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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show


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Bullied Into Signing a Post-Nup. I always look side-eyed at someone who is proud of their low self-esteem. What's in it for her to continue with that poor self-image or in staying with a husband that seems to be on the verge of leaving her? It is awful that he bullied her into signing the agreement. He is definitely no prize but there is something about her that is not trustworthy. I don't think that she cheated on him but she has no problem wanting to save their marriage in private while publicly making him seem like an ogre. Of course, he makes it easy. I just wanted both of them off of my screen.

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That Jared bitch is a sick fuck. I just told my daughter that I hope he's raped so much and so violently that he's split into 2 pieces. I truly hope he's tortured in prison.

I can not believe that he may only serve 5 years!

I sure hope they don't put him in protective custody in prison, he needs a BIG taste of his own medicine-over & over & over again.

  • Love 2

I'm watching the show now where the man and woman are fighting for custody. The woman may be sick or lying, but Dr Phil has been a bully to her from the first minute. Her ex admitted to be an abuser and the nosy neighbor had no real reason to get involved. Dr Phil isn't listening to a word she says and made it clear he favors the dad. On top of that, he has no authority over CPS.

He also thinks it's OK for the dad to have girlfriends but if she brings men over , her kids will be molested. Someone needs to talk with kids and believe what they say. Also, I know that people in law enforcement sometimes cover for each other. Doesn't mean it happened but it could.

I have an opposite take on this show, Madding.  


Thundering applause and standing ovation for Phil.  The woman needed what she got.  She was clearly on meds, my guess is xanax, and a bold faced liar in the worst way.  Her lies were horrific and damaging to her ex and daughters.  She is sick and needs help and she will get it but will she be able to see the light and change?  My guess is no.  She will be awarded supervised visitation at best.  Good for the neighbor for stepping in!  Not many would want to get involved.  Many children suffer because adults in their lives turn a blind eye. 

  • Love 4

I see your point but the way Dr Phil jumps all over people, accuses them of not listening when they don't say a word, just rubs me the wrong way. It's also a double standard to say women can't date if they have children but he never asks men the same. I think it's important to talk to the daughters since the dad admits to violence in the past. I agree the mom is in need of help but Dr a Phil probably isn't the right person for it.

  • Love 1

I did not hear him say he could bring women home.   The daughters are an entirely different show.   They need serious help, clearly. 


He knew she was medicated and lying.  She demonstrated classic characteristic signs of both.  Jumping on her was the only way he could possibly reach her.  Sometimes a sledge hammer approach is needed. Especially when someone is medicated which she clearly was.   She could not hear anything close to honest communication from him.  I am retired from the field of psychology.  I understand his approach and admire his wisdom.  Sure he hawks his products.  I don't care about that, I FF.  I believe in seeking abundance anyway you can without scamming and he does not do that. 


Love him or hate him, he is a skilled psychologist.  

Edited by wings707
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I think he was once a skilled psychologist, Now he cares only about shock value and shilling his doctor on call. If he really cared he would insist on having the daughters seen by a professional. He had no idea if the father was bringing women home, he didn't ask and the father didn't have a neighbor spying on him. Yet Dr Phil is fine with letting the daughters stay with a man with violent outbursts on his record, even if the girls could have been abused. Both of these parents need help.

I am a long time teacher and we always take reports of possible abuse very seriously, even if we don't like the parents.

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I'm watching the show now where the man and woman are fighting for custody. The woman may be sick or lying, but Dr Phil has been a bully to her from the first minute. Her ex admitted to be an abuser and the nosy neighbor had no real reason to get involved. Dr Phil isn't listening to a word she says and made it clear he favors the dad. On top of that, he has no authority over CPS.

The mom was clearly on some type of drug. And she was lying. I kept hoping they would whip out a catheter to get her pee to do the drug test on her.


The neighbor had a right to get involved because the mom kept bringing her into it by asking her to take the kids while Mom was busy being a drug addict. She also asked the neighbor to help her confirm the children were being abused.


The problem I have is that people like this shouldn't be on television. This should just be handled by the court. And Dr. Phil did favor the dad, but the mom was so awful she made dad look like an angel by comparison.

  • Love 2

The mom was clearly on some type of drug. And she was lying. I kept hoping they would whip out a catheter to get her pee to do the drug test on her.


The neighbor had a right to get involved because the mom kept bringing her into it by asking her to take the kids while Mom was busy being a drug addict. She also asked the neighbor to help her confirm the children were being abused.


The problem I have is that people like this shouldn't be on television. This should just be handled by the court. And Dr. Phil did favor the dad, but the mom was so awful she made dad look like an angel by comparison.

I was just thinking about not exploiting guests who clearly have mental issues like her.  She became extremely unwatchable through her lying annd denials. I too thought she should have escorted to the nearest counseling session plus court session.

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I was disappointed -- and surprised -- that Dr. Phil did not talk to the daughters.  Obviously, it should not have been on camera, but talking to them might have made things even clearer.  I wonder if the mom wouldn't allow it.  Yeah, Phil was heavy-handed with her, but she needed that.  If she doesn't change she should lose custody.

Did anyone else notice the neighbor's crazy coke jaw? It was driving me nuts!


True, the father was no angel, but he passed all of Phil's tests with flying colors. The mother was a crazymaker in the first degree. Her mental illness (i'm no shrink, but i'm thinking borderline?) was pretty obvious, and her lying and evading the piss test made her look guilty as hell. I'm hoping she got the help Phil offered, but I'm not optimistic.

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Today's surrogacy scam episode...wow. The surrogate lady is a real piece of work. Textbook narcissist. Everything is about her. "What about meeeee? I suffered too! You have no idea what I was going through!" Ugh. But the couple was so, so, so stupid. They wanted a surrogate to provide her own eggs, and they didn't think to ask a bunch of questions? They weren't worried at all about this? They brought a cup of his jizz to a hotel room to, what, put up there with a turkey baster? Best case scenario, you have maybe a 15% chance of pregnancy that way, and that's IF the sperm are very very fresh (within 20 minutes of ejaculation). They didn't think to go to an actual doctor to have a real IUI done? The fact that it "worked" on the first try should have been a clue that this was bullshit. They are so, so stupid. I understand how infertility can make you feel a bit desperate (believe me, I get it), but you have to be smart about it.

  • Love 3

I noticed her jaw, too!  Didn't know it could be related to coke.  There are probably other causes as well, it was annoying to watch. 


Therapy only works if the client is dedicated and wants to change.  It is not a cure all or even helpful if you are not willing to work hard. And even then it has its limitations.  The skill and style of the therapist is key.


I get it why Phil did not talk to the daughters.  They have been coached and a sit down with them would put them in the situation of lying if they told the truth.  And doubtful they would be able to understand what is going on.  They need a different style of help and he knows this.  

Admittedly, I was paying only half attention to the surrogacy show today, but I did hear the husband state that the couple didn't want a lawyer to be involved in the process.  What the hell?  The "surrogate" was providing a contract she wrote, and they didn't think it necessary to have it reviewed before signing?  Who does that?  If they were trying to avoid the added expense, then they probably shouldn't be contracting for a surrogate to produce a child in the first place.  Children are expensive, you know. Not only that, but if they were aware enough to know about surrogacy and to locate a surrogate, then they certainly must have been aware of the multitude of problems that could ensue.


Surrogacy can be a wonderful opportunity for all parties involved, but you must do your due diligence and be properly prepared for the experience.

  • Love 3

As bad as the surrogate scam lady was, I found the couple even more distasteful. The show seemed to gloss over a bunch of background information that made them seem equally suspect in this whole deal. Did I imagine a very quick mention of some health issue the man had that most likely would have made a pregnancy unlikely? So much so that even he was surprised it worked on the first try (and with a cupful of stale hotel jizz, no less)? I took this to mean he had a vasectomy reversal but that's only my inkling.

I found his unbridled anger and hostility--five years after a five-month ordeal--really disturbing. Yeah, we get it. It was horrible. It "ruined" your life and you still want the scam lady to suffer. Believe me, with five felonies on her record she will. She will never get a job or credit again. And of course you bear absolutely no responsibility for ignoring multiple red flags during the negotiation.

And true to form, Dr. Phil fomented the whole one-sided, audience baiting circus.

Edited by TV Glotzer
  • Love 4

As bad as the surrogate scam lady was, I found the couple even more distasteful. The show seemed to gloss over a bunch of background information that made them seem equally suspect in this whole deal. Did I imagine a very quick mention of some health issue the man had that most likely would have made a pregnancy unlikely? So much so that even he was surprised it worked on the first try (and with a cupful of stale hotel jizz, no less)? I took this to mean he had a vasectomy reversal but that's only my inkling.

I found his unbridled anger and hostility--five years after a five-month ordeal--really disturbing. Yeah, we get it. It was horrible. It "ruined" your life and you still want the scam lady to suffer. Believe me, with five felonies on her record she will. She will never get a job or credit again. And of course you bear absolutely no responsibility for ignoring multiple red flags during the negotiation.

And true to form, Dr. Phil fomented the whole one-sided, audience baiting circus.

So glad it wasn't just me... 

  • Love 2

As bad as the surrogate scam lady was, I found the couple even more distasteful. The show seemed to gloss over a bunch of background information that made them seem equally suspect in this whole deal. Did I imagine a very quick mention of some health issue the man had that most likely would have made a pregnancy unlikely? So much so that even he was surprised it worked on the first try (and with a cupful of stale hotel jizz, no less)? I took this to mean he had a vasectomy reversal but that's only my inkling.



It actually would have been pretty surprising if it had worked on the first try - even a super-healthy couple at 20 years old only has about a 20% chance of conceiving each month if they time everything perfectly.


The smartest thing about the scenario is that the surrogate woman threw away the old semen. What if that guy had a disease? I mean really, there was NO thought to any of this. Also they brought a cup of it to the hotel room, THEN sat down and talked to the woman, signed the contract, and THEN she went and supposedly fertilized herself with it? How old was that cup?! It seems like this duped couple has absolutely no idea how procreation works, which might explain why they had so much trouble getting pregnant themselves. I went through 7 real IUIs before it finally worked and let me tell you, it is not the same as just taking a turkey baster to your cooch in a hotel bathroom with hours-old, dead sperm. Gag.

  • Love 3

Just finished watching the custody show. The mother reminded me of Octomom. She wouldn't shut up and had an answer for EVERYTHING! IIRC, Octomom sought treatment for an addition to Xanax. The children are being neglected and psychologically abused. I hope that the mother's contact with her children is limited to supervised visits. Something tells me that she will not show up.


Bless the neighbor for writing the show!

Re: the surrogacy show -- I could barely focus on the main issue(s) because I was so fascinated by the (not)surrogate's teeth! They looked like they were carved from white hard candy or something. I've never seen veneers (or dentures?) like them.


Also, if I'm about to be convicted of multiple felonies and did not act alone, I am bringing my cohorts down with me. Holy crap, what a bizarro story all around.

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Froach said: Re: the surrogacy show -- I could barely focus on the main issue(s) because I was so fascinated by the (not)surrogate's teeth! They looked like they were carved from white hard candy or something. I've never seen veneers (or dentures?) like them.

Those choppers reminded me of that doggie dentures commercial. Yikes, that's a lot of teeth! I think I understand why she scammed that couple...she needed cash for dental supplies.

Edited by BusyOctober

Not to mention when he asked her if she ever walked around in her bra and panties. To me, Phil is no better than Jerry Springer. Today he seriously asked the girl who was in love with Kip Moore if she was going to fall in love with him too and said Robin would take her down. The ego on him is amazing.

  • Love 4

This obsessed fan show is just crazy.  I think that woman is awful because it's obvious she got the protective order to get her husband out of the house and then to sell his belongings!  Doesn't matter if she wants him out, it's still his home and I hope he sues her for the stuff she sold and the false protective order.  She's pretty much a terrible person for those things.  

  • Love 1

I'm not even sure that obsessed one isn't just making all this up to upset her husband. It seems like she was making up or exaggerating stories about him, didn't care at all about her children, and seemed more concerned with getting him out of her life than anything else. Maybe she really does have a thing for Kip Moore, but I think this is much more about sticking it to her husband. On a really shallow note, that woman and her best friend were both really pretty and both the guys were overweight and pretty ordinary looking. The husband didn't seem to have much of a personality either, so I wonder what the attraction was there. Loved DP bragging about how many country stars he is friends with. 

  • Love 1

Yes, I'm on the west coast too and missed out on the second half of the show due to the Paris shootings. I want to know what happened to this star struck woman and her obsession! I don't know a thing about country music/musicians...is this Kip Moore guy married or in a relationship already?

My station cut in to the show with the news out of Paris (as they should).  How did it end?  Did Phil get in put from Kip Moore?  I had the feeling that even if he told the woman to stay away from him, she would think he was just playing hard to get.


Phil read a written statement from Kip Moore to close out the episode.  It was, as you might expect, a generic appreciation of his fans without a commitment to any one individual.


Here's a YouTube interview with Kip Moore in which he reiterates basically what he said in his written statement to the Dr. Phil Show:


  • Love 1

These were in the weekly email Dr. Phub's show sends out....



ALL NEW Week of Shows

Monday - November 16, 2015

"I'm Afraid My Daughter Was Kidnapped by Her Survivalist Boyfriend"

Gina says she believes her 18-year-old daughter, Alexis, was "kidnapped" and "held hostage" by her survivalist boyfriend David, 19, a claim both Alexis and David deny and she and her husband, Mike, fear for Alexis’ safety. They claim David owns an arsenal of firearms, is very controlling and after only two weeks of dating, came and "took" Alexis in the middle of the night. Gina says she’s afraid that David is brainwashing Alexis and turning her against her own family. David acknowledges that he’s a survivalist who owns guns, but says he’s not dangerous — and, he says Alexis is with him of her own free will. What does Alexis say? Plus, Mike and David face off on Dr. Phil’s stage. Don’t miss this explosive episode! Then, tune in Tuesday as more accusations surface and take this story on another twisted turn.


Tuesday - November 17, 2015

"My Ex-Wife Claims I Molested Our Daughter Who Ran off with Her Boyfriend"

Gina turned to Dr. Phil for help with her 18-year-old daughter, Alexis, whom she said she believed was kidnapped by her survivalist boyfriend, David, claims both Alexis and David absolutely deny. But as this story unfolded, another layer of accusations surfaced. Alexis’ biological father, Dan, claims years ago, after breaking up with Gina, she accused him of molesting Alexis when she was just 2 years old. Dan vehemently denies this allegation, claims Gina was violent with him during their relationship and that she’s capable of lying to get what she wants – even alleging that Gina got pregnant on purpose – a claim Gina denies. Dan says he believes Alexis running away with David is a testament to how bad it was living with Gina. How does Gina respond? And will a polygraph help clear Dan’s name? Find out! This show contains sexual content. Viewer discretion advised.


Wednesday - November 18, 2015

Adopted Twin Beaten, Strangled, Starved and Locked in a Room: The Exclusive Interview

Tina says that four years ago, her sons were living in a “house of horrors” with their biological father, Jeff, and his wife, Sandra – and claims her reports to Child Protective Services “fell on deaf ears.” Her oldest, Ian, 18, says the abuse he and the other children endured in that house was the worst five months of his entire life. He claims his father and step-mother beat him and the other children, including adopted 16-year-old twins, who Ian says were abused the most. He claims they were locked in a bedroom with only a mattress, no electricity and newspapers covering the walls. Ian and one of the twins, Christa, now 20, speak out for the first time about the horrific conditions they say they endured.


Thursday - November 19, 2015

Exclusive: Estranged Couple Michael and Kate Lohan Lose Custody of Their Children: What Really Happened?

Michael Lohan and Kate Major, who married just over a year ago, had their sons, Landon, 2, and Logan, 10 months, taken from them last week by the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) after social workers obtained a video of the couple having an argument in front of them. Michael claims Kate is a “raging alcoholic” who becomes volatile when she drinks, and is not a fit mother. Although the boys are currently in the care of his 74-year-old mother, Michael is adamant that he is a good dad, and says he’s willing to do whatever it takes to get his sons back. In an exclusive interview, Michael sits down with Dr. Phil to set the record straight about what he claims led to the drama, and tearfully asks for Dr. Phil’s help. Plus, Michael watches the video obtained by authorities as evidence with Dr. Phil. Hear what he claims actually happened that night.


Friday - November 20, 2015

"Our Wanna-Be Male Model Son Is Telling the World We Abused Him. It's All a Lie!"

Stephen, 20, is an aspiring model who posted online, for the world to see, claims that he was abused as a child. His parents, Steve and Christine, say they never abused him and have no idea why he is making this up. In fact, they claim that starting at age 14, Stephen has been verbally and physically abusive toward them -- so much so, that they’ve had to call the police multiple times for help. They say that after one of Stephen’s fits of rage, he had to be institutionalized. Stephen’s relationship with his parents has become so hostile that Stephen says he hates his parents, is ready to file a restraining order against them and wants them out of his life forever. Stephen’s girlfriend, Melissa, says she thinks that is the only logical solution to resolve this family drama. But Steven and Christine say they think Melissa is manipulating their son and is driving an even bigger wedge between them. It’s been months since Stephen and his parents have seen or spoken to one another. Don’t miss this explosive family reunion!

Edited by Jaded
  • Love 1

I am looking forward to part 2 today.  The boy friend was strident and argumentative.  His plan to move deep into the woods in a secret location known only to him is chilling.  He said, "am I the only one?"  in regard to believing something in the bible that mentions the end of the world.  His tone said that he was sure a majority believed this.  Again, chilling. 


The mother was over the top controlling and freaky in her own right.  More on this today.  ***rubs hands in glee***


Today we find that Mom is a mess and there is much more to the story!  For me, this is Dr Phil at his best.  

  • Love 2

I am looking forward to part 2 today.  The boy friend was strident and argumentative.  His plan to move deep into the woods in a secret location known only to him is chilling.  He said, "am I the only one?"  in regard to believing something in the bible that mentions the end of the world.  His tone said that he was sure a majority believed this.  Again, chilling. 


The mother was over the top controlling and freaky in her own right.  More on this today.  ***rubs hands in glee***


Today we find that Mom is a mess and there is much more to the story!  For me, this is Dr Phil at his best.  

Yeppers.. I agree his gameplan was extremel extreme. It is scary that the parents come off as out of control.

Yeppers.. I agree his gameplan was extremel extreme. It is scary that the parents come off as out of control.



Yes, they do. I get it why they are upset but so far they fail to see their part in driving their daughter away.  Ironic that mom got them together via her FB post! 


At first I thought the boys mother was way out of line driving him over to pick her up without consulting her parents.  I will still walk away thinking that was not a mature decision on her part but seems there might be a very good reason why she leaped to this bad decision.  

  • Love 1

I am appalled at how the mother has brainwashed her daughter. Unbelievable. They could have done an entire episode just on the aftermath of those lie detector tests, because that daughter will need SERIOUS counseling to get over a lifetime of psychological abuse and parental alienation. That really took the story to a whole other level, and then the show just ended. Poof. Done. What the fuck, Dr. Phil. That is way more interesting than the red herring about the "boyfriend kidnapping," although spending 5 minutes on that argument would have again highlighted how insane the mom is. It was disappointing that the daughter (who is technically an adult, but sure doesn't seem like one) was so mean to her dad even after he passed the lie detector test, but I didn't expect any less. Just wow.

  • Love 5

I am appalled at how the mother has brainwashed her daughter. Unbelievable. They could have done an entire episode just on the aftermath of those lie detector tests, because that daughter will need SERIOUS counseling to get over a lifetime of psychological abuse and parental alienation. That really took the story to a whole other level, and then the show just ended. Poof. Done. What the fuck, Dr. Phil. That is way more interesting than the red herring about the "boyfriend kidnapping," although spending 5 minutes on that argument would have again highlighted how insane the mom is. It was disappointing that the daughter (who is technically an adult, but sure doesn't seem like one) was so mean to her dad even after he passed the lie detector test, but I didn't expect any less. Just wow.



He said he would make counseling available to them at the very end.  I applaud that. Often he gets into too much detail as to what he offers.  I prefer him just saying he will.  The dual diagnosis center and Aspen ranch are boring.  He will help them,especially the daughter.  What a mess the mother!  Jesus.  I felt moved when the father was exonerated but dashed because the daughter believed her mother.  Where is this going to go? We need a follow up, big time. 


I have little hope that this will be resolved in any way.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 2

I wondered what the stepfather was thinking after the results of the lie detector. Has he been sleeping next to a complete stranger or does he really know the true nature of the woman he is married to? The daughter seems to have love for him so it makes me wonder if he has been bamboozled by the Mom too. The damage that woman has caused is immense but I bet she will never admit to her lies so I see little chance of her getting better or helping to improve her daughter's life.

Edited by FanOfTheFans
  • Love 5

The mom asked Dr. Phil why he did not perform a lie detector test on her from her request of one. I think he didn't do one because he knew she wouldn't pass. Instead of answering her question he said they could arrange one.  I was actually surprised she went through with it. I thought she'd back out. After it was over I wasn't surprised at how delusional she was at believing her own lies.

Edited by silversage
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I don't know anything about lie detector tests or how results are read or calculated.  Acknowledging my lack of info, I tend to think these machines and the technicians can be fallible.  I saw the end of this episode and according to the administrator's comments, Mom clearly failed her test and I didn't really believe her story either. However, it made me think... I was wondering if someone truly truly believes they did/did not say or do something in their past, and has lived that lie as a reality for X many years, could the person "beat" a lie detector test b/c their "truth" is so ingrained that he/she wouldn't have the tell-tale signs of lying (increased BP, heart rate jumps, sweats, etc)?  I'm curious if anyone out there with more knowledge on lie detectors knows!

  • Love 1

There are good machines and skilled administrators and the opposite.  The questions are as important as the equipment.  They have come a long way when it was said you could put a tack in your shoe and step on it with every question, including when asked your name to get a wonky reading so the test would be discarded. 


We never saw what prompted the daughter to run and hug her step father, calling him dad.  I would like to know.  

  • Love 2

I don't know anything about lie detector tests or how results are read or calculated.  Acknowledging my lack of info, I tend to think these machines and the technicians can be fallible.  I saw the end of this episode and according to the administrator's comments, Mom clearly failed her test and I didn't really believe her story either. However, it made me think... I was wondering if someone truly truly believes they did/did not say or do something in their past, and has lived that lie as a reality for X many years, could the person "beat" a lie detector test b/c their "truth" is so ingrained that he/she wouldn't have the tell-tale signs of lying (increased BP, heart rate jumps, sweats, etc)?  I'm curious if anyone out there with more knowledge on lie detectors knows!


I wonder that, too, particularly with pathological liars. They really do believe their lies and lie extremely easily, to the point where I do wonder if they can "beat" a test. 

  • Love 2

I vote some mental illness with Steven the male model.  Mainly, because his goal is to be a male model.  He seems to have delusional ideas and paranoia.  Every point that DP brings up, Steven says 'oh no that's wrong', but then DP starts detailing facts and proof, and Steven backs down and says 'well, yes, I did say that but I meant it this way'.   Not sure why the girlfriend is so blind.

  • Love 1

My diagnosis...over indulgent parents raised an over inflated egomaniac. He may have a disorder of some kind but I think his biggest problems are his sense of entitlement and his low emotional IQ. Basically, he's a brat. His parents need therapy as well to learn conflict resolution skills.

I wish parents would stop trying to be pals with their children. The ultimate goal for a parent is to raise well adjusted, productive, socially responsible adults with enough smarts and skills to survive outside the nest. Plenty of parents from all levels of economic means have done it successfully for generations. Saying Yes all the time and shielding your kid from life's disappointments all his life ends with a belligerent, inept, over grown baby living off your retirement account in your basement with his likewise stunted girlfriend.

  • Love 6

And let's be real. Ain't no way that kid's ever gonna be a model. Besides having no looks at all, and even fewer brain cells, his first foray into the entertainment industry is acting a complete fool on Dr. Phil. That's now on his resume forever. The agent was being charitable giving him the out on his height alone.

(Dad was pretty good looking though! [/shallow])

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