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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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I think Valentine will be next to find out that Willow is Nina's spawn.  It's probably why they are inserting Carly into ELQ business.  Valentine is going to blackmail her to retain control of the company.  Then he's going to look all sad when he sees Nina, and knows he's betraying her again. 

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On 5/27/2022 at 1:24 PM, YaddaYadda said:

Yes, it is totally messed up. They gave Trina two love interests. One will be living on 10K/week, the other one has to use a discount to get into a posh pool and be able to afford the drinks Carly sells. Dante isn't rich either and neither is Chase, but they aren't portrayed the way Rory has been, so I'm not sure what's going on there.

It reminded me of the pool episode on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. 

I’m guessing detectives make a lot more money than rookie cops.  I know they do where I live.

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56 minutes ago, Suicidy said:

I’m guessing detectives make a lot more money than rookie cops.  I know they do where I live.

i should hope so! LOL

if a rookie made the same as a detective, why would people wanna be a detective? ;)

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Since Port Charles is a fictional city, I decided to look up what a rookie cop gets paid where I live.


Cadet in Training         $67,680

4th Class Constable    $75,218

3rd Class Constable    $85,971

2nd Class Constable   $96,716

1st Class Constable    $107,456

Granted, it's Canadian dollars but I think Rory would still be able to afford those drinks even without a discount especially if he is not paying off university loans.

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2 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Since Port Charles is a fictional city, I decided to look up what a rookie cop gets paid where I live.

Granted, it's Canadian dollars but I think Rory would still be able to afford those drinks even without a discount especially if he is not paying off university loans.

Well this is PCPD where when Lucky was a rookie, he and Liz the nurse couldn't afford anything that they needed to turn to being Jax and Courtney's surrogate to pay the bills.

Edited by nilyank
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2 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Since Port Charles is a fictional city, I decided to look up what a rookie cop gets paid where I live.

Granted, it's Canadian dollars but I think Rory would still be able to afford those drinks even without a discount especially if he is not paying off university loans.

That’s a very generous starting salary. NYPD doesn’t start anywhere close to that…


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And ugh, it's a terrible one where Michael is preening about having Nina arrested for the nonexistent crime of telling no one where Sonny has been. And then Michael has the nerve to say he doesn't want a court battle that puts Wiley in the middle, and the dolt is doing that now instead of just letting Nina have supervised visits with the stupid kid.

It's also the last gasp of Willow having her own brain instead of agreeing with Michael about everything.

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23 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

the nonexistent crime of telling no one where Sonny has been

I am so tired of this made up identity theft but it is telling that this and Avery's birth is all that they can come up with against Nina as compared to the laundry list of crimes committed by Carly, Sonny and Michael.

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Nina has apologized multiple times for this and is trying to atone for it. It's fine that none of the Corinthii believe her, but they can't ignore her and get their pound of flesh. They always want it both ways.

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On 5/28/2022 at 9:05 PM, ciarra said:

I think Valentine will be next to find out that Willow is Nina's spawn.  It's probably why they are inserting Carly into ELQ business.  Valentine is going to blackmail her to retain control of the company.  Then he's going to look all sad when he sees Nina, and knows he's betraying her again. 

Possibly.  Or they just can’t imagine not having a storyline without SheBeast in it.

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3 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

It's also the last gasp of Willow having her own brain instead of agreeing with Michael about everything.

The devolution of Willow Tait. It was pretty jarring to watch.

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Has Chase been fired? Is he ever going back to the force? Why hasn't his suspension ended by now? 

Even just reading the recap enrages me! Why does Nikolas care if Spencer and Esme break up? Why? Why are they doing this to him? If he's not playing her (which I'm sure he's NOT), then they've made him a complete moron for no freaking reason! Argh!!! 

Edited by lala2
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Michael: Will Wiley ever forgive any of us for all the bad things we've done?  Me: who cares. 

No Carly, Michael was not amazing on the stand.

Willow. shut up. "If you loved Wiley why did you let Scott attack his father o the stand?" Okay If you loved Wiley why did you and your dipstick boyfriend attack Nina in the media and on the stand? it goes both ways you moron. 

Hm.  Le's play this game. If Willow is saying nature vs. nurture. Madeline (bad), Nina (bad) Nelle (bad) this means Wiley will be bad. If she's going to argue nurture over Nature, well he'll just be spoiled badly. so either way this kid is screwed. Also. i can't wait to cackle when Willow realises that her apple is going to be very close to Nelle's. Nina basically said the same thing. heee. Also also: Willow. you are choosing to raise your child with someone who wants to be a mobster, whose primary family has no problems being mobsters,  has no problems bribing officials  and roll in the mud to win. way to go to protect Wiley, babe. stellar job. 

Give Wiley a different lineage? again are you leaving Michael?  Shut up.

I wish Lisel was here to chew out Willow lol (I missed Willow's Testimony but it must have been good to have Nina back down). 

Am I supposed to care about Chet and Terry?

Spinelli. you didn't choose Ellie. you chose Jason. shut up. 

I need CLQ to poop or get off the pop. 

I am tired of Drew: life counsellor.

And.. holy crap. Nik done kissed Esme. geeze marie  

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There's this thing a bunch of us having been saying for a while. Nikolas is a total moron and a dumbass. Can't get stupider than Nikolas, but Nikolas always manages to outdo himself. And that kiss was very inappropriate. 

What part of Sonny didn't want to know who he was didn't these people understand? That Willow tirade was unfair, but it makes sense that she would find her backbone against someone who went after Michael's past. 

The person they should have put on the stand was Monica. Because Monica had her grandson kept from her for years. But what did that grandson do when he got into a fight with his parents? He ran right to the grandmother he was kept from. And now his ass just won't leave anymore.

But I get it, we're creating drama out of thin air for the sake of creating drama for a year or two years down the line when Willow finds out that her mother is Nina. But the less said about that confrontation, the revisionist history, Willow and the stand, the better.

The dress they put Britt in is a crime against women everywhere. It was badly tailor and made her look like her butt was lower than where it's supposed to be and ends a foot from where it's supposed to end. But Britt makes this Drew somewhat likable. 

KMo looked pretty in her dress and with her hair all done like that. I'm glad they're allowing her out of the black and greys.

Spinelli, Ellie felt she had to leave you because you actively chose the mob over her, so it's your fault. There's no blaming her or trying to put part of the blame on her. 

This episode was slow and felt like it lasted two hours instead of 40 mins.

Why is there an ad with a disgusting foot on this page? Seriously.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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2 minutes ago, Daisy said:

Michael: Will Wiley ever forgive any of us for all the bad things we've done?  Me: who cares. 

Seriously. Most of it happened before he was born, and none of it is really any of his business. 

"Let go of me!" "I will if you will!" The Nina/Willow arm wrestling was pretty funny.

11 minutes ago, Daisy said:

I am tired of Drew: life counsellor.

He barely knows these people. I don't know why anyone listens to him.

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I can't blame LW for playing Carly as a narcissistic entitled bitch but when she smirks at Willow acting Nina, I just want to wipe that smirk right off her face.

Sam dressed in pink frills talking about Spinelli's new look is jarring. (also it's the wrong colour for her)

Esme seducing Nik is creepy. Nicely done AP. Still squicky.

I liked Laura a marriage counselor.

Britt, you're not mingling, you're spending all your time talking to Drew. You deseve so much better than this version of Drew.

It's a stupid idea to mix a charity fund-raiser for people with partners and a singles event. How are you going to know who is available?

Why does Brook Lynn think that to help Ned the Aurora/ELQ merger has to go through? Right now, he's the only member of the family working at ELQ. Michael and Drew want to demote him.

I really hate that Nina stopped Scott from cross-examining Willow. He should have torn her to shreds, from the fact that she's not Wylie's bio-mother, to Harmony taking her to a cult and then killing 2 people, to grabbing Nina earlier.

20 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

The devolution of Willow Tait. It was pretty jarring to watch.

It's really become unbelievable. She's as bad as Carly and Michael now. Willow confronting Nina that her presence in Wiley's life is self-serving is the boiler calling the kettle black.

Willow: Nina kept Wylie from his grandfather.  Me: because you kept Wylie from his grandma Nina, moron.

Michael "I couldn't be more proud of you" because you've been brainwashed now to our side.

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If Nina was going to stop Scotty, why are we wasting our time w/this trial? They could have had her just drop the whole thing, realize they would never let her see that brat, and move on w/her life. I would have loved that! 

I'm so happy I didn't see that Nikolas crap. I hate that they are throwing him under the bus. It's disgusting. It doesn't help that Esme is 19-years old. She looks 16. She's his teenage son's teenage girlfriend!!!!!! Maybe if Spencer and Esme were in their 20s, I wouldn't be as upset but she's not! Did MC tick someone off? Why are they ruining Nikolas in this way? They don't even give him an excuse like they did w/Sonny & Nelle! He's kissing her w/a clear mind! Ugh! As a MC/Nikolas fan, I'm beyond disappointed. 

GH sucks. 

Edited by lala2
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10 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I liked Laura a marriage counselor.

I love that she and Ava are both at target practice. 

2 minutes ago, lala2 said:

If Nina was going to stop Scotty, why are we wasting our time w/this trial? They could have had her just drop the whole thing, realize they would never let her see that brat, and move on w/her life. I would have loved that! 

I want the judge to call both sides idiots and give Nina unrestricted access to the stupid kid. Wipe the smug off the faces of the Corinthii. It's ridiculous they think Nina is going to inculcate the stupid kid with tales of woe about Nelle. I just can't with this story. It's galactically stupid on every level.

17 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Sam dressed in pink frills talking about Spinelli's new look is jarring. (also it's the wrong colour for her)

The dress code is all over the place.

18 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Esme seducing Nik is creepy. Nicely done AP. Still squicky.

Oh, Nik. Always thinking with your penis. He's a weak man fundamentally.

I don't really care about Terri and Chet, but they had a reassuringly adult conversation about his new job and how it affects their relationship. That doesn't happen on this show very often.

What is going on with Willow's hair? Are those extensions? That layering is terrible.

3 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Willow was feuding with Nina long before she ever dated Michael so why would she be more sympathetic to her now?

When Willow was trying to scold Nina, she said she'd put the Charlotte crap behind her but Nina hadn't. (Which, what?!) Besides the stupid kids, what else have they been feuding about? I can't remember.

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5 minutes ago, lala2 said:

If Nina was going to stop Scotty, why are we wasting our time w/this trial? They could have had her just drop the whole thing, realize they would never let her see that brat, and move on w/her life. I would have loved that! 

because Nina's internal mother kicked in. 
I hate to be that person - but i mean. of course Willow is gonna be banging the drum about "BLOOD DOESN'T MATTER".  Right now she has no idea who her family really is - and she's the adoptive mother. she doesn't have blood relations (that she knows of), so her stance is "Family is choice". great. I support that. 

But you stupid doornob blood does matter. because that kid is eventually going to want to know about his birth family, and do you think he'll be pacified with "Well I didn't think it mattered?" 

30 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

The person they should have put on the stand was Monica. Because Monica had her grandson kept from her for years. But what did that grandson do when he got into a fight with his parents? He ran right to the grandmother he was kept from. And now his ass just won't leave anymore.

have been screaming this forever. it's soo noticeable. but i guess Gramma Monica is visiting AJ's secret children, plotting how they will destroy Michael. 

23 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I really hate that Nina stopped Scott from cross-examining Willow. He should have torn her to shreds, from the fact that she's not Wylie's bio-mother, to Harmony taking her to a cult and then killing 2 people, to grabbing Nina earlier.

seriously. but again it pretty much was written for "Nina's mom sense activate" (or show that she's the bigger person anyway)

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9 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Oh, Nik. Always thinking with your penis. He's a weak man fundamentally.

Yeah, the scene definitely deserves a YIKES! but this has always been Nik's MO. He's not smarter than this. He's always let the wrong brain make the decisions for him. 

2 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

How did Willow manage to get her hair cut when it’s the same day in the courtroom? I don’t like it either.

I'm getting later seasons Rachel vibes from Friends. When JA had those extreme face framing angles goin' on. And yes, I went to my stylist in the early 00s and asked for the exact same thing. 

Animated GIF

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25 minutes ago, Daisy said:

seriously. but again it pretty much was written for "Nina's mom sense activate" (or show that she's the bigger person anyway)

Speaking of. The worst person in all of this is Carly. Carly could actually step in and put an end to this by telling the truth about what Harmony told her before she kicked the bucket. I get why she's keeping the secret for now, but there's no justification for her to keep her mouth shut other than to hurt Nina back. 

That smirk while Willow was going at Nina was so bad. 

Who the fuck are these people? The thing that bothers me so much with the show is the way the most characters, but especially Carly & Co are written as lacking basic human decency and empathy toward anyone who isn't them.

It's a good reminder why the real world is such a fucked up place.

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Anything that gets Drew away from the Corinthi for even a millisecond gets a yes from me, I liked him with Britt and if that was a chem test I’m here for it. 

What is there to say about Nikolas other than YUCK.  What is he even doing??  I was kind of thinking he was playing Esme, but are they really making him this stupid?? I didn’t like her “sexy” outfit either, it actually made her look weirdly younger than she already is.  Ick.

Also, following the pattern for pretty much every story recently, I have lost interest in CLQ. They are cute as friends, they would be cute as a couple, and it was cute to watch them dance around all that for a while. But now, it’s just taken too damn long. I’m over it. 

Edited by mostlylurking
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10 minutes ago, mostlylurking said:

Also, following the pattern for pretty much every story recently, I have lost interest in CLQ. They are cute as friends, they would be cute as a couple, and it was cute to watch them dance around all that for a while. But now, it’s just taken too damn long. I’m over it. 

Amen to that I didn't even want them to be a couple but the show wanted to go there and they went there, and now they just. act stupid. like neither of them want to make any kind of move, and so they just look at each other pathetically. none of them want to make a move. none of them do anything, so it's like what's the point. there's taking it slow and then not moving.  they aren't moving. why should i be invested in them?

24 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

Speaking of. The worst person in all of this is Carly. Carly could actually step in and put an end to this by telling the truth about what Harmony told her before she kicked the bucket. I get why she's keeping the secret for now, but there's no justification for her to keep her mouth shut other than to hurt Nina back. 

and then thing is. i don't even trust the show to let willow give her what for when she finds out Carly knew. 

though quite frankly i don't even care what  Willow does when she finds out because she's so brainwashed lemming it doesn't matter. 

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24 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

Speaking of. The worst person in all of this is Carly. Carly could actually step in and put an end to this by telling the truth about what Harmony told her before she kicked the bucket. I get why she's keeping the secret for now, but there's no justification for her to keep her mouth shut other than to hurt Nina back. 

That smirk while Willow was going at Nina was so bad. 

Who the fuck are these people? The thing that bothers me so much with the show is the way the most characters, but especially Carly & Co are written as lacking basic human decency and empathy toward anyone who isn't them.

It's a good reminder why the real world is such a fucked up place.

This is why I give Carly stans a wide berth.  I get it if you are a Carly fan, and stay with her during her ups and downs, but i mean the big stans on Twitter?  They have her profile picture, and call her "the boss bitch".  Those kind?  I am just like, okay, my thoughts and prayers to your family.   

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Nik was always presented as someone with a weakness when it comes to the opposite sex, but when Tyler played him, I dont think they presented him this icky, moronic or annoying...basically this new Nik is Not My Nik.

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I wish I could laugh about the Eick stuff but I just can't. It is so gross to me. She is so very young. She came on as his TEENAGE son's TEENAGE girlfriend! She is all of 19-years old. Nikolas is a grown man. He can't spot game when he sees it?!?! I'm just disgusted and disappointed w/the direction of the story. What is interesting about this? And I'm not gonna lie - I'm a sucker for chemistry. Eick have NONE! I just can't w/them. 

There are no stories on GH I currently care about. LOL! It's time for a GH break for me! 

Edited by lala2
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Nik and Esme? Eww. I haven't even gotten the impression that Nick liked Esme, just that he had some kind of savior complex about her, so he resisted everyone's reasonable arguments that she's not who she says she is. I hope this kiss brings Nik back to consciousness!

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Nik said that he wanted Esme ..... to stay and then she swooped in for the kiss.

22 minutes ago, lala2 said:

And I'm not gonna lie - I'm a sucker for chemistry. Eick have NONE! I just can't w/them. 

Especially since Nik/Ava had oddles of chemistry.

BLQ and Chase are acting like they are in grade 8 and don't know if they should go to the class dance together. Zzzzzz

1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

When Willow was trying to scold Nina, she said she'd put the Charlotte crap behind her but Nina hadn't. (Which, what?!) Besides the stupid kids, what else have they been feuding about? I can't remember.

Nothing as far as I can remember. Nina was even on their side to keep Nelle from Wylie. This is so stupid, it's like Willow has been completely brainwashed.

1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:

 Who the fuck are these people? The thing that bothers me so much with the show is the way the most characters, but especially Carly & Co are written as lacking basic human decency and empathy toward anyone who isn't them.

It's a good reminder why the real world is such a fucked up place.

That's what I was thinking. There are many things that I hear on the news and think "Who are you? Why aren't you questioning what you're being told?"  I guess the show is writing people who have stopped having empathy.

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I was away thursday until today inclusive, sounds like a didn't miss much????

On 5/29/2022 at 5:24 PM, Sake614 said:

That’s a very generous starting salary. NYPD doesn’t start anywhere close to that…

The budget for police in Canadian cities is very high, not sure we are getting out monies worth. Plus suspended police officers accused of much worse then Chase are paid full salary until trial/ investigation over.

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55 minutes ago, VioletMarx said:

Did Nik actually sleep with Esme??? Or did they just kiss??

They just kissed, but guess who's coming home to find them in bed together?

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1 hour ago, lala2 said:

I wish I could laugh about the Eick stuff but I just can't. It is so gross to me. She is so very young. She came on as his TEENAGE son's TEENAGE girlfriend! She is all of 19-years old. Nikolas is a grown man. He can't spot game when he sees it?!?! I'm just disgusted and disappointed w/the direction of the story. What is interesting about this? And I'm not gonna lie - I'm a sucker for chemistry. Eick have NONE! I just can't w/them. 

There are no stories on GH I currently care about. LOL! It's time for a GH break for me! 

Totally agree with you Lala ....although wasn’t there a while there when Nick was supposed to be “playing” Esme ?

.... now it seems like that’s over and he’s interested in her for real😟 

You say that there are no stories that you currently care for and I wholeheartedly agree !! .....but I did have to make an exception today for Terry and Chet who I find very pleasant with each other and they spoke like two adults not like those five year olds also known as Brooklyn and Chase.....

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31 minutes ago, dbklmt said:

They just kissed, but guess who's coming home to find them in bed together?

If Nikolas is seduced by a teeny bopper in a stuffed bra he gets what he deserves. Talk about midlife crisis. The only thing missing is who’s the daddy. 

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33 minutes ago, SiouxB said:

although wasn’t there a while there when Nick was supposed to be “playing” Esme ?

I never got that. I think Nik was trying to be sympathetic and thought that to support Spencer he had to support Esme. Of course when Sonny threatened Esme, Nik had to get into a pissing contest and protect Esme more. But I don't think the story ever showed him "playing" Esme like Spencer is. Nik is just a dope!

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1 hour ago, Daisy said:

i don't even trust the show to let willow give her what for when she finds out Carly knew. 

But, but, Nina kept the news about Sonny being alive for six months! That's so much worse!

3 minutes ago, AryasMum said:
35 minutes ago, dbklmt said:

They just kissed, but guess who's coming home to find them in bed together?

If Nikolas is seduced by a teeny bopper in a stuffed bra he gets what he deserves.

I don't think they'll sleep together yet; I think Nik will put the brakes on things but the kiss gives Esmé leverage. She'll make provocative comments to Ava and continue to shit-stir things.

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41 minutes ago, SiouxB said:

.... now it seems like that’s over and he’s interested in her for real😟 

I don't think he's interested interested per se. I think that Nikolas wants someone to stroke his ego (including the one in his pants) and tell him how awesome sauce he is, and heap nothing but praise on him, something that Ava won't do with good reason. 

Spencer has half-conversations with him, Laura criticizes him whenever she sees him, with reason, Britt told him where to go. Enter little missy who read him like an open book and told Mr. Weakling all the things his oversized ego demands.

Nikolas looks like a giant dumbass and a dumpster fire of a man, being played like a fiddle by a girl barely out of High School. Buy a sport's car for your midlife crisis, you mofo.

The character has been completely destroyed in service of I'm not even sure what. 

Anyway, I think that we all saw the writing on the wall for Nikolas, but the writers really took the shortest road on their way to obliterating him.

The only good thing to come out of this may be Ava and Spencer finally kissing (not like that) and making up.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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I haven't seen it yet, except for the short gif of the kiss on Twitter, but I can't help thinking maybe Avery wasn't that thrilled to be full on open-mouth kissing a man who is a great deal older than her, and to my mind, pretty gross looking.  Sorry, that is how I feel about him.  So I am not going to judge her on chemistry or kiss-hotness here.  I actually feel sorry for her.  And she's a really good actress.  But you know, she's still young.  I hope they gave her double time the day they filmed that. 

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The age difference is part of what makes the whole thing so entertaining in my view.  A father being unwittingly seduced by his teenaged son's girlfriend is very funny to me.  I guess maybe if it were real life it might be squicky, but in fiction I think it works.

Nik has always had a weird kind of sex life, so him and Esmé follow the pattern.

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3 hours ago, Cheetara1986 said:

Nik was always presented as someone with a weakness when it comes to the opposite sex, but when Tyler played him, I dont think they presented him this icky, moronic or annoying...basically this new Nik is Not My Nik.

He wasn't quite as moronic but Nik has been very icky since like 2006 with the Courtney affair.

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5 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

The person they should have put on the stand was Monica. Because Monica had her grandson kept from her for years. But what did that grandson do when he got into a fight with his parents? He ran right to the grandmother he was kept from. And now his ass just won't leave anymore.

I guess maybe Scott should have thought of that but he runs the risk of having a hostile witness who has lied for Michael and Wylie and didn't regret it when she was fired from GH.

3 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Especially since Nik/Ava had oddles of chemistry.

I think that is more from MW's abilities to elevate their scenes because I find MC to be the weaker actor when he is in scenes with other actors. I think Ava should move on. She would be better off.

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Nikolas really seems to care about making everything right with Spencer. What an idiot fool who fell for everything like a moron.

Willow grabbing Nina and attacking her over calling Michael to the stand. How dare she, she should just sit there and call nobody. She should have let Willow and Carly be put on stand and torn to threads.

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