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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show


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They're pretty pricey!  Those that go for around $50 are in a teacup...very miniscule. 

Off-topic. . .


When you call an 800 number and order a specific floral arrangement you've seen on tv, The Company will contact the recipient's local Florist X.  Florist X has paid some big money to The Company to be on their list, plus Florist X also has to buy all the vases and trim doo-dads from The Company that are shown in the arrangement.  Then The Company and Florist X each get part of the money you paid.  Needless to say, Florist X is going to try to be as thrifty as possible when he adds the fresh flowers from the inventory in his cooler.


So I wonder if Edible Arrangements works that same way?  Do you get a FedEx driver handing you fruit from the other side of the country or is there someone nearby squeezing the nectarines at your local Shop 'n Save to fill your $50 teacup?



Back on topic.  Just saw the Housewife Kim interview.  Man, do NOT keep Phil waiting while you fluff your bangs!  He was so pissed he didn't even stand up when she walked in--he was in cheese grater mode.

That old bat who is in love with some Nigerian scammer that she has never met, "Aaron Mantini?" What a viper! Three gold stars to Dr Phil for dealing with her stubborn delusions and her venomous attitude to her daughter and the audience.


I can't wait until tomorrow to see that bubble burst!


I love these Nigerian scam reveal shows, I could watch them all day.  And this time I am rooting for the Nigerian!  No pity for this victim.

  • Love 12

Yes!  This is a good catfish guest.  The woman is so vile I wonder if something is going on in her brain.  She used to be close to her step daughter, they talked everyday, she gave her money to help with her kitchen renovation and now, wow.  What the hell is going on with her?


The preview for tomorrow seems to show she gets it, she has been scammed and all she can say is, I don't care and whatever.  What a piece of work. 


I am very interested to find out what he discovered.  This is going to be good. 

  • Love 4


I love these Nigerian scam reveal shows, I could watch them all day.  And this time I am rooting for the Nigerian!  No pity for this victim.

LOL- right before I came here I was wishing the nasty old bitch would end up living in a cardboard box.


Is it extreme narcissism that makes these idiots think they are that desirable when everyone else is being catfished?

  • Love 4

What is the lure?  Those pathetic, poorly written "my love" and "I love you?"  That's all it takes?  "I have never loved anyone before you"?



He will point out the grammar flubs and show the exact same flubs on an email he found on the internet.  He has done that before.  I hope he finds the guy in the picture and has him on Skype, done that before, too.  


This woman is going to get more furious than she is now.  We see her through her cell phone at her daughter in the preview. 

  • Love 1

The scammer told the woman how kind she was but she was so mean to those closest to her. Somehow I think  she knew by the time she got to the show she was scammed but decided to be obstinate anyway. She answered questions so quickly because she wanted to be right. She really thought she was special to the scammer at first, though.

I still don't get how this being the computer/information age she let this happen. She obviously can use a computer.

  • Love 2

She was old, she was lonely, she thought she wasn't going to live many more years, her step-daughter only liked her when she was buying her new kitchens and diamond rings, she was depressed -- then something on the internet gave her a reason to get up in the morning and fantasize at night and suddenly she had a reason to live. She wanted to believe. After she was in for the first few thousand, she felt she was in for a penny, in for a pound, she became even more desperate to believe.

Now she's sitting on Dr. Phil's stage. He's forcing her to look at reality and she's starting to feel really embarrassed and foolish. Her private fantasies are out there for the world to see and the audience members are judging her and openly laughing in her face. Of course she's gone all angry and defensive.

I think that greedy step-daughter who acts like it's her own money, when it's actually none of her business, is way out of line.

I agree Kay is getting nasty, but her back is against the wall and she is being publicly humiliated for something that is harming no one and might just be a sign of suicidal depression or early dementia. I feel sorry for her and think Phil had better tread gently with this one.

  • Love 6

Beast? How dare you! But no, let this hag go broke. Eventually, her elderly friend will kick her out and she can live in a van down by the river somewhere. After all, money is nothing according to her. I don't know why Phillip treated this trashy old bat with kid gloves, yet treats mothers of violent teen assholes as if they're the devil incarnate.

  • Love 2

She's never going to win any awards for Fan Favorite, but now that she's cornered and she knows it, I admire her "fuck you and the horse you rode in on" attitude.  She's going down fighting, that one.  The stiff upper lip bravado is a nice change from all the other tearful, shame-faced fishies who were forced to admit to the whole world (according to Phil) that they had been tragically stupid.

Edited by candall
  • Love 2

The crash this woman is suffering now is tragic, really.  Bad enough this happened to her but on TV, too?  I don't know how she can save face.  Dr Phil may set up some counseling for her whether he mentions this on the next episode or not.  He was clearly rattled at how this was going and I have never seen that before.  I don't think he or anyone on his staff could have anticipated that she would remain in denial so stubbornly, probably until the bitter end.  

  • Love 4

Yes, the woman is awful.  And yes, the stepdaughter is probably mad because she isn't getting money spent on her any more.  But here is what I don't understand:  why in the world did she agree to go on the Dr. Phil show to begin with.  She said it was because of the stepdaughter, but since she obviously hates her, why would she do what she wanted?  I just don't get the motivation for her to go on TV.  Does she think Dr. Phil is really going to find this guy?  Does she think he's going to bail her out financially?  I wonder what she was told by the who before going on.  So many questions, so few answers.

Edited by camom
  • Love 5

Yes, the woman is awful.  And yes, the stepdaughter is probably mad because she isn't getting money spent on her any more.  But here is what I don't understand:  why in the world did she agree to go on the Dr. Phil show to begin with.  She said it was because of the stepdaughter, but since she obviously hates her, why would she do what she wanted?  I just don't get the motivation for her to go on TV.  Does she think Dr. Phil is really going to find this guy?  Does she think he's going to bail her out financially?  I wonder what she was told by the who before going on.  So many questions, so few answers.



When she agreed to do this,  I have to believe that she thought Dr Phil would find him and blast her daughter for her doubting behavior.   In between when she contracted to do the show (still in deep denial) and when it was taped, it hit her.  She was being scammed.  A seed of doubt had begun to grow (email).   


As for the daughter wanting the money, I don't think that was a motivating force.  Her father died leaving his estate to his wife, clearly.  And it was not that large.  She is not there contesting the will.  The point of her showing us the ring and kitchen counters was to illustrate they used to be close and she was generous with her.  They loved each other.   I think she misses the gifting but she also misses the relationship they once had. 

Edited by wings707
  • Love 8

As for the daughter wanting the money, I don't think that was a motivating force. Her father died leaving his estate to his wife, clearly. And it was not that large. She is not there contesting the will. The point of her showing us the ring and kitchen counters was to illustrate they used to be close and she was generous with her. They loved each other. I think she misses the gifting but she also misses the relationship they once had.

I agree with this. It was clear to me when the daughter only referred to crazy old bat as her mother, not her stepmother. It makes me wonder if her biological mom passed away and she felt loved when batshit bat was buying her things. Even her reactions to this asshole were very telling. She had a cell phone thrown at her and was called every kind of bitch on national tv, yet the stepdaughter never returned fire. Makes me think she's used to this kind of abuse from this earth walking Ursula.
  • Love 8

I just finished watching the second episode.  Before I get to that please, everyone who FFs Robin stay with the ending today.  I have seen comments about her face for awhile now but since I skip her segments I have not really seen it.  Oh good god.  No really, OH GOOD GOD!  And I will add I am an atheist but I can think of nothing else  to say without using the word fuck (a favorite) to alert you!  


Her tiny little, close set, beady eyes are exaggerated by her Hamster cheeks.  I had a hamster (Jeanie) as a kid and when I cleaned her cage she would take ALL of her new seeds, put them in her cheeks and worry it until she made her fresh nest for deposit.  Robin, go make your nest!   

Edited by wings707
  • Love 3

This concluded better that I anticipated.  Nasty to the end but she got there and believed it.  


The producer who spoke with Jeanette (audience victim) talked down to her in the way the receptionist at my facial salon does to clients.  Hand me my rifle.  


This woman is full of hate, so full.  Her daughter has been traumatized by her lack of love and venom.  She used to love her, or so her daughter thought.  I feel worse for her daughter than I do for her.  


Granddaughter was a breath of fresh air and wise.  Yes, let her go spend her money, it has nothing to do with you.  Stop allowing it to dictate your happiness.  Love that girl.  

  • Love 2

Wings 707-I took your advice and you are so right. Her face is scary.


I hope the show provides counseling for that Catfish woman. I know she seemed so nasty prior, but she looked so broken at the end of the show. Shill exploited the fuck out of her. Did you hear him say he would remove the part where she said she hoped her stepdaughter died from airing on tv? He is a liar and a fraud. He should have removed that-she was lashing out. Very sad.

After she finally admits the guy is fake, he has to go on and on about all the things she did wrong kicking her while she is down. If he has a medical license it should be revoked.

It would not surprise me to hear that this woman has committed suicide.. I thought that segment at the end was very WTF? Why have that after the other story? Oh-to promote Robin's skin care line. Her face is not one I look at and think, "Wow, I wonder what kind of products she uses..."  Who would buy that?

  • Love 5

The producer who spoke with Jeanette (audience victim) talked down to her in the way the receptionist at my facial salon does to clients. Hand me my rifle

And when the lady tried to offer the sea hag some words of encouragement, Phillip put his hand up to shush her. I'm surprised he didn't once say, "Ah don't know why Ah like you, but Ah dew." I was delighted to see this hag's tears. I wish I could bathe in them. There have only been two other guests who I've wanted to throw down a trash chute. The asshole who claimed to be George Zimmerman's best friend (and later turned on him ha!) and the little bastard who slapped his mother in the Brat Camp house. Kaye, the hag has now made the triumvirate complete.

  • Love 1

Phil said she would get support.  He did not offer therapy, then and there, because she was not in the condition to accept.  He is not going to turn her loose without the offer and follow up support.  He won't.  He takes his job seriously and does not want any suicide on his watch.  Not that it would be his fault.  Suicides are never about someone else.  His staff will do what they can.  You can lead a horse but...



If he has a medical license it should be revoked.


He is not a medical doctor nor does he claim to be.  His PHD is in psychology. 

Edited by wings707

Did Kaye actually acknowledge she was scammed or did she answer yes to a question. I really wanted to hear it from her mouth. I know she broke down and knew she was but I felt she was stubborn to actually say it after saying so many times, "so what", etc. I think she really fell for the endearing words she was reading and didn't care about the money at the time.

Did Kaye actually acknowledge she was scammed or did she answer yes to a question. I really wanted to hear it from her mouth. I know she broke down and knew she was but I felt she was stubborn to actually say it after saying so many times, "so what", etc. I think she really fell for the endearing words she was reading and didn't care about the money at the time.



It was clear to me she got it.  She looked broken. 

  • Love 2

I won't rehash all that was said but I truly believe there is something wrong with Kaye mentally.  The way she lashed out at everyone really surprised me but I think she has a lot of practice in that respect.  The words came too easily to her - when I'm hell-fired angry I am at a loss for words and sputter.  Not Kaye.  Those vile words rolled right off her tongue. 


On a side note - I did think she was a pretty woman whose beauty was hidden because of her vicious tongue.


On the last side note - I was impressed with Kaye, that no matter how angry she was with the Dr., her stepdaughter or the audience she had presence of mind to artfully drape her handkerchief so that Dr. Phil's logo was prominently displayed.  Kudos to her.

Psychoklown-you may be right about Kay always being so angry and bitter, but it seemed that her stepdaughter and her were very close prior to this. Maybe the stepdaughter was in it for inheritance's sake, but I didn't get that feeling for some reason. Kaye reminded me a lot of my estranged mother (in her looks) so my judgment could be clouded. I am disgusted with myself for watching this show, but it is my hate watch since I grew bored with hating on The View. Snarking on them just feels sad now.

  • Love 1

Years ago I did research on these catfish scams. My research was for business scams, but there was a report that explained how the dating ones worked, which I will poorly summarize here.


At the very beginning of any relationship, there is a mental block that makes it so people overlook obvious character flaws in their new love interests. It's something we have all experienced, either being the one who couldn't see the obvious flaws or lies, or the friend who could see them all. There is an actual term for it in psychology, but I don't remember what it is.


While in the "unable to see the forest for the trees" phase of the relationship, there are certain key behaviors the scammers use to begin the manipulation. That's why all the e-mails are the same; they are tried and true. When it seems to be working, they ask for a small amount of money. At some point, there are usually red flags, and the scammers have a response to that too. By that time, the scammee feels that they have given so much money and are so close to getting a return on it, they will do whatever they can to make it happen.


It takes a person with a certain charisma and large amount of asshole to pull it off. I think it would be easier for someone older to be scammed when they first begin using dating sites, because they are not aware of these scams. Those of us who have heard of the scams would probably run at the first mention of money, if it happened too soon. That's the skill of the scammers, knowing when to drop the request. They have to have you invested in the relationship or the business opportunity before the first request for money, while you are still overlooking their flaws.

I also didn't like the way Jeanette was spoken to and I'm sure Kaye was lead to believe that Dr. Phil would tell her step-daughter to butt out. She was so happy talking about him before her daughter got on stage, and then Dr. Phil didn't tell her to back off right away. She immediately got defensive, but I think she got that he wasn't real. I actually think she may have figured she was scammed before arriving, but didn't want to admit it to anyone. That's why I think Dr. Phil's staff mislead her a bit to get her on the show.

  • Love 3

Thanks, Christina, I was interested in how these scammers gained the victim's trust in the first place.  It must be particularly easy for them to scam people who live alone. Kaye didn't have co-workers at the job or family in the house to talk to and she may have been in pretty deep before she told Kathy.  I think Kaye may have been "buying love," all her life.  She hinted that there had been problems with her husband and money that Kathy didn't know about, maybe gambling or some such.  It was interesting to me that when Kathy talked about her past relationship with Kaye, it wasn't, "She was there for me when this bad thing happened," but "She bought me this and this and this."  Kathy's daughter said all Kathy talked about for the past year was Kaye and this man, she said her Kathy had become obsessed with the situation.  So I felt like Kaye must have told Kathy to stay out of it  and mind her own business many times.


When the first episode started I was away from the TV and just heard Kaye's voice talking about the love of her life and she sounded just lovely.  So, I think she had been misled by the producers into thinking this was a show about a mother and step-daughter dispute.  She probably expected Phil to tell Kathy that it was customary for a married man to leave everything to his wife and the "inheritance," part came later after the wife died.  When my mother died, all their money automatically became my father's. I certainly didn't expect her to have left anything to me or my brother and I sure didn't expect my father to be frugal during his final years for the sake of mother's "hard earned money,"  although she retired much later than he did.


So I still think Kathy was greedy. On the other hand, I don't think I've ever seen anyone look  less "whore faced."   That was a new one for me.

  • Love 1

That's what I was thinking. 


Her dad worked hard all his life (Kaye probably too) and since there was so much 200k+ I am sure Kathy thought that when Kaye died she would have whatever was left....and assuming that Kaye didn't fall to any catfish scheme perhaps there would have been a nice inheritance for Kathy.


What bothers me are the people who feel they are entitled (usually by birth) to someone else's money.  You want an updated kitchen?  Get a second job and save for it....why would you plan for someone to die so you can get a new kitchen, new boat or even a home on the Cape.


I could talk/write hours on children and inheritances.  My job has me in contact with people who feel entitled and demand that their share be distributed immediately - the hell with the law, courts and outstanding bills.  Some even get so aggressive our office will refuse to let them in.  Some people for a laugh will say that there are those who will fight over a beat up old coffeepot from an estate.  From my experience it has happened more than once.

This show led me to some reading on the topic, and probably "Aaron Mantini" was not just one man, but many.


These scammers tend to be young, just out of their teens.  They crowd in small rooms, where they eat and sleep, and have a few computers that they use in shifts.  These computers are used around the clock.  Whoever speaks the best English is in charge of the phone calls.  It is team work.  They refer to their marks as "yahoo jobs."  They especially love Saudis because "they don't know what to do with their money."


The broken English is incidental, but important.  It helps filter out higher functioning, more skeptical people that may not yield money so easily.  Same goes for all the obvious red flags.  The more red flags they broadcast, the faster they zero in on the more vulnerable people, because the smarter ones will filter themselves out faster.  If you read their contact email without rolling your eyes... they want to talk to YOU!


When the marks runs out of money, they are passed on to another team, in Kaye's case, it was the credit card fraud team. They bought things with fake credit cards, had people mail her the illegally purchased goods, and like a good little sucker she acted as an unwitting intermediary forwarding this merchandise to Nigeria.


Recently Kenya and Malaysia have become fresh hotspots for these scams.  They are not conducted by Kenyans or Malaysians, but by Nigerian expats.


Sometimes it's organized crime, the "soldiers" that do the footwork don't get much, most of the money gets funneled up a pyramid.  Other times it's small, independent bands that keep the money.


Kaye bought herself $218,000 worth of hackneyed love emails, promises, dreams, and fluttering heart.  As she was spending it, she thought it was worth it.  The scammer gave her a product she wanted, and she paid what it was worth to her. So what? Go to hell! Whore-faced bitches!



  • Love 7

I just finished watching the second episode.  Before I get to that please, everyone who FFs Robin stay with the ending today.  I have seen comments about her face for awhile now but since I skip her segments I have not really seen it.  Oh good god.  No really, OH GOOD GOD!  And I will add I am an atheist but I can think of nothing else  to say without using the word fuck (a favorite) to alert you!  


Her tiny little, close set, beady eyes are exaggerated by her Hamster cheeks.  I had a hamster (Jeanie) as a kid and when I cleaned her cage she would take ALL of her new seeds, put them in her cheeks and worry it until she made her fresh nest for deposit.  Robin, go make your nest!

I agree with you; Robin truly does look like an alien from outer space. There is nothing about her that is attractive IMO. She's crossed the line, and there's no help for her at this point. Unfortunately, some women don't know when to say enough is enough.
  • Love 3

This show led me to some reading on the topic, and probably "Aaron Mantini" was not just one man, but many.


These scammers tend to be young, just out of their teens.  They crowd in small rooms, where they eat and sleep, and have a few computers that they use in shifts.  These computers are used around the clock.  Whoever speaks the best English is in charge of the phone calls.  It is team work.  They refer to their marks as "yahoo jobs."  They especially love Saudis because "they don't know what to do with their money."


The broken English is incidental, but important.  It helps filter out higher functioning, more skeptical people that may not yield money so easily.  Same goes for all the obvious red flags.  The more red flags they broadcast, the faster they zero in on the more vulnerable people, because the smarter ones will filter themselves out faster.  If you read their contact email without rolling your eyes... they want to talk to YOU!


When the marks runs out of money, they are passed on to another team, in Kaye's case, it was the credit card fraud team. They bought things with fake credit cards, had people mail her the illegally purchased goods, and like a good little sucker she acted as an unwitting intermediary forwarding this merchandise to Nigeria.


Recently Kenya and Malaysia have become fresh hotspots for these scams.  They are not conducted by Kenyans or Malaysians, but by Nigerian expats.


Sometimes it's organized crime, the "soldiers" that do the footwork don't get much, most of the money gets funneled up a pyramid.  Other times it's small, independent bands that keep the money.


Kaye bought herself $218,000 worth of hackneyed love emails, promises, dreams, and fluttering heart.  As she was spending it, she thought it was worth it.  The scammer gave her a product she wanted, and she paid what it was worth to her. So what? Go to hell! Whore-faced bitches!

This information is better reading than actually watching the show!!!

  • Love 3

There was a segment on 60 minutes or some show like that last year.  They took a camera into a room with teens on computers operating scams.  Several of them bolted the minute they saw the camera and others claimed no English.  It was fascinating but too short. 


I would love to see a documentary on this.  Hard to make, I am sure, but worth the effort. 


We were never told what was in the boxes she sent to Nigera;  I would love to know.  I think that was purposely omitted which makes me even more curious. 

  • Love 1

The witch on the Thursday/Friday show was just one hot mess of nastiness, wasn't she? Typically, I can drum up some sympathy for these women who are victims of these scams, but this time? Well, I'm betting that Karma just paid a visit to that mean old bitch. I doubt that her meanness just happened in the last year or two, so I can't even imagine what her late husbands must have had to put up with, especially since she denied loving either one of them. She really cut off her nose to spite her face too, because she's going to need what family she has left now that she's penniless and homeless. And the way she treated that poor woman, who had also been scammed and was sitting in the audience, was unforgivable. Dr. Phil should have put a stop to that immediately. The evil coming out of that woman was so intense that I could almost feel it thru the TV screen.

Edited by farmgal4
  • Love 10

All New Week again...

Monday - May 4, 2015

Family's Fight over Father's Inheritance

In a dramatic two-part episode, Lisa accuses her father, Carl, of “stealing” an inheritance she believes was intended to go to her and her sisters — an allegation Carl denies and that has left the family at odds. Lisa and her mother, Kathy, say they believe Carl might have tampered with his mother’s will so he could inherit all of her money, which he vehemently denies. Lisa’s sister, April, supports her father, while two other siblings, Jennifer and Ciera, say they feel caught in the middle — and they want the fighting to end. Dr. Phil brings everyone together in search of a peaceful resolution. How does Carl explain the way his mother’s money was divided? And, did he sell Lisa a possession she claims her grandmother had promised her? Plus, Lisa believes her father is throwing away his money on a Russian mail-order bride — has he fallen victim to a love scammer? Don’t miss Part 2 tomorrow, when Carl explains why he flat-out refuses to attend Lisa’s upcoming wedding. Can this father and daughter find forgiveness and bring an end to this family feud?


Tuesday - May 5, 2015

A Family Divided: Why is Outspoken Dad Carl Boycotting His Daughter's Wedding?

Dr. Phil continues his discussion with Carl, who says he is boycotting his daughter, Lisa’s, upcoming wedding amid an inheritance squabble that has left the entire family up in arms. Lisa says if her father can find money to travel to the Ukraine for a mail-order bride — who may or may not exist — then he should be able to make it to her wedding. Why does Carl say he is opting out of his daughter’s big day? And, after hearing Dr. Phil’s thoughts, will he have a change of heart? Plus, Carl drops a bombshell, saying he doubts he is the father of Lisa and her twin sister, Jennifer. How does their mother respond? Lisa says all she wants is to have her father’s support, despite their differences. Is there any hope for repairing this damaged father-daughter relationship? And, can this family move forward in peace?


Wednesday - May 6, 2015

"My Cyberbullied Daughter Killed Herself, Now I'm Being Harassed Online by a Stranger"

Tricia says her 12-year-old daughter, Rebecca Ann, a.k.a. Becca, sadly took her own life in Sept. 2013 after being cyberbullied -- a tragedy that made national headlines. Now, Tricia says she can’t even grieve her loss, because she claims she is being harassed online by a stranger who happens to share the same name as her deceased daughter. Tricia claims the woman, Rebecca Ann, has falsely accused her and her 20-year-old daughter, Summer, of killing Becca and her of covering it up. Tempers flare when Tricia and Summer face Rebecca Ann for the first time on Dr. Phil’s stage. Why does Rebecca Ann insist she “knows” Becca didn’t commit suicide? And, hear from Becca’s father -- does he support Rebecca Ann’s quest to have the case reopened? Don’t miss Dr. Phil’s advice to everyone involved. Has Rebecca Ann overstepped her boundaries? Plus, how can Tricia move forward in peace and finally begin to grieve her daughter’s loss?


Thursday - May 7, 2015

Convicted Grandpa Still Claims He is Innocent of Molestation

Betty says her life was turned upside down two years ago when her husband of 23 years, Bill, was falsely accused of molesting their then 5-year-old grandson — whom Bill can be heard calling “sexy butt” on home video. Betty claims the boy’s step-grandmother, Cindy, is jealous of her and Bill’s relationship and, out of revenge, coached the child to say Bill touched him inappropriately — all of which Cindy denies. Although Bill insists he is innocent, he ultimately agreed to plead no contest to two counts of felony child abuse and is now a registered child abuser. Dr. Phil sits down with Betty and Cindy in search of answers. Why does Cindy say she had no choice but to report the alleged abuse to authorities? And, how does she explain so-called inconsistencies in her police statements? Plus, see the video that Betty says was “the nail in Bill’s coffin,” although she insists it is not even remotely incriminating. Was Bill falsely accused? Don’t miss Part 2 tomorrow, when Bill speaks out — and offers to take a polygraph test. What will the results reveal? This program contains sexual content. Viewer discretion advised.


Friday - May 8, 2015

Convicted Grandpa Accused of Molestation Finally Speaks Out

Dr. Phil introduces Bill, a grandfather who -- despite maintaining his innocence -- pleaded no contest to felony child abuse, stemming from accusations that two years ago he was inappropriate with his 5-year-old step-grandson. Bill shares his side of the story via satellite, due to travel restrictions from his probation, in an effort to clear his name. How does he explain home video in which he calls his step-grandson “sexy butt”? And, why did he choose a plea deal instead of a trial? Then, Bill claims a polygraph test the police gave him in connection with their investigation came back “inconclusive,” and he wants to take another to prove his innocence. When the results are revealed, will he like what he hears? Don’t miss the dramatic conclusion! This program contains sexual content. Viewer discretion advised.

I'm not sure Kathy was as upset about not getting money as she was that Kaye now has no money to live on.  You better believe that she thinks Kathy (and any other kids there may be) owe it to her to take care of her in the manner she would like.  My biggest concern, however, was Kaye herself.  She said a couple of things near the end that made me think she might be a suicide risk.  As nasty as she was, I certainly hope not.

  • Love 1

I'm not sure Kathy was as upset about not getting money as she was that Kaye now has no money to live on.  You better believe that she thinks Kathy (and any other kids there may be) owe it to her to take care of her in the manner she would like.  My biggest concern, however, was Kaye herself.  She said a couple of things near the end that made me think she might be a suicide risk.  As nasty as she was, I certainly hope not.



I agree. I think the daughter fears having to take care of her.  Since no other family members were mentioned I think she is the only one to step up or say screw you.   Kathy also mentioned that when her father died she went to Florida and brought Kaye back.  Kaye obviously agreed to that and went so far has to help her financially with her kitchen.  Something fell apart somewhere that we were not told and Aaron brought it to a head.  

  • Love 1

The more interesting story in the Kaye episode is how a woman went from getting along with her step daughter and granddaughter to this foul mouthed woman in 3 years. They should have focused on that. Does Kaye need a medical exam? She might if she had a drastic personality change. Something in this story is not being told and its a lot more interesting than this catfish bull crap.

  • Love 6

The more interesting story in the Kaye episode is how a woman went from getting along with her step daughter and granddaughter to this foul mouthed woman in 3 years. They should have focused on that. Does Kaye need a medical exam? She might if she had a drastic personality change. Something in this story is not being told and its a lot more interesting than this catfish bull crap.


There are many articles on anger and dementia.  Here is one.




I think the daughter would have mentioned if her anger was new and brought that to Dr Phil's attention.  She probably had a temper.   The daughter seemed to be used to it.  

Edited by wings707
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What the hell was going on with that family today?


It was rubbing me the wrong way that the daughter was like "My dad is spending my inheritance!" I'm not a lawyer but if the will says the grandkids didn't inherit anything, then it's not their inheritance - it's Dad's. And the way the granddaughter was phrasing it, it did seem like she wanted the money more than she wanted her grandmother's wishes to be respected (which, if the will says everything goes to her son, they were). 3/4 of my grandparents are gone. I was close to all three. My brother and I inherited a bit of money from them. My parents, though, inherited the vast majority of the estates - none of my grandparents were wealthy but they all had steady jobs with benefits and pensions (remember when people got pensions?) so there was some retirement money, my dad's parents had a house we sold, etc. And that's just how it is. I've seen my grandparents' wills; it went the way it was supposed to.


I did think the mother should have stayed out of it - she and her ex had been divorced for over a decade and she really didn't have a dog in the fight - especially since she got $5K from the grandmother. Did she give that to her daughter? I doubt it.


And then we got into a 30-years-younger Ukranian catfish and I was like, how did we get here?


Selling the daughter that mirror though? That was bullshit.

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