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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Does anyone know if Derrick was in the DR prior to his starting the talk of telling Caleb Wednesday that Amber is going to be evicted (so that Caleb is not blindsided)?  He's also starting to talk about evicting Jocasta saying they may not have the numbers if both Caleb and Amber go because this.  Derrick stopped Cody just as he was called to DR to talk about them having worse numbers after Thursday and that Nicole might be lying about the Amber wanting to form an all girls alliance.  


Just wondering if Production is interfering for footage or trying to switch who goes home.

Christine just said, "Justin Beiber makes me feel things that... I shouldn't be feeling."

This may be one of the saddest things I have ever heard in my life.

And I'm old.

ETA:typo edit


Well, to be fair, Justin Beiber also makes me feel things I shouldn't.....rage, annoyance.  He looks like a 10 year old boy, she couldn't possibly be talking about any other feelings.

  • Love 8

At least with Michelle from BB11 it made some sense for the majority of the game the only two people who were nice to her were Jeff & Jordan. Didn't she hook up with Russell after the show? With Christine it seems that most of the people are nice to her to her face and don't say much behind her back. One of the biggest things I remember about Michelle was majority of the house bashing her behind her back about her following Jeff & Russell around. Remember when Natalie tried to throw Michelle possibly hooking up with Jeff in the jury house in Jordan's face during the F3 HOH?


It seems I've blocked out anything to do with Michelle being obsessed with Jeff in BB11. I remember her, but I don't recall her fawning over him.


If Zach actually convinces Caleb to follow Amber out the door when she gets evicted, it will make the season for me. Chenbot is not programmed to handle such a scenario. That alone would be priceless.

Edited by Jeebus Cripes
  • Love 6

If Zach actually convinces Caleb to follow Amber out the door when she gets evicted, it will make the season for me. Chenbot is not programmed to handle such a scenario. That alone would be priceless.


It seems that production will do what it can to keep Caleb.


From Jokers:

07/29/14 10:57 PM:

Cody/Derr/Zach/Christine in HOH room. Zach/Chris say they might try to convince Caleb that there is a 10 person jury, with America being the 11th vote. That way Caleb might want to go to jury believing Amber is there.


Else, Zach said he could try to convince Caleb to prove his loyalty and walk right out the door with Amber.


Cody can't believe there is something dumb enough as Caleb. He says there will be fireworks on Thurs night.


07/30/14 12:17 AM:

Frankie and Derr in HOH. Derr asking what is the best for the game of Frankie,Donny and Derr even thought Donny is making  deals all over. Frankie says Amberer still needs to go. Zach comes up and interupts. Zach says DR told him he can not do what he wanted (believe his idea was to tell Caleb to self evict after the vote on Thurs?) or he would have a big problem....then fish.


Just wondering if Production is interfering for footage or trying to switch who goes home.


Of course production is trying to influence the votes so Amber stays. The Caleb/Amber dynamic is good for ratings. And... to the extent that she stays, it's good footage to see him obsess over her. 


The diary room sessions are scripted and the show is scripted. It probably says in the contract that they can influence the game for entertainment value. 


I hate this show. I hate it because it assumes the audience are fools. 


I wish we were still shown what the Have Nots are given to eat in addition to slop, like Lollipops and Lizard Lips or whatever.  I sometimes hear them mention what they got, this week I think might be sardines, and I weirdly miss that weekly moment of seeing what weird items were voted in to supplement their meals.


They do show it on the feeds. I guess they don't show it on the show anymore because it's voted on solely by feed watchers.


I hate comparing these people to previous HGs, because I always want to give them the benefit of the doubt where they won't go nuts after the show, but I'm sorry. I see Christine completely turning into Michelle from the first Jeff/Jordan season. I loved Michelle that season, was rooting for her because she seemed like that awkward nerd I would go for. And then the season ended, she divorced her husband, and seemed to go into some soft core porn. So sad and weird and sucky.


Oh, Michelle. That was so sad.


It seems I've blocked out anything to do with Michelle being obsessed with Jeff in BB11. I remember her, but I don't recall her fawning over him.


They definitely were never as touchy feely with each other as Christine/Cody. Even though obviously Cody would never be into Christine, I feel like he does kinda give her some signals and Jeff never did that with Michelle, IMO. And Michelle never really did anything with Jeff that was like what Christine is doing, she just had a crush on him. 


Oh, lovely, Cody and Hayden are up and talking about how ugly all the women this season are. Hayden, look in a mirror buddy. These guys are the fucking worse. I hate every single one of them (minus Donny). Also, they both agreed that Jessie and Amanda were so much hotter than this season's women. WHAT?! But then they talked about how all the women last year were down to fuck and this season they're not, so I think we know the real reason why they're calling these women ugly.


One good part of this early morning Hayden/Cody convo is that they want Frankie evicted next week. However, I'll believe it when I see it, since they're both spineless, passive idiots that are 100% snowed by Derrick. Derrick will make the final decision on all evictions and I doubt he's ready to get rid of Frankie just yet.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 2

So.  After Frankie, Derrick, Zach and Cody have managed to once again convince Caleb that Amber is really a heartless bitch who is just using Caleb to further her game, and has also declared that she's actually targeting Caleb for eviction (she actually has said to several people that she wants Caleb out); Caleb has now decided that Amber is the devil incarnate and wants to make her last couple of days hell for her before voting her out with an FU speech that will go down in BB history.


Then this happens:


07/30/14 05:21 AM

[Caleb enters the HOH room]: I was outside and Victoria was following around Hayden and Derrick. She wanted to talk to Hayden but then she wanted to talk to Derrick after saying she was going to sleep more than 3 times. She just FOLLOWS Derrick and Hayden around all day. That is SO freaking annoying to have someone follow you around ALL The time can you imagine?

Frankie: NO! thats so annoying following people


Zak: Victoria is the worst. I think she feels like she would be missing out on something thats probably why she does that.


(Cody listening to the ipod singing along saying this has to be a great breakup song." )


Caleb: "if i do it in HOH it wont be shown on tv, if i do it while we are just sitting there during break it will be shown" ... 


Frankie: they are gonna tell you where you can do it and when. They are gonna be like (fish)


Caleb: so i have ether. Im gonna murk her. Im thinking of things to say and i wish i could start it out as a love poem then slam..


Frankie: "roses are red, violets are blue. You are a lying B so F you"


Zak: laughing.


Frankie: they want it on tv, check w/em


Then Derrick arrives and complains a bit about Victoria following him around, but then says that she doesn't understand how to behave because she's from Isreal and he wouldn't want people (Zach) treating his daughter the way she's been treated, go to Jokers to see just what he said.  Zach pushes back saying that Victoria came on the show and is just pretending. 


Cody gets up to leave, Caleb gets up immendiately after him & then Derrick leaves, shuts off lights. Zak rear-mounts frank then massages his butt because frank said it hurts. Camera switches.


Caleb, Derrick, Cody, and Hayden go to the backyard to bash Amber.  Victoria comes to sit next to Hayden while she eats cereal, but when Hayden mentions going to bed, she immediately stands up, so Hayden sits back down.  Apparently they get Victoria to just go to bed and then just the guys are left while Caleb talks about how he wants to humiliate Amber on live TV.


Caleb wants to wait until just after Julie gives her spiel about how Amber has to go, then Caleb wants to stand up and make a speech about how how he (Caleb) did everything for Amber, insinuating that she'd never had made it this far if it wasn't for him.  Derrick adds things to Calebs speech.  One of the things he says that Caleb should say is that "You never want to bite the hand that feeds you." 


Caleb doesn't know what that means, so Derrick explains it.


Finally everyone else is gone and it's just Cody and Hayden bashing everyone else.


I'm no more disgusted by Frankie saying 'kill yourself' than the blatant sexism that he and every man has shown. The guys this season are just vile in every way, IMO.


Another thing Cody/Hayden were discussing today was Donny. Hayden thinks there has to be more to Donny's story than just being a groundskeeper because he's smart. Hayden, you're just a pedicab driver, so are you saying you're dumb?

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 1

I'm not offended by Frankie saying Jacosta should kill herself at all, it was just a flip comment.


I agree. Although, I guess maybe I'm projecting because sometimes I will say, 'I'm gonna kill myself,' about something. I do know that's an insensitive thing to say though. But there are millions of reasons to hate Frankie, that's barely a blip!

  • Love 1

I'm not offended by Frankie saying Jacosta should kill herself at all, it was just a flip comment.

I wonder if Caleb graduated high school.


Considering where he is from, he might have been valedictorian and a college graduate......


Oh, lovely, Cody and Hayden are up and talking about how ugly all the women this season are. Hayden, look in a mirror buddy. These guys are the fucking worse. I hate every single one of them (minus Donny). Also, they both agreed that Jessie and Amanda were so much hotter than this season's women. WHAT?! But then they talked about how all the women last year were down to fuck and this season they're not, so I think we know the real reason why they're calling these women ugly.

Yeah, Hayden should never involve himself in a conversation that calls other people too unattractive for TV.  Because his was not a face made for primetime.


Jessie was reasonable looking, but Amanda?  with those Groucho Marx eyebrows?  She looked like a man...which is why I guess these men find her attractive.

  • Love 4

Caleb was going on about how he was going to throw a big old thing of water on Amber and slap her in the face with baby powder or flour, then Zach joined in talking about slapping Victoria in the face with shaving cream. Frankie did speak up and say it wasn't right to talk about hitting women. 


And I almost lost an eye rolling it so hard after Derrick proclaimed how he would kick a guy in the face who treated his daughter on a show the way Zach (and the rest of them) talks to/treats women on the show. Then he went on to say that he wouldn't LET his daughter even come on something like this. Zach chimes in to say (paraphrased) that the women chose to come on the show and deserve whatever treatment they get. It was definitely a hateful night.


I also dont think the "go kill yourself" comment was actually a suicide wish. it was an offhand comment in reaction to game stuff. I understand it can be offensive to some people, but in this case, I really don't think he was being malicious, especially after seeing some of his REAL meanness. 


Cody was talking about wanting a girlfriend, and when Zach chimed in saying the same, Cody basically laughed in his face. Too funny.  I don't see how ANYONE will be able to claim that Zach isn't interested in Frankie sexually after the way he felt him up and actually was grinding up on his ass, barely 20 seconds after the guys filed out of the HOH room. Cameras 1/2 5.34 am july 30

for those without the feeds https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x22fwl0_short-zankie-goodnight_fun

Edited by sunsheyen

Caleb, Derrick, Cody, and Hayden go to the backyard to bash Amber.  Victoria comes to sit next to Hayden while she eats cereal, but when Hayden mentions going to bed, she immediately stands up, so Hayden sits back down.  Apparently they get Victoria to just go to bed and then just the guys are left while Caleb talks about how he wants to humiliate Amber on live TV.

According to Joker's, it was Derrick that Victoria was trying to follow, not Hayden.


From Joker's:

5:49 AM Victoria gets up to leave bec Derrick was getting up. So Derrick sat back down. NT 

5:49 AM Victoria gets some ceral and sits next to Derrick on the couch. Derrick: im going to sleep now, you are torturing me w food vic NT


Jocasta has been a waste of space the entire time. A definite casting misfire.

Both her and Victoria. I've never seen anyone stare off into space so much in my life.

The only useful thing I've heard her say in a few days is that Caleb isn't in love with Amber he's obsessed and there is a difference.

And with Jocasta they have told her to relax and not campaign to hard cuz she is safe. Why she believes them I don't know. But she isn't "scrambling" like Amber.

Cuz you know "at the end of the day" Amber is leaving.

If there was a drinking game where you had to drink everytime they say "at the end of the day" I would be drunk in about 5 mins.

I also hate that stupid Onesie. He looks like an idiot.

Edited by SiobhanJW
  • Love 1

I also hate that stupid Onesie. He looks like an idiot.

When y'all say "onesie" -are you referring to the seams-ripped-down-the-sides wifebeater t-shirt Caleb has been wearing lately? To me, a onesie is the one-piece set of pajamas you put on a newborn - you know, the ones with the snaps at the crotch for quick diaper changes. The image of Caleb in one of those is truly more than I can bear this early in the morning.

ETA: correcting Autocorrect

Edited by Nashville

When y'all say "onesie" -are you referring to the seams-ripped-down-the-sides wifebeater t-shirt Caleb has been wearing lately? To me, a onesie is the one-piece set of pajamas you put on a newborn - you know, the ones with the snaps at the crotch for quick diaper changes. The image of Caleb in one of those is truly more than I can bear this early in the morning.

ETA: correcting Autocorrect

No the full body red,white and blue outfit that zippers up the front with the hood.


Sigh.  Why couldn't they just leave it alone and let Dumbo get blindsided?  No, no there might be more Amber (and women in general) bashing to do.   Oh yes Dumbo, get as nasty as possible and curse her on the way out.  This is exactly why we can't have nice things (i.e. fun ) this year and why quite frankly, the season sucks.


Memo to Derrick.  You aren't any better than Zach.  In fact, I think you're worse.   I hope your wife tears you a new one when you get home.

Edited by vb68
  • Love 9

What, does he think he's Evel Knievel? Thank god I missed that one. Guess I'm just not that clothing-conscious.

Haha. I'm sure they will show the shenanigans from last night on tomorrow's show so you will get to see the horror that is that outfit. To top it off he was wearing Bunny Slippers and then that stupid Crown that Frankie has. It was just bad. Bad all around.

I started playing that game since the first time it was said twice in one sentence.  I haven’t been sober for weeks!

As much as I HATE Caleb's plan of putting Amber on blast on the Live Show, there will be no forgiveness from her for him after that narcissistic misstep.  Amber is under contract to come back for the Finale [and backyard interviews and possibly the wrap party] but she can certainly make it clear to BB that she doesn’t want that nutjob anywhere near her.

The three words BMBB most wants to hear from Amber: "I love you!"

The three words Amber most wants to hear from BMBB: "What restraining order?""

My understanding was that Caleb first wanted to interrupt her goodbye speech, then that changed to hoping Julie would ask him how things are going, and then that changed to him shouting at Amber as she goes out the door.  I will cringe for her if any of this happens; the upside is that when he tries to contact her after the Finale, she can finally tell him how she really feels.

Good luck with Option 2, Cowboy Sid. Chenbot is programmed to cut off on-Couch responses longer than one sentence.

  • Love 1

I started playing that game since the first time it was said twice in one sentence.  I haven’t been sober for weeks!

I used to have a pretty well-stocked bar, back at the beginning of the season. Ran out about halfway between Devin and Brittany - not sure exactly when, as I was down to the hard Irish stuff by then....

  • Love 1

Don't know if Zingbot is going to make an appearance, but they should do a variation and use friends/family tweets/FB posts to torture them.  "Whose significant other said "I can't believe the way he/she is acting!  Our parents are watching this!"  or "Whose parents said "all that negative stuff is out of context.  he/she's not like that at home - it's editing!"


And of course don't give answers.

  • Love 4

Memo to Derrick.  You aren't any better than Zach.  In fact, I think you're worse.   I hope your wife tears you a new one when you get home.


Yea really. Hayden/Cody were going on about how ugly Victoria is and then about 1/2 hour later talking about how awful Zach is about her. No self-awareness in any of these people, minus Zach. And that's why I usually don't hate Zach as much as the other assholes.


I forgot to mention another thing that Hayden/Cody had to say about Donny this morning. They were saying he's very dirty. Hayden said Donny told him a joke once about bees and honey, I can't remember it exactly, but it was a bit dirty.


About that onesie, it's actually Frankie's, but a lot of them have worn it while they've been HNs because it's warm. I hope I never have to see it again.

Edited by peachmangosteen

Frankie's HOH blog is so infuriating. For those who haven't read it, it mentions Frankie's 'theory' about this season being Super Fans vs Students. People who are on the Super Fan list includes himself (he's never watched the live feeds or watched before season 12), Nicole (she didn't know who Dr Will was) and Victoria (who, granted, has seen the Israel version but not the US version), just to name a few (there's quite a few on that list though). He calls Zach a student who has 'never seen the show' and is a 'stupid player' (even though he's seen BB2 and knows a lot more than half the houseguests) and he basically boasts about getting all the students out so far and will continue to do so...and there's only two more names, besides Amber's, on that list (Zach and Caleb). So...basically Frankie thinks he's the hot shit for discovering this amazing twist and his final 2 deal with Zach is pretty much guaranteed to be a lie, or dead in the water. 

  • Love 1

Haha. I'm sure they will show the shenanigans from last night on tomorrow's show so you will get to see the horror that is that outfit. To top it off he was wearing Bunny Slippers and then that stupid Crown that Frankie has. It was just bad. Bad all around.

I Have Seen The Onesie, sadly (HamsterWatch had some pictures up). Hey, Caleb! Burt Reynolds just called. He wants his 1972 wardrobe back. And don't forget to boil those slippers!
  • Love 1

Well, I fire up the feeds to watch all the HGs staring at the memory wall. Apparently they're being shown small snippets of former comps, I assume for the HOH tomorrow. The sad thing is, this isn't any less entertaining than they normally are. I'm rooting for Jacosta to pull something out of her ass and win the comp. I want to see what she has in her.


I'm confused by MISSION B ("Get two members of Team America to become Heads of Household this week by winning it and/or convincing others to throw it") for this week's challenge.  Do they mean Head of Household for this week, which begins tomorrow, or do they have a week to campaign?


If it is for this week, it would mean that Frankie would be ineligible and Donny and Derrick would have to campaign.  The chance to get Donny as HoH might be worth taking a chance that Derrick get it.


Of course, if it is for next week, then they will just get Derrick and Frankie, but it might make the rest of the house super paranoid in the process.  Hmm.

Edited by forgetmenow
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