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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show


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1 hour ago, cooksdelight said:

I don't think therapy is going to fix the husband on today's show. He scares me and I don't live with him. His wife was concerned about being a statistic, another divorced woman with no career, no home. Honey, you're going to be a statistic alright. Dead.

He was very well versed in the art of sounding contrite and begging for forgiveness.  When he said she could leave him and he'd support them all from afar while weeping I wanted him to get an Oscar for the performance.

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On 3/15/2017 at 7:50 AM, MrSmith said:

The second boy (Noah) my parents fostered was 15 when he came to live with us. He was with us for a year and, when we went on vacation the first summer he was with us, my parents opted not to take him. So, he went to live in a different foster home while we were gone. And while we were on vacation, he brought some friends to our house, broke in, and took everything of any value: jewelry, electronics, and so on. I don't remember exactly what happened to him, except that he became a criminal.

That can't be right.

On 3/20/2017 at 5:29 PM, Gam2 said:

Holy Cow. Did anyone else see that whack job on today? I think her name was Kaden or something like that. I don't even have words for her or Matthew being fooled by her nonsense. I do think the doc showed a lot of restraint when she was spouting off on her insane theories. I hope he offered her the same help he offered Matthew after the show. She needs it a lot more than he does!

I think Phil was thinking he needed Matthew to be separated from crazy lady first and foremost.  She was loony tunes though.  I give the mom and grandmother kudos for pretty much staying out of the crazy fray.

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9 hours ago, jumper sage said:

That can't be right.

He came to live with us two weeks before school began, which would have been the last half of August. The next summer, my parents opted not to take him on vacation with us, and he returned while we were gone and burglarized our house. I didn't really count him living with us for the last two weeks of August as being the first summer he was living with us. So, I suppose technically (and perhaps pedantically) speaking, it was the second summer he was living with us that we went on vacation without him. In practical terms, it would have been the first summer he was living with us, since two weeks does not constitute even half the summer (which would have qualified in my mind as him living with us for that first summer).

If that isn't what you meant by "That can't be right", then please clarify so I can clear up any confusion.

13 hours ago, cooksdelight said:

I don't think therapy is going to fix the husband on today's show. He scares me and I don't live with him. His wife was concerned about being a statistic, another divorced woman with no career, no home. Honey, you're going to be a statistic alright. Dead.

This one did not record for us because we finally set Dr Phil us as a OnePass on the TiVO and configured it to record new only.

Mine records new only also, but I happened to be at home at 4 pm when it airs here. I'm really scared for that woman, and when I heard the things he had to say about his children.... his oldest son came up on stage once he heard that his father pushed his mother out of a moving car when she was pregnant with him. He was livid. And let Dad have it with both barrels.

In regard to the sexual slavery lady: I'm not sure I believe her. I believe sexual slavery exists, but she seemed to bring out every horror story there was: Conceived for the sole purpose of sexual slavery, being forced to kill infants, being taken to forests and hunted for game, starved beaten and locked in cages but still was pretty enough to be dressed in designer clothes and converse with rich millionaires as an escort, sent to multiple mansions where cages were in the house bolted to the ceiling. 

I would need to know more such as: How did she escape and where did she go? How would she know where to go without going to the police? How would she know about Dr Phil? How does live support herself? If she was taken at birth did the millionaire hire nannies to stay up and feed her all night? Newborns or any babies would die if they were starved. Who taught her to walk and talk? 

If her story is true I have all the sympathy in the world; I just am getting to the point where I think Dr. Phil is sometimes getting scammed and he may even know about it. Please note: Not trying to downplay the real horrors of sexual slavery, just think her details seem gleamed from horror novels/movies.. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Jpxfactor said:

I wasn't buying the sex slave story.  Something seemed off.  Was she educated, how did she escape..just a little to weird for me.  They really didn't go into any of that.

Agreed.  Do not want to take anything away from any of the horrors she or anyone else in that position might suffer or have suffered but if "the guy that owned" her was SO rich and SO prominent and she went to SO many parties to converse and have sex with rich, prominent people, wouldn't she be able to identify at least ONE of them???? Shouldn't the feds be involved?  What country are they supposed to be from?  Too many unanswered questions and I'm afraid the good Dr. has been snookered for sensationalism......

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

. . . I just am getting to the point where I think Dr. Phil is sometimes getting scammed and he may even know about it.

Not possible.  No one fools Dr. Shill.  And if they even try, why he'll huff and he'll puff and he'll just blow the lid off the whole thing. 

  • Love 5
8 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

In regard to the sexual slavery lady: I'm not sure I believe her. I believe sexual slavery exists, but she seemed to bring out every horror story there was: Conceived for the sole purpose of sexual slavery, being forced to kill infants, being taken to forests and hunted for game, starved beaten and locked in cages but still was pretty enough to be dressed in designer clothes and converse with rich millionaires as an escort, sent to multiple mansions where cages were in the house bolted to the ceiling. 

I would need to know more such as: How did she escape and where did she go? How would she know where to go without going to the police? How would she know about Dr Phil? How does live support herself? If she was taken at birth did the millionaire hire nannies to stay up and feed her all night? Newborns or any babies would die if they were starved. Who taught her to walk and talk? 

If her story is true I have all the sympathy in the world; I just am getting to the point where I think Dr. Phil is sometimes getting scammed and he may even know about it. Please note: Not trying to downplay the real horrors of sexual slavery, just think her details seem gleamed from horror novels/movies.. 

I'm having trouble believing her too, and here's why:  If all of that really did happen to her and she is STILL "owned" by this man (who is extremely violent and abusive, according to her) WTH would she go on national TV with her story?  Wouldn't she be scared shitless that he would find out about it?  I could be totally wrong, but I was giving her tale the side-eye during the entire show, because it just didn't ring true to me.

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What I am finding with the shows this week is that the same episode is broadcast three times a day.  I am on Eastern time this week, so I get the current season episode on OWN at 11a, then the 'new' episode at 3p and again at 7p on ABC.  Usually the 3p and 7p are the same.  Today, I had the same episode three times, due to no new eps this week.

15 hours ago, MrSmith said:

He came to live with us two weeks before school began, which would have been the last half of August. The next summer, my parents opted not to take him on vacation with us, and he returned while we were gone and burglarized our house. I didn't really count him living with us for the last two weeks of August as being the first summer he was living with us. So, I suppose technically (and perhaps pedantically) speaking, it was the second summer he was living with us that we went on vacation without him. In practical terms, it would have been the first summer he was living with us, since two weeks does not constitute even half the summer (which would have qualified in my mind as him living with us for that first summer).

If that isn't what you meant by "That can't be right", then please clarify so I can clear up any confusion.

I just think that if you agree to take in a child you should treat that child like your own.  My bold - I just think that can't be right or should not be allowed.  My sister's husband has a niece and nephew who were taken away from their mother when she went to prison.  They, at first, put them with her twin because they thought the kids wouldn't tell the difference.  Insert snort of derision.  They were then placed in foster care and housed at juvy until they were placed.  They were placed with a couple who were elementary school teachers.  Their uncle at the time was quite young and not married but dating my sister.  They kept track of them.  The teachers would go on trips every school holiday and return them to foster care.  The kids social worker said that the teachers did more harm to them then at any other point in their lives.  To be taken in and swearing to uphold the ideal that they would care for them as they would their own children destroyed them.  End of story is that my sister and their uncle moved the wedding date up and got the kids and then adopted them.  The girl flourished in a family atmosphere but her younger brother never got over it.  We have not heard from him in a few years.  At the age of 17 he went back with his real mother, now out of prison.

10 hours ago, Jpxfactor said:

I wasn't buying the sex slave story.  Something seemed off.  Was she educated, how did she escape..just a little to weird for me.  They really didn't go into any of that.

I agree.  Sounds a lot like the story of Sybil.  We now know that was fake.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, b2H said:

What I am finding with the shows this week is that the same episode is broadcast three times a day.  I am on Eastern time this week, so I get the current season episode on OWN at 11a, then the 'new' episode at 3p and again at 7p on ABC.  Usually the 3p and 7p are the same.  Today, I had the same episode three times, due to no new eps this week.

B2h, Keep the toll free number for poison control handy. Sounds like you might need it with that many doses of Dr. Shill in one f'n day!

9 hours ago, jumper sage said:

I just think that if you agree to take in a child you should treat that child like your own.  My bold - I just think that can't be right or should not be allowed.  My sister's husband has a niece and nephew who were taken away from their mother when she went to prison.  They, at first, put them with her twin because they thought the kids wouldn't tell the difference.  Insert snort of derision.  They were then placed in foster care and housed at juvy until they were placed.  They were placed with a couple who were elementary school teachers.  Their uncle at the time was quite young and not married but dating my sister.  They kept track of them.  The teachers would go on trips every school holiday and return them to foster care.  The kids social worker said that the teachers did more harm to them then at any other point in their lives.  To be taken in and swearing to uphold the ideal that they would care for them as they would their own children destroyed them.  End of story is that my sister and their uncle moved the wedding date up and got the kids and then adopted them.  The girl flourished in a family atmosphere but her younger brother never got over it.  We have not heard from him in a few years.  At the age of 17 he went back with his real mother, now out of prison.

I read this last night and was tremendously insulted and very furious. I chose not to reply last night because I probably wouldn't have been able to resist writing a profanity-laced vitriolic screed. And I'm glad I waited because this morning your post barely creates any emotional ripples. So, before I get into my response proper, I have two things to say. First, you don't need to apologize to me for how it affected me last night. I don't feel what you wrote rises to that level. Second, while this effect was entirely unintentional on your part, I actually appreciate having had this experience (of reacting tremendously negatively to something initially, and then coming back to it and scratching my head at my initial reaction). So, thanks for that because I'm going to remember this if this happens again in the future. And now we'll get back on topic.

Generally, I agree with your opening sentence and believe that to be right. The primary reason my parents did not take Noah on vacation with us that year was because of me and my brother. We were fed up with having foster kids around all the time, demanding and getting almost all of our parents' attention. On top of that, Noah was not a nice person. He'd already been arrested multiple times for car theft, robbery (of a person), shoplifting, and selling stolen goods - and those are the ones I can remember. Remember, he was 15 when he came to live with us. Also, he had already been in the foster care system for several years; if I recall correctly, he was 11 when he was put into the system. So, he was a first class asshole whenever our parents weren't around and, when they were, he would put on a good act.

He did not respect boundaries or property rights. I'd been working after school for a little over year when he came to live with us and I got paid weekly. Being a stupid kid, I bought music every paycheck - an average of three CD's every week. So, by the time that asshole burglarized our home, my music collection was army of CD's almost 200 strong. Even before he stole our stuff, he would just come into my room and lift whatever it was he wanted to listen to, then he would fail to return it and I would often have to get the parents involved to effect its return. You see, his room locked; our rooms did not. I don't remember what it is he would take from my brother, but there was something my brother had because he had to do much the same as I did. Thus, my brother and I both hated him before Thanksgiving (so within about three months) and were actively lobbying our parents to have him removed from the home.

As for how he was otherwise treated while living with us? He was generally treated at least as good as my brother and I were treated, and my parents tried to make him feel he was part of the family. If we went to the movies or out to eat, he went, too. If we traveled to see relatives, he went. My mother bought brands of clothing for him (new) that she actively refused to purchase for me and my brother (even before I was working). He got Christmas and birthday presents, and a birthday party. (I don't remember what he chose to do; I think it was going to Chuck E Cheese, but I'm not certain.) It boils down to this: That summer vacation was the only thing from which he had been excluded.

I'm sure at this point I sound petty and pedantic by calling all of those things out specifically. However, what you need to realize is there are many (and it seems like the majority of) foster families that do not do those things with the children to whom they open their homes. Even at that time, we knew of foster families that would not take their foster children to the movies; they would hire a sitter, instead. And if they went out to eat, the foster children would have to bring dinner with them (sandwiches or whatever), instead of ordering from the menu like a normal person. They force the foster child to shop for clothing from places like Goodwill, while their own children get brand new clothes. (Note: I am not saying there is anything wrong with buying from Goodwill.) In general, many foster families treat the foster children like second-class citizens, at best. There are other, more horrifying stories that I have read about over the years. And that is why I called out those mundane activities specifically because, while you and I are thinking "Why wouldn't you treat the foster child like that?", it's a more uncommon thing than you probably knew.

Of course, because my brother and I successfully lobbied to have Noah excluded from the vacation (he did not know we were the reason), the result was that he burglarized and graffiti'd our home. In fact, he had run away from the foster home he had been sent to and that was the last one he went to. My mother saw him about a year later at Ethan Allen (the juvenile delinquent maximum security prison near Delafield, WI); he was there for nearly killing a woman during a car-jacking. My mother worked there as a teacher for ED/CD/LD kids (Emotionally Disturbed/Cognitively Disabled/Learning Disabled).

7 hours ago, Brattinella said:

I am sorry, MrSmith.  The ignore feature works great, btw.

LOL. I appreciate the suggestion. However, @jumper sage wasn't attacking me or my family in their post.

Edited by MrSmith
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I hadn't heard Sybil was fake.  Just read about it now, so glad this was mentioned! 

I DVR this show and watch maybe 50% of them.  I don't mind his new direction toward sensational stories. I am tired of addicts/rehab, rangy teens and abusive husbands. 

The trafficked woman show was very strange and not at all satisfying.  Way too many holes and no solid information.  I would love to see her exposed.  It seemed to me Dr Phil was skeptical,  but didn't want to push that angle because his plan was to allow the diagnosic center to do that and he will have her back on to address her fucked upedness.  Hunch

I had to chuckle when he said he was not going to tell where he was sending her or who she would see.   Hmmmmm, lemme guess,  could it be Dallas and Dr Lawless? 

She guessed her own age as 23.  Her jaw line had started the softening that happens in your 30/40s as does the little droop under her chin.  One thing for sure, she is not 23 and certainly knows that.  You can pretty much nail your own age when you start to menstruate and count from there.  



These sites blow holes in her claim she was sold as an infant and other fantastical details of her story.

I am convinced Phils team did their research and all knew damn well she was lying.  

Edited by wings707
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Yes and some of her story sounded like the satanic cult scares which were popular in the 80's especially the part about being forced to murder a newborn baby. I don't see any reason why a sex trafficker  ring would want to raise newborns. Newborns require constant care including medical care and round the clock feedbing. They would also need the be taught speech and how to walk. They would need to hire nannies that take care of the infants and then wait 15-16 years before they could entertain rich men as escorts.

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I read more this morning than the 2 links I posted..  The cage just did not happen, that must have come from S&M porn.  Generally they take young teens 12 to 14+  runaways (mostly girls) and some women who need and welcome a place to go.  They promise them jobs, education or other perks as a lure.  

The clientele is from rich to poor and sometimes men who don't want to sexually abuse their own children. 

The rich clientele she claimed and being flown to fabulous locations to entertain the very wealthy is suspect.  It just is not a high class situation! 

There is way too much fantasy in her story.  I doubt Dr Phil would have put her on TV if she were in danger of being recognized, taken back and possibly killed having exposed a 'huge operation.'  There is too much risk to him, his staff, the girl and his reputation.  He would also have probed how she escaped, where she is living now, how does she know about his show and how to contact production.   Much more of what her life is now that she is out.  He did his soft toned, ummm hummm, then what? approach to keep her talking.  The 'give them enough rope to hang themselves' approach.  It is effective.  People get caught in lies when allowed to tell their story without interruption. 

I have criticisms of Dr Phil, but I acknowledge he is smart and knows what he is doing for most guests.  I don't care if he sells his books or has Robin sell her face stuff, I just FF.  I do take issue with his, 'rehab works' notion. 


Edited by wings707
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On ‎3‎/‎20‎/‎2017 at 4:29 PM, Gam2 said:

Holy Cow. Did anyone else see that whack job on today? I think her name was Kaden or something like that. I don't even have words for her or Matthew being fooled by her nonsense. I do think the doc showed a lot of restraint when she was spouting off on her insane theories. I hope he offered her the same help he offered Matthew after the show. She needs it a lot more than he does!

She struck me as being more of a con-woman, except that she's really bad at it. Like if she was smarter she'd be one of those "Ms Cleo" type fake mediums...people who con folks out of their money claiming to talk to dead relatives. Or quacks "helping" with fake therapies. She couldn't decide on just one scam, so she throws it all together into a giant pile of gibberish. I don't think she truly believes any of the stuff she's saying.

On ‎3‎/‎20‎/‎2017 at 9:55 PM, peaceknit said:

Maaaan, that was a shit ton of carazy right there with Kaden! Glad that he accepted the help.

I wonder if this was Matt's first serious relationship. When your inexperienced, it's easy to be manipulated male or female.

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I should probably point out that I haven't watched the shows you're talking about since Dr. Phil has been boring and frustrating me to tears, but I think he has been taken quite a few times lately. I'm pretty sure the CashMeOutside kid and her mom wanted the attention, not the help, for example.  The second time she appeared he was on to her and did it without an audience. There have been others but I'm drawing a complete blank at the moment.

He has said in the past that he doesn't meet them until they walk onstage, with few exceptions, but he reads a binder that is compiled by his staff. That con woman who was faking pregnancies was caught because someone sent an e-mail to the show about her with the facts that they were able to follow-up on as soon as they heard she was going to be there but before she appeared.

So, giving him the benefit of the doubt, Dr. Phil may have been questioning the sex slave story from reading the file, and not caught on completely until she was on stage, or maybe it was once he saw her and realized her age didn't match her story or her voice inflection gave her away. Maybe he did doubt her story but was ordered to do it anyway if there are people above him that make those decisions. I would think that he would be the top man, but don't really know, and it seems that more and more shows are becoming trashier because TPTB are making them that way, in part by casting personalities and for drama.

If he didn't know for sure before he talked to her on stage, why even air it? At that point is he putting ratings above all else, just pull at the heartstrings of the viewers and hope to get attention to a real problem?  I don't see him taking some of these cases, because even though, in my opinion, he is a famewhore of the highest order, he is not the king of the famewhore mountain, even being surpassed by his wife. He always seemed to actually want to be able to say he helped someone, and those cases seem further and further apart. 

Before hitting submit, I have read and re-read this post to try and catch my many typos, but my hands are hurting from my MS, and I decided I no longer care, so forgive the typos and I'll check in later to clarify if it's too confusion. Stupid weather can't decide if it wants to snow, rain or be warm and sending my body into distress. 

  • Love 5
17 hours ago, hoosiermom said:

I'm glad Sybil's story was made up. Back in the day the thought of a child going thru all that was traumatizing to me.

Alas, I don't think the abuse part was the part that was made up. In the 2011 book that gives us the real story on this, "Sybil Exposed: The Extraordinary Story Behind the Famous Multiple Personality Case" by Debbie Nathan, it appears that her psychiatrist and the author of "Sybil" foisted a multiple personality diagnosis onto a very suggestible hysteric because the publishers wouldn't accept the book unless it was about multiple personality, which was a hot topic. So the diagnosis was fictional, but perhaps not the abuse-- her mother was a schizophrenic of the kind described. When I read this book, I moved my copy of "Sybil" from my Biography shelves to my Fiction shelves, and felt a lot friendlier to the Sally Field TV-movie, which changed so many of the book's details about Sybil's adulthood. She was a talented woman, a successful art professor at an Ohio college till the original book came out and sent her into hiding. The whole thing is a bit of a tragedy.

      Like Hoosiermom with Sybil, though, I am very much relieved to read people's skepticism about the sex-slave-from-birth story. I tuned in partway through, when "Sweeney Todd" ended on TCM (yes, gruesome tastes), and at first I thought this had to be one of those extravagant liars Dr. Phil was getting ready to expose. It was so incredibly horrible; not much in our messed-up world is too bad to be true, but this seemed to qualify. Then I was shocked by his apparent acceptance of the whole thing, and thought with great upset about what kind of men would do this stuff to babies and little kids. Are they on the same planet as us? Are they in any way human? "Regular" sex slavery, capturing or fooling nubile girls, is plenty bad enough, and those men have a lot to answer for, but I hope these devils don't really exist. I really hope Dr. Phil will follow up on this with some elucidation (get her to tell who taught her to talk, let alone read and write and be able to act the part at sophisticated parties). Thank you, wings707, for the links!

On 3/25/2017 at 11:50 AM, Christina said:

So, giving him the benefit of the doubt, Dr. Phil may have been questioning the sex slave story from reading the file, and not caught on completely until she was on stage, or maybe it was once he saw her and realized her age didn't match her story or her voice inflection gave her away. Maybe he did doubt her story but was ordered to do it anyway if there are people above him that make those decisions. I would think that he would be the top man, but don't really know, and it seems that more and more shows are becoming trashier because TPTB are making them that way, in part by casting personalities and for drama.

Bold.  The buck stops with him, I am sure.  I cannot imagine he would submit to being ordered on how to handle a guest!

His staff did research, they do on everyone, and it showed that her story was false.  The way he was handling her said, to me, that he knew.  He couldn't go beyond allowing her to tell her story in this episode.  As I said in a previous post, he was giving her enough rope to hang herself in the details.  

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2 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

He didn't indicate that he thought her story false. He said his staff researched it for months, but what could they research? Without polic reports being filed, how could Phil's staff know that she actually killed a newborn baby or was in a cage bolted into a ceiling? 

He learned a lot about the woman who claimed she was carrying Jesus through friends and people close to her. For me, Phil indicated he thought her story might have been false by his manner and the way he conducted the interview.  More information will come to them now that this has aired.  

I like the crazies too-I guess I meant that if Phil is going to act like he is serious and this woman is in danger, it better be real. I also don't like hearing about babies being killed.. Now the lady last week who claimed to have -Xray vision and was supposedly a retired ICU nurse-bring it on! I love those kind of people. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Madding crowd said:

I like the crazies too-I guess I meant that if Phil is going to act like he is serious and this woman is in danger, it better be real. I also don't like hearing about babies being killed.. Now the lady last week who claimed to have -Xray vision and was supposedly a retired ICU nurse-bring it on! I love those kind of people. 

I think Dr Phil is serious.  If that woman was in danger we would have seen her being escorted out with guards so she could get to Dallas safely.  And she did not kill a baby!   Can you image sex traffickers buying infants for the pay back in 14 years?   Kids are expensive to raise never mind the work involved.  

I think she is mentally ill and wanted the attention of Dr Phil and TV, and that was clear to him and his staff. 

  • Love 2

So glad nobody believes the trafficking story. Working in juvenile justice, I've been around girls who have been abused and pimped from a very young age. I even knew a a girl who was sold to a drug dealer by her dad and one that would be kicked out of the home without pants and couldn't come back until she had money. But there were no planes or trips to Europe, just straight up rape for money. No eating feces or killing babies, just poverty and old pervs. This kind of fake crap takes away from the real victims of trafficking. Gross.

  • Love 8
On 3/25/2017 at 6:02 PM, FairyDusted said:

Rolling through my DVR today and I found that Cash Me girl making the news for punching a woman out in Florida. She is suing her mother. Now this chick has a real reason to be locked up.  

Let's hope she and her mother learn a lesson from this. And I hope that the woman she assaulted sues for as much in damages as is necessary to get that 13 year old .... put on a leash.

  • Love 4
27 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

Let's hope she and her mother learn a lesson from this. And I hope that the woman she assaulted sues for as much in damages as is necessary to get that 13 year old .... put on a leash.

Apparently, they've signed a contract for a potential reality show; it's now being shopped around.  I hope no one in the world of TV production is THAT stupid.

What am I saying?  I wouldn't be surprised to see it on TLC next season.  "Cash Me Outside:  The Life of a Misunderstood Teenager."

Edited by AZChristian
Not enough coffee.
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During today's show with the woman (Brook) who believed that God talks to her, Phil made a speech before she came out, asking that the audience be respectful to her because the mentally ill are not to be mocked.   I don't remember him asking for this consideration in previous shows with people that are of questionable mental capacity, like the girl who thought she was having Jesus's son.  I think he did this because the guests issue involved religion and that's a topic that could push the buttons of some viewers.  But I bet when Jesus's mother eventually comes back on , Phil won't bother asking for this niceness.

Back to the guest Brook - I would run screaming from her:  four previous marriages, lots o' drugs, too many birds, God talking, miracle sewer clearer, fence climber, dragonfly!   Doesn't bi-polar/schizophrenia cause one to start having religious visions and thoughts?  That guy lost the lottery - 3 years of marriage and then BOOM!

I hope the help that Phil offered benefits Brook - it's just that those facilities he associates with have an awful track record for success stories.

Holy fuck... they shill some other face products other than Robin's but spin it so they can mention their son who is a musician and that he's touring.  Oh, the humanity!

Edited by patty1h
More thoughts
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I could take about 20 minutes of godandjesus lady.  And I didn't appreciate encouraging her delusion with saying he has a "personal relationship " with Jesus.  Everyone he has on lately  seems to need serious therapy so what is the point of parading them out.  (Yes, I know why. )

I also highly recommend the ignore feature in this forum. 

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, patty1h said:

During today's show with the woman (Brook) who believed that God talks to her, Phil made a speech before she came out, asking that the audience be respectful to her because the mentally ill are not to be mocked.   I don't remember him asking for this consideration in previous shows with people that are of questionable mental capacity, like the girl who thought she was having Jesus's son.

He does it very rarely, but I remember him doing that before (I remember one example of a woman with OCD who had a lot of rituals, Dr. Phil gave that warning to the crowd). He seems to be more protective of some people than others, and I'm not sure how he decides who gets his divine mercy.

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Doesn't it seem as if every person he has on his show lately has to be sent to one or another in-patient center that he talks about all of the damn time? Does he have a financial interest in these centers? Does anyone know? Or has he decided that he'll only have people on his show that he can send to these places? It's gotten as bad as shilling Robin's face crap every episode. Oh. Today, he shilled another face cream scam. Wonder how plastic woman felt about that?

  • Love 3
10 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

Oh. Today, he shilled another face cream scam. Wonder how plastic woman felt about that?

I haven't watched this ep yet, but I would bet somehow, someway, someone from the McGraw family has financial interest in whoever is selling snake oils beauty treatments being hawked on his show.  

As for his financial interest, I am almost sure I heard or read that Dr. $hill does indeed have some stake in the "best treatment facilities on the planet" that he shuttles his guests off to.

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2 hours ago, QuelleC said:

I could take about 20 minutes of godandjesus lady.  And I didn't appreciate encouraging her delusion with saying he has a "personal relationship " with Jesus.  Everyone he has on lately  seems to need serious therapy so what is the point of parading them out.  (Yes, I know why. )

I also highly recommend the ignore feature in this forum. 

I know! That was awful.  He basically validated her delusions as correct.  I hope the husband stops drinking and takes off.

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I didn't watch all six minutes of the video with clips of Dr. Phil and the RT news report, but Jeffrey Epstein is unlikely to have been involved with her, at all, but that may be where she got her story. His thing was twelve to thirteen year old girls, and when he was finally stopped, after many people had filed claims previously, huge investigations took place, including by many legitimate news companies and they couldn't find evidence of other adults involved, but some girls have reported it. 

He did throw parties and fly people around in his plane, so when he was caught, there were hundreds of adults that would have entered his home or plane. Most of them were from other countries and were being flown here to "model." Some parents knew what was going to happen when their daughter was "sourced" for him, but most didn't until after it happened and for the ones who reported it, their cases were not pursued very well. Maybe he paid them off or paid off the investigators, but it could have been that he threatened them with releasing their names as accomplices since they were visitors. I fell down the rabbit hole when that arrest first happened and cannot trust myself to go in search for it again, but I'm pretty sure there were no children or cages.

Not only was he as vile and disgusting as all pedophiles/hebephiles, he thought he earned it and a deserved to have what he wanted because he had money. Another one that can burn.

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