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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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The show seems afraid to Trina & Joss at odds or disagree on big things(To an extent, I can understand why). But notice how Cam calls Spencer out & can still love/support him or better yet Cameron holds Spencer's feet to the fire because he cares for Spencer. Meanwhile Joss & Trina? None of that. I don't  think the writers realize that makes their friendship look somewhat shallow & dull. 

If Joss stopped getting her mistakes swept under the rug so much, & not be a Carly clone, I can't speak for everyone, but my dislike of her would probably decrease.  

1 hour ago, ffwbe said:

I think Spencer is supposed to fill that role and that’s why she’s particularly nasty towards him while simultaneously claiming that he should be on her side because they’re “friends” 

I think that was supposed to be his role too, but Joss is much better at being selfish & spoiled than he is. His forced antagonization regarding Esme not withstanding. And even then, depending on what side of the fence you're on, that's more or less justified anyway. 

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9 minutes ago, Skarzero said:

The show seems afraid to Trina & Joss at odds or disagree on big things

Because they know what a large portion of audience response will be.

Furthermore, Trina and to a lesser extent the young adult Spencer were initially crafted to play the subordinate 'non-white friends' to Joss and [White Guy X]. This is the same model Frank had for the teen scene at OLTL, which he religiously believed in and kept those characters to B-story at best as the handmaidens or comfort characters of their frontburner white friends. This has changed for Chavez's Spencer, obviously (I think if Chavez hadn't hit as big as he had we'd see more of it despite the stalker storyline) but Trina is still often kept in that frame where Joss' primacy on the show is concerned: The eternally supportive, often Joss-focused Best Friend. This was the case for both the major popular actors in that role; it is not a new development with the recast.

We'll see if that changes as advertised during the anniversary and sweeps and if Spencer and Trina's story isn't all about someone else's baby. I'm keeping my cards to my chest.

Edited by jsbt
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10 minutes ago, Skarzero said:

The show seems afraid to Trina & Joss at odds or disagree on big things(To an extent, I can understand why). But notice how Cam calls Spencer out & can still love/support him or better yet Cameron holds Spencer's feet to the fire because he cares for Spencer. Meanwhile Joss & Trina? None of that. I don't  think the writers realize that makes their friendship look somewhat shallow & dull. 

Interesting point -- especially since -- if I remember correctly -- part of being a teenage girl (and even young college student) involves some kind of drama about . . . just about everything. 

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The proper way for this to end is for Valentin to run over both devilchild Violet and rapidly-aged test tube mutant Charlotte on the way back to town. The headlights flash in the night on Luke Spencer Memorial Turnpike, two almost identical blonde children of varying height collapse into one in the gloom of the dark; there's a bracing hop of the tires, a sudden thump and finally James Patrick Stuart mumbling 'ma petite' for the 86th time while he cues up a mournful acoustic performance of Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start the Fire (Because We've Been in This House For 18 Months While I Tried Out For Pilot Season)".

Too dark?

Edited by jsbt
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Just now, Pristine said:

I know I'm late to comment, but did anyone else think they might have a fireworks malfunction, killing Liesl, and preventing Willow from getting her transplant?

I would've never stopped laughing if so.

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36 minutes ago, jsbt said:


We'll see if that changes as advertised during the anniversary and sweeps and if Spencer and Trina's story isn't all about someone else's baby. I'm keeping my cards to my chest.

This show has never had a recent storyline it didn't recycle so what are the odds Spencer and Trina marry to increase the odds of Spencer getting custody? 

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52 minutes ago, jsbt said:

Because they know what a large portion of audience response will be.

Furthermore, Trina and to a lesser extent the young adult Spencer were initially crafted to play the subordinate 'non-white friends' to Joss and [White Guy X]. This is the same model Frank had for the teen scene at OLTL, which he religiously believed in and kept those characters to B-story at best as the handmaidens or comfort characters of their frontburner white friends. This has changed for Chavez's Spencer, obviously (I think if Chavez hadn't hit as big as he had we'd see more of it despite the stalker storyline) but Trina is still often kept in that frame where Joss' primacy on the show is concerned: The eternally supportive, often Joss-focused Best Friend. This was the case for both the major popular actors in that role; it is not a new development with the recast.

We'll see if that changes as advertised during the anniversary and sweeps and if Spencer and Trina's story isn't all about someone else's baby. I'm keeping my cards to my chest.

OH I agree, they won't dare show Trina telling Joss what's what because the facebook frannies would EXPLODE

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50 minutes ago, Artsda said:

Everyone in town seems to know the 3 are alive and where the safe house is. 

What's the point of Lucy missing the ball?

I don’t get it tbh. It just makes me annoyed with Valentin/Anna for making Lucy miss something that’s important to her. Victor knowing Lucy is alive or not really means nothing at the end of the day

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Michael thought it was a good idea to leave Willow alone with a newborn while she’s dealing with stage 4 cancer? He truly is the worst. Don’t they have a nanny?

Also Esme is clearly faking the amnesia 

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7 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

Michael thought it was a good idea to leave Willow alone with a newborn while she’s dealing with stage 4 cancer?

Willow is probably relieved to have a second to herself without Michael hovering over her. I sure would be.

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Very much enjoyed the Esmé/Ava conversation. It looked to me like Maura almost started gushing at the baby, then remembered her character. 😂 Ace was really laying on thick too, with that adorable pout.

Maura’s face looks more gaunt than usual. For people in the know, is it her makeup or did the actress get a more permanent change?

Still in the shallow pool, I appreciate the way stylists are dressing the Felicia and Lucy characters in casual, yet attractive looking clothing. Lynn Herring has had that fabulous healthy looking body for decades and, as a woman whose clothing size has grown every couple of years over the same amount of time, I bow down in respect.

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53 minutes ago, Mirabelle said:

This show has never had a recent storyline it didn't recycle so what are the odds Spencer and Trina marry to increase the odds of Spencer getting custody? 

I'm more concerned he'll marry Esme.

Soooo... Victor is planning on killing Esme to get Ace, I'm guessing? Between that and Ava's threat if Esme gets her memories back, I'm getting the Esme's gonna die vibe. But, there's a lot of mileage still in the character, so maybe not. We'll see.

Geeze, Lucy is beyond annoying right now. Lucy, dear, the Nurses' Ball (and your ego) are not worth yours or other people's lives.

Maxie. Mac is your dad.

Edited by Fellaway
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Was Lucy eating gummies or gummies 😉  because I think I would need a gummy to get through the nurse's ball.

Giant Baby Ace did not disappoint again today and the way he looked at Ava was hilarious. Too bad we didn't get to see Giant Baby Amelia.

Is Maxie's surprise wand Marty?

Victor, do you know your plan yet?


4 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

Will someone please buy a stroller for Ace? This is just stupid.


I mean it is good because we get good views of his cute face and maybe it is easier to switch out the twins, but ya, no mom carries around their giant baby that much.

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Esmé was "less than cooperative" at the hospital? How? Because she doesn't do want you want her to do? You are not the giant cute baby's father, Spencer. Shut up, as always. 

Lucy is often used as comic relief, but is anyone finding this NB crap funny? She's so completely obnoxious about the whole thing.

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Carly continuing to mark her territory regarding Sonny and her words to Nina make her come off bitter and obsessed. It’s pathetic. Sonny doesn’t gave even the slightest damn at her and Drew nor has he ever had a moment where he’s jealous. 

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carly, Willow has shown herself more than capable of expressing her wishes. If she wants Nina out, Nina will know. If at that point Nina doesn't leave, then you can do something about it.

Spenser and Victor, Ace is not your child.  Period. End of story. Run for the hills, Esme.

Lucy, the world (I mean the Nurses Ball) can go on without you. How does she keep getting out without Anna and Val noticing?  The cabin doesn't seem that big.  What is she using for transportation?

I forgot who Maxie wants as a replacement wand?  I'm either getting senile, or don't care that much, or a combo of the two.

19 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

Sonny doesn’t gave even the slightest damn at her and Drew nor has he ever had a moment where he’s jealous. 

He did give Drew a disdainful look at the cabin.

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Program note: Former president Trump is set to surrender to Manhattan authorities and appear in court on Tuesday at 2:15pm ET. Expect news interruptions for the 2pm broadcast and possibly the 3pm broadcast as well

Edited by DanaK
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Carly really is toxic. Children hoarder extraordinaire is obviously not enjoying this thaw between Willow and Nina. 

Ava/Esme scenes were good. Giant cutie stole those scenes, though. He was a very attentive scene partner when MW was delivering her dialogue, looked Zoolander with his duck lips at one point. Was expecting him to pull a blue steel or magnum.

I loathe Lucy. She has zero conscience and no better angels. When she dies and the Nurses' Ball is on, she will probably try to leave hell to haunt whoever the MC is. Of course, one of Victor's minions has seen her. 

Don't care about the magic wands. Leave your dignity at the door, boys!

Spencer has most certainly crossed that line in the sand today. Is he gonna tell Trina about it or is he going to keep it from her that he put a hit out on his little brother's (take a drink) mother?

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11 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

Carly really is toxic. Children hoarder extraordinaire is obviously not enjoying this thaw between Willow and Nina. 

Truly the worst.  Gatekeeping a grown woman--even one with zero agency as Willow--is gross.  I'm shocked she hasn't pissed on her leg yet to mark her territory.

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Spencer needs Cam to stay and be his conscience. 

Seriously, he has the potential to be a really interesting character, but not if he throws his last remnant of integrity away at the age of 19.  If he does that---and it seems like he might already have done so---he becomes just another throw-away Cassadine thug, and that would be a pity.  

I don't know that there's a way to salvage the situation, at this point.  There hasn't been enough exploration of exactly why Spencer cares so much about what happens to his little brother.  Too little (?any) articulation of how his own childhood influenced his thinking.  Not enough sense made of his insistence upon keeping the child away from Esme, now that we know she's not the Hook.  (We do know that, don't we?)

All we know, at this point, is that it looks like Spencer has decided it is better for the baby to be raised in the Cassadine circle of evil, versus the Chamberlain circle of evil, and the only person who could say that to his face has just left town.



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2 hours ago, DanaK said:

Program note: Former president Trump is set to surrender to Manhattan authorities and appear in court on Tuesday at 2:15pm ET. Expect news interruptions for the 2pm broadcast and possibly the 3pm broadcast as well

Then I hope they just fully pre-empt.  The nurse's ball comes but once a year.

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4 hours ago, Fellaway said:

I'm more concerned he'll marry Esme.


The way Spencer is acting right now Esme would have to be Willow-levels of stupid to agree to a marriage of convenience with him. If Spencer had more emotional intelligence, he'd dial it back 100 notches and pretend to befriend Esme for access to Ace. This is a situation which requires cunning but Spencer has straight up told Esme he wants her baby so her guard is up around him. Great-Uncle Stefan's spinning coffin has probably drilled to China by now.

Edited by Mirabelle
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On 3/25/2023 at 11:40 AM, nilyank said:

They are believing Nikolas who said he was the father as Esme had amnesia and wouldn’t know. Now he could have demanded/gotten a dna test when he spotted a pregnant Esme but he wanted to play princess in the tower.

By the way, they could demand a dna test but she doesn’t have to agree to it and the presumed father would have to go to court to do so. It is not in Esme’s best interest to confirm Nikolas is the dad when he is not around because the Spencer right now has no legal ties to Ace.

Thanks to Trina’s dumb plan, Esme can leave town with Ace if she wants. She is not a prisoner. She is not on parole. She is not on probation. She has not been told that she cannot leave town.

However $80 is only going to get her and Ace a train ride out of Port Charles. Laura is offering a place for them to stay but she has not talked to Esme about finding a job so she can earn some income while she also figures child care for Ace. Which is why I was disappointed that Esme and Ace didn’t go live at Kelly’s where she could have worked as well.

There is no follow up regarding Esme’s trust fund or her adopted siblings, both these things would help support Esme becoming independent. 

The show wants her to be dependent on Laura’s kindness and Spencer to have giant baby rabies.

While I think Genie and Avery have great acting chemistry together, I was fine if the show allowed Esme to be struggling as she tries to find her footing for Ace and herself. As of yet, the only thing Esme asked was to stay with her son at Laura’s. She has not asked for any kind of financial support. And as I said earlier the $80 that Laura spontaneously gave her, is not much.

Spencer has whatever rights the idiot writers for this show decide to confer upon him.  Because GH exists in a tiny pocket universe where fate is decided by incredibly lazy, ignorant and dubiously talented writers.

On 3/25/2023 at 1:57 PM, Blackie said:


I know that baby is giant, but isn't he just 1 month old (if that), and I know that the US has terrible maternity leave, but isn't it a bit soon to be expecting Esme to be out working? Also did Ryan have money ??  Would she be in line for some inheritance.  Did she really have a trust fund set up for her, maybe she could access that now. So much they aren't addressing. Even the amnesia, shouldn't she be getting a formal medical diagnosis?

What maternity leave?  That would entail her having a job in the first place.  I think what you’re looking for is ‘welfare’ in this situation.  And as a single mother of a newborn there are plenty of programs.  But maybe not in the GHverse and it’s ignorant idiot writing.

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On 3/26/2023 at 5:55 AM, Aymery said:

I know there is a preference with each new regime to create their own characters, but it would really have made a lot of sense to have TJ be Tommy Hardy, Jr. Failing that, Portia could have been a Ward. Nina could have been a Barrington, Baldwin, or even a Quartermaine (although the latter would complicate Michael's relationships and children with both her daughters). It was incredibly short-sighted to create all-new families for both.

Speaking of short-sightedness, if the goal of Willow and Esme's concurrent pregnancies was not a baby swap, why did they have BOTH of them give birth during February Sweeps? Esme's childbirth was linked to the Sweeps reveal of the Hook killer, so that had to be timed together, but why not drag out Willow's pregnancy so she might give birth during the 60th anniversary week to a Quartermaine heir? (Ideally named Alan Quartermaine III, Alana for a girl.) They should also time Sprina's first time to occur during the week (and again, it would have been even more meaningful if Trina was a Ward through either one of her parents - so we would witness the union of a Quartermaine and Cassadine).

The longer they drag out Sprina's first time, the bigger a disappointment it will inevitably turn into. I still think they should have had Trina lose her virginity to Rory. The thing about Spencer - and the "bad boys" in general - is that they strike me as being primarily focused on their own pleasure, not their girlfriend's. They don't put in the effort to woo the girl beforehand, much less once they have her in their bed. In Spencer's case it would be exacerbated by the fact that the only girl he's ever been with, Esme, would not have needed wooing since it was her father-given mission to seduce him into stalking Ava and destroying her marriage to his dad.

If Jax has to return - and I agree that his absence, while not really felt yet, will be glaring if Joss is imperiled by her relationship with Dex - it will have to be a recast. It's not like they have a limited talent pool either; there are plenty of Aussie actors in Hollywood, and if all else fails, get someone who can put on the accent.

I don't expect the Magic Milo strippers to be polished; the guys are supposed to be amateurs, not professionals. It would be weirder if they all performed like it was what they were trained in and did for a living. And the nature of charity performances like this is for the performers to put themselves out there and embarrass themselves a little in order to raise money for a good cause. I don't believe the women on (and off) the show should be shamed for enjoying the performance. God knows Epiphany always did and I liked that a larger, Black woman did not have to hide her desires. I only wish they had done more with her and Milo's romance which was almost entirely offscreen. 

As for this year's Magic Milo, I mainly hope they can rope in Chase and TJ. Drew and Cody don't quite cut it. And speaking of wooing, maybe Spencer can perform his own private Magic Milo routine for Trina.

I’m pretty sure they could bring Ingo back as Jax.  I watched an interview with him on the subject of his departure and it appears that he left on relatively cordial terms.  

On 3/27/2023 at 11:12 AM, ciarra said:


That will take a long time.  Maybe as much as 18 months for her to complete a premed undergrad program and graduate form medical school, plus ‘ace’ her medical boards for her license.

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On 3/27/2023 at 4:20 PM, sacrebleu said:

I'm just glad they're throwing Cam a party at Charlie's NOT Kelly's. 

I missed a chunk of the show due to Biden. But Joss can f*ck right off telling Cam's mother how tough the breakup was on her. There really isn't a situation Joss can't make about her. 


The real question is; who is the bigger narcissist, Carly, or Carly Jr.?

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3 hours ago, Mirabelle said:

The way Spencer is acting right now Esme would have to be Willow-levels of stupid to agree to a marriage of convenience with him. If Spencer had more emotional intelligence, he'd dial it back 100 notches and pretend to befriend Esme for access to Ace. This is a situation which requires cunning but Spencer has straight up told Esme he wants her baby so her guard is up around him. Great-Uncle Stefan's spinning coffin has probably drilled to China by now.

That's what I was envisioning, not a marriage of convenience, but Spencer making her believe (over time, because Esme is far from stupid) that he has feelings for her so he can keep his baby brother (downs a shot) close. Trina may or may not know the truth of why he marries her, but angst and drama and yearning and all that soapy stuff would ensue.

Me, much as I find Ace adorbs, I lament how much of these three young people's lives revolve around a baby already. I hope they don't make it worse.

Edited by Fellaway
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So the point of no return for Spencer that he is willing to go all in with Victor is that Esme dared to mention a wish to get a job. All so she could get a chance of independence and not needing to depend on him and other. How evil.

If he really wanted justice for his friends then he should have told Trina that he plan was dumb (because it is). And if Esme does get sent back to prison and gets to take Ace with her (who of course will act as her bodyguard), Victor just shrugs it will only be 18 months. Spencer whined that he didn't want his baby brother (gulp) growing in prison but is willing to send him back if it means he gets to eventually steal him away from Esme. 

It is ridiculous. Where is the Trina who would bluntly tell Spencer when he was being out of touch and/or delusional. That being Ace's brother does not trump Esme's being his mom. He is not next of kin if something happens to her. That would be Laura/Kevin.

Some superspies. Lucy sneaked out of the safehouse. Again. And they didn't realized that she left and then came back.

Edited by nilyank
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Spencer truly became so awful and bratty in his scenes with Victor that I’m now rooting for Esme.

A 20-year-old man would have a hard time mustering up interest in a full-blooded sibling from happily married parents. But this obsession with his gf’s child with his father is ridiculous. A more realistic reaction would be that he is so disgusted and angry that he wants nothing to do with any of them - including Ace. 

I’ve come to really enjoy hearing different characters react to the name Ace. It says something about their personalities. I didn’t quite hear what Ava said when Esme told her his name was Ace. I thought she said, “He looks like a scholar(?) like his father.” Did anyone hear what she said? Also, Austin’s treatment of Esme was sweet. 

Please, no more Carlys. I also am sick of the NB prep. Maxie and Lucy are too much loud, obnoxious energy to have in one scene.


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5 minutes ago, Peppermint Patty said:

I didn’t quite hear what Ava said when Esme told her his name was Ace. I thought she said, “He looks like a scholar(?) like his father.” Did anyone hear what she said?" 

"He looks like his father. My husband." 

But in the episode before this one, the Thursday show, I rewound three times and couldn't understand a line from Violet. It was something she said to Liz, and then Finn said, "That means..." and Liz said, "I know what it means." 

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3 hours ago, Suicidy said:

I’m pretty sure they could bring Ingo back as Jax.  I watched an interview with him on the subject of his departure and it appears that he left on relatively cordial terms.  

I'm not sure I'd characterize suing the network over his firing as a cordial exit.

Valentine was particularly awful today with his reaction to Eileen's death. Like, Victor is obviously the big bad, but are we really supposed to believe that someone's one of the good guys when he helps get someone killed and feels absolutely no remorse about it whatsoever?

I mean, I guess we are since Sonny is the show's hero, but, you know, in a show with a moral compass this would be jarring.

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10 hours ago, Katy M said:

Lucy, the world (I mean the Nurses Ball) can go on without you. How does she keep getting out without Anna and Val noticing?  The cabin doesn't seem that big. 

Sadly, Anna continues her run as the world's worst super-spy. She continues to use civilians as assets and it goes badly, ala Lucy (so far off the rails there's no turning back now) and Eileen who is dead, dead, dead. Either Sean Donnelly was a horrible mentor (doubtful) or Anna was an awful student back in their WSB days.

In other news, Jordan looked very nice the other day on the Docks. Great ensemble with the coat, slacks and blouse. Yes, it's come to this. The show is so mediocre I'm now reduced to making fashion commentary.

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3 hours ago, Steph J said:

I'm not sure I'd characterize suing the network over his firing as a cordial exit.

Valentine was particularly awful today with his reaction to Eileen's death. Like, Victor is obviously the big bad, but are we really supposed to believe that someone's one of the good guys when he helps get someone killed and feels absolutely no remorse about it whatsoever?

I mean, I guess we are since Sonny is the show's hero, but, you know, in a show with a moral compass this would be jarring.

I thought Steve abutting was suing.  Guess Ingo won’t be back then.

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On 3/30/2023 at 9:21 PM, Steph J said:

I'm going to have to insist that the show start sending me a dollar every time the words "baby brother" are uttered so that I can pay for therapy before the repetition drives me insane.

How about you take a shot every time Spencer says “baby brother” and I take a shot every time Nina says “my daughter” and we see who gets drunk first. (My guess: both of us, within 10 minutes.)

17 hours ago, Fellaway said:

I'm more concerned he'll marry Esme.

I suspect we’re headed for a version of this, given Trina’s misgivings about Spencer and Esme living in the same house.

Lucy is getting on my very last nerve. She’s supposed to be comic relief, but I find nothing amusing about a 50-year-old baby. At this point, Ace is more mature than she is. And of course she will find a way to crash the ball and lose her clothes in the process, because what is GH if not endlessly recycled lame jokes.

I recently read that vaccine mandates are soon ending. I am dreading what this may mean for the return of Jason and/or Jax.

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6 hours ago, Winston Wolfe said:


In other news, Jordan looked very nice the other day on the Docks. Great ensemble with the coat, slacks and blouse. Yes, it's come to this. The show is so mediocre I'm now reduced to making fashion commentary.

If you haven't been paying attention, wardrobe has been doing a really good job with the coats. Even Dex was wearing a good coat a few episodes ago. 

I finally figured out why Spencer's obsession with Ace is bothering me so much. I don't know if it's the writing, the direction, or the actor's decision but it's being played very much like that of a jealous, possessive boyfriend who doesn't want his girlfriend breathing the same air with anyone other than him. If he was acting this way towards Trina, everyone would be telling her to get out because there are more red flags than a political rally in China. 

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Burton could return now that the mandates are up, he left on good terms.  Ingo?  Not a chance in hell.  He burned all his bridges at GH and with Disney.  I don't know why they don't recast that roll, I think the character is useful.  I don't think they'd recast Jason again, but I do believe Burton will end up back on GH at some point.  Not saying this year, but he  will be back. 

14 hours ago, JMO said:

Spencer needs Cam to stay and be his conscience. 

Seriously, he has the potential to be a really interesting character, but not if he throws his last remnant of integrity away at the age of 19.  If he does that---and it seems like he might already have done so---he becomes just another throw-away Cassadine thug, and that would be a pity.  

I don't know that there's a way to salvage the situation, at this point.  There hasn't been enough exploration of exactly why Spencer cares so much about what happens to his little brother.  Too little (?any) articulation of how his own childhood influenced his thinking.  Not enough sense made of his insistence upon keeping the child away from Esme, now that we know she's not the Hook.  (We do know that, don't we?)

All we know, at this point, is that it looks like Spencer has decided it is better for the baby to be raised in the Cassadine circle of evil, versus the Chamberlain circle of evil, and the only person who could say that to his face has just left town.



He can be the most interesting character, and with such a talented actor to portray him.  Of course the writers decided to ruin that.  This is why I want a recast for Nicholas.  The writers can't help themselves and without Nicholas on screen, they took their knives out to shred Spencer.   Also I think a good recast for Nicholas, and some elevated writing (i know, i know), would be good for the show in general. 

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2 hours ago, nilyank said:
20 hours ago, Gam2 said:

Will someone please buy a stroller for Ace? This is just stupid.

He is going to be walking soon so he won't really need it.


I think he has been signed up as the mystery Wand dancer. They just have to find some cheap diapers that have bad sticky tabs so they can tear away easy.

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