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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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14 hours ago, Luckylondon said:

Cody complains about jury management and pity votes to pander for jury votes. He admits that he did not do it well his season and Derrick was great at it, so that when he hears about people doing jury management it makes him very nervous.

Aw, poor Cody might actually have to play the game to win the game.  It's so unfair!  

This is the attitude that has been driving me nuts about him all season.  He just wants to waltz away with the win without ever having to do anything to earn it.  Jury management is part of the game, he's clearly aware of that, he just doesn't want to have to make the effort to do it and apparently no one else should either.  He's just such a weenie.  

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Honestly Cody is still "big mad." Complaining to everyone...The hypocrisy is amazing. They are all so irritated that he had the audacity of Kevin to actually speak. It's ridiculous. Kevin hasn't had a chance and he's calling it right. Now they are all in the HOH, "you're damned if you do and your damned if you don't." Cody saying " Kevin, I was showing you we were on the same team...I was trying...you never talked to me..." What Cody? You are part of a big alliance that has used him from the start week after week.

  • Love 9

Kevin and David were just chatting and Kevin mentioned the cooty taw on Jesse on his season. David’s lovely eyes glazed over (so what else is new) and Kevin quickly went back to bitching about Cody. Damn...I wanted Kevin to recount the whole Cooty Taw Saga to David, not leaving out the “dining table memorial” Natalie, Lydia and Chima conducted for the fallen muscleman. Young David needs to hear of such tales of Olde Big Brother.

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3 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

I watched the Kevin and Cody argument. It was good. They all feeling "some type of way..." I sincerely hope Kevin does this all week!

I require a clip of this argument. Please, someone make it happen! (Also: go Kevin!)

When was Krampus ever looking out for Kevin? They were allies?? What kind of delusional imaginary house is this woman living in? 

  • Love 5
2 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

For whatever reason I'm irrationally annoyed that all of Dani's jeans have these huge cut-outs at the knees. It just looks like an annoying affectation.

Yay, I'm not the only one irrationally annoyed by this! I mean, I grew up in the age of grunge (kinda). A hole in the knee? Cool. The entire fucking knee ripped out of both legs for no reason other than what my dad would call "Polish air conditioning"? Why. Just why. 

For the record, I accidentally clicked on an old compilation of Dani clips from a previous season and she was wearing these knee-less jeans even back then. So it's even weirder because she's clearly adopted the cold knee look as a "look" in the same way some women only wear three colours or are known for the one nail polish colour or whatever. 

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

Yay, I'm not the only one irrationally annoyed by this! I mean, I grew up in the age of grunge (kinda). A hole in the knee? Cool. The entire fucking knee ripped out of both legs for no reason other than what my dad would call "Polish air conditioning"? Why. Just why. 

For the record, I accidentally clicked on an old compilation of Dani clips from a previous season and she was wearing these knee-less jeans even back then. So it's even weirder because she's clearly adopted the cold knee look as a "look" in the same way some women only wear three colours or are known for the one nail polish colour or whatever. 

It reminded me of a girl I followed on SM who always wears these off-the-shoulder blouses. Like EVERY.PICTURE.OFFTHESHOULDER. And she'd even pull down regular t-shirts so they'd be off-the-shoulder in the picture.  It started to look like such an annoying affectation that I unfollowed her for that. Because I'm petty like that. That's where I am with Dani and the huge rips in her jeans. And that straw hat she wears. 

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11 minutes ago, TimWil said:

Kevin and David were just chatting and Kevin mentioned the cooty taw on Jesse on his season. David’s lovely eyes glazed over (so what else is new) and Kevin quickly went back to bitching about Cody. Damn...I wanted Kevin to recount the whole Cooty Taw Saga to David, not leaving out the “dining table memorial” Natalie, Lydia and Chima conducted for the fallen muscleman. Young David needs to hear of such tales of Olde Big Brother.

David looked very confused last week when Kevin was telling him how he was in the majority alliance while Jordan/Jeff were in the minority alliance. 

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19 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Enzo has been agitated all night about the need to shake things up in the house. First to Kevin earlier, and just now to Tyler: “Gotta make a move, yo. It’s time to make a move.” (pause) “If not this week, then next week!”


Is that Enzo speak for, "It's too soon."

Yes I know I was already beaten to the punch twice by other posters.  But I really wanted to make that joke yo.


10 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

I think the show is dumb for not just incorporating wall yellers into the show but I guess that would encourage more wall yellers so they're kind of stuck.

They have in the past.  Not wall yellers but they have made planes flying banners part of the official show.  I know that because I was just watching a season a recap of season 10 on YouTube and they had Memphis and I believe Angie talking about how when there is a plane that goes by with a banner the contestants have to go in lock down.

10 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

For whatever reason I'm irrationally annoyed that all of Dani's jeans have these huge cut-outs at the knees. It just looks like an annoying affectation.

Make that three people, I am not a woman and know nothing about women's fashion.  But that shit annoys me for some strange reason.

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My favourite "wall yeller"/"banner plane" will always be the blow-up doll attached to the drone that flew over the backyard during BB18. Too bad it didn't fall down so that Frank could stop perving on the women (he figured out the perfect angle to look at the bathroom mirror or a mirrored decoration in the bathroom so that he could see them naked in the shower stall). Oh, let's be real, he wouldn't have stopped looking. Hell, he told the other guys how to see them, too!


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1 hour ago, BK1978 said:

Is that Enzo speak for, "It's too soon."

I’ve actually heard Enzo say that exact phrase*. So it seems he is channeling Helen, after all.  I just want to know what these people would consider a good time to “make a move”. F3, maybe?  And what are they going to tout as their big accomplishment in their final jury speech? “Well, I... was loyal. I always voted how my alliance told me to. I put Kevin on the block a lot. I complained about being bored. And... yeah, that’s about it. Give me 500k!”

*Well, to be fair, what he actually said was “”It’s too soon, yo.” So he made it his own.

Edited by 30 Helens
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9 hours ago, Nashville said:

Check it out for yourself; the House is bordered on one side by “Gunsmoke Avenue”, on the other by the LA River.

Wall yellers and Production have had a cat-and-mouse game going for years.  If I recall correctly:

  1. Vehicle and foot traffic used to go by the House and BY daily, until the very first wall yellers started doing drive-bys - so TPTB blocked off the street.
  2. Yellers then went pedestrian - walking right up to the side of the BY and shouting - so TPTB put extra lot security staff around the House to keep them away.
  3. Enterprising yellers then came at their prey from a different angle - literally.  They came up the usually-next-to-dry LA River riverbed and scaled the fence by the House for their fun.  TPTB would LAPD to people trespassing on the riverbed (which is city property), but how high it hit on LAPD’s priority list varied from night to night.
  4. Cut off from direct access, some enterprising yeller went indirect - driving up to the back of the housing subdivisions which abut the LA River on the other side, then shouting across with bullhorns.  TPTB/LAPD interaction lather/rinse/repeat.

None of which covers airplane banners, balloons, drones, inflatable dolls, etc.

This season’s crop of yellers appear to have reverted back to options 1 and/or 2 with a somewhat surprising degree of success; not sure what the deal is, unless COVID-19 has put a dent in available lot security staff.  Last I heard TPTB were hiring a private firm for increased security around the set, though - so we’ll have to wait and see.

Thanks for all the info and details it helps to explain a lot.

I had no idea they were that accessible 👍

  • Love 3
12 minutes ago, Joan of Argh said:

Thanks for all the info and details it helps to explain a lot.

I had no idea they were that accessible 👍

I was watching a video on YouTube where the guy showed the Google Maps picture of the studio where they film and it is right on top of the "L.A. river" (I say "L.A. river" because that is the poorest excuse for a river I have ever come across.  L.A. toxic waste stream would probably be a better name for it).  I wish I could remember where it was so I could just post it on here, but I cannot seem to find it.  There is a main road just a little bit away from the studio that has a fence that people cut so they could get down to the river/toxic waste stream from the main road.

Stupid YouTube and their recommendations, I looked at one Diana Rigg video and now my recommendation feed is littered with Game of Thrones and Avengers (British version, not the Marvel comics stuff) videos. 

  • Useful 1

Now Xmas is complaining to Memphis about ungrateful backstabbing Kevin. She also says that before Day left, Day told her she was aligned with Dani, Nicole and Cody. So obviously those traitors have to go! 

More revelations: Day’s big plan was to evict Cody, and she was going to have Kevin go after him so her hands would remain clean. Memphis doesn’t understand how that makes any sense if they were in an alliance. Xmas also thinks she will be the replacement nom in case of veto.

If Cody nominates Xmas and she leaves, he will win my undying support.

  • Love 6
9 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Now Xmas is complaining to Memphis about ungrateful backstabbing Kevin. She also says that before Day left, Day told her she was aligned with Dani, Nicole and Cody. So obviously those traitors have to go! 

More revelations: Day’s big plan was to evict Cody, and she was going to have Kevin go after him so her hands would remain clean. Memphis doesn’t understand how that makes any sense if they were in an alliance. Xmas also thinks she will be the replacement nom in case of veto.

If Cody nominates Xmas and she leaves, he will win my undying support.

I want Cody to leave before her. She's much better TV. 

Edited by Tuxcat
  • Love 7
11 hours ago, JediDVguy said:

If you’re referring to the clip that peachmangosteen posted upthread, Dominique is a black woman that appeared on Christmas’s first season.


11 hours ago, Nashville said:



I think you’re both wrong; personally, I suspect National Research Administrators Day has already forgot the name of the lady just evicted was Da’Vonne, and she’s fucking up the reference.  🙄🤦🏻‍♂️🙄

TELL me that doesn’t make more sense in context.  G’wan, I double-dog-dare ya.

Thanks for the clarity @JediDVguy and @Nashville. I almost added a statement about how she might be talking about D’Vonne because telling Memphis’ girlfriend makes no sense... then I decided to just answer who is Dominique? That is truly awful that she called Day... Dominique. 😳Stunned😳 😑😐😑😦

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7 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

For whatever reason I'm irrationally annoyed that all of Dani's jeans have these huge cut-outs at the knees. It just looks like an annoying affectation.

Only because it is.


7 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

When was Krampus ever looking out for Kevin? They were allies?? What kind of delusional imaginary house is this woman living in? 

Considering it’s National Fart Day we’re talking about, I’d say a crackerbox palace.

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I just read in Joker’s discussion that Nic/Cody had a conversation regarding their order of eviction. Kevin this week, Dani next on a Xmas HOH, and then Memphis if it’s a Nic HOH or Xmas if it’s a Cody HOH. 

I’m assuming that Dani’s and Nicole’s names are interchangeable.   Has either girl thought about this or is Cody that ‘good’ that they believe he cares who is next to him?   

So that’s Cody’s scenario.  Would XMas follow and target Dani or target one of the guys?  

ETA:  Lol at National Fart Day. 

Edited by Ellee
  • Useful 3
21 minutes ago, himela said:

This past week I spent time thinking why I can't get myself to hate Nicole despite everything that she has done and the fact that most people don't like her

No one should ever feel like they "have to" hate a houseguest. Lots of people don't like Nicole, but lots do. And until the day you find out she's a secret serial killer (extremely unlikely), I think you should enjoy watching her on the show, remember your happy associations with your teacher, and never feel the slightest bit of guilt. 

  • Love 17
1 hour ago, Ellee said:

I just read in Joker’s discussion that Nic/Cody had a conversation regarding their order of eviction. Kevin this week, Dani next on a Xmas HOH, and then Memphis if it’s a Nic HOH or Xmas if it’s a Cody HOH. 

I’m assuming that Dani’s and Nicole’s names are interchangeable.   Has either girl thought about this or is Cody that ‘good’ that they believe he cares who is next to him?   

So that’s Cody’s scenario.  Would XMas follow and target Dani or target one of the guys?  

ETA:  Lol at National Fart Day. 

I would still like to know who Cody considers his true alliances to be. I really have no idea if he has a final two deal that he considers to be real, or if he thinks he can beat nearly anyone.

Also, it is interesting that David’s name isn’t anywhere in that boot list.

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ummm .... a dumb question here .... could Kevin and David possibly be two of the safest two people in the house?   Veto played (despite HOH saying not to play it) and the real targets girls go home.    And then Kevin/David will not be so safe.  

I am assuming that the bro’s are really bro’s.  And if that’s the case ... then do the bro’s go to war or play the same game with Kevin/David safe?  A game within the game so to speak. 


26 minutes ago, Michichick said:

I would still like to know who Cody considers his true alliances to be. I really have no idea if he has a final two deal that he considers to be real, or if he thinks he can beat nearly anyone.

Also, it is interesting that David’s name isn’t anywhere in that boot list.

I think Cody’s true alliance is Cody, Cody and Cody and plans on taking David with him.  I truly would laugh hysterically if when talking to the jury David starts spouting off more BB history than the entire jury knows as well as explaining his entire time was spent being harmless and getting to the final 2.  I don’t really care if David gets there but not a fan of Cody getting there.   Not really sure who I’d want in F2. 


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9 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

Cool kids Cody, Dani, Nicole, Tyler and Memphis in the HOH room watching the monitor. Talking about Kevin and his blanket. Memphis asks "is this a thing though, like do I need to be sensitive before I start talking about this sh*....STARS..."

That's what he thinks about before saying it? Not all the microaggressions or horrible things about Ian. Even when these people get out and are annihilated on the internet they will never think they were wrong, they'll think it's the audience being 'sensitive.' 

2 hours ago, Ellee said:

Would XMas follow and target Dani or target one of the guys?  

She'll target Dani. These women all want to be the last woman standing. It's really sad and embarrassing.

1 hour ago, Ellee said:

ummm .... a dumb question here .... could Kevin and David possibly be two of the safest two people in the house?  

Absolutely not. Kevin is 100% the target this week, especially now that he's made Cody big mad. Cody is the one controlling the game. Now, if Kevin wins veto then I do think the target is likely to change to Christmas. Which is just another reason why I have a 'Kevin for Veto!" prayer circle going.

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3 hours ago, himela said:

I'm sorry to get off topic but I really want to make this post. This past week I spent time thinking why I can't get myself to hate Nicole despite everything that she has done and the fact that most people don't like her and I realized something for the first time; She reminds me of a teacher I used to have for 6 years in junior highschool and highschool. I was 12 and she was 25, it was her first time teaching in a school and we were her first students. She was a little chubbier than Nicole and she had long black hair, she used to dress like Nicole as well and after paying some close attention to Nicole some faces she does look exactly like my teacher's. Anyway, for some weird reason, even though I was not that smart, that beautiful, that outgoing or that funny, I was her favorite student, I don't remember how I found out but I did. I loved her a lot as well, she was fun, social, she made jokes but she was a caring and good teacher as well. I'm talking about the 90s. I finished school in 1999 and we had asked her when we would be allowed to call her by her name and not "miss" and she had said, when you get in college. After I got in college I never saw her again but in the 21 years that have followed I have remembered her many many times and I have dreamt about calling her by her name and being friends with her. The 13 years of age difference we have doesn't seem that much as it used to. I searched for her on facebook and she is still at the same school with some other teachers I used to have. I even found a recent photo of her. Sadly, from a post another teacher made, I found out that she had lost her son in 2018, I don't know how old he was or how he died, and I've spent these last days being sad for her loss. I wanted to make this post and share this story with you, I know the place is not the most appropriate, but please forgive this off topic post. I still have a cassette I had made back then from inside the class room and I heard her voice and I was really touched. Thank you for reading my long post.

Dammit! (Sniffling)

That was very sweet, Himela....question, did you get the courage to contact her via Facebook? I hope y'all get to reconnect.

Back on topic, has the POV happened yet?

Edited by Yogisbooboo64
Stupid fat fingers!!
  • Love 9
9 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:


I hate that like there are actual chances this Triple Eviction could go well because consciously I know that it absolutely will not. Also, I really hate that I'm still even caring about this shit show lol.

Exactly! I fully expect it to be Kevin going, then Memphis will win HOH and David will go, and then Christmas will be the third person to be evicted.

  • Love 1
40 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Exactly! I fully expect it to be Kevin going, then Memphis will win HOH and David will go, and then Christmas will be the third person to be evicted.

Yes, unless Kevin wins veto he will go. Xmas would be replacement nom. Tyler, Cody and Enzo all have interest in dragging David to the end so I'm not sure he will go. But of course Memphis still has his obsession. 

So on Thursday, the HG are expecting a double. Will they be told it's actually a triple before they play the double? Or will they play the double and THEN hear "one more time. Go...?"

  • Love 1
Just now, Tuxcat said:

Yes, unless Kevin wins veto he will go. Xmas would be replacement nom. Tyler, Cody and Enzo all have interest in dragging David to the end so I'm not sure he will go. But of course Memphis still has his obsession. 

So on Thursday, the HG are expecting a double. Will they be told it's actually a triple before they play the double? Or will they play the double and THEN hear "one more time. Go...?"

I hope they find out it’s a triple after the 2nd eviction will make the HOH/POV more interesting!

  • Love 7
6 hours ago, himela said:

whole post

If you found her on FB, have you thought of reaching out and starting some form of correspondence? Even just to share the memories you shared with us? I'm sure she would appreciate it. ❤️

ETA: I see it's already been asked and answered. Life is so short, and I think spreading positivity (idk why but this site or browser is telling me that positivity is misspelled, but I know it isn't and it's driving me insane) is always a good thing. I'm probably not the best example cause I'm kinda crazy, but my memory is horrible and I had a random memory a couple months ago about this girl from high school who I was never that close with but kind of worshiped because she was so beautiful... anyway, I stalked her down on FB (I actually had to have my best friend--who is even better at stalking than I am--locate her because she was not easy to find) just to tell her how glamorous she was like, almost 25 years ago. Maybe she thought I was a total nut, but I'd like to think I made her day a little brighter. 

Edited by Victim Noises
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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

Yea I hope they don’t get told it’s a triple and think it’s just a regular DE for the fist hour. That would be amazing. So obviously it won’t happen and they’ll just find out it’s a TE immediately because we aren’t allowed to have nice things.

also read that the triple could just mean you evict regular and do one quick HOH but nominate three houseguests, veto and then vote one to stay and two out... Read somewhere that's also been called a "triple" as in 3 going home on the same night. I'd much prefer them to play a double and then get surprised with a whole separate cycle to go right after the second evictee. Somehow BB will let us down.

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