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House Flipping Shows

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Just watched a First Time Flippers episode (From Tune Up to Tear Down).  The wife pestered the husband continually to buy this house.  The house had a hole in the roof where it had rained in for almost a year in Massachusetts (assuming snow, sleet, whatever else, too).  They purchased the house for 50k, but got zero inspections before they bought.  The wife thought it was such a steal, she didn't want to add any more cost or delay the purchase.  They had friends or family go out to the house ahead of time, and everyone told them to walk away.

To say it was a cluster is an understatement.  The whole house had to be demolished.  They ended up taking out another loan to get another house put up (foundation and framing).  The two worked on putting on insulation, but I don't think any siding was ever put over the insulation.  The septic system was shot, so they got an estimate of having someone dig it out, but it was at least 20k.  The geniuses decided to do it themselves.  The husband said well they had a pretty good idea where the electrical lines were.  I was waiting to see if someone got shocked or if the equipment would be ruined.  They managed to get close to the house, but stopped when they hit some sort of water pipe, which was on top of electrical lines.  They basically just put the dirt back over the hole.  The geniuses then decided to finish up the inside a bit more, and put it on the market as mostly finished.  "We did all of the hard work, now all you have to do is the fun stuff".  Yeah, like the septic system and siding just to name a few.  I missed seeing the end credits, so I don't know if they got the place sold.  From what was said or hinted at, they were in deep shit financially if they didn't sell it.

Just now noticed it's on again in an hour or so.  The listing doesn't have the title, which sort of gives it away that it's a complete tear down.   Hopefully, I can find something on line that tells me what the final outcome was.

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16 hours ago, friendperidot said:

Been watching Texas Flip 'N Move today, watched it a little once before, but I'm confused about a lot on this show. A house somewhere in the Ft. Worth area has to be moved for some reason. This group of people and probably some others stand outside of it and look, then the auctioneer comes and auctions off the house. Or for whatever reason someone gives a house that has to be moved to someone in this group. After purchase, they go inside and see what they bought. The house then is moved to the "renovation lot?" I never heard of a renovation lot before. I'm guessing the remodelers have to pay some fees for space and power. Then after they spend a boatload of money to fix up the house, including paint/paper/decorating, then there is an open house, then the same auctioneer comes back and discusses how much money they need, then they go outside and auction it off. When the house is sold, the entire group of bidders walk away except for the new owners. Then I guess the new owner has to arrange to have the whole house moved to a new piece of property. Several things confuse me. The bidders on finished house look like the same group of people on every single episode. They are always so excited about the decor of their new home. When I bought a house, the homeowners hadn't gotten all the interior painting done, and as a condition of the purchase, I asked them not to, I wanted to paint to suit me. So people just buy an already decorated home? I'm assuming (I know what that means) that the furnishings and accessories are staging and will not stay. Because, don't most people have at least some furniture of their own? Well, there was that one with a hanging bed, while it sounds like fun, how practical is it? But with moving houses, I know there are restrictions about lengths, widths, weights, so isn't impractical to build a pergola front porch that is going to have to be dismantled for the move? And is moving houses a really big industry? 

When I was growing up, I lived in a rather isolated neighborhood, across the street from my house was a big, big hill. When I was little, it was just a wooded, weed choked area. In the early 1960s, Interstate 70 was being built through the middle of KC, from that area, they moved about 6 houses onto my street at the top of that hill and about 7 houses on the street to the south at the bottom of that big hill, the middle was left empty. The houses at the bottom didn't have a lot done to them, but the ones at the top, the backs of the houses were on stilts because of that hill. I have heard stories of historic and old houses being moved to new lots to preserve them. But this whole, moving these little houses, then restoring them, then moving them again just seems odd. I think one move is hard enough on an old house, just seems more practical to move to the final lot before restoring. But, what do I know?

There is a thread for Texas Flip 'N Move in the House Hunters forum - you might find the discussion there interesting. I think the auctions are re-enactments, but it appears these flippers do this in real life. I've seen some folks buy them as a second home, or an in-law residence. My understanding is that they are sold furnished.

I'm surprised by how many people dislike Dave and Kortney of Masters of Flip.  Must be some kind of incipient anti-Canadianness or something, because I think they're fun to watch (although she IS getting too bitchy with Dave and her designs are, in general, too poppy, but at least they're more interesting than grey and beige).  The horrible voice seems to be a houseflipper's thing - I don't like Brett's voice on Restored; I loathe the voice on Vintage Flip Girl, not nuts about Nicole Curtis, don't even get me started with Drew, Jonathan, Tarek, Christina.  In fact, the only voices I actually like are Dave, Ben, Troy, Joanna.

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They gave Masters of Flip a remake apparently and it's now called Music City Flip. Still don't like the couple and they are more fake than they ever were because they are actually pretending to help with the renovations now when they barely moved a piece of wood in the first season. Kortney is in jeans and on site and not in her yoga wear coming and going from her fitness classes and barely doing anything til the last 10 minutes of the show. Dave is acting like he helps the crew out and is still wearing that damn hat. It's not remotely believable if you ask me. Looks like HGTV redid this to follow the mold of their other flip shows and hope everyone gets amnesia about what we saw before. Only plus is they made it into a half hour show, which was desperately needed for this investor couple that had nowhere near enough involvement with their properties to devote an hour to.

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I could not find a subforum for Texas Flip and Move anywhere.

Ben and Erin from Home Town had their baby I've seen in HGTV ads.  I hope calling her Baby Girl in the ad is just to protect her privacy or they hadn't chosen a name yet and not some folksy Alabama name.  I like them and hope their show comes back.  Ben is so talented and both have good ideas but they are going to run out of houses in their home town to flip.

I went back many pages here and didn't see any mention of this show. There isn't a thread for it either and I can see why.  My question is why it's still be played on A&E.  It's called Flipping Vegas and it is absolutely the worst real estate show I've ever seen.  The fake scenarios are so over the top, that I'm embarrassed for them.  Just horrible.  The premise is that the flipper and his wife buy houses in Vegas and flip for profit, only, there are many costly issues that arise and the husband is a cheapskate and the wife likes high end. So, mayhem ensues.  It's really insulting to an audience with the over the top scenes they create.

I did muddle through one episode today, because I wanted to see the numbers. Granted, it was filmed some years ago, but, the sale price of the flip was around $120,000.00 for a nice 2-3 bedroom house with a POOL!  It wasn't large, but, still.....The couple claimed they made a profit of around $29,000. after making improvements.  Anyone know if that would be possible in Vegas?  I know there is a show called Flip or Flop Vegas, but, I don't have much faith in that either.


There's a home renovation show from Ireland called Room to Improve that I recently found and binged on Prime, and it is KIL-LING me!

It follows the standard formula of clients who want to redo their place, run into problems, etc. The lead is an architect who works with the clients and man, does he have him some opinions. He's quite charming but basically wears the clients down until they agree with him. They start out saying absolutely no to something and he just keeps at them with pictures and visits to other houses and debates until they finally cave, I think mostly to shut him up. There were a handful of clients who stuck to their guns and I felt like shouting and making the touchdown sign on my couch.

There are 4 seasons (out of 11) available on Amazon. Dermot usually works with what is called a quality supervisor who keeps the budget, and it's nice to see those struggles in more detail. You want this? You need to give up that. Everyone has limited funds. The owners are generally low key, and even when there are horrible setbacks and frustrations it's not pumped up for TV drama.

Dermot loves modern architecture and boxy glass rooms, large skylights, butterfly roofs, odd angles, and glossy flat panel European style kitchen cupboards. He can't abide "American" fridges, and one of the few owners who won an argument was when a couple insisted on keeping their large black side by side model. It was new and they liked it, so shut up Dermot. He generally sticks with monochromatic gray/cream/white color schemes. Dog forbid any HOs like patterned upholstery. The homeowners often joke about how Dermot bedazzles them into changing their minds. The different contractors chafe because he's frequently hard to get a hold of and can take weeks to make a decision.

I don't think I've really liked any of his designs, especially when the additions get bolted onto 100+ year old houses, but she show is still very interesting and fun to watch. The types of homes and sites vary and it's cool to see Irish building techniques and stone construction.

If anyone wants to dip in, I'd recommend season 10, episode 2, "Rush." The homeowner there is a force of nature and I just wanted to hug him and his wife.

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Anyone watching Flip Wars I believe on A&E?

I've watched it. Man, those two wives are over-the-top enamored with themselves and their abilities. The two-guy team is the most tolerable of them all even though I'm not sure I'd want one of their homes. I get the feeling that there are a lot of problems covered up in their builds as they try to go cheap on every project. I have seen a handful of shows and an unimpressed with the snarkiness and fake friendship between them.

I love the Boise Boys!   I'm glad they're coming back.    At least their houses don't all look alike.     I love that the one bought the river house for his family, and the partner was working on accessibility for the one little boy.  

I agree about Flipping Virgins.     And I absolutely hate a lot of the staging.     If I had the money for one of the flip houses, I would walk in, look around, and then walk away, because they do so much cutesy shabby chic stuff, combined with ultra modern.   

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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10 hours ago, WarnerCL45 said:

Just had a glance at "Flipping Vegas"  - never seen it before.  What an unappealing couple.  He swears and she dreams up expensive tile patterns.

Maybe I shouldn't judge because I have only watched this show one time. But.  Is it me or is this entire show tacky? The staging in particular and the lady flipper maybe just a little.

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1 minute ago, Kemper said:

Maybe I shouldn't judge because I have only watched this show one time. But.  Is it me or is this entire show tacky? The staging in particular and the lady flipper maybe just a little.

Can't judge either, but I will.  There are just too many flipping-type shows, and every couple is trying to be more noticeable than the others.  I don't watch for their personalities, I watch for the designs.

16 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

I love the Boise Boys!   I'm glad they're coming back.    At least their houses don't all look alike.     I love that the one bought the river house for his family, and the partner was working on accessibility for the one little boy.  

I agree about Flipping Virgins.     And I absolutely hate a lot of the staging.     If I had the money for one of the flip houses, I would walk in, look around, and then walk away, because they do so much cutesy shabby chic stuff, combined with ultra modern.   

I liked Boise Boys too, but, I think I do have one issue.  If I'm recalling correctly, the interior design guy has the obsession with ugly plants and he puts loads of them throughout the house for the showing. It's really odd.  They did this one sun room and he put about 20 more plants than was needed and made it look crowded and tacky.  He even once had the plant vine running up onto the curtain rod over the window!  Just hideous, but, I still like the show.  I have to adapt to the native American vibe the one guy seems stuck on.  I guess he feels that has to go into all their designs, though, I would think not all are fans of it. 

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The flipping shows all blend...I think there is a Desert Flippers show.  Actually, the possibilities are endless....Run Down Neighborhood Flippers...Drought Flippers...Locations With Cold Weather Flippers...Unsuccessful Flippers (I would actually watch that one)...Incompatible Couple Flippers...Are They Married or Related-by-Blood Flippers...Divorced Flippers (we already have one or two of those, I think)...Flippers You Love To Hate...  well, you get the drift.  Way way too many of these shows and apparently more to come.  But.  The renewal of Boise Boys gives me life.  I don't even mind the Masters of Flip getting a new, 1/2 hour show; I think it is called something like Music City Flip or some such.  It is on maybe at 11:00 at night because we cannot take time away from the 100 different Property Brothers marathons, Chip and Joanna Marathons, and almost any of the flip shows that I hate marathons.  Any time I see the divorced-couple-who-still-have-a-show...I turned the channel immediate.  Her awful voice; and the tired decor; but I hear she is getting a new show without him.  I cannot wait for that.  Sarcasm.  Tarek and Christina?

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I like before and after shows of all types (cars, homes, people, hair, etc.) but I do need the the hosts to get along. I never dipped into the Las Vegas (?) show with the couple who got divorced because their commercials showed them shouting. My childhood left me too averse to parental arguments for that!

Chip and Joanna are fine but I got tired of the sameness of her designs and stopped watching. The hosts on Home Town, Desert Flippers, Good Bones, and the Nashville show that changed its name are all fun to watch. I think the Nashville show has the most variety of design even though a lot of it isn't my style. Anything Scott McGillivray does is super duper to me and his staging team always turn it out.

I was able to catch up on the UK version of Love It or List It (Kirstie Allsopp and Phil Spencer), and it was a delight. Kirstie gives the homeowners her plan and helps with the design and shopping but isn't in charge of the work. The HOs do it themselves and then she and Phil come in at the end to view the changes and ask the question. So much better!

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Do others enjoy the demolition scenes? Every single show devotes one segment to it and the participants often mention how fun it is. 

It looks like dirty, dangerous, tiring work if you ask me. I would never enjoy doing it and don't think it's at all fun to watch. HULK SMASH! Break through that wallboard! Knock down those kitchen cabinets! Breathe in all the dust and rodent droppings because hardly any of these fools wear masks.

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I really liked Nashville Flipped  on DIY network - which did *not* feature that loathsome couple that's been featured on other flipping shows out of Nashville. Ugh. He wore hats and she was a drama queen and I just couldn't with them.

The flipper in Nashville Flipped is Troy Dean Shafer, who is really into restoring old homes consistent with their original period style, but not in the old slapdash/cheaped-out Nicole Curtis way. His interior designer on the show was IMO a bit screechy but I like what they did. I wouldn't touch a Nicole Curtis house with the proverbial ten foot pole unless maybe I were kitted out in safety gear from head to foot, but I'd move into one of Troy's homes in a heartbeat. (OK, to be fair, the most recent house Nicole took on, they seem to have paid attention to the structure and didn't cheap out on the finishes. Of course, at the end of the final episode she said they aren't selling, they're keeping it for family vacations on the lake and as a rental property.)

I agree, @Kemper - the flipping shows do blend, and I enjoyed that mashup you posted. For sheer camp, faux drama, and bad acting I liked that crew in Florida on Zombie House Flipping on FYI. And the main guy had a dog. 

I can't stand the inept amateur flippers or the insufferable couples. But I liked good old Troy Dean. I think the show's out of production, and I'm sorry. I really liked that one.

3 minutes ago, Jeeves said:

. I wouldn't touch a Nicole Curtis house with the proverbial ten foot pole unless maybe I were kitted out in safety gear from head to foot

Two things I'll always remember that Nicole did.
There was a bathroom, and she didn't change the tub, or plumbing, or something, "because, if you open it up, you don't know what you'll have to do."
The other was when the the floor was crappy, so she just refinished the subfloor.

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18 hours ago, 2727 said:

Do others enjoy the demolition scenes? Every single show devotes one segment to it and the participants often mention how fun it is. 

It looks like dirty, dangerous, tiring work if you ask me. I would never enjoy doing it and don't think it's at all fun to watch. HULK SMASH! Break through that wallboard! Knock down those kitchen cabinets! Breathe in all the dust and rodent droppings because hardly any of these fools wear masks.

Having the homeowner or renovator demolish the house/wall/cabinet is so overrated and overdone. How many times do the producers think viewers get enthralled with this?  I just roll my eyes and see what's on the other channel when this happens.  Man, it's annoying. It might have been amusing the first 10,000 times that I saw it. I mean, after all these years, with these type shows, nobody, says, OMG, that guy going to take a sledge hammer and hit that wall with it!  It's so lame.  lol 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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The Flipping Vegas people were doing home flipping seminars, at least for a while.     

One thing I hate about the flipping shows is that many on Flipping Vegas are in terrible neighborhoods, so you might be buying a cute, redone house, but you better have great locks, and an alarm systems.     Flipping Virgins seems to have a few, at least the decoys they look at, in some questionable areas too.    

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I really liked Nashville Flipped  on DIY network

I liked this show too!  Haven't seen it on in awhile though.

I've caught a few episodes of Desert Flippers.  He tries too hard to be funny like Chip Gaines and she's sweet as pie but kind of "blah".  They are totally inoffensive but don't bring a single new thing to the table.  Wouldn't seek out their show but wouldn't change the channel either if I was bored. 

One of the first flipping shows I can remember watching was "Flip This House" in (I believe) Charleston.  There was just something fun about it.  I believe they were a legit real estate group who happened to get a t.v. show and not a "show up for ten minutes" kind of fraud.  Then they left that group and focused on that God awful Armando and his wife.  Completely ruined it for me.  There was also that bunch of bro's, one of their names was Than.  They were o.k. but the original recipe was still my favorite.   

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I loved that Charleston show, too! I seem to remember that Richard(the head of the real estate company) married the young woman who helped with the houses.  She was kind of a spoiled drama queen but fun to watch.  Every week was like a Shakespeare Tragedy...things went wrong, drama; but there were laughs, too.   And it also didn't seem quite so staged; I am sure it probably was, but you got so caught up in the characters that you didn't really mind.  You know, maybe that is what is missing in all these flip shows that run together...there seems to be no humor and fun...no odd balls, characters, etc., that sucker you in.  Chip and Joanna are interesting and I think they are the real deal...but for some reason I just don't watch them all that much.  

You know, maybe that is why I like Boise Boys so much; yes, there is the requisite drama but I like the back-and-forth between them, and I just enjoy the show.  

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The Flip This House with Richard didn't have a great ending.       Richard apparently was already divorced from the first wife when the show started, and after the show went off he married Ginger the assistant, and they had a baby.    She was pregnant on the final episodes that they showed, and I think they were on another network or something, and had a different name, because of the law suits with the original production company.      By then the real estate downturn had happened, and the real estate/flipping business that had so many people before ended up with very few employees.      The second show was called the Real Deal, but later changed to The Real Estate Pros, and I think there was a name conflict with the first name.     The first show of the Real Deal was with Josh Hamilton, and moving the Shoeless Joe Jackson house, and restoring it.   

As of July 2018, Richard and Ginger Davis are still running Trademark Properties in Charleston, and bought an old mall to convert for other uses.    

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I only watched the first season of Flip This House. I liked that cast and wasn't interested in the concept, the cast members and what I read about both when things were changed to keep the show on the air. It was pretty apparent that there was more going on then a boss/assistant relationship when it came to Ginger and Richard. She was always doing stuff that seemed more personal then what an assistant does. The confirmation of that was when he let her purchase a car on his behalf. She always seemed to be cleaning his car out too or mentioning it during different episodes. I was kinda bummed when that team's TLC shows didn't work out. I liked the episode about moving the Shoeless Joe Jackson house and another episode. There are two seasons of the The Real Estate Pros listed on IMDB having aired in 2007 and 2009 but I don't remember more then a few episodes if that airing on TLC unless I missed a bunch of them.

I think Richard eventually won his lawsuit against A&E. There's an old website dedicated to it that provided updates about the lawsuit and other things including the TLC show. It got some outdated website jibberish stuff at the top of the site now and one has to keep scrolling to get to the actual content. The page I linked to mentions the final results of the lawsuit after it went to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals.

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My understanding is that Richard from the original Flip This House did win against the producers, and A&E.   From what I could find recently, Trademark Properties is doing very well, and rebounded from the 2008 market flop.  He's still married to Ginger, and they still work together.   

That's good news about the couple from Rustic Rehab.     From reports, Paradise is almost totally destroyed.   

Edited by CrazyInAlabama

I just found another show on Amazon (free with Prime) called Dream Home that genuinely makes me tear up every episode. It's from China and even watching with captions and no audio, the joy and tenderness come through.

What sets it apart are the centuries old houses/flats and the families that live in them. The designers tackle very tiny places that sometimes barely have windows, corridors you need to turn sideways to enter, and squat toilets. Since it's China, there are usually multiple generations living together.

The redesigns are beautiful and meticulous, with ship-building precision and thoughtful concerns for senior family members. For example, the bed for one frail grandmother has a bench at the foot that lifts up into different positions over the bed so grandma can use it to eat on. The bed was up against a window, so the bench was also purposefully made to be walked on in order to reach the window used to put clothes out on the line to dry. BUT the bench over the bed is a little tall, so there's a custom step stool that lives under the bedside table to be used to step up onto the bench and reach the window. So clever! It puts all the U.S. tiny home shows to shame.

There is no manipulation of the homeowners and it doesn't seem like they have to do anything other than be living in oppressive conditions who the show is excited to help.

Extremely heartwarming!

Edited by 2727
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Is anyone watching the new season of Bargain Mansions?  Tamara is great to watch....calm and knowledgable and very limited on the drama.  Her relationship with her Dad is cute too.  I was in Kansas City a few months ago and was only able to locate the address of one of the homes featured on the show but I did drive by.  It was beautiful and the surrounding neighborhood was filled with gorgeous old homes.  

I do have two criticisms on homes from the new season.   She whitewashed the exterior of the giant, red brick colonial.  I'm a fan of whitewashing in general but I didn't like how it looked!  I don't know if there was too much or too little white but I preferred the original brick.  Second, on the funny vintage cottage, I would've put the living room into the impressive kitchen space instead.  Tamara really seems to excel at pulling together stunning kitchens but this one was unfairly grand in comparison to the rest of the home.  The vaulted ceiling and beautiful picture window seemed better suited to a living room.  While in turn, the living room made out of the converted garage seemed too small and dark.  A cozy kitchen would have been better there.  OR, I'm surprised she didn't take down the wall in between the formal sitting/entry way space and make the fireplace a two-sided feature into the living room.  

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On 12/6/2018 at 9:13 AM, Kiki620 said:

Is anyone watching the new season of Bargain Mansions?  Tamara is great to watch....calm and knowledgable and very limited on the drama.  Her relationship with her Dad is cute too.  I was in Kansas City a few months ago and was only able to locate the address of one of the homes featured on the show but I did drive by.  It was beautiful and the surrounding neighborhood was filled with gorgeous old homes.  

I do have two criticisms on homes from the new season.   She whitewashed the exterior of the giant, red brick colonial.  I'm a fan of whitewashing in general but I didn't like how it looked!  I don't know if there was too much or too little white but I preferred the original brick.  Second, on the funny vintage cottage, I would've put the living room into the impressive kitchen space instead.  Tamara really seems to excel at pulling together stunning kitchens but this one was unfairly grand in comparison to the rest of the home.  The vaulted ceiling and beautiful picture window seemed better suited to a living room.  While in turn, the living room made out of the converted garage seemed too small and dark.  A cozy kitchen would have been better there.  OR, I'm surprised she didn't take down the wall in between the formal sitting/entry way space and make the fireplace a two-sided feature into the living room.  

I’m assuming it’s airing on DIY? If so, I don’t get that channel. I cut back on my Directv packaging choices to justify my Netflix account. But I did enjoy this show when I had DIY. Maybe HGTV will eventually rerun it.

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Are the Windy City Rehab episodes new?  I've watched her before but I don't think it was on HGTV.  Opinion has it that she goes into a beautiful vintage home, like a bull in a china shop, and destroys every bit of original character.  I remember one episode in particular where she claimed the house literally fell down while she was remodelling it so boo-hoo, she got to build a shiny new house right on the lot!  Fakity fake fake.    

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I saw an episode of Windy City Rehab.  Did not like her reno.  We've seen people paint over brick, and some people like it under certain circumstances, but she painted over brick and cinder block construction all white, plus took the A frame away, built it out, and painted that all white.  In the end, it looked like a tall, rectangular white elephant that people would call the ugliest house on the block.   If that is what she is doing to Wicker Park, wow, I feel bad for Wicker Park.

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6 hours ago, Kiki620 said:

Are the Windy City Rehab episodes new? 

Yes, this is supposed to be a brand new series.


6 minutes ago, izabella said:

Did not like her reno.  We've seen people paint over brick, and some people like it under certain circumstances, but she painted over brick and cinder block construction all white, plus took the A frame away, built it out, and painted that all white.  In the end, it looked like a tall, rectangular white elephant that people would call the ugliest house on the block.

I totally agree with you, the exterior of that house looked just as bad after her reno as the before. Most of the interior was pretty boring too, except for the really nice outdoor space; thank goodness she got rid of that ridiculous fireplace. However, the place did sell for over $1.3 million, so what do I know? At least there are no entitled, delusional homeowners/buyers to deal with, giving this show a leg up on much of HGTV's programming.

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The second I saw who was the show star I was cringing.     What she did to the house on the premier was hideous.    The painted brick looked awful, didn't fit into the neighborhood, and I'm sure the neighbors are less than thrilled with her work.  

I'm hoping that there will be future houses in neighborhoods with historic associations or other limitations on what she can do to the appearance.      Leaving the brick a natural color would have been so much better.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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On 1/4/2019 at 8:28 PM, izabella said:

I saw an episode of Windy City Rehab.  Did not like her reno.  We've seen people paint over brick, and some people like it under certain circumstances, but she painted over brick and cinder block construction all white, plus took the A frame away, built it out, and painted that all white.  In the end, it looked like a tall, rectangular white elephant that people would call the ugliest house on the block.   If that is what she is doing to Wicker Park, wow, I feel bad for Wicker Park.

I just watched the repeat of that episode and wow, the white paint on that brick house is beyond hideous. I find it hard to believe that someone paid over 1.3 million dollars for that monstrosity.

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