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S01.E08: Two Fathers

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Well, that was a bit of a mess... too much going on at once so too many things left hanging. Are we to assume the slaveowner was the demon from the sigil? And that the woman from the tv show simply has multiple personality disorder?

Mute button got a workout.

So why are they stuffing the girls in a room half the size of their bedroom? It would make more sense for them to swap bedrooms.

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Poor Ben. Vanessa seemed so normal, and then, bam, ghost sister. I loved him trolling David by changing his name in David’s phone.

I knew something was up with David’s dad when he said he wanted to paint something for Kristen in red. That demon baby in the cornfield is hands down the grossest thing I’ve ever seen. It wasn’t clear if it was real or because Kristen was tripping, so I hope we revisit this whole maybe-demon half-sibling storyline. The part with Annie, David’s enslaved ancestor, was sad. Once again, it’s humans who are the real evil.

David and Kristen have crazy amounts of chemistry. And she didn’t look too thrilled to see her husband. 

Creepy Rose is back. They seemed to think they got rid of her by finishing the game, but I doubt it’s going to be that easy. 

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50 minutes ago, meatball77 said:

This show is all over the place but I love it.  It never fails to entertain.  The demon childbirth cracked me up.

I laughed when the mom asked Kristen if she wanted to hold “her!” 😆 David’s dad must be quite the stud! Poor Ben.

When will the show be back? BTW, I hate it when they shill another series near the end of an episode. I’m watching Evil! Knock it off CBS!

Edited by LittleIggy
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"Something's really just not right here." Understatement of the year there, Kristen.

Oh, my god, this episode was a trip. I was dying at Ben talking to David about everything with Vanessa, and his reaction to the whole "phantom limb/being" thing in general. That entire storyline was hilariously weird. Poor Ben. 

And further speaking of Ben, I love that he had his height measured at Kristen's house and "Ben the Magnificent" is scrawled there :D. That is just plain adorable. Given the girls mentioned to their dad how he came over so much, I wonder what he thinks about that. 

Also curious what he'll say about David (for a brief moment at the end there, I thought he was going to come outside and see Kristen saying goodbye to David and mistake him for Ben or something). 'Cause boy, were David and Kristen flirty as hell this episode, and that smile on her face at the end... You can't hide that for very long. 

I kinda like her husband, though. I get why her mom's not big on him, 'cause aside from him being gone so much, he certainly makes his feelings towards her abundantly clear. But I liked his interaction with the girls and I do like that he's honest in and of itself. But yeah. Will be very interesting to see how Kristen handles his return going forward, and how long he'll be around. 

I wouldn't mind seeing David's dad again, either. I liked his explanation for why he had that seal on his paintings, that was a really good moment between father and son there.

That community, though. That whole thing felt really cult-ish to begin with, and became even more so as time went on. David and Kristen were way more accepting of a lot of the craziness than I would've been-a woman having a freaking demon baby and ghostly ancestors returning would be more than enough for me to go, "Aaaaaaaaand I'm out, bye." But nope, they stay, and David just casually tells Ben about seeing the ancestor like it's nothing. Maybe they just chalked it all up to the drugs? 

Strange, strange episode, but oddly entertaining nonetheless. 

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You can't just give drugs to everybody at a party without letting them know first. Some people might have jobs that require drug tests. Some people might be giving birth is a corn field and nobody can stop partying long enough to help you. I thought Kristen had some medical training, she looked less than useless when helping to deliver the baby. Even I could have done more by telling her "don't forget to breath" and "push".

What is Vanessa's deal, is one of her arms controlled by another person, her sister? Let's get super freaky by having Vanessa's vestigial sister be a small face in her armpit that she feeds nachos.

Grandma's getting freaky in the office, she finally decides to come out of there hours after the daughters have been home. 

Maybe Dad can take all those screaming kids to Nepal, I hear it is lovely this time of year.

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I was a little confused about the symbol on David’s dads paintings. Didn’t his pregnant wife say it was her symbol that she came up with? Then the painter had a different explanation. I love this show; it doesn’t always make sense but it’s creepy and different from other things on TV.

Ben’s reaction to Vanessa’s bonus person was hilarious!

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This show is so fucking weird and messy and I love it to bits. Let's investigate this sigil, OR lets get high on magic mushrooms, almost bang, get sidetracked by the fireflys and ghost slave ancestors,, halucinate? a monster baby birthed in cornfield, and most importantly sigh dreamily about it all at the end of the night! Loved Vondi Curtis Hall saying he was gonna make Kristen a RED shirt after that warning a few weeks ago. LOL. 

So Kristen's husband is obviously A) a dick B) an agent of SATAN, Loved Christine Lahti giving him the business even as she extracted a lie from him, cause she knows he ain't got no problem with lying to his wife. 

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All these comments are exactly how I feel. This show is bat shit and I love it. 

That baby had to be a hallucination.  I did call it - baby delivery or kidney stone. (Don't laugh if you've never had a kidney stone. I have & I sounded just like that 🙂 

I'll tell you who the agents of Satan are, those four girls!  Bend to our will or we will NEVER BE QUIET!!!!

So where was Leland if Grandma was having sexy times?  Or was she doing the dirty with the devil? 

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1 hour ago, blixie said:

Loved Vondi Curtis Hall saying he was gonna make Kristen a RED shirt after that warning a few weeks ago. LOL. 

So Kristen's husband is obviously A) a dick B) an agent of SATAN,

1 hour ago, aquarian1 said:

I like that the dad (Andy?) is back and apparently a force for good.  Wonder how long that will last?  

You didn't notice that she was wearing a red shirt on the flirty car ride back to her house.

Here's what I hope happens: Hey Dad! Show them that new tattoo you got in Napal!

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I noticed Grandma had her Evil Red Dress on. 

I didn't notice Kristen's sweat shirt it just looked dark. 

If Dad has one of those sigils for a tattoo you all will hear me yelling. 🙂 

So when is it back? I know next Thursday is T giving, but do not pre empt this all December for Christmas/holiday specials. 

The power of Satan commands you!!! 

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Agreeing with all the 'it's crazy, and I love it' comments here. The blurring of reality, the ambiguity of motives-so intriguing.

So we didn't actually see Leland, did we? That's odd. I also thought it was strange that Grandma Hot Pants chose to bring whoever her lover was to her daughter's office, rather than taking him to her apartment, and also leaving the office unlocked while they were going at it.

Do you really come down from psilocybin that quickly? Loved the scene of Kristen 'catching fireflies', and that 'ghoul in a caul' was disturbing.

Maybe it's nit picking, but what was the ghost slave doing in upstate New York?

Why was the oldest daughter so resentful-acting of her dad when he first showed up? Three months is a long time for a kid, but surely he told them his timeline somewhere along the way. My dad was gone for 2 years ( long story, but he needed to support our family) and my sibs and I were prepared for it. We thought the better of him and I NEVER resented his choice, jmo.

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8 minutes ago, sempervivum said:

So we didn't actually see Leland, did we? That's odd.

I wondered about that too.  Has he totally mind-fucked her? Both figuratively and literally.  Is he in her head now and she sees, hears, is influenced by him w/o him needing to be there?

Loved how she omitted that her boyfriend takes glee in the thought of young kids being raped when telling Andy why Kristen doesn't like him.

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This show is so fucking weird and messy and I love it to bits.

Me, too!

And it's probably from watching too many years of "The Ghost Whisperer," but maybe the woman's sister IS attached to her in spirit form. (Though the idea of a head under the armpit is awesome.)

While it was introduced as a comic/moral dilemma (Ben: do I bang a crazy woman?) I would bet it's going to reflect in some way on the team's mission.

I also liked how the plot acknowledged the horror movie tropes: people visiting a house in the middle of nowhere, no cell phone service. and then finding the place is a strange, culty commune.

I wonder just how far away from NYC it was? The Uber back must have cost a lot! And David still has to go back and pick up his car.

Neither of them seemed particularly freaked out about the throuple, and Kristen was polite when sister-wife flirted with her about being wife #3.

So is the pottery wife the connection to the sigils/The 60? 

One thing that struck me is that this is the first time that the show allowed that David's black-and-white (pun intended) view of evil could be too rigid.

When he was talking to his father, it made absolute sense that the artist would seize the emblem of his peoples' pain and want to claim it/change the meaning. That's EXACTLY what an artist would do. And his assurance to David that it's all out there, and can't fall into one category or another is important as well. Certainly, there are evil men like Leland, and the slave owners. But whatever strangeness that is out there must be seized and acted upon by humans, and their motives make it destructive or creative.

And I do think it was Leland Stupid Granny was boffing in the office, even if they didn't show his face. And I think the husband WILL end up telling Kristin about it (whether because he hates the Grandma or because he gets into an argument with her over her lousy childcare arrangements.)

She called him "Daddy" when she saw him????" Ooooh. Daddy does love his girls, when he is home. The oldest one hanging back proved she is old enough now to comprehend that he's not living up to his responsibilities...though he "won" her back over (and modeled for her the role that "men leave and women accept it.")

I think he's going to end up being a force for good: he went in and won the game for them, and scared off creepy Rose/creepy monster. It will be interesting to see where they take the relationship: if he's someone who gets what Kristin does, and decides he needs to stay around to protect his family, he will become a target.

They're clearly setting him up to be suspicious of Kristin & her menfolk/co-workers. That's probably how Leland will try to attack him.

There are a lot of ways this could go, and I HOPE they won't go with hot breakup sex where Kristin gets knocked up. 

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14 hours ago, phalange said:

Poor Ben. Vanessa seemed so normal, and then, bam, ghost sister. I loved him trolling David by changing his name in David’s phone.

I knew something was up with David’s dad when he said he wanted to paint something for Kristen in red. That demon baby in the cornfield is hands down the grossest thing I’ve ever seen. It wasn’t clear if it was real or because Kristen was tripping, so I hope we revisit this whole maybe-demon half-sibling storyline. The part with Annie, David’s enslaved ancestor, was sad. Once again, it’s humans who are the real evil.

David and Kristen have crazy amounts of chemistry. And she didn’t look too thrilled to see her husband. 

Creepy Rose is back. They seemed to think they got rid of her by finishing the game, but I doubt it’s going to be that easy. 

David and Kristen's first love scene is gonna be hot.

12 hours ago, Annber03 said:

"Something's really just not right here." Understatement of the year there, Kristen.

Oh, my god, this episode was a trip. I was dying at Ben talking to David about everything with Vanessa, and his reaction to the whole "phantom limb/being" thing in general. That entire storyline was hilariously weird. Poor Ben. 

And further speaking of Ben, I love that he had his height measured at Kristen's house and "Ben the Magnificent" is scrawled there :D. That is just plain adorable. Given the girls mentioned to their dad how he came over so much, I wonder what he thinks about that. 

Also curious what he'll say about David (for a brief moment at the end there, I thought he was going to come outside and see Kristen saying goodbye to David and mistake him for Ben or something). 'Cause boy, were David and Kristen flirty as hell this episode, and that smile on her face at the end... You can't hide that for very long. 

I kinda like her husband, though. I get why her mom's not big on him, 'cause aside from him being gone so much, he certainly makes his feelings towards her abundantly clear. But I liked his interaction with the girls and I do like that he's honest in and of itself. But yeah. Will be very interesting to see how Kristen handles his return going forward, and how long he'll be around. 

I wouldn't mind seeing David's dad again, either. I liked his explanation for why he had that seal on his paintings, that was a really good moment between father and son there.

That community, though. That whole thing felt really cult-ish to begin with, and became even more so as time went on. David and Kristen were way more accepting of a lot of the craziness than I would've been-a woman having a freaking demon baby and ghostly ancestors returning would be more than enough for me to go, "Aaaaaaaaand I'm out, bye." But nope, they stay, and David just casually tells Ben about seeing the ancestor like it's nothing. Maybe they just chalked it all up to the drugs? 

Strange, strange episode, but oddly entertaining nonetheless. 

I think strange and oddly entertaining is supposed to be the essence of the show so it's hitting it's mark.

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Someone upthread mentioned and I have to agree "why would the ghost of Annie Commerce be in upstate NY"?  Did they explain how that happened?  

Also did Kristen tell anyone about the demon baby?  It jumped from her running out of the cornfield to them in the car?  Or did I miss something? 

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I'll tell you who the agents of Satan are, those four girls!  Bend to our will or we will NEVER BE QUIET!!!!

Aw they are just another strange note that I love I feel like I'm in Little Women or like those two little girls in Practical Magic. I like the House of Women. 



My dad was gone for 2 years ( long story, but he needed to support our family) and my sibs and I were prepared for it. 

Was your dad gonna die hanging off the most deadly mountain in the world? While your sister was battling a deadly heart condition? Also I think the heavy implication is that he has other ways of making money, he just likes to climb and ditch the fam, and she's old enough to know or at least sense that IS the choice he's making.  I am honestly surprised more people didn't read him as EVIL, especially that he dispensed with evil VR girl. Him showing up now, UNANNOUNCED,  when she's getting more emeshed in all this stuff is suspicious. 


Someone upthread mentioned and I have to agree "why would the ghost of Annie Commerce be in upstate NY"?  Did they explain how that happened?  

I don't think it's strange in the same episode where someone is arguing another persons soul is "attached" to them. I think we're meant to believe ghosts haunt people, not places. 

Edited by blixie
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51 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

Someone upthread mentioned and I have to agree "why would the ghost of Annie Commerce be in upstate NY"?  Did they explain how that happened?  

I thought she was drawn to the location of her descendants.  And isn't that what the ceremony was for.?

45 minutes ago, blixie said:

Him showing up now, UNANNOUNCED,  when she's getting more emeshed in all this stuff is suspicious. 

I thought he was due home soon anyway.  At the beginning of the show, his return was 6 weeks away.  Several weeks have passed since then (I think), so not that early.  I think it's quite normal to want to surprise family with an early return.  Presumably he also missed his family.

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42 minutes ago, blixie said:

Aw they are just another strange note that I love I feel like I'm in Little Women or like those two little girls in Practical Magic. I like the House of Women. 

I love the Little Women movie with Winona Ryder and them all chattering never bugged me like these girls.  It's like they have 2 speeds, asleep and talking non stop all at the same time. 

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3 hours ago, kwnyc said:

I also liked how the plot acknowledged the horror movie tropes: people visiting a house in the middle of nowhere, no cell phone service. and then finding the place is a strange, culty commune.

That's what I thought they said as well, but there were two instances of cell phone use. When Kristen's husband called her, her cellphone lit up in her back pocket, but she didn't seem to notice. When the baby was coming Kristen dials 9-1-1, I am not sure if they ever arrived.

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36 minutes ago, AnimeMania said:

That's what I thought they said as well, but there were two instances of cell phone use. When Kristen's husband called her, her cellphone lit up in her back pocket, but she didn't seem to notice. When the baby was coming Kristen dials 9-1-1, I am not sure if they ever arrived.

31 minutes ago, aquarian1 said:

When she tried 9-1-1 it said "no service".

The second working instance was when Ben called David.

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42 minutes ago, Driad said:

Ben -- it is wise not to sleep with anyone crazier than you are.

The word "Goodbye" comes from "God be with you." Would a demon really want to hear that?

I have always heard you need to say goodbye on an Ouija board or the demons hang around

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9 hours ago, blixie said:

So Kristen's husband is obviously A) a dick B) an agent of SATAN, Loved Christine Lahti giving him the business even as she extracted a lie from him, cause she knows he ain't got no problem with lying to his wife. 

I missed the lie. Can someone tell me what it was? 

I'm iffy on the husband. I mostly liked him, but I also understand the mother's being pissed at him (although she really isn't much better - she's never really watched the girls, she's always got them doing something else). 

*I* was smiling, as Kristen and David were on their way home. I also liked Ben changing his name to God in his phone.

I had been disappointed that Ben would act like he was okay with the phantom limb thing, just to get laid, so I was glad that he went into the bathroom and called David. I also keep getting Ben mixed up with Leland, since that guy played Ben on Lost. 

We finally got a real ghost, even though David was high. I loved Kristen marvelling over the fireflies. 

I can understand the one daughter being stand-offish, but she reminds me of myself, when I was her age. She also stayed behind when her sisters ran off with the girl who was a guest on Halloween, and told the grandmother where they were going. 

Oh, and I could have done without the demon baby and the woman tearing the egg sac off with her teeth. My dad just brought pizza home, and I don't want it anymore. 

Edited by Anela
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3 minutes ago, meatball77 said:

Was I the only one that thought that Ben's date's sister would start to stab him during sex?

I hadn't considered that, but now you mention it, I wouldn't have put it past her :p!

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9 hours ago, sempervivum said:

So we didn't actually see Leland, did we? That's odd.

I wondered if Michael Emerson wasn't available, or is only contracted for a certain number of episodes per season (I think there was already another episode where he didn't appear). But it would be cool if Leland wasn't actually there, too...

Since Ben the Magnificent put the parental setting on the VR, shouldn't creepy Rose not been able to be accessed? Or are we supposed to hand wave that the dad managed to switch it off?

Speaking of the dad, I spent all his scenes trying to figure out where I knew the actor from. I thought he looked like the lead of the Australian show Glitch (which is on Netflix), but I didn't think it was actually him. Turns out it is! He does a very impressive American accent.

I started off wishing Ben had gone on the road trip, too, but his entire phone conversation with David (including  "God" as his caller ID) made his subplot worth it.

Echoing everyone else that this show is just so weirdly enjoyable. It's been slowly growing on me while Stumptown (the only other new show I've been watching) is slowly sinking.

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1 hour ago, dargosmydaddy said:

Since Ben the Magnificent put the parental setting on the VR, shouldn't creepy Rose not been able to be accessed? Or are we supposed to hand wave that the dad managed to switch it off?

It would if "Rose" were a human player, but not if she was an actual demonic entity, lol.

If I recall, there was a scene after Ben changed the setting with Rose telling the girls how to access/turn off the parental controls.

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Maybe Dad really is dead and some random demon possessed his body back in Nepal and rode it all the way home.  Just a thought.  It might explain how he could dispense with Rose390 so easily.  And maybe why Kristen was not excited to see him.  Maybe she knows something.  On a side note, I don't know what airline he flew, but they don't usually allow all that paraphernalia hanging of the side of checked baggage (his backpack).

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3 hours ago, dargosmydaddy said:

Echoing everyone else that this show is just so weirdly enjoyable. It's been slowly growing on me while Stumptown (the only other new show I've been watching) is slowly sinking.

You might like Emergence, it is pretty out there (weirdly enjoyable) as well.

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10 hours ago, teddysmom said:

Someone upthread mentioned and I have to agree "why would the ghost of Annie Commerce be in upstate NY"?  Did they explain how that happened?  

Also did Kristen tell anyone about the demon baby?  It jumped from her running out of the cornfield to them in the car?  Or did I miss something? 

They were calling to David and his father’s ancestors so I assumed that she would appear wherever they were holding the ceremony.

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Wow, I popped in to bond over hating on this episode but y'all seem to have loved it! It looks like maybe I drank the sangria, but I absolutely hated this, from the pointless scene with the horrible grandmother, to the cult, to the party, to the birth in the cornfield (granted, every childbirth scene in every show ever completely grosses me out so I'll own that one). I fast-forwarded through most of the party and pretty much only watched Ben's scenes (great) and Bouchard with his kids.

Count me among those who didn't understand the oldest daughter's resentment. My Army pilot dad went away for weeks and sometimes months at a time and though we missed him when he was away it was...simply the way things were. No pouting, no reproach. Just...Tuesday or something. Hell, I don't even remember most of his absences except the ones when he was out of the country, and that's in spite of his having been in for 24 years (23 of them with me in tow). So yeah, I wanted to pop her upside the head.

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45 minutes ago, sharifa70 said:

Wow, I popped in to bond over hating on this episode but y'all seem to have loved it! It looks like maybe I drank the sangria, but I absolutely hated this

I am not a fan of the show, but it does seem to be popular, already renewed for another season. I don't find anything that happens on the show to be the least bit scary. How can I trust anything the main characters see if they are all smoking "crack". I thought it would be a procedural show where each week they would investigate an incident and determine if it had a natural or supernatural cause. The show has left the rational world behind, so all I can do is jump into the flaming bed with the rest of you and see where this journey will take us.

Here's hoping that the Father, (not the church father, not David's father, but the screaming kid's father, wait a minute, that is 3 Fathers, the title said there were two?, never mind). Sorry, I lost focus for a second there, here's hoping that the screaming kid's father see's the Grandma getting freaky in the barn and his wife, Kristen, nowhere to be reached by phone, out all night doing drugs with another man, decides to file for divorce and full custody of the kids. Get your phone out and document the excuse your wife gives for where she has been. No wonder the oldest daughter looks scared, you are about to "blow up" her life. 

I looked up effects of psilocybin (that is what they took. right?) Long read, but I found it interesting especially the parts in bold which should be all you need to read, if you don't feel like reading the whole thing.

What are magic mushrooms and psilocybin?

Psilocybin is a hallucinogen that works by activating serotonin receptors, most often in the prefrontal cortex. This part of the brain affects mood, cognition, and perception.

Hallucinogens work in other regions of the brain that regulate arousal and panic responses. Psilocybin does not always cause active visual or auditory hallucinations. Instead, it distorts how some people that use the drug perceive objects and people already in their environment.

The quantity of the drug, past experiences, and expectations of how the experience will take shape can all impact the effects of psilocybin.

After the gut ingests and absorbs psilocybin, the body converts it to psilocyn. The hallucinogenic effects of psilocybin usually occur within 30 minutes of ingestion and last between 4 and 6 hours.

In some individuals, the changes in sensory perception and thought patterns can last for several days.

When people use psilocybin, it is usually at dance clubs or in select groups of people seeking a transcendent spiritual experience.

The effects of psilocybin are generally similar to those of LSD.

They include an altered perception of time and space and intense changes in mood and feeling.

Possible effects of psilocybin include:

euphoria, peacefulness, spiritual awakening, quickly changing emotions, derealization (or the feeling that your surroundings are not real), depersonalization (or a dream-like sense of being disengaged from your surroundings), distorted thinking, visual alteration and distortion (such as halos of light and vivid colors), dilated pupils, dizziness, drowsiness, impaired concentration, muscle weakness, lack of coordination, unusual body sensations, nausea, paranoia, confusion, frightening hallucinations, vomiting, yawning.

If the recreational user experiences issues with mental health or feels anxious about using the hallucinogen, they face a higher risk of having a bad experience.

Psychological distress is the adverse event most often reported after recreational use of psilocybin. This distress can take the form of extreme anxiety or short-term psychosis.


People who have taken psilocybin in uncontrolled settings might engage in reckless behavior, such as driving while intoxicated.

Some people may experience persistent, distressing alterations to the way they see the world. These effects are often visual and can last from anywhere from weeks to years after using the hallucinogen.

Physicians now diagnose this condition as hallucinogen persisting perception disorder (HPPD), also known as a flashback. A flashback is a traumatic recall of an intensely upsetting experience. The recollection of this upsetting experience during hallucinogen use would be a bad trip, or a hallucination that takes a disturbing turn.

Some individuals experience more unpleasant effects than hallucinations, such as fear, agitation, confusion, delirium, psychosis, and syndromes that resemble schizophrenia, requiring a trip to the emergency room.

In most cases, a doctor will treat these effects with medication, such as benzodiazepines. These effects often resolve in 6 to 8 hours as the effects of the drug wear off.

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15 hours ago, dargosmydaddy said:

I wondered if Michael Emerson wasn't available, or is only contracted for a certain number of episodes per season (I think there was already another episode where he didn't appear). But it would be cool if Leland wasn't actually there, too...

Since Ben the Magnificent put the parental setting on the VR, shouldn't creepy Rose not been able to be accessed? Or are we supposed to hand wave that the dad managed to switch it off?

Speaking of the dad, I spent all his scenes trying to figure out where I knew the actor from. I thought he looked like the lead of the Australian show Glitch (which is on Netflix), but I didn't think it was actually him. Turns out it is! He does a very impressive American accent.

I started off wishing Ben had gone on the road trip, too, but his entire phone conversation with David (including  "God" as his caller ID) made his subplot worth it.

Echoing everyone else that this show is just so weirdly enjoyable. It's been slowly growing on me while Stumptown (the only other new show I've been watching) is slowly sinking.

I recognized him right away. His girlfriend was the lead on a show on NBC, this Summer, too.

4 hours ago, sharifa70 said:

Count me among those who didn't understand the oldest daughter's resentment. My Army pilot dad went away for weeks and sometimes months at a time and though we missed him when he was away it was...simply the way things were. No pouting, no reproach. Just...Tuesday or something. Hell, I don't even remember most of his absences except the ones when he was out of the country, and that's in spite of his having been in for 24 years (23 of them with me in tow). So yeah, I wanted to pop her upside the head.

I assumed that more was going on, since his wife and MIL didn't seem to be happy about him being gone, unless I missed something. 

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I definitely found this episode strange.  In fact I find the show itself strange and certainly not what I was expecting.  At first I wasn’t sure how to take it, and I found myself side-eying a lot of things.  However, finally realized this is not a show to take too seriously, and now I view it as mindless entertainment.  It’s so much more enjoyable that way. 

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I'm probably in the minority, but I really hate that they're pushing Kristin and David together.  It's annoying when they try to make me root for a couple that has such obvious ethical reasons not to be involved. 

He's not a priest, yet, so he probably hasn't made the vow of celibacy, but she's married.  I hate it when shows try to make me hope for a couple to have an affair.  It's sleazy and makes me respect (Yes, I know they're fictional.) the characters less.  

18 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

Maybe Dad really is dead and some random demon possessed his body back in Nepal and rode it all the way home.  Just a thought.  It might explain how he could dispense with Rose390 so easily.  

And if this happens, well, maybe I'll hate the romantic subplot storyline less?  

As for the oldest Screecher's resentment of her dad--I know military dads and moms are gone for long periods of time, but society treats that, IMO justifiably, as a sacrifice for the good of society.  It's tough on the family, but it's not quite as bitter a pill for a kid as Dad going on what seems to be a months-long pleasure trip. 

Screecher's dad went mountain climbing, just like he and mom used to do on their vacations;  Screecher's seen the pictures.  He just didn't take Mom--or the Screechettes--this time.  In the meantime, these two other men keep showing up, and Mom really likes them.  Ben and David might be wonderful, but Screecher's old enough to start to be suspicious about things like that.  Plus, Grandma definitely doesn't approve of him, and she does not seem to be discreet enough to not let that slip around the girls. 

*Almost* sorry about calling her Screecher, but I can't remember her name.  

Edited by Mari
I forgot moms.
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On 11/22/2019 at 2:51 PM, aquarian1 said:

When she tried 9-1-1 it said "no service".

But Bens call to Davids phone got thru no probs?! 


2 hours ago, Mari said:

I'm probably in the minority, but I really hate that they're pushing Kristin and David together.  It's annoying when they try to make me root for a couple that has such obvious ethical reasons not to be involved. 

He's not a priest, yet, so he probably hasn't made the vow of celibacy, but she's married.  I hate it when shows try to make me hope for a couple to have an affair.  It's sleazy and makes me respect (Yes, I know they're fictional.) the characters less.  

And if this happens, well, maybe I'll hate the romantic subplot storyline less?  

As for the oldest Screecher's resentment of her dad--I know military dads are gone for long periods of time, but society treats that, IMO justifiably, as a sacrifice for the good of society.  It's tough on the family, but it's not quite as bitter a pill for a kid as Dad going on what seems to be a months-long pleasure trip. 

Screecher's dad went mountain climbing, just like he and mom used to do on their vacations;  Screecher's seen the pictures.  He just didn't take Mom--or the Screechettes--this time.  In the meantime, these two other men keep showing up, and Mom really likes them.  Ben and David might be wonderful, but Screecher's old enough to start to be suspicious about things like that.  Plus, Grandma definitely doesn't approve of him, and she does not seem to be discreet enough to not let that slip around the girls. 

*Almost* sorry about calling her Screecher, but I can't remember her name.  

I don't like the pushing of infidelity either. We really haven't been show that Kristin and her husband are on the outs . At least it would be more realistic if she was all set to divorce. 

Those friggin kids really are screechers. Come the fuck on show, my ears are starting to bleed. I can't be around kids when they start their high pitched squealing. Tell them to shut up and lower their voices. It drives me nuts.

The grandmother is a fucking idiot slut. She got all the background from her daughter last week about what a shit her lover boy is but she opts for dick over sanity . Hate her.

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I'll admit that this was not my favorite episode.  It was just a little too out there for me.  Plus, I kept being bothered by the fact that David and, especially, Kristen, would even agree to drink sangria.  I can sort of get David as he was visiting his dad, but both David and Kristen were sent there "for work" and Kristen really should know better that to do anything that would impair her judgment when her job is to observe for anything strange.  There are plenty of little white lies to tell to get out of drinking (but apparently not "I'm pregnant" because the pregnant sister wife was drinking...)

Okay, here is what stuck with me.  I don't know if this was intentional in the show or, as my husband claims, bad editing.  In the scene right before Ben and the girlfriend (forgot her name, also keep thinking she's Idina Menzel...) and Ben is trying to justify the weirdness.  In one shot, the woman is sort of reclining on her left side, Ben seems to notice her necklace (there is a close up on the necklace) and then the camera  goes back to a bumbling Ben for a moment.  When it returns to the woman, she is sitting up in the bed, to the right of where she was in the previous shot.  Then, the camera goes back to Ben and, when it returns to the woman, she's back reclining on her left side.  I made the hubs rewind this about three times trying to figure it out.  He insists it was just a bad editing job, but it seems too deliberate to me.  Is the woman switching between the two sisters?

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I could normally understand grandma resentment of the dad, but...thats pretty rich coming a woman who is sleeping with a man she heard rooting for a child to be raped. "Working too much is evil, but cackling about how kindness is stupid and that his date was in a car wreck? Thats the sign a great guy!" 

What a weird episode, even by this shows standards. Was the creepy ass demon baby real, or was Kristin tripping? I think that David did probably see his ancestor, and at least his dad probably isnt evil. So the signs are actually symbolic of evils of the world, and not actually demons or people who sold their soul? Poor Annie, but at least she gets to spend her afterlife hanging out with her descendants at hippie parties! David has the best facial expressions, his eyes almost popped out of his head when he found out his dad was in a Thruple! 

The husband showing up right now does seem weird, is it really him or is he dead on a mountain in Nepal somewhere, and is actually a ghost or a demon?

Poor Ben, it was going so well too! His eyes were almost as big when she dropped the ghost sister bombshell as Ben's were when he realized his dad was in a Truple!

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7 hours ago, Mari said:

I'm probably in the minority, but I really hate that they're pushing Kristin and David together.  It's annoying when they try to make me root for a couple that has such obvious ethical reasons not to be involved. 

You aren't. I don't like pushing for infidelity either. I was smiling, because they were both so relaxed, and laughing over the experience. I know she's attracted to him, but she made it clear that nothing would happen.

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One other thing: her mother told the husband that it was none of his business (what she was doing with her boyfriend). She would have been right, if she wasn't supposed to be watching his daughters at the time. He had every right to be pissed that she wasn't actually watching them. 

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5 minutes ago, Anela said:

One other thing: her mother told the husband that it was none of his business (what she was doing with her boyfriend). She would have been right, if she wasn't supposed to be watching his daughters at the time. He had every right to be pissed that she wasn't actually watching them. 

I don't think she was supposed to be watching the kids, at least at that moment.  The girls had been at school.  It may very well have been that she was about to be watching them and was planning to get Leland out of the way before they got home.

But, then again, she was having sex in her daughter's office (which I didn't realize had a bed...)

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