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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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Just now, Dmarie019 said:

Next question: what is the worse punishment

Sam and the Robot

Chicken George on slop

Alex camp costume/punishment

I was hoping, that in this Pandemic Season of Big Brother, every player would just be a Sam the Robot instead of ever stepping foot in the House.

That punishment really made me giggle.


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Just now, Callaphera said:

Wait, I take it back. When the question of Who Is Hotter: Old Victor or New Clean Cut Victor came up, Old Victor was the answer. How long until Franzel cries about it and then thinks everyone wants to steal her man (and grow out his hair again) and then cries again?

Someone also said Corey Brooks. Why are they bullying her? LMAO. 

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6 hours ago, vb68 said:

Isn't Columbus Day playing the role of Kaycee and secretly ride or die with Tyler? I know Memphis has pitched her his idea for an alliance, but I'm not sure how much of a pair they are in actuality. 

I have seen them talk in the past, but last night they had a long strategy conversation that led me to believe they were each other’s main person.  I could be wrong, and maybe they were both lying, but they looked very comfortable with each other.I think they’re a pair.

Why does everyone want Rachel there?? I saw approximately 20 minutes of BB13, because once she walked into the house, I was out.

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3 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I think it's a mixture of people sucking up to Cody and Nicole and that being the season that they give the more recent seasons to watch. 

I always forget about that little tidbit. They said they got a different one this time in sequester but I don't remember which one (probably because most of them had seen BB16 by now). I just never understand why BB16 over BB17. BB17 is way more interesting and fun from a broadcast-only point of view and you don't have to sit through Frankie Grande. 

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Just now, Callaphera said:

I always forget about that little tidbit. They said they got a different one this time in sequester but I don't remember which one (probably because most of them had seen BB16 by now). I just never understand why BB16 over BB17. BB17 is way more interesting and fun from a broadcast-only point of view and you don't have to sit through Frankie Grande. 

Didn't Les Moonves say that BB17 was a complete failure? And the Producers absolutely love BB16. I kind of blame the fans for acting like Derrick was the next coming of Dan, and it felt like Vanessa didn't get the respect she deserved until after the season.

But, I'll never understand why BB17 never got enough love - Vanessa was a great player who also sowed chaos and entertainment, Austin getting evicted barefoot is such an iconic moment, and Shelli threw a musical blockbuster!

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20 hours ago, zorak said:

Cody is talking to Nicole F. about how Paulie was trying to imitate Paul's look with his hair.  He says he's not surprised because Paulie always wanted to be a rocker and Paul was a rocker.


16 hours ago, Callaphera said:

In honour of this reminder of Dani's food snobbery, I will have a serving of frosted brown sugar "spicetacular" Pop Tart Thins. The first two ingredients are whole grain wheat flour and wheat flour. And then seven types of sugar. Health food!

Dani comes near my Cocoa Puffs, and I’ll cut a bitch.  I will drop her like a bad habit.

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3 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I'm pretty sure I heard her claim that the last task was to campaign against her in jury? I don't remember that - I remember that he didn't even get his own jury vote but not a campaign against task.

Well, the last task was to campaign FOR Dick and vote for him, but come on, it's, like, "Yeah, he helped me the entire game, but then America wanted to vote for Dick at the end, so the twist fucked me."

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I flashed back for fun. Cams 1/2 08/12/2020 around 2:17 BBT

(the feed switched over from Franzel/Christmas to the end of this convo)
Dani: "But then America's Player, his last task was the campaign against me. So he campaigned to the whole jury and basically I lost the show because of that."
Da'Vonne: "Oh, damn."
Dani: "And then he got paid more than I did."
Da'Vonne: "There's always a twist. [pause] Always a twist."
Dani: "That... that sucks, man."
Keesha: "And the ending, you came in second?"
Dani: "Mmhmm."
Da'Vonne: "Mmhmm."
Keesha: "So good, though. Still so good."


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Aaand we left with Enzo and Precious Cinnamon Roll Nicole talking about how Taylor Trevor Tyler and Bayleigh were rehashing drama from their season to work past it. Tyler started crying and walked away (which is how we got that super awesome Enzo bro quote), Bayleigh went upstairs to cry, and now they're on HoH lockdown for an unknown reason and now we have animal-cam. 

We didn't actually get to see the Tyler/Bayleigh convo because they immediately cut away. Like they've been doing with every good conversation so far this week. 

Edited by Callaphera
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10 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Actual quote from Enzo to Precious Cinnamon Roll Nicole: "And I was like, 'Tyler, bro. You need to talk, bro? I'm here for ya, bro.' 'Cause, ya know."

Bless his heart. 

But still less annoying (by far) than Bad Nicole's fucking incessant sobbing, or Good Nicole's "I love everyone" routine. I am definitely not asking for another season of Paul's cabal bullying, but FFS. If you can't talk shit about people behind their backs, why are you here?? 

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Oh, I love Enzo. He's rough around the edges and he uses "bro" as a noun, a verb, and punctuation (much how I use "fuck") but he has a good heart and he means well. And he's hilarious. A whole house of Enzos would be exhausting but the one we have is fantastic. I know some people were all "Ugh" when his name came up on the cast list but I'm pumped to have him back. 

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2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Wait, I take it back. When the question of Who Is Hotter: Old Victor or New Clean Cut Victor came up, Old Victor was the answer. How long until Franzel cries about it and then thinks everyone wants to steal her man (and grow out his hair again) and then cries again?

Was JUST talking about this today. Old Victor >>>>>>>>>> New Victor. It's not even a question.

1 hour ago, mooses said:

Didn't Les Moonves say that BB17 was a complete failure? And the Producers absolutely love BB16. I kind of blame the fans for acting like Derrick was the next coming of Dan, and it felt like Vanessa didn't get the respect she deserved until after the season.

But, I'll never understand why BB17 never got enough love - Vanessa was a great player who also sowed chaos and entertainment, Austin getting evicted barefoot is such an iconic moment, and Shelli threw a musical blockbuster!

I love BB17. It's the only one of the teens I think is actually good - 14 I was into but the ending just ruins it. Every other season in the teens is varying degrees of trash, imo. But 17 has interesting game play, memorable characters... it's just so much better than everything around it.

Also Johnny Mac. I miss his Bobcat Goldthwait-style DRs. HE should be an All Star.

25 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

NicoleF constant “I am an All Star” with her constant crying is annoying as hell. I can’t wait till she’s gone. She is so annoying. 

Does she actually say this in her sob sessions? For the love of poundcake.

Edited by Alice Mudgarden
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We didn't actually get to see the Tyler/Bayleigh convo because they immediately cut away. Like they've been doing with every good conversation so far this week. 

I'm never going to get past the image of Bayleigh screaming at the top of her lungs with blood running out of her mouth because she bit her tongue. It's burned into my memory and it's all I can think of when I look at her or hear her name. 

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We've already gotten to the bottom of the Franzel/Janelle one sided drama. Franzel doesn't like Janelle because Janelle "wrote an article" (so probably a blog or contributed a quote to a finale recap or something) and said that Franzel didn't deserve her win. And Franzel has been carrying this with her like a carry-on bag that you would take on a flight except she keeps adding things to the bag like, "Janelle made me talk about Cooooreeeey!" and "Janelle doesn't have to wear her fifteen pound punishment costume but Big Brother was mean to me when I tried to put down my bratwurst-on-a-stick!" and "Janelle breathed!" and now that carry-on bag has gotten so big, it's spilled over to fit into one of the biggest rolling suitcases you've ever seen and Franzel is dragging it around with her everywhere she goes. 

Franzel doesn't want to make it personal, though. She just wants everyone to tuck her into bed after her milk and cookies and to sing her a lullaby and turn off the lights because she's the only one who matters. Totally not personal, though. 

Edited by Callaphera
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24 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I'm never going to get past the image of Bayleigh screaming at the top of her lungs with blood running out of her mouth because she bit her tongue. It's burned into my memory and it's all I can think of when I look at her or hear her name. 

That was feeds GOLD! One of my coworkers from that season and I discovered we were both BB fans and I can still remember telling her that the show that night was going to be epic after I saw the short clips someone posted in the live feed thread of that fight, lol.

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1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

Oh, I love Enzo. He's rough around the edges and he uses "bro" as a noun, a verb, and punctuation (much how I use "fuck") but he has a good heart and he means well. And he's hilarious. A whole house of Enzos would be exhausting but the one we have is fantastic. I know some people were all "Ugh" when his name came up on the cast list but I'm pumped to have him back. 

I absolutely adore Enzo.  As in watching feeds, I want to go where he is.  I thought he absolutely sucked his season, and I'm pretty sure he still does, but as for feeds, and his personality?  Yeah, my top three for sure.

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12 minutes ago, HighQueenEB said:

That was feeds GOLD! One of my coworkers from that season and I discovered we were both BB fans and I can still remember telling her that the show that night was going to be epic after I saw the short clips someone posted in the live feed thread of that fight, lol.

True story - I'm not very social at work (I am a TRUE introvert) but several years ago I let it slip that not only was I a BB fan, I watched the feeds.  For YEARS people would come into my office asking me who won veto, who is on the block, who was in trouble.  Man, did I ever regret letting it out.  (Although right now, it would be awesome for people to be coming into my office asking about BB - been working from home for exactly 5 months tomorrow).

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15 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

True story - I'm not very social at work (I am a TRUE introvert) but several years ago I let it slip that not only was I a BB fan, I watched the feeds.  For YEARS people would come into my office asking me who won veto, who is on the block, who was in trouble.  Man, did I ever regret letting it out.  (Although right now, it would be awesome for people to be coming into my office asking about BB - been working from home for exactly 5 months tomorrow).

Omg. Years ago I didn't get along with someone at work. One day I let it slip in a meeting that I loved Big Brother. The person I couldn't stand was also a huge BB fan. From then on we were besties. 

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1 hour ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

I love BB17. It's the only one of the teens I think is actually good - 14 I was into but the ending just ruins it. Every other season in the teens is varying degrees of trash, imo. But 17 has interesting game play, memorable characters... it's just so much better than everything around it.

Also Johnny Mac. I miss his Bobcat Goldthwait-style DRs. HE should be an All Star.

I ❤️ Johnny Mac. I would've chosen him and Donny over half the guys we did get. Though I struggle to remember that he had a normal speaking voice. Well, more normal. "The only psychology that works on Vanessa is reverse reverse reverse reverse reverse psychology!"



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Just now, kellog010 said:

I'm liking this Bay and Janelle chat. This is a good team up. Janelle is stuck in old school thinking and Bay explaining about how the house votes with emotions in these later seasons. 

Came here to say exactly this!! Loving this convo and Janelle being shocked how people play with emotions... she’s like, but why (cause that’s dumb)? 😂 Contrasted with Bad Nicole whining to Good Nicole about Janelle last night, telling her that Janelle has no feelings at all. Nicole F: “Did you see on BB14, Britney said to Janelle, ‘Do you remember a time when you were really happy?’ and Janelle said, ‘mmm... no.’ She said no! Then Britney said, ‘Do you remember ever being really sad?’ and Janelle said Nooooo! She has no feelings! She is scary!”

Nicole A: “Wowww. I didn’t know that...”

Me: 😂😂😂💀 Janie still a unicorn after all these years... making them seethe with envy and confusion

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That Johnnie Mac video gave me LIFE!  One of the dumbass questions today was who was the funniest in the DR.  Brittany carried the day, and yes, not going to disagree on that one, but I kept waiting for one of them to say Johnnie Mac - and the awesome part was someone finally did, and everyone was like "YES!  He was so funny, and he laughed at his own jokes, and he had that weird voice and laugh".  Good times.  Loved that kid. 

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