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S06.E18: Something To Sing About

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First Look: Back in NY. Heather and Kristen and their husbands go out to dinner. Kristen is still angry at Heather, and you can see from this scene that in reality she's really angry at Josh.

Next scene is with Ramona, Mario and Avery at the piano. Apparently Loverboy Mario sings a lot at piano bars across Europe. Here's a tip, Mario: if you're going to insult LuAnn for her singing, you better be good. He's not. He's terrible.

Ok, last scene - I know everyone gossips, and I know the producers spill secrets to set up drama. But this is taking it to the absurd: Sonja invites Aviva to her house specifically to tell her that everyone on the Montana trip did nothing but bad-mouth her the entire time. It didn't come up in conversation(!) - it was the purpose of the invite!. I can understand a conversation like this if they were best friends, but to call a pseudo-friend up just to create drama/friction with the other HW's?!! It makes Sonja look really, really bad. LuAnn is right - she's a terrible friend. Cut to commercial, but the preview shows Veevs doing her typical "How dare they.....and I suppose my artificial limb isn't fake, either?"

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First Look: Back in NY. Heather and Kristen and their husbands go out to dinner. Kristen is still angry at Heather, and you can see from this scene that in reality she's really angry at Josh.

Next scene is with Ramona, Mario and Avery at the piano. Apparently Loverboy Mario sings a lot at piano bars across Europe. Here's a tip, Mario: if you're going to insult LuAnn for her singing, you better be good. He's not. He's terrible.

Ok, last scene - I know everyone gossips, and I know the producers spill secrets to set up drama. But this is taking it to the absurd: Sonja invites Aviva to her house specifically to tell her that everyone on the Montana trip did nothing but bad-mouth her the entire time. It didn't come up in conversation(!) - it was the purpose of the invite!. I can understand a conversation like this if they were best friends, but to call a pseudo-friend up just to create drama/friction with the other HW's?!! It makes Sonja look really, really bad. LuAnn is right - she's a terrible friend. Cut to commercial, but the preview shows Veevs doing her typical "How dare they.....and I suppose my artificial limb isn't fake, either?"

Thanks LotusFlower, I always miss First Looks. The scene with Mario will be cringe worthy knowing what we know now. Kristen and Heather...meh. Sonja and Aviva will do anything for screen time. They're both white trash to me. 

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I'm beginning to think the scene with the leg on the floor is Aviva pulling it off to prove she does have a fake leg. That is the only proper explaination I can think of. They keep harping on her about making up these illnesses so she's going to rip it off to say, "Is this fake too?!" We'll see how that goes down.

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I'm beginning to think the scene with the leg on the floor is Aviva pulling it off to prove she does have a fake leg. That is the only proper explaination I can think of. They keep harping on her about making up these illnesses so she's going to rip it off to say, "Is this fake too?!" We'll see how that goes down.

Gawd I hope not. I get second-hand embarrassment for her just thinking about it.

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Or Kristin starts crying and getting dramatic over Montana again, screams "You lie about everything, I bet you even lie about your leg!" and pulls on said leg to prove it. Kristin and the leg go flying. The leg hits Ramona in the head, killing her. I would not only keep this scene on my DVR forever, I would put it onto a tiny microchip that I could imbed in my eyeball so that I could watch it over and over wherever I am, for the rest of my life.

that's wonderful, LOL

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Josh says Kristin doesn't understand why he goes out every night. He had a marketing agency and dropped it for his new company without telling her. They live in LA for two years. He comes home one day and announces they're moving back to NYC. No discussion about possible plans with Kristin. Heather and Josh write that off as having the mind of an entrepreneur. No wonder Kristin's so angry and whiny. Josh has no respect or regard for her feelings.

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Charming, you forgot the part where Josh rents out the house, and tells Kristen they have ten days to move - from LA to NYC.

Did Sonja really complain of extreme fatigue after checking some emails? This woman is spiraling down quickly. Ramona is her last true friend on the show, and Sonja runs to Aviva and says Ramona attacked Aviva more than anyone. I used to feel a lot of empathy for her, but she is so malicious, calculating, and manipulative.

I keep reading mentions that the last straw with old man Morgan was the refusal to come home when he was ill. But does anyone remember Sonja counseling someone (Kristen?) on making your husband jealous, and making him question where you're going when you leave the house. She was basically saying - give him a reason to think you're cheating, and he'll be more attentive. I saw that in a movie with Sandra Dee - wonder if Sonja gets most of her moves from 1950's era Hollywood.

I've always liked Jonathan, and I think he has enough confidence not to be intimidated by Heather. He was such a good sport at dinner.

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Sonja and Aviva will do anything for screen time. They're both white trash to me.


I'm beginning to think the scene with the leg on the floor is Aviva pulling it off to prove she does have a fake leg. That is the only proper explaination I can think of. They keep harping on her about making up these illnesses so she's going to rip it off to say, "Is this fake too?!" We'll see how that goes down.

I was thinking the same thing. She hinted at it by knocking on the prosthesis when Sonja told her everyone thought she was faking her illnesses. She is looney-tunes. But the worst part is - she doesn't think so. I think she thinks she's smart (five languages!), poised (Vassar!), educated (law school!), accomplished (her long e-mail, er, I mean book), modest ("I never talk about my leg, or my accident, or my Legionnaire's disease"), and just plain fabulous. It's the rest of us who are crazy non-well-wishers. We're probably all jealous.

Edited by LotusFlower
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Josh says Kristin doesn't understand why he goes out every night. He had a marketing agency and dropped it for his new company without telling her. They live in LA for two years. He comes home one day and announces they're moving back to NYC. No discussion about possible plans with Kristin. Heather and Josh write that off as having the mind of an entrepreneur. No wonder Kristin's so angry and whiny. Josh has no respect or regard for her feelings.

That exchange made me feel sympathetic towards Kristen.  Then she started being bitchy and whiny again.  Josh is a grade A ass.  He might have treated Kristen with some respect though if she responded more positively.  It's all whining, bitching and O face.  So tiresome.

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She is looney-tunes. But the worst part is - she doesn't think so. I think she thinks she's smart (five languages!), poised (Vassar!), educated (law school!), accomplished (her long e-mail, er, I mean book), modest ("I never talk about my leg, or my accident, or my Legionnaire's disease"), and just plain fabulous. It's the rest of us who are crazy non-well-wishers. We're probably all jealous.

There was a study years ago in The Chronicle of Higher Education that explained why some students would demand better grades even of they didn't deserve them compared to students who knew why they received the grades they did. Basically, the research claimed stupid people don't know they're stupid. I think you clearly proved the research with your description of Aviva. Looney-tunes doesn't know she's looney-tunes indeed! 

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There was a study years ago in The Chronicle of Higher Education that explained why some students would demand better grades even of they didn't deserve them compared to students who knew why they received the grades they did. Basically, the research claimed stupid people don't know they're stupid. I think you clearly proved the research with your description of Aviva. Looney-tunes doesn't know she's looney-tunes indeed!

Aviva was a guest on WWHL pretty early on in the season, and Andy read a tweet asking her if she had any regrets about the season so far...or her behavior (Book-gate was in full swing), and she not only answered no, but implied or outright said: why would I? Self-awareness is not her friend. Kristen has acted pretty whiny these past few episodes, but at least she apologized in her blog (2 weeks running) and said she was embarrassed.

As for Kristen and Josh's dinner with Heather and Jonathan, I thought it was so condescending when Josh said that Kristen couldn't understand his work lifestyle because she's never been an entrepreneur. I'll bet you anything Kristen is pulling in more money for their family from her Bravo paycheck this year than Dickhead Josh's energy drink.

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I really can't stand Ramona. I think she's rude, aggressive, and not very bright. What surprised me in this First Look was how much I despised her while she was merely holding her wine glass and sipping her wine in the scene where they were trying to convince us that Mario has an ounce of singing talent (answer: no). She can't even do that without being all twitchy and obnoxious (in my eyes). 


She always looks like she's thinking of the next thing to say, is ready to pounce, or is ready to go off on someone in some way. You'd think with all the Ramona Pinot or whatever that she might relax, but no. Gawd, I cannot stand her!

Edited by jennylauren123
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I was thinking the same thing. She hinted at it by knocking on the prosthesis when Sonja told her everyone thought she was faking her illnesses. She is looney-tunes. But the worst part is - she doesn't think so. I think she thinks she's smart (five languages!), poised (Vassar!), educated (law school!), accomplished (her long e-mail, er, I mean book), modest ("I never talk about my leg, or my accident, or my Legionnaire's disease"), and just plain fabulous. It's the rest of us who are crazy non-well-wishers. We're probably all jealous.

But she understands everything!

Edited by nc socialworker
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Josh says Kristin doesn't understand why he goes out every night. He had a marketing agency and dropped it for his new company without telling her. They live in LA for two years. He comes home one day and announces they're moving back to NYC. No discussion about possible plans with Kristin. Heather and Josh write that off as having the mind of an entrepreneur. No wonder Kristin's so angry and whiny. Josh has no respect or regard for her feelings.

I always miss First Looks so I was waiting to ask about your post in case someone else responded. Was this in first looks or somewhere else? I can't believe he admitted this on camera. Was he bragging?

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I always miss First Looks so I was waiting to ask about your post in case someone else responded. Was this in first looks or somewhere else? I can't believe he admitted this on camera. Was he bragging?

 It was on the First Look. I wouldn't say he was bragging, it was more matter of fact with Heather agreeing with his every word. God, he is such a douche waffle. Kristen and Heather seem to fawn all over him.

Edited by featherhead
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I always miss First Looks so I was waiting to ask about your post in case someone else responded. Was this in first looks or somewhere else? I can't believe he admitted this on camera. Was he bragging?


It was in First Looks right at the beginning of the episode Kristin, Josh, Heather and Jonathan are at dinner.


Kristin is mostly telling the story. Josh chimes in from time to time to explain to her how she just doesn't understand. Heather supports him. It's a very strange matter of fact exchange about how completely normal it is for a spouse to announce life changes out of the blue.

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Thank you both charming and featherhead.

Okay, it troubles me that this is just matter of fact and that Kristen is fawning all over him. I have no sympathy for her. We live in a day and age where women are empowered, not as it was years ago when women were assigned to certain roles. But...if there is abuse if any kind, whether it be verbal, emotional, physical, or sexual, I can understand the victim's perspective may be skewed. So then I would retract my statement. 

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Kristin is mostly telling the story. Josh chimes in from time to time to explain to her how she just doesn't understand. Heather supports him. It's a very strange matter of fact exchange about how completely normal it is for a spouse to announce life changes out of the blue.

I'm glad you called it strange, because I did, too. It felt like a couple airing their dirty laundry, therapy-style, but in a social setting, which made it kind of unsettling. I think these two (Kristen and Josh) have been together a long time, and I do think they love each other, but he really has a king-of-the-castle mentality and treats Kristen so condescendingly that it's hard to watch. And it seems to be in all facets of their relationship, from raising their kids, to work issues, to looks and appearances, to where they'll live, to money, etc... That's bad. I hope they can work it out and change things, or separate.

ETA: (to Rhetorica) I didn't think Kristen was fawning over Josh at all. In fact, quite the opposite. As I wrote in my post, she seemed angry at him, in a very personal, we're-in-a-couple's therapist's office, right? kind of way. Just another perspective.

Edited by LotusFlower
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I think Kristin was telling this story in order to gain sympathy. She desperately wants people to "be on her side" and empathize with her. Instead, she got Heather who said she understood Josh.


If Kristin became a regular cast member with a steady stream of income I could see her divorcing Josh in a heartbeat.

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The wives return from Montana as Aviva discovers she's been the butt of jokes. Meanwhile, Ramona's husband prepares for an open-mic gig. Heather and LuAnn are also slated to perform, but drama soars when LuAnn backs out.
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To be fair to Aviva I do match my shoes with my inhaler...

And since her inhaler is really big she must be seriously ill, at least according to Sonja. Hey, here's a thought - maybe she could convert her hollow leg into the world's biggest inhaler...

Edited by FlyingEgret
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Ai yi yi. Kristen's whining tonight was off the charts. At one point when she was burning those potatoes, her whining was so high-pitched all the dogs in my building started barking. Yes, Josh is a total dick, but I cannot take Kristen's bullshit.

Ramona thinks she's bloated from missing a few workouts? And not the gallons of Ramona Pinot? Her body is still pretty fantastic, though.

I can see why Lu Ann was demoted to friend of. That doggy photo shoot was pointless, and it seems like the strain between her and Jacques was really evident. Steering clear of her personal life was a smart decision by the producers.

Edited by Lakewood27
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I wonder if Ramona now wonders who Mario was thinking about when he was singing that song? Certainly not Ramona. Effortless is not a word I would ever associate with her. 

His pregnant mistress?

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Did Sonja really complain of extreme fatigue after checking some emails? This woman is spiraling down quickly. Ramona is her last true friend on the show, and Sonja runs to Aviva and says Ramona attacked Aviva more than anyone. I used to feel a lot of empathy for her, but she is so malicious, calculating, and manipulative.



Did I hear wrong or did Sonja say in her talking head, "I've never heard Mario sing anywhere but the shower"?  On what occasion would Sonja hear Mario singing in the shower?  What a bitch!!!

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Ramona, someone needs to adjust your meds (hormone therapy maybe?), you are acting like a raving lunatic.

Kristen is a cry baby, but Josh is a self centered jerk. They both annoy me.

LuAnn needed to just stop even responding to Ramona. Best way to shut up a jerk is to just not engage with them.

SonJa just can't seem to stop living her past life and will probably never move forward.

Heather did a good job with her song. I could never sing in front of other people.

Aviva, glad she decided she needed a break, please make it a long one, like maybe the next 50 years.

Carole was pretty much MIA this episode except for her mailing label name dropping.

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I laughed out loud when they cut to Harry chowing down on the ribs during Mario's song. OMG that was hilarious. Heather has a great voice. Mario's singing face was weird. 


The scene with Jacque and Luanne was painful.  "Shut up."  "What a stupid idiotic idea." Jaques sounded miserable. But, on the other hand, we got to see Luanne's westie, who I wish we got to see more of.


What can you say about Josh and Kristen? They are both awful to each other. And I'm sure it's a really expensive apartment but it looks very claustrophobic to me. Kristin didn't even know where the kitchen towels were in her own kitchen? It doesn't sound good when Josh's idea of therapy is having the go-between tell Kristen how wrong she is. How are they not divorced yet? 

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What is wrong with Sonja and Ramona?! They are both off their rockers. Sonja pushing her good buddy off the bridge when talking to Aviva and Ramona flat out going for LuAnn's throat. I'm so upset I'm mixing metaphors.....

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The shade Kristin throws about age to Ramona & Sonya amuses me. It's a shame she will not be on a television show 20 years from now to chronicle how she handled the aging process. Not only will her and Josh be divorced, he'll probably be with a 21 year old model. Her attempts at being a domestic goddess in her new apron were comic worthy. Josh doesn't respect her after all those years of marriage & two kids. I don't see that changing. So Kristin needs to stop whining and do something about her situation. I think that's her problem with Heather. She sees a strong, confident, driven, take no b.s. type of woman who makes her resent her own life choices. Sometimes being pretttttttttttttttty isn't enough to be happy..


Sonya looked great with Harry at the park.


The embarrassing singing of Luann will never not be funny.


The producers had a field day with the Ramona & Mario flashbacks. I kept expecting them to focus on his mistress in the crowd.

Edited by charming
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How is it that Kristen and Josh are not totally humiliated by playing out their marital problems on national television? Both act badly, but I'm far more on Kristen's side than Josh's. I don't know how she's lasted 10 years with the guy. I wouldn't last ten minutes. Jerk.

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I officially cannot stand Sonja at all anymore.  She tries way to hard to be sexy & she ends up coming off as overly sexual (honestly, I really have nothing else to add that others haven't been saying recently, but I noticed it annoyed me to no end tonight).  I have also come to the conclusion that the reason Sonja has such a high turn over on interns is because these poor kids end up finding out  they are being conned & there is no actual college credit being given by this scatter-brained dingbat.  No one will ever be able to convince me that she is capable of filling out the appropriate paperwork for credit to be given.   And since when did she become Aviva's champion?  Sonja was acting like the women were gossiping behind Aviva's back, when in truth, they didn't say anything that I am sure any of them wouldn't have said to her face.  Shit, Ramona wanted to call Aviva! LOL

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When Mario the cheater singing a song is the highlight of the episode, it qualifies as the most.boring.episode.ever. 


I just can't with Kristen and Josh. If I wanted to hear a married couple bicker, I'd just as soon pick a fight with my husband. 


Harry chomping on chicken wings while Mario sings a ballad was the best!

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Ramona's level of rudeness is so off-the-charts. The way she was making fun of LuAnn and calling her out - it was so grade school, and mean and bitchy. What adult does that? I think she was drunk. And I guess the last laugh's on her, as Mario was terrible, and probably singing the love song to his mistress.

How is it that Kristen and Josh are not totally humiliated by playing out their marital problems on national television? Both act badly, but I'm far more on Kristen's side than Josh's. I don't know how she's lasted 10 years with the guy. I wouldn't last ten minutes. Jerk.

I don't know about Kristen, but I think the answer to your question in regard to Josh is his arrogance. I think he thinks he's God's gift to Earth, and a hard-working "entrepreneur" and husband and father, and the mediator/therapist will tell Kristen that. And then SHE will have to change, and learn to be more understanding and flexible to HIS desires. He pretty much said exactly this when he brought the subject up. I think it's pretty common, though - a lot of people go into joint counseling thinking the therapist will validate their point of view. In this case, I think Josh is in for a big surprise.

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Basically Carole's only line in this episode was "I dated Ralph Fiennes."



I forgot about that, but having read the Widow's Guide I was assuming Carole's had based the book on her "dating"  Clooney. Ralph Fiennes is so much more interesting. He was so hot back in the day. Now, eh.  

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My DVR cut out at the end of Heather's song (and Kristen's review). I'll have to re-record later tonight. Did I miss much?

That was the end - I don't think you missed anything. (Well, except for a preview for next week. Let's see...Kristen and Josh in a therapy session, Sonja with a fortune teller, Heather and folks planning a birthday party for Carole, and Ramona sending Avery off to school).

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I kind of enjoyed tonight's episode because with different background music it could almost play out as a tragedy.


We had a montage of Ramona and her husband as he may or may not have been singing a love song to a mistress.  


A little clip of Luann being snipped at by her boyfriend.  


There's the weirdness of Kristen bitching about her husband not coming home, then bitching about how he acted when he was home, then crying that he's the love of her life while begging someone to tell her that her marriage is normal.  I hope the therapist/mediator helps her accept her life choices, maybe enjoy her kids and the fabulous apartment instead of worrying about her jerk husband whose company she doesn't seem to enjoy when he does show up.


And then there's Sonja, who is what I imagine Kristen will be like 20 years from now, having a picnic with her long-term fling, telling us she's testing to see if he's ready to be a partner at this point in their relationship while applauding him for not bringing another woman on their date.


Oh- I almost forgot about Carole, laughing at everything, stuffing envelopes with the help of an assistant who reminds her of a younger version of herself so that famous people she may or may not have met can receive a copy of her fabulous new book.


It's all a bit...sad.

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