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90DF Live Chat 2: This Thread is Only 60% Good

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Old Tony and the Momser sure like getting tanked up!  

Oh no..... BunnyBoiler's going to the waterfall!  It IS AWESOME!!!  Not  her reaction to it but just the waterfall itself.  Whoops! Now she'll want to talk about the wedding... uh oh... And now she's keeping up with Mike's wine last night and BEER today.  I cannot stand her anymore. Seriously. UGH!

Edited by goofygirl
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I always thought Mother’s Day is celebrated on Sunday but apparently Betty requires the entire weekend for her adoration? Brandon and Julia can’t get their wedding out of the way Saturday? And doesn’t the date change from year to year? Their anniversary will not always be on Mother’s Day 

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Natalie has to play coquette, because her sneering has been made more difficult by her inflated lips and has been ineffective on Mike.

Ordering the hot tea in a brewery and then commenting on Mike's ordering a beer is just more passive-aggressive nagging.

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1 hour ago, belsu said:

It's part of the culture in South Louisiana. 

Yes it is! You can buy daiquiris at the Audubon Zoo and in drive throughs all over Metairie. Cops know you aren’t  drinking and driving because your straw tip is covered in paper. 😳 

My favorite meme ever was “We’re not alcoholics, we’re from Louisiana.” 😉😘

God, I miss NOLA. Yara can fuck right off with her NOLA hate. 🙄

Edited by Chickabiddy
Cuz my German autocorrect turned Audubon Autobahn.
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They sure are skimpy on the screen time for Stephanie the Cougar, I missed the first half hour so will have to catch it later to see her.


*edited to say I have seen her so little I forgot her name and called her Rebecca.

Edited by Armchair Critic
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1 minute ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Trust me, you would be surprised 

Ohhhhh...anyone would be hard pressed to have a MIL worse than mine!  Just the worse! Still that scene seemed staged.

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4 minutes ago, Armchair Critic said:

They sure are skimpy on the screen time for Stephanie the Cougar, I missed the first half hour so will have to catch it later to see her.

Did I triple post? How embarrassing. LOL

Edited by Armchair Critic
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If Mike gives up beer and wine and steak and everything else in life he enjoys to please whatever happened to Baby Jane's clenched jaw, he deserves a life of washed eggs and tea.

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3 minutes ago, ezzy4 said:

There is no way that wedding day convo was legit.  No one can be as clueless as Betty, right?

Also, when did Julia arrive?  Their 90 days are tolling, and you can bet that Betty knows the exact minute of 0001 hours of Day 90.

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7 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Talking smack about the girl before you even meet her. These people are all awful. 

And Betty? There's such a thing as tact. Shut your fucking face. 

Well, that was way beyond awkward.   Betty really likes to stir the pot.  Talk to Julia and Brandon in private about the hickey on her neck.  This seems so middle school to me.  I really dislike the dad as much as Betty.   May 9th was a Saturday ---and would have been my mother's 105 birthday--so Mother's Day was May 10th this year.  Our wedding anniversary---which we share with Fred and Ethel Mertz--is May 3rd, but we didn't pick it to avoid mother's day and my mother's birthday.  It just was a day that worked for us.  And May 9th is meaningful to Julia so just shut up, Betty.   There is no indication of how big a wedding they are planning, is there? 

This woman has no boundaries whatsoever and no filters either.  And she is selfish, selfish, selfish.

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Just now, OoogleEyes said:

Most of the ones I've been to have excellent food.  It's part of the experience,  for me 

Yeah, I've never been to one that had bad food. Brewery menus are some of the best around here. 

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I'm currently single and now I have this nightmare that I'm going to end up dating some dude who insists on high-fiving me all the time.  Like with way too much excitement.  I'm pretty low energy most of the time...

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4 minutes ago, Floatingbison said:

Tony's back drinkin at mom's house AGAIN!

I'm so jelly, and I love the guitars!

LOL, those on the right are my Axe Heaven collection (which is extensive, I admit)! I'm mostly about keys/piano, (and lately drums),so I only have a rebuilt Squier Affinity, which my tech made feel pretty slick, and a nice Yamaha nylon, and a couple no-name steel strings. The black/purple bass on the left is a Washburn approximation of Jamerson's Funk Machine, complete with heavy-gauge LaBallas, and foam pad. Embracing the years (actually months) I worked at Motown, I guess 🤷‍♂️

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