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Season 19 Spoiler Thread

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I don't think Britt did anything horrible enough to eliminate her from being the Bachelorette. I'm pretty sure many of the other girls were on for "not the right reasons". Yes, she caused a scene but she isn't the first woman to question the bachelor's motives and she won't be the last. Too bad Chris didn't warn her with the patented "tread lightly" speech though.

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I don't think Britt did anything horrible enough to eliminate her from being the Bachelorette. I'm pretty sure many of the other girls were on for "not the right reasons". Yes, she caused a scene but she isn't the first woman to question the bachelor's motives and she won't be the last. Too bad Chris didn't warn her with the patented "tread lightly" speech though.

It's not so much any single act that she did that would make me not like her, it was her insecurity causing her to have bouts of near bi-polar moods swinging between overconfidence and a desperate need for immediate validation. I found her to be far too uneven to be able to watch for a whole season as a bachelorette.


I think almost any of the other final 5 girls would be more suitable for the role, although I think Carly and Kaitlyn would be the most even keeled of the bunch.

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Wouldn't it be great if they picked a bachelorette who actually wanted to get married in the very near future?

Yeah. But more than likely they'll end up with someone with as much of the *right reasons* as Juan Pablo.

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I laugh at everyone being up in arms about Britt being the B'ette when a lot of people thought Ben, Juan Pablo, Chris, Emily and Ali were actually sincere about the process and would be THE BEST EVER and they turned out to be duds, tools, etc. I am willing to reserve my judgement. I still say Chris/Whitney have a chance to make it because it's obvious he has no personality and needs someone to boss him around and she seems to be OCD enough for it.

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I laugh at everyone being up in arms about Britt being the B'ette when a lot of people thought Ben, Juan Pablo, Chris, Emily and Ali were actually sincere about the process and would be THE BEST EVER and they turned out to be duds, tools, etc.



I can't speak on Ali - didn't watch any of Jake's season because he bugged me from Jillian's and I watched none of Ali's season. That said, I remember reading many comments suggesting people were not impressed with Ben as the choice for the Bachelor, least of all for the shallow reason that many thought he just wasn't hot enough. When Juan Pablo's name was first mentioned by RS I think, most were sure that it was a joke and the rumor wasn't true because most could barely remember him. And then many expressed it making little sense to pick someone that was almost invisible in his season and well we saw how that turned out.


Many people thought Chris had the potential to be very dull (proudly waves my hand - I said it all during Andi's season) and well clearly that was not a wrong assumption. And while I think people were a little more positive about Emily, there were quite a few who had a problem with her being the Bachelorette after having been picked by Brad. Maybe I'm just not paying as close attention (possible, I do spend a lot of time scrolling because this season has been so god awful boring) but I don't think many are necessarily outraged by the possibility of Britt being the Bachelorette but again confusion as to the edit she got if that is going to be the case.


Basically it's like when Juan Pablo was made the Bachelor. Many people didn't understand why they would have edited him to be so invisible if they were clearly thinking of making him the next Bachelor. And after watching his season, I now am convinced it's because the little they showed was the best footage they had and few moments of him not being a jerk. So it just again lends the question of why edit Britt as they did knowing they were making her the Bachelorette. And then you have Chris' blog talking about her being fake or not genuine and I think many know the Bachelor(ette) don't really write those blogs and it's probably someone in production.


So that in itself is also very strange if this is a person they're strongly considering making the next Bachelorette. Compare last season where Andi had nothing but glowing things to say about Chris and actively rallied for him to be the next Bachelor. It just seems like there is an ugliness around Britt right now that's odd for someone they're going to make the next Bachelorette, especially when they always try to sell their bullshit "America fell in love with this person..."

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I'm not specifically talking about here just in general. If people truly believe this show is about finding love then that's on them. It's rare to have a Bachelor/ette who doesn't have an agenda but it does happen once in a blue moon. Britt is just as guilty as 95% of the people who have been on this show so I don't understand the rage about it. Hell, even Sean and Catherine who almost everyone loves won't freaking go away already.

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I'm not naive enough to think that these folks go on to this show and its sister show solely as a dating show, but I do think it works best when either through actual sincerity or a can do a good enough act and don't make their non-"right" reasons too obvious. The Bobs and Juan Pablos and their barely listening mack-fests telegraphed their goals and suck fun out of it. For an aspiring actress, Britt with her oh-so-shocked expressions and melodramatic reactions has shown she needs to work on her method.


So she'll probably get picked as the Bachelorette, but I do hope her acting improves by then. Give us a good illusion.

Edited by lulee
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Becca's family seem to be irked at how they were portrayed on the HTD.  This from the Reality Steve site today:


"So Becca’s sister Katie, who spoke the most during her hometown date on Monday, took to Twitter last night to rant a little bit about the editing the family got. Katie, the floor is yours:

What's funny is-while they edited it ALL-I was telling Chris how impressed I was with Becca being affectionate & touchy with him…

— Katie Hester (@Katie_Hester) February 18, 2015

Never seeing that before from her.But yes,make it "good TV
" & crop& edit w/ my head moving from behind,but different words exiting my mouth

— Katie Hester (@Katie_Hester) February 18, 2015

That's why I've never liked the show before. Bless anyone's heart who thinks they're seeing anyone's "true side" on that show.

— Katie Hester (@Katie_Hester) February 18, 2015


How anybody can think they will be accurately and flatteringly portrayed on this show is unbelievable to me. 


Also, here's the video of Britt's chat with Jimmy Kimmel.  I think it's cute, and I STILL like Britt.


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I would just be very curious to see what type of guy Kaitlyn would go for. I think Chris lacks intelligence and just doesn't do it for Kait. It would certainly be a more interesting journey to watch than Britt's who will probably just pick the best looking. richest guy that makes her feel like she's the only one on the planet, then break up a month later.

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If things don't work with Chris, I think Whitney would make a cool Bachelorette. She's pretty, smart, good socially and has a strong bs meter. I think she is also a nice person so she may not be as harsh as Andi was.

It would be such a snore fest and that voiiiiice... nooooooo.

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I'd be ok with Britt being the next bachelorette. She's easy on the eyes, and it'll piss off mean girl Carly. And maybe, just maybe, it'll be a season full of guys for real falling head over heel in love with the bachelorette.

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The first confirmation that Britt wasn't being honest was when Chris asked if she wanted to have children, and she said she wanted to have "100".   Nope.  Women might want a few kids, or a bunch of kids, they will say they want a big family.  Or they say they love kids, and they want 4. or 6,  or even 10.   But when you say you want 100 kids, you're just making shit up.  

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But when you say you want 100 kids, you're just making shit up.



[snip] Maybe because it's [snip] impossible to produce that many, even if she did twins every year? There's such a thing as hyperbole. I seriously doubt Chris took her, like, seriously.


If Britt started at age 15 and ended at age 40, doing two kids a year, she could only have produced 50 kids. So there's that. And even 50 is hyperbole. Her "100 kids" was just a way of saying 'lots."

Edited by Rhondinella
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[snip] Maybe because it's [snip] impossible to produce that many, even if she did twins every year? There's such a thing as hyperbole. I seriously doubt Chris took her, like, seriously.


If Britt started at age 15 and ended at age 40, doing two kids a year, she could only have produced 50 kids. So there's that. And even 50 is hyperbole. Her "100 kids" was just a way of saying 'lots."

"100 kids" seemed to me like saying "lots" (which apparently was a lie) and at the same time blowing him off about it. That was one of the few questions we've seen him ask that was kind of important to his plan for marrying someone, "How many children would you want?" Her answer was (1) really stupid and (2) really fake. There was time to let him know who she really was, "I'm not ready for that yet, probably won't be for at least 5 years" or "I think 2 would be fine, not more than 3 at the most." Something REAL and honest was called for, not fake enthusiasm. She knew that was very important to him, but answering sincerely didn't fit into her game plan.


I -do- think Carly was right, that Britt is used to getting what she wants in relationships and that it unnerved her when she wasn't obviously #1 and "most special of all" to him this week. She didn't want to take him to her parents if he wasn't going to choose her in the end because the idea of not being #1 in the end would be too humiliating. Plus, I think she wasn't prepared to continue acting as if she was in love with Chris if she couldn't guarantee he would be acting the same way with her.


She may have also felt the jig would be up when her family gave him the low-down (See: Jade. See: Becca) and was on damage control. Also with a bit of "You can't fire me, I quit!" Since she was completely phony about things that mattered to him (raising a family, living on a farm in Arlington), I was as happy as Carly when he stood up to her (finally) and then showed her the door, instead of groveling for her to stay, as she seemed to be hoping/expecting. That part was very satisfying.


That said, I have no objection to Britt as the B-ette. She brings some energy, looks and personality (and fakeness) that should work well for this train wreck.

Edited by Rhondinella
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Also with a bit of "You can't fire me, I quit!"



I think perhaps Chris Harrison and the production people got very tired of The Queen of Britt and made sure she didn't get the chance to quit.  Isn't there a formal term for that type of quitting in reality-show language?


I think I WOULD like to see Britt as the next Bitchlorette.  She HAS to be a demanding diva...both with production and bachelors.  It could be great snarky fun.

Edited by Former Nun
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Every time Chris asked Britt a serious question, she gave him a non answer, ie 100 kids, and the fake BS about his no horse town.   My guess is that he wanted to hear 2-5 kids, and knew they would have reservations about Arlington, and they should.         I agree with the big lunkhead that she was insincere and playing his dumb ass.  


I mean, FFS,  even a Duggar can't have 100 kids.   She should have said 18, just to be on the safe side. 

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[snip] Maybe because it's [snip] impossible to produce that many, even if she did twins every year? There's such a thing as hyperbole. I seriously doubt Chris took her, like, seriously.


If Britt started at age 15 and ended at age 40, doing two kids a year, she could only have produced 50 kids. So there's that. And even 50 is hyperbole. Her "100 kids" was just a way of saying 'lots."

Yes, what I meant was that a woman who has thought about it and SINCERELY wants a lot of kids, says she wants 10, maybe 12 at the most. Women who have really considered marriage and kids, and have decided to have as many kids as possible, don't flippantly say they want 100 kids when asked by a man who is considering marrying them. Saying you want 100 kids is a way of not taking the question seriously. It's what a 5 year old might say. It's not just hyperbole, it's dismissing the question as fantasy. The premise of the show is that the farmer is looking for a wife. So the question about kids is one that needs to be discussed seriously. Britt had zero interest in settling down and having a bunch of kids.

I do think she'd make an interesting bachelorette. I don't like her, but I'd watch a bunch of guys falling all over themselves for her attention.

Edited by Rhondinella
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I wasn't sure where to ask this but hopefully it's okay here. Does anyone know if Britt actually voluntarily quit the show? er.. contest? or whatever this is? 


It seemed to me like Chris kinda said "these aren't qualities I want in a wife... I'll walk you out" while he hadn't directly rejected her, and she was like "waitaminute I didn't get a chance to leave yet!" I was expecting her to end up at the rose ceremony and not get a rose, but poof no, she was just outside crying. I'm thinking there had to be some editing going on, but I'm asking on the spoiler thread because I'm wondering if anyone knows more?

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I was going to post this in the Media thread, but thought it might be considered kinda of spoilery.


The new US Weekly has Chris on the cover with a teaser saying "Bachelor Suite Letdown." I'm not sure what that specifically referred to, even after reading the article, but think it applies to Becca's admission, which throws Chris for a loop, and not in a good way. Not much on Kaitlyn, although she wound up liking Chris much more than she was expecting. The big surprise in the article was that Whitney was the only of the three that doesn't get an "I love you" from Chris during the FS dates..


The article ends with an "insider" saying that Chris was really torn about who he would pick. But isn't that usually the case?

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I don't know if I believe US Weekly.  They make like they are People mag with their format but have "reported" rumors and outright lies in the past.  


Why would he tell Becca and Kaitlin he loved them and not Whitney.  Makes no sense. 


RS reported that Britt walked out but that is not exactly what we saw.  I am not sure what happened but it looked like she was making noises about leaving to get Chris to talk her out of it and he didn't.  I think the tears were due to her plan backfiring.  Seemed she really did not anticipate him being okay with her quitting!  

Edited by wings707
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I don't think US Weekly is lying so much as I've been convinced for multiple seasons now that the show itself sells shit to them, especially as the season starts winding down to build up interest and buzz for the finale. So I'm sure US Weekly's "source" for this stuff about the F3 is the show itself. 

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The article ends with an "insider" saying that Chris was really torn about who he would pick. But isn't that usually the case?


what's usually the case is this:  

1) The lead says some version of "I'm in love.  The problem is - I'm in love with more than one person"  (this is often said in Melnik-style, dramatically, on a balcony) The lead gets up the morning of the final rose/proposal and agonizes over the difficult decision.  


2) At the After-the-rose ceremony, the lead says a version of "I knew all along, from the moment we met, as soon as you stepped out of the limo on that first night, even when I was with the other dates, I couldn't stop thinking about you."   Thereby negating the agonizing that was done over the choice. 

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I thought they weren't even allowed to say the "ILY" phrase until after they pick someone?  Then again this is the no rules season... but I've been surprised to hear Chris saying variations of "I love ____ about you" to the women, because I thought even that wasn't allowed.

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That USWeekly article sounds like show-planted BS and it reminds me that the only reason I watch this show is chatting about it here and with Facebook friends.


Tons of past cast members have talked about how the overnights are the only time they're without cameras. So unless Chris and the women volunteered details (ewww) the producers wouldn't know for sure who didn't say what to whom.

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That USWeekly article sounds like show-planted BS and it reminds me that the only reason I watch this show is chatting about it here and with Facebook friends.


Yeah, I've been questioning myself recently - if it wasn't for this forum, would I even watch this show?   I'm not sure.  

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I certainly wouldn't watch this show if I didn't have people to snark about it with. Social media is the only reason I watch. My friends and I sit on facebook and snark away. Without that, the show would be unwatchable. I'm certainly not here for the "love story".

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I certainly wouldn't watch this show if I didn't have people to snark about it with. Social media is the only reason I watch. My friends and I sit on facebook and snark away. Without that, the show would be unwatchable. I'm certainly not here for the "love story".

I think you mean "right reasons."

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According to the photos on social media this weekend, after Women Tell All was filmed on Saturday, Kaitlyn was there in a lot of photos.  Meaning she was at the show and they allowed the info that she's let go in tonight's episode to get out.  Sloppy work, producers!  

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According to the photos on social media this weekend, after Women Tell All was filmed on Saturday, Kaitlyn was there in a lot of photos.  Meaning she was at the show and they allowed the info that she's let go in tonight's episode to get out.  Sloppy work, producers!  


Yeah she was all over the net this weekend, including a bunch of stuff with Becca which makes me believe that Reality Steve is right that Becca really is the final 2 as would the final 1 really be allowed to spend so much time with a former contestant.   And if Kaitlyn can't keep herself off of social media for 48 hours, you have to wonder if she'd be able to keep quite as the lead!?! 

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I've thought all along that Kaitlyn is too much of a wild card to be the new Bachelorette.  She has way too much personality and too many characteristics that would have to be squelched to be a lead.  I like her as a contestant, but I can't imagine the producers thinking she has enough self-control to follow the script they write.  

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So it's all but confirmed at this point that Chris will be doing DWTS. The cast announcement was made this morning and they left one female Pro without announcing her celebrity partner but the show's twitter feed had the least subtle tweet about who it will be. That said, the most interesting thing about this - his Pro is named Witney Carson. So anyone else think that was deliberate and pretty much even more confirmation of who he picks in the end?

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So it's all but confirmed at this point that Chris will be doing DWTS. The cast announcement was made this morning and they left one female Pro without announcing her celebrity partner but the show's twitter feed had the least subtle tweet about who it will be. That said, the most interesting thing about this - his Pro is named Witney Carson. So anyone else think that was deliberate and pretty much even more confirmation of who he picks in the end?



A big UGH to every part of this.  I've never watched that show consistently, but I might have to tune in just to see if that big lump is capable of moving his feet with any kind of rhythm.  But otherwise, UGH.

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