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90DF Live Chat 2: This Thread is Only 60% Good

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These two can’t even live together on the same goddamned continent. They’ve built an entire fantasy life and they don’t even know when they’re going to be together much less have a child. So ridiculous. 

1 minute ago, greekmom said:

For god's sake the girl has said NO.

If it was just "an egg" then go get a donor egg from someone else.


But Angela’s bloodline! 

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6 minutes ago, Floatingbison said:

Well in that respect, Muychull is not a good businessman, which is how he's postured himself. ("I want to meet you, Mr. Trump.")   He wants children, but he married someone who can't have children.  That's not a good business decision.

True, but if you suspend reality and pretend that Angela isn’t too old and infirm to have a baby, she told everyone she could carry a baby. Now she’s talking about it’s too expensive for IVF, she’ll be too tired to have a baby, etc.

Skyla is right that her egg makes it her baby. That’s even true in the eyes of the law. And it’s no more fair to ask your daughter who lives in your house to give you her child than it is to sell yourself to your younger husband as able to carry and raise a baby, but change the script after the wedding.

Babies are relationship dealbreakers, and I think that’s totally fair.

Edited by brillia79
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19 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Like them? This is the first time she’s ever seen them. She doesn’t appear to watch the show, or else she’d have better questions.

One of us would be a much better host. 

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I don’t buy that Grangela has an abscess. It would be way too painful for her to be talking rapid fire and so animatedly. Agree with whomever said she probably fell and knocked out a couple of teefs.

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2 minutes ago, kacesq said:


Yeah Angela your bloodline is awesome!


Yes, she really is a prime physical specimen. Looks, intelligence, temperament - she's the perfect genetic cocktail.

3 minutes ago, Floatingbison said:

We can push through the pain.


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16 minutes ago, Arynm said:

Apropos of nothing really, but my inlaws just bought a beach house and they named it Endless summer. The poster is hanging on their wall. I had never heard of the movie before then, and now again it's popping up.


Oh my gosh, I’m so jealous.  We’ve rented homes on various shorelines, but none this year.  I could use the peace of the ocean right now.  I guess I’ll just have to listen to my Calm app.

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16 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Skyla doesn’t want to tote another baby. Her body, her choice.

Seriously, that's an invasive procedure (not to mention the whole pregnancy and birth thing) that no one who isn't completely 100% prepared for it should undertake. 

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Just now, Frozendiva said:

Some 50 year olds are capable of popping out kids. Mykull should know more about female anatomy and kids and realize that it's unlikely that his wife can provide one. Find another American.

Should’ve slid into Janet Jackson’s or Halle Berry’s DMs

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1 minute ago, Floatingbison said:

There's more?  This is like taking a prolonged beating by mobsters in an alley behind a casino.  I'm guessing. 

Its like being hit on the head repeatedly with a teaspoon, while a crowd of people sing "Happy Birthday", loudly and tunelessly, over and over and over again.

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2 minutes ago, GrammyPammy said:

Don’t worry...I was married to an alcoholic. He drank wayyyyyyyyyy more than that!

It runs in my family so I am hyper aware and sensitive to comments. I have non-drinking friends who say that a drink a day equals alcoholic.

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There she goes screaming and ranting again. I feel bad for the audio team on this show. 👂

Well... break time. See some of y'all later for PT, and some tomorrow for part 3!

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3 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Its like being hit on the head repeatedly with a teaspoon, while a crowd of people sing "Happy Birthday", loudly and tunelessly, over and over and over again.

Why is this making me think about "Oh Oh Matilda"

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