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"The View": Week of 4/27/2020


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Monday, Apr. 27 – Ricky Gervais (“After Life”); “View Your Deal” with hottest items at affordable prices

Tuesday, Apr. 28 – Kenneth “Babyface” Edmonds on his recent battle with the coronavirus

Wednesday, Apr. 29 — Lionel Richie, Katy Perry, & Luke Bryan (ABC’s “American Idol”)

Thursday, Apr. 30 — Nathan Lane (“Penny Dreadful”)

Friday, May 1 –Billy Porter; former co-host of ‘The View,’ Paula Faris (author, “Called Out”)

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Just me?  Or does Sunny look so much better doing her own hair, makeup and wardrobe.  Whoopie, too.   Meghan looks bad either way, and Joy does not seem to be coping well with any of this.   And I love Joy!   But she's PO'd or depressed, her hair is kind of messy, and am not of fan of her at home clothes.   Plus, WHY are there such technical problems only on her end??   Whoopie and Sunny come across clear, and Meghan's is a toss-up.   But Joy continually has issues.  

  • Love 10

Oh, dear, Whoopie doesn't get sarcasm either.  

Either Whoopie thinks kids hearing about injecting bleach are the ones most in danger of trying it (mentioning it 3 times!), or maybe she only cares about the kids, and figures that if the adults who don't have enough sense to know better do it, too bad.   

Meghan's first answer was all over the place.  She started off by casually mentioning the scorpion and the frog fable, without explaining how it related to what Trump did at Thursday's briefing.   

Then - "SNL was always into sort of like art imitating life imitating art".  ?????

If we handled the pandemic like New Zealand did - "It would give us all a vote of confidence on Monday instead of anxiety".  "Vote of confidence"?  Maybe she meant "shot of confidence", but it would still be an odd sentence.

Did Meghan just say that Dr. Birx was one of the doctors on the front lines?  She doesn't know what that means.  Dr. Birx is in an unenviable position, but she's not at extreme risk for catching the virus like the doctors treating affected patients are.

After referring to "inside the palace walls soap opera drama" Meghan says, "I have a harder time, sort of, coming, coming to it than I did when I was in studio before the pandemic happened.  I think a lot of Americans feel the same way".  Coming to what, exactly?

It was funny that Sunny brought up "word salad", because for the entire show I was thinking that Meghan spent the weekend making word salad and brought enough for everyone. 

Edited by lusinia
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2 hours ago, Triviatrish2 said:

She didn’t even crack a smile when Joy talked about Bernie Behar has an Instagram account.  Must suck to be her.

That was so maddening and rude.   Would it kill her to at least crack a smile, if only to be polite to her co-worker?    She doesn't have to guffaw like Sunny.   But being gracious is not in her repertoire of emotions.   What the hell happened to her along the way to make her so cold and hateful. 


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17 minutes ago, Ladyrain said:

That was so maddening and rude.   Would it kill her to at least crack a smile, if only to be polite to her co-worker?    She doesn't have to guffaw like Sunny.   But being gracious is not in her repertoire of emotions.   What the hell happened to her along the way to make her so cold and hateful. 


I have to say that Missy’s face at the closing made my stomach start to knot.  Unless they are talking politics or about her she just goes dead, at least from the look on her face. I wouldn’t want to be her child for anything!  Having to fear seeing that look for life would be terrible.

Thank you  ladies for taking Dr. Birx to task for being complicit.  I was also disappointed in her but I think she is disappointed in herself.   Has she sold her soul to the company store for some reason?  🤔

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7 minutes ago, Ladyrain said:

Would it kill her to at least crack a smile, if only to be polite to her co-worker?

Oh, no....that just wouldn't do.  Her glasses are on and her hair is back.  She didn't show up to work to be silly. 

A dog with a social media account?  Social media is a place to exchange lofty ideas.  Everybody knows that.  Tsk, tsk, tsk.  

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Keep in mind, Joy was supposed to be in Italy right now - something she had first told us back in December when she planned her trip. I think she was really looking forward to a nice two-week vacation after a long winter (like so many Americans were looking forward to an April vacation with their families) and now she is stuck at home. I think that's why she's coming across as so unhappy and irritable. 

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58 minutes ago, Ladyrain said:

What the hell happened to her along the way to make her so cold and hateful. 

She grew up the child of the rich and famous. She has never had to be gracious.


23 minutes ago, Lifesabeach said:

Thank you  ladies for taking Dr. Birx to task for being complicit.  I was also disappointed in her but I think she is disappointed in herself.   Has she sold her soul to the company store for some reason?  🤔

I have a friend who says she looks like a Stepford Wife looking at her boss with admiration.

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2 hours ago, pinguina said:

If you have not seen it, I found it funny 😄

It was perfect.  What made me love it even more was something I found out the next day. Dr. Fauci was asked on CNN a couple of weeks ago who he'd want to play him on SNL, and he said 


"Oh, Brad Pitt, of course!" Fauci, the country's top infectious diseases expert and a member of the White House coronavirus task force, joked on CNN.





  • Love 18
4 hours ago, UpTooLate said:

Even Whoopi looks better in her at-home clothes than those she wears in studio.

This needs to be repeated every day.  If her daughter is in charge of this at-home production, maybe The View should hire her.  Get Whoopi there on time, dressed better, with better hair too.

12 hours ago, blondiec0332 said:

She grew up the child of the rich and famous.

Were they ever home?


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1 oz. Clorox

Dash of Vermouth

Squeeze of Drano


1 oz. Lysol

2 oz. Tonic


1 oz. Mr. Clean

1 oz. Tequila

Rim glass with Ajax




  • LOL 14
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When Meghan was talking about Mayor deBlasio she said he wasn't social-distancing.  Maybe that was true, but in the video clip they showed there wasn't any evidence of that.  Does she expect him to social-distance from his wife?  No one is expected to social distance from people they're living with unless they actually have the virus. 

A few weeks ago on the show Whoopie appeared to believe something similar when she asked if any of the other co-hosts were going outside with their families and were they keeping six feet apart from each other.  I was like, "huh?"  


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1 hour ago, Haleth said:

Are the parks even open in NYC?  I think that was her point, that he should not have been in the park at all. 

She did say that he shouldn't be there because he has a yard at the Governor's mansion, but she also said he should be social distancing.

I checked, and the parks in NYC are open, so it doesn't sound like he was breaking any rules.  But as we know, she ignores the facts if it suits her.  When I looked the story up, I noticed that this was one of those right-wing media outrages of the day, which explains why she brought it up.          https://www.nycgovparks.org/about/health-and-safety-guide/coronavirus

Added - It is confusing.  Gov. Cuomo issued the stay-at-home order for the state but at the same time he also said you're allowed to go outside for "solitary" exercising (no pick-up basketball games, for example). 


Edited by lusinia
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22 hours ago, blondiec0332 said:

I have a friend who says she looks like a Stepford Wife looking at her boss with admiration.

Or a hostage.

Re Leopard Lady's grumblings over the mayor in the park; parks are open, Mags, and as long as you stay away from other people, you should be fine. And why the hell would you need to stay apart from someone who shares your home?!!!!!

Gawd she's dense!

And that flag in the background? Reminds me of a militia dude's basement. Where's the gun rack?

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Meghan, you ignorant slut!!! (SNL reference)  He lives with his wife.  WHY would he have to be socially distant from her in public?  This virus should bring out the humanity in all of us but she just can't let go of her right vs. left talking points.  To quote her "it's exhausting!" 😞

Edited by jalady
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I assume NY has the same rules as Illinois - parks are open, but playgrounds and basketball courts are closed.  You can walk, bike, skate, in the park without risk, because you're not touching anything that others have touched/will touch. like playground equipment, basketballs.  

We had forest preserves, with biking and hiking trails, open until a few days ago.  people were apparently holding large gatherings in the picnic areas.  So starting this week, the trails are open, but the parking lots are closed.  It's a shame, that some people ruin it for everyone else.   Meghan is making the error a lot of people are making, taking the "stay at home" order too literally.  You can go out, walk, run, hike, bike, alone or with your family, through your neighborhood or at your local park.  It's not hard to understand. 

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That rant about the mayor was confusing. She said people were yelling at him? People who were also out walking ? There were I lots on that trail.  I am very weary of her long winded tirades and especially when she is suppose to be asking a question of a guest , but it is always a long ramble statement. 
that headband is the one she lent a Joy when she went to London.  
I am thinking Joy should try wearing her hair up think she did  years ago. 

  • Love 10

I missed the first ten minutes unfortunately. I did laugh at McCain’s question to Klobuchar though. She sounded like she was really just pressed about what Sunny said more than she was interested in hearing Klobuchar talk. Does McCain think a Democrat wins when Republicans vote for them? She proves herself even more dumb than I expect daily. And she doesn’t think she’s “complicit” when she goes on TV and plays defense for actions that are indefensible every day? How does that work?

  • Love 11
8 hours ago, Sam Spayaid said:





1 oz. Clorox

Dash of Vermouth

Squeeze of Drano


1 oz. Lysol

2 oz. Tonic


1 oz. Mr. Clean

1 oz. Tequila

Rim glass with Ajax




It's a good thing that it's Ramadan and I'm fasting. You guys can enjoy it for me.

  • LOL 5
5 minutes ago, Haleth said:

I don’t know what Meg was talking about re Justin Amash being bad news for Biden. Once again the pundint makes no sense. 

People who don't want to vote for the current White House occupant, but are reluctant to vote Democratic, may check the box for him, taking away potential votes from Biden.  I think.  But I'm not a pundint. 🙂

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2 minutes ago, KayVeeTeeVee said:

People who don't want to vote for the current White House occupant, but are reluctant to vote Democratic, may check the box for him, taking away potential votes from Biden.  I think.  But I'm not a pundint. 🙂

She was saying a Libertarian would appeal to Bernie Bros and other Dems. Uh, I don’t think so.  He’s more likely to attract dissatisfied Reps. 

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4 minutes ago, KayVeeTeeVee said:

People who don't want to vote for the current White House occupant, but are reluctant to vote Democratic, may check the box for him, taking away potential votes from Biden.  I think.  But I'm not a pundint. 🙂

Isn't this what voters do all the time if they aren't happy with their party's candidate but don't like the other party's candidate?

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Meghan must think this is a good look.

"The rust belt is the arc of the covenant"?  "It is the only place Democrats should be concentrating on..."  

It's so annoying when people say, like Joy did, that someone is sexist because they don't like Hillary even though they agree with her policies.  That's ridiculous.  You're allowed to dislike someone of the same sex.

Earlier this week I heard that 36 cases in Wisconsin have been linked to in-person voting, and while that's terrible, it's hardly the "big spike" that Sunny called it.   Then, she said that it was good news for the country that mail-in voting went well in Ohio.  It's a little too soon to say that, since a lot of states don't allow no-excuse absentee voting, and I wouldn't hold my breath that it will change before November.

"I'm not trying to throw water on that argument, but I'm going to".  That 10% of the demographic who are never-Trumpers.  Is that in the entire country or just Michigan?  Meghan didn't say.  She seems to think that everybody who likes Amash will automatically vote for him, and won't consider how that will affect the ultimate outcome.

New Zealand comes up for the third time in a week, but today, strangely, Meghan  is emphasizing that "they're in a totally different place for a lot of different reasons", and that "some of these comparisons between our countries and countries in Europe are sort of a straw-man argument, because we just can't do the same things New Zealand can", completely contradicting what she said on Monday when she was saying if only we had done what NZ did we would be giving ourselves a "shot of confidence". 

Did someone have her walk that back?  From what she was saying you would think "Americans" had this misconception and not her.  (And does she really think New Zealand is in Europe?  Really?)

They fear their government in Sweden?

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20 minutes ago, lusinia said:

Did someone have her walk that back?  From what she was saying you would think "Americans" had this misconception and not her.  (And does she really think New Zealand is in Europe?  Really?)

They fear their government in Sweden?

I think someone reminded her that the PM of NZ is anti-gun, so Meg has done an about face re her admiration. For the Sweden comment I have nothing. 

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So during the segment about the guy on GMA caught with short on, The View showed a clip and they zoomed in to show you were to look - under the chyron. I thought to my self "I wish I had eagle eyes." I would not have noticed it at all.  After the View I saw the clip of GMA somewhere else, The View was being conservative with the thigh clip. Did they not want pearl cluchers emailing them.

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19 hours ago, lusinia said:

"I'm not trying to throw water on that argument, but I'm going to".  That 10% of the demographic who are never-Trumpers.  Is that in the entire country or just Michigan?  Meghan didn't say.  She seems to think that everybody who likes Amash will automatically vote for him, and won't consider how that will affect the ultimate outcome.

The way she described Amash (pro gun, anti choice) doesn't sound like his base would vote for Biden anyways.  And forgive me if I don't take any political analysis from Meghan seriously. She is the one who denied a blue wave was going to happen in 2018.

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