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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show

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And, ha, if the people at your meeting were just worried the little plastic tube could be modified to smoke pot, I'll go with you to hunt them down and we can demonstrate turning apples into hash pipes. 


Hash is pot, right?  Can you really make a pipe from an apple?  Why would you want to?  Does it make the pot taste better?  Is it hard to keep the pot lit inside the moist apple?

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...pipe...?   ... moist...?


Here's what Google has to say about all that, Z, immediately following the Youtube videos.



How to Make an Apple Pipe | Smoking With Style


How to smoke weed out of an apple in 5 easy steps!



Can I smoke pure hash through an apple pipe? : saplings


Dec 6, 2014 - I'd recommend using a potato pipe instead because it has less moisture ...



I feel compelled to add, applewise, that my Sustainable Farming newsletter just had an amazing article about hundreds of tons of US apples going unsold and rotting while US hard cider makers have to import apple juice concentrate from overseas.  Ack.  We have to get it together and become more agriculturally organized.



Back to Dr. Phil!

I'm so glad to see, from the new show descriptions, that he's decided to tone down the sensationalism.

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Greetings, friends. Against...well, not my better judgment, exactly, but likely in violation of good taste, I will be live-tweeting the Nick Brendon episode as it airs in the NYC market. Follow @PreviouslyTVNow on Twitter if you'd like to follow along/join the discush. The ep airs Wednesday 16 September at 3 ET.


Also, I've smoked pot out of an apple. Overrated.

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Greetings, friends. Against...well, not my better judgment, exactly, but likely in violation of good taste, I will be live-tweeting the Nick Brendon episode as it airs in the NYC market. Follow @PreviouslyTVNow on Twitter if you'd like to follow along/join the discush. The ep airs Wednesday 16 September at 3 ET.


Also, I've smoked pot out of an apple. Overrated.

Thanks for taking one for the team. I may try to watch the episode. I wonder how Phub will treat Brendon since he's a man? He seems to like to treat women and men differently and not in a good way. 

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Thanks for taking one for the team. I may try to watch the episode. I wonder how Phub will treat Brendon since he's a man? He seems to like to treat women and men differently and not in a good way. 

Guess I will watch so I can see how he treats Brendan also. so many flaws in that show...

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Doesn't Nicolas have a twin brother?  Did the brother act with Nicholas on an episode of Buffy when there was Good Xander and Bad Xander characters?  All I kept wondering was what does his brother think? 

Yeah, he has an identical twin, who was the 'put together' Xander in The Replacement. I'm sad Xander isn't well. 



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I really disliked how Dr Phil was with Nick`s mom at the end . I'm paraphrasing here but. "When Nick decides he needs help tell him to contact me." Come on. Phil, self serving much? Nick doesn't trust you offer his mom other suggestions. Just there to help, my ass!

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Nick doesn't trust you offer his mom other suggestions. Just there to help, my ass!


I suspect Nick would have acted the same way whether it was the most benevolent helper ever that offered him rehab.  Nicholas is a hard core addict who will probably never hit rock bottom as long as he has enablers (girlfriends, his mom, hangers on, fans) who are willing to blow air up his ass.

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The most sympathetic character on today's episode about the trans woman was her wife, and they barely talked to her. The poor girl had to let her husband have sex with a man for VALENTINE'S DAY. That is just selfish as hell. At least make it your birthday present or something!

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Hard to see so much pain I honestly was worried they were going to have to call the paramedics for the uncle on the transgender episode. I do like that they showed how painful and confusing it can be for both sides.

I don't think the Uncle/Dad was close minded I think he was in shock. Didn't they say he just found out a few days before the show. The wife was having a hard time facing the brutal reality of the end of her marriage and everything she believed.

And her once husband, now Sarah I believed seemed to be rushing through the process. I know there was confusion from a young age, but I think the emotions and counseling needs to be dealt with before jumping into sexual encounters. I hope they all get the help they need to make it through this emotionally healthy.

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Monday - September 21, 2015

"My Daughter is a Beautiful, Intelligent, Talented, Egomaniacal, Drug-Addicted Liar and Thief"

Constance says her adult daughter Candice is a lying, chaotic, mooching, immature terror, who steals and lives rent free in her house. Candice is proud to say she is young, hot and able to manipulate anyone into anything. Constance says her daughter opened credit cards in her name, forged checks and pawned jewelry for cash and drugs. Candice admits to using drugs on a regular basis but blames her mom for giving her cash or driving her to her dealer to buy them. Find out why security threatened to kick Candice out of the hotel before the show because of an incident with a male. Can Dr. Phil get this toxic relationship moving in the right direction? Will Candice accept Dr. Phil’s offer of help?


Tuesday - September 22, 2015

"Accused of 'Kidnapping' Our Own Child"

Waco and Alley claim Waco’s mother, Stacy, and her husband, Jacob, are trying to “steal” their 3-year-old daughter, but Stacy and Jacob claim the parents are neglectful toward the child. Waco, his mother and young daughter are registered members of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation, and a Tribal Court involved in the dispute granted Stacy and Jacob visitation rights. After the grandparents won visitation, Waco and Alley took their child out of state -- without telling their family -- and failed to show up for a court hearing, causing the child to be reported missing and the judge to grant custody of the child to the grandparents. Emotions run high when Waco and Alley learn from Dr. Phil for the first time that they’ve lost custody of their 3-year-old daughter. What is really at the heart of this family feud? Will Waco and Alley lose their child forever?


Wednesday - September 23, 2015

A Mother Missing: A Stepfather Accused

Shelbie’s mother, Carie Zapletal, went missing nearly nine months ago, and she believes her stepfather, Ed, and possibly his daughter, Lauren, had something to do with her disappearance. But Ed claims Carie was a drunk who spiraled out of control, using drugs and attempting suicide in the weeks before her disappearance and left their home voluntarily. In addition, Ed says he was physically incapable of harming anyone the night of Carie’s disappearance because he suffered a debilitating stroke less than two months prior to her disappearance. Dr. Phil tries to get to the bottom of why a 48-year-old woman left her house in December without a coat, phone, wallet or car and hasn’t been heard from since!


Thursday - September 24, 2015

Missing Mom: What Happened to Carie?

In Part 2, Ed’s daughter, Lauren, reveals what she says happened the night her stepmother, Carie Zapletal, went missing. Does it crack the case wide open? Is her account plausible? Ed claims that there have been numerous sightings of Carie, and he is convinced she will return home soon. Carie’s daughter, Shelbie, says Ed’s leads are lies and wild goose chases. Carie’s good friend Courtney claims Ed and Carie had a history of arguments and describes the times she says she sheltered Carie after one of her and Ed’s blowout fights.


Friday - September 25, 2015

"Mom Kicked Me Out at 15:" Is Daughter Ungrateful or Is Mom Delusional?

Beverly and her daughter, Courtney, 20, have been estranged for five years after what Beverly says was one fight about a messy home before her daughter walked out of her life. Courtney says she didn’t choose to leave but was kicked out after what she says was months of verbal and emotional abuse. Courtney says after she moved in with her father, Christopher, things went from bad to worse when Christopher filed for full custody of her. What followed was a bitter custody battle, an altercation between Beverly and Christopher and a shocking allegation of sexual abuse. Can this fractured family bridge the gap, or will this tense reunion be their last effort?

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Okay, yesterday. Seriously mom? I don't blame Dr. Phil for feeling like he was being punked although he must have worked with them prior to the show. Now it appears for sute that they are having guests on just for shock value. Both of those women were sickos who needed counseling but not national exposure.

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Ok that stepdad was all kinds of creeeee peee. He's the one manipulating that mom Stacy to get the granddaughter, she out right admitted she doesn't want custody

But if it was my kid I'd keep her far far away from him and if awarded contact ---- supervised visits only. My creep meter was off the charts Yes Phil Let's investigate him and mother denial both Let's hope that not so veiled threat got through his piggy little skull

Edited by Dahlia
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It is shocking that our legal system cannot see this case clearly.  They are up on kidnapping charges and may have to go to prison?  Come on.   There has to be room for a judge to look at the situation clearly see what happened.  OR the woman (their lawyer?) in the follow up clip started the "fund" so she can get paid knowing full well this is going to be tossed out.  

Edited by wings707
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The problem as I see it is that they are in a tribal court.  They are well known for siding with tribal members, which the mom is not.  Why they have authority over child custody, especially when a parent is not a member, is a mystery to me.  I hope those parents get a good lawyer and are able to keep their sweet little girl away from grandma and step-grandpa.  

Edited by camom
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Why didn't the ever 'helpful' Phil get them legal help. That's what they need and he even said as much

His stupid doctor on demand app can't go up against the legal system what a lameass assist there. Yah thanks doc

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I'll just slide in here under cover of your rant. : )

I thought the development of a means by which to substitute water vapor for cigarette smoke was going to provide a decent compromise between people with the right to engage in a legal activity and people with the right to voice legitimate complaints about how that activity impinged on them. Too bad it hasn't worked out that way.

Marijuana vaping doesn't seem practical--reducing a large amount of expensive organic matter through distillation . . . and then diluting it with water vapor. Cancer patients, yes; teenagers, no.

And, ha, if the people at your meeting were just worried the little plastic tube could be modified to smoke pot, I'll go with you to hunt them down and we can demonstrate turning apples into hash pipes.

Aluminum cans work great too, and toilet paper rolls and...

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What is it with these rich idiots ... They can't believe they have been scammed in Nigeria ...there r no words .. Give me some money.. It's crazy. I feel bad for the kid...she was going to move there.. We know how that would turn out ..

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Monday - September 28, 2015

"My Mom is Worth Millions: Is Her Husband a Catch or a 'Catfish'?"

Jordan says he is afraid his mom, Deanna's, husband could drain his family’s inheritance. Deanna married James in Nigeria six years ago after meeting him abroad. Deanna says there is absolutely no way her husband is only with her for money and adds that they met face to face! Deanna admits to spending close to $500,000 on her relationship with James between travel, entertainment and legal fees in her attempts to get James into Canada. Jordan says his mom is making a huge mistake in continuing her marriage to James, whom he admits he has yet to meet face to face. Deanna’s brother, Dale, says Deanna gets defensive anytime someone questions her relationship. Dale says he fears that James could even have another family he’s supporting with his sister’s money! Can Dr. Phil get to the bottom of a six-year dispute? Has Deanna finally found her soulmate, or has her perfect catch turned out to be a mistake?


Tuesday - September 29, 2015

Creepy Dad or Midlife Crisis: “My Husband’s Inappropriate Sexting, Social Media Posts and Messages to Our Daughter’s Friends”

Tammy claims her husband, Richard, is obsessed with social media and sexting with women in secret online groups. Richard says if Tammy paid him more attention, he wouldn’t have to look elsewhere. Richard has five social media pages, but his wife and their grown daughters say one in particular makes them sick to their stomachs. Tammy says Richard publicly posts sexually explicit pictures and comments on his “uncensored” page for all their friends and family to see. According to his daughters, Richard also has sent inappropriate messages to their friends. Richard’s daughters say they are devastated that their father has become the “creepy old man” who makes them and their friends feel uncomfortable. Can Richard log out of social media long enough to repair his family, or is it too late?


Wednesday - September 30, 2015

A Mother of Four Who Says: "I Don't Want to Be a Mom Anymore"

Within months of each other, Heather tragically lost both her mother and oldest daughter. She now states she has no purpose in life and flat-out says she doesn't want to be a mother to her three remaining daughters. How does Dr. Phil react when Heather reveals that she thinks life would be better if one day she never woke up? Heather's daughters Andrea and Amber join this emotional conversation to beg their mother not to abandon them during their time of need. And, why does Andrea say she blames her mom for her sister's death? Can Dr. Phil convince this mother not to give up on life and family? Plus, get an update on two former guests who combined have lost nearly two hundred pounds and 100 inches. What do they credit for their success? Find out today!


Thursday - October 1, 2015

"I Believe My Daughter's Fiancé is Abusing Her, and I Desperately Need Help"

Reeve, 20, is engaged to marry the man of her dreams, 30-year-old David, but Reeve’s father, Kim, and sister, Riley, say they fear Reeve could be making the biggest and possibly deadliest mistake of her life. They say in December 2014, Reeve told them that David had hit, choked and pushed her into the refrigerator, so Kim drove six hours to “rescue” his daughter and bring her home — where she stayed for eight months. Kim and Riley say during that time, Reeve confided in them that David had been abusive during the time she lived with him in another state. But two weeks ago, Reeve went back to David. She has also recanted her allegations of abuse, saying she exaggerated the whole thing and that she “deserved it.” Now Reeve has little to no contact with her family, and she and David say they are considering having a baby. Why has Reeve stayed with David, taken the blame for the turmoil and stayed away from her own family? Dr. Phil’s wife, Robin McGraw, joins the conversation to show Reeve classic examples of abuse. Will Reeve listen? Do Kim and Riley believe David has changed? Don’t miss Dr. Phil and Robin’s offer to Reeve — and invaluable information and resources for women everywhere who may find themselves in abusive relationships.


Friday - October 2, 2015

"I Fear My Terminally Ill Son's Wife is Abusive, Cheating and Money Hungry"

Laurie and Kirk Sr. say they fear for their son, Kirk II, who is battling stage 4 liver cancer. They say when Star, the woman who once left their son at the altar, heard he had only six months to live, she ran -- not walked -- him down the aisle and has since cheated on him more than once. They claim she is abusive and violent --and they suspect she's only after his life insurance policy -- which Star vehemently denies. Star admits she has cheated on Kirk II twice but says she loves him and is tired of having his family point the finger at her. The family comes together on Dr. Phil’s stage -- marking the first time the parents have seen their son in several months. Kirk II says he is tired of being caught in the middle of the tug-of-war and thinks Star is worth fighting for -- does she feel the same about him? Can this marriage be fixed before it’s too late?

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If you are delusional enough to send money to or "get married" to someone in a foreign country who has been barred entry into your country then I guess you are delusional enough to pretend an invite to Dr. Phil's show won't be an hour of humiliation while he debunks your one-sided romance.  Seriously?  How can someone in one of these "Catfish" situations NOT get that you are only invited to be on TV so Dr. Phil can try to convince you that you are a sad, damaged, lonely, pathetic person who needs counseling.


And is it me or is there generally no real resolution at the end of a lot of Phil's shows?  Aside from offering a room at his buddy's/business partner's rehab, there doesn't seem to be a lot of "ah-ha" moments from the guests.  I know deep issues can't be fixed in a few hours of talking to Phil, but I feel like the guests are left hanging after spilling their dirt. Whether it's substance abuse, divorce, hostile family relations...it's all the same ending.  Phil shills his latest book or app (or worse, one of his robotic Stepford wife's products/causes) then walks off set with the wife. The format is not as awful as Springer or Maury - stir shit up and stand back from the powder keg- but Dr. Phil is edging closer to it IMO.  He lets guests air their problems & shed their tears, then says "I have an app for that".

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This catfished woman is pretty delusional. To the typos, she says "that's not unusual for Nigeria, they spell things differently." Yeah, but "registrar" was spelled two different ways on the same documents. What amazes me is how incredibly sloppy these catfish are. They ALL misspell things on important documents, and use terrible grammar. Can't they even get one guy to join their catfish club and proofread this shit? Also, the guy posted a picture of someone on his Facebook and when asked who it is, says "I don't know, maybe a cousin or something?" HE POSTED THE PICTURE.


I'm also perpetually amazed by older catfished individuals who think that young, attractive people are genuinely interested in them for anything but their money.

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How can someone in one of these "Catfish" situations NOT get that you are only invited to be on TV so Dr. Phil can try to convince you that you are a sad, damaged, lonely, pathetic person who needs counseling.


From what I've seen, none of these "Catfish" victims seem very bright. <obvious understatement>

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This guy is disgusting in every way, and I have no idea why anyone would marry him, ever. Love that his excuse for taking a 4-hour reprieve from work (which got him fired, which he is indignant about) is that he didn't have a phone to call work to tell them he was buying a golf cart.

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If you are delusional enough to send money to or "get married" to someone in a foreign country who has been barred entry into your country then I guess you are delusional enough to pretend an invite to Dr. Phil's show won't be an hour of humiliation while he debunks your one-sided romance.  Seriously?  How can someone in one of these "Catfish" situations NOT get that you are only invited to be on TV so Dr. Phil can try to convince you that you are a sad, damaged, lonely, pathetic person who needs counseling.


And is it me or is there generally no real resolution at the end of a lot of Phil's shows?  Aside from offering a room at his buddy's/business partner's rehab, there doesn't seem to be a lot of "ah-ha" moments from the guests.  I know deep issues can't be fixed in a few hours of talking to Phil, but I feel like the guests are left hanging after spilling their dirt. Whether it's substance abuse, divorce, hostile family relations...it's all the same ending.  Phil shills his latest book or app (or worse, one of his robotic Stepford wife's products/causes) then walks off set with the wife. The format is not as awful as Springer or Maury - stir shit up and stand back from the powder keg- but Dr. Phil is edging closer to it IMO.  He lets guests air their problems & shed their tears, then says "I have an app for that".



In his defense, you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink.  He doesn't promise a resolution.  He may do more good than we see when viewers have ah ha moments.  There is no promise that his guest will be "cured" or convinced.  He presents problems that exist, offers his wisdom and some solutions but it is ultimately up to the guest to take charge of their own life.  He cannot be faulted for their failure to open up to a new way of approaching their situation.  


As far as the "shill" factor, why not go for as much money as you can make?  He is not forcing people to buy his products.   Mark Cuban is worth 2.6 billion dollars because he wanted to make money and did.  No harm, no foul.  Just don't buy Phil's books or products if they don't interest you.  ***shrug**  Doesn't matter to me!  

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I enjoy watching Dr. Phil's episodes. The storylines are very entertaining and if they weren't, Dr. phil definitely wouldn't allow the guests on his show. That's how I always know i'm in for a good episode.. However, his constant promoting of his, his wife, or his son's stuff is ridiculous. Yesterday's episode about  a grieving mother who lost both her daughter and her mother turned into an episode about phil promoting one of his books which related in no way whatsoever to the woman's problems. I could even tell the daughter was annoyed by the fact that he was using that time to promote himself instead of helping her mother. On every single episode, dr phil pats himself on the back by shoving his books, doctor on demand apps, wife's skin care line with should just be called botox in your face. It's becoming obnoxious. He often talks about people being narcissistic yet needs to take a long look in the mirror...

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The annoying "former fat friends" on yesterday's show claim they've lost almost 200 lb combined? They don't look like it. Sorry. I mean, they are thinner now, but they weren't THAT fat before, and they aren't THAT thin now. They're also just as annoying as ever.

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I enjoy watching Dr. Phil's episodes. The storylines are very entertaining and if they weren't, Dr. phil definitely wouldn't allow the guests on his show. That's how I always know i'm in for a good episode.. However, his constant promoting of his, his wife, or his son's stuff is ridiculous. Yesterday's episode about  a grieving mother who lost both her daughter and her mother turned into an episode about phil promoting one of his books which related in no way whatsoever to the woman's problems. I could even tell the daughter was annoyed by the fact that he was using that time to promote himself instead of helping her mother. On every single episode, dr phil pats himself on the back by shoving his books, doctor on demand apps, wife's skin care line with should just be called botox in your face. It's becoming obnoxious. He often talks about people being narcissistic yet needs to take a long look in the mirror...


Sing it Jaclyn88!  When Dr. Phil offered his 20/20 Diet to Heather as a way to resolve her issues with losing her mother and her daughter, my jaw dropped.  Dr. Phil spent 30 minutes dealing with Heather and her family, and the last 30 minutes of the show covered his diet and its effectiveness in being life changing.  I was interested in this particular show as I'm working through my grief in losing my mom and my dad within nine months of each other.  I feel as defrauded as the Duggars after watching this mess!

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Totally agree. I could not believe that Dr. Phil made the entire back half of the show about weight loss. The title of the show was something like "Mother of Four Tired of Being a Mom" and they proceeded to talk about what was obviously depression, then Dr. Phil posted his diet book as the answer to all her problems?! NUTS. Just nuts. I was sure they'd shill Doctor on Demand this time, but nope. The stupid diet book, which despite what Philly says is no different from any other diet book out there. Love how he acted like his "reasons diets fail" was revolutionary new information.

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He needs to go on his own diets and track his progress for viewers. It irks me so bad that he hawks these different diet related things every few years and never says he needs to lose weight too. 

Edited by Jaded
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Sing it Jaclyn88! When Dr. Phil offered his 20/20 Diet to Heather as a way to resolve her issues with losing her mother and her daughter, my jaw dropped. Dr. Phil spent 30 minutes dealing with Heather and her family, and the last 30 minutes of the show covered his diet and its effectiveness in being life changing. I was interested in this particular show as I'm working through my grief in losing my mom and my dad within nine months of each other. I feel as defrauded as the Duggars after watching this mess!

Mine too!! Omg!

i had to rewind because I was sure I missed something, or It skipped to another show

Wow wow wow

"I want to die because Im grieving"

Hey!! Heres a diet book!!

Edited by Christi
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I enjoy watching Dr. Phil's episodes. The storylines are very entertaining and if they weren't, Dr. phil definitely wouldn't allow the guests on his show. That's how I always know i'm in for a good episode.. However, his constant promoting of his, his wife, or his son's stuff is ridiculous. Yesterday's episode about  a grieving mother who lost both her daughter and her mother turned into an episode about phil promoting one of his books which related in no way whatsoever to the woman's problems. I could even tell the daughter was annoyed by the fact that he was using that time to promote himself instead of helping her mother. On every single episode, dr phil pats himself on the back by shoving his books, doctor on demand apps, wife's skin care line with should just be called botox in your face. It's becoming obnoxious. He often talks about people being narcissistic yet needs to take a long look in the mirror...



After defending him, something that was difficult to type, I agree with you.  He over does it.  I FF through Robin so I don't know about her products.  I thought she just did the abuse thing. 

He needs to go on his own diets and track his progress for viewers. It irks me so bad that he hawks these different diet related things every few years and never says he needs to lose weight too. 



I totally agree.  The best way to sell that book is to show the viewers how it worked for you, you fat tennis player, you. 

Edited by wings707
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Is anyone interested in making Dr. Phil Show history by being the very first special fan to walk with Dr. Phil and Robin as the show ends? Just donate $10 at omaze.com!  


It was a hoot to watch the show ending tryouts that Robin and Dr. Phil auditioned:  run through a paper wall, hula hoop, bikers.  The end of today's show brought a much needed laugh.  It's too bad the show didn't ask for suggestions.  I would have offered up that Dr. Phil and Robin recreate the Gone With the Wind skit from the Carol Burnett Show.  Now that's something that would start the money flow, getting to see Robin dressed in velvet curtains. 

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Well this show has definitely jumped the shark into what I'm so pleased to announce- "the snark"

And you can never "jump the snark".

Phil and robin worked so hard to get to this level, so please, fellow pt snarkers, let's not disappoint them.

Bring on the snark

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Monday - October 5, 2015

"Our Son Claims He is a Famous Songwriter: Could He Be Delusional or a Master Manipulator?"

Robin says she’s concerned about her 23-year-old son, Riley, who uses drugs, is homeless and insists he’s a famous songwriter. Robin says Riley began lying and manipulating at a young age, and she admits she has enabled him, but she’s not sure what to do. Is Riley truly troubled, or is he just manipulating those closest to him?


Tuesday - October 6, 2015

Exclusive: Eight Siblings Tortured and Held Hostage By Their Own Father

In a Dr. Phil exclusive, eight siblings are speaking out for the first time about the unthinkable torture they endured for years under the same roof — by their own father. In 1999, Mansa Musa Muhummed was convicted of committing some of the most extreme acts of child abuse in the history of California. Muhummed, a polygamist, trapped and terrorized his 13 children, three “wives” and their other children. He was finally arrested when one “wife”, Laura Cowan, snuck a letter to a postal worker who alerted the authorities. Now, Laura is a domestic abuse advocate. But several of Muhummed’s children argue that Laura has lied for years, publicizing a career in the media about being a victim, when they say she was partly responsible for their abuse! Laura has not seen Muhummed’s children in 16 years and wonders if they want a relationship with their half sibling, Tasslimah, who she claims was a product of rape while living in the house. What will happen when the siblings come face to face with their father’s former spiritual wife for the first time in years? And will the siblings embrace their half-sister? This program contains sexual content. Viewer discretion advised.


Wednesday - October 7, 2015

"The Clock is Ticking and if Dr. Phil Can't Help Us, My Wife is Divorcing Me Next Week"

Vicki and her husband, Mark, have been married for only two years, but already they say they are at a crossroads in their relationship. Vicki has filed to terminate their marriage, and the final divorce hearing is next week! After saying “I do,” Vicki says she now believes that Mark is a liar and a cheater who has been secretly carrying on an inappropriate relationship with a younger woman. Mark says Vicki is insecure, delusional and obsessed with the idea that he’s cheating. Mark is desperate to save his marriage and is willing to take a lie detector test. Vicki says she’ll call off the divorce if Mark can prove he has been faithful. Can this marriage be saved, today, before time runs out?


Thursday - October 8, 2015

"Acquitted of Kidnapping But My Husband Still Thinks I'm Guilty"

Laura made local headlines when she became the subject of a fugitive investigation after being accused of kidnapping her then 4-year-old daughter and going on the run. Her estranged husband, Joe, says he and Laura were going through a custody dispute when she left with their daughter and took off across three different states. Joe claims Laura threatened to kill their daughter and herself if police started to move in -- which Laura denies. Joe says when Laura was apprehended, U.S. Marshals found a loaded handgun under the seat of her car. After a two-day trial on charges of kidnapping and interference with custody, Laura was acquitted on all charges. Now, she says Joe is keeping her from their daughter, whom she says she has not seen in four years, even though she was granted supervised visitation. Joe says Laura is constantly harassing him to the point where he is afraid for their lives. Will Joe finally allow Laura to see their daughter?


Friday - October 9, 2015

Social Media Obsessed Teens: "I Can't Breathe Without Wi-Fi"

Seventeen-year-old Khloe says she is so obsessed with social media, she cannot breathe without WiFi. She admits she spends 16-to-18 hours a day on various websites and posting selfies — and even sleeps with her phone strapped to her hand. Khloe says if she doesn’t have access to WiFi, she suffers from panic attacks. Khloe’s mother, Melanie, and stepfather, Danny, say Khloe’s behavior is so out of control, she will physically fight them or break down doors if her cell phone is taken away as punishment. Don’t miss what happens when Dr. Phil takes Khloe’s phone away during the show and reveals to Khloe and her parents what he believes is really behind her social media obsession. Then, Charmaine says her 15-year-old daughter is on chat sites constantly. She says she suspected that her teen was giving out personal information online, even though her daughter denied it, so Charmaine created a fake profile and chatted with her daughter for three days. Before long, her daughter freely gave out her hometown, age and school. Charmaine says she fears one day her daughter will share her information with the wrong person, and her safety or life could be in danger. Don’t miss how Dr. Phil gets to the root of what he believes is happening with Charmaine’s daughter — and the role he believes Charmaine is playing in her child’s potentially dangerous behavior.

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Something truly isn't right with Riley, and I agree that he might be schizophrenic or have drug-induced brain damage.  That said, I couldn't stand Riley's dad, and the dad even admitted that he toughened up his sons by mocking them.  When the dad took Rileydrinking, at first it was due to the dad being concerned that Riley didn't have any friends.  Then in the next breath the dad said that he wanted to keep Riley away from Riley's friends and their influence.  So which is it?  Did Riley have friends or did he not have friends, Dad?  The same dad who said even everyone at the bar where he took Riley drinking thought that it was funny that Riley didn't want to drink.  What kind of parent joins in, or ever worse instigates, a crowd at a bar to laugh at his son?


I'm not cutting the mom any slack as she admitted inappropriate drinking.  


This show is a lesson for divorced parents and how to not treat their children.  I still have to revert back to the fact that there's more going on with Riley than just having a difficult childhood.  I'm happy to hear that Riley is sober and is going to get a proper mental health evaluation.


And just a reminder, folks, we still have the opportunity to make history with Robin.  Don't lose out on this once in a lifetime opportunity!

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Riley may truly be mentally ill, have a personality disorder or two, or may be just plain nuts.  But watching, I kept having the feeling that he thought he was auditioning for something.  He was always "on."  I think he is incredibly intelligent and will say whatever will get him what he wants, whether it's from his parents or mental health professionals.  He is fluent already in therapy-speak.

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camom - I got the same vibe from Riley...he was making a play for "fame" IMO.  He didn't seem any more mentally ill than many guests on this show, but am not a professional or expert so I could be wrong.  It seemed like he may have had some difficulty dealing with his parent's divorce and with his mother's drinking/dating, but there are kids all over the world who experienced those conditions.  I think he's looking for attention - good or bad - to make himself feel imortant or cared about.  He might need counseling but I don't think he is deeply disturbed.

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Eight Children Abused by Their Own Father...The good doctor offers Doctor on Demand to these trauma victims. Ugh.


I believe the adult children. The step-mother was capitalizing off of the situation. She is no Michelle Knight.

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