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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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3 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Molly's initial hysterics doesn't touch my cold dead heart. One third of fetuses spontaneously abort which is why we didn't tell anyone about my pregnancy till five months. At the end of the episode, when she acknowledged that she went over the top, I liked her.

Yes, but then she proceeded to go over the top again frantically deleting all her bookmarks and educational links and wiping her computer clean. Girl, you may need that stuff later. 

I seriously cannot watch poor RoHo try to summon the energy to push out yet one more iteration of the same stupid meandering monologue that tries to convince the rest of the characters that Austin is somehow, someway relevant to this show! You can tell he is so fooking over it! 

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When are we switching from the temporary writing staff (don't like to call them 'scab' because I enjoyed their writing more than the others) to the permanent staff?  Asking because it feels like the Anna storyline is completely without direction at this point, dragged out to within (or past) an inch of its life.  Anna has long been a favorite character, but even I am tired of the whole situation at this point.  I guess, if it helps her get rid of the weight of Valentin, there might be some worth.

I like the Adam character and sincerely hope he doesn't turn into a school shooter.  He's doing well enough that I think he could be evolved to something more.  He just needs to get away from Joss, because there is no way she is in an organic chem class.

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4 hours ago, statsgirl said:

"There are 100 kids in our organic chem class and 90% of them fail the first time around."  What kind of rinky dink university is PCU?

isn't organic chem the make it or break it class for pre-med students? as in if you fail the first time chances are there isn't a second time because you're kind of hooped?

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27 minutes ago, Daisy said:

isn't organic chem the make it or break it class for pre-med students? as in if you fail the first time chances are there isn't a second time because you're kind of hooped?

Still sitting on the barge for the moment, but… It is, yes. I knew one or two folks who switched majors afterward. 

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2 hours ago, JMO said:

I like the Adam character and sincerely hope he doesn't turn into a school shooter

To me he isn't a sympathetic character because he is insisting that Joss drop her life and help him in every way that he needs, which will never be enough. He is stalkerish. I think that since Joss finally put her foot down with him, that a suicide attempt is in the near future. It looks like the next generation is hitting GH, if Adam is Maurice B's son, and Nurse Janice is Gregory's daughter, I forgot his name, and Genie Francis' daughter was on yesterday I think.

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November 3 episode:

Man, the writers certainly fixed the animosity between Molly and Kristina pretty darn quick with a reference to making up offscreen. But I wasn’t liking the way M was treating K so badly anyway so I guess I can let a messy change in direction go if they continue to be pleasant to one another

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7 hours ago, statsgirl said:

With TJ as the father, the baby will be biracial. Unless Andrea's husband is black  or biracial, there will be questions.

I haven't seen any evidence that there is a husband.  Tolly never asked to meet him and get his opinion on the surrogacy. 

I just hope pregnant Andrea isn't sighted at the supermarket, leading crack investigator Sam McCall to follow her in a quest for the truth. 

I thought Adam's issue would be cutting, rather than pills.   Joss doesn't need any more drama in her mobbed up life. 

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41 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Andrea the shady surrogate is Gregory Harrison's daughter.

Who is Genie Francis' daughter?

Yeah the shady surrogate all right! I saw that Genie Francis' daughter Eliza was the woman who Cody was talking to, when he needed to see someone? I don't have yesterday's episode anymore and saw a pic today that she was Genie's daughter, so don't remember what the scene was. She had her hair in a ponytail.

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I didn't' know the floor manager was Genie's daughter. She was pretty good for a day player :)

I too thought Adam was a cutter rather than an addict. Clearly he's wound VERY tight and is getting way too much pressure from his parents. I feel bad for him or any kid with controlling parents like that. I get Joss putting her foot down but I'm also not convinced she's taking pre-med seriously. It isn't a part-time major and it does require a LOT of studying. Yet she's always busy with her boyfriend or helping at Kelly's or playing volleyball or whatever. I know, I know, she's a Carly so she'll ace every class even if she never cracks a book. 

When Adam was introduced, I had the impression he was a popular kid. They seem to have walked that back and now he's fixated on Joss like she's his salvation. Without her, he's destined to fail. Definitely not a healthy attitude. I think he's a decent actor, but I'm really not invested enough in his character to care if he tries to off himself. Besides, it'll be all about Joss anyway...

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As someone who is prescribed ADHD medication myself, I hate these storylines of college kids addicted to it.

21 hours ago, ffwbe said:

I heard that line and laughed. Whoever wrote that isn’t well versed in pre-med students. I took Organic Chemistry in college and while it’s known as being a tough class, most students pass after the grade is curved or drop the class if they think it’s hopeless.

At my university, the first term tests for physics 105 (pre-med physics) was deliberately set to make the class average 32% to encourage people to drop the course. Sneaky.

16 hours ago, Daisy said:

isn't organic chem the make it or break it class for pre-med students? as in if you fail the first time chances are there isn't a second time because you're kind of hooped?

It's a tough course but I think that's because there is a lot of boring memory work. I do know someone who failed the first time and still got into medical school.

Or you could apply to McMaster and skip all the pre-med science courses.

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 Curtis:  "You see in any romantic relationship. you have to be very clear about what you want and what you're willing to put up with." Yes Curtis, I remember that you wouldn't put up with Jordan keeping a police secret but your relationship with Selena being secret is A-OK.

Carly: "I saw Nina having a very intense conversation with Martin Grey." Carly "Alice Kravitz" Spencer sticks her nose into another private conversation.

Willow thinks that Carly needs her hotel back to "balance the scales" aka Carly getting off scot free from her decisions yet again. At least Carly wasn't willing to take Michael's Quartmaine or Joss' Jax money to buy the hotel back, even if it wasn't because she done their father wrong.

Joss Jax Relationship Counsellor.

I don't know what they ar trying to do with Robert but anything that keeps him away from Diane is okay with me.

Interesting cliff-hanger. Is RoHo moving on to another character now? Is there a recor for this?

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"Where's Mom?" "Well, she's taking her chief of staff job seriously and working late." Shut up, Curtis, you condescending asshole.

I liked Felicia's suit.

How is Nina selling Carly half of the MetroCourt "rocking the boat"? 

Trina, block Spencer. You can always unblock him later. FFS.

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On 11/14/2023 at 5:19 PM, TVbitch said:

For the love of God, will the producers just fooking admit they do not now, nor have they ever, known what to do with Austin and kill him already. They can bring RoHo back as Steven Lars or something. That way Esme could have a brother! 

Wow, as Cyrus would say.. "ask and ye shall receive!" If he is really dead, this will be the FIRST time ever the show listened to my sage wisdoms and/or the "Secret" actually worked for me. 🤣

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On 11/13/2023 at 1:10 PM, statsgirl said:

Martin: "Michael is a very formidable enemy and he has a target taped on your back."  Sure Martin. I'd say 'vindictive' rather than formidable but you do you to get out of your ethics violation.


I had enough of Nina being the town pariah three years ago, maybe four, long before the Sonny amnesia and now the SEC stuff. Such a turn-off to this viewer.

If by formidable one means pathetic, laughable, absurd, or giant turd in the shape of a man, then sure, I'll go with that.

Agreed, years of watching Julian be the town punching bag was bad enough. Now watching Nina be the new Julian is pretty much unwatchable. PC is full of hypocrites.

On 11/11/2023 at 11:30 AM, ciarra said:

I laughed at Trina's flounce, when she stopped to grab some food before she left the apartment.  "I'm so mad.  And hungry."

I think she just grabbed her purse (unless the takeout packages were bright pink and sparkly).

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My how Spencer thinks the world should revolve around him, and all of his minions just there to do his bidding. Does he think he is so qualified to be Ace's surrogate REAL parent, since he has so many other children, and obviously thinks Esme isn't able to raise him? His arrogance boggles the mind, and I think Esme needs to take Ace away and take out a restraining order on Spencer.

So it appears that Anna's original suspicions might be the case. I have thought that Charlotte's actions were kid size mischief, and didn't think she burned the house. Obviously Charlotte couldn't have stolen the files as she didn't leave, but now questions! Why was she looking in the trunk? I think I missed something, as I thought Anna said that she brought the files on the mystery guy to Robert, and would have had them on her when she came back and saw Charlotte. If she left the files on the mystery guy, and he stole them, how did he get in before Charlotte, who had the keys? NO MORE Nina torture!


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Michael and Willow tongue-bathing Carly today with how deserving she is of all the best things in life and how it was so unfair that the SEC went after her for a crime she committed made me bookmark a ticket to the barge.  I don't know how much more of this absolute gaslighting I can take.  I fully expect when the truth comes out Nina will be sued by Carly for whatever made-up crime the writers can come up with and be forced to just give Carly the hotel back because it was ~taken from her under duplicitous circumstances.

If Austin is really dead who will RoHo come back as this time?  Feels like a running joke on the show now.

Edited by Cheyanne11
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59 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

If Austin is really dead who will RoHo come back as this time?  Feels like a running joke on the show now.

NuMolly #5? It’s like a contest between the number of Mollys and the number of RoHo characters they can come up with.

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So basically Spencer thinks single parents can't support financially or emotionally? He's such a better person to raise Ace because he has money and doesn't need to work? 

I wish Portia wasn't working she's the only one in that family who would have told Trina to say good riddance and send Spencer packing.  



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40 minutes ago, Artsda said:

So basically Spencer thinks single parents can't support financially or emotionally? He's such a better person to raise Ace because he has money and doesn't need to work? 

I wondered about that too. So the support, financial and emotional, of Laura and Kevin, and everyone around them, as well as Esme will not exist for Ace, and Spencer would have the sole possession of the baby in a vast wasteland, void of all human feeling, except for him, who would provide all, as he describes? Delusion, thy name is Spencer. I would like to know what Ace would think of Spencer when he is older and finds out Spencer's diminishment, and I bet, eventual banishment of his mother.

Will there be comfortable seating and refreshments available on the barge?

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IF Austin dies, I don't think Roger is coming back as anyone.  I have no idea if he's dead though.  But if he is, I think that would mean Roger decided he's tired of the commute and wanted out.  

Hulu changed their little snippet they have when GH first comes on screen.  It used to be Liz and Franco, yes all this time later.  It still was.  I can totally see why they had to change it finally, but guess who they changed it to?  That's right Carly's face.  I just can't stand her and now I get a dose whether she's on or not.  Which let's face it, she's usually on.  This SEC storyline is literally insane.  It's gaslighting, and it's purposeful and it's like they hate the fans.  Or, any fan other than a Carly stan. 

Edited by CeChase
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1 hour ago, CeChase said:

Or, any fan other than a Carly stan. 

Elsewhere, I keep seeing all these posts about how Carly always owns and pays for what she does and Nina always gets away with everything and I can't figure out what show they're watching.  I'm not denying that Nina gets away with some stuff, but Carly does, too.

I was thinking about Adam.  He should drop out or pick a new major.  The stress is not going to stop after organic chemistry, or pre-med, or medical school.  Being a doctor is a highly stressful, highly charged career, and he's not going to be able to keep this up over the long-haul.

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12 hours ago, susannah said:

So the support, financial and emotional, of Laura and Kevin, and everyone around them, as well as Esme will not exist for Ace, and Spencer would have the sole possession of the baby in a vast wasteland, void of all human feeling, except for him, who would provide all, as he describes?

Seriously. Esmé isn't leaving Port Charles. Just because she's not living at Kevin and Laura's anymore doesn't mean they're going to cut her off. Spencer is an ass.

4 hours ago, Katy M said:

I was thinking about Adam.  He should drop out or pick a new major.  The stress is not going to stop after organic chemistry, or pre-med, or medical school. 

It hasn't been said explicitly, but I get the idea Adam's parents are paying for schooling only if he's pre-med, so if he does change majors, financially he's on his own. 

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14 hours ago, susannah said:

I wondered about that too. So the support, financial and emotional, of Laura and Kevin, and everyone around them, as well as Esme will not exist for Ace, and Spencer would have the sole possession of the baby in a vast wasteland, void of all human feeling, except for him, who would provide all, as he describes? Delusion, thy name is Spencer. I would like to know what Ace would think of Spencer when he is older and finds out Spencer's diminishment, and I bet, eventual banishment of his mother.

Will there be comfortable seating and refreshments available on the barge?

Not for nothing, but Laura is Dikolas' mother. Where was her emotional support when this boy was growing up and being banished to boarding school so that his dad could move Random Woman 24 (like Molly 6, but different) into Wyndemere? Maybe she's learned something about being present, but I can see why Spencer wouldn't believe that. Kevin, while a very good shrink/therapist, isn't really onscreen enough to provide support, and even if he was, there's about a dozen other characters who could use his help right alongside Spencer.

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3 hours ago, Cobalt Stargazer said:

Not for nothing, but Laura is Dikolas' mother. Where was her emotional support when this boy was growing up and being banished to boarding school so that his dad could move Random Woman 24 (like Molly 6, but different) into Wyndemere? Maybe she's learned something about

But Ace has a mother, who is very present for him. Esme is not younger Laura, who is loving now and can help Esme financially. True, many of the other characters need to avail themselves of Kevin's services, starting with Spencer, but it seems like everyone in their group is being as helpful as they can be.

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10 hours ago, CeChase said:

Hulu changed their little snippet they have when GH first comes on screen. 

Yeah.  Great reminder that things can always get worse.

Props to NLG who has recently been working a bunch of stories and has deftly provided cover for all of the new actresses.

Shout-out to the longshoremen came out of nowhere but noted.

Really enjoyed seeing a different side of Dante in his scenes with Roho.

On 11/17/2023 at 5:33 PM, Maelstrom said:

Agreed, years of watching Julian be the town punching bag was bad enough. Now watching Nina be the new Julian is pretty much unwatchable. PC is full of hypocrites.

It feels like years already. 

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14 hours ago, Katy M said:

I was thinking about Adam.  He should drop out or pick a new major.  The stress is not going to stop after organic chemistry, or pre-med, or medical school. 

I don't think that he's the one who picked medical school. His parents told him what career he is going to do and what medical schools are acceptable to do it in.

If they stopped putting pressure on him, he could easily get into any kind of graduate or professional school he wanted.

I don't think that Spencer is applying logic to his plans for Ace. It's all feelings and his sense of loss in his own life.

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My take regarding Austin: when the victim bleeds from the mouth after a shooting or other trauma, they are usually dead, dead, dead (TM Trelaine, The Squire of Gothos).

I wonder if RoHo has it written into his contract that every character he plays has to be killed after a year or two so he can keep his acting chops sharp by taking on new roles in the same show?

Edited by Winston Wolfe
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2 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I don't think that Spencer is applying logic to his plans for Ace. It's all feelings and his sense of loss in his own life

That would make him an even worse person to co-raise Ace. Spencer is not seeing him, as his own person, and his needs, which is to be with his mother, but a manifestation of his own issues.

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“Easy to love; hard to live with…” I have only watched the last episode after being away since 1999, but I know Nik was without his mother and Spencer was without his. Nik’s mother was a prisoner and Spencer’s was a side chick, not his father’s great love, right? I can see how the character would not know about having a mother and what Ace would miss just siphoned off with him per family tradition. Given the lack of a DNA test (weird), I also cannot help but think the kid is probably not even his brother. I would hope they would not be dumb enough to make the kid Spencer’s. No way to treat your 2023 L&L for as long as you have them. 

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19 hours ago, Winston Wolfe said:

I wonder if RoHo has it written into his contract that every character he plays has to be killed after a year or two so he can keep his acting chops sharp by taking on new roles in the same show?

Sharpen his acting chops?  Essentially, he plays the same character every time he comes back.  He enjoys stuffing his mouth while talking, and interacting with that kid who was on OLTL.  That's it. 

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When will the story about Spencer choosing his brother over Trina end?

He doesn't have a job and he doesn't go to school.  I don't know why Trina is with him. She has all these plans and he just hangs around.

He can't raise his brother better than Esme 

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On 11/18/2023 at 3:46 AM, CeChase said:

IF Austin dies, I don't think Roger is coming back as anyone.  I have no idea if he's dead though. 


Dead or not, he's out. It's in the News thread. He was fired.


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Yes Liz, Joss, who doesn't know the difference between methanphetamine and methylphenidate, is doing to be a great doctor.

Is Adam going to attempt suicide with the thanks to Joss. He should not have been released without a psych consult and follow-up referral.

Spencer did the 180 so quickly, I thought that it was a fantasy scene. Or maybe the regular writers undoing what the interim ones had written.

It's far too soon for Ned to tell Drew and Michael that it was Nina. Good stall. But in reality, the Board of Directors would have given Michael the authority to act as CEO. If Michael didn't go to them, then he really does need to be canned.

Drew: "That is proof that Ned is unfit to run ELQ."  You mean because he doesn't kiss Michael's ass?

On 11/18/2023 at 11:56 PM, Winston Wolfe said:

My take regarding Austin: when the victim bleeds from the mouth after a shooting or other trauma, they are usually dead, dead, dead (TM Trelaine, The Squire of Gothos).

That brings up memories!

ETA: I like that Blaze's reaction to Kristina leaving was "I hope her family is alright", not "how could she leave when I need her?"

Edited by statsgirl
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LW looked really good in that black turtleneck.

Trust Carly to make something like Nina possibly wanting to be closer to Willow to be sinister. 

Carlyl telling Nina to "take the win" was pretty funny.

LOL that Michael just sits back and lets Drew do the dirty work of defending him. Michael is such a wienie.

2 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Spencer did the 180 so quickly, I thought that it was a fantasy scene. Or maybe the regular writers undoing what the interim ones had written.

I wonder how long Spencer's attitude about this will last, especially when Esmé and Ace actually move out.

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23 hours ago, ffwbe said:

Interesting. They haven’t aired a new episode on Thanksgiving day for as long as I can remember and they aired re-runs for every other holiday this year 

Definitely a new episode on Thursday per a preview of storylines from Soap Opera Central (posted in the Media thread)

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Drew calling Ned a "loose cannon" - isn't that the definition of the pot calling the kettle black?  Drew and Michael are both loose cannons who wouldn't be in positions of responsibility in any self-respecting company IRL. 


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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

I wonder how long Spencer's attitude about this will last, especially when Esmé and Ace actually move out.

As long as the writers need him to be.

I guess the regular writers didn't like the storyline. It's too bad because it could have led into NC's absence to shoot his other show.

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3 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I guess the regular writers didn't like the storyline. It's too bad because it could have led into NC's absence to shoot his other show.

It still can. Esmé and Ace move out and Spencer can't deal with it, so he kidnaps Ace and goes on the run. 

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2 hours ago, KittyQ said:

Drew calling Ned a "loose cannon" - isn't that the definition of the pot calling the kettle black?  Drew and Michael are both loose cannons who wouldn't be in positions of responsibility in any self-respecting company IRL. 



why is he a loose cannon?

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