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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show


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Yes I do wonder about the follow up.

Keep wondering.


There used to be follow-up shows on some of his guests, but the disappearance of such episodes tells me that he's not doing much of anything useful for these people.  It's become a quieter version of Jerry Springer and Maury - no yelling or throwing of chairs, but just about the same.


And don't get me started on Robin's foundation......

  • Love 3

Yes, I've noticed that there seem to be fewer follow-up shows. There have been a few when people have come straight out of rehab and are healthy, or when they have left and completely crashed and burned, but not a lot in between - although there are a few other possibilities why that is the case, I agree that it doesn't boad particularly well.

You'd expect a catch-up reunion show for most of the more recent guests each year, if everything was working as wonderfully they make out.

"The names for her Revolution or whatever products were so stupid."

I know. Really dumb, but what about this product that Robin claims is sporting her silhouette? It must be spiked with a bit of delusion.

(Tried to post image-wouldn't work) http://www.robinmcgrawrevelation.com/products/chickee-chew

"The names for her Revolution or whatever products were so stupid."

I know. Really dumb, but what about this product that Robin claims is sporting her silhouette? It must be spiked with a bit of delusion.

(Tried to post image-wouldn't work) http://www.robinmcgrawrevelation.com/products/chickee-chew


Also the first three ingredients are sugar, dextrose (ie sugar), and corn syrup (ie sugar). Does Robin look like she eats sugar? The woman is bony as hell.

  • Love 1

"That's hilarious! And Chickee Chew?!?!?!? The "Girlee Girl" gum? WTF?"

I really hate that girly-girl shit and she looked like a damn fool acting all giggly and silly while promoting this junk. I really need to do some soul searching about my need to hate watch this show and The View. Maybe I enjoy complaining-I don't know. I also hate myself for wanting the lip shaped tin of breath mints with the mints shaped liked x's and o's because I just said that I hate that girly-girl shit.

  • Love 1

Does Bethenny Frankel know Robin is using her logo? Robin's logo is just a close up of the head of Bethenny's Skinny Girl. Which is a derivative of the Barbie silhouette logo.

Girly gum??? Isn't Robin the champion of empowering women? How does girly themed gum give a woman power? "Oh, my abusive spouse is coming home drunk from the bar in 10 min! I had better grab me a big ol' chunk of Chickie Chew so I can summon up the courage to pack up and leave the bastard!"

  • Love 4

Was it wrong for me to want Treva, the drunk lady, to keep turning down Dr Phil's offer of help. Don't get me wrong, I felt for her husband and daughters, I just liked watching Dr Phil thwarted.

I also believe he's going to get a earful at home for making Robyn come up on stage. She just looked like "Lady don't touch me!"

  • Love 2

Why was Drunk Lady's husband relegated to the audience and it became all about the relationship with the daughters? Maybe he preferred not being onstage, but given that the daughters are adults (or appeared to be; I didn't catch their ages) it's weird that the marital relationship was given so little focus.



Was it wrong for me to want Treva, the drunk lady, to keep turning down Dr Phil's offer of help. Don't get me wrong, I felt for her husband and daughters, I just liked watching Dr Phil thwarted.


If it's wrong, I'll be wrong with you. Plus I think she'll stay in the program only till they get her safely through the DTs, then fly the coop.


Note to Robin: If your head is turned profile and I can see your cheekbone protruding on the far side of your nose, your cheek implants are too damn big. She's really just a collection of parts at this point, isn't she?

  • Love 5

Did Dr Phil punk us with the drunk lady? I kept thinking that she must be acting it was so OTT with her yelling whoo hoo. It reminded me of that actor back in the 80s who played a drunk. I was waiting for treva to stand up and announce that that she was sally O'Malley and she was 50 (TM SNL).

  • Love 4

Wow. This lady redefines "drunk." I'm frankly shocked that her BAC is only 0.134.

Personally, I thought it was in poor taste to have her on the show in that state. If I sobered up and saw myself like that on national TV, I would be so ashamed and embarrassed, I would seriously kill myself. And Robin needs to be kicked off the show, even from sitting in the audience, because I can't stand to look at her. There is something about her face that creeps me out.

  • Love 3

Monday - April 25, 2016

Accusations of Bruises, Moldy Baby Bottles and a SWAT Team: “I’m Not Giving My Grandson Back!”

What kind of parents would allow their infant to be raised in a home with maggots, moldy baby bottles, dirty dishes and beer cans right next to the baby’s bassinet? Kim claims those parents are her son, Sam, and his fiancée, Shannon. Kim claims that not only were they raising her grandson in a pigsty, but their relationship was so volatile that she was forced to step in and take guardianship of her grandson. Shannon and Sam claim that Kim tricked them into signing permanent guardianship of baby Conrad over to her when he was just 6 months old and for the past four-and-a-half years, she’s been raising him 600 miles from where they live. They now claim Kim won’t return the child unless they meet what they describe as her “outrageous” demands. What happens when Dr. Phil steps into the mix, and who does he think the child should end up with?



Tuesday - April 26, 2016

Beautiful Mother Dead and Dismembered: The Ex-Girlfriend of The Man Accused Speaks Out

A murder mystery in Seattle: Ingrid Lyne, a beautiful mother of three vanishes without a trace. Then the unthinkable happens, police find her body in pieces. The suspect arrested is the new boyfriend that she met online, about whom very little is known. Now, in an exclusive interview, a woman who says she is the suspect’s ex-girlfriend reveals that she believes he has a dark side. Plus, after decades of silence, one woman finally reveals a shocking and courageous story. When she was a college student, Rhonda Stapley accepted a ride from a handsome stranger. She had no idea she was about to be kidnapped and almost murdered by notorious serial killer, Ted Bundy.



Wednesday - April 27, 2016

“My Daughter Is a Liar and Catfishing Boys Online”

Shannon claims her beautiful teenage daughter Ryann is a pathological liar and a catfish, who portrays herself online as a bubbly blonde cheerleader saving herself for her prince charming. But, Shannon says boys beware because she believes her daughter needs psychological help, and claims Ryann has gone as far as to fabricate two pregnancies in order to “trap” two different boys into committing to her. Ryann says her mother is the liar and says she is only interested in speaking with Dr. Phil with hopes that he can get some sense through to her mother’s “thick head.” Ryann says her mother goes out of her way to make her look bad when she is just a good, innocent teenage girl. Ryann says her mom needs to come to terms with her own issues and leave her alone. What happens when Dr. Phil presents Ryann with evidence that seems to prove her mom’s side of the story? Plus, Shannon wonders whether Ryann’s behavior is because she has never met her biological father. See what happens when Dr. Phil reveals he was able to find Ryann’s biological father.



Thursday - April 28, 2016

Exclusive: Nick Gordon Finally Breaks His Silence About the Night Whitney’s Daughter was Found Unconscious

For the first time since Bobbi Kristina Brown's tragic death, the man she called her husband, Nick Gordon, pulls back the curtain on his private life with her and her mother, legendary singer Whitney Houston. He addresses Whitney's drug use, her tragic death, and her daughter's deadly downward spiral. Gordon's first interview with Dr. Phil after Bobbi Kristina’s death turned into an intervention, with Gordon seemingly intoxicated and incapable of answering any questions. Now, he returns sober and reveals all. And, on Friday, Gordon shares his story about Bobbi Kristina’s final moments.



Friday - April 29, 2016

Exclusive: Nick Gordon on Bobbi Kristina’s Final Moments

In part two of the exclusive interview with Bobbi Kristina Brown's boyfriend Nick Gordon, Gordon shares his story about Bobbi Kristina's final moments. Gordon was one of the last people to see Brown alive, and was with her in the house the night she drowned in the bathtub and fell into a deadly coma. For the first time ever, Gordon addresses the accusations in a civil lawsuit claiming he murdered Bobbi Kristina by beating her, poisoning her with a deadly cocktail and drowning her.

  • Love 1

Re this week's shows:


Thank goodness the dead mother and the catfishing daughter are both beautiful; stories about ordinary-looking folks really aren't worth paying attention to.


And a two-part exploitation of the the whole Whitney/Bobbi/Nick fiasco, complete with (per the commercials) Phil flat-out asking Nick if he killed Bobbi. Yeah, because if his answer had been "yes" the first place we'd be hearing about it would be on Phil's pre-taped show.

  • Love 4

"Thank goodness the dead mother and the catfishing daughter are both beautiful; stories about ordinary-looking folks really aren't worth paying attention to."

That was my first thought when I read that, too. I was watching Dateline the other night and they kept referring to one of the people involved in the case as "Miss USA" or some such shit. I don't think they ever used her actual name the entire show.

What about this one?

"A murder mystery in Seattle: Ingrid Lyne, a beautiful mother of three vanishes without a trace."

Can you imagine saying, "Ingrid Lyne, a homely mother of three vanishes without a trace."


No because we don't really care about ugly people, I guess.

Edited by GiveMeSpace
  • Love 4

Teenage Catfish had some real CrazyEyes going on. She had the ten-yard stare of a girl who had grown up in a cult. It was also hilarious how Dr Phil would talk about her Instagram posts where she was drinking, they're displayed on the big screen, and she says "that's CRAZY! I NEVER would do that!"

  • Love 1

I want to know if the good doctor or any qualified professional has done an evaluation of catfish girl's IQ or looked at a brain scan.  She came across as mentally challenged to me.  The inappropriate laughter, the weird affect, her dazed wide eyed stare,  the lack of appropriate response or understanding of her actions and potential consequences all make me think she has suffered some kind of brain injury.  The mom seemed "off" as well.  Between this young lady and Drunkie McDrunkerson the other s show is getting closer to Maury/Jerry Springer territory every episode.

  • Love 3

The "beautiful" young Ryann catfishgirl made me want to smack her stupid face.  What a freakin' liar.  I am sick and tired of Dr. Pill's show and rarely watch at all, everytime I do, it's some idiot "beyootiful young girl" and their family who get offered a stay at a resort psycho destination to be rehabbed.  Mom on this show I must say showed an amazing restraint.  Girl just kept lying thru her fat square face one lie after another.  Who cares??!!!  

Last show before this one I watched was where at the end the plastic Madam Robin was showing off the little expensive kid's health & beauty aid thingeys with the cutesy names.  I can't imagine that all that wasteful packaging to get at a package of 4 snot rags is going much of anywhere.  And Robin!!!  For Gosh Sakes you are so full of juvederm & other fillers you can't even open your mouth wide enough to talk coherently!!  What a hot mess she is!  

  • Love 2

Monday - May 2, 2016

"I Am Convinced My Granny is Being Catfished By a Man Who is Posing as a Financial Planner and She Could Go To Jail!”

Barbara admits she has wired money to her online boyfriend, "David Chris Jr.," whom she has never met in person. Barbara says that “David Chris Jr.” claimed to be an overseas financial advisor who assists people with getting government grants, and is currently overseas in Nigeria. She says she can’t wait for him to come home from Nigeria where he’s "stuck dealing with 'business issues.'” Barbara says he has a spacious lakeside home in Michigan and that he said they would live there when he returned home. But, Barbara’s daughters, Kathy and Tracey, and granddaughter, Alicia, say they believe this will never happen. They say “David Chris Jr.” does not exist and Barbara is just being used as a “money mule!” The family gets fired up as they express fears that Barbara could actually face jail time if she continues to wire money for this mystery man, which they fear is illegal activity. And, is “David Chris Jr.” a real person? Who is on the other line when Barbara is talking to her "boyfriend?" Plus, in Part 2 on Tuesday, Dr. Phil digs deeper to discover who is “David Chris Jr.”! 

Tuesday - May 3, 2016

The Investigation of “David Chris Jr.” Continues: Is He Really a Catfish?

Dr. Phil continues his discussion with Barbara, who admits she has wired money to her online boyfriend, “David Chris Jr.,” a man she says she met on what she believed was a financial advice website, but has never met in person. Barbara’s daughters and granddaughter allege that she is being used by a "catfish" as a “money mule,” but Barbara says she can’t wait for her boyfriend to come home from Nigeria where he’s "stuck dealing with 'business issues.'” Today, meet the man behind the photo of "David Chris Jr." and hear what he has to say. And, Dr. Phil continues his investigation, including interviewing people and even sending an investigator to Nigeria, to find out answers for Barbara and her family. 

Wednesday - May 4, 2016

Guilty of Sexually Assaulting a Patient … Or is He Innocent?

In 2008, Jamison Adsit was working as a safety companion, tasked with ensuring the security and well-being of patients in a hospital in Syracuse, NY. Six months into the job, Jamison says he was accused of something unthinkable -- sexually assaulting a female patient. Days later, Jamison was arrested, charged with and ultimately convicted of committing a criminal sexual act in the second degree. Despite his criminal conviction, Jamison adamantly denies doing anything wrong with his patient and swears he was the one who was attacked! Jamison claims the patient grabbed him by the shirt and pants, and intentionally made contact with his genitals. Jamison’s mother, Heidi, says her 23-year-old son had a girlfriend and a date to get to that night, so why would he touch this woman – who Jamison claims was 45 years old, disheveled, unbathed and homeless. Jamison says he didn’t hesitate to report what happened that night because he had nothing to hide. However, one of Jamison’s co-workers walked in that night and says he thought he’d walked in on a couple having sex but quickly realized it was something far more disturbing. Jamison, who spent five years in jail, maintains his innocence and says he is absolutely convinced he got a bum deal in court and doesn’t deserve to be listed on the sex offender registry. 

Thursday - May 5, 2016

Megan’s Men: Who is More Controlling, Her Dad or Her Husband?

Allen says he and his daughter, Megan, were close her entire life until she met her husband, Jim, when she was 18 and Jim was 26. He claims Jim is controlling to the point where Megan no longer has friends, and he claims one of Megan’s close friends told him that she saw Jim drag Megan out of a car by her hair. Allen also claims that Jim has gone out of his way to turn his only daughter against him and that all he wants is for his daughter and grandchildren to be back in his life. Megan says she never imagined cutting her father out of her life, but that she did because of what she and her husband say are Allen’s poor choices. She says she fears for her children’s well-being when they are alone with her father because she claims that even when she would set ground rules with Allen, he would laugh them off and never listened. Megan denies that her husband is controlling and says he has helped her to speak up for herself and become more independent. Jim says he never turned his wife against her father and claims that Allen always wants to play the victim but that in reality, Allen is the one with the problem. Can Dr. Phil help this feuding family come to a truce so that Allen can see his grandkids? 

Friday - May 6, 2016

“My Mom is a Party Girl Who Traded in Her Children for The Single Life”

Courtney claims that after her parents divorced six years ago, her mother, Michelle, became an “out of control party girl,” and her dangerous behavior resulted in 2 DUIs and a serious car accident that almost killed her. Courtney says her mother was in the hospital for five months and swore she would never drink again, but Courtney claims that the day after her mother left the hospital, she was right back to her single life of drinking and men -- a claim Michelle denies. Courtney, who claims her mother has very little communication with her or her two brothers and sometimes goes months without seeing or speaking to them, says her greatest fear is that “the next time I see my mom will be at her funeral.” Courtney gave her mother an ultimatum: go see Dr. Phil for help or she will lose her relationship with her children. Michelle says after her divorce from Courtney’s father she felt like her children went on with their lives without her, and says that’s why she turned to friends, dating and drinking. Michelle says she was never a “crazy drinker,” yet admits she doesn’t remember the accident that put her in the hospital. What does Dr. Phil say Michelle must do before it’s too late? 

Edited by Jaded
5 hours ago, jacksgirl said:

Grandma Catfish is so sad. Hate these shows. This poor woman is so lonely and desperate to be loved. Wish audience wouldn't giggle at the absurdity of it. Shill really plays into that.

Not only is it sad and embarrassing, you can bet your bottom dollar that part 2 will parade out the real guy in the picture to "prove" to her that it's all a lie (psst, I think she gets that). Last time he found the guy in the photo, the catfished gramma sat there with big old cow eyes at the guy who got his picture stolen.  I suspect the same will happen here. At least she isn't giving him money, only because she doesn't have any money. 


WRT to the "beautiful girl who catfishes", I mean, WTF? Take her freaking phone and computer away and don't let her leave the house unless its to school. Problem solved. What the hell is wrong with these people? Why is it imperative for a 16 year old to own a smartphone? I love how the parents throw up their hands like what's a parent to do? I really thought there was something neurological at play  with the girl. The vacant stare, the emotionless responses, just weird. I was thinking she was on meds.  

  • Love 3

The woman being catfished... so many of these women get brainwashed by phony words of love.   Some invisible dude who's halfway across the planet calls them "my love" and they open their checkbooks and empty their accounts.  It's sad and maddening.  You figure with age would come wisdom but the need to feel loved overrides common sense, it seems.

I'm going to be really mean now... this victim is very average and the man in the picture was younger and semi good looking.  I missed the beginning so I'm curious... how did these two hook up?  Who approached who online - did she see his picture and make the first move, or did Mr. Nigeria flirt first?

Edited by patty1h
9 minutes ago, patty1h said:

The woman being catfished... so many of these women get brainwashed by phony words of love.   Some invisible dude who's halfway across the planet calls them "my love" and they open their checkbooks and empty their accounts.  It's sad and maddening.  You figure with age would come wisdom but the need to feel loved overrides common sense, it seems.

I'm going to be really mean now... this victim is very average and the man in the picture was younger and semi good looking.  I missed the beginning so I'm curious... how did these two hook up?  Who approached who online - did she see his picture and make the first move, or did Mr. Nigeria flirt first?

Apparently she was sent this link to a financial planner's profile by a cousin (a cousin she doesn't know, BTW). Not sure how that blossomed into love. I agree with everything you said. So naive, and for some reason these older, unattractive women are always so desperate that they don't even question that a hot guy 25 years younger than them is going after their money...err, their HEART. Right.

  • Love 2

I feel sorry for this catfish scammed lady, but if I heard correctly, she didn't have any of her money stolen.  I think the guy in Nigeria was using her bank account to launder money.  Could be money to fund drugs or terrorism, but whatever it is, it ain't good for this woman if the Fed and State agencies decide to persue charges. 

While I do feel bad for these lonely and gullible people, how do they miss all the red flags??  The weirdly phrased texts and emails? The insistence that these heaven-sent suitors are really wealthy, yet can't afford to pay fees or buy a plane ticket? And this woman received phone calls but she couldn't detect the bizarre intonation on the other end?  As soon as I heard the oh -so obvious computer generated voice,  I said, "Why is Stephen Hawking cat-fishing people??"

  • Love 1

Phil was really reaching for the dramatic moments. Putting catfish grandma in the jail cell was unnecessary and is not comparable to a real jail cell anywhere.

On another note, are people of a certain age really that naive? That wide-eyed, 'but he told me' nonsense was getting under my skin. Would she buy a bridge? I have several that I need to unload. 

Edited by Showthyme
fat fingers
  • Love 1

I am over 50 myself, so not suggesting all old people are clueless, but this woman really takes the cake! How could she not understand that receiving money orders from unnamed people, putting them in her account and then withdrawing the money is  not legal? I can almost understand some of these woman being catfished and sending money for supposed plane tickets etc. but how could this woman think this made any sense? 


I also wonder if her daughters or granddaughter pointed out the mechanical voice on the phone call. Did she ever talk to a human being? I kind of wish Phil would stop having this Nigerian official on. Maybe this guy should try to crack down on the endless amount of Nigerian con artists who are cat fishing these old women instead of talking about how law abiding his country is. 

Edited by Madding crowd
spellcheck keeps changing things on me
  • Love 2

I thought that at the very least this woman would catch on when the police came knocking on her door - DUH!  It's a shame that there are people out there who will prey on the naïve.  Dr. Phil does a double service by educating potential victims and entertaining the rest of us who have a few more brain cells. 

  • Love 1
11 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

I am over 50 myself, so not suggesting all old people are clueless, but this woman really takes the cake! How could she not understand that receiving money orders from unnamed people, putting them in her account and then withdrawing the money is  not legal?

But...but...but...he called her "my love"!

It's really sad that anyone is so lonely that they fall for the most obvious, ridiculous scams just because those scams are wrapped up in visions of white picket fences.

I always watch the catfish shows just to be amazed, but I really, really, REALLY hate that Phil, in his presentation of the matter, emphasizes how foolish the victims are, complete with giggling audience. Surely there's a more compassionate and empathetic way to get through to someone, particularly in a public setting.

  • Love 4

I don't even understand the point of this episode. The dude already served 5 years in prison for this. It's done. Although the whole "I know what I saw" from the eyewitness made my eye twitch, because that's exactly what my insane sister-in-law said when she claimed I was posting on Facebook about wanting to have sex with my husband ASAP. (I would never have posted anything like that online, and I still have no idea how she thought that I did, but she used that same phrase.)

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, GiveMeSpace said:

Does anyone know if Dr. Phil has any experience in Forensic Psychology? (Just kidding-I know he says it every damn episode!) I tried to watch today's show and I felt like I had wandered into the Twilight Zone. WTF was that?

Did you also know that he's a court mandated reporter? Did you know he's from Texas? As well as Oklahoma? And consequently, "a good old country boy?" And by the way, did you know that no matter how flat you make it, there's two sides to a pancake? 

Edited by charmed1
  • Love 7

A forensic psychologist AND a court mandated reporter! Why has Dr. Phil kept it a secret for so long? He needs to get the word out. And Robin too. There is a closely guarded secret that Robin has a Foundation. Let's keep it between us. They don't like to draw attention to themselves.

Back to catfish grandma...I too, am over 50. Most people my age would not deposit a check into a bank account from someone that we do not know. Catfish grandma needs an attorney more than she needs Dr. Phil. She dismissed her daughters opinions but would accept Dr. Phil's assessment. If he says it, it must be true. She already knew the truth but needed someone to give her a way out. 

I hope that Dr. Phil will not air any more of these shows. It is not newsworthy. It is sad to watch. These victims should not be further humiliated on national TV. 

The guy who served time for sexually assaulting a patient is either trying to get his conviction overturned or is hoping to convince his overly-involved mother that the assault never took place. Getting a job is difficult with this on his record. For that reason alone, he needs to exhaust all of his appeals. Mommy dearest needs to shut up. She insinuated that the patient was lying because she died of a drug overdose. One thing has nothing to do with the other. 

  • Love 1

If only someone would invent a disposable mucus removal system.  It should come in a package that only holds a very few of them, so it should be lightweight enough to carry 10 or 20 of them at a time.  It should have a cute name, maybe "Snotty Notty" that appeals to my inner child.  I know!  I'll make a video and send it to Dr. Phil!  His wife is like a Thomas Edison.  She'll solve this problem in no time!

  • Love 4

Monday - May 9, 2016
“My Daughter Is A Lazy, Lying Mooch Who Neglects Her Kids”

Christy’s family says she’s a lazy, lying mooch. Her mother also claims Christy is an extortionist who demanded her water bill be paid and an agreement be signed allowing her new boyfriend to continue living in her parents’ condo – where they live rent-free -- before Christy would agree to come to the show. Her mother also claims Christy is a neglectful parent who prefers questionable men and partying to her own children. It was Christy’s 14-year-old daughter who wrote an urgent email to the show that said, “My mother is an alcoholic who just doesn't get it -- that if she doesn't stop drinking she is going to die.” Christy’s parents say three-and-a-half years ago, things got so bad with Christy that they didn’t let their granddaughters go home to their mother and haven’t given them back since. Will Dr. Phil’s wake-up call inspire Christy to change her behavior? 


Tuesday - May 10, 2016
“I Sleep With A Gun Because I Am Terrified My 19-Year-Old Son Will Kill Me”

Angie claims her 19-year-old son, Nick, is so volatile and out of control, she has been sleeping with a shotgun next to her bed. She says she and her husband recently kicked Nick out of the house when he showed up with a airsoft gun. Angie says her fear of her son only escalated when Nick was arrested for allegedly trying to run over his ex-girlfriend with his car. Nick says that he is not the problem -- his mom is! He claims that she calls him worthless, tells him his brothers are much better than he is and says that she has said she wished she could get rid of him. Nick says no one has ever loved him and that his entire life he has been pushed off on doctors and counselors. What does Nick say happened nine years ago that has driven a wedge between him and his mother? Unbeknownst to Nick, Angie recorded audio of one of Nick’s rants toward her and sent it to Dr. Phil. Who is really at fault? Dr. Phil takes a hard look at this family’s drama and tells them what he believes they must do if they are ever going to have a peaceful, loving family again. Then, unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown of Ferguson, Missouri, was shot six times and killed by a police officer in August 2014. His death launched riots in the streets of Ferguson and protests around the country. Now his mother, Lezley, has written a book, Tell The Truth & Shame The Devil; The Life, Legacy and Love of My Son Michael Brown, she says to introduce the world to who her son really was. And, get an update from former guest Marian, who was on Dr. Phil in 2013 with her son Robbie, who was unarmed when he was shot by an officer. After the show, Marian says she became a mom on a mission and took Robbie’s case all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, setting a precedent for future cases. 

Wednesday - May 11, 2016
“I Believe A Stranger Is Obsessed With My Beautiful Twin Daughters and Has ‘Cyber Hijacked’ Them!”

April wrote to Dr. Phil, desperate to stop the woman she believes is “cyber hijacking” pictures of her twin daughters. April claims Ashley has been obsessed with her and her family for almost four years, and that she has “stalked” her life online, electronically “stolen” pictures of her daughters and posted them on her own social media pages, posing as their mother! However, Ashley says she has never taken April’s pictures and doesn’t even know who she is! April says her husband, Nathan, even confronted Ashley online by sending her a Facebook message, but Ashley never responded. Nathan claims that Ashley’s behavior has made his wife terrified that one day she might actually try to kidnap their daughters! Can Dr. Phil get to the bottom of this? And, on Thursday, will Ashley change her tune? 

Thursday - May 12, 2016
Will Ashley Confess?

Dr. Phil continues his conversation with husband and wife, Nathan and April, who claim a woman named Ashely is fixated on their beautiful twin daughters and continuously posts pictures of them online, posing as their mother. Ashley maintains that she has never stolen April’s pictures and doesn’t even know who she is! How will Ashley react when confronted with facts and information showing pictures of the twins on her social media pages and her alleged posts? Does Ashley continue denying everything or does she change her position? You do not want to miss this second part! 

Friday - May 13, 2016
“My Family Thinks I’m Crazy, But I Think They’re Crazy!”

Amber, a 24-year-old mother of three, has said that when life gets tough, she checks herself into a mental hospital. Amber says that during her four hospital stays in the past eight years, she’s been diagnosed with “20 mental illnesses,” including anxiety and bipolar depression. Amber says she does not believe any of her diagnoses nor take prescribed medication because she says nothing is wrong with her. Amber’s parents, Lisa and Jon, describe Amber as “manic, crazy and volatile” and they want her institutionalized. Amber’s sister, Shyanne, claims Amber is a “psycho, manipulative, drama queen” who could be lying about her diagnoses. Amber’s family is worried that her difficulties could cause her lose her kids and everyone she loves. Dr. Phil has a gripping conversation with Amber and her family. Hear what he believes may be at the root of Amber’s behavior. 

  • Love 1

I continue to hate Dr. Phil. Even when he has on the worst dregs of humanity, I still hate him more because he is supposed to be a professional, he is supposed to approach people with kindness and an open mind, he is supposed to listen to both sides of a story and he never does. He is on TV only to shill for these 'treatment' centers, which he obviously partially owns or is getting kick backs from. It doesn't matter if the person will lose their job, be evicted from there apartment, lose their kids-one size fits all treatment approach.

He won't let people tell their side of the story (and there always is another side) and yells at people if they want to straighten out a misperception or out right lie. His latest go-to comment is: Do you want the truth to be told or do you want to heal? How about  both. if the other person is telling things that are not true, why can't the other person be allowed to express themselves? Any good therapist would listen to the person they are trying to help. He also now says: It doesn't matter what the truth is, it matters what his/her perception of the truth is. Again, this is wrong. Children may have the wrong perception of things, but a good therapist will try to help them understand what is really going on-not promote lies

I find some of the topics interesting, but between Phil's unprofessionalism and Robyn's frozen face and shilling horrible products, don't know if I can stomach anymore. 

  • Love 7

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