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S28:E06: Top 9

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19 hours ago, MsJamieDornan said:

Not including James, but did the scores seem a bit high this week,,just a bit ?

I thought Ally and Sasha's scores were awfully high. They were out of sync from the start and it was just average, IMO. For them to have the same scores (or higher) as some of the other dances that were a lot smoother seemed off. 


I love that Kate is doing so well. It's fantastic to see an older woman hanging in there and really looking good. Also, I think Pasha is a sensational teacher. 

I really like that Kate has progressed and gotten so good.  She doesn't have dance background like Hannah and she is becoming so much better!!

Kate is what the show is supposed to be!  I hope she is in the finals.

Kate's been the surprise of the season for sure. I like her and her partner a lot and for her to be in the finals would be a nice change from the ringers and/or bad dancers with huge voting blocs. 

My fear is that Spicer's going to hang on by his fingernails til the end. I'm sure the judges will dump him the second he lands in the bottom 2, but the issue is getting him into that space. It appears the voting public is going to be the obstacle there. 

There's a pretty good field of dancers otherwise, Spicer is the obvious weak link. I could also lose Karamo without shedding a tear, his dancing just doesn't seem quite there compared to the others and Jenna isn't my favorite pro. 

I felt bad for Sailor, she was the most upset to go and she had done well. But again, the majority of the people left are at least decent dancers so most of the eliminations from this point on are going to be tougher choices than in the beginning.

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10 hours ago, Lovecat said:

The ending of this week's show was absolute horseshit, but October 21, 2019 will go down in history as the day Len exclaimed, "Tutti fruity, what a booty!" in re: the Beek's butt, so there's something to hang on to.  (Not that he's wrong.  ::cough::  I mean...whew!  ::fans self::)

Len has actually said the exact same comment before to Mya (all the way back in Season 9!) for her perfect-scoring salsa.

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11 minutes ago, calipiano81 said:

Len has actually said the exact same comment before to Mya (all the way back in Season 9!) for her perfect-scoring salsa.

While the phrase might not be novel, the fact that it was uttered regarding the bum of James Freakin’ Van Der Beek is certainly unexpected 😉

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Well, I'm later than usual with catching up because, you know, World Series and all(go Astros!), and I'm tired, so...

James is still my favorite!

I'm surprised that Sean wasn't in the bottom two. Based purely on dancing ability, he is the worst one left and should have been gone tonight.

I also like Kate, Kel, and Karamo, but Kate's facial expressions and hands need work.

Don't really care one way or another for the rest. <shrug>

Whoever sang Somebody to Love absolutely butchered it! 😡

Christie was conspicuosly missing tonight...

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Like I said back last season, the producers got it wrong it again on the voting system. My suggestion was the have the bottom two scorers of that night as the bottom two and then have America duke it out, I believe that would be alot better than having most of the voters still determine the bottom two and the judges chosen.

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9 hours ago, marykat71702 said:


I truly thought James was going to get atleast one 10. They r being stingy with the 10s this season, I guess Halloween is when will be getting our first 10s of the season. My finalists so far is Kel, James and Kate.

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20 hours ago, realdancemom said:

Also, I think Normani is a far better dancer than Ally is.  So I wasn't surprised that Ally was at the bottom because of the other reasons that you mentioned.

O def. Normani was miles better than Ally but Normani is dancer anyway, trained and naturally talented. Ally is improving but I dont see her being on Normani's level but im glad she is building her confidence.

One thing I will say Ally has more of edge on vs Normani is she has more of an engaging personality and is more open to the audience about who she is. Normani struggled with that a bit on the show as to why she pro. got 3rd place when clearly she was the best dancer her season. I loved Rashad and glad he gave Emma her first win but he wasnt a better dancer than Normani.

Edited by vdw84
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1 hour ago, vdw84 said:

Like I said back last season, the producers got it wrong it again on the voting system.

I don't know that it's necessarily the voting system that's the problem. I think they need to be a bit more discerning about who they cast. It seems to me that the whole "Stars" bit of Dancing With the Stars has always been a bit tongue-in-cheek. They know they're casting C- and D-list celebrities, so maybe stay away from politicians and politician-adjacent people (especially polarizing ones) as well as people who have a huge fan base specific to them or have an especially large reach. In other words, don't cast a Sean Spicer or a Bobby Bones because it'll never matter how poorly they do, their supporters will vote for them, which means they'll never get to the bottom two where the judges can get rid of them. Cast people who have been out of the limelight for a while, or who aren't the "favorite" people in their groups. Maybe then the cast will be on slightly more equal footing in terms of fan bases. Because as soon as I heard they cast Sean Spicer, I knew this a-hole would be going far as long as he actually showed up to dance on Mondays. And shoot, maybe not even then.

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On 10/22/2019 at 12:06 PM, mjstrick said:

I guess I'm in the minority, but Ally bugs the ever living CRAP out of me.  She just seems so desperate and thirsty.  Like she won't stop talking when the judges are trying to critique her.  I would've been totally happy to see her go instead.

I'm with you.  Right there.  The way she gets over emotional after all her dances like she's expecting the judges and audience to just start being moved by her dance.  And why do they keep her hair down?  It's a stringy mess, I wish they'd pin it up or something. 

On 10/22/2019 at 12:23 PM, boyznkatz said:

LOL I thought I was the only one who thought he had a weird shaped head. Oh well, this week it wouldn't have mattered because I was paying attention to his booty 😄

There was a joke a long time ago.  James Van der Beek walks into a bar.  The bartender asks, "why the long face?"  Bada-boom.  

I'm so bass ackwards because I felt bad for Sailor (she's just young) but was rolling my eyes at Lauren's breakdown.  See?  I am black hearted. 

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On another note, contemporary and a great story saved Karamo. I even threw him a few votes after that package. It got me all teary and choked up. That said, he didn't dance much in that number.

IMO nobody really "dances" much in contemporary. It's a bunch of lifting and posing. But that's just me and why I think contemporary shouldn't be one of the styles allowed in the competition. Even if you enjoy contemporary it's so damn subjective. 


Everyone better gear up - this isn't a political thing, this is a normal voting thing and it's been a pattern we've seen for years now. 

Don't underestimate the political motivation involved here. People weren't voting for Bristol Palin week after week because they enjoyed her dancing, they were voting for her because they wanted to make a point.

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49 minutes ago, ShaNaeNae said:

I'm with you.  Right there.  The way she gets over emotional after all her dances like she's expecting the judges and audience to just start being moved by her dance.  And why do they keep her hair down?  It's a stringy mess, I wish they'd pin it up or something. 

Im sure Ally is a bit thirsty and desperate for others approval of her because she never got that before. She was bullied and im sure she sees this as outlet to improve her dance skill, have fun and gain confidence she never had. However, I do commend her when she was called to the bottom how she was strong enough to care and worry about sailer more than herself. I already see her as a different person that when she first came on the show. I dont believe she will win but I do want to keep seeing her blossom from that very insecure girl.

I agree I want her do something differently with her hair and she needs help with her makeup as well.

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28 minutes ago, luvthepros said:

The people who are going to re-elect our current President. That's who.

Spicer is painful to watch like painful to watch. Im just not for redeeming devils. Im sure once this show is over and Spicer goes his way, he will go back to same lying a** he always was. He got to put on the act for the show so he can seem relatable and human.

1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

IMO nobody really "dances" much in contemporary. It's a bunch of lifting and posing. But that's just me and why I think contemporary shouldn't be one of the styles allowed in the competition. Even if you enjoy contemporary it's so damn subjective. 


 I can show plenty of contemporay routines where its plenty of dancing, its not all just lifts. I mean just go pullup all of sytycd contemporaries and u will find plenty of dancing but hey this is dwts and most of the pros couldnt choreograph a contemporary to save their butts.

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On 10/22/2019 at 9:33 AM, Ladyrain said:

.......... I'm tired of celebrities plodding and stomping but then continuing to advance, based on their fan base, politics, whatever. ............. 


This is the reason I much prefer "So You Think You Can Dance". The contestants are mostly professionals and those who are not professionals can dance rings around the best contestant on DWTS. Every one of the SYTYCD performances are entertaining with a higher skill set than who is considered a ringer on DWTS.

Edited by luvthepros
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On ‎10‎/‎22‎/‎2019 at 8:45 AM, spanana said:

Anti rich privilege is not a thing that exists.  That is like saying reverse racism exists.

Is it not possible that someone may have decided to NOT vote for Sailor, or cast a vote for one of her opponents, because (correctly or incorrectly) they consider her to be an entitled brat and felt turned off by that?  That can't be a thing?  I think that is possible and could reasonably be labeled as acting out an anti-"rich privilege" sentiment.  

As far as a suggestion that there is a systematized institutional anti-rich bias throughout the country negatively impacting the lives of the wealthy, I agree with you.  But the topic at hand was why Sailor did not get sufficient votes to stay out of the bottom two and keep her safe for another week.  It's a bit of a catch-22 in that she wouldn't have been on the show in the first place if she wasn't Christie Brinkley's daughter, but her connection to that particular person who was annoying in her ever-presence may have contributed to people being turned off to Sailor as a contestant.

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On 10/22/2019 at 1:30 PM, iMonrey said:

Didn't the show actually make the problem worse? As I understand it, live voting while the show is airing determines the bottom two, right? So voting stats are determined exclusively by people watching live. That's going to be comprised mostly of an older demographic - younger people just don't watch TV live anymore. 

If the show really did get a lot of blowback from last season's winner they clearly didn't learn anything, because they couldn't resist the temptation of casting someone controversial like Spicer as a ratings grab gimmick. They had to be fully aware of how that would play out. If they thought their new "system" would balance that out they didn't think it through.

Agree about the show making the problem worse.    Voting should not be allowed until the end of the program.  But they cannot do that because they eliminate someone at the end.  So viewers are encouraged to vote at the start of the episode.   Streamlining the program and eliminating the results show has not done it any favors.  

It's not like what's happening with Sean has happened in other seasons.  But it  just proves that Tom was right about not including  "politicals."  Can't help but wonder if all this impeachment hullabaloo going on in DC right now has inflamed some out there to vote just to make a point. 

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2 hours ago, sd dude said:

Is it not possible that someone may have decided to NOT vote for Sailor, or cast a vote for one of her opponents, because (correctly or incorrectly) they consider her to be an entitled brat and felt turned off by that?  That can't be a thing?  I think that is possible and could reasonably be labeled as acting out an anti-"rich privilege" sentiment.  

As far as a suggestion that there is a systematized institutional anti-rich bias throughout the country negatively impacting the lives of the wealthy, I agree with you.  But the topic at hand was why Sailor did not get sufficient votes to stay out of the bottom two and keep her safe for another week.  It's a bit of a catch-22 in that she wouldn't have been on the show in the first place if she wasn't Christie Brinkley's daughter, but her connection to that particular person who was annoying in her ever-presence may have contributed to people being turned off to Sailor as a contestant.

I don't know that we are inherently disagreeing.  If people didn't vote for Sailor because they thought she was a spoiled rich girl, that could be a thing.  However I think it's likelier that people didn't vote as much because she just wasn't very known on her own compared to the others and others also had more emotional packages. 

And yes, maybe she seemed a little too Hollywood to some people.  I could see some people looking at Sailor and them maybe seeing Kate's package about how she worked as a waitress for almost 30 years and then seeing Sailor as privileged compared to that.

However to me the original implication from the original poster was that rich people are not inherently privileged and that privilege lies in being poor basically, which was IMO the implication.  Or that there is a systemic anti rich bias in this country that negatively impacts their lives, which is what I was disagreeing with.  If that is not what the original poster meant, then I misunderstood.

People can not vote for Sailor because they maybe thought she was a spoiled rich girl but she is still beyond privileged compared to POC and those of other economic classes.

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It's not as though people were voting her *out*.  Maybe voters just found other dancers more worthy of their votes because they thought they were better dancers, or they liked them better as people, or just were familiar with them.  If voters simply were not interested in Sailor enough to vote for her, she is gone.  It doesn't have to have anything to do with bias.

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4 hours ago, luvthepros said:

This is the reason I much prefer "So You Think You Can Dance". The contestants are mostly professionals and those who are not professionals can dance rings around the best contestant on DWTS. Every one of the SYTYCD performances are entertaining with a higher skill set than who is considered a ringer on DWTS.

Aint that the truth, I enjoy sytycd so much more, the dances, choreography and the contestants usually r so much more enjoyable than what dwts tries to pushout.

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1 hour ago, vdw84 said:

Aint that the truth, I enjoy sytycd so much more, the dances, choreography and the contestants usually r so much more enjoyable than what dwts tries to pushout.

I am a SYTYCD watcher too, but they often water down the ballroom dances (just like DWTS waters down contemporary/jazz), even though they have ballroom specialists choreographing them. So I need both shows to fulfill my complete dance fix :)

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6 minutes ago, calipiano81 said:

I am a SYTYCD watcher too, but they often water down the ballroom dances (just like DWTS waters down contemporary/jazz), even though they have ballroom specialists choreographing them. So I need both shows to fulfill my complete dance fix 🙂

It depends on who they get to choreograph. I think Sharna and Artem choreographed a quickstep on sytycd this past season and it was def. not watered down, in fact it looked way more advance than what I have seen on dwts this season.

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2 hours ago, Toonces464 said:
6 hours ago, LBS said:

Same here.   I thought they matched her gold earrings.

Her earrings were green too LOL

I think we have the real divide here.  Not Spicer but gold vs green!  Here’s what I saw:


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2 hours ago, vdw84 said:

It depends on who they get to choreograph. I think Sharna and Artem choreographed a quickstep on sytycd this past season and it was def. not watered down, in fact it looked way more advance than what I have seen on dwts this season.

It should look more advanced than what you've seen on DWTS this season because there is a big difference between choreographing for trained dancers, even if they aren't ballroomers, versus choreographing for celebs with next to no experience and coming in at all different ages and fitness levels.

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2 hours ago, vdw84 said:

It depends on who they get to choreograph. I think Sharna and Artem choreographed a quickstep on sytycd this past season and it was def. not watered down, in fact it looked way more advance than what I have seen on dwts this season.

Sharna had been relying more and more on tricks and lifts last season and whenever she choreographed for SYTYCD, that dance was barely a quickstep.  She also did most of the talking and was hamming it up to the camera during the SYTYCD episode she was on, Artem looked like he wasn't even a part of the choreography team.  

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15 minutes ago, Maya S said:

Sharna had been relying more and more on tricks and lifts last season and whenever she choreographed for SYTYCD, that dance was barely a quickstep.  She also did most of the talking and was hamming it up to the camera during the SYTYCD episode she was on, Artem looked like he wasn't even a part of the choreography team.  

I believe if they could incorporate lifts in a quickstep on dwts they would do in heartbeat but they cant so. Artem has a very quite demeanor so I can totally see why Sharna may have taken over the talking.

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6 hours ago, treeofdreams said:

It's not as though people were voting her *out*.  Maybe voters just found other dancers more worthy of their votes because they thought they were better dancers, or they liked them better as people, or just were familiar with them.  If voters simply were not interested in Sailor enough to vote for her, she is gone.  It doesn't have to have anything to do with bias.

I don't think it's a stretch to theorize that at the very least, the people voting for Spicer would be more likely to actively avoid voting for Sailor based on seeing her as a seemingly spoiled, entitled  rich snowflake.  But that's about as far as that can be taken.

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11 hours ago, Maya S said:

Sharna had been relying more and more on tricks and lifts last season and whenever she choreographed for SYTYCD, that dance was barely a quickstep.  She also did most of the talking and was hamming it up to the camera during the SYTYCD episode she was on, Artem looked like he wasn't even a part of the choreography team.  

I agree.  SYTYCD's routines are not watered down in the sense that DWTS waters down routines, e.g. what Lindsay does with Spicer's routines.  There are still advanced moves in the routine.  However, the advanced moves are not quickstep moves.  A lot of the routines have a lot of jazz technique in them.  Or this last season, they will have B-Boy moves for Bailey. 

Like others, I still prefer it over DWTS because the dancers are better.  That's why I really can't get into this season.  All the dancers left except Sean are good dancers but not great.  This includes Sailor although I did agree with the judges that I would have chosen Ally over her.   In my previous comment, I wrote that Normani was a far better dancer than Ally.  Normani would have been somebody that I could vote for without watching her dance that night.  I can't say the same for anybody this season which is why I can't vote since I live in the Mountain Time zone.

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10 hours ago, Yeah No said:

I don't think it's a stretch to theorize that at the very least, the people voting for Spicer would be more likely to actively avoid voting for Sailor based on seeing her as a seemingly spoiled, entitled  rich snowflake.  But that's about as far as that can be taken.

True but if these were already people that decided to vote for Spicer without ever seeing him dance, since it's unlikely that most of Spicer's fans are waiting and voting based on dancing ability, their votes would already be used up anyway so their votes would never be going anywhere besides Sean.

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On 10/21/2019 at 10:04 PM, truthaboutluv said:


Well can't say I was expecting that. Not so much Spicer still living to dance another day but Sailor being the one eliminated. I was sure Karamo or hell even Kel might have left before her. 

And no one can say girlfriend wasn't genuinely upset because poor girl had a full on snot moment on national television. Like being eliminated wasn't awful enough. I continue to not care much about this season, though I did enjoy James and Kate. 

eta: And this exactly why I've said, when many were adamant about the whole judges picking who to eliminate that sure it help, but at the end of the day, the  judges can't do a damn thing when a very weak dancer gets enough votes that they're not even in the Bottom 2. 

This is not a who’s the best dancer contest.  This is a popularity contest.  Poor Sailor.  Who needs Judges?  Spicer can’t dance for shit.

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9 minutes ago, Silver Bells said:

This is not a who’s the best dancer contest.  This is a popularity contest.  Poor Sailor.  Who needs Judges?  Spicer can’t dance for shit.

Exactly. We don't need to listen to them yammering every week if they aren't going to the their jobs. I was actually excited when they actually seemed to be judging fairly for once on the first episode, but now things have gone back to the same old, same old.

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16 hours ago, calipiano81 said:

I am a SYTYCD watcher too, but they often water down the ballroom dances (just like DWTS waters down contemporary/jazz), even though they have ballroom specialists choreographing them. So I need both shows to fulfill my complete dance fix 🙂

The celebrities on DWTS have their ballroom dances watered down much more than the professional contestants on SYTYCD. There is no comparison with the quality of dancing when comparing SYTYCD to DWTS.

This is Billy Bell, a contemporary dancer performing Jive with pro dancer, Anya Garnis.....

Check out this Jive by a Contemporary dancer on SYTYCD

15 hours ago, LBS said:

I think we have the real divide here.  Not Spicer but gold vs green!  Here’s what I saw:


Looks gold to me.

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One thing that people forget about the voting;  it skews really, really old

No, I didn't forget. I made the same comment upthread. Changing the voting to live only puts it largely into the hands of an older demographic. Younger viewers just don't watch live TV anymore unless it's sports or some significant event. Plus I think the median age for this particular show probably skews older anyway. 

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Ally's gigantic carp fish lips were so distracting, they practically blocked her entire dance. What's up with women who think big flap lips are attractive. Ally's mom looked better -- and younger -- than Ally.

Kate's pre-dance story really got to me, her being a waitress all those years until she got her break. Made me like her even more. And speaking of liking more ... Pasha, OMG, the hotness! I could have stared at him all night. Yowza. Smokin'.

I did have to renew my prescription for Dramamine because of the twirling swirling camera work this show has fallen in love with. Yikes. I about fell out of my chair with all the spinning.

Okay, lightning will strike me but all I could think during Karamo's pre-dance video was his dad, who basically disowned him when he found out Karamo is gay, now is all about reconnecting and being Dad and Family and Besties now that Karamo is famous, probably pretty wealthy, and is on DWTS so good old Pops can be on teevee too.

*lightning bolt*

I hated Hannah's video and her dance. Maybe because I think Hannah is horrible and the clip showing she won't even share a plate of snacks with her partner made me hate her even more. Her dance and her pasted-on tooth grin left me cold. And only one samba roll while ...

James had multiple samba rolls in his OH-so-hot dance. I award his hips a 15. That man is ... well, let's say he's my fav alongside Kate.

What was up with Erin in those pants doing the crotch squat during every interview. Does she do that when she's wearing a gown? It was like a HMV move with both feet on the ground.

Meanwhile, an influential person in high office is tweeting to 60-some million followers to vote for Sean. There's nothing we can do about that. And it's not funny. At least Bobby Bones winning was. Funny, that is.

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6 hours ago, mtlchick said:

One thing that people forget about the voting;  it skews really, really old.

I've never been asked my age when voting on any show, via phone or online. Plus if I were asked, I would "skew really, really young." Because it's no one's business.

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On 10/21/2019 at 10:08 PM, Josh371982 said:

Man FUCK this season SEAN SHOULD BE GONE.  He claimed his first real Victim. This fucking sucks. Shame Sean is probably take out more better dancers. Also sucks that Production Pet Hannah will go far. Dont want her to win I'm tired of her. 

If Sean doesn’t go next week, Hanna better go.  I am so sick of that phony smiley face on t.v.  Get them both off.  They’re sickening already.  Now that I know it’s fixed, what’s the sense of watching?  Phony show!  Sick ofLen and Bruno with his theatrics too.  

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5 hours ago, luvthepros said:

Now THAT looks green in the photo. The pants did not look anything like that on my TV. I must admit, I was wrong. Those pants are certainly green. It even says so in the article!

To be fair, when she and Tom first walked out, I thought they were gold too. But by the time they got down the stairs, all I saw was puke green LOL.

1 hour ago, saber5055 said:

What was up with Erin in those pants doing the crotch squat during every interview. Does she do that when she's wearing a gown? It was like a HMV move with both feet on the ground.

I think it's because she towers over just about everyone. Probably just not as noticeable in a ballgown.

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1 hour ago, Silver Bells said:

If Sean doesn’t go next week, Hanna better go.  I am so sick of that phony smiley face on t.v.  Get them both off.  They’re sickening already.  Now that I know it’s fixed, what’s the sense of watching?  Phony show!  Sick ofLen and Bruno with his theatrics too.  

Im glad im not alone on Hannah, She isnt even that good to have all this training. She cant do latin dances to save her butt. She only does well with slow tempo dances like waltz and stuff. 

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