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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show


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I would never believe an ex boyfriend over my own child. And if it’s true that the boyfriend was touching her private parts to administer medical treatments, why didn’t he inform the mother and take his daughter to a physician?if he is not a pediatrician he shouldn’t be treating anal problems in a child. I think they are all a piece of work but Phil only cares about being “the king”.

  • Love 2

This reminds me of the "You touched my pee-pee" girl. Dr. Phil really didn't seem to believe the mother and the grandmother and really seemed to take the Dad's side and two years later the dad was arrested for possession of child porn. This episode still airs on OWN without the little girl's face blurred.

Is anyone else having problems posting on some forums? Some forums if I click to like the page jumps up part way and then jumps up to the start and I can't post replies or quote but not every forum (obviously). Has anyone else experienced this?

  • Love 1

If the daughter had really made those statements without coaching, the mom should have immediately gone to the police, report him to CPS, and then go to family court to remove all visitation rights.  The fact that she chose to go on Dr. Phil does not help her case at all.  And then she claimed she was scared-but not too scared to go on a national t.v. show.  I did like Dr. Phil's statement that to consider her own feelings (scared) over the well being of her daughter was selfish.

Here's my advice (not that anyone asked for it...)-if a child is in danger, contact the appropriate agencies.  Don't wait to be accepted to the Dr. Phil show.

  • Love 10

He didn’t accuse them of lying but did offer to get the mother of the child some help, which she was actively denying she needed.  It wasn’t until Phil said, without her cooperation, he would be contacting DCFS before dark today.  The ex boyfriend broke down in tears when Phil ‘cleared’ him, but based on what I had heard yesterday, what they had for evidence was about as holey has old shoes.

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, CaughtOnTape said:

I dunno what you were watching, but all of this is so opposite of what I saw I can't even begin to explain it.

The mother was insane and never once did she squeeze a tear out of her eyes though she really wanted Dr. Phil to "help my daughter".  Help her daughter by getting her away from her mother.  She needed to be told she was batshit insane and if he's the one to do it.  So be it.

You seem to forget that she's the one who wrote the show.  She did this for attention.  If anyone had an ax to grind?  It was her against her boyfriend.  She wanted him to go down and coached her daughter into telling her what she wanted to hear.  She wouldn't listen to basic reason and rationale and just kept deflecting as did her mother.  If that father is smart, he'll take the evidence Dr. Phil handed him and get custody of his kid with supervised visitation for her mother ASAP. 

Women like her should be thrown in jail for false accusations of sexual assault.  There is nothing that bugs me more than women who knowingly lie about that kind of stuff.  It just makes it harder on women who have actually been sexually assaulted.  As far as I'm concerned, she should be thrown in jail for as long as they would've thrown him in jail had he been convicted based on her lies.  She is using the fact that the #MeToo movement and other things are on the social consciousness to her advantage and that makes her a vile, disgusting human being.  If Dr. Phil has an ax to grind with her, I don't blame him.  She's a bitch.

BRAVO!! Excellent observations. I totally agree. The mother is a negligent, lying POS, and her mother is totally clueless. I hope that in the long run, the father will get custody of his daughter.

  • Love 8
58 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

I missed today’s follow up to yesterday’s show. I can’t tell from the recent comments what actually happened today. Did Shill prove that the mom/grandmother were lying? Did anyone have medical proof that the child was abused by her dad? This whole thing makes me sick to my stomach.

There was no medical proof.  Dr. P said a truly traumatized that had been raped would have acted in a different manner and that she was simply playing a game--saying the same thing over and over.  I think the mom might be just odd enough to believe it happened.  Dr. P told her she needed to deal with her past issues and offered her help with that.  Poor kid.

  • Love 6
7 hours ago, CaughtOnTape said:

He didn't need to.  The evidence was pretty black and white and spoke for itself.  Nowhere did the doctor ever report that a sexual assault happened.   And if I remember correctly, two doctors checked her out.  If a doctor had noticed something was out of the ordinary, he/she should have reported it or they would have had a WHOLE LOT to answer for.  There was a clear path towards what was happening here....she was lying.  She saw what she wanted to see and I suspect on tomorrow's show he will pull out evidence pointing to the fact that the mother has been coaching her kid.  Even after he held the paper up in front of her face and told her it never said sexual assault her response was "Well that's what I read."  I mean....how you still believe the mother after that kind of evidence....

Hell yes, he was accusatory and aggressive.  As he should've been.  I totally understand why the father was hateful and kind of a douche.  From the moment he stepped on that stage he was being accused of something pretty heinous and disgusting.  She was flat out claiming he'd raped her daughter with an object.  Then her mother comes out and starts screaming about him being a drug addict and an alcoholic.  These kinds of accusations are extremely damaging especially right now.  They had no basis for their beliefs other than they both feel he somehow did wrong by the mother.  Maybe he did....I don't care....but you don't go and accuse the man of raping your kid with a foreign object.  The only thing that's more disgusting than actually doing that is coming up with such a demented story so you can stick it to the man you feel jilted you.  

She's a piece of shit and so is her mother.  Like I said...if the man was smart he'd go and get custody of his daughter and keep her far far away from her mother.

^THIS. Your comments are right on!!!

  • Love 5
7 hours ago, CaughtOnTape said:

Hell yes, he was accusatory and aggressive.  As he should've been. 

I frankly hope the man sues both mother and grandmother for defamation of character and alienation of affection.  Phil will very likely be happy to provide all the tape of the show for the judge to review.  The evidence, too.  It is a slam dunk.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Madding crowd said:

She did go to all the agencies; not as soon as she should have though. And Phil kept asking why she let the daughter go on supervised visits even though she said again and again she she was forced to by the court. She had no choice.

She had a choice. She did EVERYTHING wrong. NOT reporting her daughter's story of sexual abuse to the proper authorities IMMEDIATELY shows negligence. If she had, NO court would force her to let her ex have visits with the daughter.

  • Love 8

This lady was a crackpot. There is no way she really believed the guy had raped the kid. If so she wouldn't have been taking him over for his custody days saying "oh, I guess I have to let him see her, dum dee dum dee dah." Let's just say if I truly believed that my husband had raped my son, he would be very lucky if I didn't murder him. And I would sure as hell report it immediately and take my child to the ER to get a rape kit done. I would not wait weeks, then go to the doctor and have them say "no sign of abuse, but there's a rash and hemorrhoids." At that point the lady should have been wondering "huh, gee, could those things have made my daughter complain that her butt hurts?!" I mean DUH. Jesus.

  • Love 5

The lady may have been s crockpot but Phil didn’t know what he was talking about. There is no right or wrong way a child acts after an assault. Some children still act happy on the outside but express anxiety at other times-others shut down completely.

1 hour ago, sol y luna said:

She had a choice. She did EVERYTHING wrong. NOT reporting her daughter's story of sexual abuse to the proper authorities IMMEDIATELY shows negligence. If she had, NO court would force her to let her ex have visits with the daughter.

His specific question was: why did you let your daughter visit him? I was court ordered to. Why did you let your child visit him-over and over.

Her choices to that question were: allow supervised visitation or go to jail and have the daughter given to the boyfriend. He sat there and smirked throughout-the mother at least looked concerned.

Edited by Madding crowd
1 hour ago, sol y luna said:

She had a choice. She did EVERYTHING wrong. NOT reporting her daughter's story of sexual abuse to the proper authorities IMMEDIATELY shows negligence. If she had, NO court would force her to let her ex have visits with the daughter.

Hopefully courts are like that now. They weren't in the late 80's and early 90's. I speak from experience being the child in the situation.

  • Love 5
10 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

The lady may have been s crockpot but Phil didn’t know what he was talking about. There is no right or wrong way a child acts after an assault. Some children still act happy on the outside but express anxiety at other times-others shut down completely.

For someone who consistently keeps harping on Dr Phil for not having a degree, I guess we'd need to see yours to know if this is a statement based on fact or just how you feel about the situation.

  • Love 3

I was talking about his License not his degree. I have a master’s in education but you can google “how a victim of sexual assault acts” to see there is not one way. Never said Phil doesn’t have a degree. However he has not been a practicing psychologist for a long time. 


Edited by Madding crowd
  • Love 2
11 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

The lady may have been s crockpot but Phil didn’t know what he was talking about. There is no right or wrong way a child acts after an assault. Some children still act happy on the outside but express anxiety at other times-others shut down completely.

His specific question was: why did you let your daughter visit him? I was court ordered to. Why did you let your child visit him-over and over.

Her choices to that question were: allow supervised visitation or go to jail and have the daughter given to the boyfriend. He sat there and smirked throughout-the mother at least looked concerned.

And if she hadn't allowed the visitation, then Phil would have been on her ass about that. Seems like she was in a no-win situation.

Disclaimer: I have not yet gotten to watch these episodes.

  • Love 1

I think the default should always be to believe the child, but I am just really stuck on the fact that the mom didn't arse herself to report it for weeks afterward. WTF. She clearly didn't really think it was urgent at the time. In my experience, toddlers say fucked-up shit, especially if it gets a reaction. My son blurted out "poop on Mickey's face!" and I was like "eew, why would you say that?" Then he upped the ante and said "POOP AND EAT IT." Obviously this kid ain't actually eating his poop. If I thought he had I would immediately take him to the ER to get his stomach pumped or something.

  • Love 2

I agree with you and I have said from the beginning that I can’t believe either parent. My issue is that lots if people are watching this and Dr Phil used to be about educating people and now he wants to be right rather than educate. The mother looked concerned to me but she may be wrong about the abuse. 

Phil was right about her not reporting in a timely manner, but then he lost me when he began yelling over and over that she should not have allowed visitation when a court order said she had to. He also was wrong to say the girl could not have been abused based on the video he watched. Children act in different ways and it takes one on one interviews to determine if the child is telling the truth. My issue is that he cares more about being right than in actually helping this family.

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

I was talking about his License not his degree. I have a master’s in education but you can google “how a victim of sexual assault acts” to see there is not one way. Never said Phil doesn’t have a degree. However he has not been a practicing psychologist for a long time. 



I can also google what happens when I ignore a cut on my finger rather than getting stitches and end up with cancer.  I'm not sure Google is where one should be going to get definitive information about what happens when a child experiences sexual assault.

It seems to me like he was educating on the warning signs for how a child may behave when they have been assaulted.  He gave specific behaviors as well as language patterns and language itself.  He also gave specific reasons why this child probably was not touched, which the mother and viewers should have found comforting not an exercise in proving he was right (instead she kept insisting her child had been abused).  He didn't say the girl "could not have been abused" he said that in his opinion he did not believe she'd been touched.  The mother went on the show to get his opinion so discounting it as crap would've just made her look like she had an ax to grind.  More so than she already did.

When it comes down to it, the mother had more to answer for than the father did.  Never once did I see her squeeze a tear out of her eye.  Never once did she produce any evidence that her kid was abused.  But she walked in there screaming to the universe and pointing fingers.  Seems to me all Dr. Phil did was prove to her she better have her ducks in a row when she's making those comments.  There was far too much she had to explain in order to make her accusations plausible.  Every single time Phil shot down something she said, she changed her story in order to make it plausible.  It didn't say sexual assault on the doctors report - "Well that's what I read".  You said she was raped with a stick - "His stick" - oh so now it's not a foreign object when she explicitly said it was.

And as far as defending her for handing her kid over because she was court ordered....she flat out threatened to kidnap that kid if she couldn't keep her safe.  So wait....she was court ordered to hand the kid over and that's not her fault....but she was gonna kidnap the kid.  How does that figure?  Hey, abuse my kid one more time and I'll kidnap her!  Um no.  Touch my kid once and it will be a cold day in hell before you ever see my kid again.  There would be NO hesitation about calling the cops.  NO hesitation about getting a restraining order until it was figured out.  NO hesitation period.  I would've been in to see a judge that day.  

From where I sat...he let anyone watching know what is expected of a parent when a kid has alleged sexual assault.  He also let anyone watching know what the authorities look for on doctors notes and what is required of a doctor if/when they suspect an assault has occurred.  He also educated people on the behaviors of someone who is very clearly lying.  Just because he didn't educate on the side some of us wanted doesn't mean he didn't educate. 

Edited by CaughtOnTape
  • Love 6

If I had a cut finger I wouldn’t go to a doctor who is no longer licensed or practicing. I might google when I should go to the hospital or not. Phil did say that the girl wouldn’t be talking about the rape it really  happened-experts in the field disagree that this applies to all assaulted children. The articles discussing the various ways a rape victim might react are all written by medical professionals and yes they know more than Phil.

You seem to be very angry about my views on Dr Phil,so I am going to leave this conversation. 

On 2/6/2018 at 10:37 AM, ClareWalks said:

I think Dr Phil figures out in advance who (he thinks) is lying and lays into them from the get-go so that he can look like a psychic when the lie-detector results are inevitably revealed. He knows what we don't know for sure, that the mother is a crazy liar and the dad is innocent. The problem is Dr Phil ends up looking really accusatory and aggressive when he should be wanting the audience to be questioning "whodunnit." Phil is basically spoiling his own show, by doing this.

This is the post I made on the previous page - just as a friendly reminder that I think people are seeing what a douche Dr. Phil is about this situation. He started the entire episode from a clear perspective that one side is right, instead of letting it play out as a true investigation would. He was very aggressive with the mom and grandma because it turns out that the evidence is pointing to the mom coaching the kid (or at the very least misinterpreting the accusation), but he could have handled the whole episode quite differently.

  • Love 1
35 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

If I had a cut finger I wouldn’t go to a doctor who is no longer licensed or practicing. I might google when I should go to the hospital or not. Phil did say that the girl wouldn’t be talking about the rape it really  happened-experts in the field disagree that this applies to all assaulted children. The articles discussing the various ways a rape victim might react are all written by medical professionals and yes they know more than Phil.

You seem to be very angry about my views on Dr Phil,so I am going to leave this conversation. 

No, just angry when someone states they have a viewpoint and refuse to change it or even entertain the idea that they could be mistaken.

And yes, he does decide beforehand.  It's an hour long show.  He's not an investigative program, he's got 42 minutes to get someone to tell him the truth and 30 of those minutes are people arguing and insisting they are telling the truth.  That's why he pulls out binders of information the show has gathered beforehand.  The people aren't coming on the show to be lead through the evidence trail, most of the investigation is done before the show happens.  They are coming on the show for his opinion.  

  • Love 4
3 minutes ago, CaughtOnTape said:

And yes, he does decide beforehand.  It's an hour long show.  He's not an investigative program, he's got 42 minutes to get someone to tell him the truth and 30 of those minutes are people arguing and insisting they are telling the truth.  That's why he pulls out binders of information the show has gathered beforehand.  The people aren't coming on the show to be lead through the evidence trail, most of the investigation is done before the show happens.  They are coming on the show for his opinion.  

To be fair, it was a two-parter and they usually make those a little more interesting so that people tune in for day two. I was very disappointed that day two had no additional revelations or insight whatsoever, it was the exact same tone and information as day one. Lousy episodes for sure.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, CaughtOnTape said:

I can also google what happens when I ignore a cut on my finger rather than getting stitches and end up with cancer.  I'm not sure Google is where one should be going to get definitive information about what happens when a child experiences sexual assault.


Hey, now! I get all my primary health information from Google! Who needs doctors? Google. Knows. All! :P

Edited by MrSmith
  • Love 3
5 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

I agree with you and I have said from the beginning that I can’t believe either parent. My issue is that lots if people are watching this and Dr Phil used to be about educating people and now he wants to be right rather than educate. The mother looked concerned to me but she may be wrong about the abuse. 

Phil was right about her not reporting in a timely manner, but then he lost me when he began yelling over and over that she should not have allowed visitation when a court order said she had to. He also was wrong to say the girl could not have been abused based on the video he watched. Children act in different ways and it takes one on one interviews to determine if the child is telling the truth. My issue is that he cares more about being right than in actually helping this family.

There was a court document that used the assessments of two different Doctors.  That is, “a rash and hemorrhoids.  No evidence of sexual molestation.”  She kept saying that there was a court order that she had to allow visitation. My interpretation of this confusing assertion that she had a court order was that she didn’t really.  IOW, maybe she got a temporary one at one point, but the “proof” she submitted didn’t fly.

Edited by LisainCali
  • Love 1

I hope that guy chooses more carefully next time and wears protection.  That was his first mistake.  Amazing how adults don't seem to know what causes fertilization of an egg.

The woman said the child was raped with a "stick."  And said the stick was his penis because that's the only thing she could thing it could be.  It could have been his finger with medicine on it.  But I'm thinking if he was going to do something like that it wouldn't be to that part of her anatomy.

No lie detector test because Mr. "No Smile" lie detector guy was not there.

Phil has a whole team investigating and checking and re-checking facts.  He's got file folders coming out of his ears. His show would be over if he got it wrong in an instance like this allegedly involving child molestation. 

From the mother's demeanour it was obvious she was way more interested in accusing and pointing fingers at the husband than protecting her child.  She didn't alert authorities right away (she was scared she said ... of what?).  And as others have pointed out - she could not squeeze one tear from her eyes and her story kept changing.  And don't get me started on the raging gravel voiced grandma. What a pair!  

Phil is a legend in his own mind.  He has become pompous and condescending to the point I can hardly watch anymore.  However, I did stick with both  of these episodes all the way through and I was relieved and comforted by Phil's final summation.  I agreed with him.  I hope the wife gets help.  I hope she will put her anger away and get on with her life for the sake of her child.   

  • Love 4

You know Tyler Perry will show up tomorrow, and tell her straight up it's not him.

I agree with the daughter, the audience making fun of someone so clearly mentally ill with delusions is no better than laughing at someone that is suicidal and depressed.

She seems very religious, and the whole concept of religion, believing in things you don't see and agencies with mysterious motives primes a person to become vulnerable to other kinds of scams involving people you don't see and their mysterious motives. The Lord works in mysterious ways, just like the Nigerian Tyler Perry impersonator. It's easy to transfer this flawed thinking from religion to more venal, earthly matters.

  • Love 4
10 minutes ago, Toaster Strudel said:


You know Tyler Perry will show up tomorrow, and tell her straight up it's not him.

I agree with the daughter, the audience making fun of someone so clearly mentally ill with delusions is no better than laughing at someone that is suicidal and depressed.


Phil said clearly after, the story is just so outrageous, that it stretches the imagination.

  • Love 2

How many times could Shill have said how he’s really good friends with Tyler, they talk all of the time, they just saw him at a dinner party at Oprah’s, he acted in Tyler’s movie, he has his cell phone number and every time he calls, Tyler answers immediately? Over and over again. Does he really needs Tyler’s “friendship” to boost his ego even more? Holy cow, man. Give it up.

  • Love 12
7 hours ago, Gam2 said:

How many times could Shill have said how he’s really good friends with Tyler, they talk all of the time, they just saw him at a dinner party at Oprah’s, he acted in Tyler’s movie, he has his cell phone number and every time he calls, Tyler answers immediately? Over and over again. Does he really needs Tyler’s “friendship” to boost his ego even more? Holy cow, man. Give it up.

And that the woman didn't know who Robin was? That Phil was even married!!??! Stay tuned for more face crap people! The Lady Shill will never let that go!

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Dakisela said:

And that the woman didn't know who Robin was? That Phil was even married!!??! Stay tuned for more face crap people! The Lady Shill will never let that go!

True. But you have to admit, that was some funny $hit! I'll bet that comment took the wind out of Robin's sails! Lol! 

It's also frightening that the woman worked for Homeland Security for 20+ years. Unbelievable!

  • Love 4
21 minutes ago, chenoa333 said:

True. But you have to admit, that was some funny $hit! I'll bet that comment took the wind out of Robin's sails! Lol! 

It's also frightening that the woman worked for Homeland Security for 20+ years. Unbelievable!

Not to be a pedant, but the Department of Homeland Security has not yet existed for 20 years, let alone 20+. It was created in the wake of the September 11, 2001 attack, which would make it - at best - almost 16 and 1/2 years old.

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