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S01.E09: Dex Education

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Dex goes undercover as a high school substitute teacher after an old classmate of hers enlists her help to find out who planted drugs on her daughter. Meanwhile, Dex and Liz’s relationship gets too close for comfort.

Airing Wednesday, December 11, 2019 (last episode of the year; returning January 8, 2020).


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Sue Lynn and her casino security camera to the rescue! I knew Liz was up to no good when she had that smirk while Grey was yelling at Dex. Like, did she not just consider talking to him about her concerns instead of trying to frame Dex? She’s right about Grey’s feelings for Dex but it’s still no excuse for trying to destroy their friendship. And of course Grey is just seconds too late to talk to Dex. *sigh* 

Laughed at the car chase scene set to Kids In America. Whoever chooses the songs for this show deserves kudos. That coach was ten levels of stupid. Did she think throwing the pills out of the window would make a difference? 

Ansel wants to move out. That explains why he wanted to know about applying for a credit card and why he wanted to learn to be a bartender. 

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Did Miles ever complete the background check on Liz? She seems even sketchier now. 


The coach was totally sketchy from the get. I wonder if that was an acting choice or directing. 


1 hour ago, janeta said:

...so marines don’t have to make up their bunks in basic?

I was so disappointed that we didn't get to see Dex bounce a quarter off of her bed.
Um. Did she put on clean sheets? Or did she just make the bed? I guess Sue Lynn should have specified to make her bed with clean sheets, because otherwise: Ew.


1 hour ago, janeta said:

enough with the love triangles already, just get back to the cases.

I'm pretty sure I heard the announcer for the after-the-break episodes say that we should buckle up for triangles, quadrangles, and maybe a few more relationship angles.

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I was glad that no matter how mad Grey was at Dex, he kept it aimed directly at her and none of it spilled over onto Ansel. He told her to find a new bar but he didn't even consider telling Ansel he couldn't work there anymore. I know that's a low bar to set, but some people can't handle even tangential relationships.

But what made me mad is that Grey put absolutely no blame on Liz. Yes, Dex can lack impulse control but Liz was there too. As far as I was concerned, she was equally to blame (before we found out that it was all a set up).

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4 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

But what made me mad is that Grey put absolutely no blame on Liz. Yes, Dex can lack impulse control but Liz was there too. As far as I was concerned, she was equally to blame (before we found out that it was all a set up).

Exactly. So yes, Dex is a mess, but Liz is a grown adult.

The entire Liz character has bugged me from the start (possibly unfairly because the actress playing her also played a character that annoyed me on another show.) I keep hoping this is all part of a larger storyline where Grey is onto her but playing along to get to something in his past. He just doesn't seem to be the type who falls for someone easily, especially if he's still carrying a torch for Dex. 

Never have I empathized with Dex as much as those moments in the classroom when she realized she was dealing with a bunch of whiny entitled snowflakes and couldn't use her usual toolset of skills. 

Sue Lynn's advice was spot on. Make your bed. It makes a difference!

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I may be at a table of one, but I liked this episode, and thought overall it was one of the better ones of the season so far.  I need to put aside the ridiculousness of Dex pretending to be not just a substitute teacher, but a pysch/counselor, all with the blessing of just one administrator.  But I liked the case of the week, I liked how that plot line intertwined a new client with an old nemesis, the reminder to Dex that her adult life is still filled with high school drama (and that she needs to grow up/make her bed), love the return of Sue Ann and that relationship building, and all the characters seemed to take a step forward. 

10 hours ago, janeta said:

...so marines don’t have to make up their bunks in basic?

I think that was the point of seeing her make it and remake it several times.  That she's so far off course she can't even make a bed correctly and needed a few attempts to do it right. 

I personally don't mind the love triangle, mainly because I think a relationship with one or the other would be incredibly boring.  So either keep the triangle, or dump them both (I choose me!). 

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I was real annoyed with Liz because I was really growing to like her and then she decided to pin the blame on Dex. It sucks, because Grey decided to take out his anger on Dex instead. I'm glad Grey and Liz finally broke up. It does suck that we're definitely heading toward an eventual Dex/Grey pairing, because I love their friendship, but that's just classic TV tropes, for ya!

I'm glad Miles went to Dex to tell her that he truly wasn't happy with her. I liked that he tried to be a bit more understanding but was still understandably upset, but he still didn't blame her.

As for Dex's case, it was fairly straight forward but not a bad one. It just reminds me with how infuriating TV teenagers can be, but especially teenagers with rich families and on drugs.

I wasn't overly surprised at Ansel wanting to move out. He's an adult, which means that he probably does want more independence. He seems capable of living on his own from what we've seen. 

 The music choices are still top.

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This was the best episode of the last few. I was about to give up on the show, the writing was really lacking (IMO).  I knew Liz was up to something,  I've been pretty drunk but I remember when I have sex.   I thought maybe Liz put something in Dex's drinks.

I want her to grow up a little, stop giving in to dumb impulses so much. I know that's part of the character, but I'd rather see her be more in control, and have more at stake with her clients than some of the silliness, maybe a little more danger, etc. 

I've had a major crush on Micheal Ealy since "Sleeper Cell", so Dex can stay with him. 

She's in her mid 30s, right? She doesn't realize to make a bed you walk to the other side and pull the contour sheet around the mattress, you don't flop down on the bed and try to straighten the sheets?  Also, might want to wash them first, just sayin....

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Grey's rant at Dex was pretty much one of those "when you point a finger at someone, there are 3 fingers pointing back at you" kind of moments, IMO, and he will (hopefully) admit that in the future. even though Grey's 3 fingers of blame pointing at himself do not include Dex's transgressions.

35 minutes ago, chaifan said:

  I need to put aside the ridiculousness of Dex pretending to be not just a substitute teacher, but a pysch/counselor,

Kudos to the writers for having one of the kids (I think the first alleged pill planter?) call out Dex on that with: "I've been in therapy since I was 3 [ and you are no therapist]"  or something along those lines.

OTOH, hasn't Dex been through enough PTSD therapy to fake being a therapist? Or has she only been diagnosed?

19 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

I've had a major crush on Micheal Ealy since "Sleeper Cell", so Dex can stay with him. 

Is it possible NOT to have a major crush on Michael Ealy? Heh.

I'm not sure how long I'll watch this show, but if/when Michael Ealy is written out, that might be the end for me --unless it gets more interesting.

I liked the frenemy relationship with the old high school nemesis. I thought for a minute that they were going to go up to the bedroom together. 

Is the reason Ansel wants to move out because he can hear Dex having sex? Or maybe he wants to have a relationship with someone? I'm pretty sure I've heard about Downs Syndrome folks have relationships, although I know they have shortened lifespans too. 😞

Edited by shapeshifter
typo in first f'in' line
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I might be in the minority here, but I kind of wanted Liz and Dex to really have had sex because of actual chemistry between them and work through that. If they're going to throw 368 love triangles at us, Grey/Dex/Liz with Dex in the middle would be more interesting than Dex and Grey making everyone miserable with their repressed high school miscommunications and codependency or a forced pissing contest between Hoffman and Grey. Hoffman's partner is obviously into him, so let's just fast forward to that and Dex/Grey and be done. WTF was up with the spring season trailer being like "and EVEN MORE AWKWARD love triangles!" Please no, it's ruining the show. With that said, how convenient to reduce Liz to a mustache-twirling villain to ship her off the show. Way too fast and too easy. And it feels like some sort of sexual harassment crime to intentionally get someone blackout drunk to trick them into thinking they've had sex with you.

I know Jake Johnson plays chill dudes, but his delivery during his big confrontation with Dex was underwhelming and in my opinion really lowered the stakes of the scene. He can seemingly only muster "mildly exasperated" when the script calls for negative emotion. 

Re: case of the week - as a millennial, it's interesting to watch Gen Z replace us in media as the target of generational ridicule. At least they went for bougie prep schools instead of the lazier targets like safe spaces and preferred pronouns. I thought Dex would either seduce the mom or the clearly gay softball coach because she's reached Don Draper levels of panty dropping. I half expect every scene of dialogue she has with anyone to end in sex. 

The "Ansel moves out" issue came out of nowhere, but good for him.

Really enjoyed the show more when Dex wasn't dialed up to 11 with catatonic emo brooding all. the. time.

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11 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

But what made me mad is that Grey put absolutely no blame on Liz.

I seem to remember Grey kicking Liz out, which also included firing her from that $20/hour bartending job, so I'd say Liz got some blame.

The Indian casino must be rolling in dough to have FULL COLOR hi-def security cameras. I've never seen any that were not blurry and black-and-white.

I thought for sure High School Nemesis would nag Dex when Dex sat her iced tea directly on the table when there was a saucer provided for it. Nemesis sat her glass on her saucer. That big honkin' sweaty glass is gonna leave one nasty ring.

When Dex was making her bed, I was hoping Milo Ventimiglia would show up to help her. That, and she should invest in some fitted sheets. Although she would still need Milo to help putting those on.

I must have drifted off since I had no idea what Ansel was looking at on the laptop. The way he acted I thought it must be porn. Maybe that's why he wants his own place, so he can invite Liz over? Talk about a love quadrangle!

I do like the Dex character because while she is not unattractive, she looks like a normal person, wearing high-top tennies and dressing like a regular person, Janis Joplin t and all. Except I can do without her pink lipstick. In fact, everyone except Grey appeared to be wearing lip stick this episode.

Yeay for Sue Lynn, the reappearing regular. And the Food Truck guy was back too! Only my favorite car was missing this time.

Edited by saber5055
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So Dex self destructing and hurting the people around her is nothing new. Who could possibly have guessed?! I don't know that Grey is necessarily right in his assessment, because Dex does seem like she's trying to be better, but I'm sure that he absolutely believed what he told her. He's clearly seen her do this before, only this time she actively hurt him as well.

And I don't fault him for just saying 'no more'. He can't be Dex's accommodating crutch, there to be understanding and deliver a witty quip when she needs it.

But then the show went and made it all about him having feelings for Dex. Because of course he does. Everyone does. Hell, Grey can't even be mad at her for a whole episode before finding out he unfairly maligned her.

I find Miles very boring, and about the only thing I can remember about him is, 'he likes jazz music', but he's clearly going to end up being the third wheel, and he should be able to do better than that. He's already pulling 'romantic obstruction' duty at the end of this episode. I get why he'd be interested in Dex, as the chaotic force of nature that she is, but it's going to end badly.

Ansel wanting to move out is obviously going to hurt Dex, but I wonder if it's down to him being more aware of the messy emotional stuff than he lets on, and wanting to get some distance from it.

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2 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

No it is not. Even that movie where he was a creepy stalker guy. 

If "The Following" did not crush your fangirling, then the dude is invincible.....

Ansel cannot drive...unless he moves in with Grey, commuting will be an issue...

Yes. Dex & emotionally vulnerable Perfect Penny should have hooked up....

They should have picked another sport besides Volleyball, all these girls looked way too short for Division 1 scholarship material. Maybe the Rowing team......

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The thing that bothered me about the Liz reveal was that it seemed completely out of character for what we had seen of her up to this episode (either that, or there were clues along the way that I was too dense to catch). 

Hoping Grey gives Ansel the now open bartending job.

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6 hours ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

I might be in the minority here, but I kind of wanted Liz and Dex to really have had sex because of actual chemistry between them and work through that. If they're going to throw 368 love triangles at us, Grey/Dex/Liz with Dex in the middle would be more interesting than Dex and Grey making everyone miserable with their repressed high school miscommunications and codependency or a forced pissing contest between Hoffman and Grey.

Nah, I'm right there with you. I'm so over the standard love triangle.

I actually don't get the sense that Dex is into Grey like that, though. She's always denied it when asked, and it didn't seem like she was lying. I guess we'll see. I feel like it's far too early in the series run to get to any sort of "endgame" pairing.

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Thought it was pretty rich of Sue Lyn to judge Dex after giving her gambling chips and pretty much taunting her about going to the casino. Pick a lane. It's like giving an alcoholic a bottle of whiskey, telling them to drink it, and then judging them when do.

Yeah ending was lame but I enjoyed the ep overall.

Liz- that is kind of 0 to 10 crazy out of the blue.

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I feel like if you don't remember, it didn't happen. Lol Plus, people can drink a lot and still have their memory. Imo. blackouts aren't that common. I felt the guilty looks were too contrived.

If both of them were drinking, why not have cab take each to their own home?

I take issue with how they put listening device on students car, took her phone call to coach and used against her and coach. Did they have a search warrant? If not, seems inadmissible. Can't bug people's phone calls without warrant.

I laughed about the bed making. I recall someone who once told me that HE had to teach me how to make a bed! Lol Yeah...that's over.

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Liz really is sketchy, what exactly was her endgame here? To get Dex drunk, make it seem like they slept together, tell Grey, and get rid of her? What a devious horrible person! Her leaving was clearly what was best for everyone. 

Pretty good episode, I liked the main plot and you can always mine a bunch of plots out of necrotic super competitive rich prep school kids, and even though I guessed it was the coach pretty quickly, I liked seeing the whole case unfold. Kids in America was a great song to play! 

Nice to see Sue Lynn again, giving Dex some advice and some camera help, and the food truck guy comes back too! I am enjoying the reoccurring cast a lot, they use them all really well. 

I just dont see a lot of non platonic chemistry between Grey and Dex, even if everyone else apparently does. Grey was really harsh with Dex, more than what was necessary considering they probably didnt even have sex, but I do get why he was more upset with Dex than Liz. He likes Liz a lot, but Dex is his best friend, and was way more hurt by her apparent betrayal than someone he hasn't really known very long. I dont think its a matter of Grey holding a torch for her, I just think he expected more from her and I think a lot of people kind of suspect a bit more from friends.

Not sure why Ansel wants to move now, but if he can find a place and a way to get to and from work, I dont blame him for wanting to have more independence. Maybe he doesent want to be any more in the middle of Dex and Grey drama?

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51 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

but I do get why he was more upset with Dex than Liz. He likes Liz a lot, but Dex is his best friend, and was way more hurt by her apparent betrayal than someone he hasn't really known very long.

Yes, and I think he assumed it was Dex getting Liz drunk and not the other way around. 

Okay, here's my theory: Liz got out of a stealing sentence by promising to spy on Grey and help the cops do a sting. Different cops, of course. 

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I assumed they did have a search warrant. Miles seems fairly by the book, plus his boss signed off on the operation. And they had a lot of evidence to suggest what was happening.

My guess is that Ansel is thinking he'll become a bartender and work somewhere other than Grey's place, and he can live nearby or take public transit.

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17 hours ago, saber5055 said:

I seem to remember Grey kicking Liz out, which also included firing her from that $20/hour bartending job, so I'd say Liz got some blame.

Not until after Dex went to the casino to look for footage of them getting drunk. Until that point, Grey placed absolutely no blame on Liz at all. He seemed to think that Liz and Dex sleeping together was solely Dex's fault.

The only reason that Grey later kicked Liz out is because Dex provided him with evidence that Liz had lied to him. Apparently he was totally fine with his girlfriend sleeping with another woman but lying to him was too much.

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I think I'm out. I like cast (LOVE Camryn Manheim), like the premise but I'm so bored I keep wanting to fast forward to the end just to see how it turns out, then I'm disappointed.

I don't mind Dex being a hot mess but the will they/won't they with Grey, Miles, now Liz just bored me to tears. 

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20 hours ago, possibilities said:

Ansel is thinking he'll become a bartender and work somewhere other than Grey's place, and he can live nearby or take public transit.

We have seen that Bad Alibi is generally not busy; hence, is Ansel really capable of working anywhere else? Not many bosses will treat him like a little brother.


15 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Apparently he was totally fine with his girlfriend sleeping with another woman but lying to him was too much.

Everyone has different hot buttons. On Game Of Thrones, Tormund accepted several insults about his bravery from the Bone Mask Wildling...but when the insults veered towards sexual orientation, Tormund promptly killed him....

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Yeah, if you haven't had to be responsible for all the bills of an apt before, you don't realize how it really adds up.  Not just rent, but, utilities, groceries, furniture, cable and internet, if you enjoy that kind of thing. Car, insurance, etc. are even more, unless you take public transportation.  It's not that easy if working a minimum wage job. 

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On 12/12/2019 at 6:01 PM, Bulldog said:

The thing that bothered me about the Liz reveal was that it seemed completely out of character for what we had seen of her up to this episode (either that, or there were clues along the way that I was too dense to catch). 

What I found weird was that no one bothered to ask Liz if she was interested in women. Even Dex at the beginning when they were trying to figure out if they had sex, asking her if she ever had sex with a woman before might give some indication of the likelihood of it happening.

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11 hours ago, paigow said:

We have seen that Bad Alibi is generally not busy; hence, is Ansel really capable of working anywhere else? Not many bosses will treat him like a little brother.

I'm not making a judgment about whether it's realistic. I just think that's what he's thinking.

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Ugh. I generally like this show when Dex is using her cleverness to uncover or get out of a situation, but I thought this episode was terribly sexist.

I thought this episode was all about slut shaming Dex for something she wasn't even sure happened. Colby Smulders's facial expressions when Grey was confronting Dex about emotional trauma was really good.

Can we please have smarter writing than pitting two women against each other over a man? Thanks in advance!

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4 minutes ago, Catfi9ht said:

Ugh. I generally like this show when Dex is using her cleverness to uncover or get out of a situation, but I thought this episode was terribly sexist.

I thought this episode was all about slut shaming Dex for something she wasn't even sure happened. Colby Smulders's facial expressions when Grey was confronting Dex about emotional trauma was really good.

Can we please have smarter writing than pitting two women against each other over a man? Thanks in advance!

I want to argue against this, but I honestly can't. I don't get all worked up about "cheating" the way most folks do, but, yeah, in this episode it was Grey being all worked up about cheating that was running the plot, and possibly even motive for Ansel wanting to move out.  

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On 12/13/2019 at 12:07 AM, shapeshifter said:

Okay, here's my theory: Liz got out of a stealing sentence by promising to spy on Grey and help the cops do a sting. Different cops, of course. 

Which, also, help explain why she needed to get rid of the P.I. who was always around. But I think her dad was in prison with Grey or somehow related to someone from his criminal life who either thinks he's still sitting on money from a heist or whom he feels did him wrong.

Edited by Elbow
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11 hours ago, Catfi9ht said:

I thought this episode was all about slut shaming Dex for something she wasn't even sure happened. Colby Smulders's facial expressions when Grey was confronting Dex about emotional trauma was really good.

I don't think that's the right term for it. For starters, if Dex had slept with Liz, she was cheating on the guy she was dating by sleeping with her best friend's girl. The betrayal was the key factor, not the sex itself.

And second, Grey wasn't as bothered about the sex as he was about the fact he felt Dex was abusing his friendship to have the chaotic blowup he believed she was having. I think we've seen enough of Dex and Grey's friendship by now to know that he absolutely doesn't judge her over the way she conducts her personal life.

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13 hours ago, Catfi9ht said:

Ugh. I generally like this show when Dex is using her cleverness to uncover or get out of a situation, but I thought this episode was terribly sexist.

I thought this episode was all about slut shaming Dex for something she wasn't even sure happened. Colby Smulders's facial expressions when Grey was confronting Dex about emotional trauma was really good.

Can we please have smarter writing than pitting two women against each other over a man? Thanks in advance!

I didn't see this a "slut shaming" at all.  As the post above stated, Grey was upset that Dex slept with his girlfriend.  That's very different than just being upset because someone slept around.  I think this show has steered clear of any type of "slut shaming" with Dex.  She gets judged for a lot of (mostly objectively bad) choices, sometimes it's who she had sex with, but not the having sex in and of itself.

Also, I think the show set it up pretty well - Grey initially sides with Liz, finds out Liz lied and set up Dex, throws Liz out. 

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13 minutes ago, chaifan said:

I didn't see this a "slut shaming" at all.  As the post above stated, Grey was upset that Dex slept with his girlfriend.  That's very different than just being upset because someone slept around.  I think this show has steered clear of any type of "slut shaming" with Dex.  She gets judged for a lot of (mostly objectively bad) choices, sometimes it's who she had sex with, but not the having sex in and of itself.

Also, I think the show set it up pretty well - Grey initially sides with Liz, finds out Liz lied and set up Dex, throws Liz out. 

I disagree. Dex said she didn't know if she slept with Liz and Liz said she did.

Grey believed a woman he barely knows who has been encroaching into his life very quickly over someone who he says is his best friend. When he confronted Dex about it, his rationale for not siding with her is because she sleeps around so she doesn't get emotionally connected to anyone.

To me, that's slut shaming because he automatically assumed Dex slept with Liz and then chastised Dex for her sexual history.

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The show is very confusing to me. I'm not actually sure what it's even doing with Dex, Grey and Miles (and Liz, and Miles's partner, and Tragically Dead Ex Benny, and his widow, and whoever). So Dex is a huge work-in-progress kinda girl, where she does one step forward and two steps back from time to time. She cares for Grey a lot, she's afraid to lose him as he is her family. She likes Miles because he's sexy, professional and also generally a nice guy. Miles so far has very superficial relationship with Dex based on their attraction to each other and him being generally neurotic and obsessive over herl. Grey is only one, out of four parts of the complicated love construction, that projects an image of a person who has their shit together. He also understands Dex perfectly, and has being a part of her found family unit for the last six years.

The thing is. There's no actually a proper love triangle, is there? I mean, Liz seems the one who was into the idea Grey is super in love with Dex, and has been claiming there's something there between them since her first or second appearance, and there's no place for anyone else in Grey's heart. But Liz is not exactly a sane kind of person, since she was actively trying to single-white-woman Dex out of Grey's life, is she? Sure, if you're paranoid it doesn't mean you couldn't be followed. But do Dex's or Grey's romantic feelings for one another actually exist? I don't know. It's hard to say with Grey, as he's a super chill dude in general, and with Dex it's even worse because she hates herself and is so very scared. I do think that Grey is the longest committed relationship Dex ever had out of all her actual love interests, including Saint Dead Ex Benny. But what's the show's stance on it? Does the show want me to fall for Miles/Dex connection or maybe I should wait for some lady that will come along for Dex to be her perfect choice?

I know one thing. I want Miles and Grey to get together because it'd be hot. And unexpected!

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5 hours ago, Catfi9ht said:

I disagree. Dex said she didn't know if she slept with Liz and Liz said she did.

Grey believed a woman he barely knows who has been encroaching into his life very quickly over someone who he says is his best friend. When he confronted Dex about it, his rationale for not siding with her is because she sleeps around so she doesn't get emotionally connected to anyone.

To me, that's slut shaming because he automatically assumed Dex slept with Liz and then chastised Dex for her sexual history.

He didn't chastise her for her sexual history, he chastised her for her apparent tendency to self-destruct and cause chaos. In this particular instance, he believed she'd done it by having sex with his girlfriend, but I don't think he said anything about her sleeping around. 

He asked Grey and Liz how their night had gone, and they both lied to him. So at that point, I don't think it's out of line for him to believe the worst, and to be suspicious of any further dissembling, like Dex saying she couldn't remember what happened.

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1 hour ago, Danny Franks said:

He didn't chastise her for her sexual history, he chastised her for her apparent tendency to self-destruct and cause chaos. In this particular instance, he believed she'd done it by having sex with his girlfriend, but I don't think he said anything about her sleeping around. 

He asked Grey and Liz how their night had gone, and they both lied to him. So at that point, I don't think it's out of line for him to believe the worst, and to be suspicious of any further dissembling, like Dex saying she couldn't remember what happened.

Dex didn't lie to him. She said she didn't know if she slept with Liz which is one of the reasons why I take issue with the episode and how Grey reacted.

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7 hours ago, CooperTV said:

Tragically Dead Ex Benny

Great band name 


12 hours ago, Elbow said:
On 12/12/2019 at 11:07 PM, shapeshifter said:

Okay, here's my theory: Liz got out of a stealing sentence by promising to spy on Grey and help the cops do a sting. Different cops, of course. 

Which, also, help explain why she needed to get rid of the P.I. who was always around. But I think her dad was in prison with Grey or somehow related to someone from his criminal life who either thinks he's still sitting on money from a heist or whom he feels did him wrong

I do like the idea of Liz having a dad in prison who thinks Grey has a stash of 💰 💵 cash, but if Liz has a boyfriend in prison I will be annoyed because that would be a tired old story and add yet another spoke to the love triangle/wheel.   

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On 12/14/2019 at 10:32 PM, possibilities said:

The lie Dex told was that they had a nice time, no big deal, and she went to be early and shut off her phone-- I don't remember the details precisely, but she specifically lied about what she did know happened.

That was Liz who said that, not Dex. Liz lied from the beginning. Dex didn't. She said it was a blur and was vague about it. 

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I have about enough of the love quadrangle story. I want fun action, not soap opera. Having written that, let me see the elements of the love quadrangle. Grey slept with Dex, Dex slept with Liz (with or without sex), Liz slept with Grey, Hoffman slept with Dex. So all we need now is for Grey to sleep with Hoffman to close the loop. I dare TPTB to go there. Oh, and Liz to sleep with Hoffman too.

If the love quadrangle is still on next year, I am out.

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On 12/13/2019 at 3:19 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

Yeah, if you haven't had to be responsible for all the bills of an apt before, you don't realize how it really adds up.  Not just rent, but, utilities, groceries, furniture, cable and internet, if you enjoy that kind of thing. Car, insurance, etc. are even more, unless you take public transportation.  It's not that easy if working a minimum wage job. 

Ansel is probably also receiving SSDI in addition to whatever Grey pays him and would be eligible for a free bus pass. Portland has a great public transportation system so he could work without a car.

The clients I worked with at the group home received both an income from their job and SSDI and the SSDI paid for their actual room/board and the pay they received from their jobs paid for activities and things they wanted that were outside the standard (like a newer TV or one guy who wanted and saved for a fancy glass dining room table). In reality the group home model would be ideal for Ansel. We had some clients who just had a staff member come in for a couple hours in the evening but otherwise they were on their own. He needs additional support. I don't think he would be able to go from Dex & Grey looking out for him to living all by himself successfully. 

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9 hours ago, joanne3482 said:

Ansel is probably also receiving SSDI in addition to whatever Grey pays him and would be eligible for a free bus pass. Portland has a great public transportation system so he could work without a car.

The clients I worked with at the group home received both an income from their job and SSDI and the SSDI paid for their actual room/board and the pay they received from their jobs paid for activities and things they wanted that were outside the standard (like a newer TV or one guy who wanted and saved for a fancy glass dining room table). In reality the group home model would be ideal for Ansel. We had some clients who just had a staff member come in for a couple hours in the evening but otherwise they were on their own. He needs additional support. I don't think he would be able to go from Dex & Grey looking out for him to living all by himself successfully. 

A developmentally disabled young man I knew 20 years ago took this path to independence. He loved washing dishes. But I wonder if the show is going this route because they don't want to write Ansel into all of the episodes that have scenes in the Bad Alibi.

BTW, almost every time the camera zooms in on the bar's sign "Bad Alibi" it's always a kind of double entendre joke with what just happened.

12 hours ago, paigow said:
16 hours ago, TV Anonymous said:

If the love quadrangle is still on next year, I am out.

All in with a pair of pentagons....

Does the comic book source material have a lot of this stuff?

Edited by shapeshifter
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