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S16.E05: Eviction #1; HoH Comp #2

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Noooooooooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!! Not Devin.  He will be even more insufferable.


ETA:  I wish that the HoH comp had been more balanced so that there could have been random mixed teams competing -- that way there could have been two women as HoH and then they could have put Devin and Caleb on the block ..... on opposite teams.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
  • Love 4

Joey done lost her damn mind. But I guess at that point she probably had nothing left to lose. 


Her game kind of sucked, but I would have preferred her to Paola. That girls attitude just grates. She takes Joey saying that she is better at the game than Paula to mean that Paula SUCKS? Oh jeez. Is no one allowed to play an actual game in this house? She's trying to save her ass. Calm the fuck down. 


HOH comp could not have gone much worse. Devin being on the block is a living nightmare. I really didn't like them forcing their to be an HOH of both genders either.

  • Love 1

Now, I'm afraid on several counts. One, that Donny has now come into contact with the toxic stew that is Grodner's twist. Two, that Devin will try and put him up again. And three, poor Amber's not going to get a minute's peace. Talk about a worst case scenario. I can only hope that Grodner cranks up the DR pressure for a non-Donny nom, so part two of her lame twist doesn't also blow up in her face.


I am happy for Donny though. Unless the missions are incredibly lame ones, I don't think Team America has a chance of accomplishing any of them, but I'm glad he got the affirmation that his presence on the show is appreciated. And I'm sort of proud of the voters for not going the obvious route in Frankie, or one of the hot girls or musclebound loons.

  • Love 2

If Devin's nominees lose the BotB, he could go up as a veto replacement.  Possible if he gets too power mad. 


He reminds me too much of OJ.  He's scary.


I'm sorry Joey, you are just too weird.  I think Alex got you the unanimous vote.  The interview was awful until Caleb did his silly bomb act.  Good job calling him out in that available split-second.


So now that a woman is gone, we can go straight to the battle of the sexes with a guarantee 4 men won't get nominated. 


And a female collaborator wins.  And crazy Devin, of course.  Damn you Hayden!  Overconfident.


Team America.  Kiss of Death.  Donny is target #1, for now.

  • Love 3

Wow, Joey went out in a unanimous vote.  She seems like a lovely person, but she is not very good at this game clearly.  I'm not sorry to see her go.  Hopefully these other women grow a brain or they are going to get picked off one by one.


Ugh at the winners of this week's HOH competitions.  I like Amber, but she's on the Bomb Squad so that means that her (and Devin's) victory will make a for boring and utterly predictable week.  Devin will likely target Donny and he and Amber will likely put up three other non-Bomb Squad members as nominees.  Donny goes home unless he wins BotB or veto this week.


Man, this season is gonna suck if the Bomb Squad doesn't implode sooner rather than later.  I like a number of the individuals in the group, but the alliance is just too big and it's going to make for a really boring summer if they stay intact.  It doesn't help that pretty much everyone who is decent at the comps is on their side, even further reducing the likelihood that another group could come into power and break them up.  Sigh, I think that the only hope is that they fracture from within.

  • Love 2

Still no Blue & White replays... I am not pleased.


Joey... is... not good at this game... at all. She crazy but she's right. But there are ways to do it without going all "Alex" on everyone.


And Travis is about as good at communicating as Joey is being strategical... "Well I don't want you to say nothing if you don't have nothing to say." Brilliant. That will work for sure! *shakes head*


Good to know Pao wil keep bringing "her funness" and just like "caltoru" that's not a word.


I hate when they put twitter posts on air during shows, it's just annoying and manipulated to show whatever they want if they aren't just making/posting their own messages anyhow...


Funny that the girl with the blue hair is the first to have their picture go black and white.


So the Chenbot returns... after early news of her demise/upgrade she was all over the place reading that promo for the upcoming shows. I don't think she like surprises like ruling out someone who they thought won...

I enjoyed Joey's interview with Julie, but it really highlighted how much she is not meant for this game. It was refreshing, though. The way she mocked Caleb was my favorite part, but saying that it brought her back to junior high was spot on. Julie seemed taken aback by that comment, though. Has Julie not watched the show before? 


Speaking of Caleb, had I any second thoughts about whether he was as creepy as he seemed, they would have been removed. That conversation with Amber was just sad. "I look at you a lot, and I see you looking back at me." Of course she's going to look back at you, you dummy—she's trying to figure out what the hell you're staring at. It was too close to being like one of those stalkers who read hidden messages into everything the person they stalk does, no matter how innocuous. 

  • Love 3

I'm actually glad steroidy Devin won HoH. It will only go to his head more and hopefully his amped up power trip will make him enemies among his fellow Bomb Squad alliance members. He's quickly going over the cliff into Crazy Town.


Did you see the quick shot of Devin rushing behind the bushes right after the guys HOH comp? Did he go to TPTB to complain that Cody fell? 


Amber thinks Devin is attractive, so she will be putty in his hands and she'll nominate whomever he says. Ugh! Hopefully her nominees will win. Not all competitions are physical. 


Part of me is starting to feel that Donny's "nice guy" thing is an act. I'm sure he's a decent guy, but he's turned the sugary sweetness to ten (or eleven).


I thought for sure, Christine would've been the next Team America F*** Yeah pick. For all you Rush fans, she looks like she could be Geddy Lee's sister. That's not an insult. I like him and I like her with her fellow nerd girl Nicole. I actually would want them final two. They might be great in question and answer type competitions.


Also, Amber should not have blown off Caleb. The guy obviously has no game, so just give him enough to keep him hoping. Just flirt heavily and tease a bit and make him eat out of your hand. Guys have done this to women on this show. All's fair in love and Big Brother. 


Anyone seen the movie The Purge? Doesn't Heyden look like the young blonde guy with the wide crazy smile in that movie? No? Never mind then.


Joey kept saying what a feminist she is, yet groveled and apologized for attempting to make an alliance?  I'd be like, "Dude! Don't tell me how to play the game and don't tell me your not in an alliance too!!" Her Alex character thing sealed her fate. That was dumb and didn't help her make her point. 

Edited by aurora296
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Ugh, more Brah Squad.  Obviously Cody would have been preferable to Devin, but I was surprised he didn't throw it to begin with;  he's protected by the Alliance of Assholes, but not one of its perceived leaders.  No need to make waves, I'd think.  But I would much prefer anyone but Roid Rage.  


And if Cody's disqualification doesn't get us our Blue/Gray replays back, I don't know what will.  There's nothing wrong with the "fade-in" technique, guys;  it keeps the storyline cohesive.  Oh, well.


Team Producer is never going to get anywhere, is it?  Which I kind of approve of, to be honest.  Let's see how much DR pressure Grodner puts on the hammies to keep Donny safe this week.


Zach made the Gator sign while voting.  You can take the douche out of Gainesville, but you can't take Gainesville out of the douche, apparently.  (And I didn't even have any opinions on UF either way, before this.)


Still hate the new studio set, just as I did last year.  It feels ridiculous watching Joey trudge across a football field's length of empty (but bright!) stage, to take a seat on some magically-appearing-during-the-break folding chair.  Bring back "Julie's garden", along with shorter walks and permanent seating.  I don't even know what purpose the giant stage is supposed to serve.  (Other than giving Scott Storey and the design team one less space to dress, I guess.)


And wasn't nice of Julie to let us know how Joey was being mocked for her gameplay on the internet?  Gee, I can't wait until she does that for a male houseguest. I mean, she's certainly raised an eyebrow at male contestants flaming out in various ultra-stupid ways in the past (Marcellas, Jase, Brian, Lawon, etc.), but I never hear her cite other media to condemn any of their gameplay.  Made me uncomfortable, honestly.  I was kind of glad when she blew a circuit later on.


Gee, if they keep these split-gender HoHs, Caleb and Devin can be in charge indefinitely.  Oh, Joy.

Edited by DAngelus
  • Love 1

I'm actually glad steroidy Devin won HoH. It will only go to his head more and hopefully his amped up power trip will make him enemies among his fellow Bomb Squad alliance members. He's quickly going over the cliff into Crazy Town.


Did you see the quick shot of Devin rushing behind the bushes right after the guys HOH comp? Did he go to TPTB to complain that Cody fell? 


Joey kept saying what a feminist she is, yet groveled and apologized for attempting to make an alliance?  I'd be like, "Dude! Don't tell me how to play the game and don't tell me your not in an alliance too!!" Her Alex character thing sealed her fate. That was dumb and didn't help her make her point. 


Natch!  I bet thats EXACTLY what happened!  I thought it was so strange when he ran behind the bushes instead of doing the obligatory ass kissing and glad handing that all the other contestants do when someone has won head of household.  Ugh, he is so yucky


BTW, if Amber doesn't want Caleb to like her, she should simply mention she is part black.


I muted through most of Alex - that shit wasn't even funny - it was straight lame, even though her point was valid.


Oh!  Donny was wearing a Harvard Medical tee shirt today.  I'm sure Devin and Caleb think he is a ninja spy government agent military super doctor now!

Edited by RealityGal
  • Love 2

Noooooooooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!! Not Devin.  He will be even more insufferable.


ETA:  I wish that the HoH comp had been more balanced so that there could have been random mixed teams competing -- that way there could have been two women as HoH and then they could have put Devin and Caleb on the block ..... on opposite teams.

The men would have beaten the women badly. The contrast was very noticeable as the women carefully made their way across. Hayden was sprinting across the balance beam! And Derrick and Cody and Frankie were sprinting as well probably in response to Hayden.


Of course, I'm sure the women may have sprinted too if they saw their competitors completing the task super fast as well; but, I did find the huge performance gap quite hysterical. The women this season need to up their game. Women are supposed to be better at balancing than men!

Edited by resonance


I hate that the show edit is trying to make Caleb's obsession with Amber as "wacky" instead of stalker level scary.


Yeah, but I knew that they would. This show lives for show-mances so naturally they're going to portray Caleb as just a sweet, misguided, lovestruck galoot. They ought to know by now, after last year's fiasco, that trying to spin the TV episodes isn't going to work because the real story the live feed watchers are seeing is going to get out there in the press.


"Being a feminist, I need to do something big and I need to something crazy to get the votes I need to stay in the house."


Um, Joey, I am not sure that the word "feminist" means what you think it means.

Yeah, and I wonder if the decision to go so hard on that angle was Joey's idea or was something "encouraged" by the producers. IMO there was some interesting math at play there: self-described liberal female = feminist = lesbian-ish = crazy. Meanwhile, the women left in the house are presenting themselves in the more traditional image of feminine and the two most alpha men were right off the bat prepared to target them because of it.


See if you could push Caleb against Devin

Oh, it's gonna happen soon enough. They're both of the "there ain't enough room in this here town for the both of us" mold.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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I hate that the show edit is trying to make Caleb's obsession with Amber as "wacky" instead of stalker level scary.


While I think you're basically correct, I think it was so creepy that just showing it in its entirety like that still succeeded in making it look scary. I mean, I obviously don't know how it came across to everyone (especially those not informed on the feeds), but out of context it still looked creepy to me. My wife happened to be in the living room while I was watching it and I showed her and she was creeped out by it, as a for instance (that is purely anecdotal, of course, and therefore essentially useless, but still!). 

  • Love 2

While I think you're basically correct, I think it was so creepy that just showing it in its entirety like that still succeeded in making it look scary. I mean, I obviously don't know how it came across to everyone (especially those not informed on the feeds), but out of context it still looked creepy to me. My wife happened to be in the living room while I was watching it and I showed her and she was creeped out by it, as a for instance (that is purely anecdotal, of course, and therefore essentially useless, but still!).

I guess it depends on reaction to that music. They definitely used the musical cues they'd use for "wacky". Towards the end there it maybe even veered into "poor pathetic deluded guy" as well, rather than "go lock up the knives in the kitchen" (which is

how the live feeders reported it seeming from there


During eviction, I noticed that at least three of the ladies had the exact same shoes on. I don't know how it could be a coincidence.

Does Zack remind anyone of Dr. Will? There's a vague resemblance but it seems like he studied Will's diary room personality. It's really irritating. I was not a fan.

I didn't like the hoh comp. With one exception, I didn't see why people were eliminated. They better pony up the video of Cody disqualifying in Sunday's previously, or people are going to continue to call shenanigans.

I really like Donny. He seems a little child-like, but I don't think he's faking.

I despise Devin, and it takes a lot to distract me away from his prettiness. I don't believe for a second that he walked away from MLB for his child. I bet he was a benchwarmer in single A minors, and was tossed for his arrogance and bad attitude, as well as performance enhancing drugs. No way did this egomaniac walk away from a sport that draws adoration like baseball.

  • Love 5

I really like Donny. He seems a little child-like, but I don't think he's faking.

I've found this theory a bit hard to explain correctly, but I think he both IS and ISN'T at the same time.  I think he genuinely has these qualities, but he's exaggerating them and using the knowledge he has of how people react to him to manipulate people.  It's just TOO regular, like clockwork, how people seem to react--even crazy paranoid Devin had that moment where he backed off and we saw this "what am I doing scheming against this guy" look on his face.  Then we have to balance that against how Donny himself told us that he's a show superfan who's seen every episode of every season.  He may not be some fancy-ex-military dude, but knowing that is driving people to assume that him being an actual Janitor and nothing else means he's totally 100% some innocent.  Where what I think he is would be someone with a plan to just highlight certain aspects of himself and let that be his shield. It's not that this makes him some strategic genius--he wouldn't have hooked up with a total loser like Devin in the first place if he was all that smart--but a lot of people have come in with worse plans.



During eviction, I noticed that at least three of the ladies had the exact same shoes on. I don't know how it could be a coincidence.


I wonder if they are offered appropriate shoes for the HOH competition if they don't have them?  I remember in the past they got measured for gear, including shoes.



With one exception, I didn't see why people were eliminated.

I definitely hope we see Cody's fault. But I did see other people (like Hayden) trip and fall off. And someone dropped a keg on the ground.

Did Devin actually ring in #2 or was he just closest to finishing so they gave it to him. That's what confused me, because they don't continue the competitions to second place.

Edited by Skittl1321
  • Love 1

I wonder if they are offered appropriate shoes for the HOH competition if they don't have them?  I remember in the past they got measured for gear, including shoes.


I definitely hope we see Cody's fault. But I did see other people (like Hayden) trip and fall off. And someone dropped a keg on the ground.

Did Devin actually ring in #2 or was he just closest to finishing so they gave it to him. That's what confused me, because they don't continue the competitions to second place.


That confused me too.  I assumed once they called a winner, everyone just stopped what they were doing.  If thats the case, how did they KNOW that Devin would win if Cody didn't?  If Devin didn't actually finish the competition, he also could have stepped or stumbled at the very last minute.  I would have thought, in that situation, the fairest thing to do would have been to give HoH to Heyden.  Because basically you didn't play the game for EVERYONE to finish, the only people that did finish fell or stumbled off their beam.  No one finished without falling, so you should take that out of the equation when determining a winner.  So then it becomes a question of who finished fastest with or without a stumble, and that would be Heyden.


Also, I despise Devin, and because Heyden isn't in the Bomb Squad it would be more interesting for him to be HoH.

I watched the rerun on TVGN last night, specifically looking for Cody's foul. And of course, the feed chosen for broadcast wasn't anywhere near Cody. It was focused on Hayden's spectacular wipeout, and Devin was right next to him, if I'm not mistaken. I did see Devin near his buzzer, it looked like he hit it, but since Cody hit his first, Devin's didn't buzz. I think Devin was clapping, so he must have thought he won, and then stomped off after Julie announced Cody's name. They'd better show a different feed's replay next show, or I declare shenanigans.

  • Love 1

I watched the rerun on TVGN last night, specifically looking for Cody's foul. And of course, the feed chosen for broadcast wasn't anywhere near Cody. It was focused on Hayden's spectacular wipeout, and Devin was right next to him, if I'm not mistaken. I did see Devin near his buzzer, it looked like he hit it, but since Cody hit his first, Devin's didn't buzz. I think Devin was clapping, so he must have thought he won, and then stomped off after Julie announced Cody's name. They'd better show a different feed's replay next show, or I declare shenanigans.


I think if Devin actually hit his button, than their reasoning makes sense.  :(


I hope one of "Team America's" challenges is kicking Devin in the nuts.  

  • Love 2

During eviction, I noticed that at least three of the ladies had the exact same shoes on. I don't know how it could be a coincidence.

Does Zack remind anyone of Dr. Will? There's a vague resemblance but it seems like he studied Will's diary room personality. It's really irritating. I was not a fan.

I didn't like the hoh comp. With one exception, I didn't see why people were eliminated. They better pony up the video of Cody disqualifying in Sunday's previously, or people are going to continue to call shenanigans.

I really like Donny. He seems a little child-like, but I don't think he's faking.

I despise Devin, and it takes a lot to distract me away from his prettiness. I don't believe for a second that he walked away from MLB for his child. I bet he was a benchwarmer in single A minors, and was tossed for his arrogance and bad attitude, as well as performance enhancing drugs. No way did this egomaniac walk away from a sport that draws adoration like baseball.

ITA -- with all of this.  Pao Pao (I feel ridiculous even typing that) had on the blue sneakers, but Joey didn't, so I knew that she was safe and Joey was definitely going home.  Zack does remind me of Dr. Will....lookswise, although I don't think he's 1/4th as clever as Will. 


That confused me too.  I assumed once they called a winner, everyone just stopped what they were doing.  If thats the case, how did they KNOW that Devin would win if Cody didn't?  If Devin didn't actually finish the competition, he also could have stepped or stumbled at the very last minute.  I would have thought, in that situation, the fairest thing to do would have been to give HoH to Heyden.  Because basically you didn't play the game for EVERYONE to finish, the only people that did finish fell or stumbled off their beam.  No one finished without falling, so you should take that out of the equation when determining a winner.  So then it becomes a question of who finished fastest with or without a stumble, and that would be Heyden.


Also, I despise Devin, and because Heyden isn't in the Bomb Squad it would be more interesting for him to be HoH.

I deleted the episode as soon as I watched it, but I thought Julie actually said something about Cody just edging out Devin, because I remember thinking, "Whew!  I'm glad that Devin didn't win."  I really wanted Hayden to win.  When I watch the show, I don't feel like it's "Expect the unexpected."  Instead, I feel like it's usually "Expect the thing that I don't want to happen....to happen."

  • Love 1

ITA -- with all of this.  Pao Pao (I feel ridiculous even typing that) had on the blue sneakers, but Joey didn't, so I knew that she was safe and Joey was definitely going home.  Zack does remind me of Dr. Will....lookswise, although I don't think he's 1/4th as clever as Will. 


I deleted the episode as soon as I watched it, but I thought Julie actually said something about Cody just edging out Devin, because I remember thinking, "Whew!  I'm glad that Devin didn't win."  I really wanted Hayden to win.  When I watch the show, I don't feel like it's "Expect the unexpected."  Instead, I feel like it's usually "Expect the thing that I don't want to happen....to happen."


LOL - I like your line better, but I feel like Julie Chen is barely able to eek out "expect the unexpected" but I feel like "expect the thing you don't want to happen...to happen" to be more honest and more amusing :)

"Expect the unexciting"?  Nah, CBS would never allow that.  How about:


"Expect the execrable"?


Defined as "extremely bad or unpleasant. synonyms: appalling, atrocious, lamentable, egregious, awful, dreadful, terrible."  (And also?  Shitty.)   See, this way we're being honest, while still allowing for the possibility of drama arising from the racists and 'roiders Grodner enjoys subjecting us to.

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