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S03.E10: How I Broke My Water


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Max, if my kid ever told me to shut the fuck up, I’d put him out on the curb right there. Max’s dad, stop being an enabler and man up! Max is such a know-it-all little shit!

lmao Max is going to “manifest” himself out of rehab so he can go to the prom. Max, look up Jodi Arias in prison in Arizona. Ask her where where manifesting got her. I hope they lock his dumb ass up. 

These girls all seem so clueless about their bodies and childbirth. Don’t they go to classes?

Edited by nytonc
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Yay! No McKayla this week! 

I see they're going to drag out the "scary" situation with Rilah for another week. How do those two morons not have a carseat at 37 weeks?

I'm a little shocked at how into his daughter Noodle was. I figured he was just all about getting his noodle wet... And yelling at old ladies. 

Alex, I can't blame you for not wanting to move into that mess. I think they should both just stay where they're at, save, and get a place just the two of them. Tyra has a great support system, but they're almost too codependent on each other.

Max and Chloe....I have no words. Who tells their dad to "shut the fuck up"? Certainly not me. The pair of them. Just delusional. He's hyper-focused on prom, because he knows that's what will make her happy. But if he really thinks rehab facilities and probation officers give a damn about your girlfriend's prom....

Oh, that's right. Max can manifest it! How about he manifests himself to stop doing drugs.

Who else thinks as soon as prom is over Chloe is dumping Max? She's not the least bit concerned about his addiction and health. She just knows it's too late to find another prom date. 

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I noticed that Tyra and her sister didn't include themselves when they were discussing how many ways that they were going to split the rent.  What exactly are they responsible for?  Or is their only job to sit around and pop out more babies for someone else to provide for.   Do they provide any financial assistance to the kids they knowingly brought into this world? And that one kid, I guess it was the sister's boyfriend . . . , didn't look like he knew where his $215 was coming from. 

These girls are just so painfully stupid.  They talk all this tough talk about how the guy has to step up and provide while they just sit on their asses and tell them what to do.  Stay with grandma Alex.  You can still provide for your child without playing house with Tyra if that's not what you want to do.  Tyra's mom needs to be able to take care of herself.  If what she can afford isn't enough for her entitled daughters who want to play house, then they need to find a place of their own.  The mom is stupid to be playing along like these teen boys can really go in equal with her 38 year old self on rent.  She needs to tell her daughters to get a job and not expect to be able to do things like cheer when we can't pay rent without depending on teenage boys.

I don't think Chloe or Max mentioned their daughter once in their concerns about Max going to rehab.  It was all. about. prom.  Delusional idiots.  Prom is the least of their concerns when it comes to their shared ignorance, entitlement, and lack of respect for anyone who knows better than them.

  • Love 21

Max's dad needs to treat Max the way I do my 4 year old son.  Me: "It's time to go to bed"  My 4 year old's time wasting, trying to be annoying, questions like, "Why do I have to go to bed? " and  "Do I have to brush my teeth tomorrow"  are completely ignored.  That conversation should have been:  "Max your probation officer called.  You're going to 30 day rehab"  And after that the dad needs to say, "Call your probation officer to discuss this."  to whatever nonsense comes out of Max's mouth.  Because if Max continues to insist that he is in control, the system will throw him in jail (and frankly, I think his dad is at the point in which he also thinks is probably the only thing that will wake Max up at this point, a point of view I think most viewers agree with).   If Max were my kid and was insisting he could delay rehab for prom, I'd be thinking "good luck with that." but wouldn't say anything since frankly there is no point in talking with this moron.  He needs a major wakeup call, which he might only get in jail.

Edited by kitkat343
  • Love 21

Someone here mentioned a few weeks ago how flat Hailey’s affect is and it is just becoming more and more unsettling. 

I only noticed Hailey holding the baby once, in the recliner before her mom had ‘the lecture’ with Matthew. Prior to that, she and the sperm donor were going to give the baby her bottle while laying down. What?!  Immediately upon coming home from the hospital?! When, before the hard work has begun, I doubt you could find a teen mom not happy to cuddle her ‘new baby doll.’ And, upon her almost equally flat mother’s advice of not doing it with the baby laying down, Hailey offers up the Boppy pillow to do the work instead of her own loving arms?! After which, she simply sits and watches the baby with vacant eyes?! Not to mention, she sat and ‘looked without seeing’ as the possum ineptly undressed the baby.  Oh, and when he runted around for a pacifier too. She was so removed from the situation, emotionally. When Hailey found out what the lecture was about, even though she was ‘upset,’ she didn’t raise her voice or shed a tear about it.  48 hours postpartum, when everything is magnified, at least in my case it was. She may as well been discussing the weather with the idiot. Something has happened to that young woman in the past, I’m afraid. To borrow a line from Shelley, Caelan’s mom, ‘that little girl is broken.’ My heart goes out to this one. 

It looks like Alex’s ‘mother’ is the same type of mother as Shannon, McKayla’s mom...the ‘absent for everything until the cameras show up and the checks roll in’ kind of mother. 

Who was the poor woman in the backseat of Rosa’s car? I’m guessing her mom, maybe. She most definitely didn’t want to be on camera because she never looked up and stayed crouched down, even during Rilah’s outburst at Rosa’s questioning. What was Rilah thinking, asking what’s her name to look at her ‘lady area?’ If Rosa was really a nurse in an OB/GYN’s office(as opposed to a file clerk),she would have told Rilah to see if her underwear  smelled like ammonia or not  Hell, Anthony’s mother has five/six children and she couldn’t have told Rilah? Oh, who am I kidding...none of them would know what ammonia is in the first place. 

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4 hours ago, HahYallDoin said:

Someone here mentioned a few weeks ago how flat Hailey’s affect is and it is just becoming more and more unsettling. 

I only noticed Hailey holding the baby once, in the recliner before her mom had ‘the lecture’ with Matthew. Prior to that, she and the sperm donor were going to give the baby her bottle while laying down. What?!  Immediately upon coming home from the hospital?! When, before the hard work has begun, I doubt you could find a teen mom not happy to cuddle her ‘new baby doll.’ And, upon her almost equally flat mother’s advice of not doing it with the baby laying down, Hailey offers up the Boppy pillow to do the work instead of her own loving arms?! After which, she simply sits and watches the baby with vacant eyes?! Not to mention, she sat and ‘looked without seeing’ as the possum ineptly undressed the baby.  Oh, and when he runted around for a pacifier too. She was so removed from the situation, emotionally. When Hailey found out what the lecture was about, even though she was ‘upset,’ she didn’t raise her voice or shed a tear about it.  48 hours postpartum, when everything is magnified, at least in my case it was. She may as well been discussing the weather with the idiot. Something has happened to that young woman in the past, I’m afraid. To borrow a line from Shelley, Caelan’s mom, ‘that little girl is broken.’ My heart goes out to this one. 

It looks like Alex’s ‘mother’ is the same type of mother as Shannon, McKayla’s mom...the ‘absent for everything until the cameras show up and the checks roll in’ kind of mother. 

Who was the poor woman in the backseat of Rosa’s car? I’m guessing her mom, maybe. She most definitely didn’t want to be on camera because she never looked up and stayed crouched down, even during Rilah’s outburst at Rosa’s questioning. What was Rilah thinking, asking what’s her name to look at her ‘lady area?’ If Rosa was really a nurse in an OB/GYN’s office(as opposed to a file clerk),she would have told Rilah to see if her underwear  smelled like ammonia or not  Hell, Anthony’s mother has five/six children and she couldn’t have told Rilah? Oh, who am I kidding...none of them would know what ammonia is in the first place. 

Don't be silly, they know that ammonia is an infection of the lungs.  😉

  • LOL 18
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When I watch this show I always feel a knot in my stomach. Last night I didn’t feel that way and I realized afterward that Makayla wasn’t featured in this episode. The other girls are basically just stupid but she is downright mean.  

Hailey reminded me of my niece after she gave birth to her first child. She seemed disconnected from the baby and handed him off to whomever wanted to hold, feed or change him. It was worrisome to the family.   Her doctor put her on some type of meds and she was fine after awhile. 

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12 hours ago, KBrownie said:

The mom is stupid to be playing along like these teen boys can really go in equal with her 38 year old self on rent.  She needs to tell her daughters to get a job and not expect to be able to do things like cheer when we can't pay rent without depending on teenage boys.

I'm so confused by this. How much was she paying before for a three bedroom house? Does she really need split the rent equally with them? Maybe let them save up for their own places for a year? But either way, Alex is 19 and Dee is 18. Both should be able to scrape together $215/month. And if they can't wouldn't Tyra and Tiarra both qualify for welfare?

But I can see Tiarra  not being expected to pay any rent as she is only 16.

Is Tyra in college? Who does she cheer for?

11 hours ago, kitkat343 said:

Max's dad needs to treat Max the way I do my 4 year old son.  That conversation should have been:  "Max your probation officer called.  You're going to 30 day rehab"  And after that the dad needs to say, "Call your probation officer to discuss this."  to whatever nonsense comes out of Max's mouth.  

Why is Max's father even involved like that and taking calls and driving him around? Max is a 19 or 20 years old. 

10 hours ago, HahYallDoin said:

If Rosa was really a nurse in an OB/GYN’s office(as opposed to a file clerk),she would have told Rilah to see if her underwear  smelled like ammonia or not  

Ammonia?? Mine didn't. I think it's supposed to be odorless.

Did not understand why Rilah asked Rebecca to look at her vagina. For what?

  • Love 6

I was watching it re-run late, so pretty tired, but not tired enough to be appalled Hailey's mother allows the Matt twit to stay in her home & continue to bang her daughter. I have zero respect for that in any of the parents, TBH. One might say they'll do what they do, but the parents don't need to be providing their space to get it done. These are kids playing house w/o any of the responsibility, & the parent enablers are just fucked up to me.

Hailey does seem "flat". I'm hoping those scenes with Matt taking care of the baby were for the cameras & she was not interested, so that's why she was flat. I'm hoping when the cameras left her alone she was cuddling her baby & feeding her in her arms, etc.

What in the hell was Rilah thinking in flashing her bits at Alex?'s mother?  And the crazy woman looked - geez - she's had six kids you'd think she'd know by now what's going on to advise the girl, or, just call her damn mother who's a nurse FFS.

More fake, dragged out drama with Rilah's birth. 🙄

The photo shoot with Tyra's family just pissed me off to see. They're totally celebrating their generational teen mom dysfunction as if it's normal & healthy. Whatever I guess.

Princess know-it-all-gets-it-all Chloe will never learn. The only thing concerning her at this point is a prom. She should've dumped his ass to find someone else who isn't a violent, criminal, addict & didn't mind coupling up with a teen mom for the prom. Is she that desperate ? is the jaw putting boys off?  is Jessica scaring them off? Chloe will obviously have sex with them so you'd think there would be someone else, hopefully better... But now she's stuck & I hope she misses it because Chloe needs to have some consequences for her own choices as well.

Max is nothing I wouldn't expect from a messed up, in denial addict. I also feel Max's dad should stand back & let him handle his own problems - let Max call his probation officer himself & tell her prom is more important right now - & I'd like it filmed please.

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3 hours ago, Koalagirl said:

When I watch this show I always feel a knot in my stomach. Last night I didn’t feel that way and I realized afterward that Makayla wasn’t featured in this episode. The other girls are basically just stupid but she is downright mean.  

Hailey reminded me of my niece after she gave birth to her first child. She seemed disconnected from the baby and handed him off to whomever wanted to hold, feed or change him. It was worrisome to the family.   Her doctor put her on some type of meds and she was fine after awhile. 

Her THs are all like that too. I wonder if they were filmed after giving birth. Maci on TM has a very flat, non-emotional way of speaking. But she's very involved with her kids. Hailey may just naturally be kind of wooden, or she might be dealing with some PPD. It's something to look into, for sure. 

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@gonecrackers, I totally agree about coed sleepovers at their ages.  I said something very similar a few episodes ago--these boys shouldn't be allowed to sleep in the girls' rooms and continue to have sex with them just because they're pregnant.  It normalizes it.  

I did think it was sad when Hailey's mom and Matthew were having that conversation about how Matthew disrespected Hailey's grandmother at the birth, and they were both crying (funny how Matthew managed to forget the part that he was crying when he relayed the story to Hailey).  I forgot Hailey's mom had taken Matthew in as a glorified foster child, because his home life was so fucked up, and now that Matthew's got Hailey's mom in tears, he can't even muster up a "sorry"?  

Instead, he's taking the Max route and getting self-righteous and saying he is allowed to say "fuck" or whatever he wants around his daughter.  Are you sure that's the argument you want to make, bro?

I think Chloe's living in a self-protective bubble, but in a way I like the way she's handling the Max/rehab situation.  Like, it's no skin off my nose what you do, bud, because I'm concerned with myself.  Fly right and you can stay; otherwise it's "bye-bye dadddy."  I think if more people had that attitude, people with drug problems--which Max keeps denying he has, which is laughable--might be more inclined to get their shit together.  This man-child has serious problems.  I wish his dad would give him more tough love, emphasis on tough.  

When Max was driving around with his dad, Max said that prom was "literally around the corner."  Ok, Max, then your dad would have made a left or a right, and there would be people in formalwear, dancing and sitting at tables.  If you're so smart, Max, wouldn't you know how to use the word "literally" correctly?

I think Rilah's mom was hesitating to take her to the hospital, because it didn't sound like Rilah's water broke.  I think even the editors were having a little fun with that, when the beginning of the episode has Matthew and Hailey's mom interviewing that when Hailey's water broke, it caused a flood on the bed, juxtaposed against Rilah giving a talking head that something seemed wet down there, even more than usual!

It's total bullshit that we weren't allowed to see the inside of the hospital whatsoever during Hailey's birth and we had to hear all the stories about what happened secondhand.  So, ok, that extremely long scene from lat week between Hailey and her half-sister about how much childbirth hurt came to a dead end, because we didn't get to find out what Hailey actually experienced, so that is just shitty editing and storytelling.  Plus, I tune into this show to see what is going on.  If I wanted to hear second-hand accounts, I could read them in a book or online. If they weren't going to show the hospital setting on a show about teenage pregnancies and births, I wish they would have picked a different couple to film.  This is inherent to the story.

I did think Tyra's family's photo shoot was inappropriate, but it didn't bother me the way the baby shower did, because they weren't asking anyone (except, arguably, the photographer, who didn't mind) to co-sign their antisocial behavior. Let them have all the private photo shoots to celebrate their dysfunctional lifestyle  they want, just as long as I'm not being asked to pitch in, sanction it, or attend.

Alex was just annoying me once again with the idea that he would have to leave his grandma's house.  Maybe he should have thought about that before he had unprotected sex.  I can't believe the whole family was gushing at how "big" that house was. It was tiny.  I don't think minors should have to pay rent for themselves--that's their mom's responsibility--but if a minor is going to bring a baby into a household, the minor needs to pay for the baby, which is how I look at it anyway.  They just need to do it--sign the lease or whatever--and Alex needs to cut the umbilical cord between himself and his grandma.  I'm sure they won't move in.  It's probably just a plot device.  

This show has been dragging for the last several episodes.  I'm starting to lose interest a little.  Something is off with the narrative.  

  • Love 3
14 hours ago, KBrownie said:

I noticed that Tyra and her sister didn't include themselves when they were discussing how many ways that they were going to split the rent.  What exactly are they responsible for?  Or is their only job to sit around and pop out more babies for someone else to provide for.   Do they provide any financial assistance to the kids they knowingly brought into this world? And that one kid, I guess it was the sister's boyfriend . . . , didn't look like he knew where his $215 was coming from. 

These girls are just so painfully stupid.  They talk all this tough talk about how the guy has to step up and provide while they just sit on their asses and tell them what to do.  Stay with grandma Alex.  You can still provide for your child without playing house with Tyra if that's not what you want to do.  Tyra's mom needs to be able to take care of herself.  If what she can afford isn't enough for her entitled daughters who want to play house, then they need to find a place of their own.  The mom is stupid to be playing along like these teen boys can really go in equal with her 38 year old self on rent.  She needs to tell her daughters to get a job and not expect to be able to do things like cheer when we can't pay rent without depending on teenage boys.

I don't think Chloe or Max mentioned their daughter once in their concerns about Max going to rehab.  It was all. about. prom.  Delusional idiots.  Prom is the least of their concerns when it comes to their shared ignorance, entitlement, and lack of respect for anyone who knows better than them.

Great post. I was dying when La Famille Tyra was wandering around that little house, already putting the lion's share of the burden for rent on a couple of teenage boys. Why do these idiots all need to play house? They just accept it as the natural order of things. Couple of teens are incautious, get knocked up, and suddenly the boys are moved in and ponying up rent money! Finish high school! You do not have to move in together!

Chloe's a mother now, with real responsibilities. You'd think prom would be the last thing she'd be concerned with.

1 hour ago, BallisticNikki said:

I'm so confused by this. How much was she paying before for a three bedroom house? Does she really need split the rent equally with them? Maybe let them save up for their own places for a year? But either way, Alex is 19 and Dee is 18. Both should be able to scrape together $215/month. And if they can't wouldn't Tyra and Tiarra both qualify for welfare?

But I can see Tiarra  not being expected to pay any rent as she is only 16.

Is Tyra in college? Who does she cheer for?

Why is Max's father even involved like that and taking calls and driving him around? Max is a 19 or 20 years old. 

Ammonia?? Mine didn't. I think it's supposed to be odorless.

Did not understand why Rilah asked Rebecca to look at her vagina. For what?

Tyra's only 16. She's either a cheerleader in her high school or belongs to a competitive cheer gym.

Rilah's segment was a head scratcher. Why not call your doctor if you have a question? Why are you interviewing everyone in the neighborhood? Why was Rebecca grilling her? Why not just take her to the hospital or to the doctor's office? Doesn't Rebecca have something like one hundred kids? She sounded like a dumbass 16 year old herself! How could both she and Rilan be so appallingly ignorant? Anyone who refers to her vulva as her "lady area" has no business pushing a baby through it.

That little scuzzball Matthew needs to take several seats. I'd have slapped him silly if he'd come at me with that "Its my daughter in my delivery room" crappola. Slow your roll, son. 

  • Love 10

A question from the Stone Age: when did THE prom become PROM? Asking for a friend.

What’s the over-under on the number of people at the Family Tyra photo shoot who are subsidizing their family tradition (teen pregnancy) with my tax dollars? 

So glad Tyra’s mother dressed up for the housing expedition. Those very short gym shorts, which barely covered her ass, were so appropriate, or not. I did notice that her eyes were more open than they are in her talking heads. Guess she hadn’t yet started her daily regimen of drugs/alcohol intake.

Max’s father should have pulled over, opened Max’s car door and told him to get out. And that’s it. Max needs to sleep in the bed he made for himself. With regard to Max’s Manifest Destiny philosophy, every night before I go to sleep, I imagine that I’ll lose 20 pounds overnight. I’m still waiting. Magical thinking doesn’t work.

I wish that Hailey’s grandmother had smacked Matthew (aka Rat Face) in the hospital. He deserves it. 

  • Love 16
2 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

It's total bullshit that we weren't allowed to see the inside of the hospital whatsoever during Hailey's birth and we had to hear all the stories about what happened secondhand.  This is inherent to the story.

Ohhh gosh, that's the past I least enjoy (and I can't believe how many agree to have it filmed).

2 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Tyra's only 16. She's either a cheerleader in her high school or belongs to a competitive cheer gym.

No, Tyra was already 18 at the first episode. Her sister Tiarra is 16. 

2 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

That little scuzzball Matthew needs to take several seats. I'd have slapped him silly if he'd come at me with that "Its my daughter in my delivery room" crappola. Slow your roll, son. 

And not paying one penny towards any of the costs, I'm sure. 

  • Love 5

I kind of give the girls some grace on their ignorance...although I don't know why they aren't more knowledgeable about the birthing process...after all, Hailey went to a birthing class (remember Matthew went and hung out with his sister?).  Rilah is young and maybe she thought when her water broke that the baby's head was going to fall out of her "hoo hah?"  Their naivete is astounding.  

I did kind of feel sorry for Hailey also because with her mother punishing Matthew (deservedly so but then again her Mother is a HUGE part of the reason Hailey is pregnant in the first place...you don't put the fox in the henhouse!) she wouldn't have him there to help her with the baby on her first night home.  I'm sure her mother helped her but I know she wanted to have the baby daddy there because she's young, immature and fancies herself in love.

I wanted to slap Rilah's mother because she had her eyes glued to her cellphone while she was driving.  Excuse me, you have your daughter, your unborn granddaughter, your mother (presumably) and a young man in the car with you - keep your eyes on the road!

I kind of like Tyra.  I think she's funny.  They must be dirt poor if her mother can't afford $650 rent by herself.  Hard to break the cycle of teenage pregnancy when you are fighting poverty at the same time.  

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

A question from the Stone Age: when did THE prom become PROM? Asking for a friend.

What’s the over-under on the number of people at the Family Tyra photo shoot who are subsidizing their family tradition (teen pregnancy) with my tax dollars? 

So glad Tyra’s mother dressed up for the housing expedition. Those very short gym shorts, which barely covered her ass, were so appropriate, or not. I did notice that her eyes were more open than they are in her talking heads. Guess she hadn’t yet started her daily regimen of drugs/alcohol intake.

Max’s father should have pulled over, opened Max’s car door and told him to get out. And that’s it. Max needs to sleep in the bed he made for himself. With regard to Max’s Manifest Destiny philosophy, every night before I go to sleep, I imagine that I’ll lose 20 pounds overnight. I’m still waiting. Magical thinking doesn’t work.

I wish that Hailey’s grandmother had smacked Matthew (aka Rat Face) in the hospital. He deserves it. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you.  Chloe is NOT going to Prom, she is going to the Prom.  This bugs me so much!

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3 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I think Rilah's mom was hesitating to take her to the hospital, because it didn't sound like Rilah's water broke.  I think even the editors were having a little fun with that, when the beginning of the episode has Matthew and Hailey's mom interviewing that when Hailey's water broke, it caused a flood on the bed, juxtaposed against Rilah giving a talking head that something seemed wet down there, even more than usual!

Something I did not need to hear.

3 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

It's total bullshit that we weren't allowed to see the inside of the hospital whatsoever during Hailey's birth and we had to hear all the stories about what happened secondhand.  So, ok, that extremely long scene from lat week between Hailey and her half-sister about how much childbirth hurt came to a dead end, because we didn't get to find out what Hailey actually experienced, so that is just shitty editing and storytelling.  Plus, I tune into this show to see what is going on.  If I wanted to hear second-hand accounts, I could read them in a book or online. If they weren't going to show the hospital setting on a show about teenage pregnancies and births, I wish they would have picked a different couple to film.  This is inherent to the story.

When they told that story, I thought, if I didn't see it, it didn't happen. But then I thought, this is Matt, so, I believe it.

I'm glad we were spared another spread eagle kid pushing out a kid. IMO it's totally inappropriate for any cameras to be filming minors in that position. As it is I would never want my kid sharing the kind of personal info these kids are on TV for anyone to see - they may be horrified at their younger selves someday, & the parents should be protecting them by not signing them up. But then again, thinking about these parents, forget that.

1 hour ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Who the hell does that rat faced little shit Matthew think he is? He is absolutely appalling. He strolls around like he's king of the universe and everyone needs to do his bidding.

He reminds me of that other mess, Shayden?  Lexus's bf -the kid that ended up in jail - & with Max that makes two criminal fathers on this show.

1 hour ago, RoxiP said:

I did kind of feel sorry for Hailey also because with her mother punishing Matthew (deservedly so but then again her Mother is a HUGE part of the reason Hailey is pregnant in the first place...you don't put the fox in the henhouse!) she wouldn't have him there to help her with the baby on her first night home.  I'm sure her mother helped her but I know she wanted to have the baby daddy there because she's young, immature and fancies herself in love.

Her mother is horrible. I'm still shaking my head that she was letting Matt bang up Hailey, room next door, no problem - wtf with this woman?  Hailey needs her protection, not this crap.  Matt strikes me as one of those assholes who would climb on the woman in her hospital bed after giving birth. He needs to go, away, awaaaay.

  • Love 10
4 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I think Rilah's mom was hesitating to take her to the hospital, because it didn't sound like Rilah's water broke.

But does no one think to pick up a phone and call their doctor or midwife? Geez, they all have their phones glued to their hands anyway. Why is Rilah having Rebecca inspect her "lady area" and polling the neighborhood? Call your doctor! That's what she's there for! 

My god, my blood pressure. I just can't with these dumdums.

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55 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

But does no one think to pick up a phone and call their doctor or midwife? Geez, they all have their phones glued to their hands anyway. Why is Rilah having Rebecca inspect her "lady area" and polling the neighborhood? Call your doctor! That's what she's there for! 

My god, my blood pressure. I just can't with these dumdums.

I said the same up thread. Now that I’ve thought about, if these people had any clue about pregnancy, anatomy or childbirth the kids wouldn’t be pregnant.  Why didn’t any of these mothers put their sexually active daughters on birth control? I know most of them are aghast at the thought of abortion but surely they believe in birth control? 

Edited by nytonc
  • Love 4
12 hours ago, Quilty said:

So Hailey and Matthew were having sex and her water broke. But she then says she pulled her pants down and saw that her water broke. Weren't her pants already off if she's doing it with her gross boyfriend?

He probably doesn't bother with any kind of foreplay - just yanks her panties aside and does his thing.  I just grossed myself out.

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33 minutes ago, RoxiP said:

He probably doesn't bother with any kind of foreplay - just yanks her panties aside and does his thing.  I just grossed myself out.

That's why Hailey has such a flat effect. 

I can't imagine any of these kids are having halfway decent sex. No care to making sure the girls are half-way ready and the boys having no real finesse or technique. Just a bunch of kids playing at being grown ups and having lousy sex. 

  • Love 13

I totally agree about lousy sex! How do teenagers even know what they are doing yet? Enough to do it well? I had always felt bad that in junior high kids were fooling around with each other, it seemed like, everyone was except for me, until later I realized that none of them were probably any good at it! Lousy sex, indeed! I dodged a bullet.

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On 10/6/2019 at 10:20 PM, KBrownie said:

I noticed that Tyra and her sister didn't include themselves when they were discussing how many ways that they were going to split the rent.  What exactly are they responsible for?  Or is their only job to sit around and pop out more babies for someone else to provide for.   Do they provide any financial assistance to the kids they knowingly brought into this world? And that one kid, I guess it was the sister's boyfriend . . . , didn't look like he knew where his $215 was coming from. 

On 10/7/2019 at 11:13 AM, BallisticNikki said:

I'm so confused by this. How much was she paying before for a three bedroom house? Does she really need split the rent equally with them? Maybe let them save up for their own places for a year? But either way, Alex is 19 and Dee is 18. Both should be able to scrape together $215/month. And if they can't wouldn't Tyra and Tiarra both qualify for welfare?

But I can see Tiarra  not being expected to pay any rent as she is only 16.

Sounds like mom can't even afford the whole $650 on her own.  She said Alex needed to make a decision on if he was going to pitch in or not because she didn't know if they'd be able to do it without him.  Grandma needs to go get some jobs and stop being a free daycare provider. Unless she maybe works at night.

The two girls are probably going back to school then after school they will be home to watch the babies while the guys can go to work. Probably cheaper in the long run for the girls to not work and not have to pay for daycare while the guys try to work and pay bills. 

Nice of the daughters to tell the mom they will split it three ways but I think mom should take on a little more since she has time for a full time job and enabling them all to stay there.  Alex doesn't really need to move in, he can easily pitch in Tyra's share of the rent as his 'child support'.  

Which I get in the real normal world none of that is really ok but we're not talking about normal people here.... 

20 hours ago, Honey said:

Thank you, thank you, thank you.  Chloe is NOT going to Prom, she is going to the Prom.  This bugs me so much!

eh, I graduated high school in 2001 and I'm fairly certain we said "the prom" and just "prom" both but more often than not it was probably "prom".

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3 minutes ago, Dmarie019 said:

eh, I graduated high school in 2001 and I'm fairly certain we said "the prom" and just "prom" both but more often than not it was probably "prom".

I remember being sooo confused while watching Pretty in Pink when Andie yelled at Blaine "WHAT ABOUT PROM?" then I was like, hmmm, maybe a Midwestern thing?

also?  Tyra's mom, you are a grown-ass woman, and running shorts are not, as my husband (the raging metrosexual TM) would say, "outside clothes." invest in some capris for heaven's sake!!

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On 10/7/2019 at 12:50 PM, LibertarianSlut said:

I think Chloe's living in a self-protective bubble, but in a way I like the way she's handling the Max/rehab situation.  Like, it's no skin off my nose what you do, bud, because I'm concerned with myself.  Fly right and you can stay; otherwise it's "bye-bye dadddy."

Except that's not exactly her attitude. She knows Max is using again/still using. He failed a drug test and is in trouble with his probation officer. So he's NOT flying right. But she hasn't told him "bye-bye". She wants to go to prom. She's more concerned with that than making good decisions for herself or her daughter. She may dump him after the prom. But she's kind of using him; and it's gross. 

21 hours ago, RoxiP said:

I did kind of feel sorry for Hailey also because with her mother punishing Matthew (deservedly so but then again her Mother is a HUGE part of the reason Hailey is pregnant in the first place...you don't put the fox in the henhouse!) she wouldn't have him there to help her with the baby on her first night home

This is where I feel very divided on baby daddies sleeping over. In theory, it's wrong. Yes. And I get the idea that just because the daughter is knocked up, her parents shouldn't then proceed to allow it because it normalizes it. BUT....moms shouldn't be stuck doing all the work. And I think a newborn is too young to be bouncing from home to home each night. Honestly, if it were my kid, I'd probably let the dad stay over. But I'd make damn sure my daughter was on BC. And they would both earn their keep in SOME type of way. And there would be a plan in place for them to eventually move out. 

20 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

Her mother is horrible. I'm still shaking my head that she was letting Matt bang up Hailey, room next door, no problem - wtf with this woman?  Hailey needs her protection, not this crap.  Matt strikes me as one of those assholes who would climb on the woman in her hospital bed after giving birth. He needs to go, away, awaaaay.

I DID get the impression, from the way Hailey told the story, that she was not really on board with sex at 37 weeks pregnant. 

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3 hours ago, RoxiP said:

He probably doesn't bother with any kind of foreplay - just yanks her panties aside and does his thing.  I just grossed myself out.

Where is the vomit icon when we need it... 🤢

24 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I DID get the impression, from the way Hailey told the story, that she was not really on board with sex at 37 weeks pregnant. 

Hailey is probably learning how to not say no from her mother.  She also seems needy & desperate - & sad.

I can't recall who said it & might have read it on another board, but, Hailey's mother is okay with everything Matt says & does, except he is not to curse at the grandmother. Way to go on the boundaries there, idiot.  🙄

  • Love 10
7 hours ago, RoxiP said:

What woman (teen or grown) would be on board for sex at 37 weeks?  

Hailey couldn't risk turning down Howdy Doody's request for sex. Not with Hailey Part Deux waiting in the wings, sending tit pics.

She knows he already has one foot out the door and like it or not she had to put out. God forbid she make that dweeb do without.

Edited by Brooklynista
  • Love 11

Chloe & Max have to be a joke at this point with the "PROM" storyline, right?! I mean...right?? I don't even take it seriously bc it's such a ridiculous thing. I can't.  

Matthew carrying his newborn into the house with his scrawny body, with ONE HAND & no baby carrier while swinging the storm door open with the other was just....😟😟 I have no words. 

Rylah's mom comes across so dumb i agree with above poster who said she's no nurse...a clerk /receptionist in a Dr's office does sound more likely. She was glaringly clueless about the water breaking. 

When my water broke at 37 weeks, it was after peeing, i felt constant water leaking out, i changed bottoms, got a few maxi pads on and called Dr. (Who said come in) and then husband to leave work & get me. Why are these folks so clueless?! Frustrating. 

Agreed that "moving in" & the unrestricted sex once the girls are deemed "damaged goods" as it's "too late" is just annoying. You're a kid who acted dumb.  Having a baby didn't change you magically- you have to grow and mature through an internal process. I know adults who never grew up after kids...can't imagine these young uneducated kids being better off. 

  • Love 7
21 hours ago, teapot said:

I remember being sooo confused while watching Pretty in Pink when Andie yelled at Blaine "WHAT ABOUT PROM?" then I was like, hmmm, maybe a Midwestern thing?

I am thinking it's midwestern. I am from NY and we said "the prom." Moved to the midwest the following year for college and it was suddenly "prom."

Altho, maybe "prom" is right; we all say, "we are going to homecoming," right? Not "to the homecoming"?🤷‍♀️

13 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Hailey couldn't risk turning down Howdy Doody's request for sex.


Edited by BallisticNikki
  • Love 5
16 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Hailey couldn't risk turning down Howdy Doody's request for sex. Not with Hailey Part Deux waiting in the wings, sending tit pics.

She knows he already has one foot out the door and like it or not she had to put out. God forbid she make that dweeb do without.

This makes me so sad. Because I know it's completely true. 

  • Love 4
On 10/6/2019 at 9:07 PM, ghoulina said:

Alex, I can't blame you for not wanting to move into that mess. I think they should both just stay where they're at, save, and get a place just the two of them. Tyra has a great support system, but they're almost too codependent on each other.

It could be argued that the people in a crack den are a great support system for crack addicts, but that doesn't make it a good situation.


On 10/7/2019 at 11:50 AM, LibertarianSlut said:

@gonecrackers, I totally agree about coed sleepovers at their ages.  I said something very similar a few episodes ago--these boys shouldn't be allowed to sleep in the girls' rooms and continue to have sex with them just because they're pregnant.  It normalizes it. 

I absolutely agree, but it is the one time you can be sure she's not going to get pregnant, so there is that.


On 10/7/2019 at 11:50 AM, LibertarianSlut said:

When Max was driving around with his dad, Max said that prom was "literally around the corner."  Ok, Max, then your dad would have made a left or a right, and there would be people in formalwear, dancing and sitting at tables.  If you're so smart, Max, wouldn't you know how to use the word "literally" correctly?

Nobody's a bigger grammar pedant than I am, but really--we're talking about Max here.  Many many people older, smarter, and more educated than he is use it wrong.  I'm just happy when something that comes out of his mouth isn't flat out stupid or delusional.



Let them have all the private photo shoots to celebrate their dysfunctional lifestyle  they want, just as long as I'm not being asked to pitch in, sanction it, or attend.

Well, if they're on Medicaid or get food stamps, then you are pitching in, if you're paying taxes yourself. 


On 10/7/2019 at 12:05 PM, Pepper Mostly said:

Anyone who refers to her vulva as her "lady area" has no business pushing a baby through it.

I actually prefer "lady area" to "vagina," if it's the vulva that we're talking about.  At least it's not anatomically wrong. 


On 10/7/2019 at 12:42 PM, Auntie Anxiety said:

I wish that Hailey’s grandmother had smacked Matthew (aka Rat Face) in the hospital. He deserves it. 

I get that Grandma may not like that kind of talk, but in the hierarchy of people in the delivery room, I'd say it's the mother, then the father, and then the various lookie-lous hanging around in there.  He shouldn't be disrespectful, but he's the dad, and it is his domain more than the grandmother's.

Not that I'm excusing rudeness in any situation, but this wasn't him using language she didn't approve of at Thanksgiving dinner at her house.  This was his turf, and Grandma is there only because they are allowing her to be.


On 10/7/2019 at 2:36 PM, RoxiP said:

I did kind of feel sorry for Hailey also because with her mother punishing Matthew (deservedly so but then again her Mother is a HUGE part of the reason Hailey is pregnant in the first place...you don't put the fox in the henhouse!) she wouldn't have him there to help her with the baby on her first night home.  I'm sure her mother helped her but I know she wanted to have the baby daddy there because she's young, immature and fancies herself in love.

Even Hailey saw that she was the one ultimately getting punished, because she wouldn't have Matthew's help.  Not only that, Matthew actually seems eager to help.  They'll never be the family that Hailey wants and thinks, but every hour he's there helping is an hour that's easier on her.

The only caveat is that Mom needs to tell Hailey that if Matthew wants to have sex and Hailey doesn't want to, she needs to tell him, and if he protests, she needs to tell him to go talk to Mom about it.  Yeah, I know that will send him into Hailey Part Deux's or some other idiot's arms, but it's probably going to happen anyway, so take what help you can get while you can get it.


On 10/7/2019 at 2:36 PM, RoxiP said:

I kind of like Tyra.  I think she's funny.  They must be dirt poor if her mother can't afford $650 rent by herself.  Hard to break the cycle of teenage pregnancy when you are fighting poverty at the same time.  

I know one thing that will go a long way toward rising out of poverty--not having a baby, especially if you're a teenager.  Unless you're Max, of course, on the fast track to being a millionaire because he's a teen dad.  But I would suggest pinning down the details on that before deciding on it as a course of action


On 10/8/2019 at 11:53 AM, teapot said:

I remember being sooo confused while watching Pretty in Pink when Andie yelled at Blaine "WHAT ABOUT PROM?" then I was like, hmmm, maybe a Midwestern thing?

I think that's the first time I heard it, too, and it was like a dagger in my ears.  Nowadays, I never hear anyone say "the prom."

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I absolutely agree, but it is the one time you can be sure she's not going to get pregnant, so there is that.

They can still get AIDS, though, which also worries me when, post-pregnancy, these girls get IUDs.  It is absolutely part of our culture that people--usually guys--will be willing to forgo condoms if their partner "looks safe," so, while we're securing the fact that they can can't get pregnant, we might be exposing them.  Risk homeostasis is a muffucuh.  

What would be superb in these situations would be information asymmetry--like, progesterone and estrogen secretly in the water, so that the girls use condoms thinking that it's the only thing between them and more pregnancy.  And consent, hunnuh?  You can find your consent out back with the cardboard boxes for the baby furniture I had to buy to support the baby you created as a minor!

2 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Well, if they're on Medicaid or get food stamps, then you are pitching in, if you're paying taxes yourself. 

I guess I will have to hold my opinion in abeyance until all the facts are in evidence.  I can't comment unless it's brought into their narrative that they're receiving welfare.  Right now, all the information I have is that the Tyra family was doing a family photo shoot, which may have been given gratis, for all I know.  I'm not saying it's not antisocial; I'm just saying it's less antisocial than a baby shower to which teenage friends are invited.

2 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I actually prefer "lady area" to "vagina," if it's the vulva that we're talking about.  At least it's not anatomically wrong. 

Isn't the vulva part of the vagina?  The outer labia are part of the vagina.  Isn't that part of the vulva?  If it is, by the transitive property, I would think the vulva would be part of the vagina...can I phone a friend?  I feel like I need to need to ask Jesse Pinkman about "science, bitch!"


I don't hate "lady parts" either, but when Hailey said "coochie" this past episode, I wanted to blanch.

2 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Nobody's a bigger grammar pedant than I am, but really--we're talking about Max here.  Many many people older, smarter, and more educated than he is use it wrong.  I'm just happy when something that comes out of his mouth isn't flat out stupid or delusional.

My right to poke at Max is enshrined in The Declaration of Independence.  It's written in extremely fine print.  Right after "Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness" it says "Pursuit of Happiness necesssarily includes taking the piss out of a man-boy with sores all over his face who trespasses onto other people's property and posts photos of it on Insta, commits fraud, lies constantly, screams at his dad, has no desire to get well for his daughter because he is too busy thinking about (the) prom, and--worst crime of all--makes duck lips in photos (thanks @heatherchandler)."  I don't know how the Founders anticipated this.  Rumor has it that Benjamin Franklin objected to the part about sores on the lips...

2 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I know one thing that will go a long way toward rising out of poverty--not having a baby, especially if you're a teenager.  

Amen!  This X1,000

StatisticalOutlier, you had a lot of stuff to say today that was challenging and insightful!

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