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S16.E21: Put on a Happy Face

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How did Schmidt ever make it through medical school? And now he suddenly physically feels the pain of the patients? Yay for Owen telling him to consider a new career. He really should.

If Richard had that much damage in his hip, how was he even walking remotely normally?

Why are these people always allowed to watch surgeries on their family members? For the same reason they shouldn't be operating, they shouldn't be watching from above, either.

Also my dad just had a a hip replacement in February so I really didn't need to see any of that.

Glad Richard told Catherine to leave.

Hated Teddy's dress. 

Baby's cute. (Did they give him a name?)

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It's pretty amazing that it was pretty coherent as a season finale despite it being several episodes earlier than planned due to coronavirus.

Sad that we didn't get Mere to see her new nephew or to see Webber after he recovered. Maybe she will have to treat Catherine for the sick burns that Webber dished out in booting her to the curb.

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14 minutes ago, funnygirl said:

Richard telling Catherine to GTFO was the best thing to happen this season.

I actually shouted a Nelson Muntz (from 'The Simpsons') 'Ha ha!' and pointed at the screen when he kicked her out.  Good for him. 

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I wonder if we’re headed for a Meredith/Hayes/Jo/DeLuca quadrangle. Jo seemed to have a bit of chemistry with Hayes and seemed happy that DeLuca got a win with Richards’s diagnosis. 

I had completely forgotten about Bailey’s miscarriage. It was nice seeing her with Amelia and it reminded me of when George helped Bailey when she gave birth. I am slightly annoyed that we didn’t learn the baby’s name. 

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Yeah, add me to those who also feel bad for Owen. Yes, he's also a cheater, but not even he deserves the horrific way he found out about Teddy cheating on him. Yes, it's somewhat karma for him after all of this cheating stories, but....man, that man's heart BROKE when he heard that voicemail. He actually had to listen to his fiancee have sex with his enemy. 

Owen has been pretty ok this season. It's important to not forget how awful of a boyfriend/fiance/husband he can be, but I also can feel bad for him in this moment because nobody deserves to find out that their significant other is cheating on them through a VOICEMAIL. 

Plus, Owen telling Schmitt that he should not be a doctor if he can't handle cases? He's the only one to be brutally honest like that. 

Amelia/Link finally have their baby boy! Woohoo! And I definitely loved Bailey filling in for Link. That scene where Bailey climbs into bed to get behind Amelia as she's giving birth brought me back to when George did the same for Bailey, and I loved it.

Richard is cured by Deluca! Not to my surprise, as I figured he would get the win. But the episode DOES end with him having some sort of breakdown. I assume part of it is him overtired, but if they ARE going down the bipolar route, Meredith needs to actively get him help and she needs to stop enabling him. She became as bad as Dr. Riley and McWidow when they dismissed Deluca's crazy behaviour and kept pushing him past his limits.

Jo/McWidow get some scenes. A chemistry test for a relationship? Just a budding friendship thing? A love quadruple with Deluca/Meredith?

Yes to Richard kicking Catherine out. Best way to end season 16!

Maggie was also a highlight. I love how she tackled the Richard situation with her case.

Not an ideal way to end season 16, but an unexpected solid finale, nonetheless. 

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I'm grateful for the Amelia/Linc story and its happy ending. So many awful things are happening, it was nice to get something happy. And Amelia, if you're wondering why women continue to have babies even with the pain, it's partly because the oxytocin that induces labour also blocks memories of things like the pain.

I knew that Richard was going to be saved by some surgery. I expected Meredith to save him though.

Even after last week's sad history, I still don't like McWidower. He's too judgmental for me and on too little evidence. Who died and made you St. Peter? We already have Catherine for that.

I've had enough of Schmitt. Not turning off the recording of Teddy and Koracik having sex was the last straw. Begone, waste of my time!

I like Deluca and I'm glad that the show gave him a win after so many losses. All season he's been presented as being smart and caring, and his mania made him determined to keep looking for a reason for Richard's illness. The breakdown was realistic as circling down from a manic phase into a depression. I hate that Meredith treats him like a child or a boy toy but maybe she'll finally get him some help.


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I've really enjoyed Jo these last few episodes... I look fwd to her being more like this when the seasons return... Also hope her and Jackson and strike up a platonic friendship... They seem to get on well... I hope for more linc/ owen team ups as well... More competition between the doctors.. And engaging interns.... Poor Owen.. That is a terrible way to find out ur being cheated on.. Maggie was so flustered.. Even if owen plays it off there is no way Maggie doesnt tell teddy he heard it... Smh... I don't get why Richard got so mad again right then... 

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1 minute ago, UNOSEZ said:

I don't get why Richard got so mad again right then... 

Well because I don't think he actually got over what Catherine did. The only reason he was ok with Catherine the last few episodes was because he was getting sick. Plus, Catherine never technically apologized to Richard for what she did. So of course Richard isn't ready to forgive her for her pettiness in selling the hospital he was working at. Once he was in the right frame of mind again, he was able to kick her out, which was the right call. Catherine needs to learn how to say the words "I'm sorry, I was in the wrong" and actually mean it. 

However, I also think Richard needs to apologize for his role with his semi-affair with Gemma (because it kind of was; or, at the very least, he was lying to Catherine about what exactly happened with her, which is still not good). 

23 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I've had enough of Schmitt. Not turning off the recording of Teddy and Koracik having sex was the last straw. Begone, waste of my time!

I've been done with Schmitt for a while, but it was his audible huff of disappointment when Maggie asked him to check her phone that pissed me off. He KNEW that she was waiting for news on Richard. And, after the way he reacted about the patient IN FRONT OF THE PATIENT, of course he was being treated like an intern again. He couldn't stop himself from making comments in front of the patient or complaining about the case. 

He's such a bratty child. He's not a good doctor at all. Can ANYONE name a moment where Schmitt was a competent doctor, in the sense that he solves a case or has a shining moment with a patient? And not one where he's making jokes as the comic relief? But a genuine shining moment that has to do with his job? Because I can't. Sure, he's able to follow some instructions on how to do his job...sometimes, but I don't see him being a surgeon in the long run. He's not suited for trauma. He's not suited for any department in the hospital, as far as I know. 

Maybe he should go into pathology, if he wants to retain his medical degree. Or...anything else, at this point.

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Jo was dropping hints to Hayes about him and Meredith the whole time, and then he asked Meredith to go out for drinks. I don't see the writers putting them together instead, if nothing else because her ex-husband was the former Head of Peds and it would be beyond lazy that both positions (Peds doc, Jo's love interest) are replaced by the same guy. 

When do we get to permanently trade out Glasses for Casey Parker?

Edited by funnygirl
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21 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

However, I also think Richard needs to apologize

 I agree.. He also seems huffy over being fired when it was his own fault in the first place... The whole strife with their marriage seems so unecessary... 

Schmitt... Smh... He needs a new personality.. Or to just go... Helm is ok once she's away from Meredith and not being all single white female... I've seen that the young black female intern is Debbie Allen's Real daughter... Cool... Give her more to do.. I need interns acting like interns again.. Its hard to recreate it in the docs we know and love... Because we saw most of em grow into the docs they are now... At the top of their profession... So we need competition... Hell we even had it when Tessa ferret, Tina Majorino and Gaius Charles' were on the show.. So it can be done

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3 hours ago, funnygirl said:

Jo was dropping hints to Hayes about him and Meredith the whole time, and then he asked Meredith to go out for drinks. I don't see the writers putting them together instead, if nothing else because her ex-husband was the former Head of Peds and it would be beyond lazy that both positions (Peds doc, Jo's love interest) are replaced by the same guy. 

When do we get to permanently trade out Glasses for Casey Parker?

Also in 2 interviews Krista did for the finaly  she pretty much confirmer a Mer/Hayes/Deluca thing coming and how she likes and is intrigued by both of the man (though I should say man and boy) for Meredith. 

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This episode and last week's made for a really strong one-two punch end to what will otherwise be remembered as an unfortunate mess of a season.

It's a shame production had to stop two months early -- my fear is that whatever the writers had planned for the last four episodes of S16 will be diluted and stretched out over S17's first eight/nine shows (until the NEXT hiatus). And all the exciting dramatic propulsion of the last few weeks will be lost again.

Oh, well. C'est la Grey's. 

Edited by MaryRhodaPhyllis
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5 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

It's pretty amazing that it was pretty coherent as a season finale despite it being several episodes earlier than planned due to coronavirus.

Sad that we didn't get Mere to see her new nephew or to see Webber after he recovered. Maybe she will have to treat Catherine for the sick burns that Webber dished out in booting her to the curb.

Ha. Nephew. I never buy into their we are all sisters crap.

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Teddy:  You know.  A casual thing


Koracick: Sounds like an elegant affair 



Maggie to Meredith:  Remember when I was trying to give my mom unnecessary treatments


Maggie not everyone is like you and having an official diagnosis is not the same as giving people experimental treatments


Why is Deloser such a better doctor now?

And his sister is back, GREAT 


Jo: what would I even put on my dating profile I hate everything but Mac N Cheese from a box 


Jo finally being relatable 


Catherine:  Yes you do ruin everything 

Good for Richard 


Jesus Teddy what a jerk 

Edited by dmc
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I've hated Owen almost nonstop since he first appeared, but he did not deserve that at all. As soon as they showed Teddy's phone call on the ground, I knew what was going to happen. How convenient for the plot that dropping her phone on the ground somehow called Owen.

As soon as Maggie said that Amelia and Koracik thought Richard had Alzheimer's and that Catherine was taking him home, I knew that The Sun would have to come up with some other obscure (non-Alzheimer's) diagnosis just to prove everyone (including two world renowned neurosurgeons) wrong. I was surprised it ended up being Deluca.

Speaking of the Deluca family, it was nice but odd to see Carina being a normal professional doctor who managed to see a patient without telling any sex stories.

Amelia has been so much less obnoxious and self centered since Linc came into her life, which made it kind of funny to get more of the old Amelia when she was in labor. But I loved when she finally realized that she had forced Bailey, a woman who was her pregnancy buddy and had miscarried, to stay with her while she was in labor, she apologized sincerely.

Although I was totally fine with Richard telling Catherine to GTFO, why was he fine with Catherine sitting at his bedside holding his hand for WEEKS while the entire hospital ran tests and then once he was out of surgery, he wanted her gone?

Schmitt, please STFU. I was glad when Owen told him to get his shit together or find a new job. Part of being a doctor is being an actor or performer - you can't panic or get angry in front of your patients. You keep that inside and then you do stuff like scream on top of that grate like Cristina and Hunt used to do. But in front of your patients, you stay calm. Even if you don't feel calm, you put your game face on.

At best Schmitt was being a baby. At worst he was being unprofessional. When he was bitching about having to check Maggie and Owen's phones for messages as a waste of his medical education, I just rolled my eyes. You're a resident who got to scrub in on a surgery so STFU. You're lucky that you aren't stuck doing scut. When you're in the OR, you do what the attendings tell you to do.

Later when he was complaining about having to tell the patient that his baseball career was over, I was totally with Owen. Get over yourself and start acting like a big boy, Schmitt.

8 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

Sad that we didn't get Mere to see her new nephew or to see Webber after he recovered.


3 hours ago, Racj82 said:

Ha. Nephew. I never buy into their we are all sisters crap.

Amelia is Derek's sister so Amelia's baby is Meredith's nephew.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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I loved all of Amelia's scenes.  I am glad they figured out Richard's problem and quite honestly I don't care who solved it - just wasn't ready to lose that character.  I'm glad to know the identity of the woman in the gallery because she looked eerily like Maggie, and then they would show Maggie performing surgery, and then they would show the other actress again - it was so confusing!

Sorry that this was the finale.

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2 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Although I was totally fine with Richard telling Catherine to GTFO, why was he fine with Catherine sitting at his bedside holding his hand for WEEKS while the entire hospital ran tests and then once he was out of surgery, he wanted her gone?

Because he was basically out of it mentally that whole time. With the cobalt out of his system he was back to reality.

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2 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Schmitt, please STFU. I was glad when Owen told him to get his shit together or find a new job. Part of being a doctor is being an actor or performer - you can't panic or get angry in front of your patients. You keep that inside and then you do stuff like scream on top of that grate like Cristina and Hunt used to do. But in front of your patients, you stay calm. Even if you don't feel calm, you put your game face on.

At best Schmitt was being a baby. At worst he was being unprofessional. When he was bitching about having to check Maggie and Owen's phones for messages as a waste of his medical education, I just rolled my eyes. You're a resident who got to scrub in on a surgery so STFU. You're lucky that you aren't stuck doing scut. When you're in the OR, you do what the attendings tell you to do.

Later when he was complaining about having to tell the patient that his baseball career was over, I was totally with Owen. Get over yourself and start acting like a big boy, Schmitt.

That exactly it, and they have portrayed Schmitt as this big baby since he showed up. I mean he would constantly pass out at the sign of blood. He wanted to be a surgeon? I was happy that someone and it being Owen of all people told him to either get it together or SHUT THE F UP! I guess it makes sense, I mean his father walked out on him and his mother. He was an only child. He only went to med school because his secretly closeted uncle paid for med school. Yet, some how as we learned when Nico "enlighten" him that he was gay. He somehow was able to sleep with women and was very book smart. 

However, for all his "issues" and feeling patience's' pain, he should have been a shrink or something. The show thought it would be funny to have a doctor who doesn't "act like a doctor" and apparently like the actor. Yet, they continue to write him like a moron.

 Speaking of morons, good to know that NOW they are going to bring Deluca to a professional and find out what is wrong with him. WHICH SHOULD HAVE HAPPENED 5 EPISODES AGO! Yet, his own sister was busy taking time off to go have a vacation with her fire captain on Station 19 or talk sex stories! Bullshit! If that was my sibling I would have been marching him to the psych ward, calling our mother and saying: "We have a really big problem! My worst fears are happening." Yet everyone was: "Go home and think about this." Plus, lack of sleep is very damaging to a person who is bi-polar and yet here was Andrew constantly getting no sleep and breaking and yet it was: "Dr. Deluca you done bad, go to your room." WTF?

 The Catherine smack down, was beautiful. The one thing however I will call out on Richard is he knew the hand tremors were starting and didn't tell anyone. So, he had his own faults and to being diagnosed with metallosis made plenty of sense. I knew a person who was hit by that himself and he got very loopy, people thought he was getting dementia. Metal tests were coming up negative until a nurse realized he wasn't walking correctly. Sure enough the doctor saw they had a hip replacement and figured it out fast. That was the big hole in the story, if the hip replacement was turning to sludge, Richard would have been walking horrible or limping more. 

  As for Teddy and Tom, just never wants to stop. Hell, after this Owen should just swear off women in general and marriage forever. Tom still with his: "I won't be that guy." to "Run away with me." Is BS too. You know eventually they are going to have Teddy's "gay lover" come out sometime next season and someone will most likely Carina will probably end up her new lover and dump Maya and it will be "tru lurve!"

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6 minutes ago, CarpeFelis said:

Because he was basically out of it mentally that whole time. With the cobalt out of his system he was back to reality.

But wouldn't the cobalt have been leaking for ages.. How long has it been affecting him... Was it only after  possibly  torpedoing  his career because Meredith went rogue... Or when he was feeling shitty and got emotional with a woman who wasn't his wife?...  Catherine has her faults.. But Richard's pride cost him Ellis as a wife.. And being a real father to Meredith and Maggie.. And it reared its head again after he got fired... And yes her emotional state made her buy Pac-North... But it was her emotional state that led her to buy Grey-Sloan... So while Catherine has tons of things to work on herself.. She didn't deserve what Richard did

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6 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

But wouldn't the cobalt have been leaking for ages.. How long has it been affecting him... Was it only after  possibly  torpedoing  his career because Meredith went rogue... Or when he was feeling shitty and got emotional with a woman who wasn't his wife?...  Catherine has her faults.. But Richard's pride cost him Ellis as a wife.. And being a real father to Meredith and Maggie.. And it reared its head again after he got fired... And yes her emotional state made her buy Pac-North... But it was her emotional state that led her to buy Grey-Sloan... So while Catherine has tons of things to work on herself.. She didn't deserve what Richard did

Problem with metal poisoning is it start and not show signs for months. Sometimes it can happy right away. The reason why mercury started becoming a more regular tests was because of dental fillings they were decaying in people. There were tons of people getting sick or health took major nose dives out of nowhere. Some doctors finally realized that the patients all had dental fillings. Up until 10 years ago, it was not being tested as much. Lead and iron poisoning are the most common types of poisoning. Mercury being the third. HOWEVER... cobalt poisoning is happening more due to hip and knee replacements. In the last two years medical offices now look at those types of surgeries because more reports are happening. 

  So, Richard's replacement not being figured out until later, made plenty of sense. However, say this was in a few years. That be one of the first things noticed, but like I said earlier, when replacements start decaying. The person is having problems walking and standing, and yet this wasn't happening at all. Not until the fact he felt numb all over and yet was in pain if anyone squeezed his limbs. Yet again, if it was record that Richard had the replacement that would come up much, much sooner. Once Deluca made the diagnosis, everyone else was: "Aha!" When really it should have been: "Wait! Richard had a replacement three years ago." 

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iPhones can be a bitch. Mine is always calling people I didn't call based on God knows what, so I can see how that happened with Teddy's phone. She's a really silly cow, though, and I'm glad she got busted. Not a huge Owen fan, but he did not deserve that or her. Glad it's out. Plus I preferred Teddy with Tom, anyway.

Have always, always loathed Scmidtt and hope he decides on another profession and hits the road because he is totally useless. I could never believe/understand why the Asian guy he was dating was ever with him because he's such a fucking pussy. He needs to go and Maggie's convention lover can totally replace him.

So pleased for Amelia and Linc. I hope they will work. Maybe they'll name the baby Bailey.

Still want Meredith and Cormac together. 

Solid not the finale finale.

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I cosign all the appreciation for Richard tossing Katherine out. I'm never going to forgive her for buying Pac North and closing it. She removed a source of health care for thousands and put people out of work just to stick it to Richard. I've never had the hate for Katherine the way so many have - although I've found the character unlikeable for ages - but I'm never going to get past her closing a full hospital out of spite. Nothing will ever redeem her in my eyes.

Teddy is just such a foul creature. Boning Koracik at work on the day of her wedding? Just ugh. At this point I would happily ship her back to Germany or off to Alex and Izzie's farm. I wrote her off after that flashback episode where we learned that she was cheating with her best friend's girlfriend. 

I'm glad Deluca solved the mystery but that doesn't overshadow his erratic behavior. When he knocked the surgical instruments to the floor, I would have fired him no matter what.

Edited by marceline
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6 hours ago, Anela said:

This did work as a season finale. Every part of it, except that they probably would have had more happen with Meredith and new guy.

Makes me grateful for the shortened season. I hate triangles at the bestvof times; I can see nothing good coming about this is unequal competition for The Sun.

1 hour ago, UNOSEZ said:

And yes her emotional state made her buy Pac-North... But it was her emotional state that led her to buy Grey-Sloan... So while Catherine has tons of things to work on herself.. She didn't deserve what Richard did

There were positive reasons for buying Grey-Sloan. Buying Pac-North in order to shut it down was entirely out of resentment that Richard wouldn't come to heel like a bad puppy and instead was building a new life for himself. Catherine didn't even find out for sure if he was cheating; just jumped to the conclusion. She didn't just refuse to do any kind of couples therapy with him, she wanted to hurt him any way she could.

So because Catherine was angry at Richard, a community lost its hospital and a lot of people lost their jobs.

Toddlers shouldn't have that much power.  Catherine deserves being tossed out of Richard's room. And off the Foundation.

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30 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Makes me grateful for the shortened season. I hate triangles at the bestvof times; I can see nothing good coming about this is unequal competition for The Sun.

There were positive reasons for buying Grey-Sloan. Buying Pac-North in order to shut it down was entirely out of resentment that Richard wouldn't come to heel like a bad puppy and instead was building a new life for himself. Catherine didn't even find out for sure if he was cheating; just jumped to the conclusion. She didn't just refuse to do any kind of couples therapy with him, she wanted to hurt him any way she could.

So because Catherine was angry at Richard, a community lost its hospital and a lot of people lost their jobs.

Toddlers shouldn't have that much power.  Catherine deserves being tossed out of Richard's room. And off the Foundation.

That's exactly it, same with Teddy's reasons to go finally sleep with Tom after "thinking" the baby could be Owen. When a) it was Maggie doing her panic talking (more reasons why she can't be a doctor. b) she had NO PROOF it was true, especially since Amelia wasn't even sure. c)after learning she was more in love on the other side of the road 20 years ago, she shouldn't have EVEN TRIED TO BE with men, if she felt of the love of her life has been long dead. 

 Same with everyone thinking that Richard had magically turned into full blown alzheimer's with almost no early warnings or anything. That he basically lost it one day and as Jackson perfectly said: "You could tell he was depressed, he lost his job just to have it stuck to him." Yet, no one thought about seeing if he would talk to a counselor or anything. It was poorly handled just like with Deluca. After all these problems, no one still would march him down to the shrink until he was crying and telling Meredith: "I don't know what's wrong with me!" 

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1 hour ago, marceline said:

Teddy is just such a foul creature. Boning Koracik at work on the day of her wedding? Just ugh.

I honestly don't know what they're going for here. Do they want us to hate Teddy and Koracik? Or, do they think we are rooting for Teddy and Koracik? Because even if it's the latter, I don't see how fans of Teddy and Koracik are supposed to get on board with this kind of waffling and irrational behavior. It isn't sexy it's just appalling and unforgivable. 


Although I was totally fine with Richard telling Catherine to GTFO, why was he fine with Catherine sitting at his bedside holding his hand for WEEKS while the entire hospital ran tests and then once he was out of surgery, he wanted her gone?

He was living in the past, he didn't even remember the hospital's name, he thought it was still Seattle Grace. I got a kick out him telling Katherine to GTFO. Co-sign.


Amelia is Derek's sister so Amelia's baby is Meredith's nephew.

Derek is dead so technically Amelia is no longer Meredith's sister-in-law. There's no reason to re-hash all the "are they or aren't they sisters" crap though. If they want to pretend they're all sisters then fine, just don't expect me to ever buy into it.

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15 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Derek is dead so technically Amelia is no longer Meredith's sister-in-law. There's no reason to re-hash all the "are they or aren't they sisters" crap though. If they want to pretend they're all sisters then fine, just don't expect me to ever buy into it.

Amelia's baby is still first cousin to all of Meredith's kids. She may not be related to them but her kids are.

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14 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Derek is dead so technically Amelia is no longer Meredith's sister-in-law. There's no reason to re-hash all the "are they or aren't they sisters" crap though. If they want to pretend they're all sisters then fine, just don't expect me to ever buy into it.

My husband is dead but my sister-in-law is still my sister-in-law and her daughter is still my niece. That's how it works in the real world so I have no problem with it working that way on Grey's.

I laughed and laughed at Owen finding out about Teddy and Koracik. Just too freakin' funny!

I like Jo better now that she isn't with Alex.

I like Deluca and Mere but I don't think it's her responsibility to get him help. She doesn't own him -- they aren't married -- they are just dating (sort of) it's up to his family to do something. He's got a sister right?

Richard! I love you! Don't ever change! Keep doing you.

Season finale huh? ok. 

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Another episode goes by and still Glasses lives. I will forever be disappointed any time that happens. Loved Owen telling him to grow up. I could not roll my eyes more when the impaled patient comes in, they mention baseball and Glasses makes stupid comment about everyone trying baseball these days. Shut up. No one cares about your personal love drama.

I posted this last week so glad to see I'm not the only one liking Jo more. This is the best Jo ever. I actually like her. I never have before. 

I've never been an Owen fan but felt bad for him. Hating the stupid Teddy storyline. Not her biggest fan either but they've made her just awful. 

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4 minutes ago, CarpeFelis said:

I’ve never liked Owen but he really didn’t deserve this. The writers have turned Teddy into such a cheating mess that he and Koracick BOTH deserve better.

My greatest hope is she runs back to Koracick and he says no thanks

And he and Owen become friends 

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Koracik participated in the cheating, so I don't think that he really deserves better. 

Deluca figuring all of this stuff out when manic, reminds me of Carrie in "Homeland". 

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36 minutes ago, Court said:

Am I the only one that was waiting on for them to say the baby's name is Derek? They didn't say the name but I was 100% sure they were going to say Derek.

MerDer's son is named Derek. Actually named after Derek AND Bailey. 

Derek Bailey Shepherd, but they call him Bailey. 

The showrunner had said in a post-episode interview that there was a storyline in episode 22 about Link and Amelia naming the baby, but because they shut down, we'll have to wait til next season. 

Edited by funnygirl
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20 minutes ago, Anela said:

Deluca figuring all of this stuff out when manic, reminds me of Carrie in "Homeland". 

Good analysis, that hadn't dawned on me.

Probably because Claire Danes' performance was nuanced and award-winning and Mr. Temper Tantrums' isn't. At all.  YMMV

Edited by funnygirl
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1 hour ago, Anela said:

Koracik participated in the cheating, so I don't think that he really deserves better. 

Agreed.  Since he wanted her so badly, he deserves her.  And then I hope he finds out why she named her kid Allison.  

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8 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

Agreed.  Since he wanted her so badly, he deserves her.  And then I hope he finds out why she named her kid Allison.  

Koracick is single so he isn't cheating on anyone.  Teddy made the commitment, she is the cheater.  The person with the obligation is the person in the relationship.  He technically owes Owen nothing here.  

Edited by dmc
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4 minutes ago, dmc said:

Koracick is single so he isn't cheating on anyone.  Teddy made the commitment, she is the cheater.  The person with the obligation is the person in the relationship.  He technically owes Owen nothing here.  

I never said he owed Owen anything.  While it wasn't "technically" cheating, he was hanging around like a buzzard and going after a woman who was pregnant with Owen's child.  So yeah, he deserves Teddy since he wanted her so badly.  

I never liked Koracik anyway, bragging about all the women he's banged.  If anything, he needs to be tested for STDs.  He and Teddy belong together.

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3 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

I never said he owed Owen anything.  While it wasn't "technically" cheating, he was hanging around like a buzzard and going after a woman who was pregnant with Owen's child.  So yeah, he deserves Teddy since he wanted her so badly.  

I never liked Koracik anyway, bragging about all the women he's banged.  If anything, he needs to be tested for STDs.  He and Teddy belong together.

Not technically, he wasn't.  Teddy made the commitment to Owen and decided to break it.  She is 100% accountable.  This is not the dark ages, where people are bewitched into affairs by Satan.  Koracick has shady ethics but that has never been a secret, but he isn't in a relationship and cheated on no one.  

Edited by dmc
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