oldest son and the son’s wife. They sure don’t look estranged. 

The son said he was willing to forgive his father and in my opinion it's in Deon's best interest to keep his son close. 

4 hours ago, SDVegas said:

Derrico has a video on his Facebook account, posted on August 16, 2020, that shows the family getting ready to go swimming in a hotel pool. Derrico introduces his whole family INCLUDING his oldest son and the son’s wife. They sure don’t look estranged. 

Do you have a link? I can't find it.

Preview for next week - Grandma prayer at the table ... " Let's us remember our little Dwyson, she might not be here in body, but she is definitely here in spirt.."... Then the camera catches looks around the table

Maybe that is why Granda's primary residence is in Detroit. She might have a voice/tone/tongue that makes comments, that don't need to be said..

Gotta admit.... I hadn't heard the phrase "might not be here in body" when referring to someone who has not passed..

Speaking of those who has gone on... sorry for being morbid - but is anyone keeping count how many times we have to hear about baby Carter ? May he rest in peace... and give Karen peace.

Edited by sATL
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Was it covered why GG-Grandma can't be the nanny? I know it may be hard to pick up roots from where you lived , worshiped, worked a career, raised a child, established medical team (which is important as one ages) but still... looks like the son Derico needs her more than Detroit could possible need Grandma.

Edited by sATL
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On 8/9/2020 at 3:23 PM, kacesq said:

A shady past? Should I google? And I’m side-eyeing the “all conceived naturally” part. I mean...how would you verify that? You can’t.

I agree with your side-eying. Just because Mom D carried her babies naturally and doesn't use IVF, doesn't mean they were 'conceived' naturally. Stimulating egg growth without harvesting the eggs still requires science and pharmaceuticals to step in. I really want to know if TLC's obsession with religious large families is encouraging some couples to aim for a lot of babies in anticipation of a pay-off?

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