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S15.E04: Atomic Monsters

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 Sam and Dean investigate the mysterious death of a girl and the disappearance of another

Holy Crap that was a great episode.

First off, props to JarPad, that car scene at the end was great. Of course, now I'm afraid Sam will die/sacrifice himself. 

Secondly (and utterly shallow) why can't Jensen wear the scruff/beard all the time?! OMG, he was smoking hot in that first scene!

I can't believe they brought Benny back just to kill him off so quickly, LOL

I like that Sam is having issues with killing Rowena, I like that it's weighing on him and, wasn't just swept aside.

Now for Chuck, I've always loved Chuck and, when he was setup as the Final Big Bad I thought it made sense but, I really didn't know if he'd be a good villain (he normally goes the comedic route). That final scene with Chuck and Becky gave me chills. The smile on his face when he dusted her family was chilling. Then the final dusting of Becky was so cold. 

I don't know how Supernatural ends, I used to think they'd go out Butch and Sundance style. After tonight I think Sam dies and Dean carries on the fight, alone 😥

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Jensen is a really good director. Perez is not a really good writer. That said, it was the best episode of the four so far, IMO.

The opening scene was awesome. I understand Jensen's thought about having that little Benny cameo. Somebody had to die, so why not give us a chance to see Benny again? Loved it. The fight was pretty great.

I'm sorry, but mopey, depressed Sam doesn't work for me, especially when they frame it as being all noble and brave, when they do nothing but say Dean is weak and suicidal when it's him. Whatever.

Becky was surprisingly less annoying than expected. Chuck disappearing her family was cruel. The writer-as-God is so damn transparent it's laughable. For sure they are setting up Sam sacrificing himself. Swan Song 2.0 is in the cards, no doubt.

  • Love 16

Best episode of the season by far.

My only complaint is that the BM scene was way too long. I would rather have had more of that AU stuff from the opening scene(way more!) and even the MOTW story and hell, even more of the Becky and Chuck stuff.

All the actors brought their A game for Jensen. The cuts made me wonder what Chuck was controlling. I'm still wondering, tbh.

And the music cue was Perfect. Absolutely. Perfect.

And Benny. We got Benny, too.

Loved that. So much.

  • Love 9
2 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

The opening scene was awesome. I understand Jensen's thought about having that little Benny cameo. Somebody had to die, so why not give us a chance to see Benny again? Loved it. The fight was pretty great.

Benny! Now I'm excited to watch even though he didn't survive.

2 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I'm sorry, but mopey, depressed Sam doesn't work for me, especially when they frame it as being all noble and brave, when they do nothing but say Dean is weak and suicidal when it's him. Whatever.

Same s**t, different season. ☹️

  • Love 13

Quick thoughts:

Excellent episode.  The somewhat ‘tried and true’ MOTW feels like that was EXACTLY the story Chuck wrote.  Which was the point.  Hence the cheesy cheerleaders.  Over protective parents etc.  

The meta is so strong it’s hard to keep track. 


John Wick action sequence.  Yes.  More please.  Not every episode but this was great.  

Benny cameo:  This was Jensen’s choice.   It’s an AU and Benny was apparently NOT a Vampire in that AU.  I loved hearing ‘Brother’ one more time.  Sorry to see him go but I like that Ty got to come back and that Jensen made that happen. 

Becky!  I always hated her character and now she’s all self-actualized.  Well done.  Feels like balm on fandom nerves.   She must have found a hubby and got preggers in record time.  I’m guessing we’re counting it as 9 years because Dean spent a year in Purgatory.  But I loved the Etsy-funded craft life.  And the writer pep talk. Also loved that she voiced a hatred for a dark ending.  

I’m very worried that Chuck is still controlling the boy’s lives and that the cheerleader story was the discussed first draft.  

I liked Dean’s reason for moving forward   
Bottom line: I liked the episode   A lot  

Edited by SueB
  • Love 15

You made me feel sorry for Becky. You explicitly showed her dosing Sam with the love potion in the previously, and still made me feel very bad for her in the end. Also bad for me because Becky was living a better life than me and I find that unfair. But I am liking the farewell tour of old characters. 

Okay, was the teenage vampire Burkely Duffield or someone else who has that same Ansel Elgort-ish look? Cause he also played a teenager who died in an episode of Supernatural in season 7. 

Edited by bettername2come
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Yeah, i thought Chuck was writing that story as it was happening, then when Becky rolled her eyes at it, he scrapped it and wrote an ending (unrelated to the whole story) so Dean and Sam went off book for the resolution of this one.  What I'm wondering now is if the rest of the season will be his doing as he writes toward his ending, or will he be ignoring them and writing behind the scenes until he's ready to spring it on them.

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Wow... there is so much to unpack in this episode, from all the meta jokes to Becky's portrayal of a mature fan who still loves her fandom but finds a healthy way to express it to the kind of angst that writers on AO3 absolutely live for. Kudos to the writers and to Jensen for directing this so well.

We get a lot of episodes with no happy ending, but this really left us in a dark place and the boys don't know that they still have Chuck pulling their strings. Seeing the teenage vampire accepting his fate and willing go to his death to avoid causing harm was absolutely heartbreaking. Sam is sinking into depression (and I'm waiting to see what his dreams amount to because I am here for PowersSam) and Dean trying to ensure that what they are doing has value and keeping their spirits up (while falling back into his drinking habits). 

I keep thinking back to how Chuck plans to end his magnum opus - with a tombstone reading Winchester. I don't know if that's avoidable, but the big question is on whose terms that end happens on.  

One more thing... both Jared and Jensen totally brought their A games acting-wise. This was some of their best work. Both of them were amazing.

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I loved the opening scene too! So dark and desperate. (And not a fangirl or fanfiction metaphor in sight -- sorry, but I'm so tired of all the heavy-handed meta.) I wish the whole episode had been about that AU. In fact, I wish the whole season could be -- that's the kind of story that the show deserves for its final season.

I have always loved Benny, and I was happy that the actor could come back to do that scene!

I hope I heard something wrong, and that someone can correct me. Did Sam say that he and Dean would have done the same thing for Jack that those parents did? The parents kidnapped an innocent girl to allow their vampire son to feed on her!  It was a twisted and evil thing to do. If the show wants to say that Sam and Dean would have done the same thing, that's real character assassination as far as I'm concerned.

  • Love 14
4 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I noticed that Becky was aghast at what Chuck 'did to Dean', what he 'did to Sam'. But Chuck said there would a tombstone (singular) and the name on it would be Winchester,  also singular.  I'm beginning to see why Jensen doesnt like the ending. 

A lot of tombstones have just a family name with more than one family member buried there.  I wouldn’t read anything into that. 

  • Love 2
6 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I noticed that Becky was aghast at what Chuck 'did to Dean', what he 'did to Sam'. But Chuck said there would a tombstone (singular) and the name on it would be Winchester,  also singular.  I'm beginning to see why Jensen doesnt like the ending. 

While I dread it as well,  Chuck is the kind of drama queen who'd dump both into one grave. And the tombstone would be just a gigantic meta statement while not factually incorrect.

Now obviously his ending will not take place anyway.

  • Love 5
3 minutes ago, ahrtee said:

I guess we can use "Chuck is writing it/first draft" as an excuse for every WTF, OOC or just plain badly written eps.  

I think Dabb is a hack of the highest order, but damned if he didnt come up with a way to excuse every bit of his shoddy storytelling, screw the Winchesters, and glorify himself in the process. 

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Really, really love this one.  Love the mature Becky.  I thought she might actually save the boys, and for a minute there she did.  She needed to keep trying to preserve Chuck's feelings, dammit.

Chuck is a grade A number one sadist, fueled by an ego as big as all outdoors.  I just can't even...

And Chuck was totally writing the story as it was happening, and I'm like actual heart is hurting worried for the rest of the season.  Either it's going to be more of the same only stomping harder on the good feels pedal, or it's gonna go to shit and stomp on the bad feels pedal without stopping.  Either way it's like staring down the hood at an oncoming Mack truck and there's no time to avoid the head on collision.

The vampire kid was heartbreaking, but he was so good to know that he had to protect everyone from the loss of control he had in him.  I think that's what made it the worst: the way he accepted everything.  And desperate parents who's morality I hesitate to judge not having faced a similarly dire situation myself.   Yeah, what they did was bad, and I really wonder why cheerleaders and not some homeless people that would probably not be missed.  I do wonder how the kid got turned though, the way I got it -- which might be different when I rewatch -- he just all of a sudden tasted blood and fanged out.  Also, a bit weird that the boys didn't wonder about the kids maker and try to go after them, too.

Sam's dream -- I feel like it's some bleed through from another AU because of the god-wound.  I wonder if we'll see any more worlds that way.  Other than that, it was really cool.  Loved the fight sequences, loved seeing Benny whom I always liked, and Jared really brought his A game to Evil!Sam.  😄  loved it!

Dean was perfect.  That is all.  😄

  • Love 13

Oooo, a meta episode.  Story A was a standard season one type of episode while story B was a commentary of how to end a series and infuriating fans.  God, I hope the people in charge don't pull a Game of Thrones with their finale. 

Also, bye Becky and Becky's family.  You went out faster than the people who Thanos snapped out of existence and looked better at it, too.

  • Love 1

Kudos to the S.E. Hinton shoutout "Stay gold, Susie".

I found it interesting that Chuck sought out Becky.  There was quite a bit revealed in that sub-plot.  I can understand why Jensen thought it almost stole the show.  What I picked up on:
- He could have gone ANYWHERE for validation. He's God, in this universe.  He could have done a few miracles and gotten billions of followers, adoring him for his creation of earth. But that's not what he sought out.  He wanted the fan of his writing of the Sam and Dean story.  
- He admitted several things to her: 1) no one needs him, 2) he's bitter about his sister, 3) he's feeling lost, 4) he feels on the 'outs' with Sam and Dean (well, obviously, but it's the fact that this BOTHERED him), and 5) Sam and Dean are still the ONLY story he's interested in.
- He said he lost his 'connection' to them and yet it sure seemed like he wrote that cheerleader/vampire story right there in real-time with Becky.  This point is confusing.
- He need an editor.  Which... weird.  Creates the universe and the complexities of the human body and he needs an editor.  Ooohkay.  Rolling with it.  So, Becky was a decent editor in terms of understanding his Winchester oeuvre. Certainly she had spent a great deal of time with the 'characters'.  And she could bust him on repetition and basic story elements.  But now that he's 'poofed' her to someplace where she's 'not dead', he needs another editor.  I miss Metatron.  So does Rob Benedict BTW. 
- He WANTS to make a story the fans love.  Becky was right that his ending likely sucked.  She, however, wants laundry day with the Winchesters (fandom shoutout!) and he wants monsters (no lips Levianthans!). But I also sense he's regretting 'losing Sam and Dean' while simultaneously treating them like toys.  

Bottom Line: I think Chuck is conflicted.  He has insecurities for real, is like an overpowered toddler, and yet I sense he can be turned around.  Maybe wishful thinking on my part but Chuck is not really as sure of himself as the episode ending implies.  

  • Love 5
18 minutes ago, KayCordingly said:

Wow. I mean I'm a pretty hardcore Pagan and even I'm like "DAMN you guys are REALLY throwing God under the bus!" I guess it's still so jarring ever since the end of last season because his personality is so completely different than before. It just feels like something evil is "wearing" Chuck.

I'm sticking with not actually being God, and it's all been bullshit.  That's part of what Billie and the Empty (who I still think may be the real God) have to talk to Jack about.

They redeem Becky, and then kill her off in that way.  Freaking hell, they're getting rid of everybody.  Hoping it's leading to a moment where everybody comes back to fight at Sam and Dean's side.

Great to get Benny back, even if it's a dream or alternate universe,  And this time Benny and Dean got their goodbyes in.

Also loved them getting in another X-Files shoutout with Sam saying "The truth is out there."

Edited by Jediknight
  • Love 8
32 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I noticed that Becky was aghast at what Chuck 'did to Dean', what he 'did to Sam'. But Chuck said there would a tombstone (singular) and the name on it would be Winchester,  also singular.  I'm beginning to see why Jensen doesn't like the ending. 

I haven't watched the episode yet so I'm going by what I've read, but my feeling is that Sam's' visions are Chuck's drafts and Sam's connection to Chuck allowing him to see them.

So he's constantly seeing an ending in which he kills Dean.  Since they can' end with the Winchesters being puppets, my guess is they will flip that scenario in the finale.  They've teased Dean killing Sam for years this time Dean will do it.   

I feel like there is foreshadowing for it based on Sam's mental state. 

IMO, this would fit with Jared loving it and Jensen being hesitant. 

  • Love 5
9 minutes ago, SueB said:

He need an editor.  Which... weird.  Creates the universe and the complexities of the human body and he needs an editor.  Ooohkay.  Rolling with it. 

Have you seen platypuses?  Or kangaroos?  (Or mosquitoes?)  Or even some obviously not-well-thought-out parts of the human anatomy?  😊

Edited by ahrtee
  • LOL 5
2 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

I haven't watched the episode yet so I'm going by what I've read, but my feeling is that Sam's' visions are Chuck's drafts and Sam's connection to Chuck allowing him to see them.

So he's constantly seeing an ending in which he kills Dean.  Since they can' end with the Winchesters being puppets, my guess is they will flip that scenario in the finale.  They've teased Dean killing Sam for years this time Dean will do it.   

I feel like there is foreshadowing for it based on Sam's mental state. 

IMO, this would fit with Jared loving it and Jensen being hesitant. 

If this is the ending, no one will ever convince me that Dean would or could ever be "at peace" with that.

And JP said that both are supposedly "at peace" in the end, didn't he?

So yeah, I could definitely see Jensen having issues with that kind of an ending-S5 all over again. 🙄

Hope that's not it, Dabb/Chuck/God, cause if so, FU.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, SueB said:

Kudos to the S.E. Hinton shoutout "Stay gold, Susie".

I found it interesting that Chuck sought out Becky.  There was quite a bit revealed in that sub-plot.  I can understand why Jensen thought it almost stole the show.  What I picked up on:
- He could have gone ANYWHERE for validation. He's God, in this universe.  He could have done a few miracles and gotten billions of followers, adoring him for his creation of earth. But that's not what he sought out.  He wanted the fan of his writing of the Sam and Dean story.  
- He admitted several things to her: 1) no one needs him, 2) he's bitter about his sister, 3) he's feeling lost, 4) he feels on the 'outs' with Sam and Dean (well, obviously, but it's the fact that this BOTHERED him), and 5) Sam and Dean are still the ONLY story he's interested in.
- He said he lost his 'connection' to them and yet it sure seemed like he wrote that cheerleader/vampire story right there in real-time with Becky.  This point is confusing.
- He need an editor.  Which... weird.  Creates the universe and the complexities of the human body and he needs an editor.  Ooohkay.  Rolling with it.  So, Becky was a decent editor in terms of understanding his Winchester oeuvre. Certainly she had spent a great deal of time with the 'characters'.  And she could bust him on repetition and basic story elements.  But now that he's 'poofed' her to someplace where she's 'not dead', he needs another editor.  I miss Metatron.  So does Rob Benedict BTW. 
- He WANTS to make a story the fans love.  Becky was right that his ending likely sucked.  She, however, wants laundry day with the Winchesters (fandom shoutout!) and he wants monsters (no lips Levianthans!). But I also sense he's regretting 'losing Sam and Dean' while simultaneously treating them like toys.  

Bottom Line: I think Chuck is conflicted.  He has insecurities for real, is like an overpowered toddler, and yet I sense he can be turned around.  Maybe wishful thinking on my part but Chuck is not really as sure of himself as the episode ending implies.  

I so hope you are right and this leads to redemption, which is how it felt to me as well. Though, I absolutely despise the whole meta Dabb Chuck thing, I think it is here to stay. When it is over, if necessary, I can just say some hack fan fiction writer named Dabb continued his version of the story that ended in season 11. 🙂

  • LOL 1
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3 hours ago, Myrelle said:

If this is the ending, no one will ever convince me that Dean would or could ever be "at peace" with that.

And JP said that both are supposedly "at peace" in the end, didn't he?

So yeah, I could definitely see Jensen having issues with that kind of an ending-S5 all over again. 🙄

Hope that's not it, Dabb/Chuck/God, cause if so, FU.

After this episode, I was thinking that the planned ending may have been circumvented. A twist at the end. We see God/Chuck/Dabb version. Then Chuck rips it up. I just can't accept that God is an evil writer; I hate this shallow nonsense. 

3 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I have to say that even though I thoroughly hate this entire Chuck storyline, I think Rob Benedict is a really good actor and also cute as a bug's ear. I actually chuckled (no pun intended) over his Leviathan pride.

He really is adorable.

6 hours ago, ILoveReading said:

I haven't watched the episode yet so I'm going by what I've read, but my feeling is that Sam's' visions are Chuck's drafts and Sam's connection to Chuck allowing him to see them.

So he's constantly seeing an ending in which he kills Dean.  Since they can' end with the Winchesters being puppets, my guess is they will flip that scenario in the finale.  They've teased Dean killing Sam for years this time Dean will do it.   

I feel like there is foreshadowing for it based on Sam's mental state. 

IMO, this would fit with Jared loving it and Jensen being hesitant. 

I wouldn't mind as long as Sam is gone and Dean's still there at the end of the series. (Which can't happen because aren't some people talking about a reboot?)

Sam seeing the particular world he is seeing does seem rather random at the moment. Unlike Season 5, it doesn't play into any current storyline like Endverse.

So Chuck wrote apocalyptic and dark stories, we knew that already. Considering he basically muhaha-ed in this episode on account of his ego, seeing his other writing really looks like "duh".

I appreciated the action scene and Benny out of it. Yay. Action!Dean and Action!Ackles for the win.

  • Love 7

Best part of the entire episode, of the entire season so far, was Jensen's teaser, hands down. Beautifully choreographed, beautifully shot and directed. And BENNY!!!!!! Jensen loves that character, and loves the relationship between Dean and Benny. Thumbs up for the get - brothers in arms to the end. I really do hope you see Benny on the other side when the time comes, Dean. SOB!

The rest of the episode was okay - yes, probably the best one of the four we've gotten so far. But that bar is on the ground, so not exactly hard to step over. Still, too much monologuing when we got to the end in with the parents and their vamp kid. The constant references to Jack, Dabb's most favorite character in the whole wide world, are annoying AF in their constant woobification. And while it's nice that Sam finally recalled and listed Mary in passing reference to those they lost, it's clear she is not at the top of his or anyone else's list - not even Dean's anymore, since apparently Dean is now over it after a whole week or something like that.

Poor Becky, I did feel for her the entire episode, especially since I knew Chuckles was going to end up screwing her over, and he did in the cruelest way possible. Dabb must have really hated Sunday school growing up. Since I doubt Emily Perkins will return again this season, seems yet another petty crappy end for a returning character.

Jensen and Steve's song that played toward the end was perfect! Good job, Jensen!

Sam moping and pissing and moaning for the 5000th time falls flat on me. If the end that Jensen isn't on board with is Dean killing Sam, one of Kripke's original endings - so maybe not since Dabb hates all things Kripke - this kind of attitude of Sam's makes me way okay with it. No, Dean would hate it, Jensen would hate it, but I could live with it. But I'm not convinced yet.

While the case was thin - and I agree with AnimeMania that in another season the guys would have/should have looked for and killed the vamp that turned the kid - it was nice that the brothers were simply working a case together again. Just by comparison to the dreck we got in the first three episodes, it was refreshing.

Edited by PAForrest
  • Love 8

Hey-yo, the first decent episode of the season! Same as with Perez's Mint Condition last year, it was an unexpectedly nice, palette cleansing MOTW. Awesome opening action scene, Jensen's song at the end was perfectly cued, and I actually kind of felt something for the hunt this time!

Hopefully, with the actual textual acknowledgement that a horrible and depressing ending isn't automatically good just because it evokes strong emotions (cough cough, Game of Thrones), we might just get a garbage fire ending instead of a dumpster fire one. One can hope, right? 😉

I'm waaaayyy over the brothers playing Depression Hot Potato. One week it's Sam's turn, the next week it's Dean's. There was no rhyme or reason to Dean's angry bitterness in 14.02 suddenly morphing into optimism two episodes later. The petty fangirl in me is just going to assume that it's because Woobie Cas' isn't around being a self-pitying party pooper who drags everyone down with him. 

And we just know that Sam's current funk isn't actually going to lead anywhere plot or character-related. It's just filler at this point, something to cap off an episode's weekly BM moment in the car. Whatever.

Agreeable episode, no strong objections, I'll take what I can get.

  • Love 6

Teaser!Dean in kevlar leading soldiers into battle, with the military signals and all was so hot. I'd have watched an episode just like that teaser. If only Dean got stuff like that in our world.

Was so reminiscent of Endverse, I wonder if Dean wasn't visiting a further chapter of another of Chuck's worlds.

Had to laugh about Chuck whining about his falling out with the Winchesters. Dude, you randomely pulled the evil lightswitch for no reason last Season. Noone forced you to. 

  • Love 13

So what does this show tell us about God?

Don't date God, he will smite your family (and you along with it probably).

Don't be God's sibling, he will drop you in a box for all eternity.

Don't be one of the four son's of God, you will get one of his bad personality ticks as a trademark which will be your downfall and death.

Don't be his favorite writing pets, he will ruin your life from birth. Along with the lives of your family, friends, associates...basically everyone you know.

Edited by Smad
  • Love 7

I usually don't think these monster of the week episodes.  I prefer the bigger storylines and these types of things slow those down.  But they wove the bigger storyline in, and the monster of the week had such a sad end.  Instead of a bloody, vicious monster, it was a fairly innocent victim who knew he had to do the unpleasant thing that had to be done.  And the terrible pain of parents losing their only child is so dark.

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, juppschmitz said:

I wouldn't mind as long as Sam is gone and Dean's still there at the end of the series. (Which can't happen because aren't some people talking about a reboot?)

Yeah.  Some people are.


  • Love 2

I loved this episode. And glad to be feeling excited and happy about it again. 

The MOTW twist with the kid taking himself out was really great (and Jensen's song worked perfectly for that scene). Honestly I think it was partly about him not being able to control himself and partly to punish himself for killing someone he loved. 

The opening scene was epic. Great action and interesting camera work. I couldn't be more proud!!!

So Sam is not feeling the hunting anymore. He wants out. Got a big "Done" sign over his head. One confusion is why both Winchesters keep saying God is gone and they are free. I mean God zapped out but why do they think he's not still in charge? Not sure how that came to be their thinking. 

I really wasn't interested in seeing Becky but I have to admit I enjoyed those scenes quite a lot. 

  • Love 4
3 minutes ago, Bobcatkitten said:

One confusion is why both Winchesters keep saying God is gone and they are free. I mean God zapped out but why do they think he's not still in charge? Not sure how that came to be their thinking. 

They are taking this from the other worlds/drafts like Apocalypse-world where Chuck apparently did just abandon them and left them to themselves. Apocalypse world still trucked on, despite Chuck quitting to write for it. 

And in fairness, it looks like that`s exactly what he wanted to do here but he can`t due to the bullet wound. He tried to weasel a ride with Amara but she gave him the finger. 

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Definitely the best episode of the season, Jenson did a great job directing, especially considering it was a decently complex episode, with the narrator and the meta stuff. Not reaching the heights of previous seasons, but it was still a solidly good episode, with sadness, great acting from Jared, Jenson, and even the guest actors, comedy, and the meta was both fun and interesting. 

I am not a huge Becky fan, but I liked her this week. I am glad that she admitted what she did to Sam was horrible (that was a messed up episode!) and that she has grown up while not abandoning her fangirl ways. I think it was a nice way to touch on fandom in the last season, especially those of us who have kind of grown up with the show, with Becky moving on from being obsessed and has grown up, gotten a fulfilling and happy life outside of fandom, but is still engaging in fan life, even making money doing it! Chuck disappearing her and her poor family was cold as fuck, where did they go?! He said they weren't dead, so I guess I cant technically add Becky to supporting and reoccurring characters killed off this season...yet.

So Chuck wrote an ending that is really dark and depressing, but was apparently horrible, which actually makes me just slightly more optimistic about the series finale, that it wont just be some kind of nihilistic misery fest where Dabb just sets the franchise on fire in a temper tantrum because none of his spin-offs worked and ran off. I admit I did like that it seemed like a take down of pain in the ass show runners who write these horribly dark series and season finales where beloved characters are horribly and pointlessly killed off, or write these "shocking twists" that are only shocking because they make no fucking sense. The "but you felt something, thats good!" line is a classic from these kinds of hacks, who will follow up their massive middle finger to the fans with smug interviews about how "We made you feel something, and thats important!" or "We wanted to remind viewers about the tragic nature of life." or "we are all about subverting expectations!" or the ultimate in smug dickery "We didnt give fans what they wanted, we gave them what they needed." You know what we needed? We needed a good story, not some bullshit from show runners who think that "dark and depressing" always means artistically brilliant!*

The COTW was quite good, I didnt see it being the son coming even though I probably should have. The poor vampire kid, that was just horribly heartbreaking, especially as he asked Sam and Dean to "go on a ride" both out of guilt for killing his girlfriend and his parents kidnapping the other girl, and because he didnt want to hurt anyone else because he cant control his vampire urges. I guess that Chuck was directly writing this story, and wanted it to be a sad ending, or maybe Sam and Dean could have gotten him to Garth or someone and helped him. I mean, its not like we have never met vampires that dont kill people, even if its pretty rare and tends to still end pretty badly because...thats just kind of how this universe is. The downer ending did fit in well with Sam and Dean talking about how much their job sucks and they have to make the hard choices. They did save that girl and anyone else that might have been killed, but instead of fighting some evil murdering monster, they had to basically mercy kill a nice teenage boy who was a victim of something he didnt understand, and instead of some epic fight, they had to behead a crying kid begging to be killed, which I cant imagine makes anyone feel like a hero, even if its whats for the best.

Hi Benny! Nice briefly seeing you again! 

So they really are going hard on Chuck being all "muhahah" evil all of the time now. I still suspect that he might not really be god, or at least the original god, and they will need to find the real one, or at least dethrone this one. Or maybe this will end with the guys deciding that they didnt need any kind of god and going full free will with everything, even though that does raise questions about how this universe will still function, but I dont know. 

*Not that I am bitter or anything about any certain show...*

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