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S03.E11: Missing Child


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Rilah and What's His Name at the beach = the most bizarre conversation ever. He finally made sense when he decided not to propose. 

Seriously, wth is wrong with Alex's mom ? Is she disabled  ? Or is she on drugs ? 

I'm rooting for Tyra, but she and her sister need to support Layla 's head. Even Shannon knew to do this with McKayla's newbie.

Chloe, your "prom situation " will be forgotten about in a week. I don't think this will be Max's last stay in rehab.

Preview for next week - Hailey needs to drop that bum Matthew.  Dont waste any more time or energy on that loser ! Same for always a bridesmaid  Hailey2. 

  • Love 13

Ummmm.... So does this mean Anthony's mom touched his semen???.

Anthony did the right thing - holding off on proposing after that hag yelled at him on the beach. But he should have done like my man, Gary Shirley, and got the ring at Walmart. 

Max and Chloe are super entitled. He's all pissed he's not going to Catelynn Baltierra-level of rehab. And she doesn't even think he needs to do! Despite the fact that his probation officer ordered it. Would she rather he serve time, as long as it's after prom?

Timmy doesn't listen for shit. All he does is run around an insanely cramped and boring home. How about engaging him in some activities and enforcing some rules? Oh, that's right  - everyone is already busy bashing Caelen. 

McKayla's gonna get up at 9 to curl her hair? What time does she normally sleep to??? (While Grandma watches her kids.)

I have no words for Grandma thinking McKayla should make a hungry baby wait to eat. 

Alex's mom moved back in for Layla? More like for cameras. I see you, Shannon 2.0

Both she and the grandma were incredibly manipulative, with the guilt trips. He's 19! He can move out!!!

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 24

 Michaela only decided to “go to school” because she knows it will put off having to get a job.  If I know her like I think I do she will end up and enrolling and taking one class a semester.  She’ll half ass her classes but constantly talk about how busy and stressed she is. If she ever graduates or gets close to graduating, instead of getting a job she’ll say she’s changed her mind and wants to go back to school in another field.  Timmy will graduate from high school before she graduates from anything.  She will do whatever it takes to continue sleeping in past 9 AM and not working.

  • Useful 2
  • Love 18

It was very brief so people might have missed it, but mckayla slapped little Timmy’s hand at the 26th minute of this show.  If she’s comfortable slapping a kid on camera, I’d be concerned about what happens when the cameras aren’t around.  

And what kind of man is dating the unbelievably selfish and whining and complaining mckayla, especially knowing she has a 20 month old and 1 month old.  

Pityfree is correct about Mckaylas schooling, but it should be noted she will only enroll in one online course each semester and still whine.  

Edited by kitkat343
  • Love 9
5 hours ago, Chris Knight said:

Seriously, wth is wrong with Alex's mom ? Is she disabled  ? Or is she on drugs ?

No snark at all--I wonder what is going on with her.  We also never see her right eye (IIRC it is the right one).  Like, does she have an eye problem and uses her hair instead of an eye patch?  Or is she fully sighted and is going around with an obstructed view 24/7?  There is something off with her and I hope she's getting assistance. 

Y'all, I cannot trust any of the McKayla talking heads--I think they are all Frankenquotes, and probably everyone else too.  With her, it's the clearest: even though she's in the same shirt in every TH, her hair is 3 different lenghts: short, like at the time when she gives birth, longer, just above the shoulders, and even longer still, below her shoulders.  They cross-cut between these 3 TH times to string 1 sentence.  I definitely think she's a grade-A asshole based on way more than her THs, so it really any kind of defense to her.  I just find it super shady to be clearly piecing sentences together from months-apart interviews. 

Chloe is the most vapid person on this show; Max keeps failing drug tests, so how is he over his drug problem?  And it's not just like he's been busted with a handful of THC gummies--it is serious opiods!  And I don't recall anyone thinking prom should take priority over medical treatment, even when I was in high school.

  • Useful 1
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This show just cannot be real, right? These people are like cartoon characters. I get so depressed watching.  How many young people are so uneducated and unmotivated?  Why do they all speak with such a weird,slow dull affect? Is it that difficult for them to make sentences? The two sisters taking their baby dolls to the zoo....omg.  Funny at the jeweler, “$8000” and he says my budget is $500, why not say up front, duh. 

Edited by CalicoskiesNC
  • Love 8
9 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Ummmm.... So does this mean Anthony's mom touched his semen???.

Anthony did the right thing - holding off on proposing after that hag yelled at him on the beach. But he should have done like my man, Gary Shirley, and got the ring at Walmart. 

Max and Chloe are super entitled. He's all pissed he's not going to Catelynn Baltierra-level of rehab. And she doesn't even think he needs to do! Despite the fact that his probation officer ordered it. Would she rather he serve time, as long as it's after prom?

Timmy doesn't listen for shit. All he does is run around an insanely cramped and boring home. How about engaging him in some activities and enforcing some rules? Oh, that's right  - everyone is already busy bashing Caelen. 

McKayla's gonna get up at 9 to curl her hair? What time does she normally sleep to??? (While Grandma watches her kids.)

I have no words for Grandma thinking McKayla should make a hungry baby wait to eat. 

Alex's mom moved back in for Layla? More like for cameras. I see you, Shannon 2.0

Both she and the grandma were incredibly manipulative, with the guilt trips. He's 19! He can move out!!!


I loved when Anthony was in the jewelry store and he said his budget was 5 or 6...hundred.   Damn, Gary must have been clairvoyant when he bought the ring at Walmart!  Not worth more than $29 to get engaged to Amber.

But this episode changed my mind about Anthony a bit.  I still think he's really dumb, but he seems to be a sweet soul.  After seeing how he was at the baby shower, I think he's a little more mature than I gave him credit for.  But I still think he's dumb.

Of course Max loves Chloe.  She doesn't think he has a drug problem. Their scenes made me cringe.  I really felt for his dad, but Chloe came off like a hyper self-centred idiot.  Enough about the prom!  She is so stupid that she doesn't understand the severity of Max's situation.  In the mind of a teenage girl, going to the prom is incredibly important.  But the majority of teens don't have babies or drug-addicted boyfriends in legal trouble!  If I were Max's dad and saw how much she valued having a prom date over her baby daddy's well-being, I'd want to keep them apart.  And next week we'll get to see how Chloe's mom reacts.  I'll bet she won't care about Max either.  He's just the bum who stood up her princess on prom night.  No sympathy for what Max needs or for what his dad is going through as a parent.  

  • Love 12
7 hours ago, Lizzing said:

No snark at all--I wonder what is going on with her.  We also never see her right eye (IIRC it is the right one).  Like, does she have an eye problem and uses her hair instead of an eye patch?  Or is she fully sighted and is going around with an obstructed view 24/7?  There is something off with her and I hope she's getting assistance. 

I thought the same thing, but then read here somewhere that she'd lost that eye.  I would imagine that at her socioeconomic level, she wouldn't have a deluxe glass one, and covers it with her hair.  While I detest tinted glasses, I think that might be a better option than using her hair.

I had a boyfriend who had to wear an eye patch for several months when his eye crossed for no reason.  Even when catting around New York City, where people have seen it all, he'd get lots of double-takes.  Then summer was over and he had to go back to his job teaching 9th grade.  Good lord, you don't want to be a 9th grade health teacher looking like a pirate.


7 hours ago, Lizzing said:

Y'all, I cannot trust any of the McKayla talking heads--I think they are all Frankenquotes, and probably everyone else too.  [snip]  I just find it super shady to be clearly piecing sentences together from months-apart interviews.

What you find super shady is the basis for this show, and every other reality show.  The editors shape the narrative; the "talent" just provides the raw material.  You obviously know this from your use of "frankenquote," as do I, but I have to remember to remind myself of it every time I start to get worked up about any conversations or THs I see.


10 hours ago, kitkat343 said:

It was very brief so people might have missed it, but mckayla slapped little Timmy’s hand at the 26th minute of this show.  If she’s comfortable slapping a kid on camera, I’d be concerned about what happens when the cameras aren’t around.

Unfortunately, here in the U.S. slapping one's child isn't illegal. 

  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, MajorNelson said:

I see no problem if Max had waited 4 days and then tried to get into the rehab clinic.

Max's dad is obsessed with some incorrect view (imo) of life/returning-the-original-Max and he just about needs a clinic himself. 

Why risk him overdosing on day 3? Max admits that he's still using.  He's quite lucky he has his dad trying to kick his ass to get help since Chloe could give a damn if he died in the limo as long as she has her prom memories. 

  • Love 17
55 minutes ago, MajorNelson said:

I see no problem if Max had waited 4 days and then tried to get into the rehab clinic.

Max's dad is obsessed with some incorrect view (imo) of life/returning-the-original-Max and he just about needs a clinic himself. 

The facility Max was ordered to go to is on a first come, first serve basis. A bed opened up and if he didn't take it, he would have to call every morning for what could be weeks to wait for another to become available. He didn't have the option of  waiting until after the dance, then going when it was convenient for him.

Max's dad is terrified his son is going to die. I've been in his shoes and it's a hellish thing to live through. Wondering every.single.day if this is the day you're going to get a phone call that your child is dead. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy (if I had one). I hope his dad is seeing a therapist or getting help through a support group or any other way that helps him.

21 minutes ago, MajorNelson said:

I only heard he failed a recent drug test.  Were there prior ones he passed?  Does he use every day?

Max has failed multiple drug tests. And, he's overdosed and wound up in the emergency room multiple times.

  • Love 18
12 hours ago, kitkat343 said:

It was very brief so people might have missed it, but mckayla slapped little Timmy’s hand at the 26th minute of this show.  If she’s comfortable slapping a kid on camera, I’d be concerned about what happens when the cameras aren’t around.  

And what kind of man is dating the unbelievably selfish and whining and complaining mckayla, especially knowing she has a 20 month old and 1 month old.  

Pityfree is correct about Mckaylas schooling, but it should be noted she will only enroll in one online course each semester and still whine.  

McKayla is foul, stinking trash. What an awful person she is. "Caelen always calls when we're doing family stuff", she huffs. Oh really? Like gathered, Norman Rockwell style, around your festive board, covered with the finest take out? Why was it impossible for him to come over and see HIS kids? You weren't playing a championship chess match or painting the house or headed to the airport for your European vacation. "I don't want that negativity around my kids". They're his kids too. Oh I just want to throttle her. 

And it appears that the only way any of them interact with Timmy is to yell at him, slap him, or tell him "STOP THAT" or "NO". He's only 2 and they call him crazy and wild. He's an adorable energetic toddler! Does he have a sandbox or a swing set? No two year old wants to sit quietly! 

Chloe is so empty headed it hurts. She's the queen of denial--"Max doesn't have a drug problem!" Oh Chloe. What a world of hurt awaits you. 

The whole "Rilah's false alarm" narrative was so cringetastic, I had to watch through my fingers. Gah.  

  • Love 22

mckayla slapped little Timmy’s hand

She sure did, and for something utterly innocuous (lifting the lid of the sofa armrest). He wasn't trying to grab a pot of boiling oil. What exactly do they think is so tough about Timmy? He's a handful in the sense that he's an active toddler, but we have yet to see one moment of behavior I consider out of the ordinary. He seems to be a cheerful little guy who just needed to play outside. He sat nicely in his high chair at dinner. Maybe no one could be bothered to put his snowsuit on him. If it was pouring rain or 40 below, who cares if he runs around the house a little? It's not like that living room is all full of priceless antiques. Let him jump on the crummy old sofa. Sheesh.

It was good to see a few flashes of humanity from Max. (Chloe, not so much.) Has anyone tried to explain to Chloe that this is a matter of life and death? The probation officer isn't randomly torturing Max for fun; she's enforcing the law and maybe saving a life that Chloe claims to love.

For the record, I went to my prom solo, and though it would have been more fun in a group, I looked super hot and the world kept turning. Much bigger and better things happened in my life later on. Maybe Chloe's so fixated on this one because she knows she's screwed up her youth. She's not going to have the sorority formals and spring breaks in Cabo that she was expecting.


The whole "Rilah's false alarm" narrative was so cringetastic, I had to watch through my fingers. Gah.  

The less said about the one brain cell shared among everyone in that storyline, the better.

  • Love 15

I hated the way Grandma Cindy said not now to Caelan visiting his kids! I agree that Caelan should be paying some child support. But there is no way he should be supporting McKayla. Why would he be supporting her? 

Hey grandma and grandpa! Caelan isn't there helping McKayla because he is working full time! Maybe you should have taught your granddaughter about birth control if taking care of 2 young children were going to be too much for her. She has an excuse why she can't use any type of burth control.

  • Love 15
4 hours ago, Marisagf said:

But this episode changed my mind about Anthony a bit.  I still think he's really dumb, but he seems to be a sweet soul.  After seeing how he was at the baby shower, I think he's a little more mature than I gave him credit for.  But I still think he's dumb.

I agree. He seems well intentioned and sweet. Just very naive and ignorant. Rilah barks at him and orders him around a lot. He seems like the kind who could be easily pushed around by a stronger personality. I feel for him. 

2 hours ago, PupCal said:

So uh I'm not a parent but is it really a good idea to take your four-week old infant to a petting zoo?

I don't know why it wouldn't be? I'm not sure their teenage mothers belong in a petting zoo, though, if they're terrified of little kangaroos. 

1 hour ago, MajorNelson said:

I see no problem if Max had waited 4 days and then tried to get into the rehab clinic.

Max's dad is obsessed with some incorrect view (imo) of life/returning-the-original-Max and he just about needs a clinic himself. 

Okay, I agree that Max's dad's (what is his name???) constant harping about "returning to your former self" is annoying. And it's incredibly unhelpful to his son. Drugs change a person. Your experiences change you. What I'm hearing is, "I want you to be the easy, carefree kid I once knew." Max can get sober, but still struggle with things like depression and anixety. Addiction often has mental health issues behind it. It's just not supportive to think like that. 

However, I disagree about waiting for the clinic. He could have lost the spot. If too much time went by, maybe his probation officer wouldn't take him seriously and would have him sent to jail. I think, when rehab is needed, it's always better to go ASAP. You put it off for one "really important" reason; and, sure enough, another "really important" reason comes along. 

8 minutes ago, BravoAddict72 said:

I hated the way Grandma Cindy said not now to Caelan visiting his kids! I agree that Caelan should be paying some child support. But there is no way he should be supporting McKayla. Why would he be supporting her? 

I can't trust anything McKayla or her sycophant grandparents say. Unless I see court documentation that he isn't helping, I don't believe it. 

I also wouldn't put it past her to turn down any diapers, formula, etc. he brought over because "they're not the right kind." She's super fucking gamey. And *I* wouldn't feel comfortable giving her cash. Nope. No way. 

  • Love 18
45 minutes ago, BravoAddict72 said:

I hated the way Grandma Cindy said not now to Caelan visiting his kids! I agree that Caelan should be paying some child support. But there is no way he should be supporting McKayla. Why would he be supporting her? 

Hey grandma and grandpa! Caelan isn't there helping McKayla because he is working full time! Maybe you should have taught your granddaughter about birth control if taking care of 2 young children were going to be too much for her. She has an excuse why she can't use any type of burth control.

They keep saying that Caelen is never around. BECAUSE YOU NEVER LET HIM COME AROUND! The way Grandma tossed off "oh no, that's not happening" made me see red. He is trying and they stonewall him at every turn. He may not be father of the year but he is making an effort. The fatuous smugness of La Famille McKayla is infuriating. And yes, @IvySpice, Timmy wasn't doing anything wrong. He was running around because he is two and full of energy. That poor kid. He'll be stuffed full of Ritalin before he's five. 

  • Love 19

I cringed when Tyra and her sister brought their babies to the petting zoo. First and foremost, those animals are not clean, carry diseases and can cause harm to humans if you don’t wash your hands after being in contact with them. Second of all, are these teen moms so delusional that they think the babies have any idea what is going on? (Rhetorical question). 

I was with my 4 yo and 3 month old grandkids last week. We went to a local children’s museum. The older kid had fun. The baby slept most of the time we were there. Because that’s what babies do!

Max was as high as a kite on the ride to rehab. I’ve watched enough Intervention to know that addicts feel the need to do one last drug of choice go-round before checking in. I honestly feel bad for Max’s father; was anyone else waiting for Max to put his hand on dad’s shoulder or SOMETHING! during their talking head?

My gut tells me that this won’t be the last stint in rehab for Max. Like McKayla, Max is broken. Maybe he’ll get sober when he stops blaming everyone else for his problems. Father Max is in desperate need of counseling as well. 

Chloe, you’re an idiot. If I were Chloe’s mother, I’d keep her on a short leash because she is much too stupid to learn from her mistakes. She played with fire, she got burnt and now she has to live with the repercussions. Sucks to be her.

McKayla, Grandma and Grandpa: Caelen is such a shit! He never spends time with the kids and is a terrible father.

Telephone call from Caelen.

McKayla: No, you can’t come over to see the kids.

Looks like Caelen and Shelley finally seek legal advice next week. Can’t wait to see how pissed off McKayla et al. become when they are told that Caelen has actual rights. I trust Shelley and Caelen with the kids much more than this dysfunctional group of clowns.

  • Useful 1
  • Love 15
1 hour ago, lovesnark said:
2 hours ago, MajorNelson said:

I only heard he failed a recent drug test.  Were there prior ones he passed?  Does he use every day?

Max has failed multiple drug tests. And, he's overdosed and wound up in the emergency room multiple times.

Whoa!  I did not know this.  I mainly watch for low end drama.  If Max is that bad off maybe he shouldn't be filming.  

  • Useful 2
  • Love 2
13 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Max was as high as a kite on the ride to rehab. I’ve watched enough Intervention to know that addicts feel the need to do one last drug of choice go-round before checking in.

I didn't see the end, so that is too bad.

13 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

I trust Shelley and Caelen with the kids much more than this dysfunctional group of clowns.

Earlier I was impressed with his working and having a nice house for McKayla and kids, which she turned down. 😕

Edited by MajorNelson

Chloe only being worried about prom is no surprise. Spoiled little bitch. Max looks like a mess. I feel for those struggling with addiction but think he’ll be back to using in no time once released from rehab. I feel for Max’s father. 

McKayla is lazy trash who will be knocked up again in no time by some other dude. She has zero guilt about watching her grandparents chase after her kids while she curls her hair and flirts with some other guy. The grandparents brought this all on themselves though. 

I know it was probably show driven, but why the fuck would you show 8k rings to a teenager? Why embarrass him like that? Oh yes, this one is lovely at eight grand. "Well, my budget is about five ::dramatic paus:: hundred." Come on. Buy a ring at Walmart rather than an overpriced jewelry store with employees stupid enough to show uber expensive rings to kids and then show a hint of surprise that he needs to choose from the bargain bin. And yes, Anthony, you are making a HUGE mistake if you propose to this nasty, whining shrew with the trash family. Hide the ring! I hope Rilah sees what a bitch she is when she sees that beach scene on the show.

  • Love 10
32 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Rilah: You’re so boring. You’re not talking to me. What are you thinking about? I so bored with you.

She already sounds like she’s been married to him for 30 years.

I know the best way to get me to carry on a conversation is if someone insults me and yells at me to "TALK!" Works every time. 

  • LOL 7
  • Love 4
14 hours ago, kitkat343 said:

And what kind of man is dating the unbelievably selfish and whining and complaining mckayla, especially knowing she has a 20 month old and 1 month old.  

^^^Probably some social media whore who wants to plaster his face on the TV as the savior and antithesis of big, bad Caelen.

My problem with the McKayla scene is that Timmy was getting rewarded for bad behavior.  That's one of the most selfish things you can do to a kid, because it's going to result in him getting in trouble for life.  My recollection was that it was quiet time.  I don't know if they just played in the yard with him for two hours (unlikely, but a possibility).  There needs to be a time when a child can play alone, because his parents are busy.  I think someone should have explained that to Timmy in a way that a 20 month old can understand, and if he's bad, he gets ignored, and if he persists, punished.  I couldn't think of a worse thing than Cindy chiding him out of one corner of her narrow mouth, and then playing with him and rewarding his bad behavior.  No wonder everyone she's raised is so fucked up!

Rilah was acting like the bitch of the century, yes.  But they've been together since eighth grade.  If she was actually a bitch and not just acting bitchy because she was scared of bearing "a watermelon," Anthony shouldn't have impregnated her.  By not giving her that ring, he is bringing an innocent child into a broken home.  From what I've seen, Rilah isn't just a total loser, like Matthew.  I would like to see him put a ring on it, get married, try, and then if it doesn't work out, get divorced.  

I believe, from the behavior we've seen, that Alex is developmentally delayed (I don't know what the exact term is.  I mean I don't think his brain is that of a normal 19 year old man's).  Now that I became aware of that, I understand why his grandma was tearing up at the idea of him moving out.  It also adds to the idea that maybe she thought he wasn't thinking about sex, which could be a reason that she let Tyra sleep over, yet she was surprised when Tyra got pregnant.  I was all for the move until I realized this.  I think most children should be raised in two-parent households, but this could be the exception, if Alex needs things that have to be provided by another adult.  

I literally forgot about Chloe.  I think that sums things up nicely. 😎

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

McKayla is foul, stinking trash. What an awful person she is. "Caelen always calls when we're doing family stuff", she huffs. Oh really? Like gathered, Norman Rockwell style, around your festive board, covered with the finest take out? Why was it impossible for him to come over and see HIS kids? You weren't playing a championship chess match or painting the house or headed to the airport for your European vacation. "I don't want that negativity around my kids". They're his kids too. Oh I just want to throttle her. 

And this is where Caelan and his mom need to get a decent attorney and take these idiot people under McKayla's thumb to court and tell her 'no more'.  He could easily win full custody from these neglectful, nasty people if he could just try.  I'm sure he is trying, too.

@Auntie Anxiety, I thought I'd seen some earlier previews, so I'm hoping next week is the hammer brought down on those awful people - or the beginning of the end of that reign of terror, anyway.

Edited by b2H
  • Love 5

Watching mkayla ignoring her infant and timmy with her eyes glued to her phone communicating with her new bf infuriates me!  All 3 adults sit there and yell at timmy.   I have my toddler grandsons a couple days a week.  I am TIRED after running after them, playing games, reading, singing etc but i engage with them!  And i am 60 years old and had a stroke back in Feb!   

  • Love 12

I'm having cognitive dissonance with regard to Caelen.  Everyone and their grandma is saying he needs to go to court to establish paternity rights...yet...he's not.  If he does in the future, that doesn't excuse the fact that he's not currently doing it.

It does kind of square with the theory that Caelen wants to game and hang out with friends and visit his kids.  I have no idea whether he's paying McKayla child support, nor how much.

Yet he bought two houses, and he seems to want her to live there with him.

Which brings me back to the original question:  why hasn't he gone to court?

I don't really feel bad for him if there is something that he can't do that he's not doing.  I feel bad for people who simply don't have options.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, BravoAddict72 said:

I hated the way Grandma Cindy said not now to Caelan visiting his kids! I agree that Caelan should be paying some child support. But there is no way he should be supporting McKayla. Why would he be supporting her? 

Hey grandma and grandpa! Caelan isn't there helping McKayla because he is working full time! Maybe you should have taught your granddaughter about birth control if taking care of 2 young children were going to be too much for her. She has an excuse why she can't use any type of burth control.

And, when he is allowed by your bitch of a granddaughter to come over, you all gang up on him and tell him what a piece of neglectful shit he is. 

  • Love 14
3 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I'm having cognitive dissonance with regard to Caelen.  Everyone and their grandma is saying he needs to go to court to establish paternity rights...yet...he's not.  If he does in the future, that doesn't excuse the fact that he's not currently doing it.

To be fair, we've only heard what's going on from these shifty assholes' perspective. Caelen and his mother have been completely absent from the show for the most part and we're left only with a one-sided take from people with their heads so far up their ass they can see their shit forming.

And, I dunno, if you've got a 4-week old baby at home is now REALLY the time to be considering dating? Or is this chick planning on how she can weasel another season out of this show by getting impregnated again? And who are these dudes who are hitting on pregnant teenage girls?! My god, do other teen boys really have a desire to involve themselves with a girl WITH TWO CHILDREN?! 

And I have news for Alex's mother: Lady, the hair you have covering your face is waaaaaay more distracting than whatever is going on with your right eye you feel the need to conceal at all costs. It just makes whatever is going on there all the more noticeable! 

Gross, but it must be said...does Anthony ejaculate like Old Faithful or something?! I mean, how much fluid was she leaking the next day that she thought her water broke? This question requires no answer. 

12 minutes ago, Giant Misfit said:

To be fair, we've only heard what's going on from these shifty assholes' perspective. Caelen and his mother have been completely absent from the show for the most part

Yeah, you have a point.  We can only go off of what the show tells us.  I already watch during prime NFL hours--I'm not about to check YouTube to get the other side--I shouldn't have to.  So I stipulate that we only see what is edited into a 44 minute show.  But I think we have to be able to go off of what is being portrayed, otherwise it's futile for me to watch.  To go a little further down that path...maybe McKayla is just acting.  Maybe they're all just acting.  Maybe Max didn't go to rehab.  I have no choice but to take it at face value or I may as well stop watching (which might not be the worst thing for me, hmm). 

But what I don't get is that when Caelen and Shelley have been on the show in the past, Caelen didn't say anything about going to a lawyer or filing for an emergency pro se hearing.

It was about two episodes ago that Shelley said she was going to detach, because she felt so alienated/isolated from the grandchildren, and I posted that I felt sorry for her, but I thought she was making the right decision, because she has no standing as a grandparent.  Why didn't Caelen lawyer up then?  Or way before then?

  I think he's too passive and scared, and I don't respect that.  Either fight for your kids til the end, or, I dunno, if you are convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that you cannot work this out and all the forces are against you, think about relinquishing paternity.

What I can't abide is fear.  You go to bat for your kids.  He's so scared of the twatwaffle blocking his texts, that he's not doing what he has to do. 

Play hardball.  Break your contract with the show, Caelen, and revoke your permission for your kids to be filmed.  Oh shit, ya got everyone's attention now!  

Just a little critical thinking is all it takes. You don't have to do it alone either, nor do you have to have deep pockets.  Here you go Caelen.  https://www.justia.com/lawyers/ohio/salem/legal-aid-and-pro-bono-services. You're welcome.

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I really don't know why I keep torturing myself by watching McKayla and her nasty grandparents. They infuriate me to the point of yelling at the TV. Timmy is such a cute little guy! He just wants to play and to have someone interact with him. When McKayla slapped his little hand, I wanted to slap her. Here's an idea, you self centered brat, hand the baby to your grandma, put your fucking phone down and PLAY with him! Even if there's snow on the ground, take him outside and let him burn off some of that toddler energy. Grandma, how about you get off your ass and grab a toy, sit on the floor and play with him? Instead of getting after him because he picked up the reading glasses that YOU left in his reach? My grandson is 17 months old and it's a joy to watch him use up that energy doing something fun! I'm exhausted by the end of the days I spend with him but I love it. McKayla isn't nursing, so there's no reason she can't take Timmy somewhere by himself while grandma and grandpa watch the baby. Well, except her being a lazy bitch who thinks making duck lips while taking pics of herself is more important than interacting with her son.

Of course, McKayla had to tell us she likes her new boyfriend because he's 'another her'. He must be a spoiled rotten brat, too. Pickins must be awfully slim in Salem, Ohio if a pregnant 18 year old with a toddler at home is your choice for a date. Maybe he's a wannabe famewhore and wants to be on TV?

Tyra and her sister taking the babies to the petting zoo could have been a lot of fun. It's too bad both of them were afraid of the animals. I would love to have wallabys hopping up to me for a scratch and a treat! As long as they washed their hands after they touched the animals, everything would be fine. Alex is 19. I wonder if his grandma thought he was going to live with her forever? I totally agree with the poster upthread about his mom. She moved back into grandma's house because of the cameras. She's another Shannon without the kids.

Rilah isn't very bright, is she? I wonder how hard it was for the doctor to not keep their eyes from rolling out of their head when she showed up saying her water broke? She sure was being a royal bitch to Anthony when they were at the beach. I hope he got his money back for the ring.

Oh, Chloe! You naive, stupid girl. So, she thinks Max isn't a 'real' drug addict. I guess she thinks all drug addicts live on the street and walk around with needles hanging out of their arms. Max's dad is the only one that knows what's up and admits how sick Max is and how dire the situation is. I feel awful for him and hope he doesn't completely fall apart when Max gets out of 30 days of rehab and relapses right away. Because that's what's going to happen. 30 days is just long enough for an addict to begin to start thinking clearly again. Coupled with the fact that Max only went because he was forced, not because he wanted help is a recipe for failure. For treatment to have a chance of being successful, it needs to be a minimum of a year and the addict has to want the help. I'd put money on Max getting high on his way home when he got out.

  • Love 9
14 hours ago, Mr. Minor said:

I have reached Amber Portwood levels of hatred for POS McKayla and her whole POS family, and I’m not proud of it. 🖕🏻😡

I think I am also getting there.  It is a high bar, but McKayla is reaching for it!  I seriously hate her so much.

What was Anthony saying about "thinking in deep water," or "thinking under water?"  Was he trying to say "still waters run deep?"  I don't think he is all that smart. 

  • Love 3
16 hours ago, Giant Misfit said:

Gross, but it must be said...does Anthony ejaculate like Old Faithful or something?! I mean, how much fluid was she leaking the next day that she thought her water broke? This question requires no answer. 

But it does illustrate her breathtaking ignorance.  I slightly defended her use of "lady parts" on the last episode, but that's because I don't mind a well-placed euphemism.  But given what we just saw, I wouldn't be surprised if she thinks "lady area" is the medical term.


22 hours ago, configdotsys said:

I know it was probably show driven, but why the fuck would you show 8k rings to a teenager? Why embarrass him like that? Oh yes, this one is lovely at eight grand. "Well, my budget is about five ::dramatic paus:: hundred." Come on. Buy a ring at Walmart rather than an overpriced jewelry store with employees stupid enough to show uber expensive rings to kids and then show a hint of surprise that he needs to choose from the bargain bin.

I absolutely agree that it was show-driven, and I always fault the "talent" for agreeing to such nonsense, but in this case I really felt sorry for him.  I'd be beyond shocked if he is of even average intelligence, and I watch him muddling through, messing up his life even more than it has to be.  All that nonsense about how spending $20,000 on a ring would be stupid because she'll just use it as an investment, but $10,000 is okay?  Where the hell did he even get that?

I will say that I was pissed at the jewelry store clerk for not asking his budget (although she was no doubt following instructions), but I did like her enthusiasm at the end, where she said his girlfriend is going to love the ring.  Yeah, she's a salesman, but at least it sounded sincere and I'm sure it made him feel better than the $500-spending teenage fool he is.

2 minutes ago, RoxiP said:

What bothered me about McKayla's discussion about her new boyfriend is that I believe that he is a high school student.  Great role model for her kids!

In this crowd, going to high school is great role-modeling.

  • Love 7
23 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

I cringed when Tyra and her sister brought their babies to the petting zoo. First and foremost, those animals are not clean, carry diseases and can cause harm to humans if you don’t wash your hands after being in contact with them. Second of all, are these teen moms so delusional that they think the babies have any idea what is going on? (Rhetorical question). 

I was with my 4 yo and 3 month old grandkids last week. We went to a local children’s museum. The older kid had fun. The baby slept most of the time we were there. Because that’s what babies do!

Max was as high as a kite on the ride to rehab. I’ve watched enough Intervention to know that addicts feel the need to do one last drug of choice go-round before checking in. I honestly feel bad for Max’s father; was anyone else waiting for Max to put his hand on dad’s shoulder or SOMETHING! during their talking head?

My gut tells me that this won’t be the last stint in rehab for Max. Like McKayla, Max is broken. Maybe he’ll get sober when he stops blaming everyone else for his problems. Father Max is in desperate need of counseling as well. 

Chloe, you’re an idiot. If I were Chloe’s mother, I’d keep her on a short leash because she is much too stupid to learn from her mistakes. She played with fire, she got burnt and now she has to live with the repercussions. Sucks to be her.

McKayla, Grandma and Grandpa: Caelen is such a shit! He never spends time with the kids and is a terrible father.

Telephone call from Caelen.

McKayla: No, you can’t come over to see the kids.

Looks like Caelen and Shelley finally seek legal advice next week. Can’t wait to see how pissed off McKayla et al. become when they are told that Caelen has actual rights. I trust Shelley and Caelen with the kids much more than this dysfunctional group of clowns.

Since rehab was court ordered, I imagine the place would let Max's probation officer know that he put off going in and when she found out it was for the fucking prom, he'd get an even stiffer penalty.

I don't know what Jessica will say on TV, but she probably will at least privately tell Chloe what an idiot she's sounding like and that flunking the drug test means there is most certainly a problem.

Those stupid sisters/cousin taking their kids to the zoo and putting them on swings is their misguided way of trying to be good mothers, but they are stupid mothers who clearly are in desperate need of some parenting classes.

Anthony may not be the brightest bulb, but he was smart enough to say hell no to the idea of giving that mean cow a ring and I hope he does not move in with her as well.  

Mckayla is a selfish bitch and I hope that she and Caelan never get back together. Like the idea of him threatening to not allow his children to film. Those horrible people will straighten up real 1uick!

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, RoxiP said:

Okay, I see your point.  She is high school age, but she is a mother with two small children.  What can a boy still in high school offer her except getting pregnant another time?  I can only imagine what HIS mother said...LOL!

I agree with you, I think it's weird. 

Do we know anything about this guy?  I am sure he is in it for his 15 minutes, otherwise I don't know why anyone would want to date her.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, politichick said:

Since rehab was court ordered, I imagine the place would let Max's probation officer know that he put off going in and when she found out it was for the fucking prom, he'd get an even stiffer penalty.

Was it court-ordered?  Obviously I'm not capturing all the details, but Max's Dad said, as I understood, he failed a test, and the PO was insisting on the rehab.  And in reading the web on this, it often is within the PO's scope.

1 hour ago, MajorNelson said:

Was it court-ordered?  Obviously I'm not capturing all the details, but Max's Dad said, as I understood, he failed a test, and the PO was insisting on the rehab.  And in reading the web on this, it often is within the PO's scope.

His PO gave him a choice. Rehab or 6 months in jail. She was giving him a gift in hopes he'd accept some responsibility and admit he has a problem. The only reason he went was to stay out of jail. He still doesn't think he has a problem.

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