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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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I gotta say, the best game people can play around Caleb at the moment is to agree with whatever he says to his face and pretend to be interested in his bashing, because dude is going absolutely psycho. So what if Amber turned him down? Caleb is one of those guys that just doesn't understand the word 'no' and his ego is so inflated, it could go down Niagara Falls. And he doesn't even realize that it's painting a target on his back. I think Amber may be in danger, however, because some of these idiots are falling for it. 


Despite how cocky Frankie and Zach can get themselves, I actually do like them a lot. Some people think they're playing too hard too fast in this first week, but I'm just enjoying their conversations and flirtations with each other. Between them, Nicole, Cody and Donny, I'm enjoying their social games a lot (ok, I just really have grown to like Donny).


But seriously, Zach and Frankie are going to end up making out by the end of week 2. And if they do, I hope CBS shows it. 

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Wouldn't be at all surprised if one of the penalties this season involved a razor and a can of Barbisol.


I doubt it. Donny mentioned in his pre-show interviews that he was gonna shave his beard but that TPTB said they loved it, so he kept it hoping he'd get cast. And Spencer actually grew out his beard in an effort to get cast. They want their Duck Dynasty people a lot, I guess.


I've really tried to like Frankie because I am intrigued by the Zankie relationship, but he is just insufferable to me. I don't understand why all these people love him so much. I hope they get tired of him soon so he can be targeted and I won't have to listen to him any more.

Donny mentioned in his pre-show interviews that he was gonna shave his beard but that TPTB said they loved it, so he kept it hoping he'd get cast. And Spencer actually grew out his beard in an effort to get cast. They want their Duck Dynasty people a lot, I guess.


TPTB better look again, Duck Dynasty is losing ground fast


Yea, he definitely wants to shave, I'm just not sure TPTB are going to let him.


Cody and Frankie had a convo last night and they agreed that the next 5 HGs that need to go are Victoria, Donny, Jocasta, Brittany, and Nicole. Sigh. I pray these women can see how screwed they are and that they actually go for HOH and then actually do something with it.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I gotta say, the best game people can play around Caleb at the moment is to agree with whatever he says to his face and pretend to be interested in his bashing, because dude is going absolutely psycho. 

Only on the US Big Brother would the show leave someone like that inside.  Most of the other versions worldwide would have at least given him a verbal warning by now, at minimum.


OK, we get it -- you can't tell gay people apart (Andy and Frankie are nothing alike) and wish Frankie would go away. But can you talk about something else?


LOL. I'm good. And Andy and Frankie are very similar players, IMO. Sorry, but I think they are. Frankie is a better player currently and a marginally better dresser, but their game play has a lot of similarities. Maybe you're insinuating that it has something to do with their sexuality, but I'm certainly not. Although, honestly, they do always cast a similar type of gay guy. That's on them, not me.


Frankie is probably on Team America. He was called to DR this morning and they made him go immediately without letting him do his makeup first. Plus, it's fairly obvious he'll get it anyway. I wonder if he knows Joey is in it, too. I'm interested for today to see if he tries to save her.


Amber's family tweeted that they're concerned for her. I just wish the guys would stop encouraging Caleb and that someone would clue Amber in on just how nuts he is.

Edited by peachmangosteen

This was posted elsewhere but here's Donny without the beard:




Not a bad looking guy.  

The existence of that picture seems to suggest he might have grown the beard specifically to better portray a "character".

Amber's family tweeted that they're concerned for her. I just wish the guys would stop encouraging Caleb and that someone would clue Amber in on just how nuts he is.

I wish the damn show would be responsible and curb the wacko.  The ratings from this aren't worth the risk of this guy totally losing it on her.

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The existence of that picture seems to suggest he might have grown the beard specifically to better portray a "character".


Maybe. All I know is he said he expressed wanting to shave it pre-show and TPTB said they liked it, so he kept it.


I wish the damn show would be responsible and curb the wacko.  The ratings from this aren't worth the risk of this guy totally losing it on her.



Edited by peachmangosteen

While I agree that this is a unique situation since it is a game, the whole treatment of the Caleb/Amber situation in the house is so eerily similar to the discussion surrounding that psycho who shot up the sorority. In that a woman gets labeled as a "bitch" because she doesn't share the same feelings that some random guy has for her. And what do the other people do? They comfort...the guy! It is so ingrained into our culture that guys just don't catch a break with women that the guy gets comforted when he tries to get a woman to like him and she isn't interested. 


Arthur Chu wrote a brilliant article on the topic for the Daily Beast about male entitlement (and nerd culture, which doesn't apply in this instance, but the entitlement and misogyny stuff does): http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/05/27/your-princess-is-in-another-castle-misogyny-entitlement-and-nerds.html

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Nicole took the convo she had with Caleb last night and decided to not trust Amber because of it. THESE PEOPLE! Amber is completely fucked and she has no idea because everyone would rather feel sorry for poor, trustworthy Caleb than ask Amber for her side. It's infuriating.


I don't have any faith in anyone. Everyone outside the Bomb Sqaud is just going to either throw HOHs or just nom the women/Donny if they accidentally get it. Sigh.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Where are the diabolical plans?  Why isn't anyone playing?  Why do the feeds suck this year?!


Aren't they always show this early? The only reason last year might have been "interesting" was because Spencer convinced Aaryn that Candice sat on her hat and that group played some semi-interesting "Getting to Know You" games.


Newbies, especially recruits, don't walk in with an existent strategy; they form their games over the course of time and competitions.


I don't have any faith in anyone. Everyone outside the Bomb Sqaud is just going to either throw HOHs or just nom the women/Donny if they accidentally get it. Sigh.


Two women would have to win HOH for the men to be put up before Veto due to the "Battle of the Block" format. Which is entirely possible, btw.

Brian, I'm so glad you wrote that. I have also been thinking how similar this is to they guy going after the sorority women. Caleb, despite his claims that he's now concentrating on the game, is still obsessing over Amber. He's minutely picking up any action she does as an insult to him and others in the house (Frankie, Zach, Devin, Cody, etc.) are feeding into his paranoia. Amber can't touch or look at another guy or even be nice to Caleb, without Caleb thinking she's 'using him' for win the game.

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Two women would have to win HOH for the men to be put up before Veto due to the "Battle of the Block" format. Which is entirely possible, btw.


I think most of the women will throw the comp. The only ones who will go for it are probably Brittany and Poala, and I don't have a lot of confidence in Poa. Donny will probably go for it and I do think he would possibly target guys, but he might back out if he doesn't have the support.


There has been some talk, even within Bomb Squad, of backdooring Devin and Caleb sooner rather than later, but backdooring people is not as easy as it once was.  Also, I don't believe they'd really do it yet anyway.


I just turned the feeds on again and Caleb is talking about Amber again. Saying she needs to apologize to him. He is fucking nuts. It makes me so angry that no one will even try to get him to see he's off his rocker. Or at least tell Amber just how bad it is.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I just turned the feeds on again and Caleb is talking about Amber again. Saying she needs to apologize to him. He is fucking nuts. It makes me so angry that no one will even try to get him to see he's off his rocker. Or at least tell Amber just how bad it is.


      Amber seems to get that she should avoid him, but she also doesn't seem that particularly scared, either. I can't decide if it's because she really thinks that Caleb is just a dumb guy being an ass because she said no, or if she's playing it cool while secretly freaking out inside.


     I'm hoping for her sake that Caleb finally gets sick of talking about her, but I'm really not seeing that happen unless Caleb finds a new obsession.


         But then again, you never know. Caleb could surprise us and actually stop obsessing over Amber. He might decide enough is enough and just act like a normal, 26-year old guy.

Edited by methodwriter85

I fucking hate Devin for trying to admonish Amber for being "mean" to Caleb.

And then, listening to Devin recap the conversation with Caleb, he gets a touch hilarious when he calls out Caleb for always talking about Amber and how much he wishes he would shut up about it sometimes. It didn't make him any less of a douche, but it did give me a bit of a chuckle. 

Edit: This just in. Amber's diss about Caleb being full of himself is because she is or almost on her period. I am shocked that I didn't come up with that first. And here I was thinking it was because she just wasn't interested in him. No, it's because of the monthly visit.

Edited by Callaphera
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I thought Cody was playing the social game like a real champ tonight.  He had Victoria, Christine, and Nicole practically eating out of his hand as he casually fanned the flames against Devin.  Then he promptly switched gears and played the Bro card as he commiserated with Caleb.  He reminded me of a more likable version of  Andy.

Edited by vb68

As criminally irresponsible as Big Brother is, I'm hoping that since we can't count on them to keep this girl safe, that the housemates at least hid all of the knives in the house from Caleb.

Yep, it is so gross and yet so typical (not just for this show but for people in general). 

Well this show is where all the latent misogyny in the nation comes to a head (and never gets called out for it).  For all the noise and fury of the racism last year, note that the misogyny never even really got mentioned by show critics (other than the ones on TWoP).  And it's been there in EVERY season of Big Brother to some degree, arguably.

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What's the house meeting about if Caleb and Amber have reconciled?

Devin "came clean" to the house about how he was the one behind Donny being nominated and how the dirty play stops now, because he wants to be a good role model for his daughter, and he cried through the whole thing. At the end, the houseguests, minus Caleb and Amber, applauded him and congratulated him on the speech. Devin then went into the HOH bathroom crying, and the house agreed that he just secured himself a nomination. I unfortunately missed the beginning on the hunt for ice cream. Goes good with the drama.

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i'm pretty sure if Devin goes down, he's taking half of the house with him.


I feel queasy and sick that Amber has apparently decided to play nice with Caleb because the "distance" treatment didn't work. I really don't think that Amber realizes how crazy Caleb is.


The dude, after all of this, actually talked about how if he were the Bachelor and Amber was on, he'd stop the show right then and there. What the FUCK???

On the hats: Hayden packed a bunch of flower hats in his intro video. Caleb has been wearing one of them. I am assuming that any flower hat in the house is Hayden's.


Are the hamsters doing much before 2 PM East Coast time? I can listen at work and figured it would be entertaining background noise but there is no point in getting the feeds if they are sleeping during that time. Watching at home is pretty much impossible with a 2 year old and a hubby.


Are the hamsters doing much before 2 PM East Coast time?


Generally no, not really. They don't even usually get woken up until about 12-1 pm EST. However, on comp/live show days there is sometimes a lot of strategizing/game talk in the earlier hours.


ETA: If anyone wants to flashback Devin's house meeting, it's 11:19 pm BBT on cams 3 & 4.

Edited by peachmangosteen

Mr. TresGatos will row out his beard during the winter months and will shave it off when the weather turns warm.

Same here; I generally stop shaving sometime around Halloween and don't pick it up again until around March. Keeps the cold wind off your face in winter. Even odds that (game considerations aside) Donny let it grow out during winter, then just got plain curious about how far out it would grow. I've done that, too. Saves you a lot of time getting ready in the mornings, but eventually it gets too itchy. Or too gray. :)

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