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Celebrity Encounters

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Ten years ago, give or take, I went to see Bill Cosby do stand-up in Lowell, Mass. I was 14 and I was there with my sister and my parents. Out of the two of us, my sister is the more outgoing so at about 20 minutes into the show my dad (a professional photographer, who always takes advantage of a picture opportunity) encouraged my sister to sneak a few feet down the isle and get a quick picture of Bill. Security was very light and people were allowed to take pictures as long as there was no flash, so there was nothing too out of the ordinary about this. So my sister shuffles forward a bit as Bill is in the middle of a routine and actually is there for a good twenty seconds, when all of a sudden Bill stops the routine and asks her how old she is. She told him she was 16, so he followed up with a question about who she was there with. When she mentioned she was there with a younger sister I swear you could see such a wicked glint in his eye. It was like he suddenly saw an opportunity. So he yelled out to the audience, asking where I was. Now I'm shy as hell, so it was only after my mom shoved me some that I stood up as literally EVERYONE is staring at me, including Bill. So imagine my reaction when he waves his hand and tells me to come on down to the stage. I must have asked my mom half a dozen times if he was serious, and I really don't know how I managed it, but I did make it down to the stage. Not just to the stage either but on the stage seated right next to him with my sister on the other side. And that's where we stayed for the next ten minutes. He loves to do jokes about families and siblings so he kind of "riffed" with us about our relationship. And because I was so nervous, I kept on rolling my hands in my sweater sleeves so once he noticed that he joked some more, asking if I had some big secret to hide because I was so quiet, such as killing my sister's goldfish. Of course my parents couldn't get a picture cause my sister had the camera in her hands the whole time but Bill asked an audience member to take one of the three of us. Once she did, he gave us each a hug and a kiss while thanking us.  


It was a completely unexpected moment and I always think of how nice he was to do that, since he really didn't have to and could have reacted in a totally different manner. Granted, we did provide him with a few laughs, but still. And since he held our hands for our picture one thing I'm always reminded of is that he does have really large hands. 

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The closest I've ever come is being behind Sammy Davis Jr. As we walked into a hotel, (and man was he short!); and standing in line behind Drew Carey in a fast food restaurant, while his comedy was still airing. Luckily for him, people really didn't approach him. Possibly because he's the hometown boy & we wanted to keep him that way

In fact one of my former bosses served w/Drew in tg e Marine Reserves. He said you never would believe they were the same guy. DC was very quiet & shy in his unit.

I met Jack Lord once.  I was asked to be an extra just because I was there while they were filling Hawaii Five O.

My mom worked across the street from where the Hawaii 5-0 actors ate lunch regularly.


I was waiting for a concert to start when I saw Steve Wozniak (the techy Apple co-founder) and some vaguely familiar guy in one of the box seat areas in front of our section. Debated for a while, then went up to talk to him, because Woz was my idol as a teenage Apple programmer back in the '80s.


Wasn't until I got back to my seat that I realized the vaguely familiar guy was Richard Branson, which explained the odd look I got when I first got there - bet he was thinking "only in Silicon Valley do the women ignore me to talk to Woz..."

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I was with three girlfriends in Chicago for a shopping getaway weekend in 2000 and we saw Garth Brooks shopping in Nike Town. He was all alone so I "accidentally" bumped into him and he was the nicest guy ever. He ended up talking with the four of us for a while and taking pictures....we offered to take just one group picture so as not to call attention to him, but he insisted on individual pictures. Then he asked us to be his guests at his concert the next night! He told us to get there at 4:00 for an 8:00 show, and we were able to watch sound check and meet the band....then we hung out in his dressing room with him for a while just chatting before he had to get ready. The people at the venue brought around plates of fancy snacks for him and he offered us food....then he told us he'd rather have pizza than that fancy stuff....when we agreed, he called his assistant in and had her order a bunch of pizzas for us and the band.

He was the most gracious host ever, and honestly I felt like my friends and I were celebrities and he was our fan - he just was constantly making over us and checking if there was anything we needed. And the people who worked for him kept coming up to us saying "you must be the girls from Nike Town!" That was cool knowing that he'd told people about us.

Also, in person, he has the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. My friends and I took tons of pictures.....with him, of his dressing room, etc.....and I still occasionally get asked to show the pictures and share the story of my Garth night...lol.

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Years ago around 2003/4, I got to attend a sleepover with Ruthie from The Real World. A college club I was in hosted her and a few others for a forum presentation. Rather than wanting a hotel, she wanted to spend the night at my girlfriend's apartment. We went out to eat, to a club, and had her stay over. She was super friendly and outgoing.

The first year Jo was on The Real Housewives of OC, I met her at Kitson in LA. She was up by the little trinkets near the registers. I asked if she was Jo, and she was with a friend. They told me I was so cute and let me get a picture. I'm 5'5" and let me say, she is very tall! She had on a brown Juicy tracksuit and was perfect looking. Flawless.

The year Miley Cyrus turned 16, she had a concert at Disneyland where you had to buy a special ticket. I went and got pictures with her, Tyra Banks, Vanessa Williams, several teens from Disney programs. The one that sticks out was Demi Lovato. She was so shy and pretty and gave me a huge hug.

I also met Khloe Kardashian when she had one of the same realtors as I do. She was looking at units in one of the buildings where we own condos. I didn't get a picture with her, but my realtor did, down in our lobby near the mail.

I've also met one of the men from Dallas's Most Eligible and a few Dallas sports players.

I've said hi to Dita Von Tease in Vegas where she was hosting a burlesque show. I also saw David Spade in an elevator of a Vegas hotel where he was doing a show. He was carrying a shoe box. He has very small feet.

I didn't say anything to her, but I was one of about 4 people out at a resort hotel pool where Selena Gomez was out sunbathing a couple of summers ago. She seemed to be with a female assistant. She had on a cute floral bikini. Very flawless, too. She just laid there for the most part and ate food, so I didn't bother her.

Edited by Betweenyouandme
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Back in 1989 or so, I had a part time job at a public library in the western suburbs of Chicago. One day, I was working at the interlibrary loan desk when a coworker came up. "Do you know who John Mahoney is?" she asked. "Yeah, he was the dad in Say Anything" (this was before Frasier), I replied. Well, turned out he lived in that town, and he was in the library. He was looking for a specific translation of Uncle Vanya for a production he was going to be doing at the Goodman, and I ended up finding it for him. I played it cool, though, and didn't let on that I knew who he was.

Fifteen years later, after I had moved a few times then returned to the same town, my mom and I were outside at a local car wash waiting for my car to get dried when another customer came out of the building and told us that Mahoney was behind him paying for his car wash. Mom, a big Frasier fan, started to geek out but I told her to play it cool. He ended up sitting on the next bench from us, and Mom was practically vibrating with excitement. As we went to get into my car, she told me she couldn't bear it anymore, turned back, and went to talk to him. She told me later that she just thanked him for making her laugh, and he very sweetly thanked her for the compliment.

In 1999 - 2001, I went to the annual BookExpo America, the largest convention for booksellers in the country. I met lots of authors and actors there, signing their books, as well as just saw a lot from a distance. I was in line in the signing area for someone else when I saw Richard Simmons (a mainstay at that convention) leading a parade of those who had been waiting for him to sign their books at the publisher's booth back to his line at the signing area, where he was supposed to sign for the next bit of time. He is just as over the top as you can imagine, but he had everyone in the entire signing area laughing as he walked past, waving and saying "Hi!!" as he passed.

I also met Anthony Bourdain, Roger Ebert (another mainstay when it was in Chicago), who was literally the whitest person I have ever met, in that he had the palest skin I have ever seen (this was when he was still healthy), Gary Sinise (who couldn't talk because he had a case of laryngitis but had to perform that night), and astronaut Al Bean the only Apollo crew member I have met. But, my biggest thrill was when I managed to snag a highly in demand ticket for a Julie Andrews signing. When I finally got through the line, dragging my several canvas bags of free books with me, and walked up to her signing table, she looked over it and said in her precise British accent, "Oh my! You look really loaded down there!" I just said something incoherent then babbled, "I am SUCH a big fan, Ms. Andrews, it is an honor to meet you!" All I could think was that I was standing three feet from MARY FREAKIN' POPPINS!!! I will remember those two minutes the rest of my life.

  • Love 4

As a waitress in NYC, I had quite a few celebrity encounters. Here are the ones I can remember off the top of my head:


Nick Lachey- Very nice, normal guy who was dining with his father. He was friendly and a great tipper. 

Russell Brand-Huge flirt, but one of the most interesting people I have ever met. He is very engaging, looks at you like he is really listening to you and remembers everything you say. Mostly I was just struck by how intelligent he is, his mind is going a mile a minute. Very friendly and funny, and extremely patient as a bunch of people lined up for pictures with him. 

Meg Ryan-Very kind, almost painfully shy. I actually have some mutual friends with her son, who she was with, so she was very friendly but definitely does not want to be recognized. Extremely polite and gentle, though.

Justin Bieber-Exactly what you'd expect. Super tiny, surrounded by bodyguards and making demands. 

Hugh Jackman-HUGE in person. I always knew he was tall, but he is enormous! Didn't really talk to him, but he had his wolverine beard and was very handsome and from what I heard, very nice.

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Acura's "Drive Like a Boss" commercial reminded me of another quickie. Busted Debra Winger stopped at a red light, finger drumming the steering wheel and belting out Billy Idol's Rebel Yell for all she was worth. The light changes, I fire up the PA and say "light's green, you can go now". She gives us a sheepish little "oh shit" smile, then goes on her merry way.

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Having worked in TV and lived in the Valley, I've had more than my share of contact with "celebrities."  I'll share my favorite, though...


Sam Elliott.  At a Valley In & Out (It does not get more L.A. than that!) right as it opened in the late morning.  I was quite taken with how slight he was in stature.  By no means did he seem to be a dude who was super tough.


Anyway, we placed our orders and went over to a waiting area.  I told him I enjoyed much of his work and asked if I could ask him a question.  He said,"Sure."  So, I asked him what his favorite role/character/movie he had ever been a part of was.  He immediately, and nicely, turned the question on me.  I told him it was Lifeguard.  He played the title character.  I explained how I loved that he was such a specimen (and oh, was he ever.  Think Tom Selleck) yet he conveyed a deep intelligence, beyond the smart script.  He expressed surprise that anyone would remember the movie at all, and he was most appreciative of what I said about his performance.  


The Coors "banquet beer" commercials were running rampantly at that time (even today you can occasionally hear him do a voiceover for that stuff), so I asked him what the hell banquet beer was.  He chuckled and said he was damned if he knew, either - but it sure helped pay for some nice additions to his home!.   We then spoke for a couple of more minutes about our love for In & Out.  Our orders were called.  I wished him peace and he gave me a wink and bid me good bye.  


Now, this was at the time he was also narrating the Dodge Ram truck commercials.  Remember, "Ram Tough."?  Well, I saw him go to his car (he had a takeout order).  It was  a Chevy Suburban!!!!!!!!

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Anybody remember Puck from "Real World San Francisco" in 1994, who got kicked out of the house for his homophobia and general douchiness?  Maybe a year or two after that, I ran into him in a McDonald's on Pacific Coast Highway south of Los Angeles.  He came in wearing a leather jacket and carrying a motorcycle helmet.  He was really tall.  I was surprised.

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Yesterday, the location scout for True Detectives was at my husband's company to take pictures for a possible Season 2 location.  He is the same scout who found the company to film part of an episode of CSI (I forget which one).  He and my husband hit it off really well the first time and this time as well.  Fingers crossed!!  This season has Colin Farrell in it and I hear he's a really nice guy.  And yes, I will move heaven and earth to be on set when they are filming  :)

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Well, I live in CA, but the place he works could look like it's anywhere.  He works for an interior demolition company (clears out office spaces), so it's a sizable building with offices,  a surrounding yard where they separate the junk from whatever can be recycled and a warehouse where they can store anything that can be donated.  They could conceivably shoot in three or four different parts of the yard and look like they are in three or four different locations. 

I didn't see her because she was off somewhere warm with her cats, but I went by Taylor Swift's apartment in TriBeCa last week. It was fun shopping and eating nearby, wondering to myself if she'd been there. It was doubly exciting because I have the opportunity in a little over a year to move to the area. Not extremely exciting, I know, but I enjoyed it. Very nice people around there, too.

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Betweenyouandme -- I was at Disneyland on the day that Miley Cyrus had that 16th birthday bash in October 2008 (her party was on a Sunday), though I didn't stay for any of the filming!  I remember it so well.  It was at the end of the Gay Days weekend, and the parks were packed with people that day.



Okay -- this is another thread I just discovered (along with the Crushes thread) and can definitely contribute to! 


I should preface this by saying that I have not necessarily had any substantial encounters with real, bona fide celebrities -- like A-Listers -- as far as interacting with them.  But I have seen alllllllllll sorts of celebrities in my life, standing or walking within a few feet of me, in all sorts of places, and I have had interactions with some lesser-known people.  I don't even think I can remember how many famous people I have seen over the years -- that's how many there have been -- but I am going to try to list them, along with where I saw them -- just to refresh my own memory, if nothing else.  When I say that I saw someone "literally around the corner from where I live" or "literally right in front of my office," I am being accurate and truthful!  I mean that you can walk out of my building, where I live, stroll down to the end of the block, turn left and hit the spot where I saw several people.  That's how close some of the sightings have been at times.


I live in Los Angeles -- and not just in any part of Los Angeles, but a section of L.A. with a lot of entertainment companies, plastic surgeons and attorneys.  The Screen Actors Guild is right up the street.  Various management companies and agencies are nearby.  The E! Entertainment offices (and what used to be Aaron Spelling's offices) are up the street.  CBS has a location a few minutes away.  This area is full of entertainment-related offices, both small and large.  I even worked a temporary office job once, at a business that was run by the daughter of the creator of Love Connection.  Out of the blue one day, Tim Robbins' brother (Dave) walked in to pick up a paycheck for his wife, who had also been temping for the same company.  Everyone seems to be "connected" in this part of the city...except for yours truly.  I'm not connected -- I don't even look like I'm from Los Angeles.  I am about as "un-L.A." in appearance as you could possibly imagine, and most people think I came from some other state.  But I digress. 


The celebrity/quasi-celebrity encounters and/or sightings have been odd and varied, and these are the ones I can remember (in no specific order):


Michael Damian, formerly of Young and the Restless (My friend and I met him back in the very early '80s at the Farmers Market, and sat down to chat with him for a while before he kissed us and drove away in his Porsche.)


Ryan Cassidy (Brother of teen idols David Cassidy and Shaun Cassidy, and son of Shirley Jones; I went to lunch with him in Larchmont Village back in 1993, after meeting him through my job.  He was working at Jim Henson Productions at the time.)


Frank Underwood (Brother of Blair Underwood; he was a temp employee for a different temp office I worked at and came in to pick up a check.)


Rob Lowe (I saw him at a Tom Petty concert at the Forum back in the '80s, I think -- he was down in the front row, cheering on the opening act, Lone Justice.)


Michael J. Fox (At another Tom Petty concert at the Wiltern Theater, back in the mid-'80s, Michael walked past a group of us camped outside and said "Are you guys waiting for Tom?"  This was before he got together with his wife, but he was with a blonde girl.)


Jaclyn Smith (I saw her reading a magazine at a newsstand at the Farmers Market back in the early '80s)


Rebecca De Mornay (I saw her walking through The Grove next door to Farmers Market, circa 2002 or 2003)


Jason Alexander from Seinfeld (I saw him twice -- once on Third Street in L.A., and once as he was looking at an office space next door to the office where I worked back in maybe 1999 or 2000 or so.)


Paul Sorvino (I saw him walking through Tomorrowland in Disneyland with his wife, back in 2000.)


Meredith Baxter of Family Ties (I saw her on Third Street, getting out of a car with friends to go to dinner back in the '90s.)


Michael Gross of Family Ties (He was driving down Sunset Blvd. and stopped at the light next to my friend's car.)


Richard Blade (Famous DJ in Los Angeles, eating at Carney's on Sunset back in the '80s, with someone from the band Tears for Fears.)


Steven Spielberg and Kate Capshaw (I saw them at Joan's on Third -- a restaurant -- back in the late '90s.)


Nicolas Cage (I saw him twice -- once as he was putting some stuff in the trunk of his car, literally right around the corner from where I live, and the other time walking through Avalon on Catalina Island in 2001.)


Lisa Marie Presley (She was with Nicolas Cage on Catalina Island in 2001.)


Sean Kanan (A.J. from General Hospital; he used to have an office in a building right around the corner from where I live, and I saw him standing on the sidewalk, smoking, back in maybe 2000 or 2001 or so.)


William H. Macy (This was one of the strangest celebrity sightings I've had because I don't expect to see famous people right outside of where I live.  I am not exaggerating or lying when I say I looked out the window of my apartment and saw him walking up the path and knocking on the door of the duplex next door!  There was a couple who used to live in the building next door, and they were involved in either TV or movies.  I never found out their names.  Sometimes I could hear them rehearsing dialogue and see them shooting footage in their living room!  William H. Macy came to see them about something -- a project, maybe?  -- but I think they may have been out.  And then he got on a motorcycle and rode off.  This was probably 7 or 8 years ago.)


Heather Locklear (At the Roxy on Sunset back in the '80s -- she went to see a show there, and this was when she was with Tommy Lee, but I didn't see him.)


Stevie Nicks (My friend and I went to pick up some friends from the airport, and they were on a plane with Stevie.  She walked right past us, looking small and frail, at LAX -- this was back in the mid-'80s.)


Tom Petty (After the Wiltern Theater show where I saw Michael J, Fox, TP exited the theater surrounding by security, and brushed against my arm.)


Kristina Wagner (She plays Felicia on General Hospital and was married to Jack Wagner;  I saw her at the Westside Pavilion shopping mall back in the '90s.)


Maurice Benard (He plays Sonny on General Hospital; I rode in an elevator with Maurice and his wife in my doctor's building back in the late '90s.)


John York (He plays Mac on General Hospital; I passed him as he was walking across Wilshire Blvd.)


John Ingle (He is now deceased, but he played Edward Quartermaine on General Hospital and I saw him at Jerry's Famous Deli maybe back in 2000 or so.)


Maud Adams (She was a Bond girl.  She was dating -- and later married -- a man who owned the townhouse where my boyfriend at the time lived.  So she was there one time, with her soon-to-be husband, talking to my boyfriend about rent or townhouse business of some sort.)


Val Kilmer (I saw him right around the corner from where I live.  He hopped out of a car being driven by someone else, and ran into a copy place with his daughter to do something with her poster board project.  This must have been back in 2003 or so.)


Drew Barrymore (I saw her back in 1999 or 2000, talking to a friend in the parking lot of the Beverly Connection shopping center.  I heard her voice before I saw her, and that's what made me look over.)


Tyra Banks (She was walking down Wilshire Blvd., somewhere between 1996 and 1999.  I passed right by her.)


Phil Collen from Def Leppard (I saw him on Catalina Island back in the early '90s.)


Nikki Sixx of Motley Crue (Riding his motorcycle on Melrose Avenue back in 1990 or so.)


Dale Bozzio of the '80s band, Missing Persons (I saw her backstage at a concert at the Country Club in the early '90s.)


Ron Jeremy (He was backstage at the same show where I saw Dale Bozzio.)


Sam Kinison (He was at an album listening party at the Palace in Hollywood back in the late '80s.)


Fritz Coleman (Local but well-known Los Angeles weatherman -- I saw him at the movie theaters at Universal CityWalk back in the mid-'90s.)


Dallas Raines (Another famous local L.A. weatherman - I saw him at Disneyland in 1993 or 1994, in front of Pirates of the Caribbean.)


Marilyn Grabowski (A Joni Mitchell lookalike who worked for Playboy at one point; I saw her at Disneyland in 2000.)


Holly Madison (One of Hugh Hefner's Girls Next Door; I saw her at Disneyland in December 2011, and walked right past her, brushing her arm.)


Zach Galifianakis (Walking through the Grand Californian Hotel at Disneyland Resort, in December 2011.)


Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale (On Buena Vista Street in California Adventure, December 2012.)


Kato Kaelin -- (Famous houseguest of O.J. Simpson; I saw him many times, walking past my former storefront job on Wilshire Blvd., between maybe 2000 and 2004.)


Kim Fields (Tootie on Facts of Life; I saw her next door to my storefront job, as she tried to get a cell phone.)


Molly Shannon of Saturday Night Live (She was shopping in Ralphs grocery store in the Beverly Connection back in the late '90s.)


Liz Vassey (She used to be on All My Children; I saw her at the same Ralphs and around the same time I saw Molly Shannon.)


Laura San Giacomo (Same Ralphs, right around the same time I saw Liz and Molly.)


Sandra Oh from Grey's Anatomy (I saw her walking back and forth in front of my storefront office job, too -- the same path that Kato Kaelin used to take, back in maybe 2005 or 2006.)


Paul Scheer (A comedian -- he, too, walked the same path that Kato and Sandra walked, in front of my job.)


Chiara from Big Brother (Season 3, I think it was -- also walking past my office in 2003 or so.)


Regina Hall (Back in the days when she was on Ally McBeal, or she had just ended her run on the show, she came in to my job to get something notarized.  She was super nice, and I asked her if Jon Bon Jovi was hot in person, as he had been on the show when she was there!!)


Lesley Ann Warren (She, too, walked past my office on Wilshire Blvd, going to some unknown casting office.)


Al "A.C." Cowlings (He drove O.J. Simpson's white Bronco during the infamous freeway chase back in 1994.   I saw him going into a building across the street from my office on Wilshire.   This must have been back in 1997 or 1998 or so.)


Jason Schwartzman (Riding a bike during take after take, while shooting I Heart Huckabees in 2003 or so, right across the street from my job.  As a matter of fact, Six Feet Under filmed part of an episode at the same intersection, but I never saw any of the SFU actors.)


Christina Ricci (Walking on Wilshire Blvd., maybe back in 2002 or so.)


Kevin Spacey  (Walking on Wilshire Blvd., circa 2003.)


Meg Ryan (Back when her hair was long, right around Sleepless in Seattle days, I saw her walking down Third Street -- it must have been 1993 or 1994.)


Maria Menounos of Extra (When Extra used to shoot at The Grove, I saw her there.  This was also when she was on Dancing with the Stars, so it must have been 3 years ago or so?)


Kid Rock and Jaime Pressly (Going into a FedEx location on Wilshire Blvd. near the Screen Actors Guild, back when they were dating maybe 10 or 11 years ago.)


Renee Zellweger (I saw her wearing a baseball cap and walking a dog, not far from the Screen Actors Guild -- maybe back in 2003 or 2004.)


Paul Stanley of KISS (He was walking through the Beverly Connection parking lot, outside of Ralphs Supermarket, back in the late '90s.)


Jillian Barberie (TV host who used to be a weather girl on the local news.  I saw her in the parking lot of Wells Fargo - maybe back in 2003 or 2004 -- before she got married.)


Kurt Russell (He was standing about 3 feet from me, by himself, looking at his phone.  This was in the lobby of the Grand Californian Hotel at Disneyland Resort, in December 2013.  I almost went up and said something to him since he was alone, but a Cast Member came along to tell him his car was ready within seconds and I lost my chance.)


I've also seen people from the '80s metal scene like Stephen Pearcy from RATT (at a party) and Blackie Lawless from WASP (at another party), along with director Penelope Spheeris of Wayne's World fame (at yet another party) -- this was a couple of years after she directed The Decline of Western Civilization: The Metal Years.


I'll probably think of some major name that I forgot as soon as I sign off, but those are all the names I can remember for right now!  Now if only I could see Bradley Cooper roaming the streets around here, I would feel complete!

Edited by Sherry67
  • Love 2


Drew Barrymore (I saw her back in 1999 or 2000, talking to a friend in the parking lot of the Beverly Connection shopping center.  I heard her voice before I saw her, and that's what made me look over.)

Mentioning that you heard her voice reminded me:  I worked at the Beverly Connection when I was 18 and I heard James Spader, then looked up and saw him.  That was 27 years ago, so I don't remember everyone I saw/spoke to.  Richard Lewis was one and a number of soap stars--especially from The Young and the Restless.


I also worked as a live in nanny for an entertainment lawyer.  I spoke to Ellen Barkin on the phone (took a message) and met even more soap stars, but most of the people they were friends with were producers. 


I also met Lisa Blount, Lynette in An Officer and a Gentleman.


Wow.....I'm starting to remember more now--your post made me brush the cobwebs off my memories  :) 

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I live in Los Angeles -- and not just in any part of Los Angeles, but a section of L.A. with a lot of entertainment companies, plastic surgeons and attorneys.



Sherry67, I think this line is hilarious, but know exactly what you mean.  It's all about location, location, location.  


I live about an hour by train from NYC, and whenever we go there, we see somebody.   Last time, Jerry Orbach was walking down the street, and he was the quintessential New Yorker -- he was gracious and said hi to people who waved at or greeted him, but he kept walking the whole time. If you wanted to shake his hand or talk, you had to walk pretty fast.  He seemed super-nice and gracious, but he had places to go (I think lunch in this case).  He's been gone a while, so it's clear we don't take advantage of our location often enough.  


I grew up in Westport, CT so saw and/or met a number of famous, semi-famous and sometimes notorious residents.  I was a drug store cashier in high school, and I waited on Paul Newman a few times, plus saw him at some horse shows (two of his daughters rode, one even pursued a show career at one time - and he always hung out with the "ring rats" around the in-gate versus the heated lounge where most of the adults were); also through my job, talked to Alan Arkin, who was super nice, quite often; also Fanne Foxe, a former stripper known for a kind of funny, but career-killing '70s sex scandal with Congressman Wilbur Mills came in occasionally.  


I also had a job at the town beaches, and a lot of the actors/actresses who were playing at the Playhouse came by; I think the most memorable were James MacArthur and Cybill Shepherd because he drove in in a big RV-camper thing - which must have been a fun way to spend the summer, but was verboten at the beach, and Westporters are notorious for watching town workers like hawks, making sure their tax dollars aren't being abused/wasted/whatever.   MacArthur was extremely friendly (and understanding, since we ultimately had to boot him, or his vehicle, anyway), and Shepherd was stunningly beautiful without a trace of makeup on her face. She was nice enough, too, but pretty quiet. They were both pretty down to earth and approachable.


I met Fred Gwynne at the same job.  He realized I was of the age where I'd know Herman Munster, so he let out a Herman-laugh before he started asking me stuff.  He was a very nice guy; and he was not driving the Munstermobile, but a VW bug convertible (an old school one, the new ones were about 25 years in the future).  


Also saw Richard Gere - he was a guest speaker at a fundraiser, and he was kind of a jerk.  No, not kind of - he was just a flat-out jerk. Carey Lowell was with him at the time, and she was absolutely lovely - naturally beautiful and very nice, very low-maintenance.  Their son Homer was along, and he was a cute little handful. 

Edited by harrie
  • Love 1

Shannon L. --


I wasn't sure how many names I would remember!  I have a good memory in general, but I've seen so many recognizable faces over the years that I thought I would forget a lot of them.  I just figured I would try to remember as many as I could as I began to list them off in this thread.  I surprised myself -- I kept saying, "Oh yeah!  I forgot that one!"


The job for the entertainment lawyer must have been interesting.  There are probably all kinds of stories you could tell (not that you would, but you know what I mean)!


Sometimes it is the voice that catches our attention first -- certain celebrities just have really recognizable voices.  James Spader would be one of them.  Drew Barrymore is another.




Betweenyouandme -


This is the same general location I have lived for my entire life -- or always within a mile or two of here.  I've only had 2 zip codes in during my life!   I was born in Arizona, but was brought to L.A. when I was two weeks old and I never left.    As I mentioned earlier -- I look about as "un-L.A." as possible, and there is nothing about me that is L.A.  Everyone always thinks I moved out here from somewhere else -- but this is just "home" to me.   I'm not in the entertainment business at all -- but it just happens to be an area that seems to be a hotbed of celebrity sightings.  I have actually not been in the position to see as many recognizable people in the last few years -- other than the sightings at Disneyland -- but if I were out and about more often I would probably still see them. 



harrie --


I know it sounded funny -- and it is! -- but it was important to say that I'm in a specific area of L.A. because I was making the connection between the area and why I have seen so many people just randomly walking down the street.  In other parts of L.A. (city or county), you wouldn't necessarily see famous people just walking past your window.  This specific area is fertile entertainment territory because there are apparently so many entertainment-related offices and businesses around here -- even smaller ones that we've never heard of -- as well as plastic surgeons (and they are plastic surgeons and other types of doctors who occasionally work on celebrities) and many, many lawyers. 






Out here, though, despite the supposedly large presence of paparazzi and TMZ, etc., when recognizable or famous people walk down the street, I never see anyone talking to them.  I think there is a misconception that celebrities can't walk down the street without being mobbed.  That may be true in some places, at certain points, depending on the celebrity in question -- but I think a lot of people who live out here are either jaded and don't care who they see, or they see the familiar face and can't believe that they are seeing who they think they're seeing.     It's always a little surreal when you see someone famous, because your logical mind is saying, "No... that can't be who I think it is."  You'd just never expect to see, for example, Nicolas Cage and Lisa Marie Presley walking through the tiny town of Avalon on Catalina Island.  And yet, there they were back in 2001.  Some celebrities look exactly like they do onscreen, facially -- but much smaller, physically.  Others look quite a bit different, facially, because they're not made up and glamorous, so you have to do a double take to be sure it is who you think it is!


I have seen undercover photographers at The Grove -- they will hide their camera in a stroller or something and wait for a celebrity to walk through -- but other than locations like that where celebrities have been known to go, I tend to think that a lot of the times when the paparazzi finds famous people, it is because someone called and tipped them off.  Also, celebrities tend to eat lunch and go to places where they know paparazzi will be (The Ivy, for example), and then they complain when they are bothered.  Believe me, if they wanted to eat at a small mom & pop Italian restaurant hidden away on a side street somewhere, no one would ever find them.  They go to places where they are more likely to be found.  So when you see a celebrity "out of context," in a place where you would not expect to see them, they are probably hoping to not be approached or bothered -- and I have never seen anyone bothered or approached, as far as I can recall, with the exception of one occasion. 


The only time I ever saw any fans talking to someone and not letting them get away was when I saw Maria Menounos at The Grove a few years ago.  Because it was well-known that Extra filmed there, a lot of people showed up to watch them shoot, and they wouldn't let Maria get away when she was on a break.  Every time she tried to take a step to move away from the crowd, someone would ask her for a photo, or hand her something to autograph.  Someone even handed their baby over to her, so Maria could hold the random baby for the photo!  Lol.  I just shook my head and laughed.


That reminds me -- I thought of more names to mention:


Beverly D'Angelo of the Vacation movies (I saw her standing in line at the record store in the Beverly Center -- not the Beverly Connection, but the original Beverly Center mall -- back in the '80s - I think the shop was called Music Land or something??  This was way before she got together with Al Pacino.)


Barbara Crampton (She was/is on soap operas -- I saw her walking through the Beverly Center as well.)


Sharon Gless from Cagney and Lacey (She was with her husband in the Beverly Connection parking lot, back in the late '90s.)


Slash from Guns n' Roses (He was at the same party where I saw Penelope Spheeris, in 1989 or 1990 or so.  I was standing at the bar, trying to get a Coke -- I don't drink alcohol.  Slash was already three sheets to the wind and under the influence of something.  He was totally unaware of what was going on around him.  I had my fingers clasped onto the edge of the bar.  Slash plunked his elbow down on my fingers.  I pulled them loose, but I remember the sound of his leather jacket crinkling as he moved his elbow around on my fingers!)


Andy Dick (He was walking through the Beverly Connection back in 1998 or 1999 or so.)


Jan Adams (He was the doctor who operated on Kanye West's mother.  Dr. Adams was a client of my former employer, so he would occasionally call to ask about business-related things, back in the early 2000's.)


Andrew Ordon (He is or was on the show, The Doctors -- is that show still on the air?  Like Jan Adams, he was a client of my former employer -- he may still be a client, for all I know.  He would call to discuss business.)



I still feel like I am forgetting a big name -- someone major that I saw -- and it will probably come to me when my mind has moved on to another subject!

Edited by Sherry67
  • Love 1


The job for the entertainment lawyer must have been interesting.  There are probably all kinds of stories you could tell (not that you would, but you know what I mean)!

It was.  One of the producers I met a lot was Todd Hallewell who does a lot of work with Ron Howard--in fact, he almost always has a bit part, or his name is used as a made up business name or something like that.  It was by talking to him that I felt confident in betting someone that Silence of the Lambs was going to sweep the Oscars (they thought JFK was going to beat it).  There really weren't a lot of stories to tell, just information about personalities, which I won't go into detail, although, I will tell you that the moment with Ellen Barkin on the phone made me roll my eyes  :)  Oh!  And, the wife of the entertainment lawyer was sister in law to Robert Redford's daughter.  I knew about the birth of his grandson, name, weight and length, before most other people. 


Unfortunately, I never met Robert or Ron...  :(

Edited by Shannon L.
  • Love 1

It was.  One of the producers I met a lot was Todd Hallewell who does a lot of work with Ron Howard--in fact, he almost always has a bit part, or his name is used as a made up business name or something like that.  It was by talking to him that I felt confident in betting someone that Silence of the Lambs was going to sweep the Oscars (they thought JFK was going to beat it).  There really weren't a lot of stories to tell, just information about personalities, which I won't go into detail, although, I will tell you that the moment with Ellen Barkin on the phone made me roll my eyes  :)  Oh!  And, the wife of the entertainment lawyer was sister in law to Robert Redford's daughter.  I knew about the birth of his grandson, name weight and age, before most other people. 


Unfortunately, I never met Robert or Ron...  :(


I think that Ellen might be known for being... um... what's the word.... a little "eccentric"?  Isn't she?  It seems like, when I have heard her name mentioned on radio shows or talk shows in the past, people seemed to be holding back on saying things, or they smirk a little, like they have thoughts about her but don't want to share.  Lol.  I can only imagine what she must have said to cause your eyes to roll!  Lol.


Speaking of Ellen Barkin, I had a near-miss/almost encounter with her ex-husband, Gabriel Byrne.  Once again, at my former employer's office, in maybe 1993 or 1994 -- before The Usual Suspects had been released -- we got a call from Gabriel's assistant, or someone who was on his team.  I remember that her name was Amy.  She called us and was trying to set up an appointment for Gabriel to come in.  He had a script that I think he had written or was somehow involved in, and he was going to bring it in to be typed up.  Amy was acting as the liaison, as Gabriel was in New York and would only be visiting L.A. for a short time.  Somehow or another, Amy didn't like whatever price my boss was charging for the project and she informed us that Gabriel would find someone else to type it.  I think she expected that we would be so blown away by having Gabriel Byrne in the office that the price would magically disappear, and was disappointed/annoyed when it was clear that they would still be charged. 


Gabriel never came in, sadly, and we never got the project from him.  I'm not sure if he was still married to Ellen at that time?  I can't recall when they split up.

Edited by Sherry67
  • Love 2

In a before-he-was-famous encounter, back in 1983, I was in an acting class with Andy Dick. My hometown near Joliet, Illinois had a summer program of different classes for teens and pre-teens, and both of us took the acting class. Sadly for me (looking back), a good friend of his at the time was not in our class, otherwise I could say that I also knew John Barrowman back then. Both John and Andy were in the public school in Joliet, but I was in the all-girls Catholic school in town (Melissa McCarthy graduated from my school, but she was four years behind me and I never knew her).

  • Love 2

harrie --


I know it sounded funny -- and it is! -- but it was important to say that I'm in a specific area of L.A. because I was making the connection between the area and why I have seen so many people just randomly walking down the street.  In other parts of L.A. (city or county), you wouldn't necessarily see famous people just walking past your window.  This specific area is fertile entertainment territory because there are apparently so many entertainment-related offices and businesses around here -- even smaller ones that we've never heard of -- as well as plastic surgeons (and they are plastic surgeons and other types of doctors who occasionally work on celebrities) and many, many lawyers. 



I know, Sherry67 - I just found the combination of lawyers and plastic surgeons funny,. Granted, you find more people of any occupation in an area of professional buildings (including plastic surgeons) because people go there to get their stuff -- wills written, teeth cleaned, physicals, etc. -- done.  But it just struck me funny.  



Out here, though, despite the supposedly large presence of paparazzi and TMZ, etc., when recognizable or famous people walk down the street, I never see anyone talking to them.  I think there is a misconception that celebrities can't walk down the street without being mobbed.  That may be true in some places, at certain points, depending on the celebrity in question -- but I think a lot of people who live out here are either jaded and don't care who they see, or they see the familiar face and can't believe that they are seeing who they think they're seeing.     


 Around here it's kind of uncool to approach a celebrity if you recognize them, probably out of respect for their privacy.  I mean, making eye contact or saying hi are sometimes okay depending on the circumstances, but no mobs please!  


And Barbara Crampton - I'm so jealous!  She was Mindy #4 or 5 on Guiding Light and is also a great scream queen.  


And I would type for free for Gabriel Byrne, just sayin'.  It'd be better if he dictated, of course.  


ShannonL, very cool job with the entertainment lawyer.    


Sharpie66, So was Andy Dick really like that back then, or did he create a persona?  Just wondering. 


Cynthia Gibb, a B-C list actress mostly known for Fame (TV) and Youngblood (hockey movie with Rob Lowe) went to my high school a year or two behind me; her older sister and I were in the same class.  A lot of grads from my (public) high school went into entertainment - my sister went to school with Marilyn Chambers.  

Edited by harrie

Yes, I wouldn't go up to any celebrity out in the wild except Taylor Swift. I don't know what I'd say or do to get her attention. But in my mind, we'd fall in love over tea and go back to her place to pet her cats. Then she'd write songs about me while I perched on her terrace in a white nightgown while we planned a trip to a faraway island. ...

Ok. Back to reality. Damn.

  • Love 4

Andy Dick was a pretty nice guy in high school--a theater geek and class clown, but nothing out of the ordinary. The fall after our class, I heard through the grapevine that he had run for homecoming king at Joliet West, and actually won against all of the usual candidates, because his campaign posters said, "For Homecoming King, don't vote for a jock--vote for A. Dick!" The teachers or administration couldn't complain, because that was his name. Hee!

His name is why I remembered him so clearly from the class. I had caught the first few eps of Newsradio, but had always missed the first few minutes, including the opening credits. But, whenever the character of Matthew came on screen, I had that strong sense of, "I know him, but from real life, not tv!" It wasn't until I got home early enough to catch the credits that I made the connection.

Edited by Sharpie66
  • Love 2

I used to work in Calabasas which is outside of LA - a lot of celebrities live in the area.

In the early 2000s, my co-workers and I used to go to a little hole in the wall Mexican place for lunch fairly frequently. It was close, tasty and inexpensive. It was not uncommon to see Will and Jada Smith eating there, accompanied by their two boys, the younger being an infant. No one made a fuss other than generally murmurring ("That's Will and Jada!").

We also saw Whoopi Goldberg a few times eating at a beachside taco spot in Malibu. It took longer to get there so we only made the trek a few times each year, but often saw Whoopi so she must have been a regular. It was basically a shack for cooking, picnic tables for eating and a great view of the beach, but they made the best fish tacos I have had.

Also, Emilio Estevez was pumping gas in front of me one day. He was shorter than I expected, but looked like he kept himself in good shape.

Edited by DeLurker
  • Love 1

My grandmother, back in the '70s, used to live in northern Arizona, where a lot of film and TV productions would sometimes shoot (lots of nice woods close by to those picturesque red rocks of Sedona which were down the road a few miles).  So there are a lot of pictures of little toddler me with celebrities... and I don't remember a moment of it!   Nobody absolutely super famous, but Claude Akins, I'm told, was my favorite.  

  • Love 3

My partner and I are on Code 7 (meal break) at Jerry's Famous Deli on Ventura Bl in Studio City, about 5 AM. Attractive blonde in jeans and sweatshirt, hair in ponytail, comes in for coffee and a bagel. She gets her to go order, then comes over toward our booth. "Gina?" My partner looks up, hesitates a second then says, "Heather?...OMG!!!". Hugs and an animated conversation ensue, while I'm basically just sitting there thunderstruck. It's Heather Locklear, they had been classmates in high school.   

I lived in So Cal for about 15 years so I heard a ton of Celebrity Encounter chithat.  What I consistently heard from people who had met Heather Locklear IRL is that she was unbelieavably nice and very genuine; after meeting her it they had a difficult reconciling her with the bitchy characters she plays.  Even radio DJs out there always said she was the nicest of all the celebrities.

  • Love 1


I grew up in Westport, CT so saw and/or met a number of famous, semi-famous and sometimes notorious residents.  I was a drug store cashier in high school, and I waited on Paul Newman a few times, plus saw him at some horse shows (two of his daughters rode, one even pursued a show career at one time - and he always hung out with the "ring rats" around the in-gate versus the heated lounge where most of the adults were); also through my job, talked to Alan Arkin, who was super nice, quite often; also Fanne Foxe, a former stripper known for a kind of funny, but career-killing '70s sex scandal with Congressman Wilbur Mills came in occasionally.

That's funny my mom grew up in Westport, CT and would always run into Paul Newman.

  • Love 2

Hill Harper and Rachel Leigh Cook at a campaign rally and Drake at a Food Festival.  The latter walked right past me; my friend was the one to point him out.  All were shorter and skinnier in person.  Also, Susan L. Taylor at a book signing.  There are a few more that don't come to mind right now.  Do concerts where said celebrities are performing a few feet away from you apply?  In recent memory, I've seen Parliament Funkadelic, Ryan Leslie, and Solange up-close and personal at festivals,  I was sitting much too far away during other performances to consider them "encounters".   


Honestly, I've found the few celebrities I've come across to be so unassuming in real life that the encounters are unfortunately forgettable.  An exception is Paul Rusesabagina, the man whom 'Hotel Rwanda' was based on.  I'll never forget getting to shake his hand.

  • Love 1

I sat next to Dan Bukatinsky and Richard Ruccolo at a festival screening of their movie All Over the Guy many years ago (actually was asked to go sit in empty seats next to them by festival organizers, presumably because they wanted someone in a suit & tie to help fill the ring of empty seats around the celebrities). Both were very friendly and gracious, and seemed super-nervous over some technical difficulties with the film projector; I told them it would be a bonding experience for the audience like standing in a long line together.

  • Love 1

I grew up in Norwalk and would see him occasionally at Stew Leonard's.


Geez, it's a small world on the internets!  You know how Stew's has the photos of famous customers?  I always seemed to end up at the Judge Judy checkout - it always had the shortest line. 


To keep on topic, my sister worked in a tiny neighborhood grocery store in the '60s, and Jack Klugman and Brett Somers shopped there.  Brett Somers was really funny and nice -- she told my sis she was her favorite cashier, but who knows, she may have said that to everyone - and Klugman was nice, too, but a less frequent visitor.  

  • Love 1

I grew up in Norwalk and would see him occasionally at Stew Leonard's.


I lived in Greenwich for a few years in the late '80s, early '90s.   One day I was sitting in McDonalds on the Post Road.   My table was near one of the front exit doors which only open from the inside.   I spied a little girl come up to that door and pull but of course it didn't budge.   She was maybe 8.   I got up from my table and went over to open it for her when who comes up behind her but her dad, Ron Howard. 


I grew up watching Andy Griffith as a kid and Happy Days as a teen ... American Graffiti was one of the first PG movies I ever saw ... so this was a MOMENT for me.  But see, when you live in Greenwich, you're conditioned NOT to speak to the celebrities.  In fact, it's considered very bad form if you even acknowledge they are celebrities in the first place because they have a right to a private life, blah blah blah.   The Greenwich Time would actually print polite reminders to the hoi polloi now and then to not seek autographs, etc., the same way Alaskan newspapers run tips for "What to Do If You Encounter a Bear. 


So here comes Ron Howard, American icon.   I open the door for his little girl (who HAD to be Bryce Dallas Howard).  She  breezes past me, Ron comes up, followed by his wife, and and Ron says to me "Thank you."  And I replied, "You're welcome," leaving the "Bucko" unspoken because that would have been uncool in Greenwich (and probably anywhere else but what the heck, right?).    But yes, "thank you" and "you're welcome."  How's that for scintillating dialogue?   I went back to my table, whispering to my friends 'DOYOUKNOWWHOTHATIS???"  Ron and family went inside and got in line like everybody else.   I forced myself not to stare.


We left McDonalds about ten minutes later.  We were walking to our car when I noticed Ron Howard sitting alone in his SUV, looking lost in thought.  His family was still inside the restaurant.


Another time, we were driving down Railroad Avenue in Greenwich at about dusk, right near the movie theater, when a man jaywalks right in front of us, necessitating a screech of the brakes.   It was Gene Wilder.   Yup, we almost flattened Willie Wonka (which would have been karmic payback for Violet Beauregard).   We drove on laughing about how surreal it was (I suppose I would say "meta" today) when I insisted that we immediately double back.   Wilder was heading for the movies.   He might still be waiting in line (or "on line" as they say in Greenwich) on the sidewalk outside.   I had missed my chance to be snarky with Ron Howard.   I was determined that I would not blow this once in a lifetime opportunity to shout out the window "Be more careful next time, Doctor Frahnkenschteen!"  But dang it, by the time we drove around, the Wily Wilder had vanished.


My most memorable encounter with Hollywood-in-Fairfield County was with Glynnis O'Connor.   In those days, I was selling some of my art locally.  I received a phone call one day from a woman inquiring about my work.   She wanted a copy of my promotional flyer, with prices and such.   I said sure and asked her name.   She said, "Glynnis O'Connor."    Starstruck from birth, I automatically laughed and said, "There's an actress named Glynnis O'Connor."   There was a pause and she said, surprised, "That's me. You know me?"


And suddenly a bagful of marbles appeared in my mouth.   "Of course I know you," I squeezed out.  "You were in ... "


I meant to say "Ode to Billy Joe" and "Endless Summer" and other immortal TV movies of the 70s --  not to mention that miniseries that made everyone permanently link Mark Harmon with Ted Bundy even many, many years later ...


But I went totally and insanely blank.  All I could think was "I AM TALKING TO GLYNNIS O'CONNOR ON THE PHONE!"  How many times in your life does an actress CALL YOU AT HOME?


"Um, help me," I finally said.


To this day I believe she could hear my face turning red.


"Ode to Billy Joe," she said gently.


Despite my humiliation, Glynnis O'Connor talked to me for 40 minutes after that.   She was really friendly and engaging ... but if my life depended on it I don't think I could remember what we discussed.   All I know is, the memory still makes me smile, more than 20 years later.

Edited by millennium
  • Love 5

I've got an embarrassing one: I used to watch a few soap operas religiously. My husband was working on a movie with Billy Warlock and he was fun and hung out with with me and a few other people on set between takes. I was convinced he'd been on one of my soaps and he was telling me that he hadn't been on that one. I was sure he was messing around with me, so I kept on with it. After a little while, it occurred to me that he was being serious. Oops.

This is the encounter I'm most jealous of in the thread so far. Had a HUGE crush on him in his Baywatch days when I was young. Incidentally I watched an old movie with him just yesterday - Society. So freaky and weird but oh so good, if you like weird. Crush came flooding back. Anyway.

I met Parker Posey and Zoe Cassavettes a few years ago at the Gothenburg film festival in Sweden when Broken English was circulating the festivals. I was (and am] a huge fan of Posey so I obviously saw the movie and loved it. So my friend had gotten me a press pass so I could get into all this extra stuff during the festival (and I wasn't press myself) so I went to a press Q&A with them. Very small, intimate crowd and few questions came up so I ended up asking a few myself. Anyway, after the Q&A they stood by the windows alone and I couldn't pass up on the opportunity to meet them so I went over and introduced myself, told them how much the movie resonated with me, yada yada, and they were super nice and funny. Talked for about 10 minutes about their experience of the city and the festival, but mostly I remember them telling me they had been out with Gael Garcia Bernal (who I'd seen in a Q&A the day before, only with a crowd about ten times bigger) and his crew and how hot (and little) they thought he was, to which I obviously agreed and expressed jealousy over. I got a couple of pictures of them but OF COURSE I completely forgot to ask for one that included myself. But I cherish the encounter.

Edited by joelene
  • Love 1

2005- Keri Strug, Olympic Gold medalist from 1996. I was sitting in front of her at a Capitol Steps performance in D.C., and when everybody realized she was there, I turned around and said to her that she was my favorite part of the 1996 Olympics. She seemed pleased. She was basically mobbed by the cast of the Capitol Steps after the show let out.


2007- Austin Peck, former star of Days of Our Lives. I went up to him and asked him what it was like working with Alison Sweeney, and he basically just said he wasn't on the show anymore and tried to get me to watch As the World Turns. What. A. Douche.


2007- Lance Bass. It was some event at my college where he talked about his life. He sighed an autograph for my sister.


2009- Anderson Cooper spoke at my college, and I was able to get an autograph from him, although we didn't actually speak.


2014- Matthew Quick, famous author of Silver Linings Playbook. I got him to autograph a book for me and he gave me life advice.


Also in 2014, I saw Philadelphia news anchor John Clark at Firefly Music Festival, trying to chat up some 20-year old girls. I don't think they knew who he was, though. He is very tall and skinny in person.

Edited by methodwriter85

Speaking of Capital Steps, one of the founding members, Bill Strauss (RIP), was a renowned writer on the subject of generational theory, along with Neil Howe. Their website based on their book The Fourth Turning was the first site I found when I finally had internet access in the mid-'90s, and its forum became my online home for a few years. I attended the first two F2Fs that they had, and both Neil and Bill were central to our activities at both weekends. At the first one, we even had a dinner and party at Bill's house, and of course, we went to a performance of the Capital Steps. This was right in the early days of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, so that was all DC was talking about. We even filmed an show on CSpan with Brian Lamb about the at-that-time novel idea of an online book discussion group. Oh, and we had an NBC camera crew following us around all weekend because Tom Brokaw was putting together his Greatest Generation documentary at the time, but they didn't end up using any of the footage. It was weird, though, being always aware of that camera being present!



Ten years ago, give or take, I went to see Bill Cosby do stand-up in Lowell, Mass. I was 14 and I was there with my sister and my parents. Out of the two of us, my sister is the more outgoing so at about 20 minutes into the show my dad (a professional photographer, who always takes advantage of a picture opportunity) encouraged my sister to sneak a few feet down the isle and get a quick picture of Bill. Security was very light and people were allowed to take pictures as long as there was no flash, so there was nothing too out of the ordinary about this. So my sister shuffles forward a bit as Bill is in the middle of a routine and actually is there for a good twenty seconds, when all of a sudden Bill stops the routine and asks her how old she is. She told him she was 16, so he followed up with a question about who she was there with. When she mentioned she was there with a younger sister I swear you could see such a wicked glint in his eye. It was like he suddenly saw an opportunity. So he yelled out to the audience, asking where I was. Now I'm shy as hell, so it was only after my mom shoved me some that I stood up as literally EVERYONE is staring at me, including Bill. So imagine my reaction when he waves his hand and tells me to come on down to the stage. I must have asked my mom half a dozen times if he was serious, and I really don't know how I managed it, but I did make it down to the stage. Not just to the stage either but on the stage seated right next to him with my sister on the other side. And that's where we stayed for the next ten minutes. He loves to do jokes about families and siblings so he kind of "riffed" with us about our relationship. And because I was so nervous, I kept on rolling my hands in my sweater sleeves so once he noticed that he joked some more, asking if I had some big secret to hide because I was so quiet, such as killing my sister's goldfish. Of course my parents couldn't get a picture cause my sister had the camera in her hands the whole time but Bill asked an audience member to take one of the three of us. Once she did, he gave us each a hug and a kiss while thanking us. 

It was a completely unexpected moment and I always think of how nice he was to do that, since he really didn't have to and could have reacted in a totally different manner. Granted, we did provide him with a few laughs, but still. And since he held our hands for our picture one thing I'm always reminded of is that he does have really large hands.


That awkward moment when I made a post six months ago about how awesome it was to meet one of my childhood idols and how it's a memory I'll treasure forever only for my view of it to completely change due to recent events. *sigh*


It WAS a nice memory. Now it just makes me sad. 

  • Love 7

I stayed in LA for a few months several years back and through a work friend, I ended up going to the premiere of The Lorax. It was pretty fun and Taylor Swift took a ton of pictures with fans. Being a Daily Show fan, I was trying to get a picture of Rob Riggle. So I'm holding up my camera phone, trying to get the picture of Riggle and this paparazzi is taking pictures of T.Swift. The next day I got an email from one of my friends saying "is that you behind Taylor Swift? Because it looks like you're doing something weird with her dress." Her body had blocked my phone but not all of my hand, so it looked like I was being a weirdo.


After all the celebrities did the step and repeat thing, they let us peons into the theater. I went to go get a bottle of water and there is this older lady walking in front of me. Well, it took me about two seconds to realize that it was Betty White. The young woman she was with walked up to the concession stand to get her water and of course I had to say hello to Betty White. I told her how hilarious I thought she was and she thanked me and said that she hoped I enjoyed the movie. It was a very small encounter, but she was just so dang nice about it. 

  • Love 4


The young woman she was with walked up to the concession stand to get her water and of course I had to say hello to Betty White. I told her how hilarious I thought she was and she thanked me and said that she hoped I enjoyed the movie. It was a very small encounter, but she was just so dang nice about it.

She really is sweet.  My friend was a flight attendant for several years and met Betty on one of her flights.  As they were getting off the plane, she told Betty that her father was going to be quite jealous because she's one of his favorite actresses.  When she heard that, she asked my friend for her phone and her dad's phone number and proceeded to call and chat with him for a minute.  I thought that was really nice of her.

Edited by Shannon L.
  • Love 10

Anybody remember Puck from "Real World San Francisco" in 1994, who got kicked out of the house for his homophobia and general douchiness? Maybe a year or two after that, I ran into him in a McDonald's on Pacific Coast Highway south of Los Angeles. He came in wearing a leather jacket and carrying a motorcycle helmet. He was really tall. I was surprised.

I met Puck too when my friends and I were visiting LA. He was doing tricks on his bicycle. We asked for a photo (it was just a couple of years after his Real World and we hadn't seen any other "celebrities" yet). Anyway he wanted to charge us $1 for the photo. Needless to say, we declined.

I also met Hal Holbrook walking down the street in Baltimore. Before he got close enough so that I could recognize him, I knew he must be famous because we was wearing an ascot! He was so nice and seemed surprised that I recognized him.

  • Love 3

John Denver at the San Diego airport in the mid-80's. He drove up in a rental car and his two kids were with him. He was yelling at one of them to stop fighting with his sister. Then he turned around to a group of us with a big "greet my public" grin and came over to (presumably) sign autographs. But unfortunately no one asked - we just politely said hello. He had his guitar with him.


Most recent sighting was Hilary Swank in a bookstore. She was in town shooting a movie. She chatted with the employees a bit and seemed friendly and pretty but relatively average-looking. I didn't immediately recognize her, just thought she was another Santa Fe hippie type. She sat down at a small table and started reading with a big grin on her face. I read afterwards somewhere that she's an avid reader.


Sat at a table in a restaurant next to Randy Travis. He was engaged in a conversation with someone and completely ignoring his (much older) wife, from whom he is now divorced.


Also "met" Mrs. Fields of cookie fame while I was buying a cookie at the Salt Lake City airport (late-90's). A beautiful petite blond came up and chatted for a minute with the counter person, and when she left the employee told me that was Mrs. Fields.

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Re not interrupting celebs when they're dining, I don't. But I had one situation where it was impossible to avoid constant eye-contact, much as I wished I could avoid it. I was at a table for two having breakfast in the dining room at the Four Seasons in LA. Sitting at the table for two immediately behind my companion was Steve Martin, and he was facing me. I literally could not look at my companion without also looking at Steve Martin, despite that I didn't want to visually intrude on his conversation and I could tell that he knew that I knew. I basically had to pretend that I was so cool that I couldn't care less. OK, you try keeping your eyes pinpoint-focused away from a guy you've idolized half your life when he's literally one-degree away from the center of your vision for forty minutes!

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