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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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40 minutes ago, sunnyface said:
10 hours ago, statsgirl said:

The writers want to show us how deeply Sonny (suddenly? ) cares about Mike and how desperately he wants him to get better.

It rings hollow when his chosen profession is to murder, maim, extort, bribe, traffic, and pretend to be king of his realm - especially when Maurice looked more interested in what was on his Ipad than what was going on in his scenes. 

To me, this whole "I want to get Mike into this study" plot point just shows how, yet again, it's about Sonny wanting to "win."  It's not about Mike in the least, it's about his man-pain and desire to come out on top.

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13 hours ago, Katy M said:

While I agree with Carly (did I just say that), I understand Sonny's desire to do everything he can to save his father. 

Sonny is doing everything he can to save his father to make himself feel better for being such a complete and total asshole to Mike for most of his adult life. That's my problem with this. And even now, they still write Sonny as exasperated with Mike and yelling at him. Why not have him start to yell, realize what he's doing, and stop? That's what I mean by giving Sonny a tiny bit of grace. 

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23 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

I really like Chase. But Chase has loose lips and he needs to STFU about police business, especially when he chooses to discuss it with Girl Reporter, who has equally loose lips.

I watched that scene and I was like, “Wow, this dude is a dunce”.  At least he didn’t use names, I guess.  But still...dunce.

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Unfortunately I missed the whole Franco procedure because of news breaking in with yet another horrible shooting situation, I was looking forward to finally seeing the result of that but oh well.

I kind of loved seeing Willow in her mismatched pjs.  That's real life.  She and Chase are such a realistic and sweet couple.

No Brooke LYNN, you are not as stupid as that fat loser AJ....you are MUCH WORSE!!  I guess at some point we are going to find out the shady music guy either assaulted her or tried to, but I just really can't stand her right now.  She came in too hot.

I can't believe Alexis didn't even have an inking of suspicion that Juian may have had something to do with the accident when they were talking about forensics and such.  Actually, I can.  She's learned nothing.

ETA - what's the point of "off the record"?  So Chase tells our Girl Reporter all this info "off the record" that she can't use in her reporting.  So....explain this to me like I'm Sonny.....why tell her?  Isn't that just gossiping??

Edited by mostlylurking
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I can never totally like Chase for the simple reason he's always getting in Robert's face, as if Robert is his underling. And now I feel like that dislike is validated, because he's always telling people/civilians, stuff that is none of their business during open, ongoing investigations. Stuff that should only be discussed with other cops working on those cases and Jordan and Mac. NOBODY else. But this is not Gloria Monty's GH anymore. Or the ones (I'm blanking on who ran the show during the COMPETENT COPS/COPS ARE THE GOOD GUYS Era) Was it Guzarsehole?

3 minutes ago, mostlylurking said:

Unfortunately I missed the whole Franco procedure because of news breaking in with yet another horrible shooting situation,

Nothing happened. Andre just talked to an unconscious Franco....we saw stuff on the computer screen that looked like info uploading...you know, like a bar that shows 0% to 100% percent and the revolving brain. Nothing to indicate if it worked or not, but it was doing whatever.

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I wonder if they are setting up either having Lucas keep Wiley or some kind of joint custody arrangement with Lucas and Michael. I saw anvils with Michael being overwhelmed with Wiley and work (not that they’ll ever convince me that Michael is super busy running ELQ). It just seemed weird to mention that unless it’s leading anywhere since most of the soap kids are usually offscreen with their nannies or family members anyway.

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Guard at Nelle's door to Carly: Confidential information, take a hike.

Chase to Carly: Blah blah blah blah blah blah. And didn't I tell you? Blah blah blah blah. Wait! I forgot to give you Nelle's dress size and the way she folds the towels.

I'm pretty sure Lucas will wake up remembering what Brad told him about Wiley.

Jason goes to visit Ned because he needs something from him. Ned wants to give ELQ shares to Olivia and Leo, which is a terrible idea. Hopefully Tracey descends on him with the vengeful wrath of a golden goddess.

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Giving a spouse stocks with voting rights seems like it could be a problem down the line. Ned and Olivia have only been together for 4 years (married for fewer) and she’s what, his 6th wife? I even think there was a breakup somewhere in there when she decided to move back to Port Charles with Leo. It’s not the same as Monica who has been a part of the family for decades. I guess it could be more for Leo since he couldn’t legally adopt him which would have made him eligible for his own stocks considering the ridiculous way they handle the ELQ stocks. 

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I've only been watching sporadically.  When and how did Michael find out Wiley is his son?  And I know that Lucas and Brad were still together (but fighting) on Thanksgiving, at which point, Michael must have already known since he was picking up Wiley to spend Thanksgiving. So, why didn't they break up? And why doesn't Michael have full custody? That wasn't exactly a legal adoption where Lucas and Brad were misled about the father.

and also, Lucas seemed to be trying to find out some additional secret on Thanskgiving? What could be bigger than the baby thing?  

Edited by Katy M
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48 minutes ago, Katy M said:

I've only been watching sporadically.  When and how did Michael find out Wiley is his son?

Unless he found out today, he doesn't know.

Michael picked up Wiley for a Corinthos Thanksgiving because Lucas was booked to work, and Brad was doing nothing at home.  Brad blurted out the truth to Lucas (that Nelle and Michael were Wiley's parents) seconds before the car crash.   Lucas, of course, won't remember when he wakes up.

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2 hours ago, Katy M said:

When and how did Michael find out Wiley is his son? 

He still doesn't know.  Wiley ended up at the Corinthi for Thanksgiving, then the accident happened. so they are keeping him while the fathers are at the hospital.  They're making it seem as though Michael is spending a lot of time with Wylie which is stressing him out, when we all know that the nanny is doing all the heavy lifting.  

2 hours ago, Katy M said:

and also, Lucas seemed to be trying to find out some additional secret on Thanskgiving?

Lucas knows Brad has another secret, but not what it is.  So he's been trying very hard to get Brad to confess, which Brad did, just minutes before the crash.  

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1 minute ago, perkie1968 said:

They're making it seem as though Michael is spending a lot of time with Wylie which is stressing him out, when we all know that the nanny is doing all the heavy lifting.  

Hey, now, watching a kid sleep is really tough. 

I like that just about everyone is against Sonny taking Mike to Sweden, because they know it's for Sonny's benefit more than Mike's. If the trial were in New York, that would be one thing. But a seven-hour flight to a country neither one is familiar with? Way to confuse a confused man even more, Sonny.

I had to turn on the CC during the Alexis-Sam conversation because they were both whispering.

I forget, does Willow know that Wiley is Michael's?

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So the only good part of today was hearing Mike call Sonny filth, even if he did think sonny was joe scully.

KeMo’s makeup was so thick I think they applied it with a putty knife! I know they were trying to make her look pale but surely there’s a better way to do it? I mean, there’s clearly a beauty salon on pentonville since her hair is always perfectly blown out. Aren’t there makeup artists as well? 😏

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Today’s show:

Sam to Jason: whinewhinewhinewhine

Sam to Alexis: whinewhinewhinewhine


So Chase is the ONLY cop on the PCPD now? He needs to just learn to keep his mouth shut about the cases he’s on. 

And now I’m totally confused about Lucas. First, when he was brought into the hospital and after his surgery, Bobbie and Julian were informed that he was “put into a medically induced Coma” which means the DOCTOR/SURGEON put him in the coma to let his brain heal/swelling go down. Then in the next minute, he’s on Life Support/Ventilator. And the next step is to wean him off to see if he’ll come out of the coma.

Say what, now?

Which is it? Because it can’t be both!

Then someone said medically induced coma again.

Then today, Monica said they weaned him off and he’s breathing on his own.  BUT. Now they have to wait to see if he’ll wake up from his coma, and they don’t know how long that will take.


You PUT him in the coma, so you can wake him up!😒😒🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

I’m not a doctor in real life, nor do I play one, but I read a book years ago where the hero was put in a medically induced coma because of the swelling in his brain (due to bomb explosion-he was a spy). The surgeons were getting ready to bring him out when he started waking up on his own*
*Plot cuz it was a romance novel, but the author did her research and all the medical stuff was accurate)

And finally: STFU BROOKIE!!

And as for Wiley, I thought that the DNA proved Shiloh wasn’t his father? Ohhh, wait. If that was true, then they would all know that he wasn’t Willow’s either.


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Yeah, this whole parole thing with Sam is beyond stupid, people who were convicted three days ago are not eligible for parole, particularly when the crime was murder, not overdue parking tickets.

It would have been less annoying if Sam had thrown a bomb off a boat and gotten pardoned by the govenor versus this.

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9 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I had to turn on the CC during the Alexis-Sam conversation because they were both whispering.

I didn't have that capability, and I just gave up after two attempts to understand one of Sam's lines to Jason in the first scene. I still don't know who's giving her the occasional mean look. It sounded like "Dawn Eaton." Then she moved on to Nelle being her cellmate, so it wasn't Nelle.

Where is all this going with the repeated comments about Michael being exhausted, stressed, and rough-looking? Is peptic ulcer disease going to be the new spina bifida? 

Carly, bitchily to the guard: "I know all about confidentiality!" Then she runs right to Chase. So what she knows about confidentiality is that some people will break it for her. I miss those early days when Chase treated her like a lunatic.  

Max Gail has always done a good job with this Alzheimer's story, and it has to be tough to play this month after month, because it's so real for other people his age. The "worse and worse" quality dragging on indefinitely is true to life, and so is the repetitious nature, but I think it's been mined beyond dramatic value. It's already had two or three good stopping points. 

Edited by Asp Burger
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My cold and dead heart warmed up a wee bit and I cackled when Mike called Mooby "filth" even if he thought he was Joe Scully. And Mooby couldn't get passive aggressive with him like he does with others who call him out for his scuzziness. But the moment Joss called him " a good guy" my finger remained on the fast forward button for the rest of those scenes.

It was nice to see Monica and Bobbie together. It reminded me of the good years, when these two were best friends. Or near enough.

Thank GOD Ned finally said that Edward's will and the division of ELQ shares wasn't supposed to go on in perpetuity! I don't care what that Stupid Little Shit said about wanting to ask Ned to help out--he's scared that Ned will take over. And I hope he does. Ned is the better businessman who can run ELQ. Not this didn't-graduate-highschool-neverwenttocollege-Eeyore. Oh yeaaah. Waking up Baby Wiley to tell him his dads were hurt but will be okay is SOOOO MUCH HAAAARD WORK in addition to his job. What a baby. Just like his dear old dad, Mooby.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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5 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

Max Gail has always done a good job with this Alzheimer's story, and it has to be tough to play this month after month, because it's so real for other people his age. The "worse and worse" quality dragging on indefinitely is true to life, and so is the repetitious nature, but I think it's been mined beyond dramatic value. It's already had two or three good stopping points. 

For Mike, yes. For Sonny? We haven't yet felt the full effect of his pain. /s

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Ava looking fabulous, killing Sonny and Carly with kindness, holding all the cards in her hands, and basking in a renewed sense of confidence is everything I ever wanted for her. It won't last long, the show won't allow it to, but damn if I'm not going to relish the moment while I can. Maura plays the cat that ate the canary mood to perfection, I love her so much. And Carly realizing that Ava has the upper hand, and being unable to handle that? Christmas just came early.

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I finally actually sat down and watched a full episode.  I loved Trina's face when Ava said that Helena's painting was an example of art to die (or was it kill) over.  She was like "OK, if you say."  LOL.

Gee, Jason.  Anna wants proof and won't just take your word for it.  Shocking.

Why doesn't Charlotte have a body guard?  Although no body guard is going to protect you from falling off the monkey bars. And that's OK.  It's how we learn. But, anyway, why wouldn't she have a body guard.  Her father has  any enemies. And is rich. And she's already been kidnapped, proving lack of body guard is not good.

Will Franco wake up as Franco?  As Drew?  As Jason (I don't know why that would happen, but I fail to see why it would be out of the realm of possibilities).  Or, as Marie Antoinette. Come on.  That would be cool.  You all know you want to see that.

And a husband and wife who have been known to cheat and lie to each other and have been divorced multiple times has a husband who is suspicious of his wife sneaking around with her ex-husband.  I'll say it again. Shocking.

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1 hour ago, Katy M said:

And a husband and wife who have been known to cheat and lie to each other and have been divorced multiple times has a husband who is suspicious of his wife sneaking around with her ex-husband.  I'll say it again. Shocking.

LOL. Sonny has such a lack of imagination. And of course, Carly has to be doing something against him, since it's always about Sonny.

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25 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

LOL. Sonny has such a lack of imagination. And of course, Carly has to be doing something against him, since it's always about Sonny.

Well, to be fair, Carly did straight up admit she was hiding something from him, and that was only after she was caught being furtive several times.  I really can't imagine many spouses not thinking it was something bad and something at least tangentially bad for them, or otherwise why not just tell him.  Is there any reason Carly has to be part of the whole Nikolas thing? Couldn't she just know without actively conspiring?  Oh, wait, sorry, I forgot who I was talking about.

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11 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

I didn't have that capability, and I just gave up after two attempts to understand one of Sam's lines to Jason in the first scene. I still don't know who's giving her the occasional mean look. It sounded like "Dawn Eaton." Then she moved on to Nelle being her cellmate, so it wasn't Nelle.

She said "Dawnies" as in follower of Day of Dawn.  Which reminded me, whatever happened to that nurse who testified against Sam?

2 hours ago, Mrs. Stanwyck said:

I haven't been watching - is anyone willing to explain to me how Ava got the upper hand?  Did she find out about Dev's background?

I think Carly is pissed that Ava knows Nikolas is alive, because she said something to Carly about being better now that she realized hallucinations can be real.  Something like that!  So Carly figures that Ava knows, especially since she also just learned about the missing ring.

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On 12/12/2019 at 2:37 PM, mostlylurking said:

Unfortunately I missed the whole Franco procedure because of news breaking in with yet another horrible shooting situation, I was looking forward to finally seeing the result of that but oh well.

I kind of loved seeing Willow in her mismatched pjs.  That's real life.  She and Chase are such a realistic and sweet couple.

No Brooke LYNN, you are not as stupid as that fat loser AJ....you are MUCH WORSE!!  I guess at some point we are going to find out the shady music guy either assaulted her or tried to, but I just really can't stand her right now.  She came in too hot.

I can't believe Alexis didn't even have an inking of suspicion that Juian may have had something to do with the accident when they were talking about forensics and such.  Actually, I can.  She's learned nothing.

ETA - what's the point of "off the record"?  So Chase tells our Girl Reporter all this info "off the record" that she can't use in her reporting.  So....explain this to me like I'm Sonny.....why tell her?  Isn't that just gossiping??

That part isn't actually that unrealistic. Reporters do cultivate relationships with police and public officials that are mutually beneficial. So getting something "off the record" either gives the reporter a heads-up to prepare a story for when does become official, or points the reporter in a direction that the cop can't publicly verify.

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Ava is my favorite character on this show. I wasn’t watching when she did all of her dastardly deeds but she’s by far the best actress on GH. Now that she’s stopped with the glittery charcoal eyeshadow (ick!), she’s very attractive. I can’t wait to see what she has planned for the auction of that horribly creepy painting of the she-devil.

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22 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

And as for Wiley, I thought that the DNA proved Shiloh wasn’t his father?

Shiloh had a DNA test done, but before anyone could read it, he was arrested and Michael convinced Lucas  to throw it away rather than read it.  

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Sonny is one to talk about trust. He keeps stuff from Carly all the time, giving her the same reasons she gave him. Yet of course when it's Sonny on the wrong end of the secret, it's all "J'accuse!" and "Betrayal!" UGH. He's such an infant.

11 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:
5 hours ago, Katy M said:

Will Franco wake up as Franco?  As Drew?

I'm betting on a Franco/Drew hybrid.  He'll be Franco but the Drew memories will still be there.  

This is my guess, too. They need to resolve the Peter side of the story, and if Franco doesn't have any Drew memories, what will Jason do?

So many actors on the show is so orange. Is it because of HDTV? Or just terrible lighting? 

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Normally, Jason’s “I know the truth and this is what happened even though I don’t have proof!” Would make me 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄but. You KNOW! If it was anyone else, Anna would believe him without asking for proof because he used to be Robin’s boyfriend. But because Heinrik is “her” son, she’s asking for proof.

But that look in her face at the end gives me hope she’s finally seeing him for the murderer he is.  Because as much as I hate to admit it, Jason was right: Heinrik’s been in too many wrong places at the wrong time for it to be a coincidence.

There was no reason for SheBeast to be so nasty toward Ava-other than that’s who she is in a regular basis. She didn’t know that Ava knew about Boris’s ring until AFTER she left home. And she’s a FINE one to talk about lack of compassion and being in an institution, that lying piece of trash.

Is Nina wavering again?? Not that I care, but it’s just lather, rinse, repeat with her.  UGH, and she totally wanted Jax to admit he wants her.🤢🤢🤢 

Okay I finally got a good look at Helena’s portrait and she looks...cross-eyed!🤣🤣

And can they put a stop to Liz going around either apologizing or thanking people?

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I watched Brook Lynn scenes from Wednesday, and I feel a need to slightly defend her.  I love AJ-he is the summation of "unexplored potential," and I have a soft spot for both Sean Kanean and Billy Warlock, but I could see Brook Lynn be repulsed being compared to the "family loser" and taking to heart the AJ-bashing, and I blame Ned for that, since Lois always seemed kinder about AJ. BL didn't know AJ that well and Ned was probably telling her stories about AJ. Ned used AJ to drive home the point about how stupid BL was being. I like a a lot thing about Ned, but that was never my favorite characteristic. 

I get that Olivia loves Lulu and is pissed at Brook Lynn, and I don't blame her. I hate how the show puts the fault of the argument on BL's shoulders and doesn't let Lulu take any blame for her behavior, since BL actually didn't push Lulu that hard on Thanksgiving. 

The scene was Carly was utterly bullshit. I get Brook Lynn snits with Lulu and Maxie, but neither of them actually did anything to her, and she should be a bit more contrite when dealing with Lulu. However Carly was basically the co conspirator (and bank rolled) in the whole "Brook Lynn seducing Dante" and completed skated while Lulu rejected Brook Lynn's pleas. If anything she should see Carly as the manipulative witch that she is. Now Brook Lynn doesn't have to start a fight with everyone, but the reunion shouldn't friendly. I don't think the writers and producers really looked in Brook Lynn's history with the show , incredibly as there isn't a whole lot. 

As for the constant Brook Lynn = Tracy:giphy.gif

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I really don't get how Michael is looking after Wylie when he's at Casa Corinthos all the time with Graciela looking after him except when someone wakes him up to monologue to him.

6 hours ago, Pingaponga said:

Did Sonny say Donna was singing herself to sleep? Isn't she two months old?

She is. But she's Sonny's child therefore brilliant.

2 hours ago, ciarra said:

What was the point of Ava profusely thanking Sonny at his home, then phoning him and thanking him again?

I thought she was either brilliantly manipulative or realized that she was never going to be able to parent Avery without Sonny around so she was trying to make the relationship as cordial as possible.

But most likely it's to emphasize the (totally artificial) wedge between Carly and Sonny at the moment because MB and LW have huge minimums and the writers can't figure out anything else to do with them.

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2 hours ago, Ambrosefolly said:

Carly was basically the co conspirator (and bank rolled) in the whole "Brook Lynn seducing Dante" and completed skated while Lulu rejected Brook Lynn's pleas

Why did Carly support BL seducing Dante?  Did she dislike LuLu?

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6 minutes ago, ulkis said:

She blamed Lulu and Dante for Michael getting sent to prison.

Oh, that makes perfect sense! 🥴

It's so interesting to me that characters like Lulu are okay with Sonny and Carly after all they did.  But then we have this big schism between Brook Lynn and Lulu?!

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8 minutes ago, bannana said:

Oh, that makes perfect sense! 🥴

It's so interesting to me that characters like Lulu are okay with Sonny and Carly after all they did.  But then we have this big schism between Brook Lynn and Lulu?!

Well, Brook did go on the attack first with Lulu this time around.

That said, for this show? Lulu isn't that buddy buddy with Sonny and Carly. Lulu and Carly used to have a close relationship (they positioned Lulu and Carly and mentor and mentee even though it would have made much more sense for Lulu to be close to Emily or Liz) but they never hung out again much after Carly's schemes.

Edited by ulkis
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3 hours ago, ulkis said:

Well, Brook did go on the attack first with Lulu this time around.

That said, for this show? Lulu isn't that buddy buddy with Sonny and Carly. Lulu and Carly used to have a close relationship (they positioned Lulu and Carly and mentor and mentee even though it would have made much more sense for Lulu to be close to Emily or Liz) but they never hung out again much after Carly's schemes.

No, BL said a said remark, Lulu gave a bit of an icy retort and BL didn't say anything to Lulu until Lulu followed BL outside while BL was getting some air. Not enough to have Olivia fully put the blame on the Thanksgiving fight on BL. 

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10 hours ago, ciarra said:

What was the point of Ava profusely thanking Sonny at his home, then phoning him and thanking him again?

Thanking him at the house was partly legit, she is glad that he took care of Avery while she was seeing dead people and chose not to use her crazy pants against her.  But I also saw a wee bit of sarcasm in her voice, like she was playing him a little.

As for calling him again after, that made no sense.  I thought she was calling to invite him to the auction, but she didn't.  

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