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Js Nana

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  1. That's how anemically one-note the writing for the show has become - I, personally, am convinced that they're using AI to generate scripts, and that the program they're using has been fed scripts from the 80s that featured the Newmans and Abbotts as fodder for "new" scripts.
  2. As far as the viewership is concerned, the days of Victor Newman, King of the Universe, Decider of the Fates of Others, are long over - he's a toothless lion with halitosis that can fell a rhinoceros.
  3. Truer words were never spoken, Joimiaroxeu, although I think that if he mentions this to Grandpa Newman's little sweetheart, she'll cry and pout about how it's her grandpa, and family always comes first, to keep him quiet, just like Abby did with the "how did Ashton Locke end up dead in Victoria's house" situation. Plus, aren't corporate boards supposed to include individuals who have no employment or marital ties to the company?
  4. AFAIC? I thought Kyle got to lay out a very logical reason for why he's doubting Claire's involvement in the kidnapping on today's show - at last, I thought, some dialogue that makes sense.
  5. I thought that it was a flower delivery van that she rode off in, because a semi seems like a bit much for delivering flowers to any one's house, even if that house is a mansion. Didn't Claire start out on the show as Nikki's assistant, meaning shouldn't she already have Claire's cell number - unless it got changed after all the dramatic goings on between then and now, but didn't Auntie Jordan keep calling Claire, so it must still be the same number.
  6. The show must've got mail asking where the kids are - and I missed the part where Lily's kids are old enough for higher education.
  7. That would be priceless, and exactly what TGVN would deserve - unfortunately, Y&Rs monkeys-with-keyboards, nor the producers, would have the creativity to be able to think that one up. What if the show's scripts are AI-generated - that might explain a lot, don't you think?
  8. I'm sure that Allison Lanier is a truly wonderful human being, but she just doesn't seem to be able to play a character who's supposed to be a high fashion mogul, she just always comes across like someone who's playing at being a grown up. I don't know if there's any actor who could make something out of the dialogue and situations AL's given to play, but I think there's got to be somebody out there who can project the demeanor necessary to make them believable as a corporate executive - every time she pouts and whines, I want someone to tell her to go to her room and don't come out until she's all grown-up. So, today Grandpa Victor hugs the whiny, pouty Summer and calls her "my sweetheart," but on Friday, he called Auntie Jordan a bitch, twice, which seems to be a thing with that character when it comes to women, doesn't it, there either sweethearts or they're bitches, which proves that patriarchy reigns supreme at Casa Newman, and I really, really, really wish that the powers-that-be at Y&R would transition the focus of the show from the Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous BS that's held sway since the early 1980s, and which had stopped ringing true by the end of the last century, to one that would be more resonant with today's viewers: two-income families - employees of Jabot, Newman Enterprises or the Hamilton-Winters division of Chancellor-Winters? - with mortgages to cover, children in the GC public schools, teenagers dealing with the terrors besetting today's adolescents, adult children learning how to face the rigors of independent living, errant relatives who bring chaos in their wake, and marriages going through rocky patches.
  9. Trucker Dave is in a bit of a pickle, isn't he - he can stick with the story he told the police about his truck being stolen while he was buying some snacks for his shift, or he can go for the $100K Grandpa Victor is offering and come clean about who paid him to leave the key in the ignition and the door unlocked, which I'm guessing wasn't $100K - - and, once again, I have to ask: How is Auntie Jordan financing her latest crime spree?
  10. Watching today's show, I came away with the impression that Summer's pouting and carrying on made her look like some Prom Queen having a major snit because her prom date will be giving her a gardenia corsage, not the orchid to which she believes she's entitled. You would think that Chance would have learned his lesson with the Newmans after Abby and the rest of them pressured him into suppressing evidence about how Ashton Locke ended up dead in Victoria's home, and then Abby dumped him for DeVon; and now Chance is hooked up with Abby's Newman niece and, once again, they're turning the screws on him - is this character the biggest dope on the show, or what.
  11. It didn't at first, but now I'm wondering where exactly Cole goes when he leaves Victoria's side - if Claire can be a suspect, although we viewers know she was chloroformed, why not Cole?
  12. . . . a few suggestions: 1. Never again show DR and Cricket, or DR and anybody, in a disheveled condition - they can speak of their intimate physical involvement, but all the geriatric gymnastics and post-coital cuddling should be left to the viewer's imagination. 2. Have an adult character explain to Prom Queen Summer that she has no legal claim to Harrison, as his mother, Tara Locke, is still living - will one of the surprises that Kyle and Jack are supposed to be getting in the coming week's episodes be that Tara is getting out of prison and plans to head to Genoa City to see her son and formalize a custody arrangement - and her divorce from Kyle means that she is no longer his stepmother - can anyone remember how the who has legal claim to Harrison scenario was worked out by the writer(s) when Kyle and Summer married? 3. No one buys that the Newmans and Abbotts in any way resemble multi-billionaire captains of industry anymore, so relegate their storylines to the background and phase in more believable characters and storylines - families who have mortgages and children who attend GC public schools and teenagers battling with adolescent crises and adult children going through sticky situations and errant siblings who bring a world of worry to their lives and rocky times in their marriages, etc. - in other words, dump the 80s glitz and move into the 21st century.
  13. Sorry, I accidentally hit the submit button before I was finished, so - Dear Powers-That-Be-At-Y&R, here is a list of just a few of the premises that the Y&R viewership no longer believe: 1. That Summer Newman Abbott has the gravitas to be respected as the head of a multi-billion dollar international house of fashion; 2. That Danny Romalotti is a world-famous Rock Star with a fan base in the millions, a geriatric Taylor Swift; 3. That the Newmans and Abbotts have crack security teams guarding them 24/7; 4. That any scheme of Victor Newman's to protect the family from some psycho villain is ever going to succeed.
  14. Dear Powers-That-Be-At-Y&R, here is a list of premises that the Y&R viewership no longer believe:
  15. 1. I find it highly offensive that a male Y&R character is given not just one line of dialogue that includes the word "bitch" in it, but two - "bitch" is something that women can call each other, but when a man uses it in referring to a woman, it is degrading. 2. The reveal of what's happened to Claire better happen on one of this coming week's episodes, or I'm gonna write a very stern letter of complaint to those !@&%! at Y&R and that'll fix 'em.
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