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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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I don't care how cuckoo for cocoapuffs Phyllis appears, I'm glad she called out Diane for attacking her.

LOL @ Patti, Nina, and the Bug 'pfffffft'ing Phyllis' collapse. When they asked for a doctor, Nina's all "ehhh, sorry, don't see any!!!!" 😂

Also cracking up at Elena looking like she's summoning Phyllis' heart rate with her eyes closed rather than looking at a watch or something.

Danny, jesus CHRIST lay off the guyliner. It looks atrocious. His face looks like it's melting and he's beginning to to resemble a chubby Alice Cooper (no offense meant to Alice Cooper, of course).

I love Ashley railing on about Diane, but lord Tucker is still boring.

No one is buying Starke/Phyllis' marriage, not even us.

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18 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:


I guess I should be looking forward to Amanda chewing out Abby and Devon but ehhh. Why should she bother at this point?

Came to the board to say exactly this! I don't know why the writers waited so long to run this scenario. It would have made perfect sense (and I would have been all for it) months ago, when the actual betrayal happened. All this time later? Sheez, Devon and Abby are practically a little family now, where I actually don't mind the idea of them that much anymore. 

So, what, Amanda has been off in Virginia stewing all this time, just waiting for an opportunity to come back and play the wronged woman, hissing at Devon and Abby at every opportunity? Does anyone still care? Anyone?

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3 hours ago, Kitty Redstone said:

Phyllis is a liar and a loon. And despicable.

Phyllis is her own worst enemy, but Diane is a sneaky disaster waiting to happen to other people. I may not be a Phyllisphile, but I am definitely not a Dianista - I'm guessing that that woman's got plans for her son's inheritance of the Abbott empire, which means that she'll be plotting the removal of everyone, including Jack, Traci and Ashley, who stands between Kyle and the Abbott throne and her being the power behind the throne, which means that Summer will be the first object of Diane's machinations.

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Oh, boy, I really liked today's show: Will Phyllis survive what ever she took to cause her collapse; did Phyllis truly contract a marriage-of-convenience with JS; and will the EMT who saw Diane snatch the ring from Phyllis' hand tell on her, or will he try to blackmail her - - Tune-in tomorrow for another chapter in the lives of "The Young and the Restless"

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Phyllis: Congratulations! Caw caw!

Summer: Shit-a-goddamn.

Daniel: The bison tranqs are in my other valet uniform.

Michael: Maybe if I clap too, no one will notice Phyllis is high on paint thinners.

Lauren: Don’t clap. Let circus Tinkerbell die.

Danny: Why don’t we go outside for some fresh air. Seriously, I think someone just filled their drawers.

Nick: I think that’s our cue to skedaddle.

Sally: As you wish, master.

Sharon: You’re gazing worriedly at Sally and Nick. Are you concerned about the baby? Don’t be. There’s no way, and I mean no way Nick can give that kid a concussion while they’re screwing.

Adam: Of course I’m concerned. Why would she let Nick escort her out of here just when shit is getting good?

Phyllis: You know me, Danny. I’ve changed. I did horrible things. I’m probably doing one right now! You know I wouldn’t talk shit about someone unless it was true.

Jack: Phyllis, get bent.

Nikki: Oh dear. My face says this is all very tawdry, though my nose could be subtitled “was that my son or my husband?”


Amanda: Don’t worry. I’m not here to ruin your date. Or whatever it is you cheating fucks do.

Abby: I’m going to do that thing I do where I say all the wrong things, completely misread the other person and somehow come across as entitled to grace I don’t deserve.

Devon: If I may join in, I’m going to run with a sorry not sorry vibe.

Amanda: You guys are kindling and I’m an arsonist. Bitches better have packed that aloe. And remember this: if he’ll cheat with you, he’ll cheat on you.

Devon: We deserve that. But… why not humor me and endure an awkward conversation? I’ll remember your favorite drink for that added layer of smarm.

Amanda: Well, the party can’t get any worse. 

Abby: I’ll be over in the corner, remembering when I knew how to be apologetic. God, I loved that bra, and now I can’t even bear to look at it.


Ashley: My brother and his white knight complex need a good, swift kick in the groin.

Tucker: Hey, you don’t need to engage in foreplay.

Ashley: He absolutely ruined the gala, which had been mediocre until that horrible announcement.

Tucker: Nah. It sucked the hind tit.

Ashley: Did you see Tracy’s expression? She knew and she didn’t tell me.

Tucker: She was probably afraid you’d jack up Diane with a sock full of nickels.

Ashley: You’re not taking this seriously at all.


Diane: You’re drunk, Phyllis. Go home.

Phyllis: I’m not drunk. I’m deranged. There’s a difference.

Jack: You’ve made your scene, Phyllis. I’m not sure why this production required so much make-up, but that’s show business.

Phyllis: There you go, defending Diane again. She’s going to hurt you, hurt you. She’s going to hurt everyone in this room! She’s got a grenade strapped to her inner thigh.

Diane: Scoff.

Phyllis: I have lost everything. Everything! All due to this pigeon-headed hussy!

Jack: No, Phyllis. You blew it with your own bad choices. Like blowing my brother.

Victoria: Damn. Nostrils out here catching strays.

Phyllis: This trollop abandoned your son, Jack, and let him think she was dead. Dead! He had no mother to teach him that pith helmets aren’t penis cozies. I would do anything for my kids, anything for my kids, up to and including missile strikes. I’m the bad guy here?

Diane: Yes?

Phyllis: I invited you to my hotel suite for a spot of tea and polite conversation. I even apologized. Yet you throttled me. Throttled me!

Diane: Liar.

Phyllis: I swoon.


Nate: I could dance with you all night long.

Elena: Fortunately we can do that, as there are no psychopaths out there experiencing medical emergencies.

Victoria: Quickly, you guys! Phyllis collapsed!


Nick: I used to massage the owner’s muffins, so we can bring in outside food, no problem.

Sally: It’s this kind of access that makes dating you such a dream.

Nick: Are you putting hot sauce on your fries? Doesn’t that, like, add flavor? I’m a little uncomfortable right now.

Sally: Me too. I’ve got wicked FOMO.

Nick: FOMO. Fetal Obsession Motherhood… um.

Sally: Fear of Missing Out. We missed something epic at the gala. I just know it.

Adam: I’m not lurking. I’m not lurking. This is totally not me lurking.

Sally: Stop lurking.

Adam: Who, me?

Nick: I thought you’d be busy cleaning a potato sized poop out of your tailpipe.

Adam: Wimmins bodily functions are a mystery to those scripting our life. I saw you touch your stomach and then leave. Naturally I assumed it was baby related because it’s all about the womb now. 

Sally: You did see us go through the drive through, right?

Nick: Stalker.

Sally: Sit down. Let’s figure this thing out again. The awkward gives me heartburn..

Nick: More like stalkward, amirite?


Devon: They named the jazz club after Neil. I don’t know how that’s relevant to anything, but my dad’s name always makes for a nice buffer.

Amanda: That’s nice.

Devon: I’ve been on a journey, you see. There have been wrong turns, dead ends, wonky GPS directions and my poor sense of direction.

Amanda: Hope you found a nice souvenir in Abby’s thong.

Devon: Look, I haven’t forgiven myself for what I did to you. I don’t expect you to forgive me.

Amanda: How generous.

Devon: I dropped the lawsuit.

Lily: Hey, you’re being civil! Wait, why are there bison tranqs in my purse?


Summer: Mom! Oh, I knew I shouldn’t have held her accountable for her own actions! If only I’d let her careen recklessly through our lives like a harp seal behind the wheel of a Porsche!

Elena: Is your mother allergic to anything?

Daniel: Peace and quiet.

Lauren: She was in a coma a few years back. Good times. Gooood times.

Nate: Her vitals are dangerously low.

Victoria: He is a man of many panty dropping talents.

Diane: What do you suppose she’s playing at?

Jack: My hero tendencies are feeling vaguely torn.

Gina: Fake.

Nina: Ten dollars on fake.

Danny: Shame on you both. What’s the money line on elaborate scheme that ends in a smoking crater?

Nate: Thank god the EMTs are here. Doing something meaningful and focused on others really makes my ass itch.

Elena: Hopefully they’ll keep her on display here so all these fine, upstanding citizens can gawk.

Diane: Gasp! Jack, my engagement ring is in Phyllis’ talon!

Jack: It was Stark all along.

Diane: I’ll just slip it back on my finger under the suspicious gaze of this pornstache’d paramedic.

Victor: Something very strange is going on here. Why should Phyllis collapse like that? I didn’t even bite her on the neck. I better make some calls.

Kyle: My jacket is off. I mean business.


Ashley: Diane manipulated my brother and his save-a-ho mentality perfectly. The more I try to make him see the light, the harder he clings to her.

Tucker: Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

Ashley: Thanks, professor.

Tucker: Look, what I’m saying is that when you try to pull him away from Diane, his reaction is to move closer to her. That’s just science.

Ashley: So I should encourage him? Bud, you’re really killing my lady boner.

Tucker: I want a thirty-fourth chance with you. If Diane can change and make amends and earn Jack’s love and forgiveness, why can’t that happen for us? They inspire me.

Ashley: He didn’t land a helicopter in her yard.

Tucker: Oh I think he’s brought his craft in for a lan - you’re being literal, aren’t you?

Ashley: I will not allow that woman to besmirch the Abbott name. Billy’s done enough damage.

Tucker: Jaboat. LOL!

Ashley: I can’t let her marry into this family.

Tucker: You want to flip Jack the bird? Marry me.


Nick: Summer needs me! I hope this isn’t about the Lids gift card I bought Kyle.

Sally: Go, noble family man.

Nick: Make sure this delicate flower returns home safely with her uterus intact. We’ll try some of that hot sauce on my banana later.

Sally: I’ve been waiting for this burger all my life. Make yourself comfortable. And don’t think you’re getting any of my fries. This look I’m giving you says my milkshake is another story.

Adam: Nick’s chair has a weird residue on it. I’ll sit over here.

Sally: Ahhh. It’s good to eat without someone watching every bite and writing on a clipboard.

Adam: Still putting hot sauce on your fries, huh?

Sally: I enjoy heat.

Adam: I remember.

Sally: Sometimes I think all this awkwardness could be solved if I just stopped sleeping with the guy who’s using me to say “fuck you” to his brother.

Adam: Wow. Are you trying to get our scenes cut?


Jeremy: Nikki, you look lovely tonight. You’d look better in velour, but you can’t always bat a thousand.

Nikki: Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Unconvincing Exclamations Theatre starring newcomer Jeremy Stark.

Diane: Booooo!

Elena: I don’t mean to be rude, but perhaps the patient should be moved before any lengthy production begins.


Kyle: I’m a grown ass man. Why are you crashing this party, huh? Less importantly, why are you pretending to care about Phyllis, huh?

Jeremy: Look, kid, she showed you her tube socks with lemons once. That doesn’t make you close.

Kyle: I’m getting mad, bro. I’m going to hulk out. Wait for it.

Leanna: Who is that handsome stranger giving velour its sensuality back?

Victoria: Fuck you.

Summer: Get off my mother, touchhole.

Jeremy: Phyllis is not just your mother. Dramatic pause. She’s my WIFE!


Jack: This is a solid move, I must admit. Despite my best efforts, I’m getting that urge to rescue Phyllis from Jeremy.

Diane: I don’t like where this is going.

Michael: Yeah right. Phyllis got married and never told anyone? Phyllis can’t suck in a breath of air without announcing it on the exhale.

Lauren: I will chime in and vouch for Phyllis’s inability to keep anything to herself, including bodily functions.

Danny: Wow. Where has velour been all my life?

Jeremy: Fools! Of course she didn’t tell you. You treated her like something you’d scrape off your shoes.

Nikki: Ahem. Our servants shoes.

Jeremy: She was lonely. Her children, her friends, all you fine people turned your backs on her. I understood. I was going through a hard time, just getting out of prison. Do you know how good Phyllis looks after a stint in lock up? We got married three days ago.

Diane: Right. Where was the ceremony?

Jeremy: Up your ass and to the left.

Nate: I can tell you she’s stable. Physically.

EMT: You can’t ride in the ambulance. My porno mustache gets its own seat. Meet us at the hospital.

Jeremy: I shall. Oh, I shall. But first! First, I will get some damn answers. What did you do to her… DIANE?


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I've got to hand it to the writers: I was totally blindsided by the marriage reveal. I am assuming that they did really get married , but to what end?

And how is the ring going to figure into all.of this? The medic saw Diane take it and Jack told Traci it was missing so I wonder what the plan is??? Surely it can't be passed off as Phyllis' ring. Any ideas?

Ever since I decided to stop dying my hair and let it go gray thanks to Covid, I am somewhat critical.of.people with bad hair dye jobs. Danny's is really bad along with the cut.  Very unnatural looking but it can't be a wig because who would buy that? Maybe its from the Donald.Trump.collection.

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4 hours ago, Skarzero said:

Jack's speech felt like it lasted longer than Y&R has itself. What little fun this Gala was died when Jack started talking. Sorry Jack, but no one cares about your ill-fated relationship with Diane. I think it's kind of funny & tragic that Jack's relationship with Phyllis has set the bar practically in hell but Diane can barely mange to clear it. Like...how can you suck that much??? Diane's return is such a bust if she had finished choked Phyllis out I might feel differently. 

Especially the bolded part.

I think I love you.jpg

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38 minutes ago, NinjaPenguins said:

He was probably going to call his crack security team to… damned if I know. Maybe they were meeting their Victor Newman flex minimums for the ep.

Maybe he was rounding up some more of that anti coma medication he got for her last tumble at an event. Although last time, he gave us a years peace before getting ahold of it.

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3 hours ago, Julyolo said:

ETA* Many thanks to all who wished me well & a speedy recovery!

I wish you well, too! Shingles, and the domino effect it had in my life, ruined my health and my life.

45 minutes ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Phyllis: You know me, Danny. I’ve changed. I did horrible things. I’m probably doing one right now! You know I wouldn’t talk shit about someone unless it was true.

Jack: Phyllis, get bent.

Dumpster Fire GIF

59 minutes ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Victoria: Damn. Nostrils out here catching strays.


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“I liked you a lot better when you weren’t talking.” could be used for So. Many. Characters.

For instance, I muted the Devon/Hilary convo and just revelled in how beautiful Mishael Morgan is.

Phyllis appeared even more drugged today. Wonder if the mariage is so they can’t be forced to testify against each other down the line? Or maybe Stark’s mark is Phyllis and not Diane? My head hurts…

Edited by Desperado
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1 hour ago, Js Nana said:

Oh, boy, I really liked today's show: Will Phyllis survive what ever she took to cause her collapse; did Phyllis truly contract a marriage-of-convenience with JS; and will the EMT who saw Diane snatch the ring from Phyllis' hand tell on her, or will he try to blackmail her - - Tune-in tomorrow for another chapter in the lives of "The Young and the Restless"

Can you blackmail somebody who takes back their own property, though?  Unless, of course, you're doing some sort of business merger or somethin' like that, with Jill.

2 hours ago, Js Nana said:

Phyllis is her own worst enemy, but Diane is a sneaky disaster waiting to happen to other people. I may not be a Phyllisphile, but I am definitely not a Dianista - I'm guessing that that woman's got plans for her son's inheritance of the Abbott empire, which means that she'll be plotting the removal of everyone, including Jack, Traci and Ashley, who stands between Kyle and the Abbott throne and her being the power behind the throne, which means that Summer will be the first object of Diane's machinations.

That's "I, Claudius".  And noway, no how is Josh Griffith good enough to redo that.

Edited by boes
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No one in that room held up their phone to record the scene Phyllis was making. Totally not believable. These days at least one person would have been live-casting that display of lunacy to social media.

Sorry but Amanda came across like a jealous, bitter ex to me. What she said to Abby and Devon was 100% true but geez, time and place, hon. Her hair was fab though.

Stick your sorries in a sack, Devon. You just regret getting caught cheating and giving Amanda the upper hand.

Lol, Victoria ignored Elena when she went to summon Nate. The Elena who between herself and Nate is the doctor still practicing medicine. Stay icy, Vik.

Wait, so Sally and Nick bought burgers at another restaurant and then took them to Crimson Lights to eat? WTAF? They could cause Sharon to get a health code violation.

Nikki of all people said they should pray for Phyllis. Uh, how about no? Red's a disciple emeritus of Satan so let him deal with her.

How did Phyllis know Diane and Jack would see the engagement ring in her hand and take it? And how did it not drop out of her hand when she fell to the floor? So stupid, these ridiculous coincidences we're supposed to swallow.

But Ashley, Diane already is a member of the Abbott family. She's Kyle's mommy and Harrison's Dee Dee. Get over yourself and up on Tucker. My guy was looking like a whole snack today. 😋

Hmm, I think that one EMT who had a couple of lines was in on the scheme. He's probably how Diane's ring ended up in Phyllis' hand, to be seen at just the right moment.

Jeremy and Phyllis MARRIED? WHAAAAAAATTTT????? The wedding night must have been like a mongoose mating with a chupacabra.

Adam was gazing at Sally kind of weird there at the end, right? Oy.

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2 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Maybe they were meeting their Victor Newman flex minimums for the ep.

gasps for breath.

@NinjaPenguins  I always enjoy posts, they are fucking amazing, even tho I have to go back a couple of times to take in everything!

eta:  Am I a really terrible person to hope that Jeremy accidentally OD'd Copperhead and she either dies {is Christmas here?} or goes into a years long coma?

Edited by One Tough Cookie
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Copperhead is not leaving until she’s good and ready Caw Caw.  So now we know what Stark actually had in his little bottle. Copperhead goes from a ranting idiot to being sympathetic in a heartbeat. That was an amazing trick for Diane’s ring to wind up in Copperhead’s hand. Both her hands were quite visible as she was ranting. Plus as she was flapping her arms when she first came into the room.  So the next step to the plan is Copperhead and Stark claiming to be married and Stark accusing Diane of doing something to Copperhead.  How can Stark claim that everyone has abandoned Copperhead, when Lauren and Michael know for a fact that’s not true and she didn’t mention being married to them when she saw them a few days ago. Are they going to frame Diane for attempted murder or even murder when Copperhead faked her death?  Where is Chance and his skepticism when you need him?  I also think that Victor knows that Copperhead is up to something since he’s already making phone calls.  

If Stark was so worried about his “wife”, than why is he still at the gala making accusations and not hurrying to the hospital.  Can someone please tell me that the monkeys with a keyboard are in a room smelling their own farts to come up with this delusional 🐂💩.  

Amanda is not from Wisconsin so she didn’t have to be Wisconsin Strong but Amanda has acquired the animosity of GC. 

Tucker rocks his turtleneck where Nostrils, in a turtleneck, looks like a dickhead. 

Adam and Sally, have you seen anything more natural?  Nothing is forced and they look like they are really enjoying each other. 


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Tucker and Ashley should have their own spinoff.  I can't remember the last time Eileen Davidson appeared to be having so much fun.  She and TJS really spark off each other.  There was one camera shot today, when she and Tucker were back at the house and bickering about Jack and Diane where it looked like Eileen could barely keep herself from bursting out laughing.  Those two, and that brief scene of Patti Weaver aka Gina Romalotti giving passed out Phyllis the vocal side eye were the highlights of Show today, for me.

I hope Victor isn't too involved in this storyline.  There's, IMO, a high ICK factor for him with both Phyllis and Diane, considering what he's done to both women.  

I guess Show decided to get their money's worth out of having Mishael Morgan back, but there wasn't much of anything new contributed to Amanda and Devon's storyline in their conversation today.  Devon, though, might want to remember to keep his pants on the next time he needs to "discover" himself.  And if that's the kind of self-discovery he's in need of  then he should head right over to the King of pocket pool and "self discovery", our very own Dickolas.  Nobody but nobody knows his body like Nick does.

Sally and her hamburger.....didn't we hear, more than once, that Lauren and Michael were in charge of food and drink?  The only drink we saw was champagne and water, and the only food on display was the scenery chewed by Phyllis.  They couldn't have at least sprung for a bowl of Funions on each table??

As for Phyllis and her fainting spell, I've seen two year olds hold their breath with more conviction than what we saw today.  

I'm really happy that Nick is going to the hospital to support Supergirl in her time of need.  Nothing's going to relieve her fears about her mother more than an endless round of Nick's "Pull My Finger" jokes.

Edited by boes
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7 hours ago, Js Nana said:

Phyllis is her own worst enemy, but Diane is a sneaky disaster waiting to happen to other people. I may not be a Phyllisphile, but I am definitely not a Dianista -

I'm neither. Anti-Phyllis is the best description. If Diane wins as a consequence of Phyllis losing, then so be it.

Also, I'm tired of Jack always being made the chump. I hope Diane isn't running a long con not because I like her, but because I like him and think the character deserves more than being pitied and thought of as a fool.

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9 hours ago, SweePea59 said:
13 hours ago, Julyolo said:

ETA* Many thanks to all who wished me well & a speedy recovery!

I wish you well, too! Shingles, and the domino effect it had in my life, ruined my health and my life.

I'm sorry you both are going through that & wishing you both the best and good health! 🙌

14 hours ago, MollyB said:

Did anyone else interpret Kyle's look at Audra as leering?  He seemed to me to be feasting his eyes on her, even after his wife showed up. This could be fun.

Well Audra is pretty much being set up to be the  messy, soapy, resident homewrecker for the time being. These one off cheating situations that get swept under rug 2 weeks later is not cutting it. I think Y&R is overdue for that too(since the show can't seem to get much else right). As long she doesn't actually catch feelings for Kyle's lame ass I'm cool with it.

13 hours ago, TVForever said:

So, what, Amanda has been off in Virginia stewing all this time, just waiting for an opportunity to come back and play the wronged woman, hissing at Devon and Abby at every opportunity? Does anyone still care? Anyone?

Mishael Morgan being on reoccurring status probably has alot to do with it. Things are going to happen seemingly late where her character is concerned. Part of me wishes she'd stay, but the show is so lackluster she's better off where she is. Especially if they're just gonna use her to make Devon & Abby look put upon or underutilize her otherwise.

I don't think she was that bad either, I was expecting her to have gone off the whole time. It seemed to be wrapped up quick enough. 

Phyllis what exactly have you lost? You're still alive(unfortunately). No one hates you as much as they could all things considered, and your children only distance themselves from you because you emotionally abuse them & steamroll them about your tired ass beef with Diane or whatever else made you feel small that day. She probably poisoned herself or got Jeremy to do it to make them feel shitty for cutting her off.

I honestly don't see what her being married to Jeremy is supposed to accomplish. I don't think the writer(s) know either. It was a good enough twist though. 

I know I'm rooting for Tucker & Ashley(I haven't learned my lesson after Ally)...but seriously? A marriage proposal just to "shock" Jack out his dumb decision? That's kinda sad. 

Edited by Skarzero
More typos lol
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13 hours ago, One Tough Cookie said:

I forgot to mention-the actor who plays Jeremy Stark is a crap actor.Just saying...

He is, lol. "My love, my love"  😵😜

But I still like him in TBE role. Good head of hair too...much better than Danny's but not as good as Michaels.

12 hours ago, boes said:

Tucker and Ashley should have their own spinoff.  I can't remember the last time Eileen Davidson appeared to be having so much fun.  She and TJS really spark off each other.  There was one camera shot today, when she and Tucker were back at the house and bickering about Jack and Diane where it looked like Eileen could barely keep herself from bursting out laughing.  Those two, and that brief scene of Patti Weaver aka Gina Romalotti giving passed out Phyllis the vocal side eye were the highlights of Show today, for me.

I agree. For the love of God I hope the writers don't blow it with him although I'm not sure we can give the writers any credit. A lot seems ad libbed and his expressions are priceless. ED shines with him.

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12 hours ago, boes said:

I'm really happy that Nick is going to the hospital to support Supergirl in her time of need.  Nothing's going to relieve her fears about her mother more than an endless round of Nick's "Pull My Finger jokes

ok-It's only 10;30 AM  and I am DONE for the day....

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don't see what her being married to Jeremy is supposed to accomplish.

Probably so when people start getting arrested, the newly married co-conspirators can't be compelled to testify against each other. Christine recently mentioned she might be headed back to the District Attorney's office so there's likely a big trial coming.


I hope Victor isn't too involved in this storyline.  There's, IMO, a high ICK factor for him with both Phyllis and Diane, considering what he's done to both women.   

Right? AFAIC he should keep both women's names out of his abusive, misogynist mouth. Yeah, I said it. Come at me Victor.

Re Jeremy's gray velour jacket at the gala, I have a bed throw that looks almost exactly like that fabric but yesterday I was still getting an odd sense of deja vu. Sure enough, I went back and looked at the photos from Victoria and Ashland's wedding and his tux was also gray velour. At the time I wondered whether Ashland's suit was fleece underneath like my bed throw. Funny how gray velour is now Y&R's uniform for male villains, hah hah.

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18 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

These days at least one person would have been live-casting that display of lunacy to social media.

Yeah, like what was the point of dragging Leanna Love to this debacle?  Wasn't she poking her phone in everyone's faces?  Did security confiscate it? (I kid, there is no security or Phylth would have been tackled early on.)


18 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Wait, so Sally and Nick bought burgers at another restaurant and then took them to Crimson Lights to eat? WTAF?

This isn't the first time it has happened at CL.  Of course, dispensing mental health advice on the premises is probably a no-no, too.  If you know the owner, all rules can be broken.  Guess Ravenous Sally didn't want to eat in the car or housekeeping is still working overtime on cleaning their love nest. 


16 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

That was an amazing trick for Diane’s ring to wind up in Copperhead’s hand.

18 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Hmm, I think that one EMT who had a couple of lines was in on the scheme. He's probably how Diane's ring ended up in Phyllis' hand, to be seen at just the right moment.

Agree with both of these points.  Unfortunately, I don't see what having Diane's ring has to do with bringing Diane down.  How do you plan coincidences such as Diane stealing it? Wouldn't she have screamed "that's my ring!" instead of stealthily snatching it.  Surely, Jack has a bill of sale for that rock.  When Jack realized that the ring was probably stolen by Stark, he should have said something.  Instead, we get Diane as a degenerate that robs the near-dead when they are in crisis?  Who writes this shite?


Edited by MollyB
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Chance showed up just in time to solve The Case of the Disappearing Ambulance.

Show cracks me up.

Ugh, I hate it when they cue the romantic music for Devon and Abby. They really are pushing this romance at us. Had to laugh when Abby told Devon family is everything. She should have told Chance that when he caught them in the act.

Since when is Nikki so concerned about Phyllis' wellbeing? 

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Little to add today because for me today's episode seemed hackneyed and strained my credibility. Lauren's dress just barely missed a nipple reveal. IMO, the Ashley/Tucker "sexual tension" is juvenile, especially in light of how classy and sophisticated Ashley appears. Any woman that intelligent, savvy, and accomplished would be hanging out with the guy who was willing to buy Tucker's debt from her, and watch her enjoying a hefty profit. Victoria's nasty look at the vision of Nate and Elena's apoarent rapport was right out of "Mean Girls for Dummies 2.0." Chance, chances are whatever is in play with Phyllis will elude your detective skills, and the perp in the room finds you showing up, to be part of the thrill of this new scam. Chance is in danger of becoming the poster boy for what is known as "Duper's Delight " 


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Jack: Liar liar, pants on fire. If Phyllis is your wife, why aren’t you at the hospital? Why are you standing there in your luxurious velour, forcing Kyle to steam like a bowl of mussels at your wild accusations?

Jeremy: I will have justice for Phyllis! And justice means standing here confronting that eyesore of a vest your son is wearing.

Jack: Why would Phyllis even marry a known criminal?

Jeremy: Dude. You might as well ask me the same question.

Kyle: You better stop shit talking my mom! I’ll spill ink on that jacket, I swear to god. I’m a grown ass man!

Jeremy: Here is the marriage license, with a flourish!

Michael: This is too legit to quit.

Sharon: I feel like I’ve accidentally wandered into a really bad murder mystery evening. Really bad, because Phyllis isn’t actually dead and the acting sucks.

Nikki: You are dismissed, ruffian.

Jeremy: Dismissed? I don’t think so. I’ have to protect Phyllis from you judgmental jackwagons. And that means making sure Diane answers for her crime.

Chance: Allow a professional to sort this mess out. By the way, this is called ‘handsome casual.’

Jeremy: Not bad, even without velour. Feel free to arrest Sparkles over there.


Ashley: I’m not laughing at you. I’m laughing at your proposal.

Tucker: But I’m perfectly serious. This smirk is merely an embellishment to an already devil may care, lovable package.

Ashley: This is ridiculous.

Tucker: You have my debt. You’re in deep. Why not put a ring on it?

Ashley: I bought your debt for one reason - to completely own you.

Tucker: I shouldn’t have worn my insulated turtleneck tonight. It’s getting hot in here.


NinjaPenguins: Sure, mom, I’d love to fix some minor problem with Facebook for you. I don’t even use Facebook. I sure hope I accidentally see something embarrassing you’ve posted!


Jack: How dare you question us like we’re in a lower income bracket!

Chance: Stop being a bitch, Jack.

Diane: Can’t you see you’re pushing Jack into hero mode? He’s actually worried about Phyllis.

Chance: Here’s how this is going to work. I’ll ask you a number of questions about what transpired between you and Phyllis tonight. You’ll be evasive until finally spilling the beans. Kyle will lurk behind me like one of those floppy balloon dudes at the used car dealer’s lot.

Diane: Oh, skip it. Phyllis told me that Kyle had an, um, accident with his mask and needed my help. She lied.

Chance: You believed her? What a rube.

Diane: I texted Kyle. He didn’t answer. I got worried.

Kyle: I forgot that I let my cat use the phone.

Diane: Long story short… I slapped the blue off her veneers, we threw down and all the years of Phyllis-related fuckshit came boiling to the surface. I did a little light strangling.

Chance: Did she hit her head? Tonight, I mean?

Diane: No. She was fine. Humiliated, but fine.

Summer: You guys! Phyllis never got to the hospital. The ambulance disappeared! Dad’s still at the hospital in case she shows up.

Daniel: If he ever comes out of the restroom. Nick took a lot of pamphlets from the ob/gyn ward in there.

Chance: Hmmm. Jeremy is standing there with a shifty expression. Thank goodness obliviousness is my superpower.


Lauren: All the unseen work we did to make this gala amazing… and it turned into a freakshow..

Michael: I just realized we forgot to buy food.

Nikki: It was so gauche of Phyllis to collapse at my soirée.

Lauren: Phyllis does love to make a scene. I honestly thought she was drunk or jazzed on molly.

Michael: We all did. You know, I wondered why I saw Kyle trying to eat the glass grapes on the bar. Man, that was a real oversight.


Nate: I think Phyllis has neurological issues.

Elena: You think that about every patient. This could be cardiac, pulmonary, or even a grandiose scheme to crush her enemies.

Nate: A stroke, an infection… I’d love to see her scans.

Elena: I saw a CAT scan of her head once. It looked like that painting The Scream.

Audra: They’re really bonding over medical stuff. Now I get what makes their relationship so special.

Victoria: I don’t care.

Audra: You’re going to march over there and be a third wheel, right?

Victoria: I’m merely going to inquire about Phyllis. I always try to be warm and friendly to my brother’s paramours. We’ll speak at work tomorrow.

Audra: I have a project in the works that is going to be lit.

Victoria: It was wonderful watching you two work together fully clothed.

Elena: It was heartwarming to see Nate follow his calling instead of a corporate mission statement.

Victoria: A person can have more than one calling. Or bed buddy.


Amanda: Devon sucks. Don’t forget that just because he stopped sucking in your orbit.

Lily: I’m just really happy that I got what I wanted.

Amanda: Be careful working with him. A man who cheats at golf will cheat you at business.

Lily: Devon doesn’t play golf.

Amanda: My point is that someone who will lie about something as dumb and boring as golf won’t hesitate to lie about serious things.

Lily: Wait. Devon lied about not playing golf?

Amanda: Devon is pure, unadulterated evil. That’s my point.


Tucker: Marriage is the next logical step.

Ashley: Oh sure. First a simple date, then a trip down the aisle. You sound like Jack.

Tucker: I don’t think you quite appreciate the unique trolling opportunity a marriage presents. Jack wants to bring Diane into the fold. What if I’m already there, hiding in the fold?

Ashley: You think we should upstage Jack’s big, dumb announcement. I find I’m content waiting for those two idiots to come home and just unloading a tanker full of vitriol on them. By the way, how goes the battle to sell to Devon?

Tucker: I’m working on it. Devon is kinda obsessed with his other dad at the moment.

Ashley: Work harder.

Tucker: I thought you wanted me to ease up on the corporate shark thing.

Ashley: I do prefer kinder, gentler Tucker McCall. Sometimes I feel like a ruthless nut, sometimes I don’t

Tucker: I get that you’re enjoying your power trip, but I’m not a Mounds who can just become an Almond Joy because you need protein. Pick a lane. Admit that you want to bang me like a loose shutter in a hurricane.

Ashley: Whatever gets you through the night.


Jeremy: No one suspects anything. I’m standing here, darting sneaky glances as I type on my phone. I could twirl my mustache and not one of these simpletons would blink. I wish I’d found this place sooner.

Chance: Bad news, handsomely delivered. There was a car accident. Well, an ambulance accident. 

Leanna: Now this is a story.

Sharon: The important thing is that Phyllis is okay. Oh. Now I get why everyone thinks I’m high.

Leanna: Sure, Jan.

Kyle: I’ll turn on my bouffant radar. If Phyllis is out there, this will find her.

Summer: It’s practically April and you still have your Christmas lights up? You know those don’t detect anything, right?

Jack: What if Jeremy has hurt Phyllis? First this bizarre marriage and now she’s vanished… she could be in danger. Grave danger. The more I think about it, the more I find myself falling in love with her.

Diane: I’d like to see Phyllis figuratively launched into the sun. I don’t literally want her harmed.

Sharon: Phyllis’ mask! I should bring it to her. It will be nice memento of the wonderful evening she had.

Chance: Don’t touch it! This could be evidence. Good job spotting a good-sized, glittery, shiny mask on the floor of a partially empty room. I will carefully swaddle it in a large napkin and marvel that it looks more like a new baby than Dom used to.

Jeremy: Sometimes I think I should just confess. These people aren’t even trying to notice how obvious I am.


Devon: What an evening. Let’s get that framed picture of Neil front and center.

Abby: I’m glad you’re home. We need to liberate ourselves from feeling skanky and wrong about our cheating.

Devon: Agreed. Thanks to your radiant positivity, I was able to let’ Amanda’s acidic comments roll off me like bile off a duck’s back. I also realized that I was trying so hard to hold on to Neil’s legacy that I let it drive Lily and me apart. Neil is a force for good that should unite people.

Abby: I thought it was Lily’s homicidal style of driving that caused the rift to begin with.

Devon: All things are possible through Neil.

Abby: It’s weird. You’re all about honoring your adoptive father, while I act like Brad never existed. It gets even weirder when you consider he’s the only father who remembered I existed 100% of the time.

Devon: Move in with me.

Abby: Shit.


Audra: Bring me the man they call ‘JT Hellestrom.’

Tucker: I will. But it’s going to cost you. 


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16 minutes ago, SweePea59 said:

@NinjaPenguins, I'd quote something from your post, but I'd just end up quoting the entire post. I savour these posts of yours. Bravo!


I have come to realize that the thing about @NinjaPenguinsrecraps that are so amazing is that she's not really making up much of it. I watched yesterday and it was nearly verbatim, but it's soooo much better reading it here, on The Daily Ninja!

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“You can really see the spark”. Oh, Audra. You big fat liar.

The Tucker/Ashley scenes were too long and ad-libby for me… until the kisses. They were lovely and even made my cold dead heart skip a beat. 💕

Still, TSJ - go get a shave and some new clothes. You look like a divorced dad, circa 1985.

Is the Stark actor playing fake worry for Phyllis or is he just bad? I hope for the former and fear the latter…


Edited by Desperado
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3 hours ago, MsMalin said:

Had to laugh when Abby told Devon family is everything. She should have told Chance that when he caught them in the act.

But Abby did push "family is everything" at Chance when it came to pressuring him to cover up for Victoria, Nick and Victor's involvement in Ashland Locke's demise, without a thought to how betraying his sworn duty as a police officer would cause Chance to feel a great deal of self-loathing - - and now Devon wants to have Abby and Dominic move in with him.

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If "shocking news" is going to rock Genoa City on 4/3/23's episode, could that mean that Phyllis will be found dead in the crashed ambulance - but if an identifiable Phyllis is found dead, that would have to mean that either she planned her suicide, or that her death is what JS had planned all along - or maybe it will be a case of the crashed ambulance exploding into flames because of the oxygen stored on-board and a burned-beyond-recognition body being found in the ashes that is identified as being Phyllis's, but it really isn't, although DNA testing makes it almost impossible to get away with something like that nowadays.

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2 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Amanda: Be careful working with him. A man who cheats at golf will cheat you at business.

Lily: Devon doesn’t play golf.

Amanda: My point is that someone who will lie about something as dumb and boring as golf won’t hesitate to lie about serious things.



Lily: 'Wait. Devon lied about not playing golf?' . . . it begins to dawn on Amanda that Lily is as thick as a brick, which then causes her to wonder if Lily's children are actually away at school, or if she left them somewhere but can't remember where it is she left them, and she's waiting for them to find their own way home.

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Is it just me, or does Danny Romolatti look like Bela Legosi minus the lipstick? God does he look like shite, not even warmed over. And some of those 'looks' and 'group' shots when everyone was lurking round the GCAC while Chance did his Detective Dumbass act, were like really bad telenovelas! There was one where Danny puts his arms around Daniel, Kyle and Dummer, I think, it was right out of that old SNL gem, The Californians!

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Who carries around their marriage license to whip out at a party full of people who are supposed to be scared of you? The stupid; it burns. 🥵

Oh look, it's the guy who IMO should've been the bicentennial celebration's honored attendee since he's the great x 4-grandson of Genoa City's founder. Hi, Chance. Long time no swoon.

Ashley and Tucker have been married before so it didn't seem like such a stretch to me that he'd suddenly propose. But Tucker, buddy, pull up. Don't be looking desperate.

Can't say I was thrilled with Amanda's dress. Not the color, not the fabric, not the linebacker shoulder pads. The front side slit did show off her toned legs though.

Come on, is Chance the only detective in GCPD? Why is it up to him to take statements from everyone in the room? He should have a partner who could help.

Lily said Devon doesn't golf. Cue Kenny Loggins!

Gah, JG, do some research. A trained detective would've been questioning witnesses separately, not in front of each other. And Jack and Diane would have known to say nothing to him except, "Lawyer."

So Phyllis and Stark hijacked an ambulance as part of their scheme. That's next level...and grand theft.

I don't understand why Devon's purchase of McCall Unlimited is contingent upon whether things go okay at C-W with Lily. He could buy MU and let Tucker keeping running it. He just shouldn't let Tucker make any significant financial decisions.

OMG, Abby, tell Devon of course you'll move in with him. You should've moved out of Chancellor Mansion months ago. Even Dominic knows you're a freeloading squatter. 🤨

Wow, is Vikki worried Nate might get pulled back into medicine with Elena and away from the corporate world? Sigh. It appears Nate has been deemed the resident heartthrob of GC, with three smart, accomplished women competing for him. WHAT IS THIS WORLD?

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18 minutes ago, gingerella said:

Is it just me, or does Danny Romolatti look like Bela Legosi minus the lipstick? God does he look like shite, not even warmed over. And some of those 'looks' and 'group' shots when everyone was lurking round the GCAC while Chance did his Detective Dumbass act, were like really bad telenovelas! There was one where Danny puts his arms around Daniel, Kyle and Dummer, I think, it was right out of that old SNL gem, The Californians!

The whole thing was slapstick. There is an old movie - “It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World” starring the best comedians of their day; this whole thing is a soap opera version of that movie. Only not nearly as entertaining.

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3 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Lauren: All the unseen work we did to make this gala amazing… and it turned into a freakshow..

Michael: I just realized we forgot to buy food.

Nikki: It was so gauche of Phyllis to collapse at my soirée.

Lauren: Phyllis does love to make a scene. I honestly thought she was drunk or jazzed on molly.

Michael: We all did. You know, I wondered why I saw Kyle trying to eat the glass grapes on the bar. Man, that was a real oversight.


so when did Lauren and Phyllis become "best friends"?

Could Jeremy look any smarmier?

How long before Tucker and Sharon have another roll in the hay?

Chance looks better in his dirty detective look than most men in a tux, however interrogating Diane in a room full of witness isn't really proper procedure.  Usually they like to question people separately to see if their stories match.

OMG-could anything look more revolting than Victoria trying to be all come hither and try break up Nate and Elena?  Altho Nate was looking kinda uncomfortable.   But seriously the actress was told to act that way, one hopes, because if that is her natural mode of flirting she must be awfully alone IRL.

I am a terrible person because I am desperately waiting for a crash that will take Phyllis off my screen for the foreseeable  future.

eta:  Can we petition the mods to have a standing ovation for @Ninja?

Edited by One Tough Cookie
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1 hour ago, MsMalin said:

Please don't tell me you are Summer to her Phyllis

While my mother is probably as loud as Phyllis, her brand of crazy is much more gentle. She thinks Nick and Sally are hot, for example, and that Billy has normal sized nostrils. I’ll overlook the comparison to Summer, but only because she’s no longer played by HK. 😁

The whole Detective Chance scene at the gala reminded me of the Golden Girls episode where they attend a murder mystery weekend. Y&R’s scene was meant to be serious, which cracks my shit up. Poor Jack and Diane trying to sell that crap on a cracker like it’s caviar while Jeremy clowns and Kyle sputters in the background like a boiling tea kettle. 

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2 hours ago, gingerella said:

does Danny Romolatti look like Bela Legosi minus the lipstick?

I saw him in person eons ago in a local mall. He said Lauralee Bell or Christine(I still want to call her Cricket) was naturally beautiful. He didn't say she was the boss's daughter. 

1 hour ago, One Tough Cookie said:

so when did Lauren and Phyllis become "best friends"?

Phyllis and Michael used to be lovers and have had a friendship over the years. He has always tried to talk sense into her, but it didn't work. Phyllis wouldn't leave Michael alone so Lauren had to accept her. 

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