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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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1 hour ago, KerleyQ said:

OK, I had to go look. Yeah, he helped Britt use the Lante embryo and try to pass it off as Patrick's baby. He also helped her fake some lab tests to show that she was suffering with hyperemesis gravidarum, so that Patrick would feel obligated to take care of her. When Patrick found out the baby wasn't his, Brad claimed to be the father, so the Lante secret wouldn't come out. 

Again, though, none of that had a thing to do with Portia. The people it did affect - Patrick, Sabrina, Lulu, and Dante - are almost all off screen. And the one who is still around, Dante, doesn't have any kind of connection to Portia. (I know Lulu is technically back around, but, again, she has nothing to do with Portia.) And she can't even attempt to claim that she just has such a strong moral code around this shit that his past behavior sickens her, because, well, pot, meet kettle. Fucking with Heather's test results isn't even the first time Portia has blown right past ethical boundaries. And is she going to pretend that lying about a baby's parentage is abhorrent to her?  Because, again, pot, meet kettle. She fucked over Taggert, Curtis, and Trina for around 20 years, because it was more convenient for her to let Taggert think he was Trina's father. 

And Portia wasn't even around the whole stealing the embryo and implanting it in Britt! 

Again, I am still having trouble trying to connect the dots at her over the top hate for Brad.

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I really hope they didn't bring back Brad solely to be Portia's stooge, but it's looking that way, sigh.

1 minute ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Again, I am still having trouble trying to connect the dots at her over the top hate for Brad.

It's misplaced fear that he'll discover she changed Heather's test results. 

Edited by dubbel zout
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9 hours ago, Winston Wolfe said:

In light of past Chiefs-of-Staff like Steve Hardy, Monica and Alan Quartermaine, Portia and Terry really, really suck.

To be fair, after Steve Hardy died there were alot of shenanigans involved in the CoS position. But Alan eventually grew into the job, as did Monica. And it was fine watching Britt and Terry evolve into a real team. They should have just left Terry as the solo Chief since they don't give her much to do anyway. 

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8 hours ago, graight said:

I was just thinking that Portia should become an honorary Carly.

OK, so I almost always root for the underdog (AJ, Zander, Skye, Nina, Ava and now Brad and Heather).  I'm hoping Heather has her day in court notwithstanding whatever it was she did before the Hook. Too far back for me to remember (reminders are welcome, though).  I'm curious as to how they will have her interact with PC folks when/if she gets out of prison. Did I miss the part where Heather told Alexis that Ric has already done independent cobalt tests? Why is Alexis' big idea to get another test?

Speaking of Alexis, probably my favorite character because NLG is so good.  I love that she's not wearing makeup and I would bet that is her decision.  Who wears makeup in prison?


I like the underdog myself, but the way the show redeems truly sociopathic and destructive murderers, I just can't anymore. AJ, Zander, Skye and are totally different than people like Heather and Ava. We saw it for ourselves how Sonny & Carly (with Jason's help) ruined AJ, that Jason and Courtney framed Zander for Courtney shooting that cop, and Skye was an old school schemer, but didn't actively murder or kidnap innocent people. Now Nina and Brad are little more grey: they did commit out right crimes, but in Nina's defense, she probably was insane after being put into a 20 year coma by her mother and finding out she was infertile when she nearly killed Ava by forcing her to give birth and kidnapping Avery, and Brad did try and blackmail Michael into sleeping with him (I don't like Michael, but that was pretty sleazy) and kept Wiley because he was afraid of losing Lucas, but luckily no one died. In a lot of ways, Brad is a fresh update of schemers like Tracy and Skye.

But Ava and Heather did kill people and do other terrible things. But they brushed it aside for Ava and now they are doing it with Heather. Now, the cobalt poisoning thing, I get it is attempting to be a bit of a reset: Guza did turn her into a unstable murderous killer obsessed with Luke with one of his recons, but she wasn't a good person before that. 

34 minutes ago, Daisy said:

not even that. she couldn't be bothered to figure out beause "why should I, you left.". This is why i am so mad that they ditched the schirzophrenzia storyline. like you just robbed Taggert of his daughter just for fun? let it have some consequences!

If there is a consequence worth having, the show won't do it: see my post right above. With Sonny committing murder on Monica's property and Michael and Jason covering it up, that should be the last draw for Monica, and Michael and Jason should be banished from her property, only allowing Jake and Michael's kids, until they give Sonny up. But none of that will happen

10 minutes ago, tessaray said:

I think some of it is secondhand due to his close friendship with Britt but Portia has a rigid and extremely high moral code... for everyone other than herself or Trina. She's seriously unhinged when it comes to her adult daughter. (Not that Carly wouldn't do the same things for her own but even Carly wouldn't demand the whole world treat Joss like a priceless hothouse orchid.) 

No, Carly demands that treatment of Michael and she might demand that treatment of Joss if it came down to it. 

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17 hours ago, statsgirl said:

My local station is runnng rerums of Killjoys and I really want Delle Seyah to come on GH and smack Portia for being such an incompetent villain.

LOVED her and I’m sad this fun show ended.

Missed yesterday’s show so I have no further comment.

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Rebecca Herbst has a gift for bringing out the best in her fellow actors. The best scene Jason has had since his return was with Elizabeth at the pool. She's great with ALL the actors who have played her sons. She makes less tolerable characters tolerable. 

And she and JJ have mad emotional chemistry. 

She's a jewel and I'm happy to have her back where she belongs, as a lead character. 


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5 hours ago, driver18 said:


And that is why I sighed and swooned. It was just perfect.

Yes!  The brush strokes line was another that could have been corny and weird, but it just wasn’t.  It was stated so simply and hit all the right notes.

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So right after changing his clothes (but not washing his hair?), Lucky seeks out Sonny to express gratitude for Carly, Jason and Anna bringing him back?! UGH. It's fine to talk about Luke, but actually listening to Sonny's parenting advice? UGH. You're afraid to face Aiden? Oh boo hoo. I liked Isaiah telling Lucky Elizabeth is awesome.

I can't with nuLucas being all gushy toward Joss and Carly about how much he's missed his family. I couldn't watch LW's fake laughing and this vibe that Carly and nuLucas adore each other/are close. UGH.

Ava confronting Portia was well done.  Portia is acting like she's going to have a meltdown any moment now.

Joss, mind your business. I liked Trina giving her attitude. Enough with the Gio propping.

Sonny is fine with Alexis being in Pentonville because he thinks they just need to find the gun she tossed and then the mess he made will be over. So clearly Sam will die diving for the gun and it's his fault.

That better be Aiden that Lucky is apologizing to in Monday's preview.


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Usually I complain about the writing on this show but Lucky asking if Isaiah hit on Liz is lovely and subtle.

But if Lucky is going to go around wearing his hair shirt and beating himself up for not being in Port Charles for much longer, I'm going to be wishing him back in Africa. Especially since he still hasn't gone to talk to Aiden yet, just moaned about what a bad dad he is. Also, wash your hair Lucky.

So Gio loves playing outdoors so he goes to play outside Bobbie's. If only the Quartermaine mansion had some outdoor grounds where he could play.

Portia is so bad at being bad. An innocent person would have wanted to know why the GH results were different and rushed to correct any problems.

Why are there brain scans running on Brad's computer monitor? That's nothing to do with his lab. It's just as bad as all the General Nursing texts in Finn's office.

I hope Garth got sent home from school too.  Brook Lynn and Chase are so boring as a couple, the writers have to create Violet drama.

Chase, what is stopping you from putting a boot on their car is the law. There are consequences for police harassment.

I like the new Lucas but his conversations with Carly are pure Zzzzzzz.

2 hours ago, Daisy said:

not even that. she couldn't be bothered to figure out beause "why should I, you left.". This is why i am so mad that they ditched the schirzophrenzia storyline. like you just robbed Taggert of his daughter just for fun? let it have some consequences!

This is very on point for Portia, she likes her own emotional comfort and refuses to look at her actions in terms of whether they are right or wrong. She does what is required to maintain her personal comfort levels and to hell with everyone else. 

I'm betting that the show will justify what she is doing and handwave it all away. Just look at Ava today excusing her changing the test results.

3 hours ago, Daisy said:

yeah. on reddit a LOT of people feel Molly is int he right, Kristina is just this pampered coddled so and so and Alexis deserves what she's getting because she allows all of that. and I am like... i think i missed something lol

It makes me sad that people just accept what they're told instead of looking below the surface and figuring out the situation.

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On 9/25/2024 at 12:58 PM, dubbel zout said:

Jordan, why does it matter what Kristina might have done with the baby? It won't ever happen now. 

You would expect that as a law officer, Jordan would know that hypotheticals and speculations are not evidence. But she, along with TJ and Molly, think that Kristina should pay for what she might have done. As Alexis pointed out, there's no way to know what would have happened if Kristina hadn't fallen out the window. 

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Lucas, another relative Carly has had little use for in the past but is now a bestie.

4 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

So Gio loves playing outdoors so he goes to play outside Bobbie's. If only the Quartermaine mansion had some outdoor grounds where he could play.

What is Gio besides a violinist? The show has done nothing to tell me who he is.

I laughed when Portia was all offended that Ava thought she messed with Heather's test results. Who else would?

Why is Ric talking to Ava about Heather's case? It's so dumb he has no one else.

Anvils ahoy! If Isaiah says he's never going into an operating room again, he's going into an operating room again.

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5 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I laughed when Portia was all offended that Ava thought she messed with Heather's test results. Who else would?

She could blame Brad, saying that Heather murdered his best friend Britt and he wants her to pay for it by staying in prison. 

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16 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Lucas, another relative Carly has had little use for in the past but is now a bestie.

The devil works hard, but the writers of this show work harder to make Carly GH's matriarch.

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I remember Van Hansis from ATWT, and he doesn’t work for me as a trauma surgeon, at all. Where’s the confidence and arrogance? Maybe if he had a car accident and lost his ability to operate, then had been on a bender for 3 years and just come out of recovery, but not as he’s written now.

Granted, I was on the barge and didn’t see most of the Brad/Lucas courtship so I might be missing something.

Even Carly wants to help Alexis and Sonny’s all “not my problem”. Blerch.

Maura looks absolutely fabulous today and she got her brain and caring for Trina back - yeah!

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