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S10.E05: Trouble in Paradise

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18 minutes ago, riff-raff said:

how will you handle it if you are not physically attracted to the person who pair you with.  

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! They prolly omit that part & really sell they'll be getting their "perfect match" & let contestants fantasize all they want. Or downplay it & contestants LIE & say looks aren't important. 😂😂

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On 1/29/2020 at 5:53 PM, gonecrackers said:

Austin & Jessica kissing ... stahp please. 😬

Ewwwwllll. Her stuck out, puckered lips. It. Looks. Horrible. 😵 I can't tell if he's bad in his own way, the way his lips consume hers, or if it just looks bad cuz of her. 😨 I wonder if they think each other's a good kisser. Their bad kissing cancels each other's out. 😂

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On 1/29/2020 at 6:07 PM, Kiss my mutt said:

Mindy got caught up in her attraction to Zach, basing her excitement on his looks. She’s as shallow as he is. If she wasn’t attracted to him and he said that she would be on the couch, or out of there. 

She also fell for the BS ACT he put on during their wedding day!! GAH!! She shouldn't have had to think he's FAKING EVERYTHING!! 😥

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On 1/29/2020 at 6:11 PM, Empress1 said:

He’s making this a much bigger issue by giving her the fucking silent treatment.

EXXXXAAAACCCCTTTTLLLLYYYY!!! WTF?!!! IGNORING?!! PETTY SHT!! WTF?!! I woulda said, "This behavior is disrespectful and Imma give you space to get yourself together & act right. You may talk to me when you're going to correct your behavior." F#CK seeking attention, being nice like a desperate puppy!! CLEARLY, he's acting a DAMN FOOL!! & She CONVEYED it was ACCEPTABLE!! WHY keep giving him opportunities to act stupid?? BRUH!!!! COME ON!! If the man is shut down & won't talk to you & is acting ridiculous, DON'T excuse it!! CHECK THAT S#%T!! GEEZ! Like, I'm not gunna let you keep falling on your face & digging yourself a deeper hole. Imma help your dumbass NOT F#CK THIS UP!! SERIOUSLY!! That fool PILED ON with that bs, instead of SAYING SOMETHING?? You gunna punk out like THAT?!! WTF?!! You that SCARED you CHOOSE to make it WORSE?!! WTF kinda sense is THAT?!! DUMBASS!! "Remember when I was mad at you earlier?" TRY, "I ACTED A DAMN FOOL ALL DAMN DAY PLEASE FORGIVE MY STUPIDITY." I hope they had a much deeper convo cuz that CAN'T happen again!! I'd challenge him! Ask him what that behavior did to her, to him, the marriage & what he should've done & will do, going forward. I think telling him what to do won't work, they don't listen. Asking them forces them to think it through, so hopefully, they'll actually do it. 😂 Good for her FINALLY telling him NOT to disrespect her! She should've done it by the 2nd incident. I guess she had a high tolerance that finally ran out. Surprising, coming from Miss Demand Respect. BAHAHA! The IRONY of her preaching that to Meka, saying she'll get her husband to correct Michael when her own husband was acting up. Mighty easy to preach!! 😂 She seemed to be digging at Brandon, joking about his behavior, in the animal sanctuary. She's lucky he rolled with it, given how he can act out. It's gotta be uncomfortable knowing something so trivial can set him off & he could act disrespectfully because of it, for an extended period of time.

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On 1/29/2020 at 6:35 PM, Ohwell said:

It's not like he's a serial killer, and he didn't rape her.  I still say she needs to calm the fuck down and maybe he'd be more open with her.

IT. STARTS. WITH. HONESTY!!!! If you can't even believe what the person says cuz they're double-talking, WTF is there?? 😂 THEY CAN'T BE BELIEVED OR TRUSTED!!

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12 minutes ago, Lindz said:

IT. STARTS. WITH. HONESTY!!!! If you can't even believe what the person says cuz they're double-talking, WTF is there?? 😂 THEY CAN'T BE BELIEVED OR TRUSTED!!

You do know that you can put multiple quotes in one post, right?

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On 1/30/2020 at 6:34 AM, Silver Bells said:

After last night, I’m liking Brandon and Michael.  I get their point.  Both their wives are too much with the complaining and speeches.  Taylor was wrong to film him and Meka is too much with the lectures.  Both should calm down, relax and let nature take its course.  They both are acting like fish wives two days in.  Meka is all over Michael about everything too soon and Taylor wants things her way.  Sorry, but I see two nice men there if the girls would just shut up and give them a chance.  Both guys don’t know what the hell to do or how.


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48 minutes ago, Lindz said:
On 1/29/2020 at 7:48 PM, gonecrackers said:

So basically Michael wants to fuck Meka so he knows whether he likes her that way or not, first.

DISGUSTING. MAN. WTF made that fool think it was appropriate to discuss her "sexual makeup" on the SECOND DAY?!! IDIOT!! 1. BOUNDARIES 2. PREMATURE

But this is not even what Meka said that Michael said. She said that he indicated that he would be done if they don't have sex on the honeymoon. She interpreted that as different than what he said to her family on camera. I don't. 

What Michael said "on camera" is that he would not pressure Meka for sex. That it would be her timeline that determines whether they have sex. What Meka says he said "off camera" is that he would not want to continue if sex doesn't happen on the honeymoon. Not that he would pressure her to do so.

Meka took that as pressure. Which I understand why she would. But that was not necessarily his intent. He could have meant that sex is important in a "marriage" to him and if 7 days in, she still didn't want to, he couldn't see the "marriage" continuing.

It may be considered an aggressive timeline, but many people would consider sex after 7 "dates" in a monogamous relationship to be a normal progression. And on the flip side, a lack of sex in that situation to be an indicator of incompatibility.

The problem is Meka took it to the next level by accusing Michael of being a liar/camera-faker. And Michael shut down instead of explaining himself. Meka then upped the ante by turning it into an interrogation when she felt like he was going to lie "again" because they were on camera.

Straightforward communication at the time would have been better. But it's also hard with a person you just met. I just wish they had discussed it more openly and calmly and listened to one another. But since they did neither and Michael left which pulled them further apart for 2 more days, it seems this relationship is doomed.

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On 1/30/2020 at 8:14 AM, Neurochick said:

We are all human.  We all have issues.  If the show tried to pair up people who had zero issues, there wouldn't be anybody to cast for the show.  

The person who has anxiety might be very good with money.  The person who sends their partner flowers might be messy.  The person who is very neat might have a wandering eye.  You just never know with people, which is why I think this show is a crap shoot, anybody can match people together and get the same results.

Sometimes I think the problem with dating is that no one wants to accept another's human-ness.  We all make mistakes, we all fuck up.  I don't think a person should be labeled difficult/abusive/psycho just because they are not perfect.  Just my two cents.

The thing about issues is they should be RESOLVED. There are flaws that are tolerable/acceptable & some that aren't. Some problems CANNOT be accepted for a marriage to be successful because it will destroy the marriage. NO ONE is perfect, what matters is what they do about it. If they lash out at their partner, that's unacceptable. If it hurts the other person, it's unacceptable. It's still up to the other person to decide what they accept. People have the right to reject whatever they want.

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On 1/30/2020 at 10:50 AM, sasha206 said:

The other thing that killed me was the rose petals and champagne.  Dude, find another trick instead of the one someone else just did.

Don't forget the candles!! I was concerned about their proximity to her fake hair! 😂😂 Derek said he brought candles, so did Brandon borrow them?? Derek's was path better, didn't care for the rose path outline. The heart on the bed was cute, but too soon after he acted a fool.

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4 hours ago, Racj82 said:

That's partially my point. One hears this info and puts a lot of baggage onto it. It doesn't HAVE to be a thing. Some people might make it thing. Like that's a flaw in him or something.

I understand the logic of, how could someone be ready to love if they've never experienced it but not being love before doesn't mean you weren't ready for it or could handle it once it actually comes.

My point was that it doesn’t matter much what anyone thinks one way or the other but that Katie seems to think it’s a thing, and I wondered to what extent.  No disrespect intended.  

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1 hour ago, Kareem said:

My point was that it doesn’t matter much what anyone thinks one way or the other but that Katie seems to think it’s a thing, and I wondered to what extent.  No disrespect intended.  

Yes, I know. I was just talking general terms.

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Michael said what he said & IF he said it it was a definite he's done if no sex during the honeymoon, which is ridiculous. He doesn't even know her yet, & to say that comes off as he doesn't care to know her, but he does care to have sex with her. This, to me, implies he'll 'try her out' then decide whether he wants to stick this marriage out - or not - no guarantees even if she bent to his pressure, & she should not because that's BS.

It's not even just that he stated he'd not pressure - & he did pressure with that statement - then the contradictions once confronted on camera, it shows a complete lack of respect for her. Who the fuck does he think he is giving a stranger he just married an ultimatum about sex?  What kind of loyalty to the marriage does that show?  None on either count.

IF he said that, & I believe by his behavior when confronted he did, he's a POS who deserves to be dumped on his ass - game over - done. But then of course Meka will look bad for giving up, but she can't win now anyway with anyone. He's already started things off on the wrong foot, she's rightfully concerned, & if he continues being different on camera she's going to be miserable, & then it will follow she'll probably be bitchy to some extent, which leaves her at the mercy of editing.

Excuse my tone if harsh... I do think Meka is getting a raw deal. If Michael was really a stand up guy he'd have his ring on trying to straighten things out with his wife, not sitting in his own private suite enjoying breakfast alone, then bragging about his new promotion to other strangers.

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On 1/31/2020 at 1:05 PM, Purplelady25 said:

Why did he have to stick her for her insulin shot the second day????

OMG YES!! I hope they discussed it first & it really wasn't, "Hey new husband, inject me with insulin! We're married, you HAVE to!" 😅

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I watched the "Couples Couch" version of this episode. 

I think the producers and the experts dropped several bombs on this season.  To me, there were so many people on this show who should not have been cast, and if they were cast, the producers should have made sure they'd been to some type of therapy first.

Katie:  Having Type 1 Diabetes should not disqualify someone from being on the show, but I wonder if they asked the participants if they'd mind if the person they married had a health issue such as diabetes.  You have to be careful because sometimes people say things to sound good, but when presented with them, their true feelings come out.  Plus there was that whole thing with Katie and her ex.  I think the only thing that saved the marriage was that Katie was very attracted to Derek and I thin that was more luck than skill on the producers part.

Zach:  Being attractive should not disqualify someone, however the producers and experts should have made sure that Zach had some kind of depth to him.  From what I've seen, he really doesn't; he wanted a hot woman period, end of story.  He and Mindy will wind up being friends.

Mindy:  I remember her saying she suffered a miscarriage maybe a year before coming on the show.  Did she have any type of therapy?  Didn't she also say the man wasn't supportive either?  Pairing her with someone like Zach who will likely reject her is cruel IMO.

Michael:  He said more than once that he's the first person in his family to marry.  Did anybody ask him if he'd ever been around a married couple?  Parents of friends?  Michael walked out of the room when he and Meka had their argument and then he took off his ring.  That upset Meka, but I wasn't surprised.  If Michael hasn't been around married people, how would he know that being married means working through stuff?  Some people feel that if something pisses them off they leave.  I think that's immature but that's because my parents were married and I've been around married adults.

Brandon:  He told Taylor when they married that his older brother was killed due to gang violence.  Brandon was a child when it happened.  Did he get any type of therapy?  If not, that's a HUGE red flag, because I can only imaging how angry Brandon might be.  I had a friend who saw a lot of extreme family violence that eventually ended up in murder, when I met him, it had been 30 years since the incident and he was still carrying around a lot of anger about it, mainly because it had never been dealt with , it was swept under the rug and everybody said, "well, he's a kid, he'll get over it."

I think this show should go off the air for a few years, and then come back with a new panel of experts, or if they kept the same experts, bring on some new people, like maybe a black woman.  I linked Stephanie Lee's latest YouTube video of this show.  She has a pretty good insight because she's a therapist.  Maybe the show could try an older couple.

I don't think this would happen though because I think the producers really want this show to remain a trainwreck.

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No excuses but I think Brandon's reaction has to do with panic attacks.  He is afraid to have one on TV.  He even mentioned he was worried about it before the wedding. Everyone has panic attacks for different reasons/issues but if his is cameras WHY go on a show where you are constantly going to be filmed?!  And, it is going to take Taylor a long time to know what triggers them and of course how is she to know/understand at this point.  He needs to learn now to live with someone and to show them respect when he is having issues that is for sure. If he needs space.....explain that!

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19 hours ago, DrewPaul2010 said:

I wonder if any of the couples put in their application they don't care about race? I think the show needs to diversify. Couples who are moderately overweight. Plainer looking couples who really are looking for love and marriage.

And couples in their 40's maybe with kids?

Kids should never be part of this mess.

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So Michael was NOT playing the petty ring game? I doubt it! Creativity points for how he dressed it up tho! 😂 I don't like the SELFISHNESS of it! They are supposed to be a TEAM!! It should be a JOINT decision! Now Meka removed her ring. Sad state of affairs. 😯 LOVE Derek calling it out, too bad he didn't to his face! #WEAKSAUCE They should be keeping each other in check, at least state their opinion. Give them another perspective. They don't know how to be spouses! COME ON!!

WHERE'S the resolve about what Michael said?? HOW TF do they move forward if they can't even agree on what he said?? I'm with Meka on this. How Pastor Cal seemingly ignored that issue is problematic. If only his dumbass wouldn't have said ANYTHING so PREMATURE!! I'm quite intrigued by this producers meddling notion. Either way, you can't be so inarticulate with such SENSITIVE matters!! 😂 She shouldn't have been so hung up/stuck on what he said & just delved deeper to get a better understanding of where he was coming from. I'll chalk it up to her immaturity & inexperience. I think this could've been cleared up & settled. Unfortunately, NEITHER were capable & look how it ruined the beginning of their honeymoon. Not looking promising. Terrible start! Not as bad as Heather & Derek, but not much better.

Speaking of inarticulate, I still dunno WTF to do with, "I'm not building any attraction towards you, what do you want me to do about it? That's not the response I was hoping for." WTF IS THAT?!! HOW TF is someone supposed to respond to that unforseen revelation just dumped in their lap?? On one hand, y'all know I HATE FAKE & BLINDSIDING, so I actually appreciate his honesty so soon. Too bad it's so poorly worded, she can't get past it. 😂 Whole lotta words to DISTRACT from the main point. Is the disorientation intentional, back-tracking, or trying to make it seem like he's still willing to try? He should've been able to say what HE is going to do, since his empty mind is already made up!! On the other hand, DAMN HIM for LYING in his voys (nothing new), FAKING THE ENTIRE WEDDING DAY (DECEIVING HER), BLINDSIDING her with the "truth" & QUITTING THE MARRIAGE!!  Mindy's guilty of distracting verbiage, too. "To be quite honest" & "Not to sound like a bitch," COME ON!! UNNECESSARY!! STATE YOUR POINT!! Some stuff can go unsaid, especially negativity about yourself. DON'T give him ammo! 😂 WHERE was her "expert" support? Did she have to request help to get it? She's totally failing at figuring it out on her own. 😞 It's like they quit, now they're trying to backtrack & make it SEEM like they're gunna try at the marriage, but haven't coordinated it. I guess this would be that case I mentioned last season, where they could BOTH put on a show for us. Unfortunately, he's too narcissistic & inarticulate to ask, "Wanna give them a show?" Guess there's only room for ONE on his S#%T show, where he uses lots of words to say NOTHING! 😂😂


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On 1/29/2020 at 11:11 PM, Yeah No said:

I don't know why but I feel like the juxtaposition this season is cruel. 

other than our Houston  jailbird (I'm bad with names), most couples don't feel the doom on night one or 2. it would be AWFUL to have to be around the ones that are still doe-eyed and thrilled.  Who believes  the "experts" are  throwing them all together  for "support"? (not really a question), it is all about the drama of misery.

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On 1/30/2020 at 10:12 AM, Ilovepie said:

it's just people sitting around awkwardly staring at each other or talking, talking and talking about the state of their "marriage".  I

let's not leave out ...and all that nervous laughter. (makes my ears burn, my head rattle and my teeth loosen.STOP ending all your sentences with a monotone ha ha ha.

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18 hours ago, AussieBabe said:

Saying that if we don’t get it on within a week or the marriage is basically a lost cause is pressure. A marriage is more than just sex....

Would she be expected to bust it open for some dude she met on Bumble or Tinder immediately?...

Giving a strict timeline and checking out of the marriage is quite ridiculous.

I don't even like Michael nor Meka - and I really don't like them together - so I can't believe I'm talking about them but whatever. We are still taking Meka's interpretation of what Michael said as gospel because he didn't offer another explanation. But the truth is whatever he said was part of some conversation about sex. He didn't just bring it up out of the blue. Who initiated the convo? What questions or comments preceded the "bad comment"? What did Meka say during the convo?

There's just no context provided by either party. So many of us have jumped straight to "he was pressuring her" when there's just as good a chance that he could have been (awkwardly and prematurely) sharing his personal timeline for when he would feel sex should happen in their insta-marriage. His opinions/wants rather than an expectation on her. His friends and family said he's blunt. Isn't it at least remotely possible his thoughts came out badly?

If that's the case, I see the pressure but I don't see the lie. Those of us clutching our pearls over people emotionally pressuring people they're dating for sex, have maybe not dated in a while. I mean, there should be some conversation about sex-pectations in a relationship. Even if it "just happens" one or both parties have some expectations of when, why and what it means.

As long it doesn't become more than an expression of what one party wants (vs. expects) I don't see the problem. What adds pressure is timing (too soon) and frequency (too often). To me, similar to the pressure to "we should be exclusive by 3 months" or "we should be married by 1 year". The pressuree is free to jump ship at any time.

15 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

Michael said what he said & IF he said it it was a definite he's done if no sex during the honeymoon...

Who the fuck does he think he is giving a stranger he just married an ultimatum about sex?...

IF he said that, & I believe by his behavior when confronted he did...

If Michael was really a stand up guy he'd have his ring on trying to straighten things out with his wife, not sitting in his own private suite enjoying breakfast alone, then bragging about his new promotion to other strangers.

Again, Meka took Michael's comments as an ultimatum. That doesn't mean he actually gave her an ultimatum. 

I guess I'm open to a different interpretation because I just know a lot of bad communicators - myself included. To me, Michael showed all the signs of a bad communicator. He didn't answer Meka's questions because he felt attacked and misunderstood. He has never denied what she said but he is also not copping to lying. Leaves open the option that there is some explanation in between. But instead of waiting until Meka calmed down to explain himself, he shut down and left, as bad communicators often do, especially when you call one a liar.

I agree 100٪ that his subsequent behavior has been unacceptable. Coming to the group to talk about what you've been doing away from your wife, but not immediately asking to pull her aside to talk? BS and cowardly. Not wearing your ring because you haven't earned it? More BS. You didn't earn it the first time, dumbass. The producers made you a husband.

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26 minutes ago, talktoomuch said:

I guess I'm open to a different interpretation because I just know a lot of bad communicators - myself included. To me, Michael showed all the signs of a bad communicator. He didn't answer Meka's questions because he felt attacked and misunderstood. He has never denied what she said but he is also not copping to lying. Leaves open the option that there is some explanation in between. But instead of waiting until Meka calmed down to explain himself, he shut down and left, as bad communicators often do, especially when you call one a liar.

I agree 100٪ that his subsequent behavior has been unacceptable. Coming to the group to talk about what you've been doing away from your wife, but not immediately asking to pull her aside to talk? BS and cowardly. Not wearing your ring because you haven't earned it? More BS. You didn't earn it the first time, dumbass. The producers made you a husband.

He did deny saying it during her interrogation in the room. 

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Hokay. If someone tells you, "if we don't have sex by Day 7, I'm done," HOW IN THE HELL could you proceed with that person?? You'd be checking the countdown clock, CONSTANTLY. HOW could you think about ANYTHING else with that hanging over you? HOW could you feel comfortable connecting in ANY way? Them telling you that is about THEM, but what about YOU & what YOU want? THAT matters! You're involved. So, you're liking this person & connecting & developing those feelings in your own time to be told, "Btw, you have this long to get there." WTF?!! Like, ok. THANKS for the info & saving me time I would've wasted trying to get there cuz you just told me I can't take my time getting there. PEACE OUT! 😂 It's just so damn bizarre!! WHO SAYS THAT?? Especially so damn EARLY! That's some dumbass sabotage right there! NOT SUPPOSED TO QUIT THE MARRIAGE!! I woulda asked how that was supposed to help me feel comfortable getting there. Then explained what it actually did, instead of the on camera/off camera, me vs family/friends thing, bad angle. Still explain the conflicting message & it's impact. Then ask his understanding of how it affected me & our interaction. Then ask him to revise it or his thoughts on how to proceed cuz we're not in a good place. If he stuck by his statement, it'd be a wrap. If he revised it, I'd still have doubts & still quit! 😂

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Meka's and Michael's talk about sex could have been a private conversation between the two of them.  Yet she chose to lay it all out there on national television because she wants to play the victim.  She was acting like she was in danger.  I still think she's too young to be married to anyone. 

Also, I didn't like the couples sitting around and asking each other "did you do it yet?"  I know the producers like to expose TMI for ratings but the couples shouldn't go along with it. 

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1 hour ago, Ohwell said:

Meka's and Michael's talk about sex could have been a private conversation between the two of them.  Yet she chose to lay it all out there on national television because she wants to play the victim.  She was acting like she was in danger.  I still think she's too young to be married to anyone. 

Also, I didn't like the couples sitting around and asking each other "did you do it yet?"  I know the producers like to expose TMI for ratings but the couples shouldn't go along with it. 

I dislike that as well. I thought Jessica handled it nicely - just deferred on the question.

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16 hours ago, Ohwell said:

Meka's and Michael's talk about sex could have been a private conversation between the two of them.  Yet she chose to lay it all out there on national television because she wants to play the victim.

It's something we needed to see. We noticed the distance & their bad energy when they joined the other couples after checking into the hotel. If that was omitted, we'd be like, "WTF? Is their problem?! WHAT HAPPENED??" It seems she tried getting clarity about what he said & thought she did, which conflicted with what he told everyone else. It was appropriate to confront him on camera. If she wanted to play the victim, she woulda just told the cameras & been done with the whole marriage. HE removed his ring, not her. AND she didn't sell him out to Pastor Cal by telling him Michael said he'd quit the marriage. THAT'S pretty MAJOR as well & AGAINST THE RULES! 😂

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1 hour ago, Ohwell said:

Meka's and Michael's talk about sex could have been a private conversation between the two of them.  Yet she chose to lay it all out there on national television because she wants to play the victim.  She was acting like she was in danger.  I still think she's too young to be married to anyone. 

Also, I didn't like the couples sitting around and asking each other "did you do it yet?"  I know the producers like to expose TMI for ratings but the couples shouldn't go along with it. 

You know, thinking about it, part of me agrees with this but then another part of me saw an exasperated Meka in a bewildered state because of the tremendous difference that she sees in Michael when they are on camera vs being off. I would be losing my mind internally if I was being filmed and the person next to me was all nice and speaking about things one way and then immediately when the camera goes away and it's just the two of us, it's completely different. 

I think Meka's immaturity contributed heavily to her reaction along with a heavy dose of WTF that was just making her crazy and she blew. I think it was @Neurochick that wondered in one of her posts how is Michael supposed to know how to be married if he has never been around married people? To me, he seems very detached and believes that he calls the shots. That has to go once you are attached to another person. Perhaps he is incapable of doing that due to inexperience. Or maybe he's just an arrogant scumbag that expects to be catered to and have everything his way. 

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I just can't seem to spell anymore
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SCORE for the #BRIDETRIBE helping Mindy back peddle/reject Zach more cuz he rejected her. Tehe. Too bad she's not that convincing. Isn't that how it works tho? The unattracted person acts unattractive to repel the attracted person? #CLASSICK! Shame she immediately laid her cards on the table with her stranger HUSBAND, the man she should've been able to TRUST. 😞 She's getting more insecure & hopeless about her marriage, seeing happy couples. Ya know, maybe it's a helpful double-edged sword. It made her realize, very quickly, that he was friend zoning her & forced the issue so soon, so it got to the truth sooner. She's putting on a show to the other couples, but the wives know the truth. 😂 Ok. Now it sounds exhausting. 😥 Funny, how we get to see someone more honest about their sucky marriage, Meka, & someone acting, Mindy, at the same time. Which is better? 😅 The other husbands will learn the truth from their wives, eventually.

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Hokay. Yes. They SHOULD all be having fun, enjoying their honeymoons, but look at WHY some aren't! Their stupid husbands said idiotic stuff that was MAJOR & they're trying to resolve it, but their moronic husbands are too inarticulate. If Michael woulda been like, "I hope we have a great honeymoon, I can't wait to get to know you better!" & Zach woulda been able to keep up his damn act & explained avoiding sex by saying, "I've rushed that in the past & I want us to have a deeper connection before taking that step," they'd be FINE, but NO!! THOUGHTLESS SELFISHNESS!! HOW TF did they think saying that stuff would play out?? Methinks they didn't think AT ALL!! 😂

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Zach is so used to his cult  training clients being so enamored with him that he can talk out of his ass and they just ooh and ahh all over him...

He seems to forget the camera is recording the  First Class bull shit drivel he is selling to Mindy...which she is buying  lock, stock and barrel.

The audience sees he is full of evil shenanigans by tossing Mindy's heart repeatedly under the bus, making sure he looks good as he erodes Mindy's self confidence and shreds her self esteem...

Mindy is so desperate to bed Zach and  redeem herself she tossed out implants as a way into his heart or at the least into his pants.


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Wonder how Season 5's Cody did with his fitness career after MAFS.  Somehow doubt it launched his enterprise.  He had the wrong idea in the wrong location.

Kind of thinking that being a fitness trainer is not really a big bucks career, maybe it's different in the DC area.  Depending on the mental density of Zach's client base and prospects, it seems that witnessing his behavior on MAFS would have a negative effect on his fitness career.  Of course all it takes is one exception.

It may be the greatest thing he could do for his modeling career.  As a model, he may only have to interact with his agent and a photographer.

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I want to mute the Telly when Zach comes on. I cannot handle his word salad. He says so many words that mean nothing and aren’t relevant to the topic at hand. He seems utterly scatterbrained. Who really thought these two were a good match? Someone terribly insecure with someone who comes off quite confident. I really wish they had paired Zach with a strong, assertive woman who reminds him that he isn’t God’s gift to women and could bring his ego back down to a normal level.

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6 hours ago, talktoomuch said:

Again, Meka took Michael's comments as an ultimatum. That doesn't mean he actually gave her an ultimatum. 

She said he said if no sex by honeymoon marriage over - seems pretty ultimatum like to me.

7 hours ago, talktoomuch said:

I guess I'm open to a different interpretation because I just know a lot of bad communicators - myself included. To me, Michael showed all the signs of a bad communicator. He didn't answer Meka's questions because he felt attacked and misunderstood. He has never denied what she said but he is also not copping to lying. Leaves open the option that there is some explanation in between. But instead of waiting until Meka calmed down to explain himself, he shut down and left, as bad communicators often do, especially when you call one a liar.

Yes, but I've also seen people caught in their lies run like the wind too, because they're usually cowards.

I understand shutting down & needing space, but if that's the case he'd have probably just walked around, got a drink or something, then come back around in a bit. He not only walks away, he gets his own private suite, enjoys breakfast by himself, does some business, brags about a promotion to strangers (he isn't married to), then excuses taking off his ring with a fake little pity party.  Michael's behavior is some other fucked up shit.

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Derek's doing all the right things & I appreciate the sentiment, but there are no emotions/connection behind it. It's not genuine, completely, at least. He's setting standards he might not uphold & that could come back to bite him. Feels like an element of 'fake it til you make it' or maybe it's 'build it & it will come.' Is he playing "perfect husband" or what? How spectacular will his fall from grace be? I'm thinking of Jamie.

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1 hour ago, gonecrackers said:

She said he said if no sex by honeymoon marriage over - seems pretty ultimatum like to me.

Yes, but I've also seen people caught in their lies run like the wind too, because they're usually cowards.

I understand shutting down & needing space, but if that's the case he'd have probably just walked around, got a drink or something, then come back around in a bit. He not only walks away, he gets his own private suite, enjoys breakfast by himself, does some business, brags about a promotion to strangers (he isn't married to), then excuses taking off his ring with a fake little pity party.  Michael's behavior is some other fucked up shit.

Again not defending Michael at all. I said his subsequent behavior is unacceptable. I just don't think Meka's interpretation of what he said is the only possible truth.

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3 hours ago, Liberty said:

Kind of thinking that being a fitness trainer is not really a big bucks career, maybe it's different in the DC area.  Depending on the mental density of Zach's client base and prospects, it seems that witnessing his behavior on MAFS would have a negative effect on his fitness career.  Of course all it takes is one exception.

It may be the greatest thing he could do for his modeling career.  As a model, he may only have to interact with his agent and a photographer.

It can be but it’s a well-saturated market and it’s a lot of work, especially at the beginning, while you are building your clientele.

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8 hours ago, Lindz said:

Hokay. Yes. They SHOULD all be having fun, enjoying their honeymoons, but look at WHY some aren't! Their stupid husbands said idiotic stuff that was MAJOR & they're trying to resolve it, but their moronic husbands are too inarticulate. If Michael woulda been like, "I hope we have a great honeymoon, I can't wait to get to know you better!" & Zach woulda been able to keep up his damn act & explained avoiding sex by saying, "I've rushed that in the past & I want us to have a deeper connection before taking that step," they'd be FINE, but NO!! THOUGHTLESS SELFISHNESS!! HOW TF did they think saying that stuff would play out?? Methinks they didn't think AT ALL!! 😂

Methinks the whole show is scripted for drama, or else it would be just another boring show and nobody would watch.  Score one for the producers, seven pages of dribble.

Edited by Silver Bells
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23 minutes ago, Silver Bells said:

Methinks the whole show is scripted for drama, or else it would be just another boring show and nobody would watch.

They started the drama early this season with Michael getting his own hotel room.

Either their plan is have the drama escalate to the point of Luke and Matt looking good or have a rose ceremony with Michael and some girls on the beach.

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2 hours ago, OnTime said:

They started the drama early this season with Michael getting his own hotel room.

Either their plan is have the drama escalate to the point of Luke and Matt looking good or have a rose ceremony with Michael and some girls on the beach.

But we DON'T want the drama THIS EARLY!! We wanna enjoy the early phase (honeymoon, if you will 😉) where it seems PERFECT! Til sht gets real when they return home & begin their lives in the "real world." 😂 Maybe they emphasized being upfront & honest & those idiots went LEFT with it. 😅 But this drama is UNCOMFORTABLE, I don't like seeing it. It's useful, but uncomfortable! 

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2 hours ago, Silver Bells said:

Methinks the whole show is scripted for drama, or else it would be just another boring show and nobody would watch.  Score one for the producers, seven pages of dribble.

Or the producers matched and paired some these folks knowing fireworks would erupt and personalities would clash?

Case and point. Zach loves Zach, his reflection, his hair, being shirtless, and the gym. He is about as deep as the sink in a kitchen. Novel idea? Let’s pair the family described emotionally unavailable runner with an insecure and needy woman who overanalyses and suffered two devastating losses in a very short span. What could possibly go wrong?

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On 2/1/2020 at 3:37 PM, Neurochick said:

I think this show should go off the air for a few years, and then come back with a new panel of experts, or if they kept the same experts, bring on some new people, like maybe a black woman. 

I think maybe the show should go off the air for a few years and not come back at all.  Really--it's just insane to have two people marry at first sight like this.  Sure, it works out every once in a while, but it's like the lottery--a very small number of people come out ahead, while everyone else pays the price.

Bobby and Danielle, for example, may be very very happy, but the odds are that each of them would have found someone else to be very very happy with, without all the collateral damage.

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26 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I think maybe the show should go off the air for a few years and not come back at all.  Really--it's just insane to have two people marry at first sight like this.  Sure, it works out every once in a while, but it's like the lottery--a very small number of people come out ahead, while everyone else pays the price.

Bobby and Danielle, for example, may be very very happy, but the odds are that each of them would have found someone else to be very very happy with, without all the collateral damage.

Particularly Bobby, who was relatively fairly young when he came on the show. He adores Danielle and does not seem to have any regrets.

I also loved Greg. Please, bring on some more African brothas, if they are all as awesome as he turned out to be.

Edited by qtpye
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I agree with it going off the air or having a fresh reboot. I cringed when the advert said 16 were together out of 68 singles. Umm that’s a total shit number of successful unions. Some of those I don’t count (Shawniece and Jephte). They basically confirmed they’re staying together because they have a child. Crazy Elizabeth and Jamie had such a toxic way of communicating, and they fought so nasty. I can only hope they’ve learned how to communicate better.

Netflix already beat them to the punch with a show about basically being engaged at first sight. At least the people converse or chat blindly. I think that comes on 13 February or so. 

Edited by AussieBabe
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On 2/2/2020 at 2:57 AM, geej said:

Who believes  the "experts" are  throwing them all together  for "support"? (not really a question), it is all about the drama of misery.

Also, the savings of having to have multiple camera crews......

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On 1/29/2020 at 6:06 PM, ShowFan said:

Zach is so full of crap! I have the caption on and I can’t follow what he’s bullshitting 

I can't stand this guy.  Mindy was right - he talks in circles and says nothing.  I'm getting a little annoyed with her too.  Mindy...Zach does not find you attractive.  He's trying to tell you this without saying it and will ultimately become more annoyed because you don't get it.  He needs to just say it directly to her.  Ugh.  

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