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  1. I agree. Mr. DiLaurentis is definitely a victim and not a villain. Have we become so politically correct that not accepting your transgender child is worse than driving a car into someone's house (even assuming the house is empty)? Or taking the liars hostage in an underground lair and torturing them? Also, it's very possible that Mr. D thought Charles/Cece was trying to drown Alison even if she wasn't trying to. As for the response to Cece being transgender, I think it's overblown. I agree there was no need to make her transgender but for the sake of storytelling I can see why it would be convenient for writers to have a transgender character in this instance.
  2. Yeah, I actually thought the reveal was good and we don't give the PLL writers enough credit. Reveal exceeded my expectations for the following reasons: 1/ Was not deus ex machina. Charles was a character we knew from the beginning 2/ Nobody really expected it because Cece wasn't a character in the books 3/ It kind of made sense??? There was so much stuff that I can't fact check it all myself but it does explain away a lot.
  3. Who do you guys think Ali saw at the end of the episode? Somebody we knew or somebody completely random? My guesses are Mr DiLaurentis or Jason if it's somebody we know. Or maybe it could be her twin.
  4. I think we're all making a bigger deal out of Andrew's lash out really is. Compare it to MonA's attempted murder of a liar or EzrA's stalking or Ali blinding Jenna or Ali extorting Bryon. This is all seriously illegal stuff which the liars and a large portion of the audience handily forgave. Compare it even to Aria falsely identifying a person that could lead to life imprisonment or Ali bullying half the kids (Lucas, Mona, etc.) at school or Paige physically abusing Emily in the pool. Telling someone off is such small potatoes compared to anything that happens on the show, especially when Andrew has an understandable reason to be upset with Aria. Even if you consider Andrew's lash out to be completely unjustified, he'd still objectively be a much better person than Aria, Mona, Ezra, Ali, etc. from what we know of him if this were IRL.
  5. I'm not completely convinced Ali is supposed to be a "good" character, yet. This show flip flops so much with her and Mona. We don't really even know much about what really happened to her while she disappeared; but, I guess the show gets to forget about all the plot holes because now Ali is alive and back at home and the audience has a short term memory.
  6. Aria lied to the prosecutor to try and frame him. Being a victim doesn't give a free pass to hurt others. In a way, Andrew is also a victim. Aria deserved it. The rest of the girls not so much. I don't think Andrew acted well but I'd be suspicious of anyone claiming that if they were actually in Andrew's position that they would not lash out at Aria and Toby. Being in a prison cell doesn't breed sympathy. That's all assuming that Andrew's innocent, of course. Also, yeah, none of his actions like disappearing for 3 weeks made sense; but, this being PLL I'm not sure if we're supposed to read into that being suspicious or it's just bad writing.
  7. I know how difficult it can be for us ordinary peeps to gain/lose weight with our average incomes and full time jobs; but, this is Hollywood and we regularly see actors and actresses completely warp their body types in a matter of months (i.e. Reese Witherspoon). Their appearance is their career and they have a gazillion resources like gyms, dietitians, cooks, personal trainers, etc. Matthew McConaughey starved himself for his role in the Dallas Buyer's Club. If Sasha can't keep control of her weight, she's probably not that serious about becoming a major actresses.
  8. The episode was pretty filler. I guess it's too early to reintroduce A. Think Andrew will be innocent or at least not as guilty as the Liars think. This would be like the dozenth time the Liars wrongfully suspect somebody.
  9. I'm sorry, but that episode was bad. 1/ The alternate universe where villains win made no sense. Heroes and villains merely reversed roles so that the original villains became heroes! Literal "villains" didn't win. 2/ The actress who plays Snow was bad at being a villain and Parilla is bad at playing a hero. None of the actors reversed their hero/villian persona in a convincing manner except maybe Grumpy(?) 3/ The "villains win" was played out too fast. It could have been an entire season. 4/ I don't care for Emma turning dark or Camelot. The writers used up too many of the good Disney settings too quickly.
  10. I don't believe this to be true. Jimmy had been portrayed as a con-man through and through since the beginning. Jimmy arranged for the two skaters to pretend to be hit by a car. Also, there was the billboard incident with HHM where he fake rescues the worker. Chuck found out about the former from hospital bills and read about the latter in the newspaper and was shown to be markedly upset by the former incident. So even if one were to disagree with Chuck's treatment of Jimmy, Chuck actually had considered what Jimmy does.
  11. For me, it was a moving event. Despite their arguing, Kevin professing his love for Patrick and following him out the apartment was one of the most true-to-life romantic moments on television. I don't mind that their relationship is not perfect. No relationship is and I wouldn't want Looking to end conventionally by pitting Patrick with a perfect boyfriend, anyway. The season finale kind of follows the tone of the show and is what it is about. I actually fear that the movie won't sustain the integrity of the show if it materializes. Looking is such a slow paced show it wouldn't make sense to write a grand epilogue and tie it up in one or two hours. Maybe it'll be as what Irlandesa said and Patrick will end up alone.
  12. I think it is best to come to accept that the "real" and most logical A is Mona. You don't write a story with one suspect in mind, reveal that suspect, and then magically come up with a second suspect that makes just as much sense. Everything that we're watching now is like the bad sequel to the original being pushed to milk more money.
  13. She wasn't dead. She could have just been knocked out or drugged.
  14. We'd watch the same main thing regardless of whether the police decides they have caught A or that the girls are on the run... the girls stuck in the "dollhouse". The only way out of it is if the girls escape.
  15. I'm actually rather indifferent toward the cancellation despite somewhat enjoying the show. I'm #TeamKevin all the way so I'll be happy where we left off: Patrick in an unhappy relationship with Kevin.
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