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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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1 hour ago, Daisy said:

This gives me sadness 😞

Alexis needs a true friend in her corner so she can start to recover.

The best friend she has these days ironically is Valentin.

Nice work there Tracy, keeping Ned from going down to the jail to help Alexis.

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4 hours ago, perkie1968 said:

An officer took her away while Sam glared at her.  Then Chase told Sam that Julian was found dead.  

And, true to form, Sam looked annoyed that her father had the gall to up and get himself killed.

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I would not hope for Alexis/Jax scenes anymore. Honestly, I think this is a big reason they've written this closeness with Valentin in, ever since Valentin found out he isn't really a Cassadine. She already had Finn as a male friend with whom she had never had a romantic/sexual relationship. Now she's doubly covered.   

NLG and IR might be professional and get through scenes together if they were forced, but my guess is that no one at GH wants to push it or really sees the need, when there are so many others for each of them to have scenes with. So I just don't think Jax will be one of the characters trying to make Alexis great again.

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3 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

I would not hope for Alexis/Jax scenes anymore. Honestly, I think this is a big reason they've written this closeness with Valentin in, ever since Valentin found out he isn't really a Cassadine. She already had Finn as a male friend with whom she had never had a romantic/sexual relationship. Now she's doubly covered.   

NLG and IR might be professional and get through scenes together if they were forced, but my guess is that no one at GH wants to push it or really sees the need, when there are so many others for each of them to have scenes with. So I just don't think Jax will be one of the characters trying to make Alexis great again.

Did something happy between Nancy and Ingo? (ETA: Sorry, meant “happen”)

Edited by DanaK
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9 hours ago, ciarra said:

Last 10 minutes were missing, anything happen?

Jason and Carly tried to reassure themselves that Sonny is a good swimmer and could survive the cold water for an hour, then walk around the riverbank with flashlights looking for him.  

Alexis is heading to lockup rather than rehab.  Chase tells Sam that Julian is dead.  Tracy tells Ned she knows he slept wth Alexis and he needs to stay away from her.  Franco and scotty are headed back to PC.  Liesl will head back as well but they aren't to tell anyone that she's been released.  Dante keeps trying to call Dr Kirk but can't reach him because Liesl has his phone and has plans to continue Dante's programing.  

Can't remember if there was anything else in the last ten minutes.  

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29 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:
1 hour ago, DanaK said:

Did something happy between Nancy and Ingo?

Yes, they had a knock down, drag out fight on Twitter and then she blocked him.  Twas not pretty and completely instigated by him.  

That explains why Jax has strangely been a non-factor in this S/L. Did their fight have anything to do with Nancy's comments about Viola Davis?

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<<Not about Viola Davis. Politics, so we can't really get into it in detail. They are at opposite ends of the spectrum.>>

Interesting.  Well, I know where she stands on politics so that tells me everything I need to know about him as well.

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2 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

I would not hope for Alexis/Jax scenes anymore. Honestly, I think this is a big reason they've written this closeness with Valentin in, ever since Valentin found out he isn't really a Cassadine. She already had Finn as a male friend with whom she had never had a romantic/sexual relationship.

Alexis and Finn had hooked up together when he and Anna had been broken up before they got engaged.

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The best things about Christmas Eve at Casa Corinthos: Jax saying quiet is not unusual for Jason, and Jax spending time with Joss/being with his former family instead of Sonny. So let me get this straight -  nu"Uncle Lucas" is Michael and Willow's Christmas gift to Wiley?! I HATE seeing Michael so happy/pleased with himself, and Lucas telling Carly Michael is amazing. UGH.🤮

"You and Mr. Corinthos must be very proud."  Ugh, Willow dear, you need to step out of your ignorance. Ask Michael how his bio father AJ died. 

ENOUGH with the Corinthos Family propping!!🤬

Hated Trina yelling at Curtis for "lying" and then yelling at him again - how is it his fault his commissioner wife lied to him? The scene with Portia was good though.

Just when I think Sam can't be more insufferable, she is, between saying Julian got what he deserved, and then wanting Jason to stay overnight on the couch to be with the kids for Christmas - right after she asks him if he's the one who killed Julian!!  Hey Sam, this man you love had to be told by his BFF to come see you at the hospital when you texted him. 

I really enjoyed the Martin/Laura and Kevin scenes. Great acting by MEK, holding back tears about being included and them wanting to know him better.   

HP did a good job with NLG; I found Molly's anger and exasperation toward her mother for drinking at Jordan's believable and not over the top. Alexis dropping her phone at the headline of Julian's death was a well-done moment, too.

Edited by Bringonthedrama
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6 hours ago, perkie1968 said:

Yes, they had a knock down, drag out fight on Twitter and then she blocked him.  Twas not pretty and completely instigated by him.  

that is a bummer. but yeah if they aren't friends etc anymore (even while professional).  - scratch Jax for Valentine 

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6 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I really enjoyed the Martin/Laura and Kevin scenes. Great acting by MEK, holding back tears about being included and them wanting to know him better.   

Me too!  And maybe it’s because I’ve lost my mind lately, but when he came off the elevator, I was kind of hoping for Bobbie to be at the Nurses station.  He may be a good age appropriate companion for her, and a “nice guy,” to boot.  If only she wasn’t so Corinthisized and if only he hadn’t been representing Nelle.  😔

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1 minute ago, perkie1968 said:

So Sam couldn't be bothered calling Alexis to give her a heads up about Julian's death???  Alexis had to find out from an Instigator alert.  And poeple wonder why the woman drinks.  


It didn't even occur to me that Sam might call Alexis. I assume she thinks Alexis is in a jail cell, without her cell phone. 

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Jesus Christ, GH. "Merry Christmas from a town full of people who are sad and broken" is the message you want to leave us with on December 23? I need some levity, man. Martin/Laura/Kevin fit the bill well enough today and Sasha and Brando were surprisingly cute, but everything else was just depressing. Alexis can't hold it together for more than five seconds, poor TJ is about to have his holiday (and his relationship) ruined by Molly, Julian is dead and nobody much cares (where is Ava??) and Carly is on the verge of collapse over Sonny and only Jax notices. Not that I have concern for Carly or Sonny, but it's so dumb that Michael is RIGHT THERE and can't see something is wrong. He knows enough about the business  that it should have immediately  registered to him that Sonny's absence was sus. 

Now that I've got all the complaining out of my system, I want to wish everyone here a merry Christmas and a nice long holiday weekend. Y'all are awesome even (and especially) when the show is not, and I hope you're all taking care of yourselves and finding joy where you can this season.

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5 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

It didn't even occur to me that Sam might call Alexis. I assume she thinks Alexis is in a jail cell, without her cell phone. 

But it also means that Sam didn't tell Kristina or Molly, since Molly would have likely told Alexis when she sprang Alexis out of lockup.  Just seemed an awful thing to do, having Alexis find out via an alert rather than someone tell her.  

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20 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

The best things about Christmas Eve at Casa Corinthos: Jax saying quiet is not unusual for Jason, and Jax spending time with Joss/being with his former family instead of Sonny. So let me get this straight -  nu"Uncle Lucas" is Michael and Willow's Christmas gift to Wiley?! I HATE seeing Michael so happy/pleased with himself, and Lucas telling Carly Michael is amazing. UGH.

I know we were supposed to see it as a nice gesture from Michael/Willow to Lucas and supposed to be happy, but it just made everyone except Lucas (and of course Wiley) look like assholes. Lucas never stopped being Uncle Lucas, idiots. When Wiley was in the scene I wanted so much for him to run to Lucas saying Daddy! and say that he wanted to go home.

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40 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Speaking of HATE - Trina yelling at Curtis for "lying" and then yelling at him again

Yes.  I adore Trina, but the minute Curtis told her that he had no idea Taggert was alive, she shouls have apologized up the yin yang for all the bitching she's been throwing at him since Taggerts' 'death".  

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Was there an earring sale or something? The women are all wearing the same earrings.

Oh, Michael. How good of you to ask Lucas to be back in Wylie's life. You're so amazing! You're such a great guy! Please let me kiss your ass like every single character on this show. *Blergh*

Sam texts Jason about having had to identify Julian's body (why was the body taken to GH for that?), Jason doesn't want to leave his number #1 priority, Carly. #1 priority tells BFF she wants to bang to go to her. BFF who wants to stay with #1 priority tells her he loves her before he goes to see his ex, whom he allegedly loves so very much, but can't be bothered with. Ex proceeds to ask the guy who will never prioritize her if he was the one who killed her father.

How fucking messed up is that? This dynamic is such a flaming bag of poo. New levels of pathetic reached every time. There is no bottom to this barrel. 

Hey, Jason, come home, sleep on the couch so that the kids can see you. And again, Scout isn't Jason's kid, stop trying to rewrite history! No amount of Sam telling Jason about the things that Scout did or Scout said will ever chance that.

Alexis drinking at Jordan's. The place is so small, how is no one hearing her unscrew the vodka? 

It seems like Molly is about to come clean to TJ. But with this whole Brando / Sasha thing that seems to be happening, the writers are going to make it really messy between Molly and TJ, so I think we might be headed toward a triangle in which TJ will not be included.

Alexis finding out about Julian the way she did was not cool. I get that Sam might still think that her mother is in the drunk tank, but still.

Kristina is apparently hanging out at Sam's with the kids? 

I really enjoy Trina, but can we lay off the screaming at adults? 

Still enjoying the hell out of the Marty / Laura interaction. I'm very much here for this.

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<<Kristina is apparently hanging out at Sam's with the kids? >>

huh - I thought she had been in Chicago since LA was on Shameless two weeks ago! Would have been amusing if they said that's where Kristina had been.

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2 minutes ago, nilyank said:

I am  thrilled that Laura asked Marty to spend Christmas dinner with her and Kevin. Favorite part of the whole show.

I loved that MEK/Martin kept dropping the presents (the second and third time didn't seem to be on purpose) and JL tossed Genie a look of humor when he bent down again to pick them up.  It seemed to be a very loose and very sweet scene.  


20 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

Alexis drinking at Jordan's. The place is so small, how is no one hearing her unscrew the vodka? 

Once Jordan knew Alexis was there for dinner, she should have put the alcohol away rather than let it sit out where she could access it.  Also, when Molly grabbed the cup from Alexis, she smelled it and realized it was alcohol.  But doesn't vodka not have a smell?  

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56 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

I know we were supposed to see it as a nice gesture from Michael/Willow to Lucas and supposed to be happy, but it just made everyone except Lucas (and of course Wiley) look like assholes. Lucas never stopped being Uncle Lucas, idiots. When Wiley was in the scene I wanted so much for him to run to Lucas saying Daddy! and say that he wanted to go home.

Oh, I would have LOVED that! GH always skips the natural, organic drama though. To me, it would have been much more interesting if Wiley (and Michael) had some trouble adjusting to each other. I wouldn’t have had Michael so involved in Wiley’s life before the truth was revealed so it would have truly been a life altering moment.  I also would have done more with Brucas and Lucas. It should have never been as simple as it turned out to be. But, of course, this story was never about Wiley; it was all about giving Michael a girlfriend! 

Anyway, the scenes did nothing for me! It was too little too late AFAIC. Michael should have reached out to Lucas months ago if he truly cared, but he doesn’t. And I’m sure we won’t see with Wiley with Uncle Lucas again. This show is a joke! 

Edited by lala2
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55 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

it just made everyone except Lucas (and of course Wiley) look like assholes.

I'll say it: Wiley is an asshole.

13 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

But doesn't vodka not have a smell?  

IMO vodka has an alcohol smell. I can't explain it better than that, but it's not odorless.

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1 minute ago, lala2 said:

Oh, I would have LOVED that! GH always skips the natural, organic drama though. To me, it would have been much more interesting if Wiley (and Michael) had some trouble adjusting to each other. I wouldn’t have had Michael so involved in Wiley’s life before the truth was revealed so it would have truly been a life altering moment.  I also would have done more with Brucas and Lucas. It should have never been as simple as it turned out to be. But, of course, this story was never about Wiley; it was all about giving Michael a girlfriend! 

Anyway, the scenes did nothing for me! It was too little too late AFAIC. Michael should have reached out to Lucas months ago if he truly cared, but he doesn’t. And I’m sure we won’t see with Wiley with Uncle Lucas again. This show is a joke! 

They messed it up with the custody case by not having Lucas invovled. Either have Lucas fighting Michael for custody with Nelle on Lucas' side, or have Nelle fight Michael's insta-marriage by marrying Lucas. Insert natural drama for everyone. Lucas had more than enough ammunition against Michael, Nelle, and even Willow to fight for and win custody if he had wanted to.

Just now, dubbel zout said:

I'll say it: Wiley is an asshole.

ROFL. That was funny!

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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

I'll say it: Wiley is an asshole.

Honestly, it's true.  And if he's not now, he will be.

Today was just a shit show, what with Michael getting a tongue bath from everyone (wow, what a guy, letting Wiley's uncle be...his uncle.  Did Michael ever think Lucas was 'staying away' because he was waiting for an invitation that never came?  Fuck of, Michael), Willow singing the praises of that awful, awful family, Sam saying Julian "got what he deserved" but not seeing that that same fate is deserved by Jason, who she continues to pant after, even though with every new stocking on the Corinthii mantle, her place of important drops ('sorry, Sam, I know you're in crisis, but Donna had a blowout diaper and Sonny wants me to supervise the clean-up") and Trina and Molly taking turns screeching.

The one bright spot were the Marty/Laura/Kevin scenes.  I'm really pleased with this development.  It's nice to see MEK have something to do other than pointless lawsuits.

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1 hour ago, LexieLily said:

They messed it up with the custody case by not having Lucas invovled. Either have Lucas fighting Michael for custody with Nelle on Lucas' side, or have Nelle fight Michael's insta-marriage by marrying Lucas. Insert natural drama for everyone. Lucas had more than enough ammunition against Michael, Nelle, and even Willow to fight for and win custody if he had wanted to.

ROFL. That was funny!

That's what confused me. 
I remember the AMC/OLTL Baby Switch storyline. When Kevin Buchanan and his entire family realised that Ace wasn't Ace but was Adam Chandler the III they didn't just go "oh well. here Adam, and JR, take the kid. Merry Christmas," Kevin fought like hell to keep the baby he loved and it didn't matter to him that it wasn't biologically his. 

Lukas basically tossed Wiley to Michael and never really looked back. What hell kind of reaction is that? even Kelly (Kevin's ex wife) cried like a baby and questioned all the time if she did the right thing, even though she knew it was the right thing. 

and yah - Wiley is old enough to know that Lukas is "daddy" but i find most baby swap stories they never really focus on the kid and the other drama that coems after the "real parent" wins. (nor have we ever seen a "Solomon" situation where the real parent actually goes "I know that is my baby but for them I'll let them stay with parent #2 because that's whom they know and love and see as their parent and see the fall out from that). it's really insane. 

(Plus Lukas probably knows if he fought Michael, Carly and Sonny would have murdered him so..)

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1 minute ago, Daisy said:

That's what confused me. 
I remember the AMC/OLTL Baby Switch storyline. When Kevin Buchanan and his entire family realised that Ace wasn't Ace but was Adam Chandler the III they didn't just go "oh well. here Adam, and JR, take the kid. Merry Christmas," Kevin fought like hell to keep the baby he loved and it didn't matter to him that it wasn't biologically his. 

I remember how much I resented that storyline. The OLTL side got screwed over hard. I hadn't realized then how bad baby switch stories could get, that one was frigging Shakespeare compared to the Wiley/Jonah switch.

I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but I wish, if a show is gonna go down the baby switch road, they'd have the guts to let it lie for years. Like, until the switched kid is SORASED to a teenager.

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9 minutes ago, Melgaypet said:

I remember how much I resented that storyline. The OLTL side got screwed over hard. I hadn't realized then how bad baby switch stories could get, that one was frigging Shakespeare compared to the Wiley/Jonah switch.

I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but I wish, if a show is gonna go down the baby switch road, they'd have the guts to let it lie for years. Like, until the switched kid is SORASED to a teenager.

I know. I say that all the time. I think the closest we've gotten to it was YR's Lily finding out that Malcolm was her biological father not Neil.  but not a true baby switch. 

and I agree. the Oltl side got boned on that end. but it was still mucho better than the Wiley and Jonah switch

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Ugh, you guys, those Lucas scenes.  I dunno what pissed me off the most - the impression that Lucas was going to spend the holiday completely cut off from the family if Michael hadn't summoned him over (he does note later he's going into work, but still), Michael's spiel about getting around to including Lucas in Wiley's life A-F-T-E-R Willow had been cemented in ten times over, the moment of Lucas reuniting with Wiley lasting two seconds before we followed Willow across the room, or Lucas having to stop on his way out to tongue bathe Michael.  And did anyone ask Lucas how he's doing, his first Christmas divorced, without his son, etc.?  Of course not!  

And this was the best this actor has been, but still, we've seen him as Lucas like four times, we have no connection to him, so these scenes meant nothing. 

Too little, too late, GH.  UGH.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I’m going straight to hell, but I was laughing my ass off watching the SheBeast cry and have a lonely unhappy Christmas. Laughed and cackled at her tears and insistence Mooby couldn’t be dead. Yeah, you power hungry mob moll-think about all those people Jaysus killed at Mooby’s order whose loved ones were in the situation you’re in.  EXCEPT your man baby of a hubby will come home.

Not enough STFUs for SLS and his self serving words to NOT!Lucas. I mean, his “I know you Loved Wiley” had my jaw dropping. As if NOT!Lucas stopped loving Wiley when he handed him over.

And I know is a different actor, but the Wiley twins shows more animation and “talking” with “Unca Lucas” than with the Corinthii! Do they drug him? Because it seems he’s ALWAYS taking a nap, instead of doing toddler activities. I’m not saying those things should be shown on screen.

This is a first, but SHUT UP TRINA!!!

And for the first time, I liked Portia.

God. WHAT is the show doing to Alexis?

There are so many STFUs for Sam that I would break the Internet if I listed them all. Ungrateful hypothetical self absorbed TWAT.

Like others, the scenes with Marty, Laura, and Kevin were the best.

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33 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Ugh, you guys, those Lucas scenes.

Poor Lucas. Desperate for the crumbs the mighty Corinthos family tosses his way. Those scenes were so awful.

I didn't mind Molly throwing Alexis out of the apartment. Molly wasn't cruel the way Sam usually is. Wanting a sober mom is legit, and I don't think it was too much to ask that Alexis not drink immediately after being bailed out of the drunk tank. Sorry, "visiting the PCPD."

15 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Like others, the scenes with Marty, Laura, and Kevin were the best.

Watching those three pros is so soothing. 

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What happened to Other Lukas? This Lukas is yucky. 

Show. I don't care. I don't care that Sonny isn't home for Christmas because he spend the time between Thanksgiving and now trying to hunt down Julian and trying to kill oh wait "take him to justice" (because you know. the cops couldn't do that if you just told them, you dumby). I don't care because you wanna know why? Monica has to spend Christmas without her sonher daughter. her husband (I Know that was on Jerry but I'm gonna just lump it in there too). Jason is too busy crying over sonny to even spend time Christmas with his mother. again.  Not to mention the countless other people his pathetic butt had murdered for his Coffee Empire. 

(also when did Michael forgive Sonny/Carly for killing AJ?)

so watching this tongue bathing is just making me so mad. Is Avery with Ava? I bet no. 
The Wiley/Lukas thing. whatever. Like iit was said - it really should have been "DADDY!" I doubt very much he just woulda mumbled Uncle Lukas like that. the only name he knows with Lukas's face is daddy. 

In my head. Somewhere out there AJ had a son and a daughter, and they know the truth about everything and they are going to just come to Port Charles and burn the Corinthii everything down to the ground.

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1 minute ago, Daisy said:

(also when did Michael forgive Sonny/Carly for killing AJ?)

About three minutes after it happened. It was more like three month, actually, but it was way too soon. Michael should never forgive Sonny for that.

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3 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

About three minutes after it happened. It was more like three month, actually, but it was way too soon. Michael should never forgive Sonny for that.

You can thank Sabrina for that.

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I seriously don't know if I can stomach what is surely to be an OTT display of heroic Sonny punching death in the face and against all odds making his way back to his family in time for Christmas ...cuz he is JUST THAT FUCKING AMAZING. And the show will play it like some Jesus rising from the dead miracle moment. PUKE!!!!! 

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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

Poor Lucas. Desperate for the crumbs the mighty Corinthos family tosses his way. Those scenes were so awful.

In the hands of a good writer (I know some fanfic writers who could do a good job of it), this would have been an interesting exploration of Lucas' feelings of being adopted and whether he felt that he fitted in, especially now that Bobbie is to gung ho on Carly (who broke up Lucas' family) and how no one even asked how he felt about losing his own marriage and his son.

But the show doesn't care; it's more important for everyone to admire Michael who never had to work for anything in his life.

6 hours ago, perkie1968 said:

So Sam couldn't be bothered calling Alexis to give her a heads up about Julian's death???  Alexis had to find out from an Instigator alert.  And poeple wonder why the woman drinks. 

Sam is turning out to be a really nasty person. She has zero empathy to her mother, zero insight into her own actions and who she married and how similar he is to her hated father, and cannot fathom how unimportant she and her kids are to Jason.

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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

About three minutes after it happened. It was more like three month, actually, but it was way too soon. Michael should never forgive Sonny for that.

yah. a lot of stuff from that time isn't on youtube so i missed it all 😞 but i know he was trying to get custody of Avery but then i couldn't find anything and it's all Mom and Dad ❤️❤️ again and zero mentions of AJ. 

1 hour ago, nilyank said:

You can thank Sabrina for that.

the one that Patrick dumped at the alter?

1 minute ago, statsgirl said:

Sam is turning out to be a really nasty person. She has zero empathy to her mother, zero insight into her own actions and who she married and how similar he is to her hated father, and cannot fathom how unimportant she and her kids are to Jason.

a pathetic, nasty person. i really hope Danny/Scout raise hell on her when they are SOARSed.

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