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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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2 minutes ago, methodwriter85 said:

So Nicole F is basically Johanna Mason, but without the awesome moment where she drops all pretense and kills viciously. I guess her game is more Tina Wesson? (I'm Dani's age so I'm an old who only cares about old school reality players.) More recently, Lisa Whelchel?

I would have a lot more respect for Franzel if she owned her game moves. But instead she whines and cries and talks about how hard it was to make that decision and she *sniff* doesn't want to be the *blows nose* bad guy but they made her do it because it was either her or them, please don't hate me, America. She refuses to believe that she could ever be the villain in the game whereas if she leaned into the villain role, she'd probably be as beloved as she's convinced herself she is. But that takes self-awareness and putting aside her ego so it'll never happen. 

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22 minutes ago, mooses said:

 I also think Kalia/Porsche were much better partners for her than Nicole F. I do wish Kalia got another shot at the game this season. They were super-duper twist screwed.

So much this. I don't know how I didn't ragequit this show after Grodner fucked them over so badly. And blatantly.

IIRC, Kalia was the last African-American houseguest to make F5. I wonder how things would've played out if Grodner hadn't been so hellbent on getting a vet across the finish line.

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1 minute ago, PoshSprinkles said:

Enzo won safety suite and saved Krispy Kreme Donut Day. This season continues to deliver! /s

That makes even less sense than Arbor Day saving Ian. 

Maybe her punishment can be having to use crutches and her scooter for the entire week and it'll make her PTSD activate and she'll self-evict. Did that sound too mean? Because let's not forget, in BB19, Christmas was the one who wanted to make Cody's non-existent PTSD flare up to make him self-evict. What a no-personal-attacks, no-dirty-play holiday Barbie queen!

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31 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Do you know what else is Fucking Fabulous? The fact that Franzel is absolutely terrified of Janelle to the point that she can't go to the bathroom if Janelle is hanging out on the couch there. Cody had to promise last night that he would sit on the couch to, I dunno, protect her whenever Franzel needs to tinkle. Was she planning on holding it the whole week if he wouldn't? I need Janelle to turn the bathroom couches into her favourite lounging spot all week. 

I know, this is how Franzel plays the game, by pretending to be the sad, scared little victim that needs protecting before she convinces someone to stab you in the back. But still. Scared to pee? 

Wait...what? Seriously? She's still acting like a poor me, damsel in distress? That's just....sad, really. Does she think Janelle is going to shank her in the can? lol.

I'm trying to reconcile Tyler getting rid of my beloved Jaysar - I still frankly like him more than the rest despite this week's inevitable noms, but this season is hanging by a thread. I could actually root for Enzo, yo, but all his conspiracy crap was just too much. Maybe Day. 

Edited by CrazyDog
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2 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

Wait...what? Seriously? She's still acting like a poor me, damsel in distress? That's just....sad, really. Does she think Janelle is going to shank her in the can? lol.

Franzel goes into the toilet room. Janelle started sharpening a toothbrush on the floor and just smiles when Franzel walks out. That would be amazing. 

Maybe I should just write fan fiction for the rest of the season because this season BLOWS.

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Arbor Day is super fucking pumped about her punishment! Yeah! Comp beasts unite! BIG BROTHER RULES! Woo! RAAAAWR!

My God, she's the biggest fucking keener. She reminds me of BB15's Amanda when she would take the handful of Ritalin that she saved up before a comp except Amanda couldn't win a competition even when McCrae tried to throw it to her and ended up having to answer the question because she choked and then she would crash and cry in that dirty bed surrounded by clothes and garbage about how she just wanted to win one thing and McCrae would chew on his warts and... wait, what was I saying? Oh, right. Arbor Day sucks. Go team. 

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13 minutes ago, mooses said:

Enzo had a plan to save a random woman to throw everyone off of thinking there's a guy's alliance.

Because I'm starting to commit to this fan fiction idea, I had this mental image of Enzo in a spandex onesie with the picture of a kitten on the chest and a cape like Superman's zooming around, plucking women off of rooftops and putting them safely on the ground. "Yo! The Meow Meow is here to rescue you!" he says and poses like a classic comic book hero. "But The Meow Meow," the woman tells him, "we weren't in danger, we were having a barbecue. What the fuck?" And then he admires his biceps in the reflection of a nearby window before zooming off to save another woman from danger and overcooked hot dogs. What a hero. 

Ooh, his leitmotif could be a reworked version of the Meow Mix jingle. I wonder how much Randy Newman costs...

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7 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Because I'm starting to commit to this fan fiction idea, I had this mental image of Enzo in a spandex onesie with the picture of a kitten on the chest and a cape like Superman's zooming around, plucking women off of rooftops and putting them safely on the ground. "Yo! The Meow Meow is here to rescue you!" he says and poses like a classic comic book hero. "But The Meow Meow," the woman tells him, "we weren't in danger, we were having a barbecue. What the fuck?" And then he admires his biceps in the reflection of a nearby window before zooming off to save another woman from danger and overcooked hot dogs. What a hero. 

Ooh, his leitmotif could be a reworked version of the Meow Mix jingle. I wonder how much Randy Newman costs...

No, no, no...  through the window we need to see his BB Tabernacle.

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18 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Enzo SHOULD be one of the people pushing the most to keep Jayser. They hold no threat to him and they are shields for him and his guy alliance.

I feel like he is going to be pushing for Kaysar to go over Janelle, as much as Enzo pushes anything. Enzo/Cody generally want to keep Janelle. And Bayleigh/Memphis would want to keep Janelle, but won't stick their neck out for her. 

Daniele/Nicole F./Ian/Kevin/Christmas/David/Da'Vonne will want to keep Kaysar, and I don't see that changing. So, she's a goner.

Edited by mooses
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1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

Arbor Day is super fucking pumped about her punishment! Yeah! Comp beasts unite! BIG BROTHER RULES! Woo! RAAAAWR!

My God, she's the biggest fucking keener. She reminds me of BB15's Amanda when she would take the handful of Ritalin that she saved up before a comp except Amanda couldn't win a competition even when McCrae tried to throw it to her and ended up having to answer the question because she choked and then she would crash and cry in that dirty bed surrounded by clothes and garbage about how she just wanted to win one thing and McCrae would chew on his warts and... wait, what was I saying? Oh, right. Arbor Day sucks. Go team. 

My brain had successfully managed to bleach out all memories of Amanda/McCrae, and now you done gone and dirtied my mind up again.


Edited by Jeebus Cripes
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Listening to the RAHAP podcast with Erika, Taran always mentions how a player who comes back to Big Brother tries to copy the strategy of the winner from their season. Erika mentions she tried to copy Jun's strategy. I think it's interesting because it's playing out right now in All-stars. Cody is trying to be a leader of an alliance, Enzo sticking with the guys, Da'vonne trying to copy Nicole F's game, Tyler keeping a low profile. I'm sure there are more .

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2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I mean, people like Tyler, Cody, Paul, even Josh - they have a fan base. Does Dani? Really?

Dani has a huge fanbase, that she has now really lost lol.

4 minutes ago, HartofDixie said:

It's not Keesha but I am enjoying it nonetheless!

Every time I see Enzo on the feeds he's going on about how there's no guys alliance bro. SHUT THE FUCK UP!

Tyler is absolutely horrible at talking to people and I truly will never understand why or how he makes it through the game lol.

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

Tyler is absolutely horrible at talking to people and I truly will never understand why or how he makes it through the game lol.

That's funny you say that because I feel the total opposite. He's like a chameleon - he really matches the person's he's speaking to energy. 

It seems like David, not Christmas, is Tyler's number one. Which makes sense considering Ovi's tweet.


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I dunno, the idea of Ovi - voted out week 1, officially bounced from the game week 4 - who actually stood up to the bullies somehow maneuvering a pre-game final 2 instead of Dan, arguably the best Big Brother player ever, and Derrick, who believes he's the best Big Brother player ever, is so fucking hilarious and on trend for 2020 that I kinda love it.  

Go, Ovi. I'm still not going to cheer on either Tyler or David but Ovi? Fuck yeah.

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BB always makes me feel every bit my age when y'all start talking about players that I have to look up. Like when I couldn't remember who the hell Kevin was, then I looked him up and realized he was best friends with Lydia. That was when I realized it's not old age making me forget, it's my brain doing me a solid and blocking out extreme suckage. 

Edited by Jeebus Cripes
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45 minutes ago, Jeebus Cripes said:

I can't stand it. We blame Derick for this garbage, right? Cuz I'm blaming his ass no matter what. That overrated blowhard can kiss my grits. 

The only good quality Nicole has is that she refuses to tell Derrick if she is on a season. Why should he have to know? 

7 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

They seriously have the best friendship. I need post-show updates of them hanging out together, spouses chatting it up, kids playing together, lol. Sigh.

I know I hope this renews a friendship between them and their families outside the show. 

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It's one of the reasons I'm not a Tyler fan - he's the perfect representation of New Big Brother. Do I think Old Big Brother was perfect? God no. Do I understand that games evolve? Of course. I'm all right with change: I accepted New Facebook once they pointed out to me that there was a dark mode. But I haven't accepted New Big Brother yet and I don't know if I ever will. 

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1 minute ago, Brian Cronin said:

I dunno, that would mean Ovi would have to be wrong, and that guy has the best reads in the BB universe, sooo...

I didn't watch his season so not sure if that is serious or sarcastic lol. It's been known that Kaycee/Tyler/Christmas/Josh were in an alliance going into this season. 

29 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

It's one of the reasons I'm not a Tyler fan - he's the perfect representation of New Big Brother. Do I think Old Big Brother was perfect? God no. Do I understand that games evolve? Of course. I'm all right with change: I accepted New Facebook once they pointed out to me that there was a dark mode. But I haven't accepted New Big Brother yet and I don't know if I ever will. 

I think for the new school players the BB stipend is pennies compared to what they can make as an "influencer" if they develop enough of a following. Like Tyler and Angela parlayed their popularity into a jewelry company and recipe/lifestyle Instagram. So he's really here to get more followers = more money. So anyone really popular (like Janelle) is a threat to his wallet.

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36 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

It's one of the reasons I'm not a Tyler fan - he's the perfect representation of New Big Brother. Do I think Old Big Brother was perfect? God no. Do I understand that games evolve? Of course. I'm all right with change: I accepted New Facebook once they pointed out to me that there was a dark mode. But I haven't accepted New Big Brother yet and I don't know if I ever will. 

I always thought of Kaycee as the representation of New Big Brother, and Tyler more Old Big Brother, which is why he lost. Kaycee's win was defined by competition wins and "jury management" - which is just another way of saying, "Don't you dare make me feel stupid."

Tyler controlled so much of the game, spearheaded blindsides, and set HGs up to help him, and took them out before they got in his way. He wanted HGs like Scottie to know because he thought it would earn him respect, since that's supposed to be the name of the game - but that's not how New Big Brother rolls. 

That's why I was so surprised that he turned into just another Instagram influencer afterwards. Now that's a perfect representation of New Big Brother.

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31 minutes ago, Dustbunny said:

good grief Cody is in almost all of them.. these people need to wake-up and get his ass out because they probably can't beat him and Grodner wants him to win.

I could see Cody have a downfall like his brother in 18. It looked like for awhile Paulie was going to win and they blindsided Zakiyah and that's when his downfall began. 

30 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

I think for the new school players the BB stipend is pennies compared to what they can make as an "influencer" if they develop enough of a following. Like Tyler and Angela parlayed their popularity into a jewelry company and recipe/lifestyle Instagram. So he's really here to get more followers = more money. So anyone really popular (like Janelle) is a threat to his wallet.

I made a mistake a few days ago on this thread when I said Tyler didn't care about his fans I thought that would be his new attitude from the backlash in 20 and I was wrong. 

6 minutes ago, mooses said:

I always thought of Kaycee as the representation of New Big Brother, and Tyler more Old Big Brother, which is why he lost. Kaycee's win was defined by competition wins and "jury management" - which is just another way of saying, "Don't you dare make me feel stupid."

Tyler controlled so much of the game, spearheaded blindsides, and set HGs up to help him, and took them out before they got in his way. He wanted HGs like Scottie to know because he thought it would earn him respect, since that's supposed to be the name of the game - but that's not how New Big Brother rolls. 

That's why I was so surprised that he turned into just another Instagram influencer afterwards. Now that's a perfect representation of New Big Brother.

It amazes me how many people on this show don't think of jury management even from the earlier seasons like Ivette would have beaten Janelle in 6. That is why Jordan won in season 11 because Kevin thought he could comp his way to the end and kept Jordan over Michelle. 

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I do think Big Brother 20 is my favorite Modern Big Brother season after Big Brother 17. It had a lot of iconic moments, like the bloody brawl, "on my daughter's birthday," "who flipped,"

...but also some great Feeds moments, like Sam revealing that she thought her and Brett were soulmates, and then that she was in love with a man behind the walls.

I wonder if they're happy.

ETA: I also forgot Sam promising to quit smoking if Fessy targeted Haleigh. 

Edited by mooses
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3 hours ago, mooses said:

Enzo had a plan to save a random woman to throw everyone off of thinking there's a guy's alliance. That doesn't really exist? Or maybe it was to hide another one of the alliances. I can't keep track. There's an alliance with Enzo/Tyler/Da'Vonne in it? 

Oh, who the fuck knows or cares anymore

3 hours ago, Callaphera said:

"But The Meow Meow," the woman tells him


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