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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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@lala2 but Nina has the right to know her grandkid. I can't complain too much though because this is old school Carly. I hope Nina goes nuts on her. (And that should be NEXT WEEK writers because this crap has been going on for SIX YEARS. SIX YEARS!!!)

Edited by ulkis
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14 minutes ago, ulkis said:

@lala2 but Nina has the right to know her grandkid. I can't complain too much though because this is old school Carly. I hope Nina goes nuts on her. (And that should be NEXT WEEK writers because this crap has been going on for SIX YEARS. SIX YEARS!!!)

Oh, I agree! I was just stating what I think was her reasoning. I tend to zone out on certain characters, and I vaguely recall her saying something "neck slashing pyscho" and "it will only hurt her to know," but yeah . . . I agree w/you. Jax should tell Nina the truth. She'll handle it how she handles it! 

ETA: @BlancheDevoreaux - Yes, I was thinking the same thing. This could be brief exit for AS to return from maternity leave. 

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The fact that there was no announcement as to why we were looking at a nuLucas, and the fact that we're likely only seeing Lucas with any face because he's needed for Julian's presumed exit versus any story of his own, speaks volumes about how little interest the show has in this character.  Sure they'll mention him on Twitter next time Pride comes around, though. #eyeroll

So (a pregnant) Brook is heading out of town?  I'm assuming to park there until Amanda Setton's back?  Is that supposed to be soon?

ETA...Britt tomorrow!

Edited by TeeVee329
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38 minutes ago, superdeluxe said:

More Matt Cohen than Patrick Dempsey.  

He looks like a combo of Nathan, Griffin, and Chase.  Like I said, somebody has a type.

At first I thought it was Griffin and I couldn’t understand why he was being a dick to Julian. 

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Griffin would be a dick to Julian because he's on Sonny's side. I couldn't understand why Olivia was and then I remembered that she's Sonny's baby mama too.

Poor Valentin, father of 2 (possibly) but neither from a woman he loves. Although if this baby takes over ELQ it will be nice poetic justice.

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Ewww with the nuLucas.  What was that?  I don't know where Ryan Carnes is but I want him back.  This guy was just a dick.  Although kudos to casting for finding someone who looks a lot like KeMo since Sam and Lucas are siblings.  

Apparently today was dump on Julian day.  And people wonder why he does the things that he does.  With family like that, who needs enemies.

I'm sad if this is the end of Brianna Lane.  Brook Lynn is an annoying brat, but BL made her palatable.  Also there is some chemistry between her Brook LYnn and Valentin which would be needed now that she's pregnant.  Having AS come back as Brook just because she's now pregnant not having had any scenes with valentin is just dumb.  Thought kudos to the show for the pregnancy twist.  Did not see that coming.  

Also, that baby will be the great grandchild of Tracy Quartermain and the grandchild of Helena Cassadine.  Now that is soapy!

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1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

I'd rather Brook Lyn be pregnant than Willow.

Really. I couldn't figure out who the tall guy standing beside Sam was.

I'm so tired of Sam and Lucas ragging on Julian. SHUT UP already. "You like the way it makes you look to you." You've just described Sam. And Sonny and Carly. Olivia is a huge hypocrite too.

Nina, you're an idiot. Look up Florida adoption records for the year. Carly is a huge hypocrite. And Jax, a DNA test on Wylie would answer the question. Oh, wait, no one ever does a DNA test on Wylie.

"Baby-snatching Nelle". Oh Carly, isn't this what you did with Michael and Avery? At least it's her own baby, unlike Nina snatching Avery from Ava's womb.

Yup, to all of this. I was totally confused who the tall, dark haired, blue eyed medical professional  was until he started yelling and Julian said "Lucas." This guy looks so unlike RC. I have no clue if he's a temp or permanent re-cast.

Yeah, I totally believe Carly wants Jax to lie to Nina so Nina won't be devastated. There's no way this is really about Carly wanting Nina (and all others) to shut up about Nelle for all eternity esp. because she doesn't want to be accused of letting Nelle die if the truth comes out. Seriously, since when does Carly give a damn about anyone's feelings outside of her kids and Jason? 

I laughed at the preview of Michael asking why they're just finding out about this now. I don't know, Michael - perhaps because you didn't give Sasha a second thought after you two broke up, except for a second or two when she hugged you and then ran off when she heard Mike died? I assume now that the three of them are in the hospital worrying Sasha is going to die from drugs, Chase will confess that the "affair" was a lie. If not, I expect Carly will speak up.

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I think it’s a real sin that we don’t have any forms of birth control available on this planet so innocent women like Brooklynn and Maxie have to have babies they hadn’t planned on having! Give me a freaking break, writers!

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Also, in the abstract, I don't 100% hate that Brook is pregnant.  The Tracy/Ned side of the Q's needs bodies, we need future Q's not through Jason, Michael, or anyone who thought they were Jason.  It's crazy in fact that Ned only had Brook and now Leo kinda, although that could go up in flames when the cheating comes out.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Oh that was real subtle, Show, with Brook Lynn opening her purse to reveal the pregnancy test.🙄🙄🙄

STFU, Olivia, Sam, AND FAKELUCAS! I wanted to bitchslap all of them.

And Lucas? You didn’t even hesitate to turn Wiley over to the SLS, or show me that it was ripping you in half to give him up. You didn’t FIGHT to keep him. So shut up and go away. And he’s just FUGLY.

And I say this as someone who doesn’t even like Julian.

Of course Jax is going to lie. He’s just as much of the SheBeast’s lapdog as everyone else.

Oh dear God. That Sasha actress is SO BAAAAD. She was acting as if Sasha was short of breath instead of cardiac arrest because of ODing (is that even a word?)

I called it! I TOTES called it! SLS/Eeyore self-flagellating over Sasha-with dead eyes. As if he gave any shits about her after being told that she and Chase “cheated”.

Let’s see if Chase will come clean.

Oh, Look! Cyrus actually said something overtly criminal about how he used Sasha as a guinea pig for his new drug concoction! Not only that, but was going to kill her.

So of course Julian is going to have to do the deed for the “favor” of temporarily neutralizing Ryan.🙄🙄🙄

1 hour ago, TeeVee329 said:

Also, in the abstract, I don't 100% hate that Brook is pregnant.  The Tracy/Ned side of the Q's needs bodies, we need future Q's not through Jason or anyone who thought they were Jason.  It's crazy in fact that Ned only had Brook and now Leo kinda, although that could go up in flames when the cheating comes out.

Hey at least it’s a Quartermaine/Whatever Helena’s last name was and NOT A BLOODY Corinthos! So, yay?

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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1 hour ago, Gam2 said:

I think it’s a real sin that we don’t have any forms of birth control available on this planet so innocent women like Brooklynn and Maxie have to have babies they hadn’t planned on having! Give me a freaking break, writers!

I assume that BL had the pregnancy test with her because the last actress playing BL really is pregnant and it's a convenient way to bring her back (at some point).  I'm reallllly hoping Maxie's pregnancy will not last past Heinrik/Peter being exposed; that it's a plot point intended mostly for the Heinrik/Peter, Anna and Valentin story arc.  If the writers have any guts, Heinrik/Peter's actions will directly or indirectly cause him to lose his child.

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I think nuLucas was a last minute casting. That guy was brutal.

I beg of you show, please stop having Sonny and Jason talk about how they keep drugs out of Port Charles, it's embarassing.

Edited by ulkis
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 GH did not have my full attention today, so when I looked up to see this very tall, dark-haired doctor standing next to Sam acting like he actually belonged with the group of people who were arguing,  I was racking my brain trying to figure out who the heck he was.   I was gobsmacked when Julian called him Lucas.   Have to say I liked him and thought he did a good job with his rant--though it didn't really have the same effect it would have had if Ryan Carnes had been delivering the lines.  Perhaps RC chose not to return because of COVID.   Maybe he's shooting a Hallmark movie.  Who knows?   I have no idea how accurate it is, but I saw on another forum that this new Ryan is actually an old Ryan--apparently he was in the role 2002-2003.

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53 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I assume that BL had the pregnancy test with her because the last actress playing BL really is pregnant and it's a convenient way to bring her back (at some point). 

But isn't the reason why BLQ was temporarily recasted because Amanda Setton was staying away because she was pregnant and to protect herself/baby from Covid-19. I don't think she will be back until after she has the baby and finishes her maternity leave.

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It always seems like Sonny has no idea how to use a cellphone, heh. He's so awkward with it.

47 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

And Lucas? You didn’t even hesitate to turn Wiley over to the SLS, or show me that it was ripping you in half to give him up. You didn’t FIGHT to keep him. So shut up and go away.

Yeah, that was a bit rich. The show has done a terrible job on that side of the story, though.

I don't know why Lucas gave Brando such a hard time about not knowing if Sasha OD'd on coke. I kind of love that Cyrus is using Sasha as a guinea pig for his new drug. Finally we're getting some action from him.

LOL at Michael's outburst to Cyrus. What a tough guy! Michael won't do anything. Stop trying to make him some kind of tough guy, Show.

Ugh, Chase, just tell Willow the truth. It's so stupid to keep it a secret.

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Cyrus using Sasha to test drive his new drug reminded me of Arrow when The Count was trying out his new drug too. Except The Count had the sense to pick street people who wouldn't be missed if they died. Stupid Cyrus picked the Face of Deception.

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1 hour ago, sas616 said:

I have no idea how accurate it is, but I saw on another forum that this new Ryan is actually an old Ryan--apparently he was in the role 2002-2003.

Apparently it is. Actor's name is CJ Thomason. He was recurring on GH as Lucas Jones in 2002-2003. I'm pretty sure I was watching then, but I could not pick him out of a lineup, so I went looking for pictures and he looks like Brandon Fraser in a lot of them and Aaron Paul in others. There is one of him as Lucas, but I still can't place him. 

ETA: I stand corrected. 

1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

Ugh, Chase, just tell Willow the truth. It's so stupid to keep it a secret.

I'm assuming this secret will come out with what happened to Sacha. I was expecting Michael to yell at Chase too about her overdose. How dare you not notice she was on drugs!

Edited by YaddaYadda
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5 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I read that same rumor, but per Daytime Confidential, nuLucas isn't an old Lucas, but this dude.  And it apparently isn't a temp recast.  So the complete lack of an announcement in-show is even more bizarre.


Carnes must have done something to piss Frank off.  This is a bad casting job.  I do not get a sense of Lucas in this guy, but Frank will Frank.

Edited by Hater
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9 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

I was expecting Michael to yell at Chase too about her overdose. How dare you not notice she was on drugs!

Hell, I did that yelling myself when Sasha was high as a kite and Chase, the POLICE DETECTIVE, couldn't tell, but Curtis, former cop. could tell, and pulled Nina aside and told her Sasha was on something. But Chase, the COP, just hand waved it as "ups and downs" because she couldn't deal with the consequences of her STUPIDASS plan.

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2 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

POLL: How long before nuLucas get some lovin' on-screen?


[X] They've already forgotten nuLucas exists.

Last option. And seeing his dickish attitude toward Julian, I hope he doesn't. Because his ass always goes running to Julian when he wants something, then treats him like shit all other times.

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16 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Hell, I did that yelling myself when Sasha was high as a kite and Chase, the POLICE DETECTIVE, couldn't tell, but Curtis, former cop. could tell, and pulled Nina aside and told her Sasha was on something. But Chase, the COP, just hand waved it as "ups and downs" because she couldn't deal with the consequences of her STUPIDASS plan.

Chase should have wondered if Sacha was on something, but they weren't even hanging out as much as they used to. The one time he might have been able to figure out there was something more going on with her, he got side tracked by BLQ having Amy sing in her place. As far as Curtis goes, he is a recovering drug addict, so he recognized the behavior. I wanna say that he might also have seen the baggie of blow when Sacha dropped her bag, but I'm not sure about that.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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2 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

Chase should have wondered if Sacha was on something, but they weren't even hanging out as much as they used to. And Curtis is a recovering drug addict, so he recognized the behavior. I wanna say that he might also have seen the baggie of blow when Sacha dropped her bag, but I'm not sure about that.

Yes, at the very least he should have wondered, but the few times he saw her when she was high, he didn't think anything was...off.

I didn't know that about Curtis. I remember just being amazed that neither Chase or Curtis could tell, but then Curtis redeemed himself when he told Nina. But I can't recall if he saw Sasha's little baggie.

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NuLucas was...not good.  But he matched KeMo's surly ~energy, so there's that.  Alas, it's not like we're going to have to see him more than once a quarter, so...

Michael and Willow's post-mortem (apt phrasing) about 'the sex that changed everything' was so awkward.  How long til Michael tells Carly (since she creepily has to know every aspect of her children's life)?  Speaking of her, please, as if she's worried about Nina's well-being.  And of course Jax is going to go along with it, because god forbid anyone disagrees with The Matriarch. 


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I preferred this version of Brooklynn. 

How did Cyrus get to the hospital without Brando to drive him?  Did he have to hoof it?  He probably has someone reading the texts on Brando's phone.   Sonny, Jason and Brando aren't fooling anyone. 

Sasha was so heartbroken losing Michael that she turned to drugs.  Yeah, that's believable. 

I want Nina's stolen baby story to continue, it hasn't gone on nearly long enough.  Maybe until Nina enters a nursing home, where she can still yammer about losing her child.  It's like that scene from Airplane. 

Screenshot_2020-11-16 airplane suicide - Google Search.png

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1 hour ago, TeeVee329 said:

POLL: How long before nuLucas get some lovin' on-screen?

[ ] Six months.

[ ] One year.

[ ] They've already forgotten nuLucas exists.

They don’t care about Lucas that much to give him a love interest.  But if they do, do they remember that he’s gay?  That’s a big thing they need to remember.

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nuLucas is such random casting. He looks nothing like Ryan Carnes or William DeVry. He’s really tall. He’s probably not even on contract so I doubt that nuLucas will be sewing his seeds on another dude anytime soon. Unless, Michael E. Knight is suddenly going to be gay which I doubt. Most of GH was preempted due to he Biden press conference. Was nuLucas on much more after the scene where Julian showed up?

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5 hours ago, ulkis said:

How can Valentin give Nina any legal right to Charlotte? Unless Lulu agrees it's ridiculous if he manages that.

Seriously. When Lulu dies, Valentin and Nina will have full custody like they wanted all along, Charlotte will happily forget her stand-in babysitter at Valentin's urging and start calling Nina Mommy, and Valentin will never allow Laura or Dante or Rocco to see Charlotte ever again. We already know this will happen. Are they consciously trying to always make Valentin look like a horrible father on par with Sonny re: blocking out his child's mother?

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9 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

Apparently it is. Actor's name is CJ Thomason. He was recurring on GH as Lucas Jones in 2002-2003. I'm pretty sure I was watching then, but I could not pick him out of a lineup, so I went looking for pictures and he looks like Brandon Fraser in a lot of them and Aaron Paul in others. There is one of him as Lucas, but I still can't place him. 

ETA: I stand corrected. 


I was always partial to CJ. Thomson's Lucas and wish they brought him back instead. Of course, it helps that C.J. and I are from the same hometown, did a theater workshop together in early high school, and he was the  reason I first started watching GH in the first place. He's a good guy... and he doesn't look like a poor man's Griffin.

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10 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Hell, I did that yelling myself when Sasha was high as a kite and Chase, the POLICE DETECTIVE, couldn't tell, but Curtis, former cop. could tell, and pulled Nina aside and told her Sasha was on something. But Chase, the COP, just hand waved it as "ups and downs" because she couldn't deal with the consequences of her STUPIDASS plan.

I think because most of us like Chase, or at least don't hate him, we don't want to admit that he may not be very bright. Our major data point for his policing is that his whole career in Florida imploded when the world's most transparent murder suspect, "Janelle," had him eating out of her hand. (I'll keep it family-friendly by saying "hand.")  

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11 hours ago, ulkis said:

How can Valentin give Nina any legal right to Charlotte? Unless Lulu agrees it's ridiculous if he manages that.

Nina did warn him that he had to approach her the right way, i.e., not just present it to her as a fait accompli. I don't see why he can't name a guardian of his choice, if that's where they're going with this.

On the other hand, I'm beyond tired of everything that has to with Charlotte and her parentage, custody, etc.

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8 minutes ago, Asp Burger said:

I think because most of us like Chase, or at least don't hate him, we don't want to admit that he may not be very bright.

That's because we have a plot point based show rather than a character driven one. If Chase had zeroed in on Sacha's behavior that she was on drugs, he would have probably confronted her, maybe blew that stupid secret out of the water and taken her to rehab. And that would have been the end of basically the Michael/Willow void of suck specifically, and Cyrus bringing his drugs into PC. Once Michael realizes that Sacha didn't cheat on him, and they get back together, she would have no need for drugs anymore. She would have been cured by Michael's boring ass.

So Chase is dumb very frequently in service to the plot. Also, those pants he's been wearing the past few episodes are not great.

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12 hours ago, sas616 said:

this new Ryan is actually an old Ryan--apparently he was in the role 2002-2003.

Someone on Facebook said that and it's not true, at least according to his IMDB page, which I'm assuming would be more accurate than some numbnut on Facebook.  He's only been acting since 2010 and he's never been on GH before now.  


His name is Matt Trudeau



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Brookie pregnant. Just what we need, another baybay. 

I hope Nina finds out Jax and Carly lied to her, cuz then Jax might be freed of her. But Jesus God these people never learn their lesson about lying. 

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20 minutes ago, TVbitch said:

I hope Nina finds out Jax and Carly lied to her, cuz then Jax might be freed of her. But Jesus God these people never learn their lesson about lying. 

If Jax keeps his mouth shut and doesn't tell Nina about Nelle, this will be the second lying about a baby's parentage (Spencer had to with paternity). But like I posted up thread, he totally will lie to her. SheBeast was the WORST thing to happen to Jax. 

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Finally we have some headway on some stories.  And things were very soapy today.  

Julian telling Cyrus that Taggert is alive.  I really hope this means Julian leaves town on his own steam, to hide out somewhere and that he doesn't get killed off in the mob war.  I love WDv and I loved Julexis in their hayday.  and want to hope that Julian might come back one day, once everyone has forgotten that pesky, knife to throat because my sister made me nonsense story.  

Nikolas lying to protect Ava and telling Sonny that he set up the hit on Ryan.

Carly admitting to weepy Eeyeore that Sasha didn't cheat on him.

Chase admitting to Willow that he didn't cheat on her.  I;m curious to see how she'll react to that.  

And gosh darn, I despise Jason with the heat of a thousand suns, yet I'm seeing some chemiatry between him and Britt.  

The only down side to this episode was Taggert being stupid enough to hang out at the hospital, like no one will notice.  And Dev being douchey and expecting the girls to forgive him.  Shut up Sonny Junior.  

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11 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

When I'm seeing way too much of Jason because he's in scenes with Britt...


You should get used to it, because those two seem to be headed to boink town. Jason got to see Britt's human, compassionate, caring side today. 

Taggert has got to be the stupidest person alive. Now you'll die for realsies and be thrown in a ditch where no one will find you. 

The Chase/Sasha thing is finally out in the open. 

Julian has been stuck in a corner since he pretty much arrived on the scene. That he survived this long as everyone's punching bag is astonishing. Now Jules, run. Just run. Leave PC, start a new life, maybe around people who don't want to kill you every time they lay eyes on you.

The blackmail storyline they started Ava and Nikolas with was pretty awful, but they seem to have hit their stride now that the whole thing is behind them. I'm totally fine with couples going from hating each other's guts to falling in love, plus recast Nikolas is A+.

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Of course Michael gets all pissy pants in the previews at Carly about this. Of all the things to be mad at her about, he chooses the one thing that's not her fault. Mr CEO of Two Companies getting mad at his mommy for not telling him something he should have been able to figure out in a minute makes him look like such a baby. It is Michael though so maybe he relents a moment later.

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29 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

You should get used to it, because those two seem to be headed to boink town. Jason got to see Britt's human, compassionate, caring side today. 

Same thing was said about Sam/Brando.  The show will never actually break up JaSam.

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There was 300 x as much chemistry between Britt and Jason as there is between Jason and Sam. Of course, that's not hard.

Why is Taggart hanging around the hospital ? He can't save both Portia and Trina at the same time. The dmart thing would be to disappear entirely so Cyrus can't fins him to communicate with.

Julian, couldn't you just try to kill Jason? As a present to me?

Thank goodness Willow and Michael finally know The Sekrit. This was starting to take as long as Nina's baby. Also, when it's put like that, Sasha is rather a nutcase.

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