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S05.E05: Drive Me Crazy Like A Roulette Wheel

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2 hours ago, nb360 said:

This was weird to me, too. Why drive for hours for a one-yr-old's birthday party? I know it's important to celebrate birthdays but long driving trips would tax even the best of relationships. I would have hold off doing this, or would have just gone without Aseulo.

Glad I'm not the only one who was confused. First of all, I thought they were going out of town to have fun for Asuelu's birthday to cheer him up b/c they weren't going to Samoa. Then, all the family is there for a party? Why did they go out of town? This was weird. 

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, KateHearts said:

She's always sounded a little garbled but this season it seems worse.

They subtitled her at times! 

2 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Anybody who wants to date Colt, or Larissa is a famewhore who wants to be a realty TV star."  End of story.  

Yes, anyone surprised that Jess was the one who contacted Colt? 

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4 minutes ago, jackjill89 said:

Glad I'm not the only one who was confused. First of all, I thought they were going out of town to have fun for Asuelu's birthday to cheer him up b/c they weren't going to Samoa. Then, all the family is there for a party? Why did they go out of town? This was weird. 

They went to Kalani’s sister’s house in California I think? 

  • Love 3
17 hours ago, Chloe Dog said:

That's actually a really good point you made.  With Kalani telling her family so many details about Asuelu, they've already made a decision about him and never gave him much of a chance.  He hasn't seemed to have done much to change that opinion though, but maybe it's a losing battle. 

And none of them seem to fault her for her part in the situation.  She's not a victim; she's a grown-ass adult who decided to have unprotected sex with Asuelu, not once but twice.  

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2 minutes ago, magemaud said:

Let me get the timeline straight. First Paul goes to Brazil to meet Karine whom he met online. He wants to bring her to the US, but doesn't make enough money to bring her here on a K1 Visa, so he goes back to KY alone, lives with his parents and gets fired from a job shoveling horse shit. Next time we see him is on The Other Way, and now he's moving to Brazil to work there. At some point they get married, Karine miscarries a first baby (which Paul suspects isn't his child) and she gets pregnant again with Pierre-ee and gives birth in Brazil. Meanwhile, Paul has been in Brazil for A YEAR AND A HALF and hasn't managed to find any kind of work, so now he decides to pack up his little family and move everyone to the US because Karine and Pierre must have "the best life possible." His mother repeatedly warns him she isn't going to help him out financially anymore and that they can't live with her, (and goes as far as taking away his house key) but he plows on with his plan. Karine never wanted to move here in the first place but Paul is relentlessly trying to get her to be excited about life in America. Look at all the different kinds of produce! An overwhelming array of feminine hygiene products! Look, they have their own car, he just needs to clean it up a bit, but it runs! Paul figures Mother will change her mind when they get here and uses Pierre as a pawn, but Mary sticks to her guns. 

Have I got that right? 

Yes.  For a while he couldn’t work in Brazil while he was trying to explain to the authorities about his prior conviction for “terroristic threatening“, but he never tried very hard to find work or to learn the language so I don’t believe he planned to stay there.  As far as I can see his only plan is to keep appearing on various 90 day shows as long as he can string it out now that Mom (so impressed with Mary!) has cut him off financially at last.  He is an idiot and both Karine and Pierre would have a much better life without him.  His running away to the dog house / chicken coop and pulling the door after himself is the absolute highlight of his storyline.

  • Love 3
50 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

Jess also has the ability to watch the show and see Colt and Debbie.

I'm POSITIVE Jess had seen the show and that's what caused her to contact Colt! 

2 hours ago, mmecorday said:

If someone is going to force me to live in a camper, I'd better get a dress from Sondra Celli. A big one, too.

And that trailer would be immaculately cleaned on a daily basis! 

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Just now, Neurochick said:

Kalani needs to stop with the martyr act.  She knowingly had sex with him (with NO protection) and had TWO kids with him.  Personally, I would have left him wherever he was.

Surprised Debbie has never left the country.  

I'm not surprised about Debbie. I doubt she's left her own state. 

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6 minutes ago, ThereButFor said:

Yes.  For a while he couldn’t work in Brazil while he was trying to explain to the authorities about his prior conviction for “terroristic threatening“, but he never tried very hard to find work or to learn the language so I don’t believe he planned to stay there.

Oh, that's right. I forgot that part. Thanks! 


My guess is Karine thought the TLC money would pay for a big house, but she actually has no idea how much houses cost, or thinks Mama Pole will pay for it.      Fortunately, Pole's mother found her spine.   I had to laugh at the wrecked trailer they looked at.    That was obviously going to be torn down, and removed, it was not repairable. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
  • Love 2

Last night this show was full of assholes!

Kalani and Asuelu I am not sure that Kalani picked Asuelu perse. She picked him to lose her virginity with, but if that hadn't resulted in her getting knocked up, I highly doubt that they would be together today. And they just compounded things by getting pregnant a second time. Now she has two toddlers and a baby. Yikes. I think it is time for some tough love from the enabling parents. I don't know if Asuelu has any skills outside the bedroom. His English is not the greatest, but he should be able to find some kind of employment doing manual labour.  I wonder what Lo does to be able to support these barnacles? And although I am sure it's not a picnic looking after two kids in diapers, Kalani seems unmotivated to do anything to earn money. They are both pretty useless and clearly had no plan on how to make this work before bringing him to the US.

Tania and Syngin And speaking of no plan, Tania keeps talking about her plans, but what exactly are they? She is all talk - literally - it was nearly impossible for Syngin to complete a sentence without her cutting him off. She just doesn't want to hear what he has to say, and he is completely over her, this marriage, and evidently the USA.  He does clearly seem to have a drinking issue judging by the way he looked to be chugging that wine (although that definitely could have been the editors fucking with us). They are both lazy ass dreamers, who, once again, made no advance planning for this to have any chance at success. 

Libby and Andrreiii. "You shut up" "No, you shut up". Nice. He is a chauvinistic jerk, but she pushes his buttons. There was no reason for her to stir up shit at the breakfast table. Just say thank you for going to all the trouble to make this lovely meal.  But Andrei is not exactly a reliable translator, so who the hell knows what he would say to his mom? He is most definitely the biggest asshole in this scenario and unless this is all performance art (which I suspect) this relationship is a fail. 

Colt, Debbie and Jess. I do not like Jess one bit, although she and Colt do deserve one another. Yes, Debbie is an overbearing wolf, but I would have been absolutely turned off of Jess with her and Colt's behaviour in the van as well as her comments about wanting to have sex before they even got to the hotel. Then Debbie goes to lie down after an exhausting trip and Jess will.not.leave.her.alone. Colt had to pull her out of the damn room. That isn't how I would try to impress my boyfriend's mother. Three strikes, baby!

Larissa is nothing more than a cartoon character at this point. 

Pole and Karine. I must say I was amused by the supermarket trip and his extensive knowledge of feminine hygiene products as well as his supervision of the diaper change. They both would have been better off in the birth control aisle. And what was on those sticks that his mouth was wrestling with during the meal with Mary? I do feel bad for Karine being in a foreign place with no language skills, no home, a useless partner and a baby to care for. I actually think Paul's heart is in the right place but for some reason life skills do not come naturally to him and as hard as he tries, he just can't figure it out, but to his credit, he did manage to get himself to the Amazon, albeit with a camera crew. Again, this move required advance planning. 

Grangela and Mykull. Does he have a job in Nigeria, and if so what does he do? At least he has good command of the English language - I shudder to think if he had to learn it from her. I would have killed him if he tried to chase me around with a dead rat, but I actually do believe that these two love each other. We shall see.

Edited by lizajane
  • Love 11
1 hour ago, ThereButFor said:

His running away to the dog house / chicken coop and pulling the door after himself is the absolute highlight of his storyline.

^^^ Along with running like an alligator with his feet turned out into the woods, down the street, wherever,  was just comedy gold.

"Gold, Jerry, gold!"

1 hour ago, readheaded said:

And none of them seem to fault her for her part in the situation.  She's not a victim; she's a grown-ass adult who decided to have unprotected sex with Asuelu, not once but twice.  

IIRC, when she found out that she was pregnant for the second time, she made Asuelo tell her parents (or maybe just her dad.) I mean, who does that? And Kalani made it out to be all Asuelo's "fault," like she wasn't a willing participant. Kalani really grills my cheese, she's infuriating to me because she plays all "Oh, I'm just stumbling through life, I have no accountability for anything, everything just 'happens' to me." Ugh.  

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On 7/6/2020 at 8:53 PM, Tuneful said:

This epi preview made me sad. Every couple was a train heading for or going over the cliff, if any of these stories are real. I’m not saying anything in this post that hasn’t been shown in earlier epis, but it's gotten pretty excruciating. Angela has a very sick Mom, and it reminded me all too much of when my mother was in her last illness. Pole and his Mom remind me of a guy I used to date who had many of the same problems. Andrei is a sadist who plays hate games on Americans, because he thinks he’s so macho and gets humiliated here by Libby, the family, and the “system.” He is more macho compared with many American men we’ve seen on this show, and I can believe he might initially sweep women off their feet. Colt and Debbie, well, no surprise here except how crude Colt and his GF act, and Debbie is an old lady with health problems taking a strenuous trip. Angela is so happy to be marrying Michael that it’s nice, but we know the baby problem is a BIG one.  I feel sad for the innocent children involved for two couples. For Syngin and the Shrew, I don’t have time--they both seem very immature. No Larissa in the preview.

I'm feel you on the bolded part, @Tuneful. Lost my Mom in April after a bout with Dementia plus a stroke, so yeah, watching Angela with her sick Mom is very painful. 

6 hours ago, Pondlass1 said:

Ansuelu, Pole, Coltee, Andrrrrrei, Syngin. The male species not looking so good on reality TV... women should rule the world anyway. They should’ve from the beginning.



None of the women are much to write home about either. Kalani and her horrible sister, poor depressed Karine (seriously, I worry. She's not just sulking.) Larissa, Jess, Libby, Tania, Grangela. All awful. 

  • Love 9
55 minutes ago, lizajane said:

Last night this show was full of assholes!

Kalani and Asuelu I am not sure that Kalani picked Asuelu perse. She picked him to lose her virginity with, but if that hadn't resulted in her getting knocked up, I highly doubt that they would be together today. And they just compounded things by getting pregnant a second time. Now she has two toddlers and a baby. Yikes. I think it is time for some tough love from the enabling parents. I don't know if Asuelu has any skills outside the bedroom. His English is not the greatest, but he should be able to find some kind of employment doing manual labour.  I wonder what Lo does to be able to support these barnacles? And although I am sure it's not a picnic looking after two kids in diapers, Kalani seems unmotivated to do anything to earn money. They are both pretty useless and clearly had no plan on how to make this work before bringing him to the US.

Tania and Syngin And speaking of no plan, Tania keeps talking about her plans, but what exactly are they? She is all talk - literally - it was nearly impossible for Syngin to complete a sentence without her cutting him off. She just doesn't want to hear what he has to say, and he is completely over her, this marriage, and evidently the USA.  He does clearly seem to have a drinking issue judging by the way he looked to be chugging that wine (although that definitely could have been the editors fucking with us). They are both lazy ass dreamers, who, once again, made no advance planning for this to have any chance at success. 

Libby and Andrreiii. "You shut up" "No, you shut up". Nice. He is a chauvinistic jerk, but she pushes his buttons. There was no reason for her to stir up shit at the breakfast table. Just say thank you for going to all the trouble to make this lovely meal.  But Andrei is not exactly a reliable translator, so who the hell knows what he would say to his mom? He is most definitely the biggest asshole in this scenario and unless this is all performance art (which I suspect) this relationship is a fail. And on a completely bitchy note, that poor little Eleanor is a bit on the homely side. I can't figure out who she resembles.

Colt, Debbie and Jess. I do not like Jess one bit, although she and Colt do deserve one another. Yes, Debbie is an overbearing wolf, but I would have been absolutely turned off of Jess with her and Colt's behaviour in the van as well as her comments about wanting to have sex before they even got to the hotel. Then Debbie goes to lie down after an exhausting trip and Jess will.not.leave.her.alone. Colt had to pull her out of the damn room. That isn't how I would try to impress my boyfriend's mother. Three strikes, baby!

Larissa is nothing more than a cartoon character at this point. 

Pole and Karine. I must say I was amused by the supermarket trip and his extensive knowledge of feminine hygiene products as well as his supervision of the diaper change. They both would have been better off in the birth control aisle. And what was on those sticks that his mouth was wrestling with during the meal with Mary? I do feel bad for Karine being in a foreign place with no language skills, no home, a useless partner and a baby to care for. I actually think Paul's heart is in the right place but for some reason life skills do not come naturally to him and as hard as he tries, he just can't figure it out, but to his credit, he did manage to get himself to the Amazon, albeit with a camera crew. Again, this move required advance planning. 

Grangela and Mykull. Does he have a job in Nigeria, and if so what does he do? At least he has good command of the English language - I shudder to think if he had to learn it from her. I would have killed him if he tried to chase me around with a dead rat, but I actually do believe that these two love each other. We shall see.

Love all of your post, except I think Eleanor is adorable!

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Holy shit, how many times can Paul say five? “Buy five, save five! Five dollars! Five! Five! Five! What kinds of pads do you need? Wings? Beautiful pads!” I feel violently ragey listening to this lunatic babble on about nonsense shit he knows nothing about. That trailer home was terrifying. Is there air conditioning, Paul wonders. I rolled my eyes so hard, they almost got stuck. 

Debbie talks about Jessie in a jealous, catty tone that I would use to talk about a beautiful coworker of my husband I’m suspicious about. She’s not even a low-key mother/wife. She’s brazen and unapologetic in how distraught she is hearing about Colt’s future kids and seeing her husband/son express affection for another woman. Don’t get me wrong, that make out was disgusting and I lost years off my life witnessing that, but for Debbie to go off the deep end is just bizarre. I’d wrinkle my face seeing my son stick his tongue in someone but I doubt I’d screech and curse and carry on like Debbie did. I wanna know HOW Jess is able to hand sex with Colt. What kind of medication allows that to happen?! 

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On 7/10/2020 at 7:26 AM, mamadrama said:

That was funny, but I kinda get it. Mom and I love going to Goodwill in different cities, as well as charity shops (secondhand places) in different countries. Foreign grocery stores? Awesome. But Walmart? Oh Deb...At least she's easy to entertain-drop her off at a Walmart with a Panda Express inside and Coltee/notLarissa can have all the secksy time they want.

What's the difference between foreign Walmarts and grocery stores or dollar stores?

When I'm in Canada, I buy something that's prescription in the U.S. but available in Canada if you ask for it at the pharmacy.  It's cheapest at Walmart so I go there, and happened to run across a type of chocolate that's made for Walmart Canada, unavailable in the U.S. and not shippable.  I did a blind taste test and was shocked to find that I like it as much as the stuff I get from Switzerland.  I'm eternally grateful I had to do the walk of shame in a foreign Walmart to get my pharmacy product because it brought me $1 CDN bars of delicious chocolate.  

The Walmarts in Canada aren't terribly different from the ones in the U.S., so I can't say they're an adventure to go to.  But I have no idea what they're like in Brazil or anywhere else.

I like going to drug stores in other countries.  I have a pump bottle of Jergens lotion with a Chinese label (except for the "Jergens") that I'm still refilling over 20 years later because I get a kick out of it.

As for Panda Express, that orange chicken is like crack so I can see someone being on the lookout for suppliers.

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On 7/7/2020 at 2:03 PM, FurBabyMama said:

Doesn’t Paul get money from tlc? Or do we just pretend he doesn’t? I’m sort of glad that his mom has said enough is enough. And I sort of get the impression that if karine left him, she would help out her and pierre, but she is done enabling Paul. 

coltee and Jess?? Who starts talking about sex and making out with their mother?? And who are all these women lining up to be with him? He’s not physically attractive, he doesn’t have some glowing personality. I don’t see the appeal. 

GREEN CARD.  An American girl doesn’t want him, so he has to go get his where they get theirs.  

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On 7/7/2020 at 2:54 PM, politichick said:

Lol. Nice of Paul to put the towel or whatever that was to minimize exposure.

I hope Elizabeth bitch-slaps Andreii with words and the brother translates them for the rest of the family. I would never allow a man to speak to me like that but a motherfucker who does not work? No, ma'am.

Why did she marry motherfucker blowhard in the first place?  When she divorces him, she’ll have a hell of a time over custody.  The guy is a pompous maniac.  He doesn’t deserve to be here.  Stay home!

  • Love 3

Bay Bee, that damn Asuelu is a piece of work!! Send him back to Sam-wah on the first thing smoking.

Syngin is sick of Tania just like we are, let's get those divorce papers filed stat! 

I can't blame Debbie for getting sick watching her son looking like "The Stuff" with glasses (who remembers that movie??) slobbing all over his chick of the week. Of course her whole objective is to fuck all of that up.

I LOVED Undrrrei's friends getting on him about not working. Also, nobody in Moldova says his name as hard as Libby does 🙄

I do not need to see any more of Larissa for Pete's sake. Who cares if she misses being in a relationshippy?? 

Karinne's not impressed with the Walmart, the 5 for 5 ( she doesn't understand) or the diamond and pearl tampons. What's wrong with her??? 

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On 7/8/2020 at 2:41 PM, Mrs. Hanson said:

I agree.  Karine's culture has a different take of "helping" which seems, to me, to be many generations living together and chipping in, and that is fine but not how Paul's parents want to live.  It is not the gov't job to take care of them, nor is it the job of the grandparents  It is PAUL'S job and he just does not get that.  But until Paul figures something out, they need some gov't help with housing and food.  Paul just seems so unbalanced and clueless.  

Did it ever occur to these dimwits with no money, no job, no place to live yet use birth control?  At least when you get settled and can give a baby the proper care and essentials and a roof over their little heads.  Not a garbage hovel the woman showed them.  I couldn’t believe that place.  It was a junk yard.  And, he’s a moron.  Every Mother knows their child.

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In no particular order...

Kalani and Assholu (kudos to whomever thought that name up!) - Look, I get that this guy came here from a completely different culture, etc. but I have to believe that every culture teaches that you don't always get what you want and sometimes you have to pull on your big boy or girl pants and deal with it. I'm over him sulking about not going to Samoa and his insulting his wife and mother-in-law, then walking out like a little kid runing away from home. I remember thinking he was this sweet man from a slower, more relaxed culture, and now I just want to see Lo open a can of whup-ass on him! Kalani needs to dump him ASAP and find someone who can be a real partner and parent. But yeah, I agree with those of you who brought up how she and her family act like she wasn't there when the boys were conceived. She's oddly passive when it comes to Assholu as some of you pointed out, and I don't get it. She's very pretty, and there are a lot of guys out there who would overlook her size, so she can definitely do better,

Colte, Debbie and Jess - Poor Debbie having to witness that display in the car after a long flight. No wonder she got sick! However, did anyone else notice that her attitude changed dramatically after Jess' comment about wanting sex, the face sucking, and especially the conversation about kids? She was all kinds of possessive and jealous after that. My take on Debbie is that she's never really dealt with her husband's death and has made Colte a sort of substitute. She does for him what she did for hubby and so can pretend her hubby's not dead. Any woman in Colte's life threatens that and must be gotten rid of. But that's not healthy for anyone, and they both really need to get some help so he can live some kind of normal life. BTW, most older women are excited to hear their kids are talking about having kids. She seemed pissed off by that. Why? Because she knows sex and children are the things she can't give him so she doesn't want to hear that he wants it. 

Larissa - I really don't need to see anymore of this woman. Also, I knew it was Erik-ee before the big reveal. At first the voice sounded like Colte's to me, but I knew he was off to Brazil so it couldn't be. Then I remembered he and Erik sort of sound alike so I figured that's who it was. Sure enough! I can't believe he showed up and wants to get back together with her after all the b.s. she pulled. (Breaking up by text?!) Yep, I agree with the diagnosis of camera-whoredom!

Lizzy and Andrreii - Just when I was starting to like him he gets all insufferably caveman again! Seriously, why the hell would he not interpret for his mother and Lizzy when they were trying to bond? Also, lying in his interpreting to Lizzy? Does he not understand she'll find out he lied when this episode aired? (Would love to have been a fly on their wall last night when that part came on!) Then bragging to his friends and brother about his life in America when he knows full well (he's only told us about men and women in Moldova about a billion times!) what their idea of a "real man" is and his lifestyle isn't it? Loved that Lizzy brought up that she's the bread winner in the family and he's a house husband! Also, glad I'm not the only one who noticed Father Andrreii playing with Eleanor in the background during the breakfast conversation. So cute!

Angela and Mykull - Like most of you I'm giving her some side-eye for leaving with her mother so ill. As I mentioned in a reply to another commenter, I lost my Mom in April. I was unable to see her for her last 6 weeks due to the lockdown and once hospice notified us she was near death my siblings and I were allowed to go in to see her ONE last time and ONE time only. It was devastating not being able to be with her for those final weeks and days. I cannot imagine getting on a plane to a foreign country with her in that condition so I just can't understand Angela. I mean, look, she likely had the airplane ticket already and it was probably non-refundable. But still, take the penalty fee and stay with your sick Mom. You will never forgive yourself if she dies and you're not there! As for the apartment, Mykull did well, and it was refreshing to see an American bride-to-be see her foreign digs for the first time and not complain. 

Pole and Kreeny - I feel so badly for Kreeny. Depression, resignation, not sure what it is, but she seems to be suffering from something. And how could she not be when faced with what Pole has to offer her - a car with years-old garbage in it, that horrifying ramshackle first "house" they looked at and all. And good for Mary sticking to her guns like that! Probably should have given him this tough love years ago, but better late than never. And she's right not to let him in the house. I have a friend very much like him (only about twice his age) and suffice to say that's how she operates. She lives in another country now after marring a guy from there. He passed away a few years ago and since she's not close with his family there didn't seem to be much reason for her to stay. I clearly remember that when I told her that he had died, my Mom told me I shouldn't let her stay with me if she decided to come back to the States. She didn't need to worry because I had no intention of doing so, for the exact reason Mary told Pole he couldn't stay with her and Father Pole: You'll never leave! 

Tania and Syngin: Let's be honest: much of his drinking is about dealing with the shrew he married. Yes, I know according to her he drank alot in South Africa, but I'm sure he's drinking more now just to deal with his situation. What I don't understand is why they got married (look, sorry, "the 90 days" is no excuse. You shouldn't do the K-1 if you're not sure you want to get married!). She wanted kids ASAP, he doesn't even know if he want them - that should have been reason enough not to get married. Then there's the soulmate thing, which obviously still stings. It seems clear to me that Syngin is wondering if he gave up everything for a woman who maybe doesn't love him as much. That thought would fester, wouldn't it? Not that drinking is an acceptable way to deal with it, but it's hard for him to even talk about it when she won't let him talk! These two are a trainwreck, and need to end it ASAP.

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19 hours ago, nb360 said:

Does anyone else think that Tania is "gaslighting" Syngin? Perhaps not intentionally but... I mean, what did you think would happen when you stated that he's not your soulmate? And why would you marry someone who you  think is not your soulmate? And I think both of them tend to drink a lot. 


19 hours ago, suzywallis said:

Exactly.  He needs to march his lazy butt over to UPS and use momma's connections to get a job there. 

He’d never last five minutes at UPS.  You have to have strong mind and body.  He has neither.

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From as far back as I can remember Karine and Paul's episodes, Karine has always seemed so unhappy and such a flat personality. IIRC, she never really wanted him around and was always telling him to go away. (Yet they did manage to conceive 2 children go figure!) Add to that, Paul has such an offputting personality. Together they create a partnership with the electricity of a cardboard box. I worry for the future of Pierrey.

  • Love 6
12 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:
19 hours ago, suzywallis said:


That would be the scariest thing to see on your Ring app, Pole's face delivering your package!

I would take that over him delivering his package.

12 hours ago, spunky said:

Then having his little tantrum and locking himself in the bedroom

I try not to be judgmental about adults playing video games but it sounded like he was playing one of those first person shooter games.  Ugh.

  • LOL 6
3 hours ago, lizajane said:


Grangela and Mykull. Does he have a job in Nigeria, and if so what does he do? At least he has good command of the English language - I shudder to think if he had to learn it from her. I would have killed him if he tried to chase me around with a dead rat, but I actually do believe that these two love each other. We shall see.

Something seems a bit more real with them. Maybe it was him actually getting a decent place for them or that when she isn't hysterical, they seemed t be having a laugh together? I am starting to see this couple in a different light, still not great, but better. 

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9 hours ago, Persnickety1 said:

I agree.  I think over the past couple of years they've been on this show, they've developed a bond and it's starting to show more this season.

I admit it made me giggle when he was teasing Angela with the dead rat and she shut herself into the other room.  It's those unscripted moments that really make these shows for me.  

He did pretty good on that apartment, too...well, all but the dead rat thing 🥺

I actually saw a real relationship this time. But then I watched next week's preview and that got shot to hell. Hard to ship Michaelangela when she keeps courting crazy.

  • Love 1
29 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

I would take that over him delivering his package.

I try not to be judgmental about adults playing video games but it sounded like he was playing one of those first person shooter games.  Ugh.

Those are my favorite. I can play the shit out of the Terminator games. I'd be more concerned about Aseulu running off from his family, disrespecting his wife, lying about his whereabouts, and locking himself in a room with a video game instead of caring for his children before I'd be concerned about what the actual game was.  

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2 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

As for Panda Express, that orange chicken is like crack so I can see someone being on the lookout for suppliers.

There is one in my office building and when people get the two entree plate they almost always want double orange chicken.

2 hours ago, lizajane said:

Yes, line of the night. 😂

Although isn’t ok like a C lol?

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