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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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Here, have a taste of why Dani will never win Big Brother. Hint: it's because her social game is shit and she can never hide how she feels about a person or a situation which is great if you want a friend to keep you accountable but is crap in a marathon-like competition reality show where you have to live with people you don't like.


Edited by Callaphera
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Has Dani had a real job not BB related since her original season? It seems like a lot of her life involves around Big Brother. I think it's cool that we've seen her in all these different incarnations of her life, but if she hasn't had a normal job for the last 13 years it makes sense her social skills are so bad.

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4 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

Has Dani had a real job not BB related since her original season? It seems like a lot of her life involves around Big Brother. I think it's cool that we've seen her in all these different incarnations of her life, but if she hasn't had a normal job for the last 13 years it makes sense her social skills are so bad.

I don't know but I honestly think that this is just how Dani is. Like, she's that friend who is brutally honest at all times even though it's okay to sugar coat it sometimes but is also an expert at all things and doesn't have time for your petty problems or drama and you should always trust her because her word is her word and she probably uses the word "bespoke" unironically. Or maybe ironically. I'm too old and lazy to keep up with what's popular (37 this month so you know ancient). Are people still eating avocado toast or is that passé now? But she's totally self-aware, I know that. 

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Just now, choclatechip45 said:

That's how I feel too. At least they are making the feeds interesting for the first this season. 

I saw Da'Vonne throwing her lot in with Cody and the Connect 4 alliance while Janelle was on the other side of the feeds, trying to flip the vote with Christmas and Bayleigh and I just sighed. 

2020 blows. 

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

I saw Da'Vonne throwing her lot in with Cody and the Connect 4 alliance while Janelle was on the other side of the feeds, trying to flip the vote with Christmas and Bayleigh and I just sighed. 

2020 blows. 

Seriously. The only good thing is that Cody/Dani look like they can't stand each other. So hopefully next week will be interesting.

Now Janelle is physically locking people in rooms and badgering them to keep Keesha. Y'all. This is like when James sat on Audrey and physically shoved a piece of pizza down her throat while she was a Have Not wrapped in her burrito blanket wedged behind the dentist chairs in the Have Not room. (The fact that that sentence makes sense is amazing. I love Big Brother.) I can't wait for tomorrow morning when she was pinning Precious Cinnamon Roll Nicole down to the ground with the weight of her star costume and screaming in her face until Precious Cinnamon Roll Nicole promised to vote to keep Keesha. And to buy Japanese foundation. 

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I don't... so Bayleigh thinks that they should always honour what the HoH's wishes are. Bayleigh. Who was a member of FOUTTE. Who infamously targeted Brett when she was HoH and Rachel ended up being the one evicted by one vote ("What's wrong with Angela?"). The Bayleigh that was evicted the next week on her alliance-mate's HoH. 

Sure. Okay. 

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Dani and Cody talk about the Kevin/Jeff situation. Dani says "I don't want to talk about it, I am super cool with Jeff. In my opinion he's apologized about it but..." feeds cut. 

Cody asks Dani if her and Dom are going to have a second child. 

Dani tells Cody it took her and Dom two years to conceive Tennessee. They had tests done and went to an adoption seminar and the next week she became pregnant. 

She talked about her upbringing how alone she was, it was just her and her grandma. When her grandma passed away she said she was lucky to have Dom. That makes her want another child so Tennessee doesn't grow up alone like she did. She said her and brother aren't really close. 

Edited by choclatechip45
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Most of these players have learned nothing from past playthroughs. I hate when most of the HGs get into this cult mindset and fall all over themselves to follow the "leader" instead of having independent thoughts. I guess that's why my faves are always early boots because they don't fall in line and question things. 

Edited by kellog010
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33 minutes ago, kellog010 said:

Most of these players have learned nothing from past playthroughs. I hate when most of the HGs get into this cult mindset and fall all over themselves to follow the "leader" instead of having independent thoughts. I guess that's why my faves are always early boots because they don't fall in line and question things. 

It's so true. I love that Janelle has pointed out that, in the past, the houseguests would do the opposite of what the current HOH would want. That's how it should be, especially since HOH technically has very little power. All they do is put people up and then they're just waiting for the next HOH competition. 

3 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

They scammed Kevin? 

I'd love to know what that's about..

Is that the older guy who was in the same season as Christmas and Paul etc?

Swaggy held a charity basketball game for BB19 Kevin. Swaggy even said most of the money would go toward Kevin. The event raised thousands of dollars. Swaggy took most of it for himself and left Kevin only $500 by the end of it. Then he blamed Kevin for becoming cancer-free as a reason why Kevin only got $500. The result was that CBS didn't seem to give a shit and invited Swayleigh back twice last season, so no surprise they got away with it. 

  • Love 8
6 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Swaggy held a charity basketball game for BB19 Kevin. Swaggy even said most of the money would go toward Kevin. The event raised thousands of dollars. Swaggy took most of it for himself and left Kevin only $500 by the end of it. Then he blamed Kevin for becoming cancer-free as a reason why Kevin only got $500. The result was that CBS didn't seem to give a shit and invited Swayleigh back twice last season, so no surprise they got away with it. 

Are you saying that CBS doesn't care? But they have a motto and everything... 😅

Edited by Victim Noises
  • LOL 14

Is the HOH allowed to share the bed or is that forbidden due to COVID? Bad Nicole could sleep in there, even though it might "out" her tightness with Cody.

As for how "mean" Dani is, I have a vivid memory of the first days of her first season when she ran boohooing to the "older" woman Kale (?) whining about how she hates Evel Dick and he's going to ruin her game. Kale was extremely sympathetic and promised Dani she would do all she could to help Dani oust Dick from the game. Sure enough about a week later after the father/daughter "reconciliation," Dani went to Dick and ratted out Kale, telling him that Kale was plotting against him and that he needed to target her. Leading of course to ED launching his usual campaign of intimidation, insults and harassment against Kale while Dani smirked in the shadows.

When Enzo (and others) talk about their adoration of ED, I think to myself that these "fans" would be singing a different tune if they had actually lived in the house with him and had been targeted by his torture. He went after anyone without the last name "Donato."

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We can't lose Janelle! The HOH better be "The person who does real estate in Minnesota wins" or we're fucked.

I also need the DR to talk some sense into Janelle about targetting David, who is a complete non-entity, and Christmas. Christmas isn't a terrible choice but there are better ones. Namely Cody or Nicole F. Those 2 are holding a lot of people together and are a solidified duo. It's literally a no-brainer to target them.

  • Love 23
47 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

It's so true. I love that Janelle has pointed out that, in the past, the houseguests would do the opposite of what the current HOH would want. That's how it should be, especially since HOH technically has very little power. All they do is put people up and then they're just waiting for the next HOH competition. 

Swaggy held a charity basketball game for BB19 Kevin. Swaggy even said most of the money would go toward Kevin. The event raised thousands of dollars. Swaggy took most of it for himself and left Kevin only $500 by the end of it. Then he blamed Kevin for becoming cancer-free as a reason why Kevin only got $500. The result was that CBS didn't seem to give a shit and invited Swayleigh back twice last season, so no surprise they got away with it. 

AND Kevin had to pay for his plane ticket on his own - which I think is the only reason Swaggy gave him the $500.  Fessy was also suppose to get paid (like $2000 or something) but he either gave his money to Kevin (after all the heat) or refused it outright. 

Someone else was also invited and told they would have their airfare paid for (I can see him but can't think of his name...) but he also didn't get paid back for his flight (i think) 

  • Love 8
9 hours ago, choclatechip45 said:

Has Dani had a real job not BB related since her original season? It seems like a lot of her life involves around Big Brother. I think it's cool that we've seen her in all these different incarnations of her life, but if she hasn't had a normal job for the last 13 years it makes sense her social skills are so bad.

She actually said she was an art teacher who took some time off for Tennessee. 

  • Useful 1
2 hours ago, Dmarie019 said:

AND Kevin had to pay for his plane ticket on his own - which I think is the only reason Swaggy gave him the $500.  Fessy was also suppose to get paid (like $2000 or something) but he either gave his money to Kevin (after all the heat) or refused it outright. 

They gave Kevin 800, but he had to pay 300 for his flight (B&C bought him a skiplag ticket, and fucked it up as per usual), which is where the 500 comes from. 

They initially paid Fessy 2k. After the shit hit the fan, he tried to Venmo it to Kevin, but Kevin declined and told him to pay it forward. 

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I have no idea who Kevin is but cured or not if money was raised for him it should have been given to him.  He's better than me cause I would be letting the world know they are crooks on a daily basis. This is also why I don't link up with charity events that are not ran by real charities. And if it is a real charity I still wouldn't trust if it was run by a man calling himself Swaggy. 

Funny I have much better recall on the casts from the older seasons. It's probably because I've been hate watching every since season 16. And even then I'm not invested enough in my hatred to learn and remember names with faces.

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Finally caught up on the episode from last night ... I don't watch the feeds; I mostly catch up here and occasionally check out Twitter comments and IG memes, lol 😉

So I know from you guys that Nicole F has been crying & whining nonstop, but KEVIN was totally the Biggest Whiner in last night's episode! I ended up fast-forwarding through several of his crying/pouting scenes. And the scene with Dani that someone posted above  makes me think at least some of the cast is feeling the same.

(Disclosure: I started watching BB in the teen seasons, so a lot of the Old Timers are new to me. I still hope to go back and watch the first 10 seasons at some point!) By the end of the episode, I wanted Kevin to go just to stop his crying!! Maybe if I knew him better, it would be more endearing 🤔

My votes for first folks out: Christmas, Kevin, Keesha (just cause she seems clueless and not very entertaining) and Enzo and/or Cody. I can't stand the whole bro-dawg, yeah bro, Jersey bros, bro-ing out and combro-sations. Enzo and Cody seem the worst at it thus far. I hate Paul, Paulie, Corey and anyone else who said "your boy" in the past 10 seasons. If getting rid of Cody would calm down Enzo's bro-ness, I'd be OK with that too! Enzo seems like he really reflects whomever he's hanging out with, so he might be less grating with anyone OTHER than Cody!



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I thought I enjoyed him his first go round but now I change the feeds the minute his face hits. I'm tired of seeing him walkfing around looking like a constipated toddler on the verge of a tantrum.


editing because I am pretty sure I was responding to another post and lost the quote. This is about Krying Kevin.

Edited by keke23
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So I was up all night sick- lucky me Dani and Cody stayed up til like 5-6am talking together. 
Dani can be friendly when she likes you and by their convo it sounds like they strengthened their own personal alliance with last nights convo. That being said- I think she’s a snob. I don’t like how she told Nicole A that she couldn’t have any of her moisturizer because she doesn’t wanted to run out of it. Or that she condescends ppls food choices and won’t let it go. Cody is just no in my book. She did share with Cody as a sign that she trusts him that Memphis ex wife (wife at the time) actually was her wedding planner so her and Memphis know each other.

Anyway. I heart Janelle. Keesha should go bcuz she didn’t campaign. She asked Davonne to campaign to Bayleigh for her. Just like she pressed Janelle to do her work for her.  She told Dani that she needed to save her because she’s her bb twin. 

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27 minutes ago, luluesq1 said:

So I was up all night sick- lucky me Dani and Cody stayed up til like 5-6am talking together. 
Dani can be friendly when she likes you and by their convo it sounds like they strengthened their own personal alliance with last nights convo. That being said- I think she’s a snob. I don’t like how she told Nicole A that she couldn’t have any of her moisturizer because she doesn’t wanted to run out of it. Or that she condescends ppls food choices and won’t let it go. Cody is just no in my book. She did share with Cody as a sign that she trusts him that Memphis ex wife (wife at the time) actually was her wedding planner so her and Memphis know each other.

Anyway. I heart Janelle. Keesha should go bcuz she didn’t campaign. She asked Davonne to campaign to Bayleigh for her. Just like she pressed Janelle to do her work for her.  She told Dani that she needed to save her because she’s her bb twin. 

In Dani's defense i would hoard the SHIT out of my bath/beauty products too. You let one person who it and then suddenly everyone does and then in like 2 weeks you're out and shit out of luck to get more. And they all seem to use expensive stuff.  Gotta shut that down FAST lol.

But yea the food thing is super annoying. I am just fine being fat and loving all the foods i eat, thank you very much! (well not super fine, I'd like to lose some weight but I freaking love food too much) 

Day and Janelle talking

Day is frustrated with Keesha because she's not doing the work to stay.  Day says she will go talk to people and see what they're thinking and report back to Janelle. Day says week 1 isn't suppose to be this hard. It's suppose to be cut and dry. 

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It is just bizarre that Da'Vonne is playing it like this. She might not consider Janelle an ally, but Janelle considers her an ally - why try to mess with her Week One? Just use her as a sidepiece! She's shooting herself in the foot.

Like, I get why Janelle is so confused. It doesn't make sense! 

Edited by mooses
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Hi! I’ve been lurking here since BB17 and couldn’t live without this thread every summer, so I just wanted to finally log in and thank all the posters for providing so much information and entertainment. I subscribe to the feeds but don’t get to watch most of the day while I’m working, so this thread is awesome and has made me laugh so many times. I’m excited that I can actually watch the pre-live show feeds today, though, since I’m working from home. I used to be in the office on Thursdays and never got to see all the last minute gaming. I hope this group spices it up soon because they’ve been such a snooze so far. Get in the game, people!

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