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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show


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Kathybdg, I saw that show too. She acted like a 14 year old girl seeing Justin Bieber for the first time. Finally, Phil had to pat the chair beside him to get her to sit down and stop acting so ridiculously. Why does Phil play into her "Look at me! Look at me!" Behavior? She thinks way, way too much of herself. Don't even get me started on that contest to win a chance to do the "famous" walk off. How self serving can one person be? Blech. 

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I FF as soon as Robin...cannot stand that woman...comes on my screen and when Dr. Phil mentions whatever therapy he's hawking that day.

And why was this face-eating case even...even....I am a loss for words.  Just all kinds of wrong.  Left Dad hanging in the wind to keep having to repeat he wished he could have done something different.  Just pure exploitation.

I've only been tuning in for about 6 mos but will not continue watching.

Songbird out....

  • Love 5

If that show Bull on CBS makes it he's only going to get even more insufferable.

Of course Dr. Phil sees himself as a brilliant asshole in the vein of House.  Of course.

Jesus that Burke Ramsey comes off as a weirdo from the bits of the interview that's been shown.  But I guess it's understandable growing up with you and your parents under a cloud of suspicion.

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I really think Phil is getting senile or has a serious health problem. If you watch his reruns from just a few years ago, there's a huge difference in his looks and demeanor and how he talks to the people (or victims) on his show. Saw him this morning on a talk show and he's just not the same. Any thoughts? We don't even need to discuss his snowflake, Robin. She jumped the shark a long time ago.


Phil is very different than he used to be. He used to have a warmth about him and a sense of humor. He always had a big ego, but I do think he wanted to really help people at one point. Now it is all about how people are disrespecting him and his staff and how they aren't answering his questions fast enough or with the right answer. IF you notice, he is very different with celebrities and high profile people because if he talked to them like that, he would get no more chances with other high profile people. He berates people and makes everything about himself. Either his ego has just gotten out of control or he has some sort of mental issue going on.

I really see no point to him interviewing Burke or really for the endless JonBenet coverage. We will probably never find out what happened. Burke was 9 years old at the time and memories from childhood are sometimes fragmented, especially during a traumatic situation. I do find his smiling creepy, but I also think it is a defense mechanism. When my teenage son gets really nervous and someone is confronting him or yelling at him, he smiles or laughs. He doesn't think it is funny and is actually really upset, but he tells me he just can't help it. I strongly dislike Dr. Phil and his plastic wife. 

  • Love 11
On 9/6/2016 at 0:55 AM, kathybgd said:

I can't stand his piggy little eyes! 

They got especially piggy last year because he had an eye job right before the new season started.  I spotted it immediately.  The only thing worse than bad plastic surgery is when a man gets bad plastic surgery.   It always looks so much worse on a man. 

I absolutely think the family killed Jonbenet. Their lack of emotion says it all , besides the fact that the whole note thing made no sense. Why would someone write a ransom note, only to kill the victim before the father had the chance to send over the money. Isn't the point of ransom that they don't kill the victim as long as they get what they want first?

Putting that aside, the brother is extremely creepy, however he was 9 when she was murdered. Dr. Phil keeps asking why wouldn't you do this? why wouldn't you have done that? I know the murder of his sister should be a very memorable moment in his life.. but dr. phil expects him to remember when and with who he ate a piece of pineapple when he was 9 years old? 

That being said, I do think the brother had something to do with the murder. I don't think he did it himself because there's no way a 9 year old can tie her up like that or do a lot of the things that were done to her. But I for sure think he was involved.

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I havn't been watching this new season with the 20 year old case of Jon Bonet, but I don't know what I was watching when my dvr recorded those shows last week. I have had it programed to only record new shows, but last week was n't the new season. Oh well , I got pretty disgusted with how he was treating every single guest! I suppose I will tune in today just to see how this season looks and how he acts to last season. Those shows last week were just so hard to watch! I was so angry at him! And I use to kind of like the guy, (NEVER, I mean NEVER cared for her though). If I get angry again today, Im done.

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Today's Episode " knife wielding twerking 13 year old  " - what a crazy little bitch. The dr Phil producers car that was stolen didn't press charges so what does this little savage learn ? 

Where is the monster from ? She's adopted some hoodrat ghetto speak way of talking , it was disturbing to watch . Dear mom , start pressing charges when she steals , get this troubled kid onto meds - she's obv disturbed. Tough love is in order here

as per usual , these clowns air their dirty laundry and dr Phil is useless 

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Where do I start?  Do I start with the sniffling, snorting, dabbing-at-non-existent tears "Mom"?? Or this little hoochie-wanna-be bitch that should have no other option than the old school Boot Camp experience?? The "Mom" needs the same boot camp experience! Who was enabling this inexcusable behavior?  Who was bankrolling the fake hair, the white trash earrings and the dragon lady fake nails???? My girls KNEW BETTER.  I was VERY CLEAR what was acceptable behavior so they had no doubt about the consequences.  It's called parenting. 

I was 13 years old when my alcoholic abusive father drank himself to death. 

Did I use that as an excuse to be a little brat-ass whore?  No!!  I loved my mother too much to act like that.  100% Parenting FAIL!

  • Love 11
26 minutes ago, tomsmom said:

Oh and you put a stripper pole up in the bedroom I pay for Ima take it down with a sledge hammer

I know right? I immediately knew that mom was shitty when I saw the pole was STILL UP. If my child installed a stripper pole in their room it would be up their ass in ten seconds.

Edited by ClareWalks
  • Love 10

Yes, how did that mom allow her daughter to put a stripper pole in her bedroom and then allow it to stay? Thank God, we've never had to deal with that kind of behavior from our children. But I'd slap them both into next Tuesday before I'd let them treat us or behave like that. Where has her mom been up until now?That behavior starts at 2 or 3. And that "street language"-holy cow, who could understand a word she said? She really thought she was a street thug for sure. I was actually surprised when she agreed so readily to go to the ranch. But not surprised afterwards when she behaved so badly to the cameraman. Drop her off on a deserted island and check on her a year from now. At least, now mom and grandmother can get a few months of relief from the stress created by this kid. Not to excuse the mother but I really did feel sorry for the grandmother.

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How could anyone understand what this girl even said? Why would her mother let her sleep with her after everything she pulls? I notice Phil started off with his usual blaming the mother, but he had to pull back because the better story was the stolen car from the makeup girl. Was the makeup person at their house? Why? If this took place in a hotel, wouldn't Phil's people be watching them? Why was the grandma the one who had to stop her. I can't picture this awful girl doing well at some kind of ranch. I do think Phil was spot on in pinpointing why she was so awful. Once in a while his genuine training kicks in. But tomorrow he will be back to screaming at poor mothers. 

  • Love 1
52 minutes ago, Maharincess said:

How does one accidentally watch a show? Lol. I've seen other posters here say that same thing and I've always wondered how that happens. 

Easy.  I walked into the living room and sat down, and his show was on.  I didn't plan on watching it, but seeing that HORRIBLE man and his dysfunctional family was mesmerizing. 

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1 minute ago, Brattinella said:

Did you read my prior post regarding this guy? He Burned and Painted his DOG.

Yes, I sure did. He was sick for sure.

But what gets me is how could his wife treat him as a normal husband, stay with him? What did he have that made her overlook his illness. He had no business out of therapy. She was a cold piece of business. Actually, they were all extremely annoying.

  • Love 3
50 minutes ago, ethalfrida said:

Yes, I sure did. He was sick for sure.

But what gets me is how could his wife treat him as a normal husband, stay with him? What did he have that made her overlook his illness. He had no business out of therapy. She was a cold piece of business. Actually, they were all extremely annoying.

Truly.  And his sisters are almost as bad as he is.

  • Love 1
13 hours ago, b2H said:

The show today was interesting for the first thirty minutes.  When they went into an half hour promotional for a CBS show, which of course Shill had to make all about him, I switched over to Four Weddings.


You mean the half hour of bull that ended the show?  Sorry just had to say it.

  • Love 4

I didn't watch the whole stepmom show today. I hate it when Phil has "crime suspects" on to discuss a years-old unsolved mystery and give absolutely no new information. It's not like any of these guests are ever going to confess. That's the same reason I deleted all THREE episodes of Burke Ramsay.

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I dont understand dredging up these old cases with zero new information. I think this whole family is shady as hell and I feel so sorry about this little boy. When my son was little (he is now 18), his school was very careful about letting anyone, even parents linger around. We were not allowed to walk them to the classroom after the first day. If multiple people saw the boy in the school, the school has some responsibility for his disappearance. I read elsewhere that the mother had kidney problems when the boy was a toddler? The stepmother said she was responsible for the boy since he was three days old. How was it that only the stepmother was familiar with the boy's school and routine. Where were the biological parents in all this?

The stepmother doesn't seem to be truthful in everything but I still can't see a motive in killing the boy. If she wanted a divorce, wouldn't the husband just take the boy with him? Another sad case we will probably never find the answer to. 

Did y'all catch the part yesterday when he asks the stepmom why she is speaking out now and not then?  And he says "This is the Number #1 Talk Show in the country..,"  "Being the Number #1 Talk Show, you got a lot of eyeballs watching blah, blah, blah..."   UGH.   I got sucked into watching this one and attempted to watch the Burke 'interview' because of the subject matter after having not watched this bloviated, insufferable pig in years. 

Oh, and Stepmom Terri's one-note 'furrowed brow' facial expression is getting on my last nerve.  Between that and the TMI sexting information (BARF) I couldn't even make it through this 2nd part of the 'interview.'

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I skip most episodes because the guests are idiots, like on Jerry Springer but without the fist fighting.

But I still watch a lot, too, because I truly believe Dr. Phil advocates for the kids.  He has these parents on who are so consumed with hating on each other they don't even think of the poor kids.  I really don't care for Dr. Phil but I'll keep watching because he's the only one with a major talk show who brings the focus back on the helpless kids.

Edited by Sup wit dat
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This program is looking more and more like the Maury (?) Povich and Jerry Springer programs. Phil always says he does these shows because so many other families can relate and perhaps learn something helpful. Really? This is sensationalism at its worst. BTW, what ever happened to the first "Dr. Phil Family"? You know-Marty, Erin and the kids (plus multiple grandchildren now)? How much did this guy help them?! Yuck, Phillip.

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The "pimp" seemed like he was on drugs. Opiates? He claimed that they got a lot of calls.  Where is all of the money going?

It was interesting that the pimp and his girlfriend did not appear on stage at the end of the show. I wonder if they stormed off.

I was prepared for Dr. Phil to recommend Doctor on Demand for counseling. Instead, he sends the young woman off to Onsite after saying that it was a family problem. Which is it? Sending her to Onsite suggests to me that Dr. Phil wants to fix her and not the family.

I always felt bad for the Dr. Phil family. They were a train wreck that became uncomfortable to watch. Rehab only works 10-30% of the time. I don't think that the family should be featured ever again after being sent to rehab or residential treatment. If the guests are ill enough to go to a center then they are too ill to appear on Dr. Phil a second time.

I never thought that Brandon stayed clean either after Dr. Phil sent him away. I believe that he said he did because his mother started a company specializing in interventions. 

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On 9/23/2016 at 4:26 PM, Brattinella said:

Wow does this boy pimp sell HIS ass, too?  Of course not!  Just takes a cut of her handjobs.  Plus, he looks 12.

Boy Pimp was high as hell (I'm guessing meth?) and man he was funny. Just full of total shit and thinking if he denies being a pimp that makes it so.

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The rapper hasn't matured. He is just someone who wants to hang out all day and smoke weed even if it means that he has to sleep on the street. I bet he went to school every day to "inspire" his classmates while not actually doing any schoolwork. Dr. Lawlis does not have a cure for lazy. 

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