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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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5 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Not exactly. While it’s true that Filomena raised Robin for the first six years, once her parentage was revealed, Anna raised her until her “death” some seven years later.

So yeah, Anna did raise her child.

Sorry, I wasn't clear.  I meant at that preschool age. 

Also, she got the good years with Robin, lol.  After the age of reason, before the age of hormone riddled crazy.  

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The Davis girls don’t even seem like a family anymore. It all started when Sam originally got arrested and they never showed Alexis (or her sisters) knowing or caring anything about it. Then they start Alexis with the Kendra storyline and Kristina is nowhere to be found. We got Molly for 2 days which was nice but then poof the Davis girls weren’t there. It’s like they can’t be taping the same days because of contact issues. It’s soooo disjointed. The Davis girls were a great family with actresses looked they could be related. I miss them. Thanks a lot, FV.

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Wow, that Italian supplement is really working for Kendra if she is able to pick Alexis up and carry her to the car. 

So, just like that Julian is willing to kill Brad? Are they going back to we are supposed to hate him again? I find his tampering with the car preposterous. Just cuz Wiley left with Micheal, he can't know for sure that it will be Brad alone that drives it next. And even if it is, does he not care about innocent victims in other cars? I'm not buying it. I guess I will just throw him onto the pile of stupid this show is creating with Nik, Laura and Jax. Ugh.  

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I don’t get the direction that they are taking Julian either. Blackmailing Brad and trying to split up Brad and Lucas made no sense and sabotaging Brad’s car is even more insane. They don’t seem to have a handle on what to do with his character. Mob-free Julian was boring but I think they are writing him this way to have characters like Sonny judge him afterwards by saying that Julian never changed even though his behavior right now is out of character.

They claimed before that he only changed because of Kim, which i didn’t agree with but that could provide an explanation for how he is acting now. It’s just crazy to me that he is willing to permanently ruin his relationship with Lucas for this when he could have just told him the truth about Wiley when he found out that he was Jonah. If he had just come clean at that point, their relationship might have had a chance of surviving. He obviously knows that the secret is going to come out eventually anyway because it’s only a matter of time before Brad snaps and Julian is actually pushing them further in that direction with his actions.

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So, Julian is now going to attempt to kill Brad?! How does Julian know only Brad will be in the car & when? It seems like a dumb plan. While I didn’t like the Julian & Kim pairing I did like non mob Julian. Also, William DeVry latest contract must exclude shirtless scenes. I can’t recall the last time he hasn’t had his shirt off. Very rude.   

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13 hours ago, ffwbe said:

They claimed before that he only changed because of Kim, which i didn’t agree with

Me neither. He was trying to change for Leo's sake, I believe, as well as be an example to Wiley. He also wanted a relationship with Lucas, which he wasn't going to have unless he was out of the game. Also, he bought the gastropub before Kim and Oscar came to town. Kim might have been part of the equation, but she wasn't the sole reason he tried to turn his life around.

And again, Julian has as much to lose as Brad does, so Julian's plotting is extremely stupid. TFGH.

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On 11/29/2019 at 5:43 PM, statsgirl said:

Tell me why this show needs another child.

I’ve got nothing. What I fear is that this will extend the shelf life of an already expired Wiley storyline by another 6+ months. 

Apropos of nothing, we’ve just discovered that when TJ says “Alexis” our Alexa goes crazy. Doesn’t do that for anyone else. 

Edited by mbluecpa
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5 hours ago, ByaNose said:

How does Julian know only Brad will be in the car & when?

That was why Jules talked to Liz (conned her) into giving her Brad and Luca's schedules at the hospital.  He made sure Lucas would be working.  Except Lucas changed his mind and went home.

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On 11/28/2019 at 9:13 AM, Asp Burger said:

Rebecca Budig did rock that goodbye scene with Violet. I will miss Hayden. I don't know if RB has anything else going on career-wise that would hurt the chances, but I won't be surprised if the character is back again soon. I can't say I feel they used all of her time wisely in this temp return, but she was getting better material toward the end (minus the time-wasting day of her looking at Kim's apartment). I especially liked her and Rebecca Herbst as sisters, as I had the first time around.   

I'm finally caught up. I don't care, I really am going to miss her. She got me so excited about the show again. And while I knew that it was most likely a temporary stay, I was really hoping they would have changed their minds in the interim. It's not like they tape a year ahead or whatever Days does. It's only about 3-4 weeks, so there was plenty of time for them to get positive feedback (which there was a lot of on social media and other means) and get something in place. Especially since Hayden had so much story to mine with Dr. Mayo, Violet, her sisterhood with Liz, and that whole Jax/Nik/Valentin thing with the Cassadine Codicil. They definitely didn't use her time wisely, which irks the hell out of me.

Anyway, I really enjoyed her last two days. She and this Nik already seemed like they had a past history, and I was really a fan of her and Tyler so that's saying a lot. I think that could have been really interesting had they chosen to play it. I liked the contrast of her acting with him versus her scenes with Violet. Such a freaking shame to lose her when we're still stuck with Franco, Nina, Peter, Valentin, Sasha, Kendra, etc. And even Sam who can't be bothered to show up, literally or figuratively.

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Buddig might have other stuff going on that precludes her staying. And I doubt we've seen the last of Hayden. As for being badly used, every character is. I don't think I've ever watched a show that completely botches things the way GH does. It's kind of impressive in its way.

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She said that she wanted to stay and that it wasn't her choice, but whatever. They definitely do a terrible job with returning characters - the obvious miss being the Jason/Sam/Drew triangle.

I'm not investing in her returning because I don't want to get my hopes up just to be crushed again. I'd rather just be pleasantly surprised. This show doesn't make any logical sense to me. Plus I can never have nice things.

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1 hour ago, tvgoddess said:

She said that she wanted to stay and that it wasn't her choice, but whatever. They definitely do a terrible job with returning characters - the obvious miss being the Jason/Sam/Drew triangle.

I'm not sure it's a miss if the writers don't wanna do it.

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When Liz was talking to Lucas for the first time in a long while (for a doctor and a nurse - two solid actors - and we get oceans full of Corinthos scenes and merely a drip of what this soap should be about), she described that Brook Lynn as not nice - like Tracy.  I was wondering what Tracy ever did to Liz?  IIRC, Tracy didn't mind Liz and AJ hooking up.

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Hated the Q Thanksgiving scenes. The only moment that worked and didn't come off as totally manufactured drama was Brook and Lulu screaming at each other "she's not my family!" Brook hating on Lulu like they were high school enemies just last week is such a bad look for the character.

What writer decided that Sonny, Carly and Joss should be the ones to explain to Sasha why the Qs have pizza for Thanksgiving?! The only bright spot for me is knowing that Carly will feel like crap that Lucas and Brad were in an accident because she insisted they had to come to Thanksgiving dinner because Sonny is sad that Mike had to be returned to his residential facility. Of course Michael skips the Qs and everyone rallies together for poor poor Sonny. UGH.

Robert, when both Anna and your daughter have to tell you to stand down re: Finn, you should realize you have issues to work out. The Finn and Violet scenes continue to be adorable and are the only good thing about this episode ... unless you count the dramatic "Wiley is Michael and Nelle's!" right before the crash. I assume they hit Kendra a split second before she was able to run over Alexis.  

Edited by Bringonthedrama
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We're still a day behind, right? 

12 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

the dramatic "Wiley is Michael and Nelle's!" right before the crash. I assume they hit Kendra a split second before she was able to run over Alexis.  

I legit can't wait to see this. Cheesy soap at its finest. I have to say, I think the show is doing a lot better with this sort of thing. We've had some decent, soapy cliffhangers even during the week. The HW seems to at least understand that aspect.

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Aw, don't you feel all warm and cozy watching Sonny and Carly describing the Quartermaines' "bizarre" Thanksgiving traditions? Warm and cozy because this is hell, right here, having A.J.'s murderer and co-conspirator of the destruction of his life titter about the Quartermaine family like they're old pals. Seriously, GH? This is one of those times we could have just NOT seen or heard from the Corinthos family (radical thought, I know).

The Quartermaine scenes felt particularly half-assed to me, sadly. I was worried about Franco's inclusion and he turned out to be a total nonentity. Monica's quick-thinking shenanigans were all well and good, but I was annoyed by Lulu and Brook Lynn's instant cat fight (how old are you ladies again?). Even the song felt perfunctory and rushed.

I swear to god, if this car accident leaves Lucas concussed or otherwise unable to remember that Brad fucking FINALLY dropped the truth about Wiley, I'm gonna...well, I'm just going to continue to complain about it here ad nauseam. Seriously, they've set up a genuinely dramatic moment here, with both the baby reveal and the fate of Lucas and Brad's relationship, and if they just wind up resetting everything I'm going to be so disappointed.

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21 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Hated the Q Thanksgiving scenes. The only moment that worked and didn't come off as totally manufactured drama was Brook and Lulu screaming at each other "she's not my family!" Brook hating on Lulu like they were high school enemies just last week is such a bad look for the character.

I hated it too. Also, how sad is it that the only Qs present in that living room with Monica were only Ned and BL. That living room felt very empty compared to past years. It felt like an afterthought, more than anything.

I'm assuming Lucas will not remember anything that Brad told him about Wiley.

It's nice to see Julian and Neil working together to piece who Kendra was without any pissing contest. It's so refreshing!

And Kendra is sure good at getting prohibited substances. Rat poison, paralyzing drugs. I hope she's dead so that I never have to see the bad acting or hear the story of poor poor abusive Keifer.

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15 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

That living room felt very empty compared to past years. It felt like an afterthought, more than anything.

I'm assuming Lucas will not remember anything that Brad told him about Wiley.

A) Totally agree.  Given the many, many, many references to Danny and Scout being "at the Quartermaines" I had hoped for a little sweet scene between Grandma Monica and Scout. So I rolled my eyes hard at the reference to Scout being "so excited" that Jason was taking the kids to see the Rockettes. I don't believe for a second Jason has ever even heard of the Rockettes. For him, doing something special would be their Aunt Molly hosts the holiday and she and TJ teach them all about the origins of Thanksgiving while he sits silently in the background, blinking.

B) It would be most dramatic if Lucas remembers Brad's confession on Christmas Eve while they are participating in a grand Corinthos Family Christmas.

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25 minutes ago, tvgoddess said:

I think we're still two days behind. Although that definitely felt like a Friday episode.

I think we're a day behind, since TPTB knew that GH would be pre-empted for football on Friday. So we saw the "real" Thanksgiving day episode today (which probably would have aired Wednesday with a rerun on Thursday, before preemptions).

I was a little ticked that once again Lucas mentioned his parents breaking up with no mention of Carly being right in the middle of it. 

I did enjoy the Q scenes once the yelling started and Monica was calmly pouring a drink. 

Edited by rur
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31 minutes ago, Linny said:

Aw, don't you feel all warm and cozy watching Sonny and Carly describing the Quartermaines' "bizarre" Thanksgiving traditions? Warm and cozy because this is hell, right here, having A.J.'s murderer and co-conspirator of the destruction of his life titter about the Quartermaine family like they're old pals. Seriously, GH?

Dear Writers,

Despite what you seem to think, Sonny and Carly and all things Corinthii don't need to be involved in every storyline.  



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As a Brad fan, I actually hope this crash kills him b/c I certainly have no interest in hearing any more of Lucas's yelling and whining (I'm sorry but that's how I feel) about this situation. If Brad is dead, there's no more yelling or screaming. He's just dead, and it's done. I know Lucas has every right to be upset. I get it, but . . . . . maybe it's the repetitive dialogue or the fact this story has a foregone conclusion or the fact that I've been over this story for months now . . . . I don't know. Today's scenes annoyed me. Lucas was annoying me. All his anger and yelling was just getting on my nerves. 

Did anyone else find the set up to the accident strange? Why would Kendra choose a road w/a side road where her car could be hit? She should have been on a one way road/street or a deserted road. She's trying to run someone over. Why do it on a road where you would likely be caught or interrupted?!?

I was happy Lulu stood up for herself w/Brook Lynn until she apologized.  Ugh. They always have this character apologizing, and it's ridiculous. She said nothing wrong about Dante. Essentially, he did abandon her. He chose to leave her. He chose to not be honest about his issues. He chose to divorce her. He chose to not accept her help. He left her. Lulu has every right to move on w/her life. She's spent more than enough time mourning Dante and waiting around for him. Brook Lyn can shut up and mind her own business. 

Someone on another board mentioned starting to like "Drew," and I agree. Ever since the trial concluded, the writing for "Drew" has greatly improved. This less selfish guy is more likeable than the one that seemed to only think about Kim. I had no issue with him being at the Qs. He seemed to just be taking it all in. 

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1 hour ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I assume they hit Kendra a split second before she was able to run over Alexis.  

Which would make Julian a hero for tampering with the brakes which caused Lucas to crash with Kendra and prevent Alexis from being flattened.

oh my god wow GIF

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18 minutes ago, lala2 said:

Why would Kendra choose a road w/a side road where her car could be hit? She should have been on a one way road/street or a deserted road. She's trying to run someone over. Why do it on a road where you would likely be caught or interrupted?!?

Plot Point.

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So.. will it be Lucas not remembering the Wiley-is-Jonah bombshell?

Or...Lucas in a coma and waking up to reveal the Wiley-is-Jonah bombshell?

One thing I hope these writers do, is put Carly on Team- Lucas-keeps-the-baby. She won't want Michael forever tied to Nell, and it would make for great, soapy material for CD ( if he is up to it) and LW. 

Bobbie really should be front and center here, ( her son vs her grandson) but I don't think JZ and her Botox frozen face could handle it.

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19 minutes ago, sacrebleu said:

Bobbie really should be front and center here, ( her son vs her grandson) but I don't think JZ and her Botox frozen face could handle it.

Her performance in the "Wiley abducted by Shiloh" episodes is representative of what she's capable of when given anything beyond the talk-to scenes she usually gets, or cattiness to the likes of Julian and Nelle. She can whine loudly and pant heavily, but she can't suggest emotion we actually see, other than by widened eyes...and that doesn't even count, because they're always wide.

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2 hours ago, Linny said:

Aw, don't you feel all warm and cozy watching Sonny and Carly describing the Quartermaines' "bizarre" Thanksgiving traditions? Warm and cozy because this is hell, right here, having A.J.'s murderer and co-conspirator of the destruction of his life titter about the Quartermaine family like they're old pals. Seriously, GH? This is one of those times we could have just NOT seen or heard from the Corinthos family (radical thought, I know).

If anyone is going to explain it to Sasha, it should be a Quartermaine.

MB's smugness as he explained that here there is always turkey and football made me want to jump into the screen and smack him silly.

And the "poor Sonny" stuff was ridiculous.

1 hour ago, ffwbe said:

It’s a little strange that Julian didn’t know who Keifer was and Neil had to explain it

Neil was her therapist so she might have told him whereas she might not have told her boyfriend/husband, wanting to forget it.

Or Julian doesn't care.

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The Alexis/Kendra thing is so stupid, plus all I could focus on during their scenes was Kendra's nose.   Maybe it was the lighting, but it looked like she had a runny nose which was not very appealing...yuk

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So annoyed by Brook Lynn today. I was totally on Lulu's side. She doesn't know anything about the situation and has no right to judge. Even her precious "Uncle Sonny" told Lulu she had a right to move on if she wanted/needed to, and that was before Dante filed for divorce. Someone oughta tell her how the upstanding Dante cheated on Lulu with her cousin. Although she'd probably just laugh about it and what not. 

I just wanted to get to the end today. There was a lot of boring stuff I didn't care for.  I wish Alexis could have spoken and told Kendra that her brother was a piece of garbage that absolutely deserved to die. Damn Kristina almost got more people killed! Lol and probably did actually. 

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3 hours ago, lala2 said:

Why would Kendra choose a road w/a side road where her car could be hit?

That's where Alexis ran over Kiefer, I think.

1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

And the "poor Sonny" stuff was ridiculous.

It's always about Sonny and his pain. This time it's a bit more justified, but he still is indulged way too much.

I love Amanda Setton, but Brook Lynn is no Tracy, no matter how hard the writers try to tell me otherwise. (I know why we're getting these anvils, but still.) Also, Tracy and Monica had underlying love and respect for each other, and Monica seems to have nothing but utter contempt for BL. And I HATE that BL is immediately combative with everyone she sees.

LOL at Peter's expression when André said the procedure might make Drew's memories come back more strongly than ever.

4 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Robert, when both Anna and your daughter have to tell you to stand down re: Finn, you should realize you have issues to work out.

I think it means Robert needs to STFU and butt out. It's none of his business.

I would have loved it if Carly had called Epiphany, too.

Didn't everyone know Alexis ran over Kiefer? 

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I don't understand the argument that Lucas just had to join Carly for dinner because they had a place set for Mike but Mike was returned to the home and they don't want an empty chair at the table.

Couldn't they just, I dunno, remove the chair and place setting?

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3 minutes ago, Pingaponga said:

I don't understand the argument that Lucas just had to join Carly for dinner because they had a place set for Mike but Mike was returned to the home and they don't want an empty chair at the table.

Couldn't they just, I dunno, remove the chair and place setting?

What? And not pander to Sonny's every mood? 

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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:
That's where Alexis ran over Kiefer, I think.

Ahhh . . . ok! That makes sense. Still a bad spot to run someone over, IMO, but I get it. 

Now, isn't it true that Alexis intentionally ran over Kiefer? I thought she did, but I can't quite remember. I know she was rushing Kristina to the hospital when she ran him over. Maybe she didn't aim for him, but I know she didn't stop her car, right? Does Kristina think her mother ran him over on purpose? 

I apologize if the show addressed this during the de-programming plot. I FFed through that. lol

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8 minutes ago, lala2 said:

Ahhh . . . ok! That makes sense. Still a bad spot to run someone over, IMO, but I get it. 

Now, isn't it true that Alexis intentionally ran over Kiefer? I thought she did, but I can't quite remember. I know she was rushing Kristina to the hospital when she ran him over. Maybe she didn't aim for him, but I know she didn't stop her car, right? Does Kristina think her mother ran him over on purpose? 

I apologize if the show addressed this during the de-programming plot. I FFed through that. lol

I can't remember if she did it on purpose, but Kristina lied in her pledge to Shiloh and said that she saw Alexis do it on purpose. But she was really out of it and didn't see anything.

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On 12/1/2019 at 1:00 PM, mbluecpa said:

Apropos of nothing, we’ve just discovered that when TJ says “Alexis” our Alexa goes crazy. Doesn’t do that for anyone else. 

We had to move our Echo Dot/Alexa far away from the TV months ago because it went nuts every time someone mentioned Alexis.  Glad to hear it's not just our device.

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11 hours ago, lala2 said:

Now, isn't it true that Alexis intentionally ran over Kiefer? I thought she did, but I can't quite remember. I know she was rushing Kristina to the hospital when she ran him over. Maybe she didn't aim for him, but I know she didn't stop her car, right? Does Kristina think her mother ran him over on purpose? 

No, it’s not. It was dark and she didn’t see him. It was an accident.

No, Kristina didn’t think Alexis ran over him on purpose. And even if she did, she wouldn’t have blamed Alexis, since Keifer had nearly beat her to death this time.

And talktallktalktalk that Kendra was doing had me 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄She’s just as delusional as her parents and Keifer. I hope Lucas crashing into her, killed her boring delusional ass.

I just wanted to SLAP Monica. For ONCE, in how many years? They actually had turkey that wasn’t burned and other food, but because she’s gone down the delusional train of thinking Franco as the real Drew-which he’s NOT! Of course she had to arrange it so they were stuck ordering pizza.

I’ve no use for this Lulu, but I was totally on her side against this obnoxious Brook Lynn. Her skanky ass acting as if Dante was someone that Lulu stole from her. And Lulu was right-SHE hasn’t been here and knows JACK SHIT as to what went down.

Even though what is between Anna and Finn is none of Robert’s business, I do so ADORE him and Anna together, even when they argue! So much chemistry! And when Robin told Robert to cut Anna some slack, I got a BIG ASS GRIN on my face when Anna smiled and said “Do we have the smartest daughter or what?” Or something like that. And Robert’s sheepish smile.

More chemistry in today’s scenes than in the entire “relationship” with Finn.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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4 hours ago, statsgirl said:

MB's smugness as he explained that here there is always turkey and football made me want to jump into the screen and smack him silly.

Man, co-fucking-sign.  What an obnoxious asshole with the whole "they obviously did something that has reaped bad karma on them...unlike me."  Fuck you, Sonny.

The Q scenes were dull, except for the thought in my head that Leo is clearly going to grow up to be a serial killer.  Did you get a look at those dead eyes?  Be afraid, Quartermaines.  Be very afraid.

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3 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I don't understand the argument that Lucas just had to join Carly for dinner because they had a place set for Mike but Mike was returned to the home and they don't want an empty chair at the table.

Couldn't they just, I dunno, remove the chair and place setting?

Let's just be glad MB hasn't decided he wants to be a singer, as then they would've had him bust out in Empty Chairs at Empty Tables from Les Mis.

So does Kendra not care if anyone knows she killed Alexis?  Because it took Neal and Julian about 4 minutes to find out her real identity and no one is going to believe it was an accident.  And if that's the case, why the giant plot with the poison? 

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First off, WTH was Brook Lynn wearing? It was pretty fugly and didn’t look good on Amanda Setton at all. Hearts? A sweater dress from the 90’s? Is she poor? Couldn’t she steal one of Olivia's dresses?  I like Setton but I’m over it already that Brook thinks she can be the bitch on wheels and everyone be okay with it. 

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Tracy did a lot of nasty things but I understood why she came to do  them: because like AJ she was the family scapegoat. But I don't understand why Brook Lynn is so nasty to her stepmother and so judgemental about Lulu show she had before. It makes her seem like straight up bitch.

I hope Kendra is dead now, having died as stupidly and as pointlessly as she lived.

3 hours ago, bannana said:

So Shiloh told Kendra that Alexis intentionally killed Kiefer because Kristina lied in her pledge.  So now it is Kristina's fault!

I'm glad that they didn't drop that plot point.  Not that I want to see more Kristina on my screen but she does deserve to bear the fallout from her lie. Let her grow up at last.

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12 hours ago, pinkandsparkly13 said:

So annoyed by Brook Lynn today. I was totally on Lulu's side. She doesn't know anything about the situation and has no right to judge. Even her precious "Uncle Sonny" told Lulu she had a right to move on if she wanted/needed to, and that was before Dante filed for divorce. Someone oughta tell her how the upstanding Dante cheated on Lulu with her cousin. Although she'd probably just laugh about it and what not. 

I couldn't stand the way she was acting either, but I have to say she was infuriating in a very realistic way. There are people like that, unfortunately, who know nothing about a situation but still breeze in and say things that make you wonder if they buy their gall by the crate.

I just hate the selectivity. Poor boring Lulu gets all this dumping on her, but no character would ever come back to town after an absence and say to Sonny, "You put Mike in a home? Oh, I could never do that to my parent."

10 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I just wanted to SLAP Monica. For ONCE, in how many years? They actually had turkey that wasn’t burned and other food, but because she’s gone down the delusional train of thinking Franco as the real Drew-which he’s NOT! Of course she had to arrange it so they were stuck ordering pizza.

I really had a hard time buying that development. Stupid Monica. Also, obviously, that settles it. Olivia > Cook(s). 

The Quartermaine thwarted-Thanksgiving tradition has long been one of those things I just don't find as funny as they want me to.  

9 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Leo is clearly going to grow up to be a serial killer.  Did you get a look at those dead eyes?  Be afraid, Quartermaines.  Be very afraid.

Afraid? They'll probably welcome it with open arms. He'll have to work for a long time to match the body count of the golden boy! 

8 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I hope Kendra is dead now, having died as stupidly and as pointlessly as she lived.

The Kendra story ended up in that unsatisfying in-between place. There was both not enough and too much, and they either needed to do it better or not do it. I think if they had cast and written Kendra better and really developed her as someone with more going on than a vendetta against Alexis, but that being her main agenda, it might have worked. But the character and the portrayal were very one-note. That actress really did look like the Kiefer actor, and she was okay at being hateful and menacing (and fake-supportive), but her schemes never made a lot of sense and weren't intriguing enough to try to figure out. Just something to keep NLG occupied, I guess.   

In closing, the Emme Rylan method in a single screen capture:  


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9 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

So does Kendra not care if anyone knows she killed Alexis?  Because it took Neal and Julian about 4 minutes to find out her real identity and no one is going to believe it was an accident.  And if that's the case, why the giant plot with the poison? 

Result of regime change in head writers? To try and kill this STOOPID AND FAKAKTA story line that NO ONE wanted or CARED about? I dunno.

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9 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I'm glad that they didn't drop that plot point.  Not that I want to see more Kristina on my screen but she does deserve to bear the fallout from her lie. Let her grow up at last.

I would love that but I doubt it will happen. Part of the reason that Kristina is so immature is the people in her life, especially Sonny and Alexis, coddle her. Alexis already knew about the secret and only got 1 scene to express her frustration to Neil but she didn’t really get angry when she actually talked to Kristina about it. I’m pretty sure that we’ll just have her feeling momentarily guilty and her family telling her that it wasn’t really her fault because she couldn’t anticipate what happened.

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In my dream world, Brad is dead and Lucas remembers everything. I'd be more interested in Lucas trying to figure out the right thing to do than Brad being so.... Brad about it. But, even that story needs to wrap up in 2 weeks max.

Kendra would also be dead because this whole thing is stupid.

Lulu and Dante is annoying. If DZ isn't coming back, and it doesn't look like he is, can we just move on and get over Olivia freaking out anytime it is mentioned that Lulu does anything fun?

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11 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

The Q scenes were dull, except for the thought in my head that Leo is clearly going to grow up to be a serial killer.  Did you get a look at those dead eyes?  Be afraid, Quartermaines.  Be very afraid.

And Rocco will help him skin the bodies. Yikes, both those kids are scary.

11 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

So does Kendra not care if anyone knows she killed Alexis?  Because it took Neal and Julian about 4 minutes to find out her real identity and no one is going to believe it was an accident.  And if that's the case, why the giant plot with the poison? 

The poison was supposed to kill Alexis, I think, so running her over is Plan B.

1 hour ago, Asp Burger said:

The Quartermaine thwarted-Thanksgiving tradition has long been one of those things I just don't find as funny as they want me to.  

Even though it's only once a year, it's one of those things they grind down to a nub. We get it. The Qs eat pizza every Thanksgiving. (And really, what's wrong with that? Pizza is delicious! Not everyone wants the huge spread. Though I did like that Monica donated it to the hospital for the staff.)

2 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

her schemes never made a lot of sense and weren't intriguing enough to try to figure out

It didn't help that Kendra was getting revenge on something that happened a decade ago and that everyone already knows about.

6 minutes ago, BlancheDevoreaux said:

Lulu and Dante is annoying. If DZ isn't coming back, and it doesn't look like he is, can we just move on and get over Olivia freaking out anytime it is mentioned that Lulu does anything fun?

That's pretty in character for Olivia, at least. But given that Lulu and Dante are divorced, Olivia needs to deal with it. She's lucky Lulu is somewhat sympathetic to her there.

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28 minutes ago, BlancheDevoreaux said:

can we just move on and get over Olivia freaking out anytime it is mentioned that Lulu does anything fun?

Not likely. Olivia has made it pretty clear she thinks Lulu should have shredded the divorce papers and should be praying every day for the next 20 years if that's what it takes, for Dante's restored mental health so that their marriage can get back on track.  In her mind, any man (who's not a blood relative) filling the void in Rocco's life left by Dante, or Lulu even looking at another man instead of praying for Dante's return, is completely unacceptable.  Olivia is fine with Lulu having fun with Rocco or other family or her "bff Maxie." Her freaking out is about anything romantic/sexual that is or may be going on with Lulu. 

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I do feel some sympathy for Olivia in this. Dante is her child, her only child for 30+ years and her connection to Lulu is mostly through him and his son. Dante didn't just decide to go off and find himself as Lucky did, he's genuinely ill and in Olivia's Italian upbringing, you stay with your man, especially when he's ill. Quite possibly she sees Lulu staying single and waiting for him as the pathway for Dante's return.

Olivia really needs to have a talk with Lulu about Lulu feeling that Dante abandoned her but since Lulu is only a Spencer and not a Corinthos I doubt it will happen. We need to keep the time for Sonny and Jason's manpain.

2 hours ago, ffwbe said:

 I’m pretty sure that we’ll just have her feeling momentarily guilty and her family telling her that it wasn’t really her fault because she couldn’t anticipate what happened.

Thus showing that she is a true child of Sonny.  I really want a scene confronting Kristina that she made up a lie about Alexis because a truth about Sonny would get him put away but I know that I won't get it.

It still steams me that there is a story going on about the Cassadine inheritance with Valentin, Nik, Laura and even Jax, Hayden, and Ava but they create this Kendra story to keep Alexis, who is a Cassadine, away from it.

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